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$30 Film School Michael W. Dean |
¡Vívelo! Beginning Spanish, 1st Edition |
100% Career Success Amy Solomon, M.S., O.T.R | Lori Tyler, MS | Terry Taylor, PhD |
100% Externship Success Carol Silvis | Roxanne L. DuVivier, Ph.D. |
100% Financial Literacy Gwenn Wilson, MA |
100% Information Literacy Success Amy Solomon, M.S., O.T.R | Gwenn Wilson, MA | Terry Taylor, PhD |
100% Information Literacy Success Gwenn Wilson, MA |
100% Information Literacy Success Quantum Integrations |
100% Job Search Success Amy Solomon, M.S., O.T.R | Gwenn Wilson, MA | Lori Tyler, MS | Terry Taylor, PhD |
100% Job Search Success Amy Solomon, M.S., O.T.R | Lori Tyler, MS | Terry Taylor, PhD |
100% Job Search Success Gwenn Wilson, MA |
100% Online Student Success Roxanne L. DuVivier, Ph.D. |
100% Student Success Amy Solomon, M.S., O.T.R | Gwenn Wilson, MA | Lori Tyler, MS | Terry Taylor, PhD |
100% Student Success Amy Solomon, M.S., O.T.R | Lori Tyler, MS | Terry Taylor, PhD |
100% Student Success Gwenn Wilson, MA |
101 Great Answers to the Toughest Interview Questions Ron Fry |
101 Great Resumes Ron Fry |
101 Quick and Easy Ideas Taken from the Master Photographers of the Twentieth Century Matthew Bamberg |
101 Smart Questions to Ask On Your Interview Ron Fry |
101 Successful Interviewing Strategies Eric P. Kramer |
101 Ways to Find Work …and Keep Finding Work for the Rest of Your Career! Charles Michael Austin |
101 Ways to Make Yourself Indispensable at Work Carol Silvis |
101 Ways to Successfully Market Yourself Jason Miletsky |
11 Essentials of Effective Writing Ann Marie Radaskiewicz McNeely |
121 Timed Writings with Skillbuilding Drills Dean Clayton |
1492: Discovery, Invasion, Encounter: Sources and Interpretations Marvin Lunenfeld |
20/20: 20 New Sounds of the 20th Century William Duckworth |
2002 NEC Commercial and Industrial Pocket Guide National Fire Protection Association |
2002 NEC Residential Pocket Guide to Electrical Installations National Fire Protection Association |
2003 ICC/ANSI Guidelines: For Accessible & Useable Buildings & Facilities International Code Council (ICC) |
2003 International Building Code - Spanish Edition International Code Council (ICC) |
2003 International Building Code Commentary Volume 1 International Code Council (ICC) |
2003 International Building Code Commentary Volume 2 International Code Council (ICC) |
2003 International Building Code-ASTM Referenced Standards International Code Council (ICC) |
2003 International Existing Building Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2003 International Fire Code Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2003 International Fire Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2003 International Fuel & Gascode International Code Council (ICC) |
2003 International Fuel Gas Code Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2003 International Mechanical Code Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2003 International Plumbing Code Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2003 International Residential Code - Spanish Edition International Code Council (ICC) |
2003 International Residential Code Commentary Volume 1 International Code Council (ICC) |
2003 International Residential Code Commentary Volume 2 International Code Council (ICC) |
2005 NEC Volume 1 Residential Pocket Guide National Fire Protection Association |
2005 NEC Volume 2 Commercial and Industrial Pocket Guide National Fire Protection Association |
2006 ICC Performance Code for Buildings & Facilities International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 I-Codes and Green Building International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 IECC Study Companion International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 International Building Code Handbook-Fire & Lifesafety Provisions International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 International Building Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 International Building Code: Code & Commentary, Volume 1 International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 International Building Code: Code & Commentary, Volume 2 International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 International Energy Conservation Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 International Energy Conservation Code Plan Review Records International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 International Energy Conservation Code Update International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 International Energy Conservation Code: Code & Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 International Existing Building Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 International Existing Building Code: Code & Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 International Fire Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 International Fire Code: Code & Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 International Fuel Gas Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 International Fuel Gas Code: Code & Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 International Mechanical Code Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 International Mechanical Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 International Plumbing Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 International Plumbing Code: Code & Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 International Private Sewage Disposal Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 International Property Maintenance Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 International Residential Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 International Residential Code: Code & Commentary Volume 1 International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 International Residential Code: Code & Commentary, Volume 2 International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 Intl Property Maintenance Code: Code & Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 IRC Checklist - Building Provisions, Chapters 1-11 International Code Council (ICC) |
2006 Significant Changes to the International Residential Code Hamid Naderi | Doug Thornburg |
2006-I Codes/Federal Disability Law: Through an Accessible Looking Glass International Code Council (ICC) |
2007 California Energy Code, Title 24 Part 6 International Code Council (ICC) |
2007 Florida Building Code - Residential International Code Council (ICC) |
2008 California Green Building Standards Code, Title 24 Part 11 International Code Council (ICC) |
2008 Coding Workbook for the Physician's Office Alice Covell |
2009 Coding Workbook for the Physician's Office Alice Covell |
2009 Edition Delmar's Nurse's Drug Handbook George R. Spratto | Adrienne L. Woods |
2009 IBC Handbook: Structural Provisions with CD International Code Council (ICC) |
2009 IECC Study Companion International Code Council (ICC) |
2009 IECC Update Handout International Code Council (ICC) |
2009 International Building Code Commentary, Volume 1 International Code Council (ICC) |
2009 International Building Code Commentary, Volume 2 International Code Council (ICC) |
2009 International Building Code Handbook: Fire- and Life-Safety Provisions with CD International Code Council (ICC) |
2009 International Building Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2009 International Building Code Study Companion International Code Council (ICC) |
2009 International Energy Conservation Code and ANSI/ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2007 Energy Standard for Building Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings International Code Council (ICC) |
2009 International Energy Conservation Code Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2009 International Energy Conservation Code Fundamentals Workbook International Code Council (ICC) |
2009 International Energy Conservation Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2009 International Existing Building Code Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2009 International Fire Code Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2009 International Fire Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2009 International Fuel Gas Code Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2009 International Mechanical Code Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2009 International Plumbing Code Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2009 International Property Maintenance Code Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2009 International Residential Code Commentary, Volume 2 International Code Council (ICC) |
2009 International Residential Code Commentery, Volume 1 International Code Council (ICC) |
2009 International Residential Code For One-and-Two Family Dwellings International Code Council (ICC) |
2009 International Residential Code Study Companion International Code Council (ICC) |
2010 Coding Workbook for the Physician's Office Alice Covell |
2010 Educational ICD-9-CM Volumes 1, 2 & 3 & HCPCS Level II Ingenix |
2010 Florida Building Code - Building International Code Council (ICC) |
2010 Florida Building Code - Mechanical International Code Council (ICC) |
2010 Florida Building Code - Plumbing International Code Council (ICC) |
2010 Florida Building Code - Residential International Code Council (ICC) |
2011 Coding Workbook for the Physician's Office Alice Covell |
2011 Educational ICD-9-CM Volumes 1, 2 & 3 and HCPCS Level II Ingenix |
2011 ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Workbook Mary Jo Bowie | Gail Smith |
2012 Coding Workbook for the Physician's Office Alice Covell |
2012 Delmar Healthcare Drug Handbook George R. Spratto | Adrienne L. Woods |
2012 Educational ICD-9-CM, Volume 1, 2, 3 and HCPCS Level II Ingenix |
2012 ICC Performance Code for Buildings and Facilities International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Workbook Mary Jo Bowie | Gail I. Smith |
2012 International Building Code Commentary Volume 1 International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Building Code Commentary Volume 2 International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Building Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Energy Conservation Code Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Energy Conservation Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Energy Conservation Code with ASHRAE Standard International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Existing Building Code Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Existing Building Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Fire Code Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Fire Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Fuel Gas Code Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Fuel Gas Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Green Construction Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Mechanical Code Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Mechanical Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Plumbing Code (Includes International Private Sewage Disposal Code) International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Plumbing Code Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Private Sewage Disposal Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Property Maintenance Code Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Property Maintenance Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Residential Code Commentary, Volume 1 International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Residential Code Commentary, Volume 2 International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Residential Code for One- and Two- Family Dwellings International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code Commentary International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Wildland-Urban Interface Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2012 International Zoning Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2013 California Administrative Code, Title 24 Part 1 International Code Council (ICC) |
2013 California Building Code, Title 24 Part 2 International Code Council (ICC) |
2013 California Energy Code, Title 24 Part 6 International Code Council (ICC) |
2013 California Fire Code, Title 24 Part 9 International Code Council (ICC) |
2013 California Green Building Standards Code, Title 24 Part 11 International Code Council (ICC) |
2013 California Referenced Standards Code, Title 24 Part 12 International Code Council (ICC) |
2013 California Residential Code, Title 24 Part 2.5 International Code Council (ICC) |
2013 Coding Workbook for the Physician's Office Alice Covell |
2013 Delmar Healthcare Drug Handbook George R. Spratto | Adrienne L. Woods |
2013 Delmar Nurse's Drug Handbook George R. Spratto | Adrienne L. Woods |
2013 Educational ICD-9-CM Volume 1, 2 & 3 & HCPCS Level II Ingenix |
2013 ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Workbook Mary Jo Bowie | Gail Smith |
2014 Coding Workbook for the Physician's Office Alice Covell |
2014 Educational ICD-9-CM Volume 1, 2 & 3 & HCPCS Level II Optum |
2014 ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS Workbook Mary Jo Bowie | Gail Smith |
2015 Coding Workbook for the Physician's Office Alice Covell |
2015 CPT Standard Edition Optum |
2015 ICC Performance Code® for Buildings and Facilities International Code Council (ICC) |
2015 ICD-10-PCS Quick Reference Cards Optum |
2015 International Building Code® Commentary, Volume 1 International Code Council (ICC) |
2015 International Building Code® International Code Council (ICC) |
2015 International Energy Conservation Code with ASHRAE Standard International Code Council (ICC) |
2015 International Energy Conservation Code® International Code Council (ICC) |
2015 International Existing Building Code® International Code Council (ICC) |
2015 International Fire Code International Code Council (ICC) |
2015 International Fuel Gas Code® International Code Council (ICC) |
2015 International Mechanical Code® International Code Council (ICC) |
2015 International Plumbing Code® (Includes IPSDC) International Code Council (ICC) |
2015 International Private Sewage Disposal Code ® International Code Council (ICC) |
2015 International Property Maintenance Code ® International Code Council (ICC) |
2015 International Residential Code® for One- and Two-Family Dwellings International Code Council (ICC) |
2015 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code® International Code Council (ICC) |
2015 International Wildland-Urban Interface Code® International Code Council (ICC) |
2015 International Zoning Code® International Code Council (ICC) |
21st Century Business: Business Law John E. Adamson |
21st Century Business: Customer Service, Student Edition Career Solutions Training Group |
21st Century Business: Intro to Business Robert A Ristau |
21st Century Game Design Chris Bateman | Richard Boon |
2D: Visual Basics For Designers Robin Landa | Rose Gonnella | Steven Brower |
3 x 33: Short Fiction by 33 Writers Mark Winegardner |
3,2,1 Code It! (with Cengage EncoderPro.com Demo Printed Access Card) Michelle A. Green |
3,2,1 Code It! Michelle A. Green |
301 Inkjet Tips and Techniques: An Essential Printing Resource for Photographers Andrew Darlow |
3-2-1 Code It! Michelle A. Green |
3-2-1 Code It!: 2012 Update Michelle A. Green |
35 Ways to Discover a Major Kathleen Hartman |
3D Game Programming All in One Kenneth C. Finney |
3D Game Programming for Teens Eric Grebler |
50 Ways to Leave Your Lectern Dr. Constance C. Staley |
70-215: MCSE Guide to Microsoft Windows 2000 Server, Certification Edition Michael Palmer | Paul Kammerling | Ray Marky | James Michael Stewart | Conan Kezema |
70-228 MCSE Guide to MS SQL Server 2000 Administration Mathew Raftree |
70-270 & 70-290: MCSE/MCSA Guide to Installing and Managing Microsoft Windows XP Professional and Windows Server 2003 Ted Simpson | Dan DiNicolo | James Michael Stewart | Ed Tittel |
70-270: MCSE Guide to Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Enhanced James Michael Stewart | Ed Tittel | Angel Melendez | Brian T. McCann |
70-271 Microsoft Official Academic Course Supporting Users and Troubleshooting a Microsoft Windows XP Operating System Package |
70-272 Supporting Users and Troubleshooting Desktop Applications on a Microsoft Windows XP Operating System |
70-284 MCSE Guide to Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Administration Byron Wright | Dan DiNicolo | Larry Chambers |
70-290: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment, Enhanced Dan DiNicolo | Brian T. McCann |
70-291: MCSE Guide to Managing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network, Enhanced Jason W. Eckert | M. John Schitka | Brian T. McCann |
70-293: MCSE Guide to Planning a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network, Enhanced Byron Wright | Brian T. McCann |
70-293: MCSE Guide to Planning a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network, Enhanced Byron Wright | Brian T. McCann |
70-294: MCSE Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory, Enhanced Mike Aubert | Brian T. McCann |
70-294: MCSE Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory, Enhanced Mike Aubert | Brian T. McCann |
70-297: MCSE Guide to Designing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory and Network Infrastructure Jay Adamson |
70-298: MCSE Guide to Designing Security for Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Byron Wright |
70-299 MCSE Guide to Implementing and Administering Security in a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network Diane Barrett | Bill Ferguson |
70-299 MCSE Guide to Implementing and Administering Security in a Microsoft® Windows Server 2003 Network Diane Barrett | Bill Ferguson |
70-410 Installing & Configuring Windows Server 2012 R2, Microsoft Official Acedamic Course |
70-410 Installing and Configuring Windows Server 2012 |
70-411 Administering Windows Server 2012 |
70-411 Administering Windows Server 2012 R2, Microsoft official acedamic course |
70-412 Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 Services |
70-620 MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Vista Byron Wright | Leon Plesniarski |
70-685 Windows 7 Enterprise Desktop Support Technician, Revised and Expanded Version |
70-687 Configuring Windows 8, Microsoft Official Acedamic Course |
70-688 Managing and Maintaining Windows 8 |
8086 Microprocessor: Programming and Interfacing the PC Kenneth Ayala |
90 Days to Success as a Manager Tony Meola |
90 Days to Success as a Project Manager Paul Sanghera, Ph.D. |
90 Days to Success as a Small Business Owner Barry Thomsen |
90 Days to Success in Consulting William McKnight |
90 Days to Success in Fundraising Tim Kachinske |
911 Responding for Life: Case studies in Emergency Care James Whittle |
9-11: Aftershocks of the Attack Jeremy D. Mayer |
98-364 Database Administration Fundamentals, Microsoft Official Acedamic |
A Bagful of Locusts and the Baboon Woman: Constructions of Gender, Change, and Continuity in Botswana David N. Suggs |
A Beginner's Guide to Scientific Method Stephen S. Carey |
A Biography of the English Language C.M. Millward |
A Biography of the English Language C.M. Millward | Mary Hayes |
A Brief History of Chinese and Japanese Civilizations Conrad Schirokauer | Miranda Brown | David Lurie | Suzanne Gay |
A Brief History of Chinese Civilization Conrad Schirokauer | Miranda Brown |
A Brief History of Japanese Civilization Conrad Schirokauer | David Lurie | Suzanne Gay |
A Brief History of Modern Psychology |
A Brief History of the Western World Thomas H. Greer | Gavin Lewis |
A Brief History of the Western World, Volume I: To 1715 Thomas H. Greer | Gavin Lewis |
A Brief History of the Western World, Volume II: Since 1300 Thomas H. Greer | Gavin Lewis |
A Brief Orientation to Counseling Edward S. Neukrug |
A Career Counseling and Services: Cognitive Information Processing Approach James P. Sampson, Jr. | Robert C . Reardon | Gary W. Peterson | Janet G. Lenz |
A Cloud of Witnesses: Readings in the History of Western Christianity Joel F. Harrington |
A Community of Readers: A Thematic Approach to Reading Roberta Alexander | Jan Jarrell |
A Community of Readers: A Thematic Approach to Reading Roberta Alexander | Jan Lombardi |
A Companion to Calculus Dennis Ebersole | Doris Schattschneider | Alicia Sevilla | Kay Somers |
A Complete Guide to Brass: Instruments and Technique Scott Whitener |
A Concertgoers Guide Christine Linial |
A Concise and Friendly Guide to Music History Sheryl K. Murphy-Manley, Ph.D. |
A Concise Guide to Statistical Analyses Using Excel, SPSS, and the TI-84 Calculator Sherri L. Jackson |
A Concise History of Christianity R. Dean Peterson |
A Concise Introduction to Logic Patrick J. Hurley |
A Constructivist Approach to Block Play in Early Childhood Karyn Wellhousen, Ph.D. | Judith Kieff, Ed.D. |
A Contemporary Guide to Literary Terms Edwin Barton | Glenda A. Hudson |
A Contemporary Guide to Literary Terms: With Strategies for Writing Essays About Literature Edwin Barton | Glenda A. Hudson |
A Course in Basic Writing Susanna K. Horn | Ken Pramuk |
A Course in Phonetics Peter Ladefoged |
A Course in Phonetics Peter Ladefoged | Keith Johnson |
A Coursebook on Aphasia and Other Neurogenic Language Disorders M.N. Hegde |
A Coursebook on Scientific and Professional Writing M.N. Hegde |
A Creative Approach to Music Fundamentals William Duckworth |
A Crisis of Births: Population Politics and Family-Making in Italy Elizabeth L. Krause |
A Cross Cultural Look at Death, Dying and Religion (Custom Publication) Joan Parry | Angela Ryan |
A First Book of ANSI C Gary J. Bronson |
A First Book of C++ Gary J. Bronson |
A First Book of C++, From Here to There Gary J. Bronson |
A First Course in Differential Equations Dennis G. Zill |
A First Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications Dennis G. Zill |
A First Course in Mathematical Modeling Frank R. Giordano | William P. Fox | Steven B. Horton |
A First Course in Mathematical Modeling Frank R. Giordano | William P. Fox | Steven B. Horton | Maurice D. Weir |
A First Course in Monte Carlo George Fishman |
A First Course in Statistical Methods R.Lyman Ott | Michael T. Longnecker |
A First Course in the Finite Element Method - SI Version Daryl L. Logan |
A First Course in the Finite Element Method Daryl L. Logan |
A First Course in the Finite Element Method, SI Version Daryl L. Logan |
A Glossary of Literary Terms M.H. Abrams | Geoffrey Harpham |
A Guidance Approach for the Encouraging Classroom Dan Gartrell |
A Guide For Telecommunications Cable Splicing John Highhouse |
A Guide to APA Documentation Joseph F. Trimmer |
A Guide to Clinical Assessment and Professional Report Writing in Speech-Language Pathology Cyndi Stein-Rubin | Renee Fabus |
A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialists Fred Beisse |
A Guide to Computer User Support for Help Desk and Support Specialists, Third Edition Fred Beisse |
A Guide to Crisis Intervention Kristi Kanel |
A Guide to Customer Service Skills for the Help Desk Professional, Second Edition Donna Knapp |
A Guide to Customer Service Skills for the Service Desk Professional Donna Knapp |
A Guide to Designing and Implementing Local And Wide Area Networks Michael Palmer | Bruce Sinclair |
A Guide to Drawing Daniel M. Mendelowitz | David L. Faber | Duane A. Wakeham |
A Guide to Drawing David L. Faber | Daniel M. Mendelowitz |
A Guide to Drawing, Concise Edition David L. Faber | Daniel M. Mendelowitz |
A Guide to Federal Taxation Jeffrey A. Helewitz |
A Guide to Health Insurance Billing Marie A. Moisio, MA, RHIA |
A Guide to Help Desk Concepts, Second Edition Donna Knapp |
A Guide to MLA Documentation Joseph F. Trimmer |
A Guide to Modern Econometrics Marno Verbeek |
A Guide to MySQL Philip J. Pratt | Mary Z. Last |
A Guide to Service Desk Concepts Donna Knapp |
A Guide to SQL Philip J. Pratt |
A Guide to SQL Philip J. Pratt | Mary Z. Last |
A Guide to the Electrical Contractor's Exam National Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee |
A Guide to Using Thomson ONE - Business School Edition Rosemary Carlson |
A Guide to Working With Visual Logic Thad Crews | Chip Murphy |
A Handbook on Stuttering Oliver Bloodstein | Nan Bernstein Ratner |
A History of England, Volume I, to 1714, 4th Stuart E. Prall | David Wilson |
A History of Latin America Benjamin Keen | Keith Haynes |
A History of Latin America, Volume 1 Benjamin Keen | Keith Haynes |
A History of Latin America, Volume 1: Ancient America to 1910 Benjamin Keen | Keith Haynes |
A History of Latin America, Volume 2 Benjamin Keen | Keith Haynes |
A History of Latin America, Volume 2: Independence to Present Benjamin Keen | Keith Haynes |
A History of Modern Britain 1714 to the Present |
A History of Modern Latin America Lawrence A. Clayton | Michael L. Conniff |
A History of Modern Psychology Duane P. Schultz | Sydney Ellen Schultz |
A History of Modern Psychology, 4th Edition C. James Goodwin |
A History of Roman Art Fred S. Kleiner |
A History of Roman Art, Enhanced Edition Fred S. Kleiner |
A History of Russia David Goldfrank | Lindsey Hughes | Catherine Evtuhov | Richard Stites |
A History of Russia, the Soviet Union, and Beyond David MacKenzie | Michael W. Curran |
A History of Russia: Peoples, Legends, Events, Forces: Since 1800 Richard Stites |
A History of Western Philosophy: Hobbes to Hume, Volume III W.T. Jones | Robert J. Fogelin |
A History of Western Philosophy: Kant and the Nineteenth Century, Revised, Volume IV W.T. Jones | Robert J. Fogelin |
A History of Western Philosophy: The Clasic Mind, Volume I W.T. Jones | Robert J. Fogelin |
A History of Western Philosophy: The Medieval Mind, Volume II W.T. Jones | Robert J. Fogelin |
A History of Western Philosophy: The Twentieth Century of Quine and Derrida, Volume V W. T. Jones | Robert J. Fogelin |
A Logic Book: Fundamentals of Reasoning Robert M. Johnson |
A Manera De Ensayo Susan C. Schaffer | Rebeca Acevedo |
A Mathematical View of Our World Harold Parks | Gary Musser | Lynn Trimpe | Vikki Maurer | Roger Maurer |
A Meeting Planner's Guide to Catered Events Patti J. Shock |
A mi manera Lizette Mujica Laughlin | MarÃa Spicer-Escalante | Helen Hamlyn |
A Microscale Approach to Organic Laboratory Techniques Donald L. Pavia | George S. Kriz | Gary M. Lampman | Randall G. Engel |
A Microsoft® Excel Companion for Business Statistics David Eldredge |
A Midsummer Night's Dream: Evans Shakespeare Editions Douglas Bruster |
A More Perfect Union: Documents in U.S. History, Volume 2: Since 1865 Paul F. Boller, Jr. | Ronald Story |
A More Perfect Union: Documents in U.S. History, Volume I Ronald Story | Paul F. Boller, Jr. |
A More Perfect Union: Documents in U.S. History, Volume I: To 1877 Paul F. Boller, Jr. | Ronald Story |
A More Perfect Union: Documents in U.S. History, Volume II Ronald Story | Paul F. Boller, Jr. |
A Mountain Village in Nepal (Fieldwork Edition) John Thayer Hitchcock |
A Music Producer's Thoughts to Create By Keith Olsen |
A Nation on Wheels: The Automobile Culture in America Since 1945 Mark S. Foster |
A New History of Philosophy, Volume I: From Thales to Ockham Wallace I. Matson |
A New History of Philosophy, Volume II: From Descartes to Rawls Wallace I. Matson |
A People & A Nation: A History of the United States: Volume 2: Since 1865 Mary Beth Norton | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey | Thomas G. Paterson | William M. Tuttle, Jr. |
A People & A Nation: Volume 1: To 1877 Mary Beth Norton | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey | Thomas G. Paterson | William M. Tuttle, Jr. |
A People and a Nation, Volume I: to 1877 Mary Beth Norton | Jane Kamensky | Carol Sheriff | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey |
A People and a Nation, Volume I: To 1877, Brief Edition Mary Beth Norton | Jane Kamensky | Carol Sheriff | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey | Debra Michals |
A People and a Nation, Volume II: Since 1865, Brief Edition Mary Beth Norton | Jane Kamensky | Carol Sheriff | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey | Debra Michals |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States Mary Beth Norton | Carol Sheriff | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States Mary Beth Norton | Carol Sheriff | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States Mary Beth Norton | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey | Thomas G. Paterson | William M. Tuttle, Jr. |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Brief Edition Mary Beth Norton | Carol Sheriff | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey | Debra Michals |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Brief Edition Mary Beth Norton | Carol Sheriff | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey | Debra Michals |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Brief Edition Mary Beth Norton | Jane Kamensky | Carol Sheriff | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey | Debra Michals |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Brief Edition, Volume I Mary Beth Norton | Carol Sheriff | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey | Debra Michals |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Brief Edition, Volume II: Since 1865 Mary Beth Norton | Carol Sheriff | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey | Debra Michals |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Brief Mary Beth Norton | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey | Thomas G. Paterson | William M. Tuttle, Jr. |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Dolphin Edition , Volume 2: Since 1865 Mary Beth Norton | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey | Thomas G. Paterson | William M. Tuttle, Jr. |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Dolphin Edition Mary Beth Norton | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey | Thomas G. Paterson | William M. Tuttle, Jr. |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Dolphin Edition, Volume 1: To 1877 Mary Beth Norton | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey | Thomas G. Paterson | William M. Tuttle, Jr. |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Volume 1: To 1877, Brief Mary Beth Norton | Carol Sheriff | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey | Debra Michals |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Volume 2: Since 1865, Brief Mary Beth Norton | Carol Sheriff | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey | Debra Michals |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Volume I: To 1877 Mary Beth Norton | Carol Sheriff | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Volume I: To 1877 Mary Beth Norton | Carol Sheriff | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Volume II: Since 1865 Mary Beth Norton | Carol Sheriff | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey |
A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Volume II: Since 1865 Mary Beth Norton | Carol Sheriff | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey |
A People and a Nation: Volume 1: to 1877, Brief Mary Beth Norton | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey | Thomas G. Paterson | William M. Tuttle, Jr. |
A People and a Nation: Volume 2: Since 1865, Brief Mary Beth Norton | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey | Thomas G. Paterson | William M. Tuttle, Jr. |
A Philosopher's Compass Jonathan Jacobs |
A Practical Guide to Crisis Intervention Alan A. Cavaiola | Joseph E. Colford |
A Practical Guide to Teaching in the Fire Service Henry Morse |
A Practical Handbook for Writing in the Humanities Michael C. Milam |
A Practical Study of Argument Trudy Govier |
A Practical Study of Argument, Enhanced Edition Trudy Govier |
A Precious Liquid: Drinking Water and Culture in the Valley of Mexico Michael Ennis-McMillan |
A Preface to Philosophy Mark B. Woodhouse |
A Primer on Crime and Delinquency Theory Robert M. Bohm | Brenda L. Vogel |
A Reader's Guide: A Brief Handbook Harvey S. Wiener | Charles Bazerman |
A Shot in the Dark: A Creative DIY Guide to Digital Video Lighting on (Almost) No Budget Jay Holben |
A Simple Guide to IBM SPSS: for Version 22.0 Lee A. Kirkpatrick | Brooke C. Feeney |
A Simple Guide to IBM SPSS® for Versions 18.0 & 19.0 Lee A. Kirkpatrick | Brooke C. Feeney |
A Simple Guide to IBM SPSS®: For Version 20.0 Lee A. Kirkpatrick | Brooke C. Feeney |
A Simple Guide to SPSS, Version 14.0 Lee A. Kirkpatrick | Brooke C. Feeney |
A Simple Guide to SPSS® for Political Science Lee A. Kirkpatrick | Quentin Kidd |
A Simple Guide to SPSS® for Version 16.0 Lee A. Kirkpatrick | Brooke C. Feeney |
A Simple Guide to SPSS® for Version 17.0 Lee A. Kirkpatrick | Brooke C. Feeney |
A Sinhalese Village in Sri Lanka: Coping with Uncertainty Victoria J. Baker |
A Small Scale Approach to Organic Laboratory Techniques Donald L. Pavia | Gary M. Lampman | George S. Kriz | Randall G. Engel |
A Small Scale Approach to Organic Laboratory Techniques Donald L. Pavia | George S. Kriz | Gary M. Lampman | Randall G. Engel |
A Sound Approach to Teaching Instrumentalists: An Application of Content and Learning Sequences Stanley L. Schleuter |
A Street Officer's Guide to Report Writing Frank Scalise | Douglas Strosahl |
A Student Athlete's Guide to Success Trent A. Petrie | Douglas M. Hankes | Eric L. Denson |
A Student's Quick Guide to Understanding and Calculating Time Value of Money and its Applications Rik Hafer | Speros Margetis |
A Survey of Choral Music Homer Ulrich |
A Survival Guide for Child Care Providers Karen Levine |
A Survival Guide for Culinary Professionals Karen Levine | Alan Gelb |
A Survival Guide for Hotel and Motel Professionals Karen Levine | Alan Gelb |
A Survival Guide for Paralegals: Tips from the Trenches Alan Gelb | Karen Levine |
A Survival Guide for Restaurant Professionals Alan Gelb | Karen Levine |
A Survival Guide For Students Karen Levine | Alan Gelb |
A Survival Guide for Truck Drivers: Tips From the Trenches Alice Adams | Andrew Ryder |
A Taste for Writing: Composition for Culinarians Vivian C. Cadbury |
A Technician's Guide to Advanced Automotive Emissions Systems Richard Escalambre |
A Transition to Advanced Mathematics Doug Smith | Maurice Eggen | Richard St. Andre |
A Vision Unfulfilled: Russia and the Soviet Union in the Twentieth Century John M. Thompson |
A Wall Street Internship: Introduction to Fixed-Income Analytics, Volume 1 Robin Grieves | Mark D. Griffiths |
A Writer Teaches Writing Revised Donald M. Murray |
A Writer's Handbook for Engineers David A. McMurrey | Joanne Buckley |
¡A que sÃ! M. Victoria GarcÃa Serrano | Annette Grant Cash | Cristina de la Torre |
¡A que sÃ! M. Victoria GarcÃa Serrano | Cristina de la Torre | Annette Grant Cash |
¡A que sÃ!, Enhanced M. Victoria GarcÃa Serrano | Cristina de la Torre | Annette Grant Cash |
¡Claro que sÃ! LucÃa Caycedo Garner | Debbie Rusch | Marcela DomÃnguez |
¡Claro que sÃ!, Enhanced LucÃa Caycedo Garner | Debbie Rusch | Marcela DomÃnguez |
¡Claro que sÃ!: An Integrated Skills Approach LucÃa Caycedo Garner | Debbie Rusch | Marcela DomÃnguez |
¡Conozcámonos!: Curso práctico de español para el estudiante bilingüe en los Estados Unidos N. Ariana Mrak | Edwin K. Padilla |
¡Continuemos! Ana C. Jarvis | Raquel Lebredo | Francisco Mena-Ayllón |
¡DÃmelo tú!: A Complete Course Francisco RodrÃguez Nogales | Fabián A. Samaniego | Thomas J. Blommers |
¡De una vez!: A College Course for Spanish Speakers Fabián Samaniego | Francisco Rodríguez | Nelson Rojas |
¡Eso es!: Breve gramática para la comunicación Gene S. Kupferschmid | Susan G. Polansky |
¡Hola, amigos! Ana C. Jarvis | Raquel Lebredo | Francisco Mena-Ayllón |
¡ImagÃnate!: Managing Conversations in Spanish Kenneth Chastain | Gail Guntermann |
¡Sà se puede!: Un curso transicional para hispanohablantes MarÃa Carreira | Michelle C. Geoffrion-Vinci |
¡Tú dirás! Ana MartÃnez-Lage | John R.Gutiérrez | Harry L. Rosser |
À l'écran: Short French Films and Activities Heinle |
À l'écran: Short French Films and Activities, Volume 2 Heinle |
À Vous!: The Global French Experience Véronique Anover | Theresa A. Antes |
À Vous!: The Global French Experience Véronique Anover | Theresa A. Antes |
À Vous!: The Global French Experience, Enhanced Véronique Anover | Theresa A. Antes |
A+ Guide to Hardware Jean Andrews |
A+ Guide to Hardware: Managing, Maintaining and Troubleshooting Jean Andrews |
A+ Guide to Managing & Maintaining Your PC Jean Andrews |
A+ Guide to Managing and Maintaining Your PC, Comprehensive Jean Andrews |
A+ Guide to Software Jean Andrews |
A+ Guide to Software: Managing, Maintaining, and Troubleshooting Jean Andrews |
A+ In Depth Jean Andrews |
A+ Q & A dti Publishing |
A+ Troubleshooting Scenarios: Advanced Labs for A+ Exams #220 Jean Andrews |
Émotions Susan Purdy |
Éxito comercial Michael Scott Doyle | T. Bruce Fryer |
Éxito comercial Michael Scott Doyle | T. Bruce Fryer | Ronald C. Cere |
AAUSC 2002: The Sociolinguistics of Foreign Language Classrooms: Contributions of the Native, The Near-Native, and the Non-Native Speaker Carl S. Blyth | Sally Sieloff Magnan |
AAUSC 2004: Languages Program Articulation Catherine Barrette | Kate Paesani | Sally Sieloff Magnan |
AAUSC 2005: Internet-mediated Intercultural Foreign Language Education Julie A. Belz | Steven L. Thorne | Sally Sieloff Magnan |
AAUSC 2006: Insights for Study Abroad Language Programs Sharon Wilkinson, Editor | Sally Sieloff Magnan |
AAUSC 2007: From Thought to Action: Exploring Beliefs and Outcomes in the Foreign Language Program H. Jay Siskin, Volume Editor | Carl Blyth, Series Editor |
AAUSC 2008: Conceptions of L2 Grammar: Theoretical Approaches and Their Application in the L2 Classroom Stacey Katz Bourns | Johanna Watzinger-Tharp (Co-Editor) | Carl Blyth, Series Editor |
AAUSC 2009: Principles and Practices of the Standards in College Foreign Language Education Virginia M. Scott | Carl Blyth |
AAUSC 2011 Volume: Educating the Future Foreign Language Professoriate for the 21st Century Heather Willis Allen | Hiram H. Maxim |
AAUSC 2012 Volume--Issues in Language Program Direction: Hybrid Language Teaching and Learning: Exploring Theoretical, Pedagogical and Curricular Issues Fernando Rubio | Joshua J. Thoms | Stacey Katz Bourns |
AAUSC 2013 Volume - Issues in Language Program Direction Cristina Sanz | Beatriz Lado | Stacey Katz Bourns |
AAUSC 2014 Volume - Issues in Language Program Direction: Innovation and Accountability in Language Program Evaluation Nicole Mills | John Norris |
A-B-C's of Human Experience Wallace J. Kahn |
Ableton Live 7 Power!: The Comprehensive Guide Jon Margulies |
Ableton Live 8 Power!: The Comprehensive Guide Jon Margulies |
Ableton Live 9 Power!: The Comprehensive Guide Jon Margulies |
Abnormal Child Psychology Eric J. Mash | David A. Wolfe |
Abnormal Psychology and Life: A Dimensional Approach Chris Kearney | Timothy Trull |
Abnormal Psychology and Life: A Dimensional Approach Christopher Kearney | Timothy Trull |
Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach David H. Barlow | V. Mark Durand |
Abortion Controversy: 25 Years After Roe vs. Wade, A Reader Louis Pojman | Francis J. Beckwith |
About Language: A Reader for Writers William H. Roberts | Gregoire Turgeon |
About Prison Michael G. Santos |
About Professional Baking Gail D. Sokol |
About Wine J. Patrick Henderson | Dellie Rex |
Above the Bottom Line Robert C. Solomon | Clancy Martin |
Abstract Algebra: An Introduction Thomas W. Hungerford |
Abuse Proofing Your Facility: Practical Guide for Preventing Abuse Karl Pillemer, Ph.D. | Diane A. Menio | Beth Hudson Keller |
AC Theory National Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee |
AC Theory National Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee | Jeff Keljik |
Academic Literacy: Readings and Strategies Jill Lewis |
Access: Introduction to Travel and Tourism Marc Mancini |
Accessibility Pocket Book: 2009 IBC and ICC/ANSI A117.1 2003 International Code Council (ICC) |
Accessing AUTOCAD Architecture 2012 William G. Wyatt, Sr. |
Accessing AutoCAD® Architecture 2008 William G. Wyatt |
Accessing AutoCAD® Architecture 2009 William G. Wyatt, Sr. |
Accessing AutoCAD® Architecture 2010 William G. Wyatt |
Accessing Autodesk Architectural Desktop 2007 William G. Wyatt |
Accident Investigation Training Manual Arnold Wheat |
Accounting and Auditing Research Tools and Strategies, 8th Edition Weirich, Pearson, Churyk |
Accounting and Auditing Research: Tools and Strategies Thomas Weirich | Thomas C. Pearson | Alan Reinstein |
Accounting and Tax Principles for Legal Professionals Beth Walston-Dunham |
Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Jonathan Duchac |
Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Philip E. Fess |
Accounting for Managers Interpreting Accounting Information for Decision Making, 3rd Edition Paul M. Collier |
Accounting for Managers Interpreting Accounting Information for Decision Making, 4th Edition Paul M. Collier |
Accounting Information Systems and Internal Control, 2nd Edition Eddy Vaassen, Roger Meuwissen, Caren Schalleman |
Accounting Information Systems James A. Hall |
Accounting Information Systems Ulric J. Gelinas | Richard B. Dull |
Accounting Information Systems Ulric J. Gelinas | Richard B. Dull | Patrick Wheeler |
Accounting Information Systems, 11th Edition by Marshall Romney, Paul John Stienbert |
Accounting Information Systems, 12th Edition International Student Version Mark G Simkin |
Accounting Information Systems, 1st Edition Leslie Turner, Andrea Weickgenannt |
Accounting Information Systems, 2nd Edition Leslie Turner, Andrea Weickgenannt |
Accounting Information Systems: A Business Process Approach Frederick Jones | Dasaratha Rama |
Accounting Principles, 10th Edition International Student Version Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel, Donald E. Kieso |
Accounting Principles, 11th Edition International Student Version Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel, Donald E. Kieso |
Accounting Principles, 9th Edition, Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel, Donald E. Kieso, |
Accounting Theory 7th edition Godfrey, Hodsgen, Tarca, Hamliton |
Accounting Tools for Business Decision Making, 4th Edition Kimmel, Weygandt, Kieso |
Accounting Using Excel® for Success James Reeve | Carl S. Warren | Jonathan Duchac |
Accounting, 8th Edition John Hogget, John Medlin, Lew Edwards, Matthew Tilling |
Ace Any Test Ron Fry |
Acoustic Analysis of Speech Raymond D. Kent, Ph.D. |
Acoustic Design for the Home Studio Mitch Gallagher |
Acting Is Believing Charles McGaw | Kenneth L. Stilson | Larry D. Clark |
Acting is Believing Kenneth L. Stilson | Larry D. Clark | Charles McGaw |
Acting: Onstage and Off Robert Barton |
Activate: College Reading Ivan Dole | Leslie Taggart |
Active Communication Matthew Westra |
Active Interviewing: Branding, Selling, and Presenting Yourself to Win Your Next Job Eric P. Kramer |
Activities Manual for Beginning and Intermediate Algebra Debbie Garrison | Judy Jones | Jolene Rhodes |
Adaptive Radiography with Trauma, Image Critique and Critical Thinking Quinn Carroll | Dennis Bowman |
Addiction Treatment Katherine van Wormer | Diane Rae Davis |
Addiction Treatment: A Strengths Perspective Katherine van Wormer | Diane Rae Davis |
ADJUST Wayne Weiten | Elizabeth Yost Hammer | Dana S. Dunn |
Administration for Exercise-Related Professions Thomas D. Langley | Jerald D. Hawkins |
Administration of Programs for Young Children Phyllis M. Click | Kim Karkos |
Administration of Wills, Trusts and Estates Gordon W. Brown, J.D. |
Administration of Wills, Trusts, and Estate Gordon Brown | Scott Myers |
Administration of Wills, Trusts, and Estates Gordon Brown | Scott Myers |
Administrative Law and Procedure Elizabeth Richardson, J.D. |
Administrative Law John D. DeLeo Jr. |
Administrative Management: Setting People Up for Success Carlene Cassidy | Robert Kreitner, Ph.D. | Susie VanHuss |
Administrative Medical Assisting Linda L. French | Marilyn T. Fordney |
Administrative Medical Assisting Marilyn T. Fordney | Linda L. French | Joan J. Follis |
Administrative Office Management, Complete Course Pattie Gibson |
Administrative Office Management, Short Course Pattie Gibson |
Administrative Procedures for the Legal Professional Judy A. Long J.D. |
Adobe After Effects CS6 Digital Classroom Jennifer Smith |
Adobe Creative Cloud Design Tools Digital Classroom |
Adobe Creative Suite 5 ACA Certification Preparation: Featuring Dreamweaver, Flash and Photoshop Debbie Keller |
Adobe Creative Suite 6 Design and Web Premium Digital Classroom Jennifer Smith |
Adobe Creative Suite 6: Introductory Joy L. Starks | Alec Fehl | Corinne Hoisington | Jessica Minnick |
Adobe CS6 Design Tools: Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign Illustrated with Online Creative Cloud Updates Chris Botello | Ann Fisher |
Adobe CS6 Web Tools: Dreamweaver, Photoshop, and Flash Illustrated with Online Creative Cloud Updates Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) | Chris Botello | Barbara M. Waxer |
Adobe Dreamweaver CC Revealed Update Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) |
Adobe Dreamweaver Creative Cloud Revealed Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) |
Adobe Dreamweaver Creative Cloud: Comprehensive Corinne Hoisington | Jessica Minnick |
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 – Illustrated Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) |
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3 Revealed Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) |
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3: Complete Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Dolores J. Wells | Steven M. Freund |
Adobe Dreamweaver CS3: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Dolores J. Wells | Steven M. Freund |
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 - Illustrated Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) |
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 Revealed Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) |
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 CourseNotes Course Technology |
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 Illustrated Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) |
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 Revealed Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) |
Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 CourseNotes Course Technology |
Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Digital Classroom Jeremy Osborn |
Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 Revealed Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) |
Adobe Dreamweaver CS6: Comprehensive Corinne Hoisington | Jessica Minnick |
Adobe Flash Creative Cloud Revealed Update Jim Shuman, MBA |
Adobe Flash CS3 Revealed Jim Shuman, MBA |
Adobe Flash CS4 Revealed Jim Shuman, MBA |
Adobe Flash CS5 Revealed Jim Shuman, MBA |
Adobe Flash CS6 CourseNotes Course Technology |
Adobe Flash CS6 Revealed Jim Shuman, MBA |
Adobe Flash CS6: Introductory Alec Fehl |
Adobe Flash Professional CS5 Illustrated, Introductory Barbara M. Waxer |
Adobe Flash Professional CS6 Digital Classroom AGI creative team |
Adobe Illustrator Creative Cloud Revealed Chris Botello |
Adobe Illustrator Creative Cloud Revealed Update Chris Botello |
Adobe Illustrator CS2, Revealed, Deluxe Education Edition Chris Botello |
Adobe Illustrator CS3 Revealed Chris Botello |
Adobe Illustrator CS4 Revealed Chris Botello |
Adobe Illustrator CS5 Illustrated Chris Botello |
Adobe Illustrator CS5 Revealed Chris Botello |
Adobe Illustrator CS6 CourseNotes Course Technology |
Adobe Illustrator CS6 Digital Classroom Jennifer smith |
Adobe Illustrator CS6 Revealed Chris Botello |
Adobe InDesign Creative Cloud Revealed Chris Botello |
Adobe InDesign Creative Cloud Revealed Update CS6 Chris Botello |
Adobe InDesign CS2 BASICS Joshua Humphreys | E. Shane Turner |
Adobe InDesign CS2, Photoshop CS2, and Illustrator CS2, Revealed, Deluxe Education Edition Chris Botello | Elizabeth Eisner Reding |
Adobe InDesign CS2, Revealed, Deluxe Education Edition Chris Botello |
Adobe InDesign CS3 Revealed Chris Botello |
Adobe Indesign CS4 Revealed Chris Botello |
Adobe InDesign CS5 Illustrated Ann Fisher |
Adobe InDesign CS5 Revealed Chris Botello |
Adobe InDesign CS6 CourseNotes Course Technology |
Adobe InDesign CS6 Digital Classroom Christopher smith |
Adobe InDesign CS6 Interactive: Digital Publishing for the Internet and the iPad Chris Botello | Dylan Dove |
Adobe InDesign CS6 Revealed Chris Botello |
Adobe Photoshop 6.0 Complete-Design Professional Elizabeth Eisner Reding |
Adobe Photoshop and the Art of Photography: A Comprehensive Introduction Steven Weinrebe |
Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud Revealed Elizabeth Eisner Reding |
Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud Revealed Update Elizabeth Eisner Reding |
Adobe Photoshop CS Type Effects Ron Grebler | Dong-mi Kim | Kwang-Woo Baek | Kyung-In Jang |
Adobe Photoshop CS2, Revealed, Deluxe Education Edition Elizabeth Eisner Reding |
Adobe Photoshop CS2: Complete Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Joy L. Starks |
Adobe Photoshop CS2: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Joy L. Starks |
Adobe Photoshop CS2: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Joy L. Starks |
Adobe Photoshop CS3 CourseNotes Course Technology |
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Extended: Retouching Motion Pictures Gary David Bouton |
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Photographers Guide David D. Busch |
Adobe Photoshop CS3 Revealed Elizabeth Eisner Reding |
Adobe Photoshop CS3: Complete Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Joy L. Starks |
Adobe Photoshop CS3: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Joy L. Starks |
Adobe Photoshop CS3: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Joy L. Starks |
Adobe Photoshop CS4 - Illustrated Chris Botello |
Adobe Photoshop CS4 CourseNotes Course Technology |
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Revealed Elizabeth Eisner Reding |
Adobe Photoshop CS4: Complete Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Joy L. Starks |
Adobe Photoshop CS4: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Joy L. Starks |
Adobe Photoshop CS4: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Joy L. Starks |
Adobe Photoshop CS5 CourseNotes Course Technology |
Adobe Photoshop CS5 Illustrated Chris Botello |
Adobe Photoshop CS5: Complete Gary B. Shelly | Joy L. Starks |
Adobe Photoshop CS6 CourseNotes Course Technology |
Adobe Photoshop CS6 Digital Classroom Jennifer Smith |
Adobe Photoshop Elements 3.0, Illustrated Barbara M. Waxer | Lisa Tannenbaum |
Adobe Premiere Elements 2.0 - Illustrated Introductory Mary-Terese Cozzola |
Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 Revealed Chris Botello |
Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS4 CourseNotes Course Technology |
Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS4: Complete Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Dolores J. Wells |
Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS4: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Dolores J. Wells |
Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS4: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Dolores J. Wells |
Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS5: Complete Gary B. Shelly | Dolores J. Wells |
Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS5: Comprehensive Gary B. Shelly | Dolores J. Wells |
Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS5: Introductory Gary B. Shelly | Dolores J. Wells |
Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS6 Illustrated with Online Creative Cloud Updates Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) |
Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS6: Complete Corinne Hoisington | Jessica Minnick |
Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS6: Introductory Corinne Hoisington | Jessica Minnick |
Adobe® Flash® CS4 - Illustrated Introductory Barbara M. Waxer |
Adobe® Flash® Professional CS6 Illustrated with Online Creative Cloud Updates Barbara M. Waxer |
Adobe® Illustrator® CS4 - Illustrated Chris Botello |
Adobe® Illustrator® CS6 Illustrated with Online Creative Cloud Updates Chris Botello |
Adobe® InDesign® CS4 – Illustrated Series™ Ann Fisher |
Adobe® InDesign® CS6 Illustrated with Online Creative Cloud Updates Ann Fisher |
Adobe® Photoshop® Creative Cloud: Comprehensive Joy L. Starks |
Adobe® Photoshop® CS5 Revealed Elizabeth Eisner Reding |
Adobe® Photoshop® CS5: Comprehensive Gary B. Shelly | Joy L. Starks | Alec Fehl |
Adobe® Photoshop® CS5: Introductory Gary B. Shelly | Joy L. Starks |
Adobe® Photoshop® CS6 Illustrated with Online Creative Cloud Updates Chris Botello |
Adobe® Photoshop® CS6 Revealed Elizabeth Eisner Reding |
Adobe® Photoshop® CS6: Complete Joy L. Starks |
Adobe® Photoshop® CS6: Comprehensive Joy L. Starks | Alec Fehl |
Adobe® Photoshop® CS6: Introductory Joy L. Starks |
Adolescence: A Contemporary View Linda Nielsen |
Adult Development and Aging Biopsychosocial Perspectives, 4th Edition Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Stacey N. Whitbourne |
Adult Development and Aging Biopsychosocial Perspectives, 5th Edition Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Stacey N. Whitbourne |
Adult Development and Aging John C. Cavanaugh | Fredda Blanchard-Fields |
Advanced 2D Game Development Jonathan S. Harbour |
Advanced 3D Game Programming All in One Kenneth C. Finney |
Advanced AC Electronics: Principles and Applications Michael Jacob |
Advanced Accounting 10th Edition by Floyd A. Beams |
Advanced Accounting 10th Edition by Paul M. Fischer |
Advanced Accounting 3rd Edition by Debra C. Jeter, Paul K. Chaney |
Advanced Accounting 9th Edition by Paul M. Fischer |
Advanced Accounting Paul M. Fischer | Rita H. Cheng | William J. Taylor |
Advanced Accounting Paul M. Fischer | William J. Taylor | Rita H. Cheng |
Advanced Accounting, 4th Edition Debra C. Jeter, Paul K. Chaney |
Advanced Accounting, 5th Edition International Student Version Debra C. Jeter, Paul K. Chaney |
Advanced Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud Revealed Update Chris Botello |
Advanced Adobe Photoshop CS2 BASICS Luis A. Lopez |
Advanced Adobe Photoshop CS3 Revealed Chris Botello |
Advanced Adobe Photoshop CS5 Revealed Chris Botello |
Advanced Adobe Photoshop CS6 Revealed Chris Botello |
Advanced Bread and Pastry Michel Suas |
Advanced Design Techniques in Adobe Photoshop CS2, Revealed, Deluxe Education Edition Chris Botello |
Advanced Digital Logic Design Using Verilog, State Machines, and Synthesis for FPGA's Sunggu Lee |
Advanced Digital Logic Design Using VHDL, State Machines, and Synthesis for FPGA's Sunggu Lee |
Advanced Digital Systems Experiments and Concepts With CPLDs Leo Chartrand |
Advanced Engineering Mathematics Peter V. O'Neil |
Advanced Engineering Mathematics with MATLAB®, 2nd Thomas L. Harman | James B. Dabney | Norman John Richert |
Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition International Student Version By Kreyszig |
Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics, 3rd Edition Adrian Bejan |
Advanced Financial Accounting 8th Edition by Richard E. Baker |
Advanced Foreign Language Learning, 2003 AAUSC Volume Heidi Byrnes | Hiram H. Maxim | Sally Sieloff Magnan |
Advanced Legal Research Exercise Manual Kathleen A. Portuan Miller |
Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism Sareen S. Gropper | Jack L. Smith |
Advanced Nutrition and Human Metabolism Sareen S. Gropper | Jack L. Smith | James L. Groff |
Advanced Pharmacy Practice Anita A. Lambert |
Advanced Pharmacy Practice for Technicians Anita A. Lambert |
Advanced Photoshop CC for Design Professionals Digital Classroom Jennifer smith |
Advanced Photoshop CS2 Trickery & FX Stephen Burns |
Advanced Photoshop CS3 Trickery & FX Stephen Burns |
Advanced Practice in Human Service Agencies: Issues, Trends, and Treatment Perspectives Lupe A. Alle-Corliss | Randall M. Alle-Corliss |
Advanced Skills for Health Care Providers Barbara Acello |
Advanced Topics in Finite Element Analysis of Structures With Mathematica and MATLAB Computations M. Asghar Bhatti |
Advanced Word Processing, Lessons 56-110: Microsoft® Word 2010 Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo |
Advanced Word Processing, Lessons 56-110: Microsoft® Word Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo | Vicki Robertson |
Advanced Word Processing, Lessons 61-120 Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo | Linda Hefferin |
Advanced Word Processsing, Lessons 61-120 Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo | Linda Hefferin |
Advantage Books: Human Resource Management: Essential Perspectives Robert L. Mathis | John H. Jackson |
Adventures in Chemistry Julie T. Millard |
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Mark Twain | Susan K. Harris | Paul Lauter |
Advertising Age: The Principles of Advertising and Marketing Communication at Work Esther Thorson | Margaret Duffy |
Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion Thomas O'Guinn | Chris Allen | Richard J. Semenik |
Advertising and Integrated Brand Promotion Thomas O'Guinn | Chris Allen | Richard J. Semenik | Angeline Close Scheinbaum |
Advertising Campaign Strategy: A Guide to Marketing Communication Plans Donald Parente |
Advertising Campaign Strategy: A Guide to Marketing Communication Plans Donald Parente | Kirsten Strausbaugh-Hutchinson |
Advertising Photography: A Straightforward Guide to a Complex Industry Lou Lesko | Bobbi Lane |
Advertising Promotion and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications Terence A. Shimp |
Advertising Promotion and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications Terence A. Shimp | J. Craig Andrews |
Advertising, Promotion, and Other Aspects of Integrated Marketing Communications Terence A. Shimp |
Advocacy in the Human Services Mark Ezell |
AEC Drafting Fundamentals Jules Chiavaroli |
Aerospace Engineering: From the Ground Up Ben Senson | Jasen Ritter |
Aesthetics in Perspective Kathleen M. Higgins |
Aesthetics: Classic Readings from the Western Tradition Dabney Townsend |
African American Master Student Profiles Osborne Robinson, Jr. |
African American Spirituality 3e DR. PHYLLIS BAKER |
African Politics and Society: A Mosaic in Transformation Peter J. Schraeder |
African-American Music Earl L. Stewart |
After Effects CC Digital Classroom Jerron smith |
After the Diagnosis: How Patients React and How to Help Them Cope Gary McClain | Michelle Buchman |
Age of Conflict Leslie Derfler | Patricia Kollander |
Aging in a Changing Society James A. Thorson |
Aging, the Individual, and Society Susan M. Hillier | Georgia M. Barrow |
Agribusiness Fundamentals and Applications Cliff Ricketts, PhD. | Kristina G. Ricketts, PhD. |
Agribusiness Jack Elliot |
Agribusiness: Decisions and Dollars Jack Elliot |
Agribusiness: Principles of Management David Van Fleet | Ella Van Fleet | George J. Seperich |
Agricultural Communications in Action: A Hands-On Approach Ricky Telg | Tracy Anne Irani |
Agricultural Mechanics: Fundamentals & Applications Dr. Ray V. Herren |
Agricultural Mechanics: Fundamentals & Applications Ray V. Herren |
Agricultural Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications Ray V. Herren |
Agriscience & Technology L. DeVere Burton |
Agriscience Fundamentals and Applications L. DeVere Burton |
Agriscience: Fundamentals and Applications Elmer L. Cooper | L. DeVere Burton |
Agriscience: Fundamentals and Applications L. DeVere Burton |
AI and Artificial Life in Video Games Guy W. Lecky-Thompson |
AI Application Programming M. Tim Jones |
AI Game Engine Programming Brian Schwab |
AI Game Programming Wisdom 2 Steve Rabin |
AI Game Programming Wisdom 3 Steve Rabin |
AI Techniques for Game Programming Mat Buckland |
Aims and Options: A Thematic Approach to Writing Rodney D. Keller |
Air Craft Control and Simulation 2nd Edition Stevens Lewis |
Al tanto: Catorce cuentos contemporáneos Gene S. Kupferschmid |
Album Joy Renjilian-Burgy | Rebecca M. Valette |
Album: Cuentos del mundo hispánico, Tercera edición Joy Renjilian-Burgy | Rebecca M. Valette |
Alcohol, Other Drugs and Addictions: A Professional Development Manual for Social Work and the Human Services Allan Edward Barsky |
Alcoholism Treatment Katherine van Wormer |
Aleuts: Survivors of the Bering Land Bridge William S. Laughlin |
Algebra & Trigonometry Ron Larson |
Algebra and Trigonometry James Stewart | Lothar Redlin | Saleem Watson |
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Algebra and Trigonometry Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler |
Algebra and Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry Earl W. Swokowski | Jeffery A. Cole |
Algebra and Trigonometry with Analytic Geometry, Classic Edition Earl Swokowski | Jeffery A. Cole |
Algebra and Trigonometry, 2nd Edition Cynthia young |
Algebra and Trigonometry, Enhanced Edition James Stewart | Lothar Redlin | Saleem Watson |
Algebra and Trigonometry: A Graphing Approach Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler | Bruce H. Edwards |
Algebra and Trigonometry: A Graphing Approach, Enhanced Edition Ron Larson |
Algebra and Trigonometry: Real Mathematics, Real People Ron Larson |
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Algebra for College Students R. David Gustafson | Peter D. Frisk |
Algebra for College Students Richard N. Aufmann | Joanne S. Lockwood |
Algebra for College Students Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler |
Algebra form and function William G. Mcgallum |
Algebra with Trigonometry for College Students Charles P. McKeague |
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Algebra: Introductory and Intermediate Richard N. Aufmann | Vernon C. Barker | Joanne S. Lockwood |
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Algorithm Design Foundations, Analysis, and Internet Examples Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia |
Algorithms & Data Structures: The Science Of Computing Douglas Baldwin | Greg Scragg |
Algorithms Sequential & Parallel: A Unified Approach Russ Miller | Laurence Boxer |
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Alice 3 in Action with Javaâ„¢ Joel Adams |
Alice 3 in Action: Computing Through Animation Joel Adams |
Alice in Action with Javaâ„¢ Joel Adams |
Alice in Action: Computing Through Animation Joel Adams |
All f/the Children Denise Finazzo, D. Ed |
All of Us: A Multicultural Reading Skills Handbook Harvey S. Wiener | Charles Bazerman |
All Purpose Tabs International Code Council (ICC) |
Allerlei Zum Besprechen Herman U. Teichert | Gabriele Hahn |
Allerlei Zum Lesen Herman U. Teichert | Lovette Teichert |
Alliages culturels: La société française en transformation Heather Willis Allen | Sébastien Dubreil |
Allied Technology Corporation: An Administrative Assistant Simulation Donna Holmquist |
Allons-y!: Le Français par étapes Jeannette D. Bragger | Donald B. Rice |
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Alphabetic Indexing Rules: Application by Computer Joseph S. Fosegan |
ALS Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Programming Essentials Package |
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Alternative Energy: Sources and Systems Donald Steeby |
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America at Odds Edward I. Sidlow | Beth Henschen |
America at Odds, Alternate Edition Edward I. Sidlow | Beth Henschen |
America at Odds: Alternate Edition Edward I. Sidlow | Beth Henschen |
America Compared: American History in International Perspective, Volume I: To 1877 Carl J. Guarneri |
America Compared: American History in International Perspective, Volume II: Since 1865 Carl J. Guarneri |
America in the Twentieth Century: A History James T. Patterson |
America Since 1941: A History James T. Patterson |
America the Unusual John Kingdon |
America Transformed: A History of the United States Since 1900 Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg |
America: Religions and Religion Catherine L. Albanese |
America: The Politics of Diversity David G. Lawrence |
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American Constitutional Law, Volume I Otis H. Stephens, Jr. | John M. Scheb, II, Ph.D. | Colin Glennon |
American Constitutional Law, Volume I: Cases, Essays, and Comparative Notes Donald P. Kommers | John E. Finn |
American Constitutional Law, Volume I: Sources of Power and Restraint Otis H. Stephens, Jr. | John M. Scheb, II, Ph.D. |
American Constitutional Law, Volume II Otis H. Stephens, Jr. | John M. Scheb, II, Ph.D. | Colin Glennon |
American Constitutional Law, Volume II: Civil Rights and Liberties Otis H. Stephens, Jr. | John M. Scheb, II, Ph.D. |
American Constitutional Law: Civil Rights and Liberties, Volume II Otis H. Stephens, Jr. | John M. Scheb, II, Ph.D. |
American Constitutional Law: Power and Politics, Volume 2 Gregg Ivers |
American Constitutional Law: Sources of Power and Restraint, Volume I Otis H. Stephens, Jr. | John M. Scheb, II, Ph.D. |
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American Corrections Todd R. Clear | George F. Cole | Michael D. Reisig |
American Corrections Todd R. Clear | Michael D. Reisig | George F. Cole |
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American Education: Building a Common Foundation Leslie Kaplan | William Owings |
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American Family Album: 28 Contemporary Ethnic Stories Bonnie TuSmith | Gerald W. Bergevin |
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American Foreign Policy: Pattern and Process Eugene R. Wittkopf | Christopher M. Jones | Charles W. Kegley, Jr. (Contributing Author) |
American Foreign Relations, Volume 1: To 1920 Thomas G. Paterson | J. Garry Clifford | Robert Brigham | Michael Donoghue | Kenneth J. Hagan | Deborah Kisatsky | Shane J. Maddock |
American Foreign Relations: A History, A History, Volume I, Brief Edition Thomas G. Paterson | J. Garry Clifford | Shane J. Maddock | Deborah Kisatsky | Kenneth J. Hagan |
American Foreign Relations: A History, Vol. 2: Since 1895, Brief Edition Thomas G. Paterson | J. Garry Clifford | Shane J. Maddock | Deborah Kisatsky | Kenneth J. Hagan |
American Foreign Relations: A History, Volume 1: To 1920 Thomas G. Paterson | J. Garry Clifford | Shane J. Maddock | Deborah Kisatsky | Kenneth J. Hagan |
American Foreign Relations: A History, Volume 2: Since 1895 Thomas G. Paterson | J. Garry Clifford | Shane J. Maddock | Deborah Kisatsky | Kenneth J. Hagan |
American Foreign Relations: Volume 2: Since 1895 Thomas G. Paterson | J. Garry Clifford | Robert Brigham | Michael Donoghue | Kenneth J. Hagan | Deborah Kisatsky | Shane J. Maddock |
American Government James Q. Wilson |
American Government and Politics Today - Texas Edition, 2006-2007 Steffen W. Schmidt | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Barbara A. Bardes | William Earl Maxwell | Ernest Crain |
American Government and Politics Today - Texas Edition, 2007-2008 Steffen W. Schmidt | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Barbara A. Bardes | William Earl Maxwell | Ernest Crain |
American Government and Politics Today - Texas Edition, 2009-2010 Steffen W. Schmidt | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Barbara A. Bardes | William Earl Maxwell | Ernest Crain | Adolfo Santos |
American Government and Politics Today - Texas Edition, 2011-2012 Steffen W. Schmidt | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Barbara A. Bardes | Lynne E. Ford | William Earl Maxwell | Ernest Crain | Adolfo Santos |
American Government and Politics Today 2009-2010 Edition Steffen W. Schmidt | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Barbara A. Bardes |
American Government and Politics Today 2011-2012 Edition Steffen W. Schmidt | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Barbara A. Bardes | Lynne E. Ford |
American Government and Politics Today 2011-2012 Edition Steffen W. Schmidt | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Barbara A. Bardes | Lynne E. Ford |
American Government and Politics Today, 2005-2006 Steffen W. Schmidt | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Barbara A. Bardes |
American Government and Politics Today, 2007-2008 Steffen W. Schmidt | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Barbara A. Bardes |
American Government and Politics Today, 2007-2008, Alternate Edition Steffen W. Schmidt | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Barbara A. Bardes |
American Government and Politics Today, 2009-2010, Alternate Edition Steffen W. Schmidt | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Barbara A. Bardes |
American Government and Politics Today, 2013-2014 Edition Steffen W. Schmidt | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Barbara A. Bardes | Lynne E. Ford |
American Government and Politics Today, 2015-2016 Edition Lynne E. Ford | Barbara A. Bardes | Steffen W. Schmidt | Mack C. Shelley, II. |
American Government and Politics Today, No Separate Policy Chapters Version, 2011-2012 Steffen W. Schmidt | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Barbara A. Bardes | Lynne E. Ford |
American Government and Politics Today, No Separate Policy Chapters Version, 2013-2014 Steffen W. Schmidt | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Barbara A. Bardes | Lynne E. Ford |
American Government and Politics Today: Essentials 2011 - 2012 Edition Barbara A. Bardes | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Steffen W. Schmidt |
American Government and Politics Today: Essentials 2013 - 2014 Edition Barbara A. Bardes | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Steffen W. Schmidt |
American Government and Politics Today: Essentials 2015-2016 Edition with MindTap Political Science Printed Access Card Barbara A. Bardes | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Steffen W. Schmidt |
American Government and Politics Today: No Separate Policy Chapters Version, 2015-2016 Edition (with MindTap Political Science Printed Access Card) Lynne E. Ford | Barbara A. Bardes | Steffen W. Schmidt | Mack C. Shelley, II. |
American Government and Politics Today: The Essentials 2006-2007 Edition Barbara A. Bardes | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Steffen W. Schmidt |
American Government and Politics Today: The Essentials 2008 Barbara A. Bardes | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Steffen W. Schmidt |
American Government and Politics Today: The Essentials 2009 - 2010 Edition Barbara A. Bardes | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Steffen W. Schmidt |
American Government and Politics Today: The Essentials, 2007 Barbara A. Bardes | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Steffen W. Schmidt |
American Government and Politics: Deliberation, Democracy and Citizenship Joseph M. Bessette | John J. Pitney |
American Government and Politics: Deliberation, Democracy and Citizenship, Election Update Joseph M. Bessette | John J. Pitney |
American Government and Politics: Deliberation, Democracy and Citizenship, No Separate Policy Chapters, Election Update Joseph M. Bessette | John J. Pitney |
American Government and Politics: Deliberation, Democracy and Citizenship, Texas Edition Joseph M. Bessette | John J. Pitney | Lyle C. Brown | Joyce A. Langenegger | Sonia Garcia | Ted Lewis | Robert Biles |
American Government and Politics: Deliberation, Democracy, and Citizenship - No Separate Policy Chapters Joseph M. Bessette | John J. Pitney |
American Government James Q. Wilson |
American Government James Q. Wilson | John J. DiIulio, Jr. |
American Government Susan Welch | John Gruhl | John Comer | Susan M. Rigdon |
American Government, Dolphin Edition James Q. Wilson | John J. DiIulio, Jr. |
American Government, Essentials Edition James Q. Wilson | John J. DiIulio, Jr. | Meena Bose |
American Government: Brief Edition James Q. Wilson |
American Government: Brief Version James Q. Wilson |
American Government: Brief Version James Q. Wilson | John J. DiIulio, Jr. | Meena Bose |
American Government: Historical, Popular, and Global Perspectives Kenneth Dautrich | David Yalof |
American Government: Historical, Popular, and Global Perspectives, Brief Version Kenneth Dautrich | David A. Yalof |
American Government: Historical, Popular, and Global Perspectives, Election Update Kenneth Dautrich | David A. Yalof |
American Government: Historical, Popular, and Global Perspectives, No Separate Policy Chapters Kenneth Dautrich | David Yalof |
American Government: Institutions and Policies James Q. Wilson | John J. DiIulio, Jr. |
American Government: Institutions and Policies James Q. Wilson | John J. DiIulio, Jr. | Meena Bose |
American Government: Institutions and Policies, Brief Version James Q. Wilson | John J. DiIulio, Jr. | Meena Bose |
American Government: Institutions and Policies: The Essentials James Q. Wilson | John J. DiIulio, Jr. | Meena Bose |
American Government: People, Institutions, and Policies Paul E. Johnson | John H. Aldrich | G. Miller |
American Government: Politics and Political Culture William Lyons | John M. Scheb, II, Ph.D. | Lilliard Richardson |
American Government: Readings and Responses Monica Bauer |
American Government: Readings on Continuity and Change Robert Harmel |
American Government: The Essentials James Q. Wilson | John J. DiIulio, Jr. |
American Government: The Essentials James Q. Wilson | John J. DiIulio, Jr. | Meena Bose |
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American Law and the Legal System: Equal Justice under the Law Thomas VanDervort |
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American Music: A Panorama, Concise Lorenzo Candelaria |
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American Pageant, Volume 2 David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen |
American Pageant: A History of the Republic Thomas A. Bailey | David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen |
American Pageant: History of the Republic Thomas A. Bailey |
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American Passages, Volume 2 Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
American Passages: A History in the United States, Volume I: To 1877 Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
American Passages: A History in the United States, Volume II: Since 1865 Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
American Passages: A History of the United States Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
American Passages: A History of the United States, Brief Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
American Passages: A History of the United States, Compact Edition Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
American Passages: A History of the United States, Compact Edition, Volume I Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
American Passages: A History of the United States, Volume 1: To 1877, Brief Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
American Passages: A History of the United States, Volume 2: Since 1863, Brief Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
American Passages: A History of the United States, Volume 2: Since 1865, Brief Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
American Passages: A History of the United States, Volume I Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
American Passages: A History of the United States, Volume II: Since 1865 Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
American Passages: Compact, Volume II Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
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American Popular Music: A Multicultural History Glenn Appell | David Hemphill |
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American Public Policy: An Introduction Clarke E. Cochran | Lawrence C. Mayer | T.R. Carr | N. Joseph Cayer | Mark McKenzie | Laura Peck |
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American Ways: A History of American Cultures, 1500 to 1865 Volume I Benjamin G. Rader |
American Ways: A History of American Cultures, 1865 to Present Volume II Benjamin G. Rader |
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America's Courts and the Criminal Justice System David W. Neubauer | Henry F. Fradella |
America's Obsession: Sports and Society Since 1945 Richard O. Davies |
Amish Children: Education in the Family, School, and Community John A. Hoestetler | Gertrude E. Huntington |
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An Actor Performs Mel Shapiro |
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An Introduction to Management Science: Quantitative Approaches to Decision Making David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams | Jeffrey D. Camm | James J. Cochran | Michael J. Fry | Jeffrey W. Ohlmann |
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An Invitation to Health Dianne Hales |
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An Invitation to Health: Choosing to Change, Brief Edition Dianne Hales |
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Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Comprehensive Volume David P. Twomey | Marianne M. Jennings |
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Anderson's Business Law and the Legal Environment, Standard Volume David P. Twomey | Marianne M. Jennings |
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Android Boot Camp for Developers Using Java: A Guide to Creating Your First Android Apps Corinne Hoisington |
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Animal Feeds, Feeding and Nutrition, and Ration Evaluation CD-ROM David Tisch |
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Anthology for Musical Analysis Charles Burkhart | William Rothstein |
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Anthology for Musical Analysis: The Common-Practice Period Charles Burkhart | William Rothstein |
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Applied Calculus, Brief Hybrid Geoffrey C. Berresford | Andrew M. Rockett |
Applied Calculus, Enhanced Review Edition Stefan Waner | Steven Costenoble |
Applied Calculus, Hybrid Edition Geoffrey C. Berresford | Andrew M. Rockett |
Applied Calculus, Hybrid Stefan Waner |
Applied Codeology: Based On The 2005 National Electric Code National Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee |
Applied Codeology: Navigating the NEC® 2008 National Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee |
Applied Codeology: Navigating the NEC® 2011 National Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee |
Applied Combinatorics, 6th Edition Alan Tucker |
Applied Corporate Finance, 3rd Edition Aswath Damodaran |
Applied Data Communications A Business-Oriented Approach, 4th Edition James E Goldman |
Applied Descriptive Geometry Kathryn Holliday-Darr |
Applied Econometric Times Series, 3rd Edition Walter Enders |
Applied Electromagnetism Liang C. Shen | Jin Au Kong |
Applied Finite Mathematics Edmond C. Tomastik |
Applied Management Science Modeling, Spreadsheet Analysis, and Communication for Decision Making, 2nd Edition John A. Lawrence |
Applied Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences Soo T. Tan |
Applied Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, Hybrid Soo T. Tan |
Applied Mathematics with Microsoft Excel Chester Piascik |
Applied Nonparametric Statistics Wayne W. Daniel |
Applied Numerical Methods for Engineers Using MATLAB® and C Robert J. Schilling | Sandra L. Harris |
Applied Phonetics Harold T. Edwards, Ph.D. |
Applied Phonetics Workbook Harold T. Edwards, Ph.D. | Alvin L. Gregg, Ph.D. |
Applied Probability Models Do Le Paul Minh |
Applied Programmable Logic Control Lab Manual Daniel Nichols |
Applied Psychology Graham C David |
Applied Psychology In Health Care Donnie J. Wilbanks |
Applied Regression Analysis and Other Multivariable Methods David G. Kleinbaum | Lawrence L. Kupper | Azhar Nizam | Eli S. Rosenberg |
Applied Regression Analysis and Other Multivariable Methods David G. Kleinbaum | Lawrence L. Kupper | Azhar Nizam | Keith E. Muller |
Applied Regression Analysis: A Second Course in Business and Economic Statistics Terry E. Dielman |
Applied Research in Hospitality, 1st Edition Frederic B mayo |
Applied Simulation Modeling Andrew Seila | Vlatko Ceric | Pandu Tadikamalla |
Applied Social Research: A Tool for Human Services Duane R. Monette | Thomas J. Sullivan | Cornell R. DeJong |
Applied Social Research: A Tool for the Human Services Duane R. Monette | Thomas J. Sullivan | Cornell R. DeJong |
Applied Sociology: Terms, Topics, Tools, and Tasks Stephen F. Steele | Jammie Price |
Applied Sociology: Topics, Terms, Tools, and Tasks Stephen F. Steele | Jammie Price |
Applied Statics and Strength of Materials Thomas Burns |
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, 5th Edition SI Version Douglas C Montgomery |
Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, 6th Edition International Student Version Douglas C. Montgemary |
Applied Statistics for Engineers and Scientists Jay L. Devore | Nicholas R. Farnum |
Applied Statistics for Engineers and Scientists Jay L. Devore | Nicholas R. Farnum | Jimmy A. Doi |
Applied Statistics for Public and Nonprofit Administration Kenneth J. Meier | Jeffrey L. Brudney | John Bohte |
Applied Statistics for Public and Nonprofit Administration Kenneth J. Meier | Jeffrey L. Brudney | John Bohte |
Applied Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences Dennis E. Hinkle | William Wiersma | Stephen G. Jurs |
Applying Career Development Theory to Counseling Richard S. Sharf |
Applying Coding Concepts: Encoder Workbook Deborah Eid |
Applying Cultural Anthropology: Readings Gary Ferraro |
Applying Ethics: A Text with Readings Jeffrey Olen | Julie C. Van Camp | Vincent Barry |
Applying Ethics: A Text with Readings Julie C. Van Camp | Jeffrey Olen | Vincent Barry |
Applying IFRS 3rd Edition |
Applying Moral Theories C.E. Harris |
Applying Your Generalist Training Shelagh Larkin |
Aprendizaje: Técnicas de Composición Kimberly A. Nance | Isidro J. Rivera |
Aquaculture Science Rick Parker, Ph.D. |
Archaeology David Hurst Thomas | Robert L. Kelly |
Archaeology Robert L. Kelly | David Hurst Thomas |
Archaeology: Down to Earth David Hurst Thomas | Robert L. Kelly |
Archaeology: Down to Earth Robert L. Kelly | David Hurst Thomas |
Archetypes of Wisdom: An Introduction to Philosophy Douglas J. Soccio |
Architectural Drafting and Design Alan Jefferis | David A Madsen |
Architectural Drafting and Design Alan Jefferis | David A Madsen | David P. Madsen |
Architectural Drafting Assignments Using AutoCAD® Myron Riggs Brower |
Arguing About Law: An Introduction to Legal Philosophy Andrew Altman |
Argumentation and Debate Austin J. Freeley | David L. Steinberg |
Ariadne's Thread: Case Studies in the Therapeutic Relationship Eric Cowan |
Aromatherapy: Therapeutic Use of Essential Oils for Esthetics and Spa Therapy Jimm Harrison |
Art Activities A to Z Joanne Matricardi | Jeanne McLarty |
Art and Craft of Stage Management Doris Schneider |
Art and Creative Development for Young Children Jill Englebright Fox, PhD | Robert Schirrmacher, Ph.D |
Art and Creative Development for Young Children Robert Schirrmacher, Ph.D | Jill Englebright Fox, PhD |
Art in America: A Brief History Richard McLanathan |
Art in the World Stella Pandella Russel |
Art of Drawing Bernard Chaet |
Art of Integrative Counseling Gerald Corey |
Artificial Lighting for Photography Joy McKenzie | Daniel Overturf |
Artists on Recording Techniques Jeff Touzeau |
As Long as the Grass Shall Grow and Rivers Flow: A History of Native Americans Clifford E. Trafzer |
As You Like It: Evans Shakespeare Editions Heather Dubrow |
ASP .NET Programming with C# & SQL Server Don Gosselin |
Assessing and Differentiating Reading and Writing Disorders: Multidimensional Model Linda Lombardino |
Assessing Teaching and Learning in Psychology: Current and Future Perspectives Dana Dunn |
Assessment & Intervention for Communication Disorders in Culturally & Linguistically Diverse Populations Henriette W. Langdon |
Assessment & Management of Central Auditory Processing Disorders in the Educational Setting: From Science to Practice Teri James Bellis |
Assessment for Counselors Bradley T. Erford |
Assessment for Crisis Intervention: A Triage Assessment Model Rick A. Myer |
Assessment in Speech-Language Pathology: A Resource Manual Kenneth G. Shipley Ph.D. | Julie G. McAfee M.A. |
Assessment: In Special and Inclusive Education John Salvia | James E. Ysseldyke | Sara Bolt |
Assisting in Long Term Care Barbara Hegner | Joan Fritsch Needham |
Assisting in Long-Term Care Barbara Hegner | Mary Jo Mirlenbrink Gerlach |
Assisting in Long-Term Care Mary Jo Mirlenbrink Gerlach |
Assisting in the Pharmacy Marilyn Smith-Stoner, RN, MSN | Gail Askew, PharmD, FCSHP |
ASTRO 2 Michael A. Seeds | Dana Backman |
ASTRO Dana Backman | Michael A. Seeds |
Astronomy: The Cosmic Journey William K. Hartmann | Chris Impey |
Astronomy: The Solar System and Beyond Michael A. Seeds |
Astronomy: The Solar System and Beyond Michael A. Seeds | Dana Backman |
At a Glance: Essays Lee Brandon |
At a Glance: Paragraphs Lee Brandon |
At a Glance: Reader Lee Brandon |
At a Glance: Sentences Lee Brandon |
At a Glance: Writing Essays and Beyond Lee Brandon | Kelly Brandon |
At a Glance: Writing Paragraphs and Beyond, with Integrated Readings Lee Brandon | Kelly Brandon |
At a Glance: Writing Sentences and Beyond Lee Brandon | Kelly Brandon |
At Risk Youth J. Jeffries McWhirter | Benedict T. McWhirter | Ellen Hawley McWhirter | Robert J. McWhirter |
At Risk Youth: A Comprehensive Response for Counselors, Teachers, Psychologists, and Human Services Professionals J. Jeffries McWhirter | Benedict T. McWhirter | Ellen Hawley McWhirter | Robert J. McWhirter |
Athletic Training Clinical Education Guide Tim Laurent |
Atkinson and Hilgard's Introduction to Psychology Edward E. Smith | Susan Nolen-Hoeksema | Barbara L. Fredrickson | Geoffrey R. Loftus |
Attacking Faulty Reasoning T. Edward Damer |
Attacking Faulty Reasoning: A Practical Guide to Fallacy-Free Arguments T. Edward Damer |
Attacking Faulty Reasoning: Practical Guide to Fallacy-Free Arguments T. Edward Damer |
Audio in Media Stanley R. Alten |
Audio in Media: Rec Studio Stanley R. Alten |
Audio Post-Production in Your Project Studio Casey Kim |
Audit Sampling An Introduction , 5th Edition Dan M. Guy, D.R Carmicheal |
Auditing A Practical Approach, Robyn Moroney, Fiona Margeret Campbell, Jane Marie Hamilton |
Auditing and Assurance Services An Integrated Approach, 13th Edition Alvin A. Arens, Randal J. Elder |
Auditing and Assurance Services An Integrated Approach, 14th Edition Alvin A. Arens, Randal J. Eldar |
Auditing and Assurance Services Understanding the Integrated Audit, 1st edition Karen L. Hooks |
Auditing and Assurance Services, 2nd Edition Louwers |
Auditing Cases, 4th Edition Mark S. Beasley, Frank A. Buckless, Steven M. Glovr |
Auditing: A Business Risk Approach Larry E. Rittenberg | Bradley J. Schwieger | Karla Johnstone |
Auditing: A Business Risk Approach Larry E. Rittenberg | Karla Johnstone | Audrey Gramling |
Auditing: A Risk Based-Approach to Conducting a Quality Audit (with ACL CD) Karla Johnstone | Audrey Gramling | Larry E. Rittenberg |
Auditing: A Risk-Based Approach to Conducting a Quality Audit Karla Johnstone | Audrey Gramling | Larry E. Rittenberg |
Authorship in Composition Studies Tracy Hamler Carrick | Rebecca Moore Howard |
Autism in Children & Adults Johnny L. Matson |
Autism: Teaching Does Make a Difference Brenda Scheuermann | Jo Webber |
Auto Body Repair Technology DVD Set (5 DVD's) James E. Duffy |
Auto Body Repair Technology James E. Duffy |
AutoCAD 2000 for Architecture Alan Jefferis |
AutoCAD LT 2000: A Problem Solving Approach Sham Tickoo |
AutoCAD® 2007 for Architecture Alan Jefferis | Mike Jones | Tereasa Jefferis |
AutoCAD® 2008 for Architecture Alan Jefferis | Mike Jones | Tereasa Jefferis |
Automatic Control: The Power of Feedback Using MATLAB® Theodore E. Djaferis |
Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles Mathias Brejcha | Ronald Tuuri |
Automotive Air Conditioning Boyce Dwiggins |
Automotive Chassis Tim Gilles |
Automotive Electricity & Electronics Al Santini |
Automotive Engines: Diagnosis, Repair, Rebuilding Tim Gilles |
Automotive Maintenance & Light Repair Rob Thompson |
Automotive Service Job Sheets for NATEF Task Mastery Chris Hadfield |
Automotive Service Management: Building a Team Mitch Schneider |
Automotive Service Management: From Intent to Implementation Mitch Schneider |
Automotive Service Management: Managing Dollars with Sense Mitch Schneider |
Automotive Service Management: Operations Management Mitch Schneider |
Automotive Service Management: Safety Communications Mitch Schneider |
Automotive Service Management: The High Performance Shop Mitch Schneider |
Automotive Service Management: Total Customer Relationship Management Mitch Schneider |
Automotive Service: Inspection, Maintenance and Repair Tim Gilles |
Automotive Service: Inspection, Maintenance, Repair Tim Gilles |
Automotive Technician Certification Test Preparation Manual Don Knowles |
Automotive Technician Certification: Test Preparation Manual Don Knowles |
Automotive Technology: A Systems Approach Jack Erjavec |
Automotive Technology: A Systems Approach Jack Erjavec | Rob Thompson |
Automotive Technology: For General Service Technicians Ron Haefner | Paul Leathers |
Autour de la littérature: Ecriture et lecture aux cours moyens de français Peter Schofer | Donald B. Rice |
Avenidas: Beginning a Journey in Spanish Patti J. Marinelli | Mirta Oramas |
Aventuras Literarias Ana C. Jarvis |
Aviation Safety: A Balanced Industry Approach Michael Ferguson | Sean Nelson |
Avoiding Falls: A Guidebook for Certified Nursing Assistants Rein Tideiksaar |
Awatimarka: The Ethnoarchaeology of an Andean Herding Community Lawrence A. Kuznar |
Awesome Game Creation: No Programming Required Jason Darby |
Aztecs of Central Mexico: An Imperial Society Frances Berdan |
Badminton for Beginners Ralph Ballou |
Badminton Today Sunny Kim | Mike Walker |
Baking and Pastry Mastering the Art and Craft, 2nd Edition The culinary Institute of America (CIA) |
Ballentine's Law Dictionary: Legal Assistant Edition Jack Handler |
Ballentine's Legal Dictionary/Thesaurus Jonathon Lynton |
BAMS: The Essential Guide to Becoming a Master Student Dave Ellis |
Bank Management & Financial Services, Peter S. Rose, Sylvia C. Hudgins |
Bank Management Timothy W. Koch | S. Scott MacDonald |
Basic Allied Health Statistics and Analysis Gerda Koch |
Basic and Advanced Counseling Skills: Skilled Counselor Training Model Marlowe H. Smaby | Cleborne D. Maddux |
Basic Animal Nutrition and Feeding, 5th Edition Wilson G Pond, David C. Church |
Basic Blueprint Reading and Sketching C. Thomas Olivo | Thomas P. Olivo |
Basic Blueprint Reading and Sketching Thomas P. Olivo | C. Thomas Olivo |
Basic Chemistry Steven S. Zumdahl |
Basic Chemistry Steven S. Zumdahl | Donald J. DeCoste |
Basic Chemistry, 9th Edition International Student Version by Leo J.Malone |
Basic Clinical Lab Competencies for Respiratory Care Gary C. White, M.Ed., RRT, CPFT |
Basic Clinical Lab Competencies for Respiratory Care: An Integrated Approach Gary C. White, M.Ed., RRT, CPFT |
Basic Clinical Laboratory Techniques Barbara H. Estridge | Anna P. Reynolds |
Basic College Mathematics for the 21st Century Made Fun and Easy to Learn Edward Green |
Basic College Mathematics: A Text/Workbook Charles P. McKeague |
Basic College Mathematics: An Applied Approach Richard N. Aufmann | Joanne S. Lockwood |
Basic College Mathematics: An Applied Approach Richard N. Aufmann | Vernon C. Barker | Joanne S. Lockwood |
Basic College Mathematics: An Applied Approach, Student Support Edition Richard N. Aufmann | Vernon C. Barker | Joanne S. Lockwood |
Basic College Mathemtics: An Applied Approach Richard N. Aufmann |
Basic Concepts of Chemistry, 9th Edition Leo. J Malone |
Basic Concepts of Chemistry, International Student Version, 8th Edition Leo J. Malone |
Basic Counseling Responses®: A Multimedia Learning System for the Helping Professions Hutch Haney | Jacqueline Leibsohn |
Basic Digital Electronics Alvis J. Evans |
Basic Economics Frank V. Mastrianna |
Basic Electricity and DC Circuits Charles Dale |
Basic Electricity Van Valkenburg |
Basic Engineering Data Collection and Analysis Stephen B. Vardeman | J. Marcus Jobe |
Basic English Review Karen Schneiter Williams |
Basic English Review: English the Easy Way Norman Schachter | Karen Schneiter Williams |
Basic Finance: An Introduction to Financial Institutions, Investments and Management Herbert B. Mayo |
Basic Finance: An Introduction to Financial Institutions, Investments, and Management Herbert B. Mayo |
Basic Fire Hydraulics Workbook Ron Richmond |
Basic Geometry for College Students: An Overview of the Fundamental Concepts of Geometry Alan S. Tussy | R. David Gustafson |
Basic Grammar and Usage Penelope Choy | Dorothy Goldbart Clark |
Basic Infection Control for Healthcare Providers Michael Kennamer |
Basic Interviewing Skills: A Workbook for Practitioners Valerie Nash Chang | Sheryn T. Scott |
Basic Italian Charles Speroni | Carlo L. Golino | Barbara Caiti |
Basic Keyboarding for the Medical Office Assistant Edna Jean Moss |
Basic Laboratory Experiments for General, Organic, and Biochemistry Joseph M. Landesberg |
Basic Letter and Memo Writing Susan H. VanHuss |
Basic Marketing Research Gilbert A. Churchill | Tom J. Brown |
Basic Marketing Research Gilbert A. Churchill | Tom J. Brown | Tracy A. Suter |
Basic Marketing Research Tom J. Brown | Tracy A. Suter | Gilbert A. Churchill |
Basic Math Approach to Concepts of Chemistry Leo Michels |
Basic Mathematics Charles P. McKeague |
Basic Mathematics David Novak |
Basic Mathematics for College Students Alan S. Tussy | R. David Gustafson | Diane Koenig |
Basic Mathematics for College Students with Early Integers Alan S. Tussy | Diane Koenig |
Basic Mathematics for College Students, Updated Media Edition Alan S. Tussy | R. David Gustafson |
Basic Mathematics: A Text/Workbook Charles P. McKeague |
Basic Moral Philosophy Robert L. Holmes |
Basic Nutrition Counseling Skill Development Kathleen D. Bauer | Carol A. Sokolik |
Basic Research Methods and Statistics: An Integrated Approach Nancy Furlong | Eugene A. Lovelace | Kristin Lovelace |
Basic Robotics Keith Dinwiddie |
Basic Skills in Psychotherapy and Counseling Christiane Brems |
Basic Spanish Ana C. Jarvis |
Basic Spanish Enhanced Edition: The Basic Spanish Series Ana C. Jarvis | Raquel Lebredo | Francisco Mena-Ayllón |
Basic Spanish Grammar Ana C. Jarvis | Raquel Lebredo | Francisco Mena-Ayllón |
Basic Spanish: The Basic Spanish Series Ana C. Jarvis | Raquel Lebredo | Francisco Mena-Ayllón |
Basic Statistical Ideas for Managers David Hildebrand | R. Lyman Ott | J. Brian Gray |
Basic Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences Gary W. Heiman |
Basic Strategy in Context European text and cases Neil Thomson |
Basic Telecommunications: The Physical Layer Gary J. Mullett |
Basics of Design: Layout & Typography for Beginners Lisa Graham |
Basics of Design: Layout and Typography for Beginners Lisa Graham |
Basics of Introductory Chemistry with Math Review Mark S. Cracolice |
Basics of Legal Document Preparation Robert Cummins, J.D. |
Basics of Music: Opus 1 Michael Zinn | Robert Hogenson |
Basics of Reasoning Ronald Munson | David Conway |
Basics of Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology Michael G. Maxfield | Earl R. Babbie |
Basics of Singing Jan Schmidt | Heidi Counsell Schmidt |
Basics of Singing, Revised Printing Jan Schmidt |
Bayesian Computation Using MINITABâ„¢ James H. Albert |
BCOM 2 Carol M. Lehman | Debbie D. DuFrene |
BCOM 3 Carol M. Lehman | Debbie D. DuFrene |
BCOM 5 Carol M. Lehman | Debbie D. DuFrene |
BCOM 6 Carol M. Lehman | Debbie D. DuFrene |
BCOM 7 Carol M. Lehman | Debbie D. DuFrene |
BCOM Carol M. Lehman | Debbie D. DuFrene |
Be an iUser: Your Guide to the iPod, iPhone and iPad CourseNotes Course Technology |
Beauty & Wellness Dictionary: for Cosmetologists, Barbers, Estheticians and Nail Technicians Milady |
Because Teaching Matters, 2nd Edition Marleen C.Pugarh |
Becoming a Community Counselor: Personal and Professional Explorations A. Renee Staton | A. Jerry Benson | Michele Kielty Briggs | Eric Cowan | Lennis G. Echterling | William F. Evans | J. Edson McKee | Jack Presbury | Anne L. Stewart |
Becoming a Critical Thinker Vincent Ryan Ruggiero |
Becoming a Helper Marianne Schneider Corey | Gerald Corey |
Becoming a Master Manager A Competing Values Approach, 5th Edition Robert E. Quinn |
Becoming a Master Student (Spanish) Dave Ellis |
Becoming a Master Student Dave Ellis |
Becoming a Master Student: Concise Dave Ellis |
Becoming a Middle School or High School Teacher in Texas Janice L. Nath | Myrna Cohen |
Becoming a Skilled Negotiator Concepts and Practices Kathleen Reordan |
Becoming a Synthesizer Wizard: From Presets to Power User Simon Cann |
Becoming a Teacher in a Field-Based Setting: An Introduction to Education and Classrooms Donna Wiseman | Stephanie Knight | Donna Cooner |
Becoming A Teacher in New York State Louis Larson | Joy Mosher |
Becoming a Teacher in Texas: A Course of Study for the Professional Development ExCET Cynthia Gift Henry | Janice L. Nath |
Becoming a Team: Achieving a Goal Roy C. Herrenkohl |
Becoming an Art Teacher Jane K. Bates |
Becoming an EC-4 Teacher in Texas Janice L. Nath | Myrna Cohen |
Becoming an EC-6 Teacher in Texas Janice L. Nath | Myrna Cohen |
Becoming an Effective Policy Advocate Bruce S. Jansson |
Becoming an Effective Policy Advocate: From Policy Practice to Social Justice Bruce S. Jansson |
Becoming an Effective Policy Advocate: From Policy Practice to Social Justice, 4th Bruce S. Jansson |
Becoming Multiculturally Responsible on Campus: From Awareness to Action Max Parker | Jennifer Sager |
Becoming Visible: Women in European History Renate Bridenthal | Susan Mosher Stuard | Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks |
Before the Law: An Introduction to the Legal Process John J. Bonsignore | Ethan Katsh | Peter d'Errico | Ronald M. Pipkin | Stephen Arons | Janet Rifkin |
Beginning Algebra Jerome E. Kaufmann | Karen L. Schwitters |
Beginning Algebra R. David Gustafson | Rosemary Karr | Marilyn Massey |
Beginning Algebra Richard N. Aufmann | Joanne S. Lockwood |
Beginning Algebra with Applications Richard N. Aufmann | Vernon C. Barker | Joanne S. Lockwood |
Beginning Algebra with Applications, Multimedia Edition Richard N. Aufmann | Vernon C. Barker | Joanne S. Lockwood |
Beginning Algebra with Arithmetic Review The Maricopa Mathematics Consortium | Alan Jacobs | Scott Adamson | Paula Cheslik | David Dudley | Teri Glaess | Karen J. Hay | Keith Worth | Anne Dudley |
Beginning Algebra: A Guided Approach Rosemary Karr | Marilyn Massey | R. David Gustafson |
Beginning Algebra: A Text/Workbook Charles P. McKeague |
Beginning Algebra: Connecting Concepts Through Applications Mark Clark | Cynthia Anfinson |
Beginning Algebra: Hybrid Jerome E. Kaufmann | Karen L. Schwitters |
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra: A Combined Text/Workbook Charles P. (Pat) McKeague |
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra: A Guided Approach Rosemary Karr | Marilyn Massey | R. David Gustafson |
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra: An Integrated Approach R. David Gustafson | Peter D. Frisk |
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra: An Integrated Approach R. David Gustafson | Rosemary Karr | Marilyn Massey |
Beginning and Intermediate Algebra: Connecting Concepts Through Applications Mark Clark | Cynthia Anfinson |
Beginning ASP.NET 2.0 Chris Hart |
Beginning C# Game Programming Ron Penton |
Beginning C++ Game Programming Michael Dawson |
Beginning C++ Through Game Programming Michael Dawson |
Beginning Classroom Guitar: A Musician's Approach Philip Hemmo |
Beginning CSS Cascading Style Sheets for Web Design, 2nd Edition Richard York |
Beginning Digital From a VHDL Perspective Don A. Meador |
Beginning DirectX 10 Game Programming Wendy Jones |
Beginning DirectX 11 Game Programming Allen Sherrod | Wendy Jones |
Beginning DirectX 9 Wendy Jones |
Beginning Essentials in Early Childhood Education Ann Gordon | Kathryn Williams Browne |
Beginning Game Art in 3Ds MAX 8 Les Pardew | Dan Whittington |
Beginning Game Programming Jonathan S. Harbour |
Beginning Golf Robert Gensemer |
Beginning HDR Photography Matthew Bamberg |
Beginning Illustration and Storyboarding for Games Les Pardew |
Beginning Java 5 Game Programming Jonathan S. Harbour |
Beginning Java Game Programming Jonathan S. Harbour |
Beginning JavaScript, 4th Edition Paul wilton |
Beginning Math Concepts for Game Developers John P. Flynt, Ph.D. | Boris Meltreger |
Beginning OpenGL Game Programming Dave Astle | Kevin Hawkins |
Beginning OpenGL Game Programming Luke Benstead |
Beginning Pre-Calculus for Game Developers John P. Flynt, Ph.D. | Boris Meltreger |
Beginning Racquetball Cheryl Norton | James S. Bryant |
Beginning XML, 3rd Edition, David hunter |
Beginning XML, 4th Edition, David hunter |
Beginnings & Beyond: Foundations in Early Childhood Education Ann Miles Gordon | Kathryn Williams Browne, MA, BA |
Behavior Management: From Theoretical Implications to Practical Applications John W. Maag |
Behavior Modification: Principles and Procedures Raymond G. Miltenberger |
Behavioral Finance: Psychology, Decision-Making, and Markets Lucy Ackert | Richard Deaves |
Behavioral Sciences STAT 2 Gary W. Heiman |
Behavioral Sciences STAT Gary W. Heiman |
Behind A Convict's Eyes: Doing Time in a Modern Prison K.C. Carceral | Thomas J. Bernard | Leanne Fiftal Alarid | Bruce Bikle | Alene Bikle |
Beneath the Mask An Introduction to Theories of Personality, 8th Edition Robert N. Sollod |
Best Business Practices for Photographers John Harrington |
Best Impressions in Hospitality Angie Michael |
Best of Game Programming Gems Mark DeLoura |
Best Practice: The Pros on Adobe Illustrator Toni Toland |
Best Practices for Wildlife Control Operators Paul D. Curtis, Ph.D. | Jill Shultz |
Best Practices in Social Networking CourseNotes Course Technology |
Better Spelling: Fourteen Steps to Spelling Improvement James I. Brown | Thomas E. Pearsall |
Beverage Basics Understanding and Appreciating Wine, Beer, and Spirits Robert W. Small |
Beyond Borders: A Cultural Reader Randall Bass | Joy Young |
Beyond Reality: A Guide to Alternate Reality Gaming John Gosney |
Beyond Sovereignty: Issues for a Global Agenda Maryann Cusimano Love |
Big C++ Java SM Cay S. Horstmann |
Big Ideas: An Introduction to Ideologies in American Politics R. Mark Tiller |
Big Java 4e for Java 7 and 8 Cay. S horstmann |
Big Java Early Objects 5th edition international student version Cay Horstmann |
Big java late objects Cay S. Horstmann |
Big java wel courseware Cay S. horstmann |
Big Math Activities for Young Children James L. Overholt, Ed.D. | Jackie White-Holtz | Sydney Dickson |
Big Studio Secrets for Home Recording and Production Joe Dochtermann |
Biocalculus: Calculus for Life Sciences James Stewart | Troy Day |
Biocalculus: Calculus, Probability, and Statistics for the Life Sciences James Stewart | Troy Day |
Biochemistry Mary K. Campbell | Shawn O. Farrell |
Biochemistry of Human Nutrition: A Desk Reference Sareen S. Gropper |
Biochemistry Reginald H. Garrett | Charles M. Grisham |
Biochemistry, 4th Edition Donald Voet |
Bioethics Brendan Patrick Minogue |
Bioinformatics and Functional Genomics, 2nd Edition Jonathan Pevsner |
Bioinformatics For Dummies, 2nd Edition Jean Micheal Clairve |
BioInquiry Making Connections in Biology, 3rd EditionNancy L. Pruitt |
Biological Psychology James W. Kalat |
Biology Eldra Solomon | Charles Martin | Diana W. Martin | Linda R. Berg |
Biology Eldra Solomon | Linda Berg | Diana W. Martin |
Biology of Women Ethel Sloan, PhD |
Biology of Women Theresa Hornstein | Jeri Lynn Schweirin |
Biology Today and Tomorrow with Physiology Cecie Starr | Christine Evers |
Biology Today and Tomorrow with Physiology Cecie Starr | Christine Evers | Lisa Starr |
Biology Today and Tomorrow without Physiology Cecie Starr | Christine Evers |
Biology Today and Tomorrow without Physiology Cecie Starr | Christine Evers | Lisa Starr |
Biology Volume 1 Eldra Solomon | Linda Berg | Diana W. Martin |
Biology, Ethics, and the Origins of Life Holmes Rolston, III |
Biology, Reprint Eldra Solomon | Linda Berg | Diana W. Martin |
Biology, Volume I Eldra Solomon | Linda Berg | Diana W. Martin |
Biology, Volume II Eldra Solomon | Linda Berg | Diana W. Martin |
Biology: Concepts and Applications Cecie Starr |
Biology: Concepts and Applications Cecie Starr | Christine Evers | Lisa Starr |
Biology: Concepts and Applications without Physiology Cecie Starr | Christine Evers | Lisa Starr |
Biology: Concepts and Applications without Physiology Cecie Starr |
Biology: Organisms and Adaptations Robert K. Noyd | Jerome A. Krueger | Kendra M. Hill |
Biology: The Dynamic Science Peter J. Russell | Paul E. Hertz | Beverly McMillan |
Biology: The Dynamic Science, Volume 1 (Units 1 & 2) Peter J. Russell | Paul E. Hertz | Beverly McMillan |
Biology: The Dynamic Science, Volume 1, Units 1 & 2 Peter J. Russell | Paul E. Hertz | Beverly McMillan |
Biology: The Dynamic Science, Volume 2, Units 3, 4, 7 Peter J. Russell | Paul E. Hertz | Beverly McMillan |
Biology: The Dynamic Science, Volume 3, Units 5 & 6 Peter J. Russell | Paul E. Hertz | Beverly McMillan |
Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life Cecie Starr | Ralph Taggart | Christine Evers |
Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life Cecie Starr | Ralph Taggart | Christine Evers | Lisa Starr |
Biomedical Instrumentation Systems Shakti Chatterjee | Aubert Miller |
Biostatistics Basic Concepts and Methodology for the Health Sciences, 10th Edition International Student Version Wayne W. Daniel |
Biostatistics: An Applied Introduction for the Public Health Practitioner Heather M. Bush |
Biotechnology: An Introduction, Updated Edition Susan R. Barnum |
BizPlanBuilder® Express: A Guide to Creating a Business Plan JIAN Tools for Sale, Inc. |
Black Family: Essays and Studies Robert Staples |
Blackboard Student User Guide, generic (no PIN) Cengage Learning Course Technology |
Blood on Her Hands: The Social Construction of Women, Sexuality and Murder Frankie Y. Bailey | Donna C. Hale |
Blue Collar Resumes Steve Provenzano |
Blueprint Reading and Drafting for Plumbers Michael A. Joyce |
Blueprint Reading for Electricians National Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee |
Blueprint Reading for Electricians Rob Zachariason |
Blueprint Reading for Machine Trades David L. Taylor |
Blueprint Reading for Welders A.E. Bennett | Louis J. Siy |
Blueprints and Plans for HVAC Joseph Moravek | Curtis McGuirt | Wilma B. Miller |
Blueprints and Plans for HVAC Joseph Moravek | Frank Miller |
Blueprints for Writing: Building Essays Pam Mathis |
Boab Art Gallery A Manual Accounting Practice Set Wendy Pabst, Brian Perrin |
Body Structures and Functions Ann Scott | Elizabeth Fong |
Body Structures and Functions Ann Senisi Scott | Elizabeth Fong |
Bond's Biology of Fishes Michael Barton |
Booking, Promoting and Marketing Your Music Nyree Belleville |
Bootstrap Yourself with Linux-USB Stack: Design, Develop, Debug, and Validate Embedded USB Systems Rajaram Regupathy |
Born at Home: The Biological, Cultural and Political Dimensions of Maternity Care in the United States Melissa Cheyney |
Borror and DeLong's Introduction to the Study of Insects Norman F. Johnson | Charles A. Triplehorn |
Brain and Behavior Bob Garrett |
Brand Relevance Making Competitors Irrelevant David A. Aker |
Bravo for the Marshallese: Regaining Control in a Post-Nuclear, Post-Colonial World Holly M. Barker |
Bravo! Judith Muyskens | Linda Harlow | Michèle Vialet | Jean-François Brière |
Bread A Baker's Book of Techniques and Recipes, 2nd Edition Jeffrey Hamelman |
Bread Baking An Artisan's Perspective Dnaile T. Dimuzio |
Breaking and Entering: Burglars on Burglary Paul F. Cromwell | James N. Olson |
Breaking Into the Game Industry: Advice for a Successful Career from Those Who Have Done It Brenda Brathwaite | Ian Schreiber |
Breaking the Language Barrier: Spanish Terms and Phrases for Medical Office Personnel Sandra Marmolejo Romero |
Bridges to Better Writing Luis Nazario | Deborah Borchers | William Lewis |
Brief Applied Calculus Frank C. Wilson |
Brief Applied Calculus Geoffrey C. Berresford | Andrew M. Rockett |
Brief Applied Calculus James Stewart | Daniel Clegg |
Brief Applied Calculus, Hybrid James Stewart | Daniel Clegg |
Brief Calculus An Applied Approach, Resource Manual , 8th Edition Micheal Sullivan |
Brief Calculus: An Applied Approach Ron Larson |
Brief Calculus: An Applied Approach Ron Larson | Bruce H. Edwards |
Brief Calculus: An Applied Approach, Enhanced Edition Ron Larson |
Brief Calculus: An Applied Approach, Hybrid Ron Larson |
Brief Group Treatment:Practical Training for Therapists and Counselors Jerrold Lee Shapiro | Lawrence S. Peltz | Susan Bernadett-Shapiro |
Brief Principles of Macroeconomics N. Gregory Mankiw |
Brief Treatment in Clinical Social Work Practice Maria D. Corwin |
Bring It Home with CorelDRAW: A Guide to In-House Graphic Design Roger Wambolt |
Bringing Art into the Elementary Classroom Joan B. Koster |
Britain Yesterday and Today Walter L. Arnstein |
British Literature 1780 to 1830, Paperback Version Anne Mellor | Richard Matlak |
Broadcast News Mitchell Stephens |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: An Introduction to Family Social Work Donald Collins | Catheleen Jordan | Heather Coleman |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: An Introduction to the Profession of Social Work Elizabeth A. Segal | Karen E. Gerdes | Sue Steiner |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Becoming an Effective Policy Advocate Bruce S. Jansson |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Direct Social Work Practice Dean H. Hepworth | Ronald Rooney | Glenda Dewberry Rooney | Kim Strom-Gottfried |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Essential Research Methods for Social Work Allen Rubin | Earl R. Babbie |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Ethical Decisions for Social Work Practice Ralph Dolgoff | Donna Harrington | Frank M. Loewenberg |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Foundations of Social Policy (with CourseMate Printed Access Card): Social Justice in Human Perspective Amanda S. Barusch |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Foundations of Social Policy: Social Justice in Human Perspective Amanda S. Barusch |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Generalist Practice with Organizations and Communities Karen K. Kirst-Ashman | Grafton H. Hull, Jr. |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Human Behavior in the Macro Social Environment Karen K. Kirst-Ashman |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Human Behavior in the Social Environment José B. Ashford | Craig W. LeCroy |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Introduction to Social Work & Social Welfare: Critical Thinking Perspectives Karen K. Kirst-Ashman |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare Charles Zastrow |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Psychopathology: A Competency-Based Assessment Model for Social Workers Susan W. Gray | Marilyn R. Zide |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Research Methods for Social Work Allen Rubin | Earl R. Babbie |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Social Welfare Policy and Social Programs Elizabeth A. Segal |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Social Work and Social Welfare: An Introduction Rosalie Ambrosino | Joseph Heffernan | Guy Shuttlesworth | Robert Ambrosino |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Social Work with Groups: A Comprehensive Workbook Charles Zastrow |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Social Work with Groups: A Comprehensive Worktext Charles Zastrow |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: The Practice of Social Work: A Comprehensive Worktext Charles Zastrow |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: The Reluctant Welfare State Bruce S. Jansson |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: The Reluctant Welfare State Bruce S. Jansson |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: The Skills of Helping Individuals, Families, Groups, and Communities Lawrence Shulman |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Understanding Generalist Practice Karen K. Kirst-Ashman | Grafton H. Hull |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Understanding Generalist Practice Karen K. Kirst-Ashman | Grafton H. Hull, Jr. |
Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series: Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment Charles Zastrow | Karen K. Kirst-Ashman |
BSD Sockets Programming From a Multi-Language Perspective M. Tim Jones |
BSTAT 2 Gerald Keller |
BSTAT Gerald Keller |
BTU Buddy Notebook Bill Johnson |
Buddhist Religions: A Historical Introduction Richard H. Robinson | Willard L. Johnson | Thanissaro Bhikkhu |
Building a Digital Human Ken Brilliant |
Building a Foundation in Mathematics National Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee |
Building a Foundation in Mathematics National Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee | John Peterson |
Building a Great Resume Kate Wendleton |
Building a Results-Based Student Support Program Sharon Johnson | Clarence Johnson | Louis Downs |
Building a Successful 21st Century Music Career Simon Cann |
Building Accounting Systems Using Access 2003 James T. Perry | Gary P. Schneider |
Building Accounting Systems Using Access 2007 James T. Perry | Richard Newmark |
Building Accounting Systems Using Access 2010 James Perry | Richard Newmark |
Building Accounting Systems Using Microsoft® Access® 2013 James Perry | Richard Newmark |
Building Better Essays Gina Hogan |
Building Better Grammar Gina Hogan |
Building Better Paragraphs Gina Hogan |
Building Code Basics Residential Based on the 2006 International Residential Code International Code Council (ICC) |
Building Code Basics: Commercial; Based on the International Building Code International Code Council (ICC) |
Building Code Basics: Energy: Based on the International Energy Code International Code Council (ICC) |
Building Code Basics: Green, Based on the International Green Construction Code International Code Council (ICC) |
Building Code Basics: Residential International Code Council (ICC) |
Building Code Basics: Residential: Based on the International Residential Code International Code Council (ICC) |
Building Environments: HVAC Systems Alan J. Zajac |
Building Family Practice Skills: Methods, Strategies, and Tools D. Mark Ragg |
Building High-Performance Teams Carol M. Lehman | Debbie D. DuFrene |
Building High-Performance Teams Debbie D. DuFrene | Carol M. Lehman |
Building Interactive Systems: Principles for Human-Computer Interaction Dan Olsen |
Building Management Skills: An Action-First Approach Richard L. Daft | Dorothy Marcic |
Building Parallel Programs: SMPs, Clusters & Java Alan Kaminsky |
Building Teachers: A Constructivist Approach to Introducing Education David Jerner Martin | Kimberly S. Loomis |
Building Teachers: Constructivist Approach to Introducing Education David Jerner Martin | Kimberly S. Loomis |
Building Understanding Together: A Constructivist Approach to Early Childhood Education Sandra Waite-Stupiansky, Ph.D. |
Building Vocabulary for College R. Kent Smith |
Building Your Career Portfolio Carol A. Poore |
Bunyoro: An African Kingdom John Beattie |
Burden of Proof: An Introduction to Argumentation and Guide to Parliamentary Debate Mark Crossman |
Business & Professional Ethics for Directors, Executives & Accountants Leonard J. Brooks | Paul Dunn |
Business & Professional Ethics Leonard J. Brooks | Paul Dunn |
Business 2000: Advertising Maria Townsley |
Business 2000: Business Management James L. Burrow |
Business 2000: International Business Les Dlabay, Ed.D. |
Business 2000: Marketing James L. Burrow |
Business 2000: Retail Maria Townsley |
Business 2000: Selling Cynthia L. Greene |
Business Analysis and Valuation: Using Financial Statements Krishna G. Palepu | Paul M. Healy |
Business Analysis and Valuation: Using Financial Statements, Text and Cases Krishna G. Palepu | Paul M. Healy |
Business Analysis and Valuation: Using Financial Statements, Text and Cases Krishna G. Palepu | Paul M. Healy | Victor L Bernard |
Business Analysis Valuation: Using Financial Statements Paul M. Healy | Krishna G. Palepu |
Business Analytics: Data Analysis & Decision Making S. Christian Albright | Wayne L. Winston |
Business and Professional Communication in a Digital Age Dr. Jennifer H. Waldeck | Patricia Kearney | Tim Plax |
Business and Professional Communication in the Global Workplace H.L. Goodall, Jr. | Sandra Goodall | Jill Schiefelbein |
Business and Professional Ethics for Directors, Executives, and Accountants Leonard J. Brooks |
Business and Society: A Strategic Approach to Social Responsibility Debbie M. Thorne | O. C. Ferrell | Linda Ferrell |
Business and Society: Ethics and Stakeholder Management Archie B. Carroll | Ann K. Buchholtz |
Business and Society: Ethics, Sustainability, and Stakeholder Management Archie B. Carroll | Ann K. Buchholtz |
Business Applications with Microsoft® Word Susan H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo |
Business Applications with Microsoft® Word: Advanced Document Processing Susie VanHuss | Connie Forde | Donna Woo |
Business as Ethical and Business as Usual: Text, Readings, and Cases Sterling Harwood |
Business Communication A.C. "Buddy" Krizan | Patricia Merrier | Carol Larson Jones |
Business Communication A.C. "Buddy" Krizan | Patricia Merrier | Joyce P. Logan | Karen Schneiter Williams |
Business Communication Betty S. Johnson | Marsha L. Bayless |
Business Communication Carol M. Lehman | Debbie D. DuFrene |
Business Communication Thomas Means |
Business Communication: A Framework for Success Dan O'Hair | James O'Rourke | Mary John O'Hair |
Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online Amy Newman |
Business Communication: In Person, In Print, Online Amy Newman | Scot Ober |
Business Communication: Process and Product Mary Ellen Guffey |
Business Communication: Process and Product Mary Ellen Guffey | Dana Loewy |
Business Communications Thomas Means |
Business Data Communications Manish Agarwal |
Business English Mary Ellen Guffey |
Business English Mary Ellen Guffey | Carolyn M. Seefer |
Business Enterprise in American History Mansel G. Blackford | K. Austin Kerr |
Business Ethics 2009 Update: Ethical Decision Making and Cases O. C. Ferrell | John Fraedrich | Linda Ferrell |
Business Ethics How to Design and Manage Ethical Organizations Dennis Collins |
Business Ethics Mistakes and Successes Robert F. Hartley |
Business Ethics William H. Shaw |
Business Ethics: A Textbook with Cases William H. Shaw |
Business Ethics: Case Studies and Selected Readings Marianne M. Jennings |
Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making & Cases O. C. Ferrell | John Fraedrich | Linda Ferrell |
Business Etiquette & Protocol: Professional Development Series Carol Bennett |
Business Finance Les Dlabay, Ed.D. | James L. Burrow |
Business Intelligence Rajiv Sabherwal |
Business Law and the Legal Environment, Standard Edition Jeffrey F. Beatty | Susan S. Samuelson |
Business Law and the Regulation of Business Richard A. Mann | Barry S. Roberts |
Business Law Today, Comprehensive: Text and Cases: Diverse, Ethical, Online, and Global Environment Roger LeRoy Miller |
Business Law Today, Standard Edition Roger LeRoy Miller | Gaylord A. Jentz |
Business Law Today, Standard Edition: Text and Summarized Cases--E-Commerce, Legal, Ethical and International Environment Roger LeRoy Miller | Gaylord A. Jentz |
Business Law Today, Standard: Text & Summarized Cases Roger LeRoy Miller |
Business Law Today: Comprehensive Roger LeRoy Miller | Gaylord A. Jentz |
Business Law Today: Comprehensive Roger Miller | Gaylord A. Jentz |
Business Law Today: Comprehensive: Text and Cases Roger LeRoy Miller | Gaylord A. Jentz |
Business Law Today: The Essentials Roger LeRoy Miller | Gaylord A. Jentz |
Business Law, Alternate Edition Gaylord A. Jentz | Roger LeRoy Miller | Frank B. Cross |
Business Law, Alternate Edition: Text and Summarized Cases Roger LeRoy Miller | Frank B. Cross |
Business Law: A Hands-On Approach Neal R. Bevans |
Business Law: Principles and Practices Arnold J. Goldman | William D. Sigismond |
Business Law: Principles for Today's Commercial Environment David P. Twomey | Marianne M. Jennings |
Business Law: Text and Cases Kenneth W. Clarkson | Roger LeRoy Miller | Gaylord A. Jentz | Frank B. Cross |
Business Law: Text and Cases: Legal, Ethical, Global, and Corporate Environment Kenneth W. Clarkson | Roger LeRoy Miller | Frank B. Cross |
Business Law: Text and Exercises Roger LeRoy Miller | William E. Hollowell |
Business Law: Texts and Cases Kenneth W. Clarkson | Roger Miller | Frank B. Cross |
Business Looseleaf Version William M. Pride | Robert J. Hughes | Jack R. Kapoor |
Business Marketing Management: B2B Michael D. Hutt | Thomas W. Speh |
Business Math Mary Hansen |
Business Math Robert Schultheis | Raymond Kaczmarski |
Business Math Using Excel Sharon Burton | Nelda Shelton |
Business Math Using Excel® Sharon Burton | Nelda Shelton |
Business Mathematics Richard N. Aufmann | Vernon C. Barker | Joanne S. Lockwood |
Business Organizations and Corporate Law Neal R. Bevans |
Business Planning And Control Integrating Accounting Strategy and People |
Business Principles and Management James L. Burrow | Brad Kleindl | Kenneth E. Everard |
Business Principles and Management, Anniversary Edition Kenneth E. Everard | James L. Burrow |
Business Protocol: Contemporary American Practice David Robinson |
Business Research Methods William G. Zikmund |
Business Research Methods William G. Zikmund | Barry J. Babin | Jon C. Carr | Mitch Griffin |
Business Skills Exercises Loretta Barker |
Business Statistics for Management and Economics Wayne W. Daniel | James C. Terrell |
Business William M. Pride | Robert J. Hughes | Jack R. Kapoor |
Business Writing: One Hour Workshop Carol Silvis |
Business, Library Edition William M. Pride | Robert J. Hughes | Jack R. Kapoor |
Business, Public Policy, and Society, 2e Lawrence M. Lesser |
Business: Its Legal, Ethical, and Global Environment Marianne M. Jennings |
BUSN 3 Marcella Kelly | Jim McGowen |
BUSN 4 Marcella Kelly | Jim McGowen |
BUSN 5 Marcella Kelly | Jim McGowen |
BUSN 6 Marcella Kelly | Jim McGowen | Chuck Williams |
BUSN 7 Marcella Kelly | Chuck Williams |
BUSN 8 Marcella Kelly | Chuck Williams |
Buyer's Guide: Tips for Puchasing a New Computer CourseNotes Course Technology |
By the Ages: Behavior & Development of Children Prebirth through 8 Lynn Marotz | Eileen K. Allen |
C Programming for the Absolute Beginner Michael Vine |
C# Game Programming: For Serious Game Creation Daniel Schuller |
C# Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design Barbara Doyle |
C++ BASICS Todd Knowlton |
C++ for Engineers and Scientists Gary J. Bronson |
C++ For Everyone, 2nd Edition Cay S. Horstmann |
C++ For Game Programmers Mike Dickheiser |
C++ Programming for the Absolute Beginner Dirk Henkemans | Mark Lee |
C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design D.S. Malik |
C++ Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures D.S. Malik |
C++ Programs to Accompany Programming Logic and Design Jo Ann Smith |
Cómo se dice...? Ana C. Jarvis |
Cómo se dice...? Ana C. Jarvis | Raquel Lebredo | Francisco Mena-Ayllón |
Cómo se dice...?, Enhanced Ana C. Jarvis | Raquel Lebredo | Francisco Mena-Ayllón |
Cómo se dice...?, Enhanced Edition Ana C. Jarvis | Raquel Lebredo | Francisco Mena-Ayllón |
Cables and Wiring John Cadick | AVO, Multi-Amp Institute |
Cajas de cartón Francisco Jiménez | Introduction by Luis Leal |
Cakewalk Synthesizers: From Presets to Power User Simon Cann |
CalcLabs with Mathematica for Single Variable Calculus Selwyn Hollis |
CalcLabs with Mathematica, MV Selwyn Hollis |
Calculator Applications for Business Sandra Yelverton |
Calculators: Printing and Display William R. Pasewark |
Calculus Concepts: An Applied Approach to the Mathematics of Change Donald R. LaTorre | John W. Kenelly | Iris B. Reed | Laurel R. Carpenter | Cynthia R. Harris | Sherry Biggers |
Calculus Concepts: An Applied Approach to the Mathematics of Change, Brief Edition Donald R. LaTorre | John W. Kenelly | Iris B. Reed | Laurel R. Carpenter | Cynthia R. Harris | Sherry Biggers |
Calculus Concepts: An Informal Approach to the Mathematics of Change Donald R. LaTorre | John W. Kenelly | Iris B. Reed | Laurel R. Carpenter | Cynthia R. Harris | Sherry Biggers |
Calculus Early Transcendentals Single Variable 9th Edition Howard Anton |
Calculus for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, Enhanced Review Edition Soo T. Tan |
Calculus I with Precalculus Ron Larson |
Calculus I with Precalculus Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler | Bruce H. Edwards |
Calculus I with Precalculus: A One-Year Course Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler | Bruce H. Edwards |
Calculus James Stewart |
Calculus Late Transcendentals, 10th Edition International Student Version Howard Anton |
Calculus Multivariable Ron Larson | Bruce H. Edwards |
Calculus Multivariable, International Student Version, 5th Edition William G. McGallum |
Calculus of a Single Variable Ron Larson | Bruce H. Edwards |
Calculus of a Single Variable Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler | Bruce H. Edwards |
Calculus of a Single Variable, Hybrid Ron Larson | Bruce H. Edwards |
Calculus of a Single Variable, Hybrid: Early Transcendental Functions Ron Larson | Bruce H. Edwards |
Calculus of a Single Variable: Early Transcendental Functions Ron Larson | Bruce H. Edwards |
Calculus of a Single Variable: Early Transcendental Functions Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler | Bruce H. Edwards |
Calculus Robert Ellis | Denny Gulick |
Calculus Ron Larson | Bruce H. Edwards |
Calculus Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler | Bruce H. Edwards |
Calculus Soo T. Tan |
Calculus with Concepts in Calculus Robert Ellis | Denny Gulick |
Calculus, Hybrid Edition James Stewart |
Calculus, Hybrid Ron Larson | Bruce H. Edwards |
Calculus, Hybrid: Early Transcendental Functions Ron Larson | Bruce H. Edwards |
Calculus: Alternate Edition James Stewart |
Calculus: An Applied Approach Ron Larson |
Calculus: An Applied Approach Ron Larson | Bruce H. Edwards |
Calculus: An Applied Approach, Enhanced Edition Ron Larson |
Calculus: An Applied Approach, Hybrid Ron Larson |
Calculus: Applications and Technology Edmond C. Tomastik |
Calculus: Concepts & Contexts, Hybrid James Stewart |
Calculus: Concepts and Contexts James Stewart |
Calculus: Concepts and Contexts, Enhanced Review Edition James Stewart |
Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions Ron Larson | Bruce H. Edwards |
Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler | Bruce H. Edwards |
Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions, Enhanced Edition Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler | Bruce H. Edwards |
Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions, Hybrid Ron Larson | Bruce H. Edwards |
Calculus: Early Transcendentals James Stewart |
Calculus: Early Transcendentals Soo T. Tan |
Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Alternate Edition James Stewart |
Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Hybrid Edition James Stewart |
Calculus: Early Vectors James Stewart |
CalDAG 2013: An Interpretive Manual and Checklist International Code Council (ICC) |
California Civil Litigation Susan Burnett Luten |
California Criminal Codes Cliff Roberson |
California Criminal Procedure Devallis Rutledge, Esq. |
California Edition Beginning Essentials in Early Childhood Education Ann Gordon | Kathryn Williams Browne |
California Estate Administration: Guide for the California Paralegal Zella Mack, CLAS |
California Government John L. Korey |
California Government Today: Politics of Reform Charles M. Price | Charles Bell |
California Politics and Government: A Practical Approach Larry N. Gerston | Terry Christensen |
California Politics and Government: A Practical Approach, Revised Larry N. Gerston | Terry Christensen |
California: Its Government and Politics Michael J. Ross |
California: Politics Of Diversity, Brief David G. Lawrence |
California: The Politics of Diversity David G. Lawrence |
California: The Politics of Diversity David G. Lawrence | Jeff Cummins |
Call and Response Reprint Hill |
Camden: Historical Archaeology in the South Carolina Backcountry Kenneth E. Lewis |
Camelot: A Role-Playing Simulation for Political Decision Making James Woodworth | W. Robert Gump | James R. Forrester |
Caminatas Video Manual Heinle |
CAMINATAS: Nivel intermedio Heinle |
Caminos Joy Renjilian-Burgy | Ana Beatriz Chiquito | Susan M. Mraz |
Campaign Planner for Integrated Brand Communications Shay Sayre |
CanÃcula: Imágenes de una niñez fronteriza Norma Elia Cantú |
Canine and Feline Behavior and Training: A Complete Guide to Understanding our Two Best Friends Linda P. Case |
Canon EOS 30D Guide to Digital SLR Photography David D. Busch |
Canon EOS 40D Guide to Digital Photography David D. Busch |
Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT Guide to Digital SLR Photography David D. Busch |
Canon EOS Digital Rebel XTi/400D Guide to Digital SLR Photography David D. Busch |
Capital Account: A Fund Manager Reports on a Turbulent Decade, 1993-2002 Edward Chancellor |
Capital Budgeting and Long-Term Financing Decisions Neil Seitz | Mitch Ellison |
Capstone Simulation for Coding Stacey Mosay, RHIA CCS-P CPC-H |
Cardiopulmonary Anatomy & Physiology Terry Des Jardins |
Cardiopulmonary Anatomy & Physiology: Essentials of Respiratory Care Terry Des Jardins |
Career Counseling and Development in a Global Economy Patricia Andersen | Michael Vandehey |
Career Counseling: A Holistic Approach Vernon G. Zunker |
Career Counseling: A Holistic Approach Vernon G. Zunker |
Career Excellence: The Pathways to Excellence Series Peter M. Hess |
Career Planning & Networking: Professional Development Series Aggie White |
Career Success in Nursing Lois Elain White |
Career Success: A Lifetime Investment Jerry Ryan | Roberta Ryan |
Careers in Anthropology Module Wadsworth |
Careers in Audio Jeff Touzeau |
Careers in Criminal Justice and Related Fields: From Internship to Promotion J. Scott Harr | Kären M. Hess |
Careers in Criminal Justice Web Site Wadsworth |
Careers in Health, Physical Education, and Sports Patricia A. Floyd | Beverly Allen |
Careers in Psychology: Opportunities in a Changing World Tara L. Kuther | Robert D. Morgan |
Caring for School Age Children Phyllis M. Click | Jennifer Parker |
Caring for School-Age Children Phyllis M. Click | Jennifer Parker |
Carpentry Floyd Vogt |
Carpentry Gaspar J. Lewis | Floyd Vogt |
Carper's Understanding the Law John A. McKinsey | Debra Burke |
Carrara 5 Pro Handbook Mike de la Flor |
Case Analysis and Fundamentals of Legal Writing William P. Statsky | R. John Wernet, Jr. |
Case Applications in Nursing Leadership and Management Karin A. Polifko-Harris |
Case Approach to Counseling and Psychotherapy Gerald Corey |
Case Documentation in Counseling and Psychotherapy: A Theory-Informed, Competency-Based Approach Diane R. Gehart |
Case Scenarios In Hospitality Supervision Peter Szende |
Case Studies for First-Year Experience Students John Riesen | John Szarlan | Suman Singha |
Case Studies for Health Information Management Charlotte McCuen | Nanette B. Sayles | Patricia Schnering |
Case Studies for Health Information Management Patricia Schnering | Nanette B. Sayles | Charlotte McCuen |
Case Studies for Medical Assisting Kathryn Kalanick |
Case Studies for the Emergency Responder: Psychosocial, Ethical and Leadership Dimensions S. Joseph Woodall | Jeff Thomas |
Case Studies in Abnormal Psychology, 9th Edition Thomas F.Oltsmann |
Case Studies in Child, Adolescent, and Family Treatment Craig W. LeCroy | Janice M. Daley |
Case Studies in Generalist Practice Robert F. Rivas | Grafton H. Hull, Jr. |
Case Studies in Psychotherapy Danny Wedding | Raymond J. Corsini |
Casebook for Abnormal Psychology Clark R. Clipson | Jocelyn M. Steer |
Casebook in Abnormal Psychology Timothy A. Brown | David H. Barlow |
Casebook in Child and Adolescent Treatment: Cultural and Familial Contexts Faith H. McClure | Edward Teyber |
Casebook in Child Behavior Disorders Christopher Kearney |
Casebook in Family Therapy David M. Lawson | Frances Prevatt |
Casebook of Psychological Consultation and Collaboration in School and Community Settings A. Michael Dougherty |
CaseGrader: Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Casebook with Autograding Technology Thad Crews | Chip Murphy |
Cases and Applications in Non-Profit Management Robert T. Golembiewski | Jerry G. Stevenson |
Cases in Communications Law John Zelezny |
Cases in Consumer Behavior Houghton Mifflin Company |
Cases in Cost Management: A Strategic Emphasis John K. Shank |
Cases in Financial Management Eugene F. Brigham | Chris Buzzard |
Cases in Financial Reporting Michael J. Sandretto |
Cases in Hospitality Management A Critical Incident Approach, 2nd Edition Timothy R. Hinkin |
Cases in Human Resources Management Steven Austin Stovall |
Cases in Organization Development Robert T. Golembiewski | Glenn H. Varney |
Cases in Public Human Resource Management T. Zane Reeves |
Cases in Strategic Management Charles W. L. Hill | Gareth R. Jones |
Cases in Strategic Management, Annual Update Charles W. L. Hill | Gareth R. Jones |
Cases in Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach Charles W. L. Hill | Gareth R. Jones |
Cases on Public Law and Public Administration Phillip J. Cooper |
Cash Tracks: Compose, Produce, and Sell Your Original Soundtrack Music and Jingles Jeffrey P. Fisher |
Casino Operations Management, 2nd Edition Jim kilby |
Catering A Guide to Managing a Successful Business Operation Bruce mattel |
Catering Management, 4th Edition Nancy Loman Scalcon |
Catering, Sales and Convention Services Ahmed Ismail |
CB 2 Barry J. Babin | Eric Harris |
CB 3 Barry J. Babin | Eric Harris |
CB 5 Barry J. Babin | Eric Harris |
CB 6 Barry J. Babin | Eric Harris |
CB 7 Barry J. Babin | Eric Harris |
CB4 Barry J. Babin | Eric Harris |
CCNA Guide to Cisco Networking Fundamentals Kelly Cannon | Kelly Caudle | Anthony V. Chiarella |
CCNA Guide to Cisco Networking Kelly Cannon | Kelly Caudle |
CCNA Self Study Guide: Routing & Switching Exam 640-801 Anthony V. Chiarella |
CDEV Spencer A. Rathus |
CDL Test Preparation Guide: Everything You Need to Know Alice Adams |
CD-ROM and Workbook for Crisis Intervention, Revised Version Rick A. Myer | Richard Keith James |
Cell Biology, 6th Edition, International Student Version Gerald Karp |
Cell Biology, 7th Edition International Student Version Gerald Karp |
Celluloid Mirrors: Hollywood and American Society Since 1945 Ronald L. Davis |
Cengage Advantage Books: A Creative Approach to Music Fundamentals William Duckworth |
Cengage Advantage Books: A History in the United States, Volume I: To 1877 Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
Cengage Advantage Books: A History in the United States, Volume II: Since 1865 Edward L. Ayers | Lewis L. Gould | David M. Oshinsky | Jean R. Soderlund |
Cengage Advantage Books: A History of the United States, Volume II: Since 1865 Mary Beth Norton | Jane Kamensky | Carol Sheriff | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey |
Cengage Advantage Books: A People and a Nation: A History of the United States Mary Beth Norton | Carol Sheriff | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey |
Cengage Advantage Books: A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Dolphin Edition Mary Beth Norton | Carol Sheriff | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey |
Cengage Advantage Books: A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Volume I Mary Beth Norton | Carol Sheriff | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey |
Cengage Advantage Books: A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Volume I Mary Beth Norton | Carol Sheriff | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey |
Cengage Advantage Books: A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Volume I to 1877 Mary Beth Norton | Jane Kamensky | Carol Sheriff | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey |
Cengage Advantage Books: A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Volume II Mary Beth Norton | Carol Sheriff | David M. Katzman | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey |
Cengage Advantage Books: A People and a Nation: A History of the United States, Volume II Mary Beth Norton | Carol Sheriff | David W. Blight | Howard P. Chudacoff | Fredrik Logevall | Beth Bailey |
Cengage Advantage Books: A Pocketful of Essays: Volume I, Rhetorically Arranged, Revised Edition David Madden |
Cengage Advantage Books: A Pocketful of Essays: Volume II, Thematically Arranged, Revised Edition David Madden |
Cengage Advantage Books: A Pocketful of Plays: Vintage Drama, Volume I, Revised Edition David Madden |
Cengage Advantage Books: A Pocketful of Poems: Vintage Verse, Volume I, Revised Edition David Madden |
Cengage Advantage Books: A Pocketful of Prose: Contemporary Short Fiction, Revised Edition David Madden |
Cengage Advantage Books: A Pocketful of Prose: Vintage Short Fiction, Volume I, Revised Edition David Madden |
Cengage Advantage Books: A Pocketful of Prose: Vintage Short Fiction, Volume II, Revised Edition David Madden |
Cengage Advantage Books: A Primer for Management Michael P. Dumler | Steven J. Skinner |
Cengage Advantage Books: ¡Hola, amigos! Worktext Volume 1 Ana C. Jarvis | Raquel Lebredo | Francisco Mena-Ayllón |
Cengage Advantage Books: ¡Hola, amigos! Worktext Volume 2 Ana C. Jarvis | Raquel Lebredo | Francisco Mena-Ayllón |
Cengage Advantage Books: Abnormal Psychology and Life: A Dimensional Approach Christopher Kearney | Timothy Trull |
Cengage Advantage Books: American Government and Politics Today, Brief Edition, 2004-2005 (with InfoTrac), 3rd Steffen W. Schmidt | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Barbara A. Bardes |
Cengage Advantage Books: American Government and Politics Today, Brief Edition, 2006-2007 Steffen W. Schmidt | Mack C. Shelley, II. | Barbara A. Bardes |
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Chemistry, Hybrid Edition Kenneth W. Whitten | Raymond E. Davis | Larry Peck | George G. Stanley |
Chemistry, Hybrid Edition Steven S. Zumdahl | Susan A. Zumdahl |
Chemistry: An Atoms First Approach Steven S. Zumdahl | Susan A. Zumdahl |
Chemistry: Media Enhanced Edition Steven S. Zumdahl | Susan A. Zumdahl |
Chemistry: Principles and Practice Daniel L. Reger | Scott R. Goode | David W. Ball |
Chemistry: Principles and Reactions William L. Masterton | Cecile N. Hurley |
Chemistry: Principles and Reactions William L. Masterton | Cecile N. Hurley | Edward Neth |
Chemistry: Science of Change David W. Oxtoby |
Chemistry: The Molecular Science John W. Moore | Conrad L. Stanitski |
Chemistry: The Molecular Science John W. Moore | Conrad L. Stanitski | Peter C. Jurs |
Chemistry: The Molecular Science, Hybrid Edition John W. Moore | Conrad L. Stanitski |
Chief Red Fox Is Dead: A History of Native Americans, Since 1945 James J. Rawls |
Child Abuse and the Legal System Inger Sagatun | Leonard Edwards |
Child and Adolescent Development in Your Classroom Christi Crosby Bergin | David Allen Bergin |
Child and Adolescent Development Kelvin L. Seifert | Robert J. Hoffnung |
Child and Adolescent Development: A Chronological Approach Danuta Bukatko |
Child and Adolescent Development: An Integrated Approach David F. Bjorklund | Carlos Hernández Blasi |
Child Development: A Thematic Approach Danuta Bukatko | Marvin W. Daehler |
Child Psychology Development in a Changing Society, 5th Edition Robin Harwood |
Child Welfare: Policies and Best Practices Jannah Mather | Patricia B. Lager | Norma J. Harris |
Child, Family, School, Community: Socialization and Support Roberta M. Berns |
Childhood and Adolescence: Voyages in Development Spencer A. Rathus |
Childhood Apraxia of Speech Resource Guide Shelley Velleman, Ph.D. |
Childhood Sexual Abuse: Developmental Effects Across The Lifespan Felicia Ferrara |
Childhood: Voyages in Development Spencer A. Rathus |
Children and Their Art: Art Education for Elementary and Middle Schools Michael Day | Al Hurwitz |
Children and Their Art: Methods for the Elementary School Al Hurwitz | Michael Day |
Children and Their World David A. Welton |
Children With Special Needs in Early Childhood Settings Carol L. Paasche | Lola Gorrill | Bev Strom |
Childrens Literature A Developmental Perspective, 1st Edition Barbara E. Travers |
Children's Thinking David F. Bjorklund |
Children's Thinking: Cognitive Development and Individual Differences David F. Bjorklund |
Child's Rights Re-Visioned Rosalind Ekman Ladd |
China: A Cultural, Social, and Political History Patricia Buckley Ebrey |
China's Urban Villagers: Changing Life in a Beijing Suburb Norman A. Chance |
Chinatown: Economic Adaptation and Ethnic Identity of the Chinese Bernard P. Wong |
Chinese Religion: An Introduction Laurence G. Thompson |
Chinese Way in Religion Jordan Paper | Laurence G. Thompson |
Chip Design for Submicron VLSI: CMOS Layout and Simulation John P. Uyemura |
Chiseled in Sand: Perspectives on Change in Human Service Organizations Robert Cohen | Jessye Cohen |
Chocolates and Confections Formula, Theory, and Technique for the Artisan Confectioner Peter P. Greweling, 2nd edition |
Choice & Chance: An Introduction to Inductive Logic Brian Skyrms |
Choices in Relationships: An Introduction to Marriage and the Family David Knox, Ph.D. | Caroline Schacht, M.A. |
Choices in Relationships: Introduction to Marriage and Family David Knox, Ph.D. | Caroline Schacht, M.A. |
Choices in Relationships: Introduction to Marriage and the Family David Knox, Ph.D. | Caroline Schacht, M.A. |
Choices in Sexuality Susan McCammon | David Knox | Caroline Schacht |
Choral Concepts: A Text for Conductors Donald Neuen |
Choral Music Methods and Materials: Developing Successful Choral Programs Barbara A. Brinson |
Choral Music: Methods and Materials Barbara A. Brinson | Steven M. Demorest |
Christian History Alister E. Mc Grawth |
Christian History Alister E. Mcgrawth |
Christian Theology An Introduction, 5th Edition Aliser E. Mcgrawth |
Ciao! Carla Federici | Carla Larese Riga |
Ciao! Carla Larese Riga |
Ciao! Carla Larese Riga | Chiara Maria Dal Martello |
Ciao! Carla Larese Riga | Irene Phillips |
Ciao! Video Update Carla Larese Riga | Chiara Maria Dal Martello |
Ciao!, Enhanced Carla Larese Riga |
Cinco Maestros: Cuentos modernos de Hispanoamérica Alexander Coleman |
Cinemetrics Architectural drawing today Brian McGrawth |
Cioffari's Experiments in College Physics Dean S. Edmonds, Jr. |
Circuit Analysis with Devices: Theory and Practice Allan H. Robbins | Leo Chartrand | Wilhelm C. Miller |
Circuit Analysis: Theory and Practice Allan H. Robbins | Wilhelm C. Miller |
Cisco CCNA Self Study Guide: Routing and Switching Exam 640-607 Anthony V. Chiarella |
CISSP Guide to Security Essentials Peter H. Gregory |
Cities, Change, and Conflict Nancy Kleniewski | Alexander R. Thomas |
Cities, Change, and Conflict: A Political Economy of Urban Life Nancy Kleniewski |
Civil Disobedience: A Wadsworth Casebook in Argument Sharon K. Walsh | Evelyn D. Asch |
Civil Drafting for the Engineering Technician Gerald Baker |
Civil Interviewing and Investigation for Paralegals Cynthia Bandry Schroeder |
Civil Litigation For Paralegals Elizabeth Richardson | Milton Regan, Jr. |
Civil Litigation Peggy Kerley | Janis L. Walter | Joanne Banker Hames, J.D. | Paul Sukys, J.D., Ph.D. |
Civil Litigation Peggy Kerley | Joanne Banker Hames | Paul Sukys, J.D, Ph.D. |
Civil Litigation Peggy Kerley | Joanne Banker Hames, J.D. | Paul Sukys, J.D., Ph.D. |
Civil War Era: Historical Viewpoints Eugene H. Berwanger |
Civilización y cultura: Intermediate Spanish Lynn A. Sandstedt | Ralph Kite | John G. Copeland |
Civilización y cultura: Intermediate Spanish Series Lynn A. Sandstedt | Ralph Kite | John G. Copeland |
Civilizacion y cultura Lynn A. Sandstedt | Ralph Kite |
Civilizacion y cultura Lynn A. Sandstedt | Ralph Kite | John G. Copeland |
CJ 3 Larry K. Gaines | Roger Miller |
CJ Larry K. Gaines | Roger LeRoy Miller |
CJ2 Larry K. Gaines | Roger LeRoy Miller |
CJUS Laura Myers | Larry Myers | Joel Samaha |
CLA Review Manual: A Practical Guide to CLA Exam Preparation Virginia Koerselman Newman, J.D. |
CLA/CP Study Guide and Mock Examination NALA |
Claiming Your Victories: A Concise Guide to College Success Linda Stevens Hjorth |
CLASS: College Learning and Study Skills Debbie G. Longman | Rhonda Holt Atkinson |
Classic and Contemporary Readings in Physical Anthropology Mary K. Sandford |
Classic Ideas and Current Issues in American Government John J. DiIulio, Jr. | Meena Bose |
Classic Readings and Contemporary Debates in International Relations Phil Williams | Donald M. Goldstein | Jay M. Shafritz |
Classic Readings in American Politics Pietro Nivola | David Rosenbloom |
Classic Readings in Cultural Anthropology Gary Ferraro |
Classic Readings in Organizational Behavior J. Steven Ott | Sandra J. Parkes | Richard B. Simpson |
Classic Readings in Sociology Eve L. Howard |
Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems Stephen T. Thornton | Jerry B. Marion |
Classical Mechanics From Newton to Einstein A Modern Introduction 2nd Edition Martin W. M call |
Classical Sociological Theory: A Positivist Perspective Jonathan H. Turner |
Classical Sociological Theory: Rediscovering the Promise of Sociology Glenn A. Goodwin | Joseph A. Scimecca |
Classics in American Government Jay M. Shafritz | Lee S. Weinberg |
Classics of Modern Fiction Irving Howe |
Classics of Organization Theory Jay Shafritz | J. Steven Ott | Yong Suk Jang |
Classics of Public Administration Jay M. Shafritz | Albert C. Hyde |
Classics of Public Administration Jay M. Shafritz | Albert C. Hyde | Sandra J. Parkes |
Classics of Public Personnel Policy Frank J. Thompson |
Classics of Western Thought Series: Middle Ages, Renaissance and Reformation, Volume II Karl F. Thompson (Editor) |
Classics of Western Thought Series: The Ancient World, Volume I Donald S. Gochberg (Editor) |
Classics of Western Thought Series: The Modern World, Volume III Edgar F. Knoebel (Editor) |
Classroom Assessment of Reading Processes Rebecca Swearingen | Diane Allen |
Classroom Management Creating a Successful K-12 Learning Community, 5th Edition Paul Burden |
Classroom Management Strategies Gaining and Maintaining Students' Cooperation, 7th Edition James S. Congelosi |
Classroom Teaching Skills James M. Cooper |
Classroom Teaching Skills James M. Cooper | Susan R. Goldman | Kimberly Lawless | Mary S. Leighton | Greta G. Morine-Dershimer | James W. Pellegrino | Bob Plants | David Sadker | Myra Sadker | Robert Shostak | Terry D. TenBrink | Carol Ann Tomlinson | Wilford A. Weber |
Classroom Teaching Skills James M. Cooper | Susan R. Goldman | Susan M. Williams | Robert D. Sherwood | Mary S. Leighton | Greta G. Morine-Dershimer | David Sadker | Myra Sadker | Robert Shostak | Terry D. TenBrink | Carol Ann Tomlinson | Wilford A. Weber |
Clearing Concepts: A Guide to Acne Treatment Mark Lees |
Clearly Visual Basic: Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 Diane Zak |
Clearly Visual Basic: Programming with Microsoft® Visual Basic 2010 Diane Zak |
Clearly Visual Basic®: Programming with Microsoft® Visual Basic® 2012 Diane Zak |
Cleft Palate & Craniofacial Anomalies: Effects on Speech and Resonance Ann W. Kummer |
Clerical and Data Management for the Pharmacy Technician Linda Quiett |
Client-Centered Care for Clinical Medical Assisting Victoria R. Koprucki |
Clinical Anatomy & Physiology of the Swallow Mechanism Kim Corbin-Lewis, Ph.D., CCC-SLP | Julie M. Liss, Ph.D., CCC-SLP |
Clinical Anatomy & Physiology of the Swallow Mechanism Kim Corbin-Lewis, Ph.D., CCC-SLP | Julie M. Liss, Ph.D., CCC-SLP | Kellie Sciortino, Ph.D. |
Clinical Application of Mechanical Ventilation David W. Chang |
Clinical Assessment Workbook: Balancing Strengths and Differential Diagnosis Elizabeth Pomeroy |
Clinical Audiology: An Introduction Brad A. Stach, Ph.D. |
Clinical Calculations: A Unified Approach Joanne M. Daniels | Loretta M. Smith |
Clinical Case Management with Persons Having Mental Illness Joseph Walsh |
Clinical Companion for Assessment of the Older Adult Cora Zembrzuski, RN, MSN, CS, PhDc. |
Clinical Companion for Pediatric Nursing Bonita E. Broyles |
Clinical Decision Making Case Studies in Med Surge, Pharmacology and Psychiatric Nursing Gina M. Ankner | Hyacinth C. Martin | Betty K. Richardson |
Clinical Decision Making in Fluency Disorders Walter H. Manning, Ph.D. |
Clinical Decision Making Jennifer L. Theis |
Clinical Decision Making: Case Studies in Maternity and Pediatric Nursing Diann S. Gregory | Bonita Broyles |
Clinical Decision Making: Case Studies in Medical-Surgical Nursing Gina M. Ankner |
Clinical Decision Making: Case Studies in Pharmacology Hyacinth C. Martin |
Clinical Decision Making: Case Studies in Psychiatric Nursing Betty Kehl Richardson |
Clinical Ethics Casebook Peter Horn |
Clinical Medical Assisting: A Professional, Field Smart Approach to the Workplace Michelle Heller, CMA (AAMA), RMA | Lynette Veach, MLT (ASCP) |
Clinical Nutrition Case Studies Wayne Billon |
Clinical Practice with Adolescents David G. Martin |
Clinical Psychology Timothy Trull |
Clinical Psychology Timothy Trull | Mitch Prinstein |
Clinical Research in Occupational Therapy Martin Rice | Susan K. Cutler |
Clinical Rotations Lois Thomson | Cathy Trocquet |
Clinical Social Work: Beyond Generalist Practice with Individuals, Groups and Families Lambert Maguire |
Clinical Supervision: Theory and Practice Lori Ann Russell-Chapin Ph.D | Ted Chapin, Ph.D. |
Clinical Supervision: What to Do and How to Do It Robert I. Cohen |
Close Relationships Susan Hendrick |
Close-ups of the Past: Western Civilization in Case Studies Volume I: Ancient Civilization Gavin Lewis |
CMPTR 2 Katherine T. Pinard | Robin M. Romer |
CMPTR Katherine T. Pinard | Robin M. Romer |
CNA Career Ladder Made Easy Karl Pillemer, Ph.D. | Rhoda Meador | Richard Hoffman | Martin Schumacher |
CNA Mentoring Made Easy Karl Pillemer, Ph.D. | Rhoda Meador | Richard Hoffman | Martin Schumacher |
CNA Mentoring Made Easy Karl Pillemer, Ph.D. |
CNC Programming Principles and Applications Mike Mattson |
CNC Programming: Principles and Applications Mike Mattson |
CNC: A First Look Primer William Luggen |
Coasters, Etc. Maureen L. Margolies |
Code Basics Series: 2009 International Fire Code International Code Council (ICC) |
Code Source Accessibility: Codes, Standards, and Guidelines International Code Council (ICC) | Dominic Marinelli |
Code Source: 2009 International Fire Code International Code Council (ICC) | Don Smith |
Code Source: 2012 Energy Conservation Code International Code Council (ICC) | Donald J. Sivigny |
Coder's Desk Reference for Diagnoses 2010 Ingenix |
Coders' Desk Reference for Diagnoses 2012 Ingenix |
Coder's Desk Reference for HCPCS 2010 Ingenix |
Coder's Desk Reference for HCPCS 2011 Ingenix |
Coders' Desk Reference for HCPCS Level II, 2015 Optum |
Coder's Desk Reference for ICD-9-CM Procedures 2011 Ingenix |
Coder's Desk Reference for Pediatric Diagnoses 2011 Ingenix |
Coder's Desk Reference for Procedure Optum |
Coders' Desk Reference for Procedures - 2014 Optum |
Coder's Desk Reference for Procedures 2010 Ingenix |
Coder's Desk Reference for Procedures 2011 Ingenix |
Coders' Desk Reference for Procedures 2013 Ingenix |
Coder's Dictionary 2010 Ingenix |
Coder's Dictionary 2011 Ingenix |
Coders' Dictionary 2013 Ingenix |
Coders' Dictionary, 2015 Optum |
Coders’ Desk Reference for Cardiology Diagnoses 2010 Ingenix |
Coders’ Desk Reference for Diagnoses — 2014 Optum |
Coders’ Desk Reference for HCPCS 2012 Ingenix |
Coders’ Desk Reference for HCPCS — 2013 Ingenix |
Coders’ Desk Reference for HCPCS — 2014 Optum |
Coders’ Desk Reference for ICD-9-CM Procedures 2012 Ingenix |
Coders’ Desk Reference for ICD-9-CM Procedures — 2013 Ingenix |
Coders’ Desk Reference for ICD-9-CM Procedures — 2014 Optum |
Coders’ Desk Reference for Pediatric Diagnoses 2010 Ingenix |
Coders’ Desk Reference for Procedures 2012 Ingenix |
Coders’ Dictionary 2012 Ingenix |
Coders’ Dictionary — 2014 Optum |
Codigo International de Conservacion de Energia 2006 International Code Council (ICC) |
Coding & Payment Guide for Chiropractic Services 2012 Ingenix |
Coding and Payment Guide for Chiropractic Services - 2013 Ingenix |
Coding and Payment Guide for Chiropractic Services 2010 Ingenix |
Coding and Payment Guide for Chiropractic Services 2011 Ingenix |
Coding and Payment Guide for Chiropractic Services — 2014 Optum |
Coding Basics: Medical Billing and Reimbursement Fundamentals Cynthia Richards |
Coding Basics: Understanding Medical Collections Michelle M. Rimmer, CHI |
Coding Case Studies Workbook Gail Smith |
Coding Companion for Pediatrics - 2014 Optum |
Coding Companion for Pediatrics 2013 Ingenix |
Coding Companion for Pediatrics 2015 Optum |
Coding for Medical Necessity in the Physician's Office Deborah Kelly-Farwell | Cecile Favreau |
Coding from the Operative Report for ICD-10-CM and PCS, 2015 Optum |
Coding Surgical Procedures: Beyond the Basics Gail I. Smith |
Coffman's Method of Conduit Bending Ronald S. Coffman |
CogLab on a CD, 3rd Greg Francis | Ian Neath |
CogLab on a CD, Version 2.0 Greg Francis | Ian Neath |
CogLab Online Version 2.0 Greg Francis | Ian Neath |
CogLab Reader Aimee Surprenant | Greg Francis | Ian Neath |
Cognition, 1st Edition Douglas Whitman |
Cognition, 6th Edition Margeret W. Maltin |
Cognition: Theories and Applications Stephen K. Reed |
Cognition: Theory and Applications Stephen K. Reed |
Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuropsychology Marie T. Banich |
Cognitive Neuroscience Marie T. Banich | Rebecca J. Compton |
Cognitive Psychology David G. Payne | Michael J. Wenger |
Cognitive Psychology Jim Juola |
Cognitive Psychology Robert J. Sternberg |
Cognitive Psychology: Connecting Mind, Research and Everyday Experience E. Bruce Goldstein |
Collaborative Online Game Creation Nanu Swamy | Naveena Aswadhati |
College Accounting, Chapter 1-9 Douglas J. McQuaig | Patricia A. Bille |
College Accounting, Chapters 1-12 Douglas J. McQuaig | Patricia A. Bille | Tracie L. Nobles |
College Accounting, Chapters 1-12 Tracie L. Nobles | Cathy J. Scott | Douglas J. McQuaig | Patricia A. Bille |
College Accounting, Chapters 1-13 Douglas J. McQuaig | Patricia A. Bille |
College Accounting, Chapters 1-15 James A. Heintz | Robert W. Parry |
College Accounting, Chapters 1-24 Douglas J. McQuaig | Patricia A. Bille | Tracie L. Nobles |
College Accounting, Chapters 1-24 Tracie L. Nobles | Cathy J. Scott | Douglas J. McQuaig | Patricia A. Bille |
College Accounting, Chapters 1-26 Complete Douglas J. McQuaig | Patricia A. Bille |
College Accounting, Chapters 1-26 Douglas J. McQuaig | Patricia A. Bille |
College Accounting, Chapters 1-27 James A. Heintz | Robert W. Parry |
College Accounting, Chapters 1-29 James A. Heintz | Robert W. Parry |
College Accounting, Chapters 1-9 James A. Heintz | Robert W. Parry |
College Accounting: A Career Approach Cathy J. Scott |
College Algebra and Calculus: An Applied Approach Ron Larson | Anne V. Hodgkins |
College Algebra and Trigonometry Richard N. Aufmann | Vernon C. Barker | Richard D. Nation |
College Algebra and Trigonometry: A Contemporary Approach David Dwyer | Mark Gruenwald |
College Algebra David Cohen |
College Algebra James Stewart | Lothar Redlin | Saleem Watson |
College Algebra Jerome E. Kaufmann | Karen L. Schwitters |
College Algebra R. David Gustafson | Jeff Hughes |
College Algebra R. David Gustafson | Peter D. Frisk |
College Algebra R. David Gustafson | Peter D. Frisk | Jeff Hughes |
College Algebra Richard N. Aufmann | Richard D. Nation |
College Algebra Richard N. Aufmann | Vernon C. Barker | Richard D. Nation |
College Algebra Ron Larson |
College Algebra Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler |
College Algebra with Applications for Business and Life Sciences Ron Larson | Anne V. Hodgkins |
College Algebra with Applications for Business and Life Sciences, Enhanced Edition Ron Larson | Anne V. Hodgkins |
College Algebra, 2nd Edition Cynthia Y. young |
College Algebra, Hybrid Edition Ron Larson |
College Algebra, Hybrid James Stewart | Lothar Redlin | Saleem Watson |
College Algebra: A Concise Course Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler | Anne V. Hodgkins |
College Algebra: A Contemporary Approach David Dwyer | Mark Gruenwald |
College Algebra: A Graphing Approach Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler | Bruce H. Edwards |
College Algebra: A Graphing Approach, Enhanced Edition Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler | Bruce H. Edwards |
College Algebra: A Make it Real Approach Frank Wilson | Scott L. Adamson | Trey Cox | Alan E. O'Bryan |
College Algebra: Concepts and Contexts James Stewart | Lothar Redlin | Saleem Watson | Phyllis Panman |
College Algebra: Concepts and Models Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler | Anne V. Hodgkins |
College Algebra: Concepts and Models Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler | Bruce H. Edwards |
College Algebra: Enhanced Edition Richard N. Aufmann | Vernon C. Barker | Richard D. Nation |
College Algebra: Real Mathematics, Real People Ron Larson |
College Algebra: Understanding Functions, A Graphing Approach Arthur Goodman | Lewis R. Hirsch |
College Algebra: Visualizing and Determining Solutions Elaine Hubbard | Ronald D. Robinson |
College Apps: Selecting, Applying to, and Paying for the Right College for You Trish Portnoy |
College Geometry Using the Geometer's Sketchpad Reynolds |
College Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences Soo T. Tan |
College Physics Raymond A. Serway | Chris Vuille |
College Physics Raymond A. Serway | Jerry S. Faughn | Chris Vuille |
College Physics Vol. 2 Raymond A. Serway | Jerry S. Faughn | Chris Vuille |
College Physics, Hybrid Nicholas Giordano |
College Physics, Hybrid Raymond A. Serway | Chris Vuille |
College Physics, Volume 1 Nicholas Giordano |
College Physics, Volume 1 Raymond A. Serway | Chris Vuille |
College Physics, Volume 1 Raymond A. Serway | Jerry S. Faughn | Chris Vuille |
College Physics, Volume 2 Nicholas Giordano |
College Physics, Volume 2 Raymond A. Serway | Chris Vuille |
College Physics: Reasoning and Relationships Nicholas Giordano |
College Reading and Study Strategies Dianna L. Van Blerkom | Patricia I. Mulcahy-Ernt |
College Reading with the Active Critical Thinking Method: Book 1 Janet Maker | Minnette Lenier |
College Reading with the Active Critical Thinking Method: Book 2 Janet Maker | Minnette Lenier |
College Reading: The Science and Strategies of Expert Readers Janet Nay Zadina | Rita Smilkstein | Deborah Daiek | Nancy Anter |
College Spelling Skills James F. Shepherd |
College Study Skills: Becoming a Strategic Learner Dianna L. Van Blerkom |
College Success Factors Index v2.0 with Early Alert Edmond Hallberg | Kaylene Hallberg |
College Success Planner 2012-2013 Cengage Learning |
College Success Planner 2013-2014 Cengage Learning |
College Success Planner 2014-2015 Cengage Learning |
College Trigonometry Richard N. Aufmann | Vernon C. Barker | Richard D. Nation |
College Vocabulary Building Devern J. Perry |
College Vocabulary Skills James F. Shepherd |
College Writing Basics: A Student-Writing Approach Thomas E. Tyner |
Collision Repair and Refinishing: A Foundation Course for Technicians Alfred Thomas | Michael Jund |
Collision Repair Fundamentals James E. Duffy |
Color Basics Stephen Pentak | Richard Roth |
Color Choreography: Foundational Studies, Investigations, and Discourses in Color Theory Alan Burner |
Color Coded EZ Tabs for the 2011 National Electrical Code® John Riley |
Color Coded EZ Tabs for the 2014 National Electrical Code® John Riley |
Color Grading with Media Composer and Symphony 6 Bryan Castle, Jr. |
Color of Bureaucracy: The Politics of Equity in Multicultural School Communities Colleen L. Larson | Carlos J. Ovando |
Coming of Age Michael Schaller | Virginia Scharff | Robert D. Schulzinger |
COMM 2 Rudolph F. Verderber | Kathleen S. Verderber | Deanna D. Sellnow |
COMM 3 Rudolph F. Verderber | Kathleen S. Verderber | Deanna D. Sellnow |
COMM Rudolph F. Verderber | Kathleen S. Verderber | Deanna D. Sellnow |
Command 1A: Command Operations for the Company Officer, California Edition James Angle | David Harlow | William Lombardo | Craig Maciuba | Michael Gala, Jr. |
Commands Guide Tutorial For Solidworks 2008 David Planchard | Marie Planchard |
Commercial Banking The Management of Risk, 3rd Edition Benton E. gup |
Commercial Drafting And Detailing Alan Jefferis |
Commercial Drafting and Detailing Alan Jefferis | Kenneth D. Smith |
Commercial Refrigeration for Air Conditioning Technicians Dick Wirz |
Commercial Refrigeration: For Air Conditioning Technicians Dick Wirz |
Commercial Trucking Bilingual Dictionary: English/Spanish Maria Moya |
Common Code Violations Lynn Underwood |
Common Sense Conduit Bending and Cable Tray Techniques James G. Simpson |
Communicate! Kathleen S. Verderber | Rudolph F. Verderber | Deanna D. Sellnow |
Communicate! Rudolph F. Verderber | Kathleen S. Verderber |
Communicate! Rudolph F. Verderber | Kathleen S. Verderber | Deanna D. Sellnow |
Communicating for Results: A Guide for Business and the Professions Cheryl Hamilton |
Communicating for Success Janet Hyden | Ann Jordan | Mary Helen Steinauer |
Communicating in Groups and Teams: Sharing Leadership Gay Lumsden | Donald Lumsden |
Communicating in Groups and Teams: Sharing Leadership Gay Lumsden | Donald Lumsden | Carolyn Wiethoff |
Communicating in Professional Contexts: Skills, Ethics, and Technologies H.L. Goodall, Jr. | Sandra Goodall |
Communicating in the 21st Century, 3rd Edition Baden Eunson |
Communicating in the Agriculture Industry Russell A. Graves |
Communication and Auditing: A Step-by-Step Guide Melanie McKay, Ph.D. | Elizabeth Rosa, MBA, CPA, CMA |
Communication and Swallowing Management of Tracheostomized and Ventilator Dependent Adults Karen J. Dikeman, M.A. | Marta S. Kazandjian |
Communication Between Cultures Larry A. Samovar | Richard E. Porter | Edwin R. McDaniel |
Communication Between Cultures Larry A. Samovar | Richard E. Porter | Edwin R. McDaniel | Carolyn S. Roy |
Communication in Action Dorothy Grant Hennings |
Communication in Our Lives Julia T. Wood |
Communication in Small Groups: Theory, Process, and Skills John F. Cragan | David W. Wright | Chris R. Kasch |
Communication Intervention: Birth to Three Louis M. Rossetti, Ph.D. |
Communication Mosaics: An Introduction to the Field of Communication Julia T. Wood |
Communication Research: Strategies and Sources Rebecca B. Rubin | Alan M. Rubin | Linda J. Piele |
Communication Research: Strategies and Sources Rebecca B. Rubin | Alan M. Rubin | Paul M. Haridakis |
Communication Sciences Student Survival Guide NSSLHA |
Communication Skills for the Processing of Words Roseanne Reiff |
Communication Skills in Helping Relationships Vonda Olson Long |
Communication Systems, 5th Edition International Student Version Simon Haykin |
Communication Theories in Action: An Introduction Julia T. Wood |
Communications Law: Liberties, Restraints, and the Modern Media John D. Zelezny |
Community Corrections: Current Perspectives from InfoTrac® Wadsworth | Ann Short |
Community Counseling: A Multicultural-Social Justice Perspective Judith A. Lewis | Michael D. Lewis | Judy A. Daniels | Michael J. D'Andrea |
Community Counseling: Empowerment Strategies for a Diverse Society Judith A. Lewis | Michael D. Lewis | Judy A. Daniels | Michael J. D'Andrea |
Community Health Nursing: A Practical Guide Patricia Carroll |
Community Health Nursing: Caring in Action Janice Hitchcock, RN, DNSC | Phyllis E. Schubert | Sue A. Thomas |
Community Justice Todd R. Clear | Eric Cadora |
Community Nursing in Australia 2nd Edition Debbie Kralic |
Community Nutrition in Action: An Entrepreneurial Approach Marie A. Boyle | David H. Holben |
Community Policing: Can It Work? Wesley G. Skogan |
Community Policing: Partnerships for Problem Solving Linda S. Miller | Kären M. Hess |
Community Policing: Partnerships for Problem Solving Linda S. Miller | Kären M. Hess | Christine M.H. Orthmann |
Community Psychology: Linking Individuals and Communities Bret Kloos | Jean Hill | Elizabeth Thomas | Abraham Wandersman | Maurice J. Elias | James H. Dalton |
Community Psychology: Linking Individuals and Communities James H. Dalton | Maurice J. Elias | Abraham Wandersman |
Community Relations Concepts Denny F. Pace |
Community-Based Corrections Belinda Rodgers McCarthy | Bernard J. McCarthy, Jr. | Matthew Leone |
Community-Based Corrections Leanne Fiftal Alarid |
Community-Based Corrections Leanne Fiftal Alarid | Paul F. Cromwell | Rolando V. del Carmen |
Community-Based Corrections Leanne Fiftal Alarid | Rolando V. del Carmen |
Community-Based Corrections Paul F. Cromwell | Leanne Fiftal Alarid | Rolando V. del Carmen |
COMP Randall VanderMey | Verne Meyer | John Van Rys | Patrick Sebranek |
COMP: Read Randall VanderMey | Verne Meyer | John Van Rys | Patrick Sebranek |
COMP: Write Randall VanderMey | Verne Meyer | John Van Rys | Patrick Sebranek |
COMPACT Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell |
Compact Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing, 2009 MLA Update Edition Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell |
Companion Animals in Society Stephen Zawistowski, Ph.D., CAAB |
Company Officer Clinton H. Smoke | Charles Keeton | Billy Jack Wenzel | Bradford Boyd |
Company Officer Clinton Smoke |
Comparative Animal Physiology Phillip C. Withers |
Comparative Criminal Justice Systems Harry R. Dammer | Erika Fairchild |
Comparative Criminal Justice Systems Harry R. Dammer | Jay S. Albanese |
Comparative Health Information Management Ann Peden |
Comparative Politics in Transition John McCormick |
Comparative Politics: Domestic Responses to Global Challenges Charles Hauss |
Comparative Politics: Domestic Responses to Global Challenges Charles Hauss | Melissa Haussman |
Comparative Politics: Notes and Readings Bernard E. Brown |
Comparative Politics: Structures and Choices Lowell Barrington |
Comparative Politics: Using MicroCase® ExplorIt Michael K. Le Roy |
Comparative Records for Health Information Management Ann Peden |
Comparative Religious Ethics A Narrative Approach to Global Ethics, 2nd Edition Darrel J. Fasching |
Comparing Religious Traditions: Ethics of Family Life, Volume 1 Jacob Neusner |
Comparing Religious Traditions: Making an Honest Living, Volume 2 Jacob Neusner |
Comparing Religious Traditions: The Life of Virtue, Volume 3 Jacob Neusner |
Comparing Theories of Child Development R. Murray Thomas |
Competencies and Strategies for Speech-Language Pathologist Assistants Susan Moore | Lynea Pearson |
Competency Exam Prep and Review for Nursing Assistants Barbara Acello |
Competing for Advantage Robert E. Hoskisson | Michael A. Hitt | R. Duane Ireland | Jeffrey S. Harrison |
Competing Visions: A History of California Robert W. Cherny | Gretchen Lemke-Santangelo | Richard Griswold del Castillo |
Competitive Success, How Branding Adds Value John A. davis |
Compiler Construction: Principles and Practice Kenneth C. Louden |
Complaint Management: The Heart of CRM Bernd Stauss | Wolfgang Seidel |
Complete Adobe Photoshop CS4 for Digital Photographers Colin Smith | Tim Cooper |
Complete Digital Photography Ben Long |
Complete Guide to Fiber Optic Cable Systems Installation Eric Pearson |
Complete Guide to Servers and Server+ Michael Graves |
Complete Lab Manual for Electricity Stephen L. Herman |
Complete Learning Spaces Book For Infants & Toddlers: 42 Integrated Areas With Play Experiences Rebecca Isbell | Christy Isbell |
Complete Photoshop CS3 for Digital Photographers Colin Smith | Tim Cooper |
Complete Projection TV Troubleshooting & Repair Joe Desposito |
Complete RF Technician's Handbook Cotter Sayre |
Composing Relationships: Communication in Everyday Life Julia T. Wood | Steve Duck |
Comprehensive Anatomy and Physiology for ICD-10-CM & PCS Coding 2013 Ingenix |
Comprehensive Anatomy and Physiology for ICD-10-CM and - PCS Coding —2014 Optum |
Comprehensive Anatomy and Physiology for ICD-10-CM and -PCS Coding, 2015 Optum |
Comprehensive Anatomy/Physiology for ICD-10CM Coding Ingenix |
Comprehensive Dictionary of Audiology: Illustrated Brad A. Stach, Ph.D. |
Comprehensive Exam Review for the Pharmacy Technician Jahangir Moini |
Comprehensive Medical Assisting Exam Review: Preparation for the CMA, RMA and CMAS Exams J. P. Cody |
Comprehensive Medical Terminology Betty Davis Jones |
Comprehensive Perinatal & Pediatric Respiratory Care Kent Whitaker |
Comprehensive Perinatal & Pediatric Respiratory Care Kent Whitaker | Paul Eberle | Lisa Trujillo |
Compression for Clinicians Theodore H. Venema |
COMPTIA A+ 2006 In Depth Jean Andrews |
CompTIA A+ 2009 In Depth Flashcards Chimborazo Publishing, Inc. |
CompTIA A+ 2009 Q&A Chimborazo Publishing, Inc. |
CompTIA A+ 220-801 220-802 Q&A Chimborazo Publishing, Inc. |
CompTIA A+ Complete Deluxe Study Guide Exams 220-701 (Essentials) and 220-702 (Practical Application) Quentin docter |
CompTIA A+ Complete Study Guide (Exams 220-601602603604), Deluxe Edition Quentin docter |
CompTIA A+ Complete Study Guide Authorized Courseware Exams 220-801 and 220-802, 2nd Edition |
CompTIA Network+ Self-Study Guide Anthony V. Chiarella |
CompTIA Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals Mark Ciampa |
CompTIA Security+ SY0-401 Q&A Chimborazo Publishing, Inc. |
Computer Architecture and Organization An Integrated Approach miles J. Murdocca |
Computer Calculator for the Ten-Key Pad Barbara Henry | Susan L. Prescott |
Computer Concepts - Illustrated Brief June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja |
Computer Concepts – Illustrated Essentials Katherine T. Pinard |
Computer Concepts – Illustrated Introductory Enhanced Edition June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja |
Computer Concepts and Microsoft Office 2010 Illustrated June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | David Beskeen | Carol M. Cram | Jennifer Duffy | Lisa Friedrichsen | Elizabeth Eisner Reding |
Computer Concepts and Microsoft® Office 2013: Illustrated June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | David Beskeen | Carol M. Cram | Jennifer Duffy | Lisa Friedrichsen | Elizabeth Eisner Reding |
Computer Concepts BASICS (Book Only) Dolores J. Wells | Ann Ambrose |
Computer Concepts BASICS Ann Ambrose | Dolores J. Wells |
Computer Concepts BASICS Dolores J. Wells |
Computer Concepts Illustrated, Brief Dan Oja | June Jamrich Parsons |
Computer Concepts Illustrated, Introductory Dan Oja | June Jamrich Parsons |
Computer Concepts Illustrated: Introductory, Enhanced Edition June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja |
Computer Concepts: Illustrated Brief Dan Oja | June Jamrich Parsons |
Computer Concepts: Illustrated Essentials Katherine T. Pinard |
Computer Concepts: Illustrated Introductory June Jamrich Parsons |
Computer Concepts: Illustrated Introductory June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja |
Computer Concepts-Illustrated Complete June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja |
Computer Concepts-Illustrated Essentials Katherine T. Pinard |
Computer Crime, Investigation, and the Law Chuck Easttom | Jeff Taylor |
Computer Education for Teachers Integrating Technology into Classroom Teaching, 6th Edition V. Sharp |
Computer Evidence: Collection & Preservation Christopher L.T. Brown |
Computer Forensics JumpStart, 2nd Edition Micheal G. Solomen |
Computer Forensics: Hard Disk and Operating Systems EC-Council |
Computer Forensics: Investigating Data and Image Files EC-Council |
Computer Forensics: Investigating Network Intrusions and Cyber Crime EC-Council |
Computer Forensics: Investigating Wireless Networks and Devices EC-Council |
Computer Forensics: Investigation Procedures and Response EC-Council |
Computer Graphics for Java Programmers 2nd edition, Leen Ammeraal, Kang Zhang |
Computer Graphics for Landscape Architects: An Introduction Jose Buitrago | Ashley Calabria |
Computer Literacy BASICS Connie Morrison | Dolores J. Wells |
Computer Literacy BASICS: A Comprehensive Guide to IC3 CEP Inc. | Ann Ambrose | Marly Bergerud | Donald Busche | Connie Morrison | Dolores J. Wells |
Computer Literacy BASICS: A Comprehensive Guide to IC3 Connie Morrison | Dolores J. Wells |
Computer Literacy BASICS: A Comprehensive Guide to IC3 Connie Morrison | Dolores J. Wells | Lisa Ruffolo |
Computer Literacy BASICS: Microsoft Office 2007 Companion Jennifer T. Campbell |
Computer Music: Synthesis, Composition, and Performance Charles Dodge | Thomas A. Jerse |
Computer Networking for LANS to WANS: Hardware, Software and Security Kenneth C. Mansfield, Jr. | James L. Antonakos |
Computer Networking Internet Protocols in Action Jeanna Matthews |
Computer Networks Principles, Technologies and Protocols for Network Design Natalia olifer |
Computer Numerical Control: Concepts & Programming Warren Seames |
Computer Organization & Architecture: Themes and Variations Alan Clements |
Computer Programming for Teens Mary E. Farrell |
Computer Projects BASICS Scott D. Korb |
Computer Science: A Structured Programming Approach Using C Behrouz A. Forouzan | Richard F. Gilberg |
Computer Security and Penetration Testing Alfred Basta | Nadine Basta | Mary Brown |
Computer Security and Penetration Testing Alfred Basta | Wolf Halton |
Computer Security Assurance Mark S Merkow | Jim Breithaupt |
Computer Technology Encyclopedia Michael Graves |
Computerized Engine Controls Steve V. Hatch |
Computers and Technology in a Changing Society Deborah Morley | Charles S. Parker |
Computers in Our World Beverly Amer |
Con brio begininning spanish 3rd edition |
Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, 4th Edition Robert D. Cook, David S. Malkus |
Concepts in Enterprise Resource Planning Ellen Monk | Bret Wagner |
Concepts in Federal Taxation 2006, Professional Version Kevin E. Murphy | Mark Higgins |
Concepts in Federal Taxation 2008 Edition Kevin E. Murphy | Mark Higgins |
Concepts in Federal Taxation 2009 Edition Kevin E. Murphy | Mark Higgins |
Concepts in Federal Taxation 2010 Kevin E. Murphy | Mark Higgins |
Concepts in Federal Taxation 2011 Kevin E. Murphy | Mark Higgins |
Concepts in Federal Taxation 2012 Kevin E. Murphy | Mark Higgins |
Concepts in Federal Taxation 2012, Professional Edition Kevin E. Murphy | Mark Higgins |
Concepts in Federal Taxation 2013 Kevin E. Murphy | Mark Higgins |
Concepts in Federal Taxation 2014 Kevin E. Murphy | Mark Higgins |
Concepts in Federal Taxation 2015 Kevin E. Murphy | Mark Higgins |
Concepts in Federal Taxation 2016 Kevin E. Murphy | Mark Higgins |
Concepts in Federal Taxation, 2007 Edition Kevin E. Murphy | Mark Higgins | Tonya K. Flesher (Contributor) |
Concepts In Health and Wellness James Robinson III, Ed.D, FAAHE | Deborah J. McCormick, Ph.D. |
Concepts of Chemical Dependency Harold E. Doweiko |
Concepts of Database Management Philip J. Pratt | Joseph J. Adamski |
Concepts of Database Management Philip J. Pratt | Mary Z. Last |
Concepts of the Nursing Profession Karin A. Polifko-Harris |
Concepts to Completion: Writing well in the Social Sciences Thomas Bronwyn Williams | Mary Brydon-Miller |
Conceptual Drawing Joseph A. Koncelik | Kevin Reeder |
Conceptualization and Treatment Planning for Effective Helping Barbara F. Okun | Karen Suyemoto |
Concise Managerial Statistics Alan H. Kvanli | Robert J. Pavur | Kellie B. Keeling |
Conduct and Character: Readings in Moral Theory Mark Timmons |
Conducting Research in Psychology: Measuring the Weight of Smoke Brett W. Pelham | Hart Blanton |
Conducting Tours: A Practical Guide Marc Mancini, MA, MS, PhD |
Conectados Patti J. Marinelli | Karin Fajardo |
Confident Public Speaking Deanna D. Sellnow |
Conflict and Consensus in American Politics, Election Update Stephen J. Wayne | G. Calvin Mackenzie | Richard Cole |
Conflict and Cooperation: Evolving Theories of International Relations Marc A. Genest |
Congress Under Fire C. Lawrence Evans | Walter J. Oleszek |
Congress: Games and Strategies Stephen Frantzich, Ph.D. | Steven Schier, Ph.D. |
Conjecture and Proofs: An Introduction to Mathematical Thinking Schwartz |
Connect College Reading Ivan Dole | Leslie Taggart |
Connect College to Career: Student Guide to Work and Life Transition Paul I. Hettich | Camille Helkowski |
Connect: College Reading Ivan Dole | Leslie Taggart |
Connecting with Computer Science Greg Anderson | David Ferro | Robert Hilton |
Connections in the History and Systems of Psychology B. Michael Thorne | Tracy B. Henley |
Connections to College Success John W. Santrock | Jane S. Halonen |
Conquer Your Speech Anxiety: Learn How to Overcome Your Nervousness About Public Speaking Karen Kangas Dwyer |
Conquering Math Anxiety Cynthia A. Arem |
Conservation and Globalization: A Study of National Parks and Indigenous Communities from East Africa to South Dakota Jim Igoe |
Constitutional Interpretation Craig R. Ducat |
Constitutional Interpretation: Power of Government, Volume I Craig R. Ducat |
Constitutional Interpretation: Powers of Government, Volume 1 Craig R. Ducat |
Constitutional Interpretation: Powers of Government, Volume I Craig R. Ducat |
Constitutional Interpretation: Rights of the Individual, Volume 2 Craig R. Ducat |
Constitutional Interpretation: Rights of the Individual, Volume II Craig R. Ducat |
Constitutional Law and the Criminal Justice System J. Scott Harr | Kären M. Hess |
Constitutional Law and the Criminal Justice System J. Scott Harr | Kären M. Hess | Christine M.H. Orthmann |
Constitutional Law and the Criminal Justice System J. Scott Harr | Kären Matison Hess | Christine Hess Orthmann | Jonathan Kingsbury |
Constitutional Law C. Suzanne Bailey, J.D. | Chana Barron, J.D., M.S. |
Constitutional Law: Principles and Practice Joanne Banker Hames | Yvonne Ekern |
Constitutional Rights: Myths and Realities Christopher E. Smith |
Constructing Early Childhood Science David Jerner Martin |
Construction Jobsite Management William R. Mincks | Hal Johnston |
Construction Law for Design Professionals, Construction Managers and Contractors Justin Sweet | Marc M. Schneier | Blake Wentz |
Construction Law for Managers, Architects, and Engineers Nancy J. White |
Construction Management: Emerging Trends & Technologies Trefor Williams |
Construction Master® Pro: Workbook and Study Guide Calculated Industries | Bob Kokernak |
Construction Materials, Methods and Techniques William P. Spence |
Construction Materials, Methods and Techniques William P. Spence | Eva Kultermann |
Construction Materials, Methods, and Techniques William P. Spence |
Construction Print Reading Leonard Koel |
Construction Specifications: Principles and Applications David J. Wyatt | Hans W. Meier |
Constructions of Deviance: Social Power, Context, and Interaction Patricia A. Adler | Peter Adler |
Consumer Behavior Frank Kardes | Maria Cronley | Thomas Cline |
Consumer Behavior Wayne D. Hoyer | Deborah J. MacInnis |
Consumer Behavior Wayne D. Hoyer | Deborah J. MacInnis | Rik Pieters |
Consumer Behavior, Leon G. Schiffman, Leslie Lazer Kanuk |
Consumer Behavior: A Strategic Approach Henry Assael |
Consumer Behaviour , 2nd Edition Martin M. Evans |
Consumer Economics Issues in America E. Thomas Garman |
Contacts: Langue et culture françaises Jean-Paul Valette | Rebecca M. Valette |
Contemporary Abstract Algebra Joseph A. Gallian |
Contemporary American Poetry A. Poulin, Jr. | Michael Waters |
Contemporary Auditing Michael C. Knapp |
Contemporary Auditing: Real Issues & Cases Michael C. Knapp |
Contemporary Auditing: Real Issues & Cases, Update Michael C. Knapp |
Contemporary Auditing: Real Issues and Cases Michael C. Knapp |
Contemporary Behavior Therapy Michael D. Spiegler |
Contemporary Behavior Therapy Michael D. Spiegler | David C. Guevremont |
Contemporary Business Communication Scot Ober |
Contemporary Business Mathematics for Colleges James E. Deitz | James L. Southam |
Contemporary Business Mathematics for Colleges, Brief Course James E. Deitz | James L. Southam |
Contemporary Business Mathematics for Colleges, Brief Edition James E. Deitz | James L. Southam |
Contemporary Business Mathematics for Colleges, Brief James E. Deitz | James L. Southam |
Contemporary Business Report Writing Shirley Kuiper |
Contemporary Business Reports Shirley Kuiper | Dorinda Clippinger |
Contemporary Business, International Student Version, 13th Edition Louise E. Boune |
Contemporary Business, International Student Version, 15th Edition Louise E. boune |
Contemporary College Algebra: A Graphing Approach Thomas W. Hungerford |
Contemporary Color Steven Bleicher |
Contemporary Color: Theory and Use Steven Bleicher |
Contemporary Communication Systems Using MATLAB John G. Proakis | Masoud Salehi | Gerhard Bauch |
Contemporary Communication Systems Using MATLAB® John G. Proakis | Masoud Salehi | Gerhard Bauch |
Contemporary European Politics: A Comparative Perspective Thomas Magstadt |
Contemporary Financial Management R. Charles Moyer | James R. McGuigan | Ramesh P. Rao |
Contemporary Financial Management R. Charles Moyer | James R. McGuigan | Ramesh P. Rao | William J. Kretlow |
Contemporary Financial Management R. Charles Moyer | James R. McGuigan | William J. Kretlow |
Contemporary Industrial Organization A Quantitative Approach Lynee Peypall |
Contemporary Industrial/Organizational Psychology L.N. Jewell |
Contemporary Investments: Security and Portfolio Analysis Douglas Hearth | Janis K. Zaima |
Contemporary Issues In Accounting, Micheala rankin, Patricia Stanton |
Contemporary Issues in Bioethics Tom L. Beauchamp | LeRoy Walters |
Contemporary Issues in Bioethics Tom L. Beauchamp | LeRoy Walters | Jeffrey P. Kahn | Anna C. Mastroianni |
Contemporary Issues in Business Ethics Joseph R. DesJardins | John J. McCall |
Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice Policy Natasha Frost | Joshua Freilich | Todd Clear |
Contemporary Issues in Criminological Theory and Research Richard Rosenfeld | Kenna Quinet | Crystal A. Garcia |
Contemporary Linear Systems Using MATLAB® Robert D. Strum | Donald E. Kirk |
Contemporary Marketing 2009 Update Louis E. Boone | David L. Kurtz |
Contemporary Marketing 2011 Louis E. Boone | David L. Kurtz |
Contemporary Marketing Louis E. Boone | David L. Kurtz |
Contemporary Marketing Louise E. Boone | David L. Kurtz |
Contemporary Marketing, 2013 Update Louis E. Boone | David L. Kurtz |
Contemporary Marketing, Update 2006 Louis E. Boone | David L. Kurtz |
Contemporary Marketing, Update 2015 Louis E. Boone | David L. Kurtz |
Contemporary Mathematics for Business and Consumers Robert Brechner |
Contemporary Mathematics for Business and Consumers Robert Brechner | George Bergeman |
Contemporary Mathematics for Business and Consumers, Brief Edition Robert Brechner |
Contemporary Mathematics for Business and Consumers, Brief Edition Robert Brechner | George Bergeman |
Contemporary Medical Office Procedures Doris Humphrey, PhD |
Contemporary Medical-Surgical Nursing Rick Daniels | Laura Nosek | Leslie H. Nicoll |
Contemporary Medical-Surgical Nursing Rick Daniels | Leslie H. Nicoll |
Contemporary Moral Issues in a Diverse Society Julie M. McDonald |
Contemporary Moral Problems James E. White |
Contemporary Moral Problems: War and Terrorism James E. White |
Contemporary Moral Problems: War, Terrorism, and Torture James E. White |
Contemporary Moral Problems: War, Terrorism, Torture and Assassination James E. White |
Contemporary Music Education Michael L. Mark |
Contemporary Music Education Michael L. Mark | Patrice Madura |
Contemporary Political Ideologies: A Comparative Analysis Lyman Tower Sargent |
Contemporary Precalculus: A Graphing Approach Thomas W. Hungerford | Douglas J. Shaw |
Contemporary Precalculus: A Graphing Approach, Media Update Thomas W. Hungerford |
Contemporary Project Management Timothy Kloppenborg |
Contemporary Project Management Timothy Kloppenborg |
Contemporary Psychotherapies for a Diverse World Jon Frew | Michael D. Spiegler |
Contemporary School Counseling: Theory, Research, and Practice Christopher A. Sink |
Contemporary Social Research Methods Using MicroCase, InfoTrac Version Rodney Stark | Lynne Roberts | Michael Corbett |
Contemporary Strategy Analysis 7th Edition Robert M. Grant |
Contemporary Strategy Analysis 8th Edition Robert M. Grant |
Contemporary Strategy Analysis Text and Cases, 8th Edition Robert M. grant |
Contemporary Trigonometry: A Graphing Approach Thomas W. Hungerford |
Contemporary World History William J. Duiker |
Contending Perspectives in International Political Economy Nikolaos Zahariadis |
Contending Voices, Volume I: To 1877 John Hollitz |
Contending Voices, Volume II: Since 1865 John Hollitz |
Contending Voices: Biographical Explorations of the American Past, Volume I: To 1877 John Hollitz |
Contending Voices: Biographical Explorations of the American Past, Volume II: Since 1865 John Hollitz |
Contextualized French Grammar: A Handbook Stacey Katz Bourns |
Contextualizing Aesthetics: From Plato to Lyotard H. Gene Blocker | Jennifer M. Jeffers |
Continuemos! Ana C. Jarvis |
Continuity and Differentiation Ron Larson |
Continuity of Change Melvin I. Urofsky |
Contract Law for Paralegals Melinda Thomas |
Contractor's Survival Guide: Building Building Your Business in Good Times and Bad Jason Reid |
Controverses Larbi Oukada | Didier Bertrand | Janet L. Solberg |
Controversies In American Public Policy John A. Hird | Michael A. Reese | Matthew Shilvock |
Controversies in International Relations Theory: Realism and the Neoliberal Challenge Charles W. Kegley Jr. |
Convection Heat Transfer, 4th Edition Adrian Bejan |
Conversación y repaso Lynn A. Sandstedt | Ralph Kite |
Conversación y repaso Lynn A. Sandstedt | Ralph Kite | John G. Copeland |
Conversación y repaso: Intermediate Spanish Lynn A. Sandstedt | Ralph Kite | John G. Copeland |
Conversación y repaso: Intermediate Spanish Series Lynn A. Sandstedt | Ralph Kite | John G. Copeland |
Conversaciones creadoras Joan L. Brown | Carmen MartÃn Gaite |
Conversation in Spanish: Points of Departure Cynthia Schmidt-Cruz | Frank Sedwick (Late) |
Conversational Spanish Grammar for the Hospitality Classroom Matt A. Casado |
Conversemos! Ana C. Jarvis |
Convict Criminology Jeffrey Ian Ross | Stephen C. Richards |
Convocación de palabras: Lectura y redacción Raquel Halty | Angela Labarca |
Cooking Activities A to Z Joanne Matricardi | Jeanne McLarty |
Cooking to the Image A Plating Handbook Elaine Sikorski |
Copyright Law Richard W. Stim |
Copyright on the Internet-Illustrated Essentials Barbara M. Waxer | Marsha Baum |
Copywriting for the Electronic Media: A Practical Guide Milan D. Meeske |
Core Concepts in College Physics, Version 2.0 CD-ROM, Algebra/Trig-based Saunders |
Core Concepts of Financial Analysis A User Approach Gary Giroux |
Core Concepts of Accounting, 2nd Edition Cecily A. Raiborn |
Core Concepts of Government and Not-For-Profit Accounting, 2nd edition Micheal H. Granof |
Core Concepts of Information Technology Auditing James E. Hunton |
Core Concepts of Organizational Behavior John R. Schermerhorn |
Core Concepts of Real Estate Principles and Practices James E. Larsen |
Cornerstones of Cost Accounting Don Hansen | Maryanne M. Mowen |
Cornerstones of Cost Management Don R. Hansen | Maryanne M. Mowen |
Cornerstones of Financial Accounting Jay Rich | Jeff Jones | Maryanne Mowen | Don Hansen |
Cornerstones of Financial Accounting, Current Trends Update Jay Rich | Jeff Jones | Maryanne Mowen | Don Hansen |
Cornerstones of Financial and Managerial Accounting Jay Rich | Jeff Jones | Dan L. Heitger | Maryanne Mowen | Don Hansen |
Cornerstones of Financial and Managerial Accounting, Current Trends Update Jay Rich | Jeff Jones | Maryanne Mowen | Don Hansen | Dan L. Heitger |
Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting Maryanne M. Mowen | Don R. Hansen |
Cornerstones of Managerial Accounting Maryanne M. Mowen | Don R. Hansen | Dan L. Heitger |
Corporate Entrepreneurship & Innovation Michael H. Morris | Donald F. Kuratko | Jeffrey G. Covin |
Corporate Finance A Practical Approach , 2nd Edition Michelle R. Clayman |
Corporate Finance A Practical Approach Michelle R. Clayman |
Corporate Finance European Edition Peter moles |
Corporate Finance Michael C. Ehrhardt | Eugene F. Brigham |
Corporate Finance Scott B. Smart | William L. Megginson | Lawrence J. Gitman |
Corporate Finance Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition Aswath Damodaran |
Corporate Finance, 2nd edition by Laurence Booth |
Corporate Finance: A Focused Approach Michael C. Ehrhardt | Eugene F. Brigham |
Corporate Finance: Linking Theory to What Companies Do John Graham | Scott B. Smart | William L. Megginson |
Corporate Financial Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve |
Corporate Financial Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Jonathan Duchac |
Corporate Financial Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Philip E. Fess |
Corporate Financial Reporting and Analysis, 3rd Edition David young |
Corporate Governance 5th edition Robert A.G. Monks |
Corporate Valuation: A Guide for Managers and Investors with Thomson ONE Phillip R. Daves | Michael C. Ehrhardt | Ron E. Shrieves |
Correct Coding for Medicare, Compliance, and Reimbursement Belinda S. Frisch |
Correct Writing Eugenia Butler |
Correctional Leadership: A Cultural Perspective Stan Stojkovic | Mary Ann Farkas |
Correctional Theory and Practice Clayton A. Hartjen | Edward E. Rhine |
Corrections Today Larry J. Siegel | Clemens Bartollas |
Corwin and Peltason's Understanding the Constitution Sue Davis |
Cost Accounting 14th Edition by William A. Carter |
Cost Accounting A Managerial Emhpasis 12th Edition by Charles T. Horngren |
Cost Accounting A Managerial Emhpasis 13th Edition by Charles T. Horngren |
Cost Accounting A managerial Emphasis 14th Edition by Charles T. Horngren, Srikant M. Datar, and Madhav V. Rajan |
Cost Accounting Foundations and Evolutions 8th Edition by Cecily A. Raiborn, Micheal R. Kinney |
Cost Accounting: Foundations & Evolutions Michael R. Kinney | Jenice Prather-Kinsey | Cecily A. Raiborn |
Cost Accounting: Foundations and Evolutions Michael R. Kinney | Cecily A. Raiborn |
Cost Management Measuring, Monitoring, and Motivating Performance Leslie G. Eldenburg |
Cost Management Measuring, Monitoring, and Motivating Performance, 2nd Edition Leslie G. Eldenburg |
Cost Management: Accounting and Control Don R. Hansen | Maryanne M. Mowen |
Cost Management: Accounting and Control Don R. Hansen | Maryanne M. Mowen | Liming Guan |
Costume Design Barbara Anderson | Cletus R. Anderson |
Counseling & Diversity Devika Dibya Choudhuri | Azara Santiago-Rivera | Dr. Michael Garrett |
Counseling Adolescents and Children: Developing Your Clinical Style Deanna S. Pledge |
Counseling and Development in a Multicultural Society John A. Axelson |
Counseling and Psychotherapy Les Parrott, III |
Counseling and Spirituality: Views from the Profession Oliver Morgan |
Counseling and Therapy for Couples Lynn L. Long | Mark E. Young |
Counseling Children Charles L. Thompson | Donna A. Henderson |
Counseling Children Donna A. Henderson | Charles L. Thompson |
Counseling Diverse Clients: Bringing Context into Therapy Jeanne M. Slattery |
Counseling Gay Men and Lesbians: A Practice Primer Bob Barret | Colleen Logan |
Counseling in Challenging Contexts Michael Ungar |
Counseling Research and Program Evaluation Robert G. Hadley | Lynda K. Mitchell |
Counseling Skills for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists Lydia V. Flasher | Paul T. Fogle |
Counseling Theory and Practice Edward S. Neukrug |
Counseling Today's Families Herbert Goldenberg | Irene Goldenberg |
Counseling, Treatment, and Intervention Methods with Juvenile and Adult Offenders Rudolph Alexander, Jr. |
Counselor's Guide to Clinical, Personality, and Behavioral Assessment Bradley T. Erford |
Course Companion for Basic College Mathematics: Powered by Enhanced WebAssign Richard N. Aufmann | Joanne S. Lockwood |
Course in Probability and Statistics Charles J. Stone |
CourseGuide: Microsoft Office Access 2003-Illustrated ADVANCED Lisa Friedrichsen |
CourseGuide: Microsoft Office Access 2003-Illustrated BASIC Lisa Friedrichsen |
CourseGuide: Microsoft Office Access 2003-Illustrated INTERMEDIATE Lisa Friedrichsen |
CourseGuide: Microsoft Office Excel 2003-Illustrated ADVANCED Lynn Wermers |
CourseGuide: Microsoft Office Excel 2003-Illustrated BASIC Elizabeth Eisner Reding | Lynn Wermers |
CourseGuide: Microsoft Office Excel 2003-Illustrated INTERMEDIATE Elizabeth Eisner Reding | Lynn Wermers |
CourseGuide: Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003-Illustrated ADVANCED David Beskeen |
CourseGuide: Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003-Illustrated BASIC David Beskeen |
CourseGuide: Microsoft Office Word 2003-Illustrated ADVANCED Carol M. Cram |
CourseGuide: Microsoft Office Word 2003-Illustrated BASIC Jennifer Duffy |
CourseGuide: Microsoft Office Word 2003-Illustrated, INTERMEDIATE Jennifer Duffy | Carol M. Cram |
CourseGuide: Microsoft Windows XP, BASIC Steve Johnson |
CoursePort Electronic Key Code for Fundamentals of Information Systems, Third Edition Student Online Companion Web site Ralph M. Stair | George Reynolds |
Courtroom Survival Devallis Rutledge, Esq. |
Courts, Politics, and the Judicial Process Christopher Smith |
CP Study Guide and Mock Examination National Association of Legal Assistants, Inc. |
CPC Certification Study Guide American Academy of Professional Coders | Deborah Grider | G. John Verhovshek |
CPT Professional Edition 2010 American Medical Association |
CPT Professional Edition 2011 American Medical Association |
CPT Professional Edition 2012 Ingenix |
CPT Professional Edition 2013 American Medical Association |
CPT Professional Edition — 2014 American Medical Association |
CPT Professional Edition, 2015 Optum |
CPT Standard - 2014 American Medical Association |
CPT Standard 2010 American Medical Association |
CPT Standard 2011 Ingenix |
CPT Standard 2012 Ingenix |
CPT Standard 2013 American Medical Association |
Create a Resume and Cover Letter with Microsoft Word 2010 CourseNotes Course Technology |
Creating 2D Animation with the Adobe Creative Suite Debbie Keller |
Creating a Winning E-Business H. Albert Napier | Ollie N. Rivers | Stuart Wagner |
Creating Adventure Games for Teens Jason Darby |
Creating an Early Childhood Education Portfolio Delores Friedman |
Creating Career Success: A Flexible Plan for the World of Work Francine Fabricant | Jennifer Miller | Debra Stark |
Creating Content Management Systems in Java Arron Ferguson |
Creating Do-It-Yourself Customers: How Great Customer Experiences Build Great Companies Peter C. Honebein | Roy F. Cammarano |
Creating Dynamic Multimedia Presentations: Using Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2003 Carol M. Lehman |
Creating Fractals Roger Stevens |
Creating Game Art for 3D Engines Brad Strong |
Creating Interactive Fiction with Inform 7 Aaron Reed |
Creating Music and Sound for Games G. W. Childs IV |
Creating Personal Success on the Historically Black College and University Campus Douglas J. Fiore | W. Weldon Hill |
Creating the Enterprise William B. Gartner | Marlene G. Bellamy |
Creating Websites That Work Kathryn Summers | Michael Summers |
Creating Your Culinary Career The American Institute of Culinary Arts |
Creative Activities and Curriculum for Young Children Mary Mayesky, Ph.D. |
Creative Activities for Young Children Mary Mayesky, Ph.D. |
Creative Art & Activities: Crayons, Chalk, and Markers Mary Mayesky, Ph.D. |
Creative Art & Activities: Fun with Art! Mary Mayesky, Ph.D. |
Creative Art & Activities: Modeling Materials Mary Mayesky, Ph.D. |
Creative Art & Activities: Paper Art Mary Mayesky, Ph.D. |
Creative Art & Activities: Print Making Mary Mayesky, Ph.D. |
Creative Art & Activities: Puppets Mary Mayesky, Ph.D. |
Creative Arts & Activities: Painting Mary Mayesky, Ph.D. |
Creative Editing Dorothy A. Bowles | Diane L. Borden |
Creative Learning Activities for Young Children Judy Herr |
Creative Nonfiction: A Guide to Form, Content, and Style, with Readings Eileen Pollack |
Creative Resources for Infants & Toddlers Judy Herr | Terri Swim |
Creative Resources for Infants and Toddlers (Spanish Version) Judy Herr | Terri Swim |
Creative Resources for School-Age Programs Nancy Platz | Don Platz |
Creative Resources for the Anti-Bias Classroom Nadia Saderman Hall |
Creative Resources for the Early Childhood Classroom Judy Herr |
Creative Resources for the Early Childhood Classroom Judy Herr | Yvonne R. Libby-Larson |
Creative Resources for the Early Childhood Classroom: Spanish Edition Judy Herr | Yvonne R. Libby-Larson | Juan Toro | Kurt Bornada |
Creative Resources: Art, Brushes, and Buildings Judy Herr | Yvonne R. Libby-Larson |
Creative Resources: Family, Food, and Plants Judy Herr | Yvonne R. Libby-Larson |
Creative Strategy in Advertising A. Jerome Jewler | Bonnie L. Drewniany |
Creative Strategy in Advertising Bonnie L. Drewniany | A. Jerome Jewler |
Creative Teaching Strategies Marjorie Wynn PhD |
Creativity and the Arts with Young Children Rebecca Isbell | Shirley C. Raines |
Creators of the American Mind Series, Volume III: Abraham Lincoln: The Man and the Myth James T. Baker |
Creoâ„¢ Parametric 2.0 Louis Gary Lamit |
Creoâ„¢ Parametric 3.0 Louis Gary Lamit |
Creoâ„¢ Parametric Louis Gary Lamit |
Crime and Punishment: A History of the Criminal Justice System Mitchel P. Roth |
Crime and the American Dream Steven F. Messner | Richard Rosenfeld |
Crime Scene Investigation, Criminalistics, and The Law Thomas Buckles |
Crime Types: A Text/Reader Dean A. Dabney |
Crime Victims: An Introduction to Victimology Andrew Karmen |
Criminal Evidence Judy Hails |
Criminal Evidence: Principles and Cases Thomas J. Gardner | Terry M. Anderson |
Criminal Investigation Christine Hess Orthmann | Kären M. Hess |
Criminal Investigation Kären M. Hess | Christine Hess Orthmann |
Criminal Investigation Wayne W. Bennett | Kären M. Hess |
Criminal Justice Essentials, 9th Edition Sue titas Reid |
Criminal Justice in Action Larry K. Gaines | Roger LeRoy Miller |
Criminal Justice in Action: The Core Larry K. Gaines | Roger LeRoy Miller |
Criminal Justice in America George F. Cole | Christopher E. Smith |
Criminal Justice in America George F. Cole | Christopher E. Smith | Christina DeJong |
Criminal Justice in the United States, 2nd Dean J. Champion |
Criminal Justice Joel Samaha |
Criminal Justice Organizations: Administration and Management Stan Stojkovic | David Kalinich | John Klofas |
Criminal Justice Reader Cliff Roberson |
Criminal Law and Procedure Daniel E. Hall |
Criminal Law and Procedure for the Paralegal James W. H. McCord, J.D. | Sandra L. McCord | C. Suzanne Bailey, J.D. |
Criminal Law and Procedure for the Paralegal Neal R. Bevans |
Criminal Law and Procedure for the Paralegal: A Systems Approach James W. H. McCord, J.D. | Sandra L. McCord |
Criminal Law and Procedure Judge John M. Scheb | John M. Scheb, II, Ph.D. |
Criminal Law and Procedure: An Overview Ronald J. Bacigal |
Criminal Law and Procedure: An Overview Ronald J. Bacigal | Mary Kelly Tate |
Criminal Law Joel Samaha |
Criminal Law John M. Scheb, II, Ph.D. |
Criminal Law Judge John M. Scheb | John M. Scheb, II, Ph.D. |
Criminal Law Judy Hails Kaci |
Criminal Law Thomas J. Gardner | Terry M. Anderson |
Criminal Procedure Christopher E. Smith |
Criminal Procedure for the Criminal Justice Professional John N. Ferdico |
Criminal Procedure for the Criminal Justice Professional John N. Ferdico | Henry F. Fradella | Christopher Totten |
Criminal Procedure Joel Samaha |
Criminal Procedure John M. Scheb, II, Ph.D. |
Criminal Procedure Judge John M. Scheb | John M. Scheb, II, Ph.D. |
Criminal Procedure: Law and Practice Rolando V. del Carmen |
Criminal Procedure: Vehicle Stops, Searches, and Inventories Rolando V. del Carmen |
Criminology Larry J. Siegel |
Criminology: A Workbook Using MicroCase® ExplorIt Steven F. Messner |
Criminology: The Core Larry J. Siegel |
Criminology: Theories, Patterns, and Typologies Larry J. Siegel |
Crisis and Trauma Barbara G. Collins | Thomas M. Collins |
Crisis in Organizations II Laurence Barton |
Crisis Intervention Case Book Alan A. Cavaiola | Joseph E. Colford |
Crisis Intervention Strategies Richard K. James |
Crisis Intervention Strategies Richard K. James | Burl E. Gilliland |
Crisis Management and National Emergency Response: Current Perspectives from InfoTrac® Sabina L. Burton |
Critical Incidents in Group Therapy Jeremiah Donigian | Diana Hulse-Killacky |
Critical Issues in Special Education James E. Ysseldyke | Bob Algozzine | Martha L. Thurlow |
Critical Listening and Auditory Perception F. Alton Everest |
Critical Listening Skills for Audio Professionals F. Alton Everest |
Critical Reasoning Jerry Cederblom | David Paulsen |
Critical Theory Since Plato Hazard Adams | Leroy Searle |
Critical Thinking and Everyday Argument Jay VerLinden |
Critical Thinking for Working Students Michael Andolina, PhD. |
Critical Thinking in Psychology D. Alan Bensley |
Critical Thinking in Psychology: Separating Sense from Nonsense John Ruscio |
Critical Thinking, Thoughtful Writing John Chaffee |
Critical Thinking, Thoughtful Writing John Chaffee | Christine McMahon | Barbara Stout |
Critical Thinking, Thoughtful Writing: A Rhetoric with Readings John Chaffee | Christine McMahon | Barbara Stout |
Critical Thinking: A User's Manual Debra Jackson | Paul Newberry |
Critical Thinking: Building the Basics Timothy L. Walter | Glenn M. Knudsvig | Donald E. P. Smith |
Critical Thinking: Reading and Writing in a Diverse World Joan Rasool | Caroline Banks | Mary-Jane McCarthy |
Critical Thinking: The Art of Argument George W. Rainbolt | Sandra L. Dwyer |
Cross Currents: Cultures, Communities, Technologies Kris Blair | Robin M. Murphy | Jen Almjeld |
Cross-Cultural Perspectives in Introductory Psychology William F. Price | Richley H. Crapo |
Crosscurrents in American Culture: A Reader in United States History, Volume I: To 1877 Bruce Dorsey | Woody Register |
Crosscurrents in American Culture: A Reader in United States History, Volume II: Since 1865 Bruce Dorsey | Woody Register |
Crossing Cultures: Readings for Composition Annie Knepler | Ellie Knepler | Myrna Knepler |
Crossroads in Music: Traditions and Connections Arved M. Larsen | Paul W. Borg | David Poultney | Arthur Unsworth | Robert Washburn |
Cruising: A Guide to the Cruise Line Industry Marc Mancini |
Crystal Reports 2011 for Developers Cynthia Moore |
Crystal Reports XI for Developers David McAmis |
Csound Power! Jim Aikin |
Cuadros Student Text, Volume 1 of 4: Introductory Spanish Sheri Spaine Long | Sylvia Madrigal Velasco | Kristin Swanson | MarÃa Carreira |
Cuadros Student Text, Volume 2: Introductory Spanish Sheri Spaine Long | Sylvia Madrigal Velasco | Kristin Swanson | MarÃa Carreira |
Cuadros Student Text, Volume 3 of 4: Intermediate Spanish Sheri Spaine Long | Sylvia Madrigal Velasco | Kristin Swanson | MarÃa Carreira |
Cuadros Student Text, Volume 4 of 4: Intermediate Spanish Sheri Spaine Long | Sylvia Madrigal Velasco | Kristin Swanson | MarÃa Carreira |
Cubase 5 Power!: The Comprehensive Guide Michael Miller | Robert Guerin |
Cubase 6 Power!: The Comprehensive Guide Michael Miller | Robert Guerin |
Cubase SX/SL 3 Power! Robert Guerin |
Cuisine and culture, A history of food and people 3rd edition |
Culinary Calculations Simplified Math for Culinary Professionals, 2nd Edition Terri Jones |
Culinary Math, 3rd, Revised and Expanded Edition Linda Blocker |
Cultural ANTHRO 2 Richard H. Robbins | Rachel Dowty |
Cultural ANTHRO Richard H. Robbins |
Cultural Anthropology Serena Nanda | Richard L. Warms |
Cultural Anthropology: An Applied Perspective Gary Ferraro |
Cultural Anthropology: An Applied Perspective Gary Ferraro | Susan Andreatta |
Cultural Anthropology: The Human Challenge William A. Haviland | Harald E.L. Prins | Bunny McBride | Dana Walrath |
Cultural Anthropology: The Human Challenge William A. Haviland | Harald E.L. Prins | Dana Walrath | Bunny McBride |
Cultural Competence, Practice Stages, and Client Systems: A Case Study Approach Doman Lum |
Cultural Competence: A Primer for Educators Jean Moule |
Cultural Competence: A Primer for Educators Jerry Diller | Jean Moule |
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