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Cultural Diversity: A Primer for the Human Services Jerry V. Diller |
Cultural Foods: Traditions and Trends Pamela Goyan Kittler | Kathryn P. Sucher |
Culturally Competent Practice: A Framework for Understanding Diverse Groups & Justice Issues Doman Lum |
Culturally Competent Practice: A Framework for Understanding Doman Lum |
Culturally Competent Public Child Welfare Practice Krishna Samantrai |
Culturas de España Carmen Pereira-Muro |
Culture and Mental Illness: A Client-Centered Approach Richard J. Castillo |
Culture and Modern Life David Matsumoto |
Culture and Psychology David Matsumoto | Linda Juang |
Culture and Values, Volume I: A Survey of the Humanities Lawrence S. Cunningham | John J. Reich |
Culture and Values, Volume I: A Survey of the Humanities with Readings Lawrence S. Cunningham | John J. Reich |
Culture and Values, Volume II: A Survey of the Humanities Lawrence S. Cunningham | John J. Reich |
Culture and Values, Volume II: A Survey of the Humanities with Readings Lawrence S. Cunningham | John J. Reich |
Culture and Values: A Survey of the Humanities Lawrence S. Cunningham | John J. Reich | Lois Fichner-Rathus |
Culture and Values: A Survey of the Humanities, Alternate Edition Lawrence S. Cunningham | John J. Reich |
Culture and Values: A Survey of the Humanities, Comprehensive Edition Lawrence S. Cunningham | John J. Reich |
Culture and Values: A Survey of the Humanities, Volume I Lawrence S. Cunningham | John J. Reich |
Culture and Values: A Survey of the Humanities, Volume I Lawrence S. Cunningham | John J. Reich | Lois Fichner-Rathus |
Culture and Values: A Survey of the Humanities, Volume II Lawrence S. Cunningham | John J. Reich |
Culture and Values: A Survey of the Humanities, Volume II Lawrence S. Cunningham | John J. Reich | Lois Fichner-Rathus |
Culture and Values: A Survey of the Western Humanities Lawrence S. Cunningham | John J. Reich | Lois Fichner-Rathus |
Culture and Values: A Survey of the Western Humanities, Volume 1 Lawrence S. Cunningham | John J. Reich | Lois Fichner-Rathus |
Culture and Values: A Survey of the Western Humanities, Volume 2 Lawrence S. Cunningham | John J. Reich | Lois Fichner-Rathus |
Curren's Math for Meds: Dosages and Solutions Anna M. Curren | Margaret Witt |
Current Issues in Public Administration Frederick Lane |
Current Perspectives American Government InfoTrac® Reader Wadsworth |
Current Perspectives from InfoTrac®: Forensics Wadsworth |
Current Perspectives Reading for InfoTrac® College Edition: Victimology Wadsworth |
Current Perspectives: Readings from InfoTracâ„¢ College Edition: Ethics in Criminal Justice Michael Whalen |
Current Perspectives: Readings from InfoTracâ„¢ College Edition: Forensics and Criminal Investigation David Kotajarvi |
Current Procedural Coding Expert 2009 Ingenix |
Current Procedural Coding Expert 2010, Compact Ingenix |
Current Procedural Coding Expert 2011, Compact Ingenix |
Current Procedural Coding Expert 2012, Compact Ingenix |
Current Procedural Coding Expert 2012, Wholesaler Version Ingenix |
Current Procedural Coding Expert 2013 Ingenix |
Current Procedural Coding Expert — 2013 Ingenix |
Current Procedural Coding Expert — 2014 Optum |
Current Procedural Coding Expert Optum |
Current Psychotherapies Danny Wedding | Raymond J. Corsini |
Current Psychotherapies Raymond J. Corsini | Danny Wedding |
Current Topics in Technology Maureen S. Paparella | Eugene S. Simko |
Curriculum for Young Children: An Introduction Eve-Marie Arce |
Curriculum in Context Leigh Chiarelott |
Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction for Students with Disabilities June Lee Bigge | Colleen Shea Stump | Michael Edward Spagna | Rosanne K. Silberman |
Custom CTC - Texas Politics Charldean Newell | David F. Prindle | James Riddlesperger |
Custom CTC American Government Kenneth Dautrich | David Yalof |
Custom Exploring The Universe with Voyager III, 4th Edition Brian Monson, Ph.D. | Peter Shull, Ph.D. |
Customer Behavior: A Managerial Perspective Jagdish N. Sheth | Banwari Mittal |
Customer Message Management: Increasing Marketing's Impact on Selling Tim Riesterer | Diane Emo |
Customizing AutoCA® 2008 Sham Tickoo |
Customizing AutoCAD® 2007 Sham Tickoo |
Customizing AutoCAD® 2009 Sham Tickoo |
Customizing AutoCAD® 2010 Sham Tickoo |
CWNA Guide to Wireless LANs Mark Ciampa |
CWSP Guide to Wireless Security Mark Ciampa |
Cyber Crime: Current Perspectives from InfoTrac® College Edition Roger LeRoy Miller |
Cyber Safety EC-Council |
Cybercrime: Current Perspectives from InfoTrac® Michael Pittaro |
CyberLaw: Text and Cases Gerald R. Ferrera | Margo E. K. Reder | Stephen D. Lichtenstein | Robert Bird | Jonathan J. Darrow | Jeffrey Aresty | Jacqueline Klosek |
CyberLaw: Text and Cases Gerald R. Ferrera | Stephen D. Lichtenstein | Margo E. K. Reder | Robert Bird | William T. Schiano |
Cybersecurity: Engineering a Secure Information Technology Organization Dan Shoemaker | Kenneth Sigler |
Cybersecurity: The Essential Body Of Knowledge Dan Shoemaker | Wm. Arthur Conklin |
Da capo Annamaria Moneti | Graziana Lazzarino |
Da capo Antonio Morena | Donatella Melucci | Annamaria Moneti | Graziana Lazzarino |
Dance Kinesiology Sally Sevey Fitt |
DarkBASIC Pro Game Programming Jonathan S. Harbour | Joshua R. Smith |
DarkBASIC Programming for the Absolute Beginner Jerry Lee Ford Jr. |
Data Analysis and Decision Making S. Christian Albright | Wayne Winston | Christopher Zappe |
Data Analysis and Decision Making with Microsoft® Excel S. Christian Albright | Wayne Winston | Christopher Zappe |
Data Analysis and Decision Making with Microsoft® Excel, Revised S. Christian Albright | Wayne Winston | Christopher Zappe |
Data Analysis and Interpretation in the Behavioral Sciences Eugene B. Zechmeister | Emil J. Posavac |
Data Analysis by Resampling: Concepts and Applications Clifford E. Lunneborg |
Data Analysis In Plain English with Microsoft Excel Harvey J. Brightman |
Data Analysis Using Microsoft Excel: Updated for Office XP Michael R. Middleton |
Data Analysis with Microsoft Access 2010: From Simple Queries to Business Intelligence Larry Rockoff |
Data Analysis with Microsoft Excel: Updated for Office XP Kenneth N. Berk | Patrick M. Carey |
Data Analysis with Microsoft® Excel™: Updated for Office 2007 (Book Only) Kenneth N. Berk | Patrick M. Carey |
Data Analysis with Microsoft® Excel®: Updated for Office 2007 Kenneth N. Berk | Patrick M. Carey |
Data Analysis Workbook Cecie Starr | Christine Evers | Lisa Starr |
Data Communication and Networking: A Practical Approach Massoud Moussavi |
Data Communications and Computer Networks: A Business User's Approach Curt White |
Data Divination: Big Data Strategies Pam Baker | Bob Gourley |
Data Modeling and Database Design Dr. Narayan S. Umanath | Richard Scamell |
Data Modeling and Database Design Richard Scamell | Dr. Narayan S. Umanath |
Data Structures Abstraction and Design Using Java, Second Edition Elliot B. Koffman |
Data Structures and Algorithms in C++ Adam Drozdek |
Data Structures and Algorithms in C++, 2nd Edition Micheal T. Goodrich |
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java 6th Edition International Student Version Micheal T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia |
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java Adam Drozdek |
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java, 5th Edition International Student Version |
Data Structures and Algorithms in Python Micheal T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia |
Data Structures Using C++ D.S. Malik |
Data Structures Using C++ D.S. Malik |
Data Structures: A Pseudocode Approach with C Richard F. Gilberg | Behrouz A. Forouzan |
Data, Network, & Internet Communications Technology Ata Elahi | Mehran Elahi |
Data, Voice and Video Cabling Jim Hayes | Paul Rosenberg |
Database Design and Implementation Edward Sciore |
Database Management Systems Patricia Ward | George A Dafoulas |
Database Security Alfred Basta | Melissa Zgola |
Database Security and Auditing: Protecting Data Integrity and Accessibility Hassan Afyouni |
Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management Carlos Coronel | Steven Morris |
Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management Carlos Coronel | Steven Morris | Peter Rob |
Database Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management Peter Rob | Carlos Coronel |
David Busch’s Canon EOS 6D Guide to Digital SLR Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch’s Canon EOS Rebel T1i/500D Guide to Digital SLR Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch’s Canon Powershot G15 Guide to Digital Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch’s Compact Field Guide for the Nikon D5200 David D. Busch |
David Busch’s DSLR Movie Shooting Compact Field Guide David D. Busch | Rob Sheppard |
David Busch’s Guide to Canon Flash Photography David D. Busch | Ed Verosky |
David Busch’s Nikon D5000 Guide to Digital SLR Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch’s Nikon V1 Guide to Digital Movie and Still Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Canon EOS 5D Mark II Guide to Digital SLR Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Canon EOS 60D Guide to Digital SLR Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Canon EOS 7D Guide to Digital Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi/450D Guide to Digital SLR Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Canon EOS M Guide to Digital Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Canon EOS Rebel T2i/550D Guide to Digital SLR Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Canon EOS Rebel T3/1100D Guide to Digital SLR Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Canon EOS Rebel T3i/600D Guide to Digital SLR Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Canon Powershot G10/G11: Guide to Digital Photography David D. Busch | Alexander S. White |
David Busch's Canon Powershot G12 Guide to Digital Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Close-Up and Macro Photography Compact Field Guide David D. Busch | Rob Sheppard |
David Busch's Compact Field Guide for the Canon EOS 5D Mark II David D. Busch |
David Busch's Compact Field Guide for the Canon EOS 60D David D. Busch |
David Busch's Compact Field Guide for the Canon EOS 6D David D. Busch |
David Busch's Compact Field Guide for the Canon EOS Rebel T3/1100D David D. Busch |
David Busch's Compact Field Guide for the Canon EOS Rebel T3i/600D David D. Busch |
David Busch's Compact Field Guide for the Nikon D3100 David D. Busch |
David Busch's Compact Field Guide for the Nikon D5100 David D. Busch |
David Busch's Compact Field Guide for the Nikon D600 David D. Busch |
David Busch's Compact Field Guide for the Nikon D7000 David D. Busch |
David Busch's Compact Field Guide for the Nikon D7100 David D. Busch |
David Busch's Compact Field Guide for the Nikon V1/J1 David D. Busch |
David Busch's Compact Field Guide for the Sony Alpha SLT-A55/A35/A33 David D. Busch |
David Busch's Compact Guide for the Canon EOS 7D David D. Busch |
David Busch's Compact Guide for the Canon EOS Rebel T2i/550D David D. Busch |
David Busch's Compact Guide for the Nikon D3000 David D. Busch |
David Busch's Compact Guide for the Nikon D5000 David D. Busch |
David Busch's Compact Guide for the Nikon D90 David D. Busch |
David Busch's Flash Photography Compact Field Guide David D. Busch | Ed Verosky |
David Busch's Nikon Coolpix P7100 Guide to Digital Photography David D. Busch | Peter K. Burian |
David Busch's Nikon D300 Guide to Digital SLR Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Nikon D3000 Guide to Digital SLR Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Nikon D300s Guide to Digital SLR Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Nikon D3100 Guide to Digital SLR Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Nikon D5100 Guide to Digital SLR Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Nikon D5200 Guide to Digital SLR Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Nikon D60 Guide to Digital SLR Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Nikon D7000 Guide to Digital SLR Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Nikon D7100 Guide to Digital SLR Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Nikon J1 Guide to Digital Movie Making and Still Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Nikon P7700 Guide to Digital Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Olympus E-5 Guide to Digital SLR Photography David D. Busch | Dan Simon |
David Busch's Olympus PEN EP-2 Guide to Digital Photography David D. Busch | Dan Simon |
David Busch's Panasonic Lumix DMC-GF1 Guide to Digital Photography David D. Busch | Dan Simon |
David Busch's Point-and-Shoot Compact Field Guide David D. Busch |
David Busch's Portrait/Candid/Street Photography Compact Field Guide David D. Busch |
David Busch's Quick Snap Guide to Photo Gear David D. Busch | Dan Simon |
David Busch's Quick Snap Guide to Using Digital SLR Lenses David D. Busch |
David Busch's Sony Alpha DSLR-A380/A330/A230 Guide to Digital SLR Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Sony Alpha DSLR-A390/A290 Guide to Digital Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Sony Alpha DSLR-A550/A500 Guide to Digital Photography David D. Busch | Alexander S. White |
David Busch's Sony Alpha DSLR-A580/A560 Guide to Digital Photography David D. Busch | Alexander S. White |
David Busch's Sony Alpha DSLR-A850 Guide to Digital Photography David D. Busch | Alexander S. White |
David Busch's Sony Alpha NEX-5/NEX-3 Guide to Digital Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Sony Alpha NEX-5N Guide to Digital Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Sony Alpha NEX-7 Guide to Digital Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Sony Alpha SLT-A55/A33 Guide to Digital Photography David D. Busch | Alexander S. White |
David Busch's Sony Alpha SLT-A77 Guide to Digital Photography David D. Busch |
David Busch's Sony Alpha SLT-A77/A65 Compact Field Guide David D. Busch |
DC Theory National Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee |
DC Theory NJATC |
De lector a escritor: El desarrollo de la comunicación escrita Michael D. Finnemann | Lynn Carbón |
De paseo: Curso intermedio de español Donna Reseigh Long | Janice Lynn Macián |
Dealing with Challenges in Psychotherapy and Counseling Christiane Brems |
Death & Dying, Life & Living Charles A. Corr | Donna M. Corr |
Death and Dying: Life and Living Charles A. Corr | Clyde M. Nabe | Donna M. Corr |
Debating Democracy: A Reader in American Politics Bruce Miroff | Raymond Seidelman | Todd Swanstrom |
Decision Analysis for Management Judgment, 4th Edition Paul Goodwin, George Wright |
Decision Cases for Advanced Social Work Practice: Thinking Like a Social Worker Terry A. Wolfer | T. Laine Scales |
Decision Cases for Generalist Social Work Practice: Thinking Like a Social Worker T. Laine Scales | Terry A. Wolfer |
Decision Making with Insight Sam L. Savage |
Deck Construction Based on the 2009 International Residential Code Ed Francis | Glenn G. A. Mathewson |
Decouverte Et Creation Gerard Jian | Ralph Hester |
Defending the Homeland: Domestic Intelligence, Law Enforcement, and Security Jonathan R. White |
DeGarmo's Materials and Processes in Manufacturing, 11th Edition International Student Version J. T Black, Ronald A. Kohser |
Delegation of Nursing Care Patricia Kelly | Maureen T. Marthaler |
Delmar Learning’s Clinical Handbook for the Medical Office Michelle Heller, CMA (AAMA), RMA |
Delmar Learning’s Clinical Handbook for the Medical Office Michelle Heller, CMA (AAMA), RMA | Connie Krebs |
Delmar Learning's Clinical Medical Assisting Pocket Guide Michelle Heller, CMA (AAMA), RMA |
Delmar Nurse's Drug Handbook 2010 Edition George R. Spratto | Adrienne L. Woods |
Delmar Nurse's Drug Handbook 2012 Edition George R. Spratto | Adrienne L. Woods |
Delmar’s Math Review Series for Health Care Professionals: The Basics of Decimals Roger Ellsbury |
Delmar’s Math Review Series for Health Care Professionals: The Basics of Fractions Roger Ellsbury |
Delmar’s Math Review Series for Health Care Professionals: The Basics of Percents Roger Ellsbury |
Delmar’s Math Review Series for Health Care Professionals: The Basics of Ratio Rate and Proportion Roger Ellsbury |
Delmar's Administrative Medical Assisting Wilburta Q. Lindh | Marilyn Pooler | Carol D. Tamparo | Barbara M. Dahl |
Delmar's Administrative Medical Assisting Wilburta Q. Lindh | Marilyn Pooler | Carol D. Tamparo | Barbara M. Dahl | Julie Morris |
Delmar's Administrative Medical Assisting Wilburta Q. Lindh | Marilyn S. Pooler | Carol D. Tamparo | Barbara M. Dahl |
Delmar's Case Study Series: Medical-Surgical Nursing Gina M. Ankner |
Delmar's Clinical Medical Assisting Wilburta Q. Lindh | Marilyn Pooler | Carol D. Tamparo | Barbara M. Dahl |
Delmar's Clinical Medical Assisting Wilburta Q. Lindh | Marilyn S. Pooler | Carol D. Tamparo | Barbara M. Dahl |
Delmar's Complete Review for NCLEX-RN® Donna F. Gauwitz |
Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clinical Competencies Wilburta Q. Lindh | Marilyn Pooler | Carol D. Tamparo | Barbara M. Dahl |
Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clinical Competencies Wilburta Q. Lindh | Marilyn Pooler | Carol D. Tamparo | Barbara M. Dahl | Julie Morris |
Delmar's Comprehensive Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clinical Competencies Wilburta Q. Lindh | Marilyn S. Pooler | Carol D. Tamparo | Barbara M. Dahl |
Delmar's Dental Materials Guide Donna J. Phinney | Judy H. Halstead |
Delmar's Fundamental and Advanced Nursing Skills Gaylene Altman |
Delmar's Guide to Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests Rick Daniels |
Delmar's Handbook of Essential Skills and Procedures for Chairside Dental Assisting Donna J. Phinney | Judy H. Halstead |
Delmar's Integrative Herb Guide for Nurses Martha Libster, PhD-c, RN |
Delmar's Mammography Exam Review Jennifer R. Wagner | Erica Koch Wight |
Delmar's Manual of Laboratory and Diagnostic Tests Rick Daniels |
Delmar's Maternal-Infant Nursing Care Plans Karla Luxner, RNC, ND |
Delmar's Medical Assisting Exam Review: Preparation for the CMA, RMA, and CMAS Exams J. P. Cody | Cathy Kelley-Arney |
Delmar's Medical-Surgical Nursing Care Plans Shielda Rodgers |
Delmar's NCLEX-PN Review Judith C. Miller, RN, MSN |
Delmar's Pediatric Nursing Care Plans Karla Luxner, RNC, ND |
Delmar's Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam Review Patricia K. Anthony |
Delmar's Practice Questions for NCLEX-PN Judith C. Miller, RN, MSN |
Delmar's Standard Guide to Transformers Stephen L. Herman | Donald Singleton |
Delmar's Standard Textbook of Electricity Stephen Herman |
Delmar's Standard Textbook of Electricity Stephen L. Herman |
Delmar's Teaching Ideas and Classroom Activities for Health Care Lee Haroun | Susan Royce |
Delmar's Veterinary Technician Dictionary Dr. Ray V. Herren | Janet Amundson Romich | Thomson Delmar Learning |
Dementia Care: InService Training Modules for Long-Term Care Jackie Nasso | Lisa Celia |
Democracy for the Few Michael Parenti |
Democracy Under Pressure Milton C. Cummings, Jr. | David Wise |
Democracy Under Pressure: An Introduction to the American Political System, 2006 Election Update Milton C. Cummings, Jr. | David Wise |
Democracy Under Pressure: An Introduction to the American Political System, Election Update 2006, Alternate Edition Milton C. Cummings, Jr. | David Wise |
Dental Assisting Coloring Book Donna J. Phinney | Judy H. Halstead |
Dental Assisting Instrument Guide Donna J. Phinney | Judy H. Halstead |
Dental Assisting: A Comprehensive Approach Donna J. Phinney | Judy H. Halstead |
Dental Office Management Cindy Lamkin |
Dental Terminology Charline M. Dofka |
Descriptive Geometry: An Integrated Approach Using AutoCAD® Kevin Standiford | Debrah Standiford |
Descriptive Inorganic, Coordination, and Solid State Chemistry Glen E. Rodgers |
Design and Analysis of Experiments, 8th Edition International Student Version Douglas C. Montgomary |
Design and Analysis of Lean Production Systems Ronald G. Askin |
Design and Equipment for Restaurants and Foodservice A Management View, 3rd Edition Costas Katsigris |
Design and Equipment for Restaurants and Foodservice A Management View, 4th Edition Costas katsigris |
Design and Layout of Foodservice Facilities, 3rd Edition John C. Birfield |
Design and the Creative Process Daryl Moore |
Design Basics David A. Lauer | Stephen Pentak |
Design Basics Stephen Pentak | David A. Lauer |
Design Basics: 2D and 3D Stephen Pentak | Richard Roth | David A. Lauer |
Design Basics: 3D Richard Roth | Stephen Pentak |
Design Collection Creative Cloud Revealed Update Chris Botello | Elizabeth Eisner Reding |
Design Collection Revealed: Adobe InDesign CS3, Photoshop CS3 & Illustrator CS3 Chris Botello | Elizabeth Eisner Reding |
Design Fundamentals for New Media James Bennett |
Design Fundamentals for New Media James Gordon Bennett |
Design of Experiments: Statistical Principles of Research Design and Analysis Robert O. Kuehl |
Design of Fluid Thermal Systems - SI Version William S. Janna |
Design of Fluid Thermal Systems William S. Janna |
Design of Fluid Thermal Systems William S. Janna |
Design of Fluid Thermal Systems, SI Edition William S. Janna |
Design of Reinforced Concrete, 8th Edition Jack C. McCormac |
Design of Reinforced Concrete, 9th Edition, Jack McCormac |
Design Principles and Problems Paul Zelanski | Mary Pat Fisher |
Design Through Discovery: An Introduction Marjorie Elliott Bevlin |
Design Through Discovery: The Elements and Principles Marjorie Elliott Bevlin |
Design with Constructal Theory Adrian Bejan |
Design-Build Essentials Barbara Jackson |
Designing and Conducting Research in Health and Human Performance Tracy D. Matthews |
Designing and Leading Comprehensive School Counseling Programs: Promoting Student Competence and Meeting Student Needs Duane Brown | Jerry G. Trusty |
Designing Brand Experience: Creating Powerful Integrated Brand Solutions Robin Landa |
Designing Effective Web Sites: A Concise Guide Johndan Johnson-Eilola |
Designing for Print Production: Essential Concepts Martin L. Greenwald | John C. Luttropp |
Designing the Customer-Centric Organization A Guide to Strategy, Structure, and Process Jay R. Galbrieth |
Desktop Cinema: Feature Filmmaking On a Home Computer Graham Robertson |
Desktop Publishing Activities Iris Blanc |
Desktop Publishing BASICS Suzanne Weixel |
Detailed Instruction for Appropriate ICD-10-CM Coding - 2013 Ingenix |
Detailed Instruction for Appropriate ICD-10-CM Coding — 2014 Optum |
Detailed Instruction for Appropriate ICD-10-CM Coding, 2015 Optum |
Detailed Instruction for Appropriate ICD-10-PCS Coding - 2014 Optum |
Detailed Instruction for Appropriate ICD-10-PCS Coding, 2015 Optum |
Detecting Earnings Management Gary Giroux |
Deterministic Operations Research Models and Methods in Linear Optimization David J. Rader |
Deutsch heute Jack Moeller | Thorsten Huth | Gisela Hoecherl-Alden | Simone Berger | Winnie Adolph |
Deutsch heute Worktext, Volume 1 Jack Moeller | Thorsten Huth | Gisela Hoecherl-Alden | Simone Berger | Winnie Adolph |
Deutsch heute Worktext, Volume 2 Jack Moeller | Thorsten Huth | Gisela Hoecherl-Alden | Simone Berger | Winnie Adolph |
Deutsch heute, Enhanced Jack Moeller | Simone Berger | Gisela Hoecherl-Alden | Seth Howes | Winnie Adolph | Thorsten Huth |
Deutsch heute: Introductory German Jack Moeller | Winnie Adolph | Gisela Hoecherl-Alden | Simone Berger |
Deutsch Heute: Introductory German Jack Moeller | Winnie Adolph | Gisela Hoecherl-Alden | Simone Berger | John F. Lalande II |
Devel Thematic Units Diane D. Allen | Mary L. Piersma |
Developer's Guide to the Windows SharePoint Services v3 Platform Todd C. Bleeker, Ph.D |
Developing and Administering a Child Care and Education Program Dorothy June Sciarra, Ed.D | Anne G. Dorsey | Ellen Lynch |
Developing and Administering a Child Care and Education Program Dorothy June Sciarra, Ed.D | Anne G. Dorsey | Ellen Lynch | Shauna Adams |
Developing and Administering a Child Care and Education Program Dorothy June Sciarra, Ed.D | Ellen Lynch | Shauna Adams | Anne G. Dorsey |
Developing and Administering a Child Care Education Program D. June Sciarra | Anne G. Dorsey |
Developing and Role Playing Effective Sales Presentations David Sellars |
Developing as a Professional: A Guide for Contemporary Paraprofessionals Mary D. Burbank |
Developing Fieldwork Skills: A Guide for Human Services, Counseling, and Social Work Students Rosemary Chiaferi | Michael Griffin |
Developing GIS Solutions With MapObjects and Visual Basic Bruce Ralston |
Developing Helping Skills: A Step by Step Approach to Competency Valerie Nash Chang | Sheryn T. Scott | Carol L. Decker |
Developing Helping Skills: A Step-by-Step Approach Valerie Nash Chang | Sheryn T. Scott | Carol L. Decker |
Developing Local Green Building Ordinances and Programs International Code Council (ICC) |
Developing Reading Versatility W. Royce Adams | Becky Patterson |
Developing Spatial Thinking Workbook Sheryl A. Sorby |
Developing Textbook Thinking: Strategies for Success in College Sherrie L. Nist | William Diehl |
Developing Your Identity as a Professional Counselor: Standards, Settings, and Specialties Sylvia Nassar-McMillan | Spencer G. Niles |
Developing Your School Counseling Program: A Handbook for Systemic Planning Zark VanZandt | Jo Hayslip |
Development Economics Theory, Empirical Research, and Policy Analysis by Julie Schaffner |
Development Through Life: A Psychosocial Approach Barbara M. Newman | Philip R. Newman |
Development: Infancy Through Adolescence Laurence Steinberg | Deborah Lowe Vandell | Marc H. Bornstein |
Developmental Coordination Disorder Sharon A. Cermak, Ed.D., OTR/L, FAOTA | Dawn Larkin, Ed.D., DPE, Senior Lecturer |
Developmental Counseling and Therapy Allen E. Ivey | Mary Bradford Ivey | Jane E. Myers | Thomas J. Sweeney |
Developmental Mathematics for College Students Alan S. Tussy | R. David Gustafson |
Developmental Mathematics for College Students Alan S. Tussy | R. David Gustafson | Diane Koenig |
Developmental Profiles: Pre-Birth Through Adolescence Lynn R. Marotz | K. Eileen Allen |
Developmental Profiles: Pre-birth Through Twelve K. Eileen Allen | Lynn R. Marotz |
Developmental Psychology: Childhood and Adolescence David Shaffer | Katherine Kipp |
Developmentally Appropriate Practice Carol Gestwicki |
Developmentally Appropriate Practice: Curriculum and Development in Early Education Carol Gestwicki |
Deviance: Career of a Concept Joel Best |
Deviance: RuleMakers and RuleBreakers Nancy A. Heitzeg |
DEWALT® Blueprint Reading Professional Reference American Contractors Educational Services |
DEWALT® Building Code Reference: Based on the 2006 International Residential Code American Contractor's Exam Services |
DEWALT® Building Contractor's Licensing Exam Guide American Contractors Exam Services |
DEWALT® Building Contractor's Licensing Exam Guide with Interactive CD-ROM: Based on the IBC and Construction Theory American Contractor's Exam Services |
DEWALT® Carpentry and Framing Complete Handbook Gary Brackett |
DEWALT® Carpentry Quick Check: Extreme Duty Edition Chris Prince |
DEWALT® Construction Estimating Complete Handbook Adam Ding |
DEWALT® Construction Estimating Professional Reference American Contractors Educational Services |
DEWALT® Construction Math Quick Check: Extreme Duty Edition Chris Prince |
DEWALT® Construction Professional Reference Master Edition: Residential and Light Commercial Construction William P. Spence |
DEWALT® Construction Professional Reference Paul Rosenberg | American Contractors Educational Services |
DEWALT® Construction Safety and OSHA Handbook Daniel Johnson |
DEWALT® Construction Safety/OSHA Professional Reference Paul Rosenberg |
DEWALT® Contractor's Daily Logbook & Jobsite Reference American Contractors Educational Services |
DEWALT® Contractor's Forms & Letters Paul Rosenberg |
DEWALT® Datacom Professional Reference Paul Rosenberg | American Contractors Educational Services |
DEWALT® Electric Motor Professional Reference Paul Rosenberg | American Contractors Educational Services |
DEWALT® Electrical Code Reference: Based on the 2008 National Electrical Code American Contractor's Exam Services | Daniel Sandefur |
DEWALT® Electrical Code Reference: Based on the 2011 National Electrical Code American Contractor's Exam Services |
DEWALT® Electrical Code Reference: Based on the NEC® 2014 Daniel Sandefur |
DEWALT® Electrical Estimating Professional Reference Adam Ding |
DEWALT® Electrical Estimating Professional Reference Paul Rosenberg |
DEWALT® Electrical Licensing Exam Guide Ray Holder |
DEWALT® Electrical Licensing Exam Guide: Based on the NEC® 2014 Ray Holder |
DEWALT® Electrical Licensing Exam Guide: Updated for the NEC 2008 Ray Holder |
DEWALT® Electrical Professional Reference - 2008 Code Paul Rosenburg |
DEWALT® Electrical Professional Reference - 2011 Edition Paul Rosenberg |
DEWALT® Electrical Professional Reference American Contractors Educational Services |
DEWALT® Electrical Professional Reference, 2014 Edition Paul Rosenberg |
DEWALT® Electricista Referencia Profesional: DEWALT® Spanish Electrical Professional Reference Paul Rosenberg | American Contractors Educational Services |
DEWALT® HVAC Code Reference: Based on the International Mechanical Code American Contractor's Exam Services |
DEWALT® HVAC Estimating Professional Reference Adam Ding |
DEWALT® HVAC Technician Certification Exam Guide Norm Christopherson |
DEWALT® HVAC/R Professional Reference Master Edition American Contractors Educational Services |
DEWALT® Lighting & Maintenance Professional Reference Paul Rosenberg | American Contractors Educational Services |
DEWALT® Operaciones Matamà ticas Para Obras Quick Check Christopher Prince |
DEWALT® Plumbing Code Reference: Based on the 2006 International Plumbing Code and the 2006 International Residential Code American Contractor's Exam Services |
DEWALT® Plumbing Estimating Professional Reference Adam Ding |
DEWALT® Plumbing Licensing Exam Guide American Contractors Exam Services |
DEWALT® Plumbing Professional Reference Paul Rosenberg | American Contractors Educational Services |
DEWALT® Plumbing Quick Check: Extreme Duty Edition Chris Prince |
DEWALT® Residential Construction Codes, Complete Handbook Lynn Underwood |
DEWALT® Residential Remodeling and Repair Professional Reference Paul Rosenberg |
DEWALT® Spanish/English Construction Dictionary - Illustrated Edition Paul Rosenberg |
DEWALT® Wiring Diagrams Professional Reference Paul Rosenberg | American Contractors Educational Services |
DEWALT® Wiring Quick Check Chris Prince | Daniel Sandefur |
DHO: Health Science Louise Simmers | Karen Simmers-Nartker | Sharon Simmers-Kobelak |
Dicho en vivo Beginning Spanish with Personal Native-Speaker Coaching KiM Potowski |
Dicho y hecho Beginning Spanish, 9th Edition Kim Potowski |
Dictionary of Investment Terms Catharyn Martz |
Die Deutschen Wulf Koepke |
Differential Equations Paul Blanchard | Robert L. Devaney | Glen R. Hall |
Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems Modern Methods and Applications, International Student Version, Second Edition James R. Brannan |
Differential Equations with Boundary-Value Problems Dennis G. Zill | Michael R. Cullen |
Differential Equations with Boundary-Value Problems Dennis G. Zill | Warren S. Wright |
Digital 3D Design Simon Danaher |
Digital Black & White Photography John Beardsworth |
Digital Communication Systems, 1st Edition Simon Haykin |
Digital Design Basics Amy E. Arntson |
Digital Design with CPLD Applications and VHDL Robert Dueck |
Digital Design: From Gates to Intelligent Machines Bruce F. Katz | Leo Chartrand |
Digital Devices and Systems (with PLD Applications) Michael A. Miller |
Digital Electronics James Bignell | Robert Donovan |
Digital Electronics Robert Dueck | Ken Reid |
Digital Family Photography Michael Wright |
Digital Fashion Photography Chris Tarantino | Ken Tan |
Digital Food Photography Lou Manna |
Digital Information Age: An Introduction to Electrical Engineering Roman Kuc |
Digital Logic and Microprocessor Design with VHDL Enoch O. Hwang |
Digital Logic: Applications and Design John M. Yarbrough |
Digital Moviemaking Lynne S. Gross |
Digital Moviemaking Lynne S. Gross | Larry W. Ward |
Digital Music Making for Teens Andrew Hagerman |
Digital Night and Low-Light Photography Tim Gartside |
Digital Nude Photography Roderick Macdonald |
Digital Painting Fundamentals with Corel Painter 12 Rhoda Grossman Draws |
Digital Painting Fundamentals with Corel Painter X Rhoda Grossman |
Digital Performer 5 Power! Don Barrett |
Digital Performer Power! Steve Thomas |
Digital Photography Bruce Warren |
Digital Photography for Teens Marc Campbell | Dave Long |
Digital Printing Start-Up Guide Harald Johnson |
Digital Radiography: An Introduction for Technologists Euclid Seeram |
Digital Signal Processing - A Modern Introduction Ashok Ambardar |
Digital Signal Processing Implementations: Using DSP Microprocessors (with examples from TMS320C54XX) Avtar Singh | S. Srinivasan |
Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB® Vinay K. Ingle | John G. Proakis |
Digital SLR Pro Secrets David D. Busch |
Digital Sports Photography G. Newman Lowrance |
Digital Systems Design Using Verilog Charles Roth | Lizy Kurian John | Byeong Kil Lee |
Digital Systems Design Using VHDL Charles H. Roth, Jr. | Lizy Kurian John |
Digital Video BASICS Scott Schaefermeyer |
Digital Video Essentials: Apple Final Cut Pro 6 Lisa Rysinger |
DigiTools: Communication, Information, and Technology Skills Karl Barksdale |
Dimensional Analysis for Meds Anna M. Curren |
Dimensions of the Hospitality Industry, 3rd Edition |
Dining Room and Banquet Management Anthony J. Strianese | Pamela P. Strianese |
Direct Current Fundamentals Stephen L. Herman |
Direct Social Work Practice: Theory and Skills Dean H. Hepworth | Ronald Rooney | Glenda Dewberry Rooney | Kim Strom-Gottfried | Jo Ann Larsen |
Disaster Mental Health: Theory and Practice James Halpern | Mary Tramontin |
Disaster Recovery EC-Council |
Discovering Behavioral Neuroscience: An Introduction to Biological Psychology Laura A. Freberg |
Discovering Biological Psychology Laura A. Freberg |
Discovering Child Development Carol Lynn Martin | Richard Fabes |
Discovering Computers - Fundamentals 2011 Edition Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Computers & Microsoft® Office 2013: A Fundamental Combined Approach Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Computers 2007: A Gateway to Information, Brief Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Computers 2007: A Gateway to Information, Introductory Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Computers 2008, Brief Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Computers 2008: Complete Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Computers 2009: Brief Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Computers 2009: Complete Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Computers 2009: Introductory Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Computers 2010: Living in a Digital World, Brief Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Computers 2010: Living in a Digital World, Complete Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Computers 2010: Living in a Digital World, Fundamentals Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Computers 2010: Living in a Digital World, Introductory Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Computers 2011: Brief Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Computers 2011: Complete Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Computers 2011: Introductory Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Computers 2014 Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Computers and Microsoft® Office 2007: A Fundamental Combined Approach Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Computers and Microsoft® Office 2010: A Fundamental Combined Approach Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Computers Fundamentals: Your Interactive Guide to the Digital World Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Computers, Brief: Your Interactive Guide to the Digital World Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Computers, Complete: Your Interactive Guide to the Digital World Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Computers, Introductory: Your Interactive Guide to the Digital World Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Computers: Essentials Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Computers: Fundamentals Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat |
Discovering Physical Geography, 1st Edition Alan F. Arbogast |
Discovering Physical Geography, 2nd Edition Alan F. Arbogast |
Discovering Physical Geography, 3rd Edition Alan F. Arbogast |
Discovering Psychology: The Science of Mind John Cacioppo | Laura A. Freberg |
Discovering Psychology: The Science of Mind, Briefer Version John Cacioppo | Laura A. Freberg |
Discovering Sociology: Using MicroCase® ExplorIT Steven E. Barkan |
Discovering the American Past, Brief Edition William Bruce Wheeler | Susan D. Becker |
Discovering the American Past: A Look at the Evidence, Volume I: To 1877 William Bruce Wheeler | Susan D. Becker |
Discovering the American Past: A Look at the Evidence, Volume I: To 1877 William Bruce Wheeler | Susan D. Becker | Lorri Glover |
Discovering the American Past: A Look at the Evidence, Volume II: Since 1865 William Bruce Wheeler | Susan D. Becker |
Discovering the American Past: A Look at the Evidence, Volume II: Since 1865 William Bruce Wheeler | Susan D. Becker | Lorri Glover |
Discovering the Ancient Past: A Look at the Evidence Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks | Julius R. Ruff | Franklin M. Doeringer | William Bruce Wheeler |
Discovering the Global Past, Volume I Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks | William Bruce Wheeler | Franklin M. Doeringer | Kenneth R. Curtis |
Discovering the Global Past, Volume II Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks | William Bruce Wheeler | Franklin M. Doeringer | Kenneth R. Curtis |
Discovering the Internet: Brief Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | H. Albert Napier | Ollie N. Rivers |
Discovering the Internet: Brief Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | H. Albert Napier | Philip J. Judd |
Discovering the Internet: Brief Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | H. Albert Napier | Philip J. Judd | Emily Ketcham |
Discovering the Internet: Brief Gary B. Shelly | Jennifer Campbell |
Discovering the Internet: Brief Jennifer Campbell |
Discovering the Internet: Complete Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Albert H. Napier | Ollie N. Rivers |
Discovering the Internet: Complete Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | H. Albert Napier | Philip J. Judd |
Discovering the Internet: Complete Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | H. Albert Napier | Philip J. Judd | Emily M. Kaufmann |
Discovering the Internet: Complete Gary B. Shelly | Jennifer Campbell |
Discovering the Internet: Complete Jennifer Campbell |
Discovering the Medieval Past Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks | William Bruce Wheeler | Kenneth R. Curtis |
Discovering the Twentieth-Century World Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks | Julius R. Ruff | William Bruce Wheeler | Franklin M. Doeringer | Kenneth R. Curtis |
Discovering the Western Past, Volume I: To 1789 Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks | Andrew D. Evans | William Bruce Wheeler | Julius R. Ruff |
Discovering the Western Past, Volume II: Since 1500 Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks | Andrew D. Evans | William Bruce Wheeler | Julius R. Ruff |
Discovering the Western Past: A Look at the Evidence, Volume I: To 1789 Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks | Julius R. Ruff | William Bruce Wheeler |
Discovering the Western Past: A Look at the Evidence, Volume II: Since 1500 Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks | Julius R. Ruff | William Bruce Wheeler |
Discovering Your Career Ann Jordan | Lynne Whaley |
Discovery of Poetry Frances Mayes |
Discovery Series: Human Sexuality Janell L. Carroll |
Discovery Series: Introduction to Lifespan Spencer A. Rathus |
Discovery Series: Introduction to Psychology Rod Plotnik | Haig Kouyoumdjian |
Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science Gary Haggard | John Schlipf | Sue Whitesides |
Discrete Mathematics Kevin Ferland |
Discrete Mathematics with Applications Susanna S. Epp |
Discrete Mathematics: Introduction to Mathematical Reasoning Susanna S. Epp |
Discrete Systems Laboratory Using MATLAB® Martin Schetzen | Vinay K. Ingle |
Discrete-Time Control Problems Using MATLAB® Joe H. Chow | Dean K. Frederick | Nicolas W. Chbat |
Disorders of Childhood: Development and Psychopathology Robin Hornik Parritz | Michael F. Troy |
Distance Education: A Systems View Michael G. Moore | Greg Kearsley |
Distance Education: A Systems View of Online Learning Michael G. Moore | Greg Kearsley |
Distant Mirrors: America as a Foreign Culture Philip R. DeVita | James D. Armstrong |
Diversified Health Occupations Louise Simmers |
Diversité: La nouvelle francophone James Gaasch | Valérie Budig-Markin |
Diversity and Cultural Competence in Health Care A Systems Approach Janice L. Dreachslin |
Diversity in Counseling Robert Brammer |
Diversity in Counseling Robyn Brammer |
Diversity in Organizations Myrtle P. Bell |
Diversity in U.S. Mass Media Catherine A. luther |
Diversity Matters: Understanding Diversity in Schools Lynn Kell Spradlin |
Diversity Matters: Understanding Diversity in Schools Lynn Kell Spradlin | Richard D. Parsons |
Do Carrots Make You See Better? A Guide To Food And Nutrition In Early Childhood Programs Julie Appleton | Nadine McCrea | Carla Patterson |
Do the Right Thing: Readings in Applied Ethics and Social Philosophy Francis J. Beckwith |
Doble vÃa: Comunicación en español, Standalone Ronald J. Friis | Tatiana Séeligman |
Documentation & the Nursing Process: A Review Lois Elain White |
Documentation in Supervision: The Focused Risk Management Supervision System (FoRMSS) Janet Elizabeth Falvey | Christine F. Caldwell | Carol R. Cohen |
Documents of Western Civilization Volume I: To 1715 Candace Gregory |
Documents of Western Civilization Volume II: Since 1500 Candace Gregory |
Doing Data Analysis with MINITABâ„¢ 14 Robert H. Carver |
Doing Data Analysis with SPSS®: Version 14.0 Robert H. Carver | Jane Gradwohl Nash |
Doing Data Analysis with SPSS®: Version 16.0 Robert H. Carver | Jane Gradwohl Nash |
Doing Data Analysis with SPSS®: Version 18.0 Robert H. Carver | Jane Gradwohl Nash |
Doing History: Research and Writing in the Digital Age Michael J. Galgano | J. Chris Arndt | Raymond M. Hyser |
Doing Mathematics: An Introduction to Proofs and Problem-Solving Steven Galovich |
Doing Philosophy Joel Feinberg |
Doing Philosophy Joel Feinberg | Russ Shafer-Landau |
Doing Psychology Experiments David W. Martin |
Doing Research: A Lab Manual for Psychology Jane F. Gaultney |
Doing Sociology: A Global Perspective Rodney Stark |
Doing Sociology: A Global Perspective: Using MicroCase ExplorIt Workbook Rodney Stark |
Dollars & Sense: Planning for Profit in Your Child Care Business Janet Bush |
Dosage Calculation Practices for Nurses Bonita E. Broyles |
Dosage Calculations Gloria D. Pickar, EdD, RN |
Dosage Calculations Gloria D. Pickar, RN, EdD |
Dosage Calculations Gloria D. Pickar, RN, EdD | Amy Pickar Abernethy, MD |
Dosage Calculations: A Ratio-Proportion Approach Gloria D. Pickar, RN, EdD |
Dosage Calculations: A Ratio-Proportion Approach Gloria D. Pickar, RN, EdD | Amy Pickar Abernethy, MD |
Doubletakes: Pairs of Contemporary Short Stories T. Coraghessan Boyle |
DPL 4.0: Professional Decision Analysis Software: Academic Edition Applied Decision Analysis, LLP, Price Waterhouse Coopers |
Drafting and Design for Architecture & Construction Dana J. Hepler | Paul Ross Wallach | Donald Hepler |
Drafting and Design for Architecture Dana J. Hepler | Paul Ross Wallach | Donald Hepler |
Dragons and Tigers A Geography of South, East, and Southeast Asia, 3rd Edition Barbara A. Weightman |
Drama Essentials: An Anthology of Plays Matthew Roudané |
Dramaturgy in American Theatre: A Source Book Susan S. Jonas | Geoffrey S. Proehl | Michael Lupo |
Drawing from Life Clint Brown | Cheryl McLean |
Drawing Inspiration: Visual Artists At Work Michael Fleishman |
Drawing: A Contemporary Approach Teel Sale | Claudia Betti |
Dreamweaver CC Digital Classroom Micheal Arguin |
Dreamweaver CS4 Digital Classroom, (Book and Video Training) Jeremy Osborn |
Dreamweaver CS5 Digital Classroom, (Book and Video Training covers CS5 & CS5.5) Jeremy Osborn |
DRG Desk Reference 2010 Ingenix |
DRG Desk Reference 2011 Ingenix |
DRG Desk Reference 2012 Ingenix |
DRG Desk Reference 2013 Ingenix |
DRG Desk Reference — 2014 Optum |
DRG Desk Reference for ICD-9-CM, 2015 Optum |
DRG Documentation Deck 2010 (pack of 3 decks) Ingenix |
DRG Documentation Deck 2011 Ingenix |
DRG Documentation Deck 2012 Ingenix |
DRG Expert 2010, Compact Ingenix |
DRG Expert 2012 Ingenix |
DRG Expert 2013 Ingenix |
DRG Expert — 2014 Optum |
DRG Expert for ICD-9-CM, 2015 Optum |
Drug Reference for EMS Providers Richard K. Beck, BBA, NREMT-P |
Drug Use and Abuse Stephen A. Maisto | Mark Galizio | Gerard J. Connors |
Drug Use and Abuse: A Comprehensive Introduction Howard Abadinsky |
Drug Use, Misuse, and Abuse Cecila A. Markceszinki |
Drugs Across the Spectrum Raymond Goldberg |
Drugs: An Introduction Howard Abadinsky |
Drupal 7 Primer: Creating CMS-Based Websites: A Guide for Beginners Todd Kelsey |
DSP Filter Cookbook John Lane |
Du tac au tac: Managing Conversations in French Jeannette D. Bragger | Donald B. Rice |
DVD and Technicals Binder for The Edge by Milady: Muse Edition Milady |
DVD and Technicals Binder Milady |
Dwelling Construction Under the 2006 International Building Code International Code Council (ICC) |
Dynamic Argument Robert Lamm | Justin Everett |
Dynamic Argument, Brief Robert Lamm | Justin Everett |
Dynamics - Engineering Mechanics 2nd Edition Benson H. Tongue, Sheeri D. Sheppard |
Dynamics and Skills of Group Counseling Lawrence Shulman |
E/M Fast Finder 2010 Ingenix |
E/M Fast Finder 2011 Ingenix |
E/M Fast Finder 2012 Ingenix |
E/M Fast Finder 2013 Ingenix |
E/M Fast Finder — 2014 Optum |
Early Childhood Activities For Creative Educators Pam Briggs | Theo Pilot | Janet Bagby |
Early Childhood Curriculum: A Child's Connection to the World Hilda Jackman |
Early Childhood Experiences in Language Arts: Early Literacy Jeanne M. Machado |
Early Childhood Special Education: Birth to Eight Frank G. Bowe |
Early Education Curriculum: A Child's Connection to the World Hilda Jackman |
Early Education Curriculum: A Child's Connection to the World Hilda Jackman | Nancy Beaver | Susan Wyatt |
Earnings Management: An Executive Perspective Thomas E. McKee |
EARTH 2 Mark Hendrix | Graham R. Thompson |
EARTH Graham R. Thompson | Jonathan Turk |
Earth Lab: Exploring the Earth Sciences Claudia Owen | Diane Pirie | Grenville Draper |
Earth Science and the Environment, Reprint Graham R. Thompson | Jon Turk |
East Asia: A Cultural, Social, and Political History Patricia Buckley Ebrey | Anne Walthall |
East Asia: A Cultural, Social, and Political History Patricia Buckley Ebrey | Anne Walthall | James B. Palais |
East Asia: A Cultural, Social, and Political History, Volume II: From 1600 Patricia Buckley Ebrey | Anne Walthall |
Eat Fit, Be Fit: Health and Weight Management Solutions Linda Arpino, M.A.,R.D., C.D.N. |
Ebola, Culture and Politics: The Anthropology of an Emerging Disease Barry S. Hewlett | Bonnie L. Hewlett |
E-Business Organizational and Technical Foundations Micheal P. Papazouglou |
E-Business Technologies Supporting the Net-Enhanced Organization Craig Vann Slyke |
ECG: Practical Applications Pocket Reference Guide Kathryn Lewis |
Ecological Principles of Agriculture Laura Powers | Robert McSorley |
E-Commerce and Information Technology in Hospitality and Tourism Zongqing Zhou, Ph.D. |
E-Commerce BASICS Bruce McLaren | Constance H. McLaren |
E-Commerce Marketing Brad Kleindl | James L. Burrow |
eCompanion for Aufmann/Lockwood's Beginning Algebra, 1st Richard N. Aufmann | Joanne S. Lockwood |
eCompanion for Aufmann/Lockwood's Intermediate Algebra Richard N. Aufmann | Joanne S. Lockwood |
ECON for Macroeconomics William A. McEachern |
ECON Macro 2 William A. McEachern |
ECON Macro 3 William A. McEachern |
ECON Macroeconomics 4 William A. McEachern |
ECON Micro 2 William A. McEachern |
ECON Micro 3 William A. McEachern |
ECON Microeconomics 4 William A. McEachern |
ECON Microeconomics William A. McEachern |
Econometric Analysis of Panel Data, 5th Edition Badi H. Baltagi |
Economic Geography A Contemporary Introduction Neil Coe, Philip Kelly, Henry W. C. Yeung |
Economic Issues and Policy Jacqueline Murray Brux |
Economic Issues for Consumers Roger LeRoy Miller | Alan D. Stafford |
Economics and Contemporary Issues Ronald L. Moomaw | Kent W. Olson |
Economics and Contemporary Issues Ronald Moomaw | Kent W. Olson | William McLean | Michael Applegate |
Economics and Contemporary Issues William McLean | Michael Applegate |
Economics and the Environment, 6th Edition Eban S. Goodstien |
Economics and the Environment, 7th Edition Eban S. Goodstien |
Economics for Investment Decision Makers Micro, Macro, and International Economics Christopher D. Piros |
Economics for Life Handbook: 101 Lessons You Can Use Every Day! Bruce Madariaga |
Economics for Life: 101 Lessons You Can Use Every Day! Bruce Madariaga |
Economics for Today Irvin B. Tucker |
Economics in the Movies G. Dirk Mateer |
Economics of Farm Management in a Global Setting Kent Olson |
Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets, 9th Edition by Fredrick Mishkin |
Economics of Strategy, 5th Edition International Student Version David Besanko, David Dranove, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer |
Economics of Strategy, 6th Edition International Student Version David Besanko, David Dranove, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer |
Economics Roger A. Arnold |
Economics Theory and Practice, 10th Edition Patrick J. Welch, Gerry F. Welch |
Economics William Boyes | Michael Melvin |
Economics, Concise Edition Roger A. Arnold |
Economics: A Contemporary Introduction William A. McEachern |
Economics: Principles and Applications Robert E. Hall | Marc Lieberman |
Economics: Principles and Policy William J. Baumol | Alan S. Blinder |
Economics: Principles and Policy, 2007 Update William J. Baumol | Alan S. Blinder |
Economics: Principles and Policy, Update 2010 Edition William J. Baumol | Alan S. Blinder |
Economics: Private and Public Choice David A. Macpherson |
Economics: Private and Public Choice James D. Gwartney | Richard L. Stroup | Russell S. Sobel | David A. Macpherson |
ED PSYCH Jack Snowman | Rick McCown |
E-Discovery: An Introduction to Digital Evidence Amelia Phillips | Ronald Godfrey | Christopher Steuart | Christine Brown |
E-Distribution Barry Lawrence | Daniel F. Jennings | Brian E. Reynolds |
Educating Exceptional Children Samuel A. Kirk | James J. Gallagher | Mary Ruth Coleman |
Educating Exceptional Children Samuel A. Kirk | James J. Gallagher | Mary Ruth Coleman | Nicholas J. Anastasiow |
Educating Exceptional Children Samuel A. Kirk | James J. Gallagher | Nicholas J. Anastasiow | Mary Ruth Coleman |
Educating the Deaf: Psychology, Principles, and Practices Donald F. Moores |
Educational Administration: Concepts and Practices Fred C. Lunenburg | Allan C. Ornstein |
Educational Assessment A Practical Introduction Thomas P. Hogan |
Educational Foundations Leslie Kaplan | William Owings |
Educational Foundations: Diverse Histories, Diverse Perspectives Grace C. Huerta |
Educational Pathways: A Faculty Development Resource Kathryn Kalanick |
Educational Policy and the Law Mark G. Yudof | Betsy Levin | Rachel Moran | James E. Ryan | Kristi L. Bowman |
Educational Policy and the Law Mark G. Yudof | David Kirp | Betsy Levin | Rachel Moran |
Educational Psychology Roxana Moreno |
Educational Psychology Bruce Tuckman | David Monetti |
Educational Psychology Reflection for Action, 3rd Edition Angela M. O’Donnell, Johnmarshall Reeve, Jeffrey K. Smith |
Educational Psychology with Virtual Psychology Labs Bruce Tuckman | David Monetti |
Educational Research James B. Schreiber, Kimberly Asner-Self |
Educational Research A Contextual Approach Ken Springer |
Educational Research Gail J. Gerlach | George R. Bieger |
Educational Testing and Measurement Classroom Application and Practice, 10th Edition Tom Kubiszygn |
Effective Communication for Colleges Clarice Pennebaker Brantley | Michele Goulet Miller |
Effective Communication for Colleges Clarice Pennebaker Brantley | Michele Goulet Miller |
Effective Communication Techniques for Child Care Mary E. Arnold |
Effective Helping: Interviewing and Counseling Techniques Barbara F. Okun |
Effective Helping: Interviewing and Counseling Techniques Barbara F. Okun | Ricki E. Kantrowitz |
Effective Human Relations: Interpersonal and Organizational Applications Barry L. Reece |
Effective Human Relations: Interpersonal and Organizational Applications Barry L. Reece | Rhonda Brandt | Karen T. Howie |
Effective Human Relations: Personal and Organizational Applications Barry L. Reece | Rhonda Brandt |
Effective Management Chuck Williams |
Effective Management: A Multimedia Approach Chuck Williams |
Efficient Reading James I. Brown | Vivian Vick Fishco |
eFictions Joseph F. Trimmer | Wade C. Jennings | Annette Patterson |
El arte de la conversación, El arte de la composición José Luis S. Ponce de Léon | James S. Noblitt |
El Mundo 21 hispano Fabián Samaniego | Nelson Rojas | Francisco RodrÃguez Nogales | Mario de Alarcón |
El Mundo 21 hispano Fabián Samaniego | Nelson Rojas | Maricarmen Ohara | Francisco X. Alarcón |
El próximo paso Bárbara Mujica |
Elder Advocacy: Essential Knowledge and Skills Across Settings Ruth Huber | H. Wayne Nelson | F. Ellen Netting | Kevin W. Borders |
Elder Law Nancy Gallo |
Eleanor Roosevelt: First Lady: Creators of the American Mind Series, Volume II James T. Baker |
E-Learning Companion: A Student's Guide to Online Success Ryan Watkins | Michael Corry |
E-Learning Companion: Student's Guide to Online Success Ryan Watkins | Michael Corry |
Election 2006: An American Government Supplement John A. Clark | Brian F. Schaffner |
Election 2008: An American Government Supplement John A. Clark | Brian F. Schaffner |
Election 2010: An American Government Supplement John A. Clark | Brian F. Schaffner |
Election 2014: An American Government Supplement, 1st John A. Clark | Brian F. Schaffner |
Electric Machines: Principles, Applications, and Control Schematics Dino Zorbas |
Electric Machines: Steady-State Theory and Dynamic Performance, 2nd Mulukutla S. Sarma |
Electric Motor Control Stephen Herman |
Electric Motor Control Stephen Herman | Walter N. Alerich |
Electric Motors & Motor Controls Jeff Keljik |
Electrical Control for Machines Diane Lobsiger |
Electrical Control for Machines Peter R. Giuliani | Leo Chartrand | Kenneth Rexford |
Electrical Engineering in Context: Smart Devices, Robots & Communications Roman Kuc |
Electrical Essentials for Powerline Workers Wayne Van Soelen |
Electrical Estimating Michael Holt |
Electrical Field Reference Handbook: Revised for the 2005 National Electric Code National Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee |
Electrical Field Reference Handbook: Revised for the NEC® 2008 National Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee |
Electrical Grounding and Bonding Phil Simmons |
Electrical Grounding and Bonding: Based on the 2005 National Electric Code Phil Simmons |
Electrical Grounding Ronald O'Riley |
Electrical Materials Rob Zachariason |
Electrical Pre-Apprenticeship and Workforce Development Manual IEC Chesapeake | WECA |
Electrical Raceways & Other Wiring Methods Richard E. Loyd | Mark C. Ode |
Electrical Raceways & Other Wiring Methods: Based On The 2005 National Electric Code Richard E. Loyd |
Electrical Safety Rob Zachariason |
Electrical Studies for Trades Stephen Herman |
Electrical Studies for Trades Stephen L. Herman |
Electrical Theory for Renewable Energy Gary Goodstal |
Electrical Transformers and Rotating Machines Stephen L. Herman |
Electrical Wiring Commercial Phil Simmons | Ray C. Mullin |
Electrical Wiring Commercial Ray C Mullin |
Electrical Wiring Commercial Ray C Mullin | Robert L. Smith |
Electrical Wiring Commercial Ray C. Mullin | Phil Simmons |
Electrical Wiring Commercial: Based On The 2005 National Electric Code Ray C. Mullin | Robert L. Smith |
Electrical Wiring Industrial Robert L. Smith | Stephen L. Herman |
Electrical Wiring Industrial Stephen L. Herman |
Electrical Wiring Industrial: Based on the 2005 National Electric Code Robert L. Smith | Stephen L. Herman |
Electrical Wiring Residential Ray C. Mullin |
Electrical Wiring Residential Ray C. Mullin | Phil Simmons |
Electrical Wiring Residential, HC Ray C Mullin |
Electrical Wiring Residential: Based On The 2005 National Electric Code Ray C. Mullin |
Electrician's Technical Reference: Variable Frequency Drives Robert Carrow |
Electricity & Controls for HVAC-R Stephen Herman | Bennie Sparkman |
Electricity & Controls for HVAC-R Stephen L. Herman | Bennie Sparkman |
Electricity 1 Thomas Kubala |
Electricity 1: Devices, Circuits & Materials Thomas Kubala |
Electricity 1: Devices, Circuits, and Materials Thomas Kubala |
Electricity 2: Devices, Circuits and Materials Thomas Kubala |
Electricity 3: Power Generation and Delivery Jeffrey J. Keljik |
Electricity 3: Power Generation, and Delivery Jeff Keljik |
Electricity 4: AC/DC Motors, Controls and Maintenance Jeff Keljik |
Electricity 4: AC/DC Motors, Controls, and Maintenance Jeffrey J. Keljik |
Electricity 4: AC/DC Motors, Controls, and Maintenance Walter N. Alerich | Jeff Keljik |
Electricity and Controls for HVAC-R Stephen L. Herman | Bennie Sparkman |
Electricity and Controls for HVAC-R Stephen L. Herman | Ron Sparkman |
Electricity for Refrigeration, Heating, and Air Conditioning Russell E. Smith |
Electrocardiography Essentials Cheryl Passanisi, RN, MS |
Electronic Commerce and the Revolution in Financial Markets Ming Fan | Jan Stallaert | Sayee Srinivasan | Andrew Whinston |
Electronic Commerce Gary Schneider |
Electronic Communication Systems Roy Blake |
Electronic Communications: Principles and Systems William D. Stanley | John M. Jeffords |
Electronic Drafting and Printed Circuit Board Design James M. Kirkpatrick |
Electronic Legal Research: An Integrated Approach Stephanie Delaney, J.D. |
Electronic Marketing: Integrating Electronic Resources into the Marketing Process Joel Reedy | Shauna J. Schullo |
Electronic Variable Speed Drives Michael E. Brumbach |
Electronics for Electricians Stephen L. Herman |
Electronics with Discrete Components, 1st Edition Enrique J. Galvez |
Elementary Algebra (with Digital Video Companion, iLrnâ„¢ Tutorial, Interactive Elementary Algebra Student Access, iLrnâ„¢ Student Guide, and InfoTrac) Charles P. McKeague |
Elementary Algebra Alan S. Tussy | R. David Gustafson |
Elementary Algebra Charles P. McKeague |
Elementary Algebra Jerome E. Kaufmann | Karen L. Schwitters |
Elementary Algebra Laura Bracken | Ed Miller |
Elementary Algebra Ron Larson |
Elementary Algebra Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler |
Elementary Algebra, Media Edition Charles P. McKeague |
Elementary Algebra, Student Support Edition Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler |
Elementary Algebra, Updated Media Edition Alan S. Tussy | R. David Gustafson |
Elementary Algebra: Algebra Within Reach Ron Larson |
Elementary Algebra: Class Test Edition Laura Bracken | Ed Miller |
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Elementary and Intermediate Algebra Charles P. McKeague |
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra Elaine Hubbard | Ronald D. Robinson |
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra Ron Larson |
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, Updated Media Edition Alan S. Tussy | R. David Gustafson |
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: A Combined Approach Jerome E. Kaufmann | Karen L. Schwitters |
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: A Combined Course Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler |
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: A Combined Course, Student Support Edition Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler |
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: A Practical Approach Timothy Craine | Jeffrey McGowan | Thomas Ruben |
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: Algebra Within Reach Ron Larson |
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: Discovery and Visualization Elaine Hubbard | Ronald D. Robinson |
Elementary Blueprint Reading for Machinists David L. Taylor |
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Elementary Hydraulics James F. Cruise | Vijay P. Singh | Mohsen M. Sherif |
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Elementary Linear Algebra Ron Larson | David C. Falvo |
Elementary Linear Algebra Stanley I. Grossman |
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Elementary Mathematical Modeling: A Dynamic Approach James Sandefur |
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Elementary Statistics, Enhanced Review Edition Robert R. Johnson | Patricia J. Kuby |
Elementary Statistics: Looking at the Big Picture Nancy Pfenning |
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Elementary Survey Sampling Richard L. Scheaffer | William Mendenhall, III | R. Lyman Ott | Kenneth G. Gerow |
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Elements of Modern Algebra Linda Gilbert |
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Embedded Microcomputer Systems: Real Time Interfacing Jonathan W. Valvano |
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Emergency Guide for Dental Auxiliaries Janet Chernega, CDA, BS |
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Emotion Notions: Modeling Personality in Game Character AI Erik Henry Vick, Ph.D. |
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Employment Law for the Paralegal Peggy Kerley |
Employment Opportunities in Education: How To Secure Your Career Jeanne Machado |
Employment Strategies for Career Success Robert Rasberry |
Empowerment in Social Work Practice: A Sourcebook A Sourcebook (Custom Publication) Lorraine Gutierrez | Ruth Parsons | Enid O. Cox |
Empowerment Series: An Introduction to the Profession of Social Work Elizabeth A. Segal | Karen E. Gerdes | Sue Steiner |
Empowerment Series: Essential Research Methods for Social Work Allen Rubin | Earl R. Babbie |
Empowerment Series: Social Work and Social Welfare Rosalie Ambrosino | Joseph Heffernan | Guy Shuttlesworth | Robert Ambrosino |
Empowerment Series: The Skills of Helping Individuals, Families, Groups, and Communities Lawrence Shulman |
Empowerment Series: Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment Charles Zastrow | Karen K. Kirst-Ashman |
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En contacto: Gramática en acción Mary Gill McVey | Brenda Wegmann | Teresa Méndez-Faith |
En contacto: Gramática en acción Mary McVey Gill | Brenda Wegmann | Teresa Méndez-Faith |
En contacto: Lecturas intermedias Mary McVey Gill | Brenda Wegmann | Teresa Méndez-Faith |
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Energy and Agriculture: Science, Environment, and Solutions Stephen Butz |
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Engineering Communication: A Practical Guide to Workplace Communications for Engineering Students David Ingre |
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Engineering Design: An Introduction John R. Karsnitz, Ph.D. | Stephen O'Brien, Ph.D. | John P. Hutchinson, Ph.D. |
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Engineering Drawing and Design David A Madsen | David P. Madsen |
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Engineering Ethics: Concepts and Cases Charles E. Harris, Jr. | Michael S. Pritchard | Michael J. Rabins | Ray James | Elaine Englehardt |
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Engineering Fundamentals: An Introduction to Engineering, SI Edition Saeed Moaveni |
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Engineering Mechanics Statics, 7th Edition SI Version J. L. Meriam |
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Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics - Computational Edition Robert W. Soutas-Little | Daniel J. Inman | Daniel S. Balint |
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Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics Andrew Pytel | Jaan Kiusalaas |
Engineering Mechanics: Statics - Computational Edition - SI Version Robert W. Soutas-Little | Daniel J. Inman | Daniel S. Balint |
Engineering Mechanics: Statics - SI Version Andrew Pytel | Jaan Kiusalaas |
Engineering Mechanics: Statics Andrew Pytel | Jaan Kiusalaas |
Engineering Mechanics: Statics-Computational Edition Robert W. Soutas-Little | Daniel J. Inman | Daniel S. Balint |
Engineering Optimization Theory and Practice, 4th Edition Singiresu S. Rao |
Engineering Statistics, 4th Edition Douglas C. Montgemary |
Engineering Statistics, SI Version, 5th Edition Douglas C. Montgemary |
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English 2600 with Writing Applications: A Programmed Course in Grammar and Usage Joseph C. Blumenthal |
English 3200 with Writing Applications: A Programmed Course in Grammar and Usage Joseph C. Blumenthal |
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English That Works Ann Honan Rodrigues |
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Enhanced Discovering Computers Misty E. Vermaat |
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Enhanced Microsoft® Office 2013: Introductory Misty E. Vermaat |
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Environmental Economics and Management: Theory, Policy and Applications Scott J. Callan | Janet M. Thomas |
Environmental Economics and Management: Theory, Policy, and Applications Scott J. Callan | Janet M. Thomas |
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Environmental Science: Problems, Connections and Solutions G. Tyler Miller Jr. | Scott Spoolman |
Environmental Science: Understanding Our Changing Earth The American Geological Institute |
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Essentials of Criminal Justice Larry J. Siegel | John L. Worrall |
Essentials of Criminal Justice Larry J. Siegel | Joseph J. Senna |
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Essentials of Ecology G. Tyler Miller Jr. | Scott Spoolman |
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Essentials of Intentional Interviewing: Counseling in a Multicultural World Allen E. Ivey | Mary Bradford Ivey | Carlos P. Zalaquett |
Essentials of Intentional Interviewing: Counseling in a Multicultural World Allen E. Ivey | Mary Bradford Ivey | Carlos P. Zalaquett | Kathryn Quirk |
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Essentials of Marketing Research William G. Zikmund | Barry J. Babin |
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Essentials of Materials Science & Engineering Donald R. Askeland | Pradeep P. Fulay |
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Essentials of Materials Science and Engineering Donald R. Askeland | Wendelin J. Wright |
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Essentials of Nursing Leadership & Management Patricia Kelly |
Essentials of Nursing Leadership & Management Patricia Kelly | Janice Tazbir |
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Essentials of Pharmacology for Health Occupations Ruth Woodrow | Bruce J. Colbert | David M. Smith |
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Essentials of Psychology Douglas A. Bernstein | Peggy W. Nash |
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Essentials of Sociology David B. Brinkerhoff | Suzanne T. Ortega | Rose Weitz |
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Essentials of Statistics for Business and Economics David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams | Jeffrey D. Camm | James J. Cochran |
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Essentials of Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences Frederick J Gravetter | Larry B. Wallnau |
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Essentials of Understanding Abnormal Behavior David Sue | Derald Wing Sue | Stanley Sue |
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Essentials of Western Civilization: A History of European Society, Volume II: Since 1550 Steven Hause | William Maltby |
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Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures: Threats and Defense Mechanisms EC-Council |
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Ethical Issues in Interpersonal Communication: Friends, Intimates, Sexuality, Marriage & Family Elaine E. Englehardt |
Ethical Issues in the Courts: A Companion to Philosophical Ethics Julie C. Van Camp |
Ethical Theory and Moral Problems Howard J. Curzer |
Ethical Theory and Social Issues: History Texts and Contemporary Readings David Theo Goldberg |
Ethical Theory: Classical and Contemporary Readings Louis P. Pojman |
Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility in the Meetings and Events Industry Elizabeth V. Henderson, Mariela McIlwraith |
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Ethics and Politics: Cases and Comments Amy Gutmann | Dennis F. Thompson |
Ethics and Values in the Information Age Joel Rudinow | Anthony Graybosch |
Ethics at the End of Life Ralph Baergen |
Ethics Case Studies for Health Information Management Leah Grebner, MS, RHIA, CCS |
Ethics for Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists: An Illustrative Casebook David L. Irwin | Mary Pannbacker | Thomas W. Powell | Gay T. Vekovius |
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Ethics in Counseling and Psychotherapy: Standards, Research, and Emerging Issues Elizabeth Reynolds Welfel |
Ethics in Information Technology George Reynolds |
Ethics in Media Communications: Cases and Controversies Louis A. Day |
Ethics in the Workplace Dean Bredeson | Keith Goree |
Ethics in the Workplace Keith Goree |
Ethics in the Workplace: Selected Readings in Business Ethics Robert A. Larmer |
ETHICS Julie C. Van Camp |
Ethics of Health Care: A Guide for Clinical Practice Raymond S. Edge | John Randall Groves |
Ethics on the Job: Cases and Strategies Raymond S. Pfeiffer | Ralph P. Forsberg |
Ethics, Legal Issues and Professionalism in Surgical Technology Julia A. Jackson |
Ethics: A Pluralistic Approach to Moral Theory Lawrence M. Hinman |
Ethics: Discovering Right and Wrong Louis P. Pojman |
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Ethics: Selections from Classic and Contemporary Writers Oliver A. Johnson | Andrews Reath |
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Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues Barbara MacKinnon |
Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues Barbara MacKinnon | Andrew Fiala |
Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues, Concise Edition Barbara MacKinnon |
Ethics: Theory and Contemporary Issues, Concise Edition Barbara MacKinnon | Andrew Fiala |
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Etlatongo: Social Complexity, Interaction, and Village Life in the Mixteca Alta of Oaxaca, Mexico Jeffrey P. Blomster |
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Europe in the Twentieth Century Robert O. Paxton | Julie Hessler |
European Imperialism: 1830 to 1930 Alice L. Conklin | Ian Christopher Fletcher |
European Politics in the Age of Globalization Howard J. Wiarda |
European Politics in Transition Mark Kesselman | Joel Krieger | Christopher S. Allen | Joan DeBardeleben | Stephen Hellman | David Ost | George Ross |
European Politics in Transition Mark Kesselman | Joel Krieger | Christopher S. Allen | Stephen Hellman | David Ost | George Ross |
Evaluation and Management Coding Advisor Optum |
Evergreen: A Guide to Writing with Readings Susan Fawcett |
Evergreen: A Guide to Writing with Readings, Compact Edition Susan Fawcett |
Everyday Arguments: A Guide to Writing and Reading Effective Arguments Katherine J. Mayberry |
Everyday Morality: An Introduction to Applied Ethics Mike W. Martin |
Everyday Statistical Reasoning: Possibilities and Pitfalls Timothy J. Lawson |
Everyone Should Draw Les Pardew |
Evidence Management for the Paralegal Stacey Hunt | Ellen Sheffer |
Evidence: Investigation, Rules and Trials Benjamin H. Frisch |
Evil and the Hiddenness of God Michael Rea |
Evolution and Prehistory: The Human Challenge William A. Haviland | Dana Walrath | Harald E.L. Prins | Bunny McBride |
Evolutionary Optimization Algorithms Dan simon |
Exam Preparation for Fire Officer I & II Douglas Cline |
Exam Preparation For Fire Pump Operations Thomas Sturtevant |
Exam Review for Successful Salon Management Edward Tezak |
Excel and Access for Accounting Glenn Owen |
Excel Applications for Accounting Principles Gaylord N. Smith |
Excel Quick Gaylord N. Smith |
Excelâ„¢ Applications for Accounting Principles Gaylord N. Smith |
Excelâ„¢ Quick Gaylord N. Smith |
Excelling in College Jeffrey Kottler |
Exceptional Children and Youth Nancy Hunt | Kathleen Marshall |
Exemplary High School Paul S. George | Kenneth C. McEwin | John M. Jenkins |
Exercise Booklet Ready Reference Handbook Jack Dodds |
Exercise Physiology Peter B. Raven, PhD | David H. Wasserman, PhD | William G. Squires, PhD | Tinker D. Murray, PhD |
Existential Literature Linda E. Patrik |
Exotic Animal Care and Management Vicki Judah | Kathy Nutall |
Experiences in Math for Young Children Rosalind Charlesworth, Ph.D. |
Experiences in Movement and Music Rae Pica |
Experiences in Movement: Birth to Age Eight Rae Pica |
Experiences in Music & Movement: Birth to Age 8 Rae Pica |
Experiencing Art Around Us Thomas Buser |
Experiencing Music Technology David Brian Williams | Peter Richard Webster |
Experiencing Music Technology, Update David Brian Williams | Peter Richard Webster |
Experiencing the Art of Theatre: A Concise Introduction William Missouri Downs | Lou Anne Wright | Erik Ramsey |
Experiencing the World of the Counselor: A Workbook for Counselor Educators and Students, 3rd Edward S. Neukrug |
Experiential Exercises in Organizational Theory and Design H. Eugene Baker III | Steven K. Paulson |
Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Designs for Generalized Causal Inference William R. Shadish | Thomas D. Cook | Donald T. Campbell |
Experimental Designs Using ANOVA Barbara G. Tabachnick | Linda S. Fidell |
Experimental Organic Chemistry: A Miniscale & Microscale Approach John C. Gilbert | Stephen F. Martin |
Experimental Organic Chemistry: A Miniscale and Microscale Approach John C. Gilbert | Stephen F. Martin |
Experimental Psychology Anne Myers | Christine Hansen |
Experimental Psychology Barry H. Kantowitz | Henry L. Roediger, III | David G. Elmes |
Experimental Psychology: Understanding Psychology Research Barry H. Kantowitz | Henry L. Roediger, III | David G. Elmes |
Experiments and Exercises in Basic Chemistry, 7th Edition Steven Murov, Brian Stedjee |
Experiments in Biochemistry: A Hands-on Approach Shawn O. Farrell | Lynn E. Taylor |
Experiments in DC/AC Circuits with Concepts Timothy Baker |
Experiments in General Chemistry Steven L. Murov |
Experiments in General Chemistry: Featuring MeasureNet Bobby Stanton | Lin Zhu | Charles "Butch" Atwood |
Experiments in General Chemistry: Inquiry and Skill Building Vickie Williamson | Larry Peck |
Experiments in General Chemistry: Inquiry and Skillbuilding Vickie Williamson | Larry Peck |
Explaining Psychological Statistics, 4th Edition Barry H. Cohen |
Exploraciones curso intermedio 4LTR press Mary Ann Blitt | Margarita Casas | Mary Copple |
Exploraciones Mary Ann Blitt | Margarita Casas |
Exploraciones, Student Edition Mary Ann Blitt | Margarita Casas |
Explorations in Beginning and Intermediate Algebra Using the TI-82/83/83 Plus/85/86 Deborah J. Cochener | Bonnie M. Hodge |
Explorations in College Algebra and Trigonometry Using the TI 83/83 Plus/84 Plus/86 Deborah Jolly Cochener | Bonnie M. Hodge |
Explorations in College Algebra, 5th Edition Linda Almgren Kime, Judy Clark, Beverly K. Michael |
Explorations in Counseling and Spirituality: Philosophical, Practical, and Personal Reflections Christopher M. Faiver | R. Elliott Ingersoll | Eugene M. O'Brien | Christopher McNally |
Explorations in Cultural Competence: Journeys to the Four Directions Hilary Weaver |
Explorations in Diversity: Examining Privilege and Oppression in a Multicultural Society Sharon K. Anderson | Valerie A. Middleton |
Explorations in Meteorology: A Lab Manual Oklahoma Climatological Survey |
Explorations in Precalculus Using the TI 83/83 Plus/84 Plus/86 Deborah Jolly Cochener | Bonnie M. Hodge |
Explorations in Privilege, Oppression and Diversity Sharon K. Anderson | Valerie A. Middleton |
Explorations: La littérature du monde français Susan Schunk | Janet Waisbrot |
Explore Life John H. Postlethwait | Janet L. Hopson |
Explore Lightroom 4: A Roadmap for Photographers Gene McCullagh |
Exploring 3D Animation with 3ds max 7 Steven Till |
Exploring 3D Animation with 3Ds Max 8 Steven Till |
Exploring 3D Animation with Maya 6 Patricia Beckmann-Wells | Phil Young |
Exploring 3D Modeling with Maya 6 Patricia Beckmann-Wells | Scott Wells |
Exploring Adobe Flash CS4 Annesa Hartman |
Exploring Adobe Flash CS5 Annesa Hartman |
Exploring Adobe Illustrator Creative Cloud Update Toni Toland | Annesa Hartman |
Exploring Adobe Illustrator CS4 Annesa Hartman |
Exploring Adobe Illustrator CS5 Annesa Hartman |
Exploring Adobe Illustrator CS6 Toni Toland | Annesa Hartman |
Exploring Adobe InDesign Creative Cloud Terry Rydberg |
Exploring Adobe InDesign Creative Cloud Update Terry Rydberg |
Exploring Adobe InDesign CS4 Terry Rydberg |
Exploring Adobe InDesign CS5 Terry Rydberg |
Exploring Adobe InDesign CS6 Terry Rydberg |
Exploring Adobe Photoshop CC Update Toni Toland | Annesa Hartman |
Exploring Adobe Photoshop CS4 Annesa Hartman |
Exploring Adobe Photoshop CS5 Annesa Hartman |
Exploring Adobe® Photoshop® CS6 Toni Toland | Annesa Hartman |
Exploring Agriscience Dr. Ray V. Herren |
Exploring Agriscience Ray V. Herren |
Exploring Agriscience Dr. Ray V. Herren |
Exploring Animal Science Frank Flanders |
Exploring Art: A Global, Thematic Approach Margaret Lazzari | Dona Schlesier |
Exploring Character Design Kevin Hedgpeth | Stephen Missal |
Exploring Digital Cinematography Jason Donati |
Exploring Digital PrePress Reid Anderson |
Exploring Digital Video Lisa Rysinger |
Exploring Drawing for Animation Stephen Missal |
Exploring Economics Robert L. Sexton |
Exploring Economics Robert Sexton |
Exploring Health Careers Maureen McCutcheon | Mary Phillips |
Exploring Illustration Michael Fleishman |
Exploring Illustrator CS2 Annesa Hartman |
Exploring Illustrator CS3 Annesa Hartman | Ken Sholar |
Exploring InDesign CS2 Terry Rydberg |
Exploring InDesign CS3 Terry Rydberg |
Exploring Interface Design Marc Silver |
Exploring Intermediate Algebra: A Graphing Approach Richard N. Aufmann | Joanne S. Lockwood | Laurie Boswell |
Exploring Introductory and Intermediate Algebra: A Graphing Approach Richard N. Aufmann | Joanne S. Lockwood | Laurie Boswell |
Exploring Juvenile Justice Cliff Roberson |
Exploring Life Drawing Harold B. Stone |
Exploring Macroeconomics Robert L. Sexton |
Exploring Macroeconomics Robert Sexton |
Exploring Management, 3rd Edition John R. Schermerhorn |
Exploring Marketing Research Barry J. Babin | William G. Zikmund |
Exploring Marketing Research William G. Zikmund | Barry J. Babin |
Exploring Microeconomics Robert L. Sexton |
Exploring Microeconomics Robert Sexton |
Exploring Multimedia for Designers Ray Villalobos |
Exploring Package Design Chuck Groth |
Exploring Photoshop CS2 Annesa Hartman |
Exploring Photoshop CS3 Annesa Hartman | Ken Sholar |
Exploring Publication Design Poppy Evans |
Exploring Religion Roger Schmidt |
Exploring School Counseling Tamara E. Davis |
Exploring Science in Early Childhood Education Karen K. Lind, Ph.D. |
Exploring Storyboarding Wendy Tumminello |
Exploring the Art and Technology of Web Design Ruth Ann Anderson |
Exploring the Basics of Drawing Victoria Vebell |
Exploring the Digital Domain: An Introduction to Computing with Multimedia and Networking, Beta Edition Kenneth Abernethy | J. Thomas Allen |
Exploring the Dynamic Earth: GIS Investigations for the Earth Sciences Michelle K. Hall | Robert F. Butler | Larry P. Kendall | Christian J. Schaller | C. Scott Walker |
Exploring the Dynamic Earth: GIS Investigations for the Earth Sciences, ArcGIS® Edition Michelle K. Hall | C. Scott Walker | Anne Huth | Robert F. Butler | Larry P. Kendall | Jeff S. Jenness |
Exploring The Elements of Design Poppy Evans |
Exploring the Elements of Design Poppy Evans | Mark A. Thomas |
Exploring the Ocean Environment: GIS Investigations for the Earth Sciences Michelle K. Hall | C. Scott Walker | Jennifer A. Weeks | Larry P. Kendall |
Exploring the Ocean Environments: GIS Investigations for the Earth Sciences, ArcGIS® Edition Michelle K. Hall | C. Scott Walker | Jennifer A. Weeks | Larry P. Kendall | Jeff S. Jenness |
Exploring the Universe with Voyager III, 2010 - 2011 Edition Brian Monson | Peter Shull, Ph.D. |
Exploring Tropical Cyclones: GIS Investigations for the Earth Sciences Michelle K. Hall | Christian J. Schaller | C. Scott Walker | Larry P. Kendall |
Exploring Tropical Cyclones: GIS Investigations for the Earth Sciences, ArcGIS® Edition Michelle K. Hall | C. Scott Walker | Jennifer A. Weeks | Larry P. Kendall | Jeff S. Jenness |
Exploring Typography Tova Rabinowitz |
Exploring Visual Storytelling Brian Arnold | Brendan Eddy |
Exploring Water Resources: GIS Investigations for the Earth Sciences Michelle K. Hall | Christian J. Schaller | C. Scott Walker | Larry P. Kendall |
Exploring Water Resources: GIS Investigations for the Earth Sciences, ArcGIS® Edition Michelle K. Hall | C. Scott Walker | Anne Huth | Larry P. Kendall | Jennifer A. Weeks |
Exploring Web Design Jeremy Vest | William Crowson | Shannon Prochran |
Exploring Web Technologies for Designers James Bennett |
Exploring Wine The Culinary Institute of America’s Guide to Wines of the World, Completely Revised 3rd Edition Steven Kolpan, Brian H. Smith, Michael A. Weiss |
Explosives Identification Guide Mike Pickett |
Extreme Weather and Climate C. Donald Ahrens | Perry J. Samson |
Face to Face: The Small-Group Experience and Interpersonal Growth Gerard Egan |
Faces of Social Policy: A Strengths Perspective Carolyn J. Tice | Kathleen Perkins |
Facilities Planning, 4th Edition James A. Tompkins, John A. White |
Families and Educators as Partners: Issues and Challenges Robert E. Rockwell | Lynda C. Andre | Mary K. Hawley |
Families and Society: Classic and Contemporary Readings Scott L. Coltrane |
Families, Schools and Communities: Together for Young Children Donna Couchenour | Kent Chrisman |
Family Assessment Handbook: An Introductory Practice Guide to Family Assessment Barbara Thomlison |
Family Business Ernesto J. Poza |
Family Involvement in Early Childhood Education: Research into Practice Jennifer Prior | Maureen R. Gerard |
Family Law William P. Statsky |
Family Law: The Essentials William P. Statsky |
Family Therapy Basics Mark Worden |
Family Therapy: An Overview Herbert Goldenberg | Irene Goldenberg |
Family Treatment: Evidence-Based Practice with Populations at Risk Curtis Janzen | Oliver Harris | Catheleen Jordan | Cynthia Franklin |
Farm and Ranch Safety Management Stan Anthony |
Farther to Go Franklin D. Gilliam |
FASCIA: Clinical Applications for Health and Human Performance Dr. Mark Lindsay |
Fashion Flair for Portrait and Wedding Photography Lindsay Adler |
Fashion Marketing Dotty Oelkers |
Fathers & Early Childhood Programs Jay Fagan, DSW, MSW | Glen Palm, Ph.D. |
Fearless Photographer: Film in the Digital Era Joseph Prezioso | Ingrid Nelson |
Fearless Photographer: Nature David M. Wyman |
Fearless Photographer: Portraits Charlotte Richardson |
Fearless Photographer: Sports Michael Skelps |
Fearless Photographer: Travel Marc Pagani |
Fearless Photographer: Weddings Joseph Prezioso |
Feature and Magazine Writing Action, Angle and Anecdotes David E. Sumner, Holly G. Mileer |
Federal Tax Research Roby B. Sawyers | William A. Raabe | Gerald E. Whittenburg | Steven L. Gill (Contributing Author) |
Federal Tax Research William A. Raabe | Gerald E. Whittenburg | Debra L. Sanders |
Federal Tax Research William A. Raabe | Gerald E. Whittenburg | Debra L. Sanders | Roby B. Sawyers | Steven L. Gill (Contributing Author) |
Feedback Control Problems Using MATLAB® and the Control System Toolbox Dean K. Frederick | Joe Chow |
Festival and Special Event Management 5th Edition Johnny Allen, William O’Toole, Robert Harris, Ian McDonnell |
Fetal/Fatal Knowledge: New Reproductive Technologies and Family-Building Strategies in India (CSCSI) Sunil K. Khanna |
Fiber Optics Technician's Manual Jim Hayes |
Field Manual for Powerline Workers Wayne Van Soelen |
Fight Choreography: The Art of Non-Verbal Dialogue John Kreng |
Figure Drawing with Virtual Models: Getting the Most Out of Poser Artist Les Pardew |
Figures, Characters and Avatars: The Official Guide to Using DAZ Studioâ„¢ to Create Beautiful Art Les Pardew |
Film Production Technique: Creating the Accomplished Image Bruce Mamer |
Film Production Technique: Creating the Accomplished Image, 5th Bruce Mamer |
Finance for Executives: Managing for Value Creation Gabriel Hawawini | Claude Viallet |
Financial & Managerial Accounting Belverd E. Needles | Marian Powers | Susan V. Crosson |
Financial & Managerial Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve |
Financial & Managerial Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Jonathan Duchac |
Financial Accounting A Global Approach Rod Monger |
Financial Accounting 6th Edition Robert Libby, Patricia A. Libby, Daniel Short |
Financial Accounting 7th Edition, ISV Paul D. Kimmel |
Financial Accounting 8th Edition, Walter T. Harrison, Charles T. Horngren |
Financial Accounting A Focus on Fundamentals 6th edition International Student Version Jerry J. Weygandt |
Financial Accounting A Valuation Emphasis John S. Hudges |
Financial Accounting Belverd E. Needles | Marian Powers |
Financial Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Jonathan Duchac |
Financial Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Philip E. Fess |
Financial Accounting Carl S. Warren | Jim Reeve | Jonathan Duchac |
Financial Accounting in an Economic Context, 8e, International Student Version Jamie Pratt |
Financial Accounting Information for Decision ,4th Edition John J. Wild |
Financial Accounting Micheal J. Jones |
Financial Accounting Theory and Analysis Text and Cases 11th Edition Richard G. Schroeder, Myrtle W. Clark, Jack M. Cathey |
Financial Accounting Tools for Business Decision Making, International Student Version, 5th Edition Paul D. Kimmel |
Financial Accounting, IFRS Edition 2nd Edition Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel, Donald E. Kieso |
Financial Accounting, with Annual Report, 5th Edition Jerry J. Wangedt |
Financial Accounting: A Focus on Interpretation and Analysis Richard F. Kochanek | Douglas Hillman |
Financial Accounting: An Introduction to Concepts, Methods and Uses Clyde P. Stickney | Roman L. Weil |
Financial Accounting: An Introduction to Concepts, Methods and Uses Clyde P. Stickney | Roman L. Weil | Katherine Schipper | Jennifer Francis |
Financial Accounting: An Introduction to Concepts, Methods and Uses Roman L. Weil | Katherine Schipper | Jennifer Francis |
Financial Accounting: Media Enhanced Belverd E. Needles | Marian Powers |
Financial Accounting: The Impact on Decision Makers Gary A. Porter | Curtis L. Norton |
Financial ACCT: 2010 Student Edition Norman H. Godwin | C. Wayne Alderman |
Financial ACCT2 Norman H. Godwin | C. Wayne Alderman |
Financial Algebra, Student Edition Robert K. Gerver | Richard J. Sgroi |
Financial Analysis with Microsoft® Excel Timothy R. Mayes | Todd M. Shank |
Financial Analysis with Microsoft® Excel® 2007 Timothy R. Mayes | Todd M. Shank |
Financial Analysis with Microsoft® Excel® Timothy R. Mayes |
Financial Analysis with Microsoft® Excel® Timothy R. Mayes | Todd M. Shank |
Financial and Economic Analysis for Engineering and Technology Management, 2nd Edition Henry E. riggs |
Financial and Managerial Accounting Belverd E. Needles | Marian Powers | Susan V. Crosson |
Financial and Managerial Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Philip E. Fess |
Financial and Managerial Accounting Using Excel® for Success James Reeve | Carl Warren | Jonathan Duchac |
Financial Economics Frank J. Fabozzi |
Financial Information Analysis, 2nd Edition Philip O’Regan |
Financial Institutions, Markets, and Money, 10th Edition David S. Kidwell |
Financial Institutions, Markets, and Money, 11th Edition International Student Version David S. Kidwell |
Financial Management in Health Care Organizations Robert McLean, PhD |
Financial Management of Health Care Organizations An Introduction to Fundamental Tools, Concepts and Applications, 3rd Edition William N. Zelman |
Financial Management of Health Care Organizations An Introduction to Fundamental Tools, Concepts and Applications, 4th Edition William N. Zelman |
Financial Management Principles and Applications 10th Edition Arthur J. Keown, John D. Martin |
Financial Management: Theory & Practice Eugene F. Brigham | Michael C. Ehrhardt |
Financial Management: Theory and Practice Eugene F. Brigham | Michael C. Ehrhardt |
Financial Markets and Institutions Jeff Madura |
Financial Markets and Institutions, Abridged Edition Jeff Madura |
Financial Markets and Institutions: Abridged Edition Jeff Madura |
Financial Planning, 2nd Edition Warren McKeown, Mike Kerry |
Financial Reporting and Analysis Charles H. Gibson |
Financial Reporting and Analysis John Dunn |
Financial Reporting and Analysis: Using Financial Accounting Information Charles H. Gibson |
Financial Reporting and Corporate Governance Thomas A. Lee |
Financial Reporting for Managers A Value-Creation Perspective, 1st Edition Jamie Pratt, D. Eric Hirst |
Financial Reporting under IFRS A Topic Based Approach Wolfgang Dick Franck Missonier-Piera |
Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation James M. Wahlen | Stephen P. Baginski | Mark Bradshaw |
Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation: A Strategic Perspective James M. Wahlen | Stephen P. Baginski | Mark Bradshaw |
Financial Reporting, Financial Statement Analysis, and Valuation: A Strategic Perspective Clyde P. Stickney | Paul Brown | James M. Wahlen |
Financial Statement Analysis A Practitioner's Guide, 4th Edition Martin S. Fridson |
Finding Our Way: A Writing Teacher's Sourcebook Wendy Bishop | Deborah Coxwell Teague |
Finding, Reading and Using the Law Anne M. Stevens |
Fingerprint Science Clarence Gerald Collins |
Finite Element Modeling for Stress Analysis Robert D. Cook |
FINITE Geoffrey C. Berresford | Andrew M. Rockett |
Finite Math and Applied Calculus Stefan Waner | Steven Costenoble |
Finite Math and Applied Calculus, Hybrid Stefan Waner | Steven Costenoble |
Finite Math on the Web 2.0 Michael Pilant | Janice Epstein | Kathryn Bollinger | Robert Hall | Yvette Hester | Arlen Strader |
Finite Mathematics An Applied Approach 10th Edition Micheal Sullivan |
Finite Mathematics An Applied Approach, International Student Version, 11th Edition Michael Sullivan |
Finite Mathematics and Applied Calculus Frank C. Wilson |
Finite Mathematics and Applied Calculus Geoffrey C. Berresford | Andrew M. Rockett |
Finite Mathematics and Applied Calculus, Enhanced Review Edition Stefan Waner | Steven Costenoble |
Finite Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences Soo T. Tan |
Finite Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, Enhanced Review Media Edition Soo T. Tan |
Finite Mathematics for the Managerial, Life, and Social Sciences, Media Edition Soo T. Tan |
Finite Mathematics Frank C. Wilson |
Finite Mathematics Geoffrey C. Berresford | Andrew M. Rockett |
Finite Mathematics Howard L. Rolf |
Finite Mathematics Stefan Waner | Steven Costenoble |
Finite Mathematics with Microsoft Excel Chester Piascik |
Finite Mathematics, Enhanced Edition Howard L. Rolf |
Finite Mathematics, Enhanced Review Edition Stefan Waner | Steven Costenoble |
Finite Mathematics, Hybrid Howard L. Rolf |
Finite Mathematics, Hybrid Stefan Waner | Steven Costenoble |
Fire and Life Safety Educator Marsha P. Giesler |
Fire Apparatus Operator: Pumper Thomas Sturtevant | Howard Sykes |
Fire Behavior and Combustion Processes Ray Shackelford |
Fire Officer's Legal Handbook J. Curtis Varone |
Fire Protection Systems A. Maurice Jones |
Firefighter Safety and Survival Don Zimmerman |
Firefighters from the Heart: True Stories and Lessons Learned Steve Chikerotis |
Firefighting Strategies and Tactics James Angle | David Harlow | William Lombardo | Craig Maciuba | Michael Gala, Jr. |
First Course in Differential Equations: The Classic Fifth Edition Dennis G. Zill |
First Course in Digital Systems Design: An Integrated Approach John P. Uyemura |
First Course in the Finite Element Method Using Algorâ„¢ Daryl L. Logan |
First Responder Handbook: Law Enforcement Edition Andrea A. Walter | Marty Rutledge | Chris Edgar | Robin Davis |
Fiscal Administration John Mikesell |
Fish & Wildlife: Principles of Zoology & Ecology Burton |
Fish & Wildlife: Principles of Zoology and Ecology L. DeVere Burton |
Fitness and Wellness Werner W.K. Hoeger |
Fitness and Wellness Werner W.K. Hoeger | Sharon A. Hoeger |
Fitness Through Aerobics, Step Training, Walking Karen S. Mazzeo |
Fitness! Karen S. Mazzeo | Lauren M. Mangili |
Fixed Income Securities Tools for Today's Markets, 3rd Edition, University Edition Bruce Tuckman |
Fixed Income Securities Valuation, Risk, and Risk Management Pietro Veronesi |
Fixing Windows Vista Jean Andrews |
Fixing Windows XP Jean Andrews |
FL Studio Power!: The Comprehensive Guide Stephen Pease |
Flash 5.0: Graphics, Animation & Interactivity James L. Mohler |
Flash Animation for Teens Eric Grebler |
Flash Game Development in a Social, Mobile and 3D World Keith Gladstien |
Flash Professional CS5 Digital Classroom, (Book and Video Training) Fred Gerantabee |
Flashcards for the Pharmacy Technician Jahangir Moini |
Fleming's Arts and Ideas Mary Warner Marien | William Fleming |
Fleming's Arts and Ideas, Volume 2 Mary Warner Marien | William Fleming |
Fleming's Arts and Ideas, Volume I Mary Warner Marien | William Fleming |
Floriculture: Designing & Merchandising Dr. Charles P. Griner |
Fluid and Electrolytes with Clinical Applications: A Programmed Approach Joyce LeFever Kee, RN, MS | Betty J. Paulanka, EdD, RN | Larry Purnell, PhD, RN |
Fluid Mechanics, 7th Edition SI Version Bruce R. Munson, Theodore H. Okiishi |
Fluid Mechanics, International Student Version, 8th Edition Robert W. Fox, Alan T. Mcdonald, |
Fluid Power Technology F. Don Norvelle |
Fluids and Electrolytes with Clinical Applications Joyce LeFever Kee, RN, MS | Betty J. Paulanka, EdD, RN | Carolee Polek |
Focus On 3D Models Evan Pipho |
FOCUS on College and Career Success Dr. Constance C. Staley | Dr. Steve Staley |
FOCUS on College Success Dr. Constance C. Staley |
FOCUS on College Success, Concise Edition Dr. Constance C. Staley |
FOCUS on Community College Success Constance Staley |
Focus on Florida: Writing Paragraphs and Essays Marilyn Broughton |
Food and Beverage Cost Control, 5th Edition Lea R. Dopson |
Food and Culture Pamela Goyan Kittler | Kathryn P. Sucher |
Food and Culture Pamela Goyan Kittler | Kathryn P. Sucher | Marcia Nahikian Nelms |
Food and Wine Pairing A Sensory Experience Robert J. Harrington |
Food Ethics Paul Pojman | Louis P. Pojman |
Foodservice Management Fundamentals Dennis R. Reynolds |
For Argument's Sake: A Guide to Writing Effective Arguments Katherine J. Mayberry |
Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression Bruce L. Bowerman | Richard O'Connell | Anne Koehler |
Forecasting: Practice and Process for Demand Management Hans Levenbach | James P. Cleary |
Forensic Accounting and Fraud Examination, 1st Edition Mary-Jo Kranacher, Richard Riley, Joseph T. Wells |
Forensic Psychology Lawrence S. Wrightsman | Solomon M. Fulero |
Forensic Psychology Solomon M. Fulero | Lawrence S. Wrightsman |
Forensic Psychology/ The Use of Behavioral Science in Civil and Criminal Justice Henry F. Fradella |
Forensic Science: Fundamentals and Investigations Anthony J. Bertino | Patricia Bertino |
Form and Style: Research Papers, Reports, Theses Carole Slade |
Form in Tonal Music: An Introduction to Analysis Douglass Green |
Formatting & Document Processing Essentials, Lessons 61-120 Susie VanHuss | Connie Forde | Donna Woo |
Formatting & Document Processing Essentials, Lessons 61-120 Susie VanHuss | Connie Forde | Donna Woo | Linda Hefferin |
Forrest General Medical Center Advanced Medical Transcription Course Donna L. Conerly-Stewart | Patricia A. Ireland |
Forrest General Medical Center Advanced Medical Transcription Course Donna L. Conerly-Stewart | Wanda L. Lott |
Foundation Course in Spanish Laurel H. Turk | Carlos A. Solé | Aurelio M. Espinosa, Jr. |
Foundation Mathematics and Statistics Thomas Bending |
Foundations and Change in Early Childhood Education, 1st Edition Martha T. Dever, Renee C. Falconer |
Foundations in Strategic Management Jeffrey S. Harrison | Caron H. St. John |
Foundations of Adult Health Nursing Lois Elain White |
Foundations of Adult Health Nursing Lois Elain White | Gena Duncan | Wendy Baumle |
Foundations of Art and Design Lois Fichner-Rathus |
Foundations of Art and Design: An Enhanced Media Edition Lois Fichner-Rathus |
Foundations of Astronomy Michael A. Seeds |
Foundations of Astronomy Michael A. Seeds | Dana Backman |
Foundations of Aural Rehabilitation: Children, Adults, and Their Family Members Nancy Tye-Murray |
Foundations of Basic Nursing Lois Elain White |
Foundations of Basic Nursing Lois Elain White | Gena Duncan | Wendy Baumle |
Foundations of Behavioral Research Fred N. Kerlinger | Howard B. Lee |
Foundations of Business Organizations for Paralegals Margaret E. Bartschi |
Foundations of Business William M. Pride | Robert J. Hughes | Jack R. Kapoor |
Foundations of College Chemistry, 14th Edition Morris Hein, Susan Arena |
Foundations of Communication Sciences and Disorders Paul T. Fogle |
Foundations of Computer Science Behrouz A. Forouzan | Firouz Mosharraf |
Foundations of Computer Science: From Data Manipulation to Theory of Computation Behrouz A. Forouzan |
Foundations of Corporate Finance Kent A. Hickman | Hugh O. Hunter | John W. Byrd |
Foundations of Critical Thinking Royce P. Jones |
Foundations of Design Jeff Davis |
Foundations of Education Allan C. Ornstein | Daniel U. Levine |
Foundations of Education Allan C. Ornstein | Daniel U. Levine | Gerry Gutek |
Foundations of Education Allan C. Ornstein | Daniel U. Levine | Gerry Gutek | David E. Vocke |
Foundations of Electronics Russell L. Meade |
Foundations of Electronics Russell Meade |
Foundations of Electronics: Circuits & Devices Conventional Flow Russell Meade | Robert Diffenderfer |
Foundations of Electronics: Circuits & Devices Russell L. Meade | Robert Diffenderfer |
Foundations of Electronics: Circuits & Devices, Electron Flow Version Russell Meade |
Foundations of EMS Systems Bruce J. Walz, PhD |
Foundations of Higher Mathematics Peter Fletcher | C. Wayne Patty |
Foundations of Law: Cases, Commentary and Ethics C. Ransford Pyle | Carol M. Bast, J.D. |
Foundations of Legal Research and Writing Carol M. Bast | Margie A. Hawkins |
Foundations of Legal Research and Writing Carol M. Bast, J.D. | Margie A. Hawkins |
Foundations of Marketing William M. Pride | O. C. Ferrell |
Foundations of Maternal & Pediatric Nursing Lois Elain White |
Foundations of Maternal & Pediatric Nursing Lois Elain White | Gena Duncan | Wendy Baumle |
Foundations of Mathematical And Computational Economics Kamran Dadkhah |
Foundations of Multinational Financial Management, 6th Edition Alan C. Shapiro, Atulya Sarin |
Foundations of Music and Musicianship David A. Damschroder |
Foundations of Music Education Harold F. Abeles | Charles Hoffer | Robert H. Klotman |
Foundations of Music Robert Nelson | Carl J. Christensen |
Foundations of Music, Enhanced Robert Nelson | Carl J. Christensen |
Foundations of Net-Enhanced Organizations Detmar Straub |
Foundations of Nursing Lois Elain White |
Foundations of Nursing Lois Elain White | Gena Duncan | Wendy Baumle |
Foundations of Respiratory Care Kenneth A. Wyka | Paul J. Mathews | John Rutkowski |
Foundations of Respiratory Care Kenneth A. Wyka | Paul J. Mathews | William W. Clark |
Foundations of Social Policy: Social Justice in Human Perspective Amanda S. Barusch |
Foundations of Statistics Warren Hawley |
Foundations of Strategy Robert M. Grant |
Foundations: A Reader for New College Students Virginia N. Gordon | Thomas L. Minnick |
Four Skills of Cultural Diversity Competence: A Process for Understanding and Practice Mikel Hogan |
Frames of Mind: A Rhetorical Reader Robert DiYanni | Pat C. Hoy, II |
Frames of Mind: A Rhetorical Reader with Occasions for Writing Robert DiYanni | Pat C. Hoy, II |
Franchising Richard J. Judd | Robert T. Justis |
Fraud Examination W. Steve Albrecht | Chad O. Albrecht | Conan C. Albrecht | Mark F. Zimbelman |
Fraud Examination W. Steve Albrecht | Chad O. Albrecht | Conan C. Albrecht | Mark F. Zimbleman |
Fraud Examination W. Steve Albrecht | Conan C. Albrecht | Chad O. Albrecht | Mark F. Zimbelman |
Fraud Examination, Revised W. Steve Albrecht | Conan C. Albrecht | Chad O. Albrecht |
French for Oral and Written Review Charles Carlut | Walter Meiden |
French Grammar Chart PERMACHARTS |
Friend by Day, Enemy by Night: Organized Vengeance in a Kohistani Community Lincoln Keiser |
From Adam to Armageddon: A Survey of the Bible J. Benton White | Walter T. Wilson |
From Backpack to Briefcase: Professional Development in Health Care Administration Michael R. Meacham |
From Crayons to Cyberspace: Creating A Professional Teaching Portfolio Jo Kinnard |
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From Idea to Essay: A Rhetoric, Reader, & Handbook, 2009 MLA Update Edition Jo Ray McCuen-Metherell | Anthony Winkler |
From Idea to Essay: A Rhetoric, Reader, and Handbook Jo Ray McCuen-Metherell | Anthony Winkler |
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From Master Student to Master Employee Dave Ellis |
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From Timbuktu to Katrina: Sources in African-American History, Volume 1 Quintard Taylor |
From Tribes to Nation: The Making of France 500-1799 James B. Collins |
Front Office Operations & Management Ahmed Ismail |
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Fuentes: Lectura y redacción Donald N. Tuten | LucÃa Caycedo Garner | Carmelo Esterrich |
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Functional Analysis of Problem Behavior Alan C. Repp | Robert H. Horner |
Functional Anatomy of the Vertebrates: An Evolutionary Perspective Karel Liem | William Bemis | Warren F. Walker | Lance Grande |
Functional Assessment and Program Development for Problem Behavior: A Practical Handbook Robert E. O'Neill | Robert H. Horner | Richard W. Albin | Keith Storey | Jeffrey R. Sprague |
Functional Assessment and Program Development Robert E. O'Neill | Richard W. Albin | Keith Storey | Robert H. Horner | Jeffrey R. Sprague |
Functions and Change: A Modeling Approach to College Algebra and Trigonometry Bruce Crauder | Benny Evans | Alan Noell |
Functions and Change: A Modeling Approach to College Algebra Bruce Crauder | Benny Evans | Alan Noell |
Functions and Change:A Modeling Approach to College Algebra Bruce Crauder | Benny Evans | Alan Noell |
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Fundamental Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences David C. Howell |
Fundamentals for Practice with High Risk Populations Nancy Summers |
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Fundamentals of Advanced Accounting Paul M. Fischer | William J. Taylor | Rita H. Cheng |
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Fundamentals of Business Law: Excerpted Cases Roger LeRoy Miller | Gaylord A. Jentz |
Fundamentals of Case Management Practice: Skills for the Human Services Nancy Summers |
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Fundamentals of Corporate Finance 9th Edition Stephen Ross, Randolf Westerfield, and Bradford D. Jordan |
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance, 2nd Edition Robert Parrino, David S. Kidwell |
Fundamentals of Database Management Systems, 2nd Edition Mark L. Gellinson |
Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB (with CD-ROM) Robert J. Schilling | Sandra L. Harris |
Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB® Robert J. Schilling | Sandra L. Harris |
Fundamentals of Dimensional Metrology Connie L. Dotson |
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Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition Eugene F. Brigham | Joel F. Houston |
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Fundamentals of Java: AP* Computer Science Essentials for the A Exam Kenneth Lambert | Martin Osborne |
Fundamentals of Java: Comprehensive Kenneth Lambert | Martin Osborne |
Fundamentals of Java: Introductory Kenneth Lambert | Martin Osborne |
Fundamentals of Javaâ„¢: AP* Computer Science Essentials Kenneth Lambert | Martin Osborne |
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Fundamentals of Law Office Management Pamela Everett-Nollkamper |
Fundamentals of Linear Electronics James Cox | Leo Chartrand |
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Fundamentals of Logic Design Charles H. Roth, Jr. | Larry L. Kinney |
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Fundamentals of Management Ricky W. Griffin |
Fundamentals of Managerial Economics Mark Hirschey |
Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering An Integrated Approach, International Student Version, 3rd Edition William D. Callister |
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Fundamentals of Mechatronics, SI Edition Musa Jouaneh |
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Fundamentals of Nursing: Standards and Practice Sue Carter DeLaune | Patricia Kelly Ladner |
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Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry John E. McMurry | Eric E. Simanek |
Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior Andrew J. DuBrin |
Fundamentals of Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations Ricky W. Griffin | Gregory Moorhead |
Fundamentals of Pharmacology for Veterinary Technicians Janet Amundson Romich |
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Fundamentals of Physics Extended, 10th Edition, David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker |
Fundamentals of Physiology: A Human Perspective Lauralee Sherwood |
Fundamentals of Plant Science Marihelen Glass | Rick Parker |
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Fundamentals of Python: Data Structures Kenneth Lambert |
Fundamentals of Python: First Programs Kenneth A. Lambert |
Fundamentals of Python: From First Programs through Data Structures Kenneth A. Lambert |
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Fundamentals of Risk and Insurance, 11th Edition Emmett J. Vaughan, Therese M. Vaughan |
Fundamentals of Sectional Anatomy: An Imaging Approach Denise L. Lazo |
Fundamentals of Semiconductor Fabrication Gary S. May, Simon M. Sze |
Fundamentals of Statistical Reasoning in Education, 4th Edition Theodore Coladarci |
Fundamentals of Substance Abuse Practice Jerry Johnson |
Fundamentals Of Supply Chain Theory Robert Snyder |
Fundamentals of SVG Programming: Concepts to Source Code Oswald Campesato |
Fundamentals of Trigonometry Earl Swokowski | Jeffery A. Cole |
Fundamentals of US Health Care: Principles and Perspectives Charles E. Yesalis | Robert M. Politzer, MS, Sc.D, C.A.S. | Harry Holt |
Fundamentals of World Regional Geography Joseph J. Hobbs |
Fusion Book 1, Enhanced Edition: Integrated Reading and Writing Dave Kemper | Verne Meyer | John Van Rys | Patrick Sebranek |
Fusion Book 2, Enhanced Edition: Integrated Reading and Writing Dave Kemper | Verne Meyer | John Van Rys | Patrick Sebranek |
Fusion: Integrated Reading and Writing, Book 1 Dave Kemper | Verne Meyer | John Van Rys | Patrick Sebranek |
Fusion: Integrated Reading and Writing, Book 2 Dave Kemper | Verne Meyer | John Van Rys | Patrick Sebranek |
Gaining Cultural Competence in Career Counseling Kathy Evans |
Game Character Development Antony Ward |
Game Coding Complete, Fourth Edition Mike McShaffry | David "Rez" Graham |
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Game Design Bob Bates |
Game Design for Teens Les Pardew | Scott Pugh | Eric Nunamaker | Brent L. Iverson | Ross Wolfley |
Game Design: A Practical Approach Paul Schuytema |
Game Developer's Open Source Handbook Steven Goodwin |
Game Development Essentials: An Introduction Jeannie Novak |
Game Development Essentials: Game Artificial Intelligence John B. Ahlquist, Jr | Jeannie Novak |
Game Development Essentials: Game Audio Development Aaron Marks | Jeannie Novak |
Game Development Essentials: Game Industry Career Guide Michael E. Moore | Jeannie Novak |
Game Development Essentials: Game Interface Design Kevin Saunders | Jeannie Novak |
Game Development Essentials: Game Level Design Jeannie Novak | Travis Castillo |
Game Development Essentials: Game Project Management John Hight | Jeannie Novak |
Game Development Essentials: Game QA & Testing Luis Levy | Jeannie Novak |
Game Development Essentials: Game Simulation Development William Muehl | Jeannie Novak |
Game Development Essentials: Game Story & Character Development Marianne Krawczyk | Jeannie Novak |
Game Development Essentials: Gameplay Mechanics Troy Dunniway | Jeannie Novak |
Game Development Essentials: Mobile Game Development Kimberly Unger | Jeannie Novak |
Game Development Essentials: Online Game Development Rick Hall | Jeannie Novak |
Game Development Principles Alan Thorn |
Game Development with Blender Mike Pan | Dalai Felinto |
Game Development with Unity Michelle Menard |
Game Development with Unity Michelle Menard | Bryan Wagstaff |
Game Graphics Programming Allen Sherrod |
Game Interface Design Brent Fox |
Game Modeling Using Low Polygon Techniques Chad Walker | Eric Walker |
Game Programming All in One Jonathan S. Harbour |
Game Programming for Teens Maneesh Sethi |
Game Programming Gems 2 Mark DeLoura |
Game Programming GEMS 3 Dante Treglia |
Game Programming Gems 4 Andrew Kirmse |
Game Programming Gems 5 Kim Pallister |
Game Programming Gems 6 Mike Dickheiser |
Game Programming Gems 7 Scott Jacobs |
Game Programming Gems 8 Adam Lake |
Game Programming The L Line, The Express Line to Learning Andy Harris |
Game Programming With Python Sean Riley |
Game/Set/Match: A Tennis Guide James E. Bryant |
Games for Business and Economics, 2nd Edition Roy Gardner |
Game-Set-Match: A Tennis Guide James E. Bryant |
Gangs, Graffiti, and Violence: A Realistic Guide to the Scope and Nature of Gangs in America Duane A. Leet | George E. Rush | Anthony M. Smith |
GarageBand '08 Power!: The Comprehensive Recording and Podcasting Guide Todd M. Howard |
GarageBand '09 Power! Todd M. Howard |
GarageBand '11 Power!: The Comprehensive Recording and Podcasting Guide Todd M. Howard |
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Gardner's Art through the Ages Fred S. Kleiner | Christin J. Mamiya |
Gardner's Art through the Ages, Volume I, Chapters 1-18 Fred S. Kleiner | Christin J. Mamiya |
Gardner's Art through the Ages, Volume II, Chapters 19-34 Fred S. Kleiner | Christin J. Mamiya |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: 4 Volume Backpack Edition Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art Through the Ages: A Concise Global History Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: A Concise History Fred S. Kleiner | Christin J. Mamiya |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: A Concise History of Western Art Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: A Concise History of Western Art Fred S. Kleiner | Christin J. Mamiya |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: A Global History Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: A Global History, Enhanced Edition Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: A Global History, Enhanced Edition, Volume I Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: A Global History, Enhanced Edition, Volume II Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: A Global History, Volume I Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: A Global History, Volume II Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: Backpack Edition, Book A Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: Backpack Edition, Book A, Antiquity Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: Backpack Edition, Book A: Antiquity Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: Backpack Edition, Book B Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: Backpack Edition, Book B, The Middle Ages Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: Backpack Edition, Book B: The Middle Ages Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: Backpack Edition, Book C Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: Backpack Edition, Book C, Renaissance and Baroque Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: Backpack Edition, Book C: Non-Western Art to 1300 Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: Backpack Edition, Book D Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: Backpack Edition, Book D, Modern Europe and America Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: Backpack Edition, Book D: Renaissance and Baroque Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: Backpack Edition, Book E Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: Backpack Edition, Book E: Modern Europe and America Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: Backpack Edition, Book F Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: Backpack Edition, Book F: Non-Western Art Since 1300 Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: Backpack Edition, Books A - F Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: Backpack Edition, Volumes A-F Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: Non-Western Perspectives Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: Non-Western Perspectives Fred S. Kleiner | Christin J. Mamiya |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: The Western Perspective Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: The Western Perspective Fred S. Kleiner | Christin J. Mamiya |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: The Western Perspective, Volume I Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: The Western Perspective, Volume I Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: The Western Perspective, Volume I Fred S. Kleiner | Christin J. Mamiya |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: The Western Perspective, Volume II Fred S. Kleiner |
Gardner's Art through the Ages: The Western Perspective, Volume II Fred S. Kleiner | Christin J. Mamiya |
Gateway to Engineering George E. Rogers | Michael D. Wright | Ben Yates |
Gateways to Democracy: An Introduction to American Government John G. Geer | Wendy J. Schiller | Jeffrey A. Segal |
Gateways to Democracy: An Introduction to American Government John G. Geer | Wendy J. Schiller | Jeffrey A. Segal | Richard Herrera |
Gateways to Democracy: An Introduction to American Government, Essentials John G. Geer | Wendy J. Schiller | Jeffrey A. Segal | Dana K. Glencross |
Gateways to Democracy: An Introduction to American Government, The Essentials John G. Geer | Wendy J. Schiller | Jeffrey A. Segal | Dana K. Glencross |
Gateways to Democracy: The Essentials John G. Geer | Wendy J. Schiller | Jeffrey A. Segal | Richard Herrera | Dana K. Glencross |
Gender Basics: Feminist Perspectives on Women and Men Anne Minas |
Gender: Crossing Boundaries Grace Galliano |
Gendered Lives Julia T. Wood |
Gendered Lives: Communication, Gender and Culture Julia T. Wood |
Gendered Lives: Communication, Gender, and Culture (with InfoTrac), 6th Julia T. Wood |
Gendered Lives: Communication, Gender, and Culture, 8th Julia T. Wood |
General Chemistry Darrell D. Ebbing |
General Chemistry Darrell D. Ebbing | Steven D. Gammon |
General Chemistry with Qualitative Analysis William R. Robinson | Henry F. Holtzclaw, Jr. | Jerome D. Odom |
General Chemistry, Enhanced Edition Darrell D. Ebbing | Steven D. Gammon |
General Chemistry, Hybrid Darrell D. Ebbing | Steven D. Gammon |
General Chemistry: Media Enhanced Edition Darrell D. Ebbing | Steven D. Gammon |
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General Organic and Biological Chemistry An Integrated Approach, 4th Edition Kenneth W. Raymond |
General Organic and Biological Chemistry, 3rd Edition Kenneth W. Raymond |
General, Organic and Biological Chemistry H. Stephen Stoker |
General, Organic, and Biochemistry, Hybrid Edition James Armstrong |
General, Organic, and Biochemistry: An Applied Approach James Armstrong |
General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry A Guided Inquiry, 1st Edition Michael P. Garoutte |
General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry H. Stephen Stoker |
General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry, Hybrid H. Stephen Stoker |
Generalist Case Management Marianne R. Woodside | Tricia McClam |
Generalist Case Management: A Method of Human Service Delivery Marianne R. Woodside | Tricia McClam |
Generalist Case Management: A Workbook for Skill Development Tricia McClam | Marianne R. Woodside |
Generalist Practice with Organizations and Communities Karen K. Kirst-Ashman | Grafton H. Hull, Jr. |
Generalist Social Work Practice: Intervention Methods Joseph Walsh |
Genetics, 6th Edition International Student Version D. Peter Snustad, Michael J. Simmons |
Genetics: The Continuity of Life Daniel J. Fairbanks | W. Ralph Andersen |
GeoChemistry by William White |
Geographic Information Systems and Science 3e Paul A. Longley, Mike Goodchild, David J. Maguire |
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Geography Realms, Regions, and Concepts 16th Edition Harm J. de Blij |
GEOL Reed Wicander | James S. Monroe |
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Geology and the Environment Bernard W. Pipkin | Dee D. Trent | Richard Hazlett | Paul Bierman |
Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Alex Krulikowski |
Geometry and Symmetry, 1st Edition L. Christian Kinsey, Teresa E. Moore |
Geoscience Laboratory Manual, 5th Edition Tom Freeman |
Geotechnology of Waste Management Issa Oweis | Raj Khera |
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German for Reading Knowledge Richard Alan Korb |
German for Singers William Odom | Benno Schollum |
Gerontological Social Work: Knowledge, Service Settings, and Special Populations Robert L. Schneider | Nancy P. Kropf | Anne J. Kisor |
Get Connected: Study Skills Ann Dillon |
Get Writing: Paragraphs and Essays Mark Connelly |
Get Writing: Sentences and Paragraphs Mark Connelly |
Getting a Job Process Kit Robert H. Zedlitz |
Getting a Job: Basic Process Kit, Special Needs Version Robert H. Zedlitz |
Getting Great Sounds: The Microphone Book Tom Lubin |
Getting it Right!: Milady's Survival Guide for Cosmetology Students Karen Levine | Alan Gelb |
Getting Started in Computer Music Mark Nelson |
Getting Started in the Computerized Medical Office: Fundamentals and Practice Cindy Correa |
Getting Started with Linux: Novell's Guide to CompTIA's Linux+ (Course 3060) Jason W. Eckert | Novell |
Getting Started with Macintosh OS X Leopard, Illustrated Kelley Shaffer |
Getting Started with WordPress: Design Your Own Blog or Website Todd Kelsey |
Getting the Most From Your Human Service Internship Pamela Myers Kiser |
GIS and Public Data Bruce Ralston |
GIS Investigations: Earth Science 9.1 Version Michelle K. Hall | Anne Huth | Jennifer A. Weeks | C. Scott Walker | Larry P. Kendall |
GIS Investigations: Earth Science, MyWorld GIS Version Michelle K. Hall |
GIS: A Visual Approach Bruce Davis |
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Global Business Mike Peng |
Global Business Practices: Adapting for Success Michael J. Copeland | Camille P. Schuster |
Global Communication Theories, Stakeholders, and Trends, 3rd Edition Thomas Mc. Mphail |
Global Communication Theories, Stakeholders, and Trends, 4th Edition Thomas Mc. Mphail |
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Global Economic Issues and Policies with Economic Applications Joseph P. Daniels | David D. VanHoose |
Global Economic Watch: Impact on Finance Global Economics Crisis Resource Center |
Global Economic Watch: Impact on International Business Global Economics Crisis Resource Center |
Global Geography, 14th Edition, International Student Version Harm J. de Blij |
Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management John Mangan, Chandra Lalwani, Tim Butcher |
Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 2e John Mangan, Chandra Lalwani, Tim Butcher, Roya Javadpour |
Global Meetings and Exhibitions Carol Krugman, Rudy R. Wright |
GLOBAL Mike Peng |
Global Passages: Sources in World History, Volume I Roger Schlesinger | Fritz Blackwell | Kathryn Meyer | Mary Watrous-Schlesinger |
Global Passages: Sources in World History, Volume II: Since 1500 Roger Schlesinger | Fritz Blackwell | Kathryn Meyer | Mary Watrous-Schlesinger |
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Global Politics Juliet Kaarbo | James Lee Ray |
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Global Strategy and the Organization Anil K. Gupta, Vijay Govindarajan |
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Global Warming Understanding the Forecast, 2nd Edition |
Globalization A Basic Text George Ritzer |
Globalization and Change in Fifteen Cultures: Born in One World, Living in Another George Spindler | Janice E. Stockard |
Globalization: The Transformation of Social Worlds D. Stanley Eitzen | Maxine Baca Zinn |
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GNU/LINUX Applications Programming M. Tim Jones |
God, Reason, and Religion Steven M. Cahn |
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Going Green with the International Residential Code Scott Caufield |
Going Pro with Ableton Live G. W. Childs IV |
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Going Pro with Cubase 6 Steve Pacey |
Going Pro with Logic Pro 8 Jay Asher |
Going Pro with Logic Pro 9 Jay Asher |
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Googleâ„¢ Apps CourseNotes Course Technology |
Gopalpur: A South Indian Village (Field Edition) Alan R. Beals |
Governing America's Urban Areas Alan L. Saltzstein |
Government and Not-for-Profit Accounting Concepts and Practices, 5th Edition Michael H. Granof, Saleha B |
Governments and Politics in Russia and the Post-Soviet Region Vicki L. Hesli |
GOVT 2 Edward I. Sidlow | Beth Henschen |
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GOVT 3 Edward I. Sidlow | Beth Henschen |
GOVT 5 Edward I. Sidlow | Beth Henschen |
GOVT 6 Edward I. Sidlow | Beth Henschen |
GOVT Edward I. Sidlow | Beth Henschen |
Graded French Reader: Deuxième & Étape Camille Bauer |
Graded French Reader: Première Étape Marianne Seidler Golding | Camille Bauer |
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Graded Spanish Reader: Segunda etapa Justo Ulloa | Leonor Álvarez de Ulloa |
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Grammaire Française Jacqueline Ollivier | Martin Beaudoin |
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Grammar and Writing Skills for the Health Professional Lorraine Villemaire | Doreen Villemaire |
Grammar to Go: How It Works and How To Use It Barbara Goldstein | Jack Waugh | Karen Linsky |
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Green Building: A Professional's Guide to Concepts, Codes and Innovation International Code Council (ICC) | Anthony C. Floyd |
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Green Musician's Guide: Sound Ideas for a Sound Planet Jeff Touzeau |
Green Organic Chemistry: Strategies, Tools, and Laboratory Experiments Kenneth Doxsee | James Hutchison |
Grief and Loss: Understanding the Journey Stephen J. Freeman |
Group Counseling: Strategies and Skills Ed E. Jacobs | Christine J. Schimmel | Robert L. Masson | Riley L. Harvill |
Group Counseling: Strategies and Skills Ed E. Jacobs | Robert L. Masson | Riley L. Harvill |
Group Counseling: Strategies and Skills Ed E. Jacobs | Robert L. Masson | Riley L. Harvill | Christine J. Schimmel |
Group Dynamics Donelson R. Forsyth |
Group Leadership Skills: Interpersonal Process in Group Counseling and Therapy Mei-whei Chen | Christopher J. Rybak |
Group Techniques Gerald Corey | Marianne Schneider Corey | Patrick Callanan | J. Michael Russell |
Group Time Activities A to Z Jeanne McLarty | Joanne Matricardi |
Group Travel Martha Sarbey deSouto |
Group Work Activities in Generalist Practice Diane C. Haslett |
Groups in Action: Evolution and Challenges Gerald Corey | Marianne Schneider Corey | Robert Haynes |
Groups in Action: Evolution and Challenges Workbook Gerald Corey | Marianne Schneider Corey | Robert Haynes |
Groups in Practice Susan X Day |
Groups Rodney W. Napier | Matti K. Gershenfeld |
Groups: Planning and Leadership Skills Betsy J. Page | Martin J. Jencius |
Groups: Process and Practice Marianne Schneider Corey | Gerald Corey |
Groups: Process and Practice Marianne Schneider Corey | Gerald Corey | Cindy Corey |
Growing and Managing a Small Business: An Entrepreneurial Perspective Kathleen R. Allen |
Growing Artists: Teaching Art To Young Children Joan Bouza Koster |
Growing Artists: Teaching the Arts to Young Children Joan Bouza Koster |
Growing Ideas: A Reader for Writers Michelle Christopherson |
Growing Up with Literature Walter Sawyer |
Growing Your Business Globally Robert A. Taft |
Growth & Development Handbook: Newborn Through Adolescent Barbara L. Mandleco |
GuÃa básica de la crÃtica literaria y el trabajo de investigación Frieda H. Blackwell | Paul E. Larson |
Guest Service in the Hospitality Industry Paul J. Bagdan |
Guide to Coding Compliance Joanne M. Becker |
Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations Bill Nelson | Amelia Phillips | Christopher Steuart |
Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations Bill Nelson | Amelia Phillips | Frank Enfinger | Christopher Steuart |
Guide to Criminal Law for California Sandra Tozzini |
Guide to Criminal Law for Florida Patricia Cashman |
Guide to Criminal Law for Illinois Deborah Lantermo |
Guide to Criminal Law for Maryland Joel Samaha |
Guide to Criminal Law for New York Tim Bakken | Margaret D. Stock | Mark D. Welton |
Guide to Criminal Law for Texas Barbara Belbot |
Guide to Criminal Procedure for California Jeffrey B. Snipes |
Guide to Criminal Procedure for Florida Glenn Coffey |
Guide to Criminal Procedure for Illinois Lisa Zilney |
Guide to Criminal Procedure for Texas Charles Bubany |
Guide to Criminal Procedure in New York Tim Bakken | John M. Bickers | Robert J. Goldstein |
Guide to Diagnostic Product Certification – Transportation Matthew Janisin |
Guide to Digital Home Technology Integration Quentin Wells |
Guide to Disaster Recovery Michael Erbschloe |
Guide to Firewalls and Network Security Michael E. Whitman - Ph. D., CISM, CISSP | Herbert J. Mattord - MBA, CISM, CISSP | Richard Austin | Greg Holden |
Guide to Firewalls and Network Security: Intrusion Detection and VPNs Greg Holden |
Guide to Firewalls and VPNs Michael E. Whitman - Ph. D., CISM, CISSP | Herbert J. Mattord - MBA, CISM, CISSP | Andrew Green, M.S.I.S |
Guide to Microsoft Virtual PC 2007 and Virtual Server 2005 Ron Carswell | Heidi Webb |
Guide to Network Cabling Fundamentals Beth Verity |
Guide to Network Defense and Countermeasures Randy Weaver |
Guide to Network Defense and Countermeasures Randy Weaver | Dawn Weaver | Dean Farwood |
Guide to Network Security Michael E. Whitman - Ph. D., CISM, CISSP | Herbert J. Mattord - MBA, CISM, CISSP | David Mackey | Andrew Green, M.S.I.S. |
Guide to Networking Essentials Greg Tomsho |
Guide to Networking for Physical Security Systems David Engebretson |
Guide to Operating Systems Michael Palmer | Michael Walters |
Guide to Operating Systems Security Michael Palmer |
Guide to Operating Systems, Enhanced Edition Michael Palmer |
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Guide to Oracle9i Joline Morrison | Mike Morrison |
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Guide to Parallel Operating Systems with Windows® XP and Linux Ron Carswell | Heidi Webb | Terrill Freese |
Guide to Programming with Python Michael Dawson |
Guide to Strategic Infrastructure Security Randy Weaver |
Guide to Supporting Microsoft® Private Clouds Ron Carswell |
Guide to Tactical Perimeter Defense Randy Weaver |
Guide to TCP/IP Ed Tittel | Laura Chappell |
Guide to TCP/IP Jeffrey L. Carrell | Laura Chappell | Ed Tittel | James Pyles |
Guide to Telecommunications Cable Splicing John Highhouse |
Guide to Telecommunications Technology Tamara Dean |
Guide to the 2010 California Green Building Standards Code, Non-residential International Code Council (ICC) |
Guide to UNIX Using Linux Michael Palmer |
Guide to Wireless Communications Jorge Olenewa |
Guided Explorations in General Chemistry David Hanson |
Guiding Children's Learning of Mathematics Leonard M. Kennedy | Steve Tipps | Art Johnson |
Guiding Children's Learning of Mathematics Steve Tipps | Art Johnson | Leonard M. Kennedy |
Guiding Children's Social Development and Learning Marjorie Kostelnik, Ph.D | Alice Whiren, Ph.D. | Anne Soderman, Ph.D. | Kara Gregory PhD |
Guiding Children's Social Development and Learning Marjorie Kostelnik, Ph.D | Alice Whiren, Ph.D. | Anne Soderman, Ph.D. | Michelle L. Rupiper, Ph.D. | Kara Gregory PhD |
Guiding Children's Social Development and Learning Marjorie Kostelnik, Ph.D | Kara Gregory PhD | Anne Soderman, Ph.D. | Alice Whiren, Ph.D. |
Guiding Learning With Technology, 1st Edition Maggie Niess, Sara Kajder, John Lee |
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Hair Care Product and Ingredients Dictionary John Halal |
Hair Structure and Chemistry Simplified John Halal |
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Half the Human Experience Janet Shibley Hyde | Nicole Else-Quest |
Half the Human Experience: The Psychology of Women Janet Shibley Hyde |
Ham Radio Operator's Guide Carl Bergquist |
Hamlet: Evans Shakespeare Editions John Tobin |
Hand in Hand: Research Design and Statistics in the Behavioral Science Sandra K. Webster |
Handbook for College Research Robert Perrin |
Handbook for Ethics Robert C. Solomon |
Handbook of Fluid, Electrolyte & Acid-Base Imbalances 2e Joyce LeFever Kee, RN, MS | Betty J. Paulanka, EdD, RN | Larry Purnell, PhD, RN |
Handbook of Photography James Folts | Ronald Lovell | Fred Zwahlen |
Handbook of Photography Ronald Lovell | Fred Zwahlen | James Folts |
Handbook of Radiographic Positioning for Veterinary Technicians Margi Sirois | Elaine Anthony |
Handbook of Selected Supreme Court Cases for Criminal Justice Roger LeRoy Miller |
Handbook on Agricultural Education in Public Schools Lloyd J. Phipps | Edward W. Osborne | James E. Dyer | Anna L. Ball |
Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik Jamie Rankin | Larry D. Wells (Late) |
Handbuch zur deutschen Grammatik: Wiederholen und anwenden Jamie Rankin | Larry D. Wells (Late) |
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Hands-On Information Security Lab Manual Michael E. Whitman - Ph. D., CISM, CISSP | Herbert J. Mattord - MBA, CISM, CISSP |
Hands-On Information Security Lab Manual Michael E. Whitman - Ph. D., CISM, CISSP | Herbert J. Mattord - MBA, CISM, CISSP | Andrew Green, M.S.I.S. |
Hands-On Information Security Lab Manual Michael E. Whitman - Ph. D., CISM, CISSP | Herbert J. Mattord - MBA, CISM, CISSP | Dave Shackleford |
Hands-On Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory Michael Bell | Byron Hynes | Byron Wright |
Hands-On Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Administration Dan DiNicolo |
Hands-On Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Michael Palmer |
Hands-On Microsoft Windows XP Professional Jay Adamson |
Hands-On Microsoft® Windows® Server 2008 Administration Michael Palmer |
Hands-On Music Theory Richard Wentk |
Hands-On Networking Fundamentals Michael Palmer |
Hands-On Novell Open Enterprise Server for Netware and Linux Ted Simpson |
Hands-On Virtual Computing Ted Simpson | Jason Novak |
Hano: The Tewa Indian Community in Arizona Edward P. Dozier |
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Harnessing AutoCAD® 2009 G.V. Krishnan | Thomas Stellman |
Harnessing AutoCAD® 2010 G.V. Krishnan | Thomas Stellman |
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HCPCS Level II Expert 2011, Compact Edition Ingenix |
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HDEV 4 Spencer A. Rathus |
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Healing with Complementary & Alternative Therapies Lynn Keegan, PhD, RN |
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Health Care Information Systems A Practical Approach for Health Care Management, 3rd Edition Karen A. wager |
Health Care Law Janice L. Kazmier |
Health Care Management and the Law: Principles and Applications Donna Hammaker |
Health Care Management: Organization Design and Behavior Stephen M. Shortell | Arnold D. Kaluzny |
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Health Counseling: Application and Theory Joseph Donnelly |
Health Economics and Financing, 5th Edition Thomas E. Getzen |
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Health Psychology Phillip L. Rice |
Health Psychology, 2nd Edition Catherine A. Sanderson |
Health Psychology, International Student Version, 7th Edition Edward P. Sarafino |
Health Psychology: A Cultural Approach Regan A.R. Gurung |
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Health Psychology: An Introduction to Behavior and Health Linda Brannon | Patty Feist |
Health Science Career Exploration Louise Simmers |
Health Services Research Methods Leiyu Shi, PH, MBA |
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Health Unit Coordinator: A Guide for Certification Review and Job Readiness Donna J. Kuhns | Patricia Noonan Rice | Linda L. Winslow |
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Health, Safety, and Nutrition Activities A to Z Joanne Matricardi | Jeanne McLarty |
Health, Safety, and Nutrition for the Young Child Lynn R. Marotz |
Healthcare Human Resource Management Walter J. Flynn | Robert L. Mathis | John H. Jackson |
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Healthy Classroom Management: Motivation, Communication, and Discipline Raymond Nakamura |
Healthy Sexuality Richard Blonna | Jean E. Levitan |
Hearing Aid Handbook Jeffrey J. DiGiovanni, Ph.D., CCC-A |
Hearing Aid Handbook: 2008-2009 Jeffrey J. DiGiovanni, Ph.D., CCC-A |
Heat and Mass Transfer Kurt Rolle, PhD, P.E. |
Heat and Mass Transfer, SI Edition Kurt Rolle, PhD, P.E. |
Heat Pumps Eugene Silberstein |
Heat Pumps Lee Miles |
Heating Technology S. Don Swensen |
Heating with Renewable Energy John Siegenthaler |
Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning: A Residential and Light Commercial Text & Lab Book Cecil Johnson |
Heavy Duty Truck Systems Sean Bennett |
Hegde's PocketGuide to Assessment in Speech-Language Pathology M.N. Hegde |
Hegde's PocketGuide to Communication Disorders M.N. Hegde |
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Heinle Professional Series 2003: Teaching with Technology Lara Lomicka | Jessamine Cooke-Plagwitz |
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Helping Process: Assessment to Termination Tricia McClam | Marianne R. Woodside |
Highway Scene Safety Leslie J. Greenwood |
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Hillcrest Medical Center: Beginning Medical Transcription Patricia A. Ireland | Carrie Stein |
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Hindu Religious Tradition Thomas J. Hopkins |
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HIPAA for Medical Office Personnel Dan Krager | Carole Krager |
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HIST, Volume 1: US History Through 1877 Kevin M. Schultz |
HIST, Volume 2 Kevin M. Schultz |
HIST: US History Since 1865, Volume 2 Kevin M. Schultz |
HIST: Volume 1 Kevin M. Schultz |
HIST: Volume 2: Since 1865 Kevin M. Schultz |
HIST: Volume I: To 1877 Kevin M. Schultz |
Historical Geology Reed Wicander | James S. Monroe |
History of Political Theory: An Introduction to Modern Political Theory, Volume 2 George Klosko |
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History of the American Economy with Economic Applications Gary M. Walton | Hugh Rockoff |
HLTH Jeffrey S. Nevid | Spencer A. Rathus |
Hodges' Harbrace Handbook Cheryl Glenn | Loretta Gray |
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Hold Paramount: The Engineer's Responsibility to Society P. Aarne Vesilind | Alastair S. Gunn |
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Home, School, and Community Relations Carol Gestwicki |
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Homemaker Home Health Aide Suzann Balduzzi, RN, BSN, MSED |
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Horizons Joan H. Manley | Stuart Smith | Marc A. Prévost | John T. McMinn |
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Hospitality Management Accounting, 9th Edition Martin G. Jagels |
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Hospitality Marketing Management, 5th Edition Robert D. Reid, David C. Bojanic |
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Hotel Management and Operations, 5th Edition Michael J. O’Fallon, Denney G. Rutherford |
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Hotel, Restaurant, and Travel Law Karen Morris | Norman Cournoyer | Anthony Marshall |
Hotel/Motel Operations: An Overview Suzanne Weissinger |
Houghton Mifflin College Reading Series, Book 1 Houghton Mifflin Company |
Houghton Mifflin College Reading Series, Book 2 Houghton Mifflin Company |
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How Should We Live?: An Introduction to Ethics Louis P. Pojman |
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How to Create the Perfect Eyebrow Victoria Bush |
How to Find a Job as a Paralegal Marie Kisiel |
How to Foster Creativity In All Children Mary Mayesky, Ph.D. |
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How To Measure Service Quality & Customer Satisfaction: The Informal Field Guide for Tools and Techniques Chuck Chakrapani |
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How to Study Ron Fry |
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HR 3 Angelo DeNisi | Ricky Griffin |
HR Angelo S. DeNisi | Ricky W. Griffin |
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HTML and CSS Design and Build Websites John Ducket |
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HTML CourseNotes Course Technology |
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HTML: Complete Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Denise M. Woods |
HTML: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Denise M. Woods | William J. Dorin |
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HTML5 and CSS: Introductory Denise M. Woods |
HTML5 and CSS3, Illustrated Complete Sasha Vodnik |
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Human Behavior in the Social Environment John F. Longres |
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Human Behavior in the Social Environment: A Multidimensional Perspective José B. Ashford | Craig W. LeCroy | Kathy L. Lortie |
Human Behavior, Communities, Organizations, and Groups in the Macro Social Environment: An Empowerment Approach Karen K. Kirst-Ashman |
Human Biology Cecie Starr | Beverly McMillan |
Human Biology Laboratory Manual David Morton | James W. Perry | Joy B. Perry |
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Human Development and Performance Throughout the Lifespan Anne Cronin, PhD, OTR/L | Mary Beth Mandich, PT, PhD |
Human Development: A Life-Span View Robert V. Kail | John C. Cavanaugh |
Human Diseases Marianne Neighbors | Ruth Tannehill-Jones |
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Human Exceptionality; School, Community, and Family Michael L. Hardman | Clifford J. Drew | M. Winston Egan |
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Human Geography in Action, 6th Edition Patricia Gober |
Human Geography People, Place, and Culture, 10th Edition Erin H. Fberg |
Human Heredity: Principles and Issues Michael Cummings |
Human Intimacy: Marriage, the Family, and Its Meaning Frank D. Cox |
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Human Intimacy: Marriage, the Family, and Its Meaning, Research Update Frank D. Cox |
Human Memory Ian Neath | Aimee Surprenant |
Human Motivation Robert E. Franken |
Human Motivation Russell G. Geen |
Human Physiology Rodney A. Rhoades | Richard G. Pflanzer |
Human Physiology: From Cells to Systems Lauralee Sherwood |
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Human Relations Marie Dalton | Dawn G. Hoyle | Marie W. Watts |
Human Relations: Principles and Practices Barry L. Reece |
Human Relations: Principles and Practices Barry L. Reece | Rhonda Brandt |
Human Resource Development Jon M. Werner | Randy L. DeSimone |
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Human Resource Management Applications: Cases, Exercises, Incidents, and Skill Builders Stella M. Nkomo | Myron D. Fottler | R. Bruce McAfee |
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Human Resource Management, Raymond J Stone |
Human Resource Management: A Strategic Approach William P. Anthony |
Human Resource Management: Essential Perspectives Robert L. Mathis | John H. Jackson |
Human Resource Management: Essential Perspectives Robert L. Mathis | John H. Jackson | Sean Valentine |
Human Resource Selection Robert Gatewood | Hubert S. Feild | Murray Barrick |
Human Resources Management in the Hospitality Industry David K. Hayes, Jack D. Ninemeier |
Human Resources Management Wendell L. French |
Human Resources Management: A Strategic Approach William P. Anthony | K. Michelle Kacmar | Pamela L. Perrewé |
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Human Services Counseling Toolbox William A. Howatt |
Human Services in Contemporary America William R. Burger |
Human Services in Contemporary America William R. Burger | Merrill Youkeles |
Human Sexuality: From Cells to Society Martha Rosenthal |
Human-Computer Interaction Developing Effective Organizational Information Systems Dov Te’eni, Jane M. Carey |
Humanism and the Renaissance Zachary S. Schiffman |
Humanity: An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology James Peoples | Garrick Bailey |
Hurting the One You Love: Violence in Relationships Irene Hanson Frieze |
HVACR 101 Joseph Moravek |
HVACR 201 John E. Hohman | Joseph Moravek |
HVACR 301 John Hohman |
HVACR 401: Heat Pumps John Hohman |
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Hybrid, Electric, and Fuel-Cell Vehicles Jack Erjavec |
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ICD-10-PCS: The Complete Official Draft Code Set, 2011 Draft Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM Expert for Home Health & Hospices VOL 1, 2, and 3, 2015 Optum |
ICD-9-CM Expert for Home Health and Hospice Volumes 1, 2 & 3 - 2013 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM Expert for Home Health and Hospice Volumes 1, 2 & 3 — 2014 Optum |
ICD-9-CM Expert for Home Health Volumes 1, 2 & 3 2010 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM Expert for Home Health Volumes 1, 2 & 3 2011 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM Expert for Hospitals 2010, Volumes 1, 2, 3 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM Expert for Hospitals and Payers VOL. 1, 2 & 3, 2015 Optum |
ICD-9-CM Expert for Hospitals and Payers, Volumes 1, 2 & 3 — 2014 Optum |
ICD-9-CM Expert for Hospitals and Payers, Volumes 1, 2, & 3 - 2013 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM Expert for Hospitals, Volumes 1, 2, 3 - 2011 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM Expert For Physicians 2010, Volumes 1 & 2 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM Expert for Physicians VOL 1 & 2, 2015 Optum |
ICD-9-CM Expert for Physicians, Volumes 1 & 2 - 2011 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM Expert for Physicians, Volumes 1 & 2 - 2013 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM Expert for Physicians, Volumes 1 & 2 — 2014 Optum |
ICD-9-CM Expert for Skilled Nursing Facilities, Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities and Hospices Volumes 1, 2 & 3 - 2013 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM Expert for Skilled Nursing Facilities, Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities and Hospices Volumes 1, 2 & 3 2010 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM Expert for Skilled Nursing Facilities, Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities and Hospices Volumes 1, 2 & 3 — 2014 Optum |
ICD-9-CM Expert for Skilled Nursing Facilities: Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities and Hospices, Volumes 1, 2, 3 - 2011 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM Expert for Skilled Nursing, Inpatient, Rehabilitation Services, and Hospices Optum |
ICD-9-CM Professional For Hospitals 2010, Volumes 1, 2, 3 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM Professional For Hospitals Volumes 1, 2, and 3, 2015 Optum |
ICD-9-CM Professional for Hospitals, Volumes 1, 2 & 3 - 2013 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM Professional for Hospitals, Volumes 1, 2 & 3 — 2014 Optum |
ICD-9-CM Professional for Hospitals, Volumes 1, 2, 3 - 2011 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM Professional for Physicians Volumes 1, 2, & 3, 2015 Optum |
ICD-9-CM Professional for Physicians, Volumes 1 & 2 - 2011 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM Professional for Physicians, Volumes 1 & 2 - 2013 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM Professional for Physicians, Volumes 1 & 2 — 2014 Optum |
ICD-9-CM Professional For Physicians2010 , Volumes 1 & 2 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM Standard for Hospitals 2010, Volumes 1, 2, 3 - Compact Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM Standard for Hospitals, Volumes 1, 2 & 3 — 2014 Optum |
ICD-9-CM Standard for Hospitals, Volumes 1, 2, 3 - 2011, Compact Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM Standard For Physicians 2010, Volumes 1 & 2, Compact Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM Standard for Physicians, Volumes 1 & 2 - 2011, Compact Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM Standard for Physicians, Volumes 1 & 2 - 2013 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM Standard for Physicians, Volumes 1 & 2 — 2014 Optum |
ICD-9-CM: Expert for Home Health 2012, Volumes 1, 2 & 3 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM: Expert for Hospitals and Payers 2012, Volumes 1, 2 & 3 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM: Expert for Physicians 2012, Volumes 1 & 2 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM: Expert for Skilled Nursing Facilities, Inpatient Rehabilitation Facilities and Hospices 2012 Volumes 1, 2 & 3 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM: Professional for Hospitals 2012, Volumes 1, 2 & 3 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM: Professional for Physicians 2012, Volumes 1 & 2 Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM: Standard for Hospitals 2012, Volumes 1, 2 & 3, Compact Ingenix |
ICD-9-CM: Standard for Physicians 2012, Volumes 1 & 2, Compact Ingenix |
Ice Sculpting the Modern Way Robert Garlough | Randy Finch | Derek Maxfield |
Ideas & Details, 2009 MLA Update Edition M. Garrett Bauman |
Ideas & Details: A Guide to College Writing M. Garrett Bauman |
Ideas in Conflict: Writing about the Great Issues of Civilization Mark Royden Winchell | Donna Haisty Winchell |
If These Halls Could Talk: A Historical Tour through San Francisco Recording Studios Heather Johnson |
IFRS Primer International GAAP Basics Irene M. Wiecek, Nicola M. Young |
Illuminated Pixels: The Why, What, and How of Digital Lighting Virginia Wissler |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft Access 2010 Advanced Lisa Friedrichsen |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft Access 2010 Basic Lisa Friedrichsen |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft Access 2010 Intermediate Lisa Friedrichsen |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft Access 2013 Advanced Lisa Friedrichsen |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft Access 2013 Basic Lisa Friedrichsen |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft Access 2013 Intermediate Lisa Friedrichsen |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft Excel 2010 Basic Elizabeth Eisner Reding | Lynn Wermers |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft Office Access 2007 Advanced Lisa Friedrichsen |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft Office Access 2007 Basic Lisa Friedrichsen |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft Office Access 2007 Intermediate Lisa Friedrichsen |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Advanced Lynn Wermers |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Basic Elizabeth Eisner Reding | Lynn Wermers |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Intermediate Elizabeth Eisner Reding | Lynn Wermers |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 Basic David W. Beskeen |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft Office Word 2007 Advanced Carol M. Cram |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft Office Word 2007 Basic Jennifer Duffy |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft Office Word 2007 Intermediate Jennifer Duffy |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Basic David Beskeen |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 Advanced David Beskeen |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft PowerPoint 2013 Basic David Beskeen |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft Powerpoint® 2010 Advanced David Beskeen |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft® Excel 2010 Advanced Lynn Wermers |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft® Excel® 2013 Advanced Lynn Wermers |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft® Excel® 2013 Basic Elizabeth Eisner Reding | Lynn Wermers |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft® Excel® 2013 Intermediate Lynn Wermers |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft® Word 2010 Advanced Carol Cram |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft® Word 2010 Basic Jennifer Duffy |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft® Word 2010 Intermediate Jennifer Duffy |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft® Word 2013 Advanced Carol Cram |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft® Word 2013 Basic Jennifer Duffy |
Illustrated Course Guide: Microsoft® Word 2013 Intermediate Jennifer Duffy |
Illustrated Course Guides: Problem-Solving and Decision Making - Soft Skills for a Digital Workplace Jeff Butterfield |
Illustrated Course Guides: Professionalism - Soft Skills for a Digital Workplace Jeff Butterfield |
Illustrated Course Guides: Teamwork & Team Building - Soft Skills for a Digital Workplace Jeff Butterfield |
Illustrated Course Guides: Verbal Communication - Soft Skills for a Digital Workplace Jeff Butterfield |
Illustrated Course Guides: Written Communication - Soft Skills for a Digital Workplace Jeff Butterfield |
Illustrated Guide to Medical Terminology Juanita J. Davies |
Illustrated Guide to Pruning Ed Gilman |
Illustrated Guide to the National Electric Code Charles R. Miller |
Illustrated Guide to the National Electrical Code Charles Miller |
Illustrated Guide to the National Electrical Code Charles R. Miller |
Illustrated Guide to the NEC Charles R. Miller |
Illustrated Guide to the NEC: Based On The 2005 National Electric Code Charles Miller |
Illustrator CC Digital Classroom Jennifer smith |
Illustrator CS5 Digital Classroom, (Book and Video Training) Jennifer smith |
Imágenes, Enhanced Edition Debbie Rusch | Marcela DomÃnguez | LucÃa Caycedo Garner |
Imágenes: An Introduction to Spanish Language and Cultures Debbie Rusch | Marcela DomÃnguez | LucÃa Caycedo Garner |
Image Processing, Analysis & and Machine Vision - A MATLAB Companion Tomas Svoboda | Jan Kybic | Vaclav Hlavac |
Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision Milan Sonka | Vaclav Hlavac | Roger Boyle |
Images of Women in Literature Mary Anne Ferguson | Jean Ferguson Carr |
Immigration: A Wadsworth Casebook in Argument Sharon K. Walsh | Evelyn D. Asch |
Immunohematology for Medical Laboratory Technicians Sheryl Whitlock |
Impacting Social Policy: A Practitioner's Guide to Analysis and Action Rodney A. Ellis |
Imperial Dreams/Harsh Realities: Tsarist Russian Foreign Policy, 1815-1917 David MacKenzie |
Implementing Mastery Learning Thomas R. Guskey |
Improve Your Memory Ron Fry |
Improve Your Reading Ron Fry |
Improve Your Writing Ron Fry |
In Brief, A Handbook for Developmental Writers Stephen McDonald | William Salomone |
In Mixed Company: Communicating in Small Groups and Teams J. Dan Rothwell |
In Mixed Company: Communicating in Small Groups J. Dan Rothwell |
In Search of Myself: Life, Death, and Personal Identity Daniel Kolak |
In The Field: Guided Field Assignments and Readings in Early Childhood Education Kent Chrisman | Donna Couchenour |
In the Kitchen with Le Cordon Bleu The Chefs of Le Cordon Bleu |
Inclusive Early Childhood Education: Development, Resources, and Practice Penny Low Deiner |
Inclusive Early Childhood Education: Merging Positive Behavioral Supports, Activity-Based Intervention, and Developmentally Appropriate Practice David Dean Richey | John Wheeler |
Inclusive Education for the 21st Century: A New Introduction to Special Education Deanna J. Sands | Elizabeth B. Kozleski | Nancy French |
Income Tax Fundamentals 2009 Gerald E. Whittenburg | Martha Altus-Buller |
Income Tax Fundamentals 2010 Gerald E. Whittenburg | Martha Altus-Buller |
Income Tax Fundamentals 2011 Gerald E. Whittenburg | Martha Altus-Buller |
Income Tax Fundamentals 2012 Gerald E. Whittenburg | Martha Altus-Buller |
Income Tax Fundamentals 2013 Gerald E. Whittenburg | Martha Altus-Buller | Steven L. Gill (Contributing Author) |
Income Tax Fundamentals 2014 (with H&R Block at Home CD-ROM) Gerald E. Whittenburg | Martha Altus-Buller | Steven Gill |
Income Tax Fundamentals 2015 Gerald E. Whittenburg | Martha Altus-Buller | Steven Gill |
Income Tax Fundamentals Gerald E. Whittenburg | Martha Altus-Buller |
Incompressible Flow, 4th Edition Ronald L. Panton |
Increase Your Web Traffic in a Weekend Jerry Lee Ford, Jr. |
Increase Your Web Traffic in a Weekend Jerry Lee Ford, Jr. | William R. Stanek |
InDesign CC Digital Classroom Christopher Smith |
InDesign CS4 Digital Classroom, (Book and Video Training) |
InDesign CS5 Digital Classroom, (Book and Video Training) Christopher Smith |
India: Government and Politics in a Developing Nation Robert L. Hardgrave | Stanley A. Kochanek |
India: Government and Politics in a Developing Nation Stanley A. Kochanek | Robert L. Hardgrave |
Industrial and Organizational Psychology Research and Practice, 6th Edition International Student Version |
Industrial Automated Systems: Instrumentation and Motion Control Terry L. M. Bartelt |
Industrial Control Electronics Terry L. M. Bartelt |
Industrial Electrical Troubleshooting Lynn Lundquist |
Industrial Electricity John M. Nadon | Bert J. Gelmine | Michael E. Brumbach |
Industrial Electricity Michael E. Brumbach |
Industrial Electricity Michael E. Brumbach | John Nadon |
Industrial Hydraulics Richard W. Vockroth |
Industrial Instrumentation Jerry Faulk | Al Sutko |
Industrial Maintenance Michael E. Brumbach |
Industrial Maintenance Michael E. Brumbach | Jeffrey A. Clade |
Industrial Motor Control Stephen Herman |
Industrial Motor Control Stephen L. Herman |
Industrial Organization Contemporary Theory and Empirical Applications, 4th Edition Lynne Pepall, Dan Richards, George Norman |
Industrial Organization Contemporary Theory and Empirical Applications, 5th Edition Lynne Pepall, Dan Richards, George Norman |
Industrial Plastics Erik Lokensgard |
Industrial Plastics: Theory and Applications Erik Lokensgard |
Industrial/Organizational Psychology Michael G. Aamodt |
Industrial/Organizational Psychology: An Applied Approach Michael G. Aamodt |
Industrial/Organizational Psychology: Understanding the Workplace Paul E. Levy |
i-Net+ Guide to the Internet Jean Andrews | Wally Beck |
Infants and Toddlers: Curriculum and Teaching Linda D Watson | Terri Swim |
Infants and Toddlers: Curriculum and Teaching Terri Swim |
Infants and Toddlers: Curriculum and Teaching Terri Swim | Linda D Watson |
Infants and Toddlers: Development and Curriculum Planning Penny Low Deiner |
Informal Reading Inventory: Preprimer to Twelfth Grade Betty D. Roe | Paul C. Burns |
Information Management For Health Care Professions Merida Johns, Ph.D |
Information Security Intelligence: Cryptographic Principles & Applications Thomas Calabrese |
Information Systems A Management Approach, 3rd Edition Steven R. Gordon |
Information Systems for Business An Experiential Approach France Belanger |
Information Systems for Managers Text & Cases, 2nd edition Gabe Piccoli |
Information Technologies for Construction Managers, Architects and Engineers Trefor Williams |
Information Technology Auditing and Assurance James A. Hall | Tommie Singleton |
Information Technology Auditing James A. Hall |
Information Technology for management 5th edition |
Information Technology for management 7th Edition |
Information Technology for Managers George Reynolds |
Information Technology for Managment Transforming Organizations In The Digital Economy |
Information Technology in Theory Pelin Aksoy | Laura DeNardis |
Information Technology Management, 8th Edition International Student Version Efraim Turban, Linda Volonino |
Information Technology Project Management Kathy Schwalbe |
Information Technology Project Management with CD-ROM, 3rd Edition International Student Version Jack T. Marchewka |
Information Technology Project Management with CD-ROM, 4th Edition International Student Version Jack T. Marchewka |
Information Technology Project Management, Reprint Kathy Schwalbe |
Information Technology Project Management, Revised Kathy Schwalbe |
Ingenix Learning: Coding For The Operative Report 2010 Ingenix |
Ingenix Learning: Coding from the Operative Report 2011 Ingenix |
Ingenix Learning: Coding from the Operative Report 2012 Ingenix |
Ingenix Learning: Coding Physicians Services 2010 Ingenix |
Ingenix Learning: Coding Physicians Services 2011 Ingenix |
Ingenix Learning: Coding Physicians Services 2012 Ingenix |
Ingenix Learning: Comprehensive Instruction for Hospital Based Physician Services 2011 Ingenix |
Ingenix Learning: Comprehensive Instruction for Hospital Based Physician Services 2012 Ingenix |
Ingenix Learning: Comprehensive Instruction in the Use of Diagnosis Codes 2011 Ingenix |
Ingenix Learning: Comprehensive Instruction in the Use of Diagnosis Codes 2012 Ingenix |
Ingenix Learning: Comprehensive Instruction in the Use of Procedure Codes 2011 Ingenix |
Ingenix Learning: Facilities & Ancillary Services 2011 Ingenix |
Ingenix Learning: Facilities and Ancillary Services 2010 Ingenix |
Ingenix Learning: Facilities and Ancillary Services 2012 Ingenix |
Ingenix Learning: Implementing ICD-10 2011 Ingenix |
Ingenix Learning: Implementing ICD-10, 2010 Ingenix |
Ingenix Learning: Medical Billing Basics 2011 Ingenix |
Ingenix Learning: Medical Billing Basics 2012 Ingenix |
Ingenix Learning: Medical Billing Basics, 2010 Ingenix |
Ingenix Learning: Understand Modifiers 2011 Ingenix |
Ingenix Learning: Understanding E/M Coding 2011 Ingenix |
Ingenix Learning: Understanding E/M Coding 2012 Ingenix |
Ingenix Learning: Understanding E/M Coding, 2010 Ingenix |
Ingenix Learning: Understanding Modifiers 2012 Ingenix |
Ingenix Learning: Understanding Modifiers, 2010 Ingenix |
Ingenix University: Detailed Instruction for Appropriate ICD-10-CM Coding 2012 Ingenix |
Initial Interviewing: What Students Want to Know Tricia McClam | Marianne R. Woodside |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship, 2nd Edition John Bessant |
Innovations: Comprehensive Toddler Curriculum Kay Albrecht | Linda Miller |
Innovations: Infant & Toddler Development Kay Albrecht | Linda Miller |
Innovations: The Comprehensive Infant Curriculum Kay Albrecht | Linda Miller |
Innovations: The Comprehensive Preschool Curriculum Kay Albrecht | Linda Miller |
Inquiry into Math, Science & Technology for Teaching Young Children Arleen Pratt Prairie |
Inquiry into Physics Vern J. Ostdiek | Donald J. Bord |
Inquiry-based Laboratories for Liberal Arts Chemistry Vickie Williamson | Larry Peck |
Inside OrCAD Capture Paul G. Krol |
Inside Rhinoceros 4 Ron K.C. Cheng |
Inside Rhinoceros 5 Ron K.C. Cheng |
Inside Rhinoceros® 3 Ron K.C. Cheng |
Inside SharePoint 2007 Administration Steve Caravajal | Shane Young | Todd O. Klindt |
Inside the Judicial Process: A Contemporary Reader in Law, Politics, and the Courts Jennifer Segal Diascro | Gregg Ivers |
Inside the Music Industry: Creativity, Process, and Business Michael Fink |
Inside Today's Home Luann Nissen | Ray Faulkner | Sarah Faulkner |
Inside Writing, Form A William Salomone | Stephen McDonald |
Inside Writing: A Writer's Workbook with Readings, Form B William Salomone | Stephen McDonald |
Inside Writing: A Writer's Workbook, Form A William Salomone | Stephen McDonald |
Inside Writing: Form A William Salomone | Stephen McDonald | Martin Japtok |
Inside Writing: Form B William Salomone | Stephen McDonald | Martin Japtok |
InSight: A Media Lab in Experimental Psychology John A. Baro, Ph.D. |
Insightful Writing: A Process Rhetoric with Readings David Sabrio | Mitchel Burchfield |
Insights on American History, Volume II Norman Risjord | Thomas J. Archdeacon | Alan G. Bogue | Paul S. Boyer | Charles L. Cohen | John M. Cooper | J. Roger Hollingsworth |
Inspired 3D Modeling & Texture Mapping Tom Capizzi |
Inspired 3D Short Film Production Jeremy Cantor | Pepe Valencia |
Inspiring Touch: How iPhoneography Is Changing the Way We Create Michael Clawson |
Installer's Guide to Local Area Networks Buddy Shipley |
Installing and Configuring Windows Server Configuration 70-410 |
Instructional Design for Classroom Teaching and Learning Kevin B. Zook |
Instructional Design, 3rd Edition Patricia L. Smith, Tillman J. Ragan |
Instructional Models: Strategies for Teaching in a Diverse Society Thomas Lasley | Thomas Matczynski | James Rowley |
Instrumentation and Orchestration Alfred Blatter |
Instrumentation and Process Control Terry L. M. Bartelt |
Insurance Directory - 2014 Optum |
Insurance Directory 2010 Ingenix |
Insurance Directory 2011 Ingenix |
Insurance Directory 2012 Ingenix |
Insurance Directory — 2013 Ingenix |
Insurance Directory, 2015 Optum |
Integrated Accounting Dale A. Klooster | Warren Allen | Glenn Owen |
Integrated Accounting for Windows Dale A. Klooster | Warren Allen |
Integrated Accounting for Windows® Dale A. Klooster | Warren Allen |
Integrated Advertising and Marketing Communication |
Integrated Applications for Office XP Susie VanHuss | Connie Forde | Donna Woo |
Integrated Business Communication In a Global Marketplace Bonnye. E Stuart |
Integrated Business Processes with ERP Systems, Simha R. Magal, Jeffrey Word |
Integrated Business Projects Anthony A. Olinzock | Janna Arney | Wylma Skean |
Integrated Computer Applications Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo |
Integrated Computer Applications with Multimedia and Input Technologies Susie VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo | Linda Hefferin |
Integrated Computer Applications, Modules 1-8 Susie VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo | Linda Hefferin |
Integrating Agile Development In The Real World Peter Schuh |
Integrating Music into the Elementary Classroom William Anderson |
Integrating Music into the Elementary Classroom William M. Anderson | Joy E. Lawrence |
Integrating Music into the Elementary Classroom, Media Edition William M. Anderson | Joy E. Lawrence |
Integrating Religion and Spirituality into Counseling: A Comprehensive Approach Marsha Wiggins Frame |
Integrating Soc Welfare Policy & Soc Wrk Prac Kathleen McInnis-Dittrich |
Integrating Technology into Teaching: The Technology and Learning Continuum Arthur Recesso | Chandra Orrill |
Integrating the Arts Across the Elementary School Curriculum Phyllis Gelineau |
Integration of Social Work Practice Ruth Parsons | James D. Jorgensen | Santos H. Hernandez |
Integrations: Reading, Thinking, and Writing for College Success William S. Robinson | Pam Altman |
Integrative Helper: Convergence of Eastern and Western Traditions William Mikulas |
Integrative Multitheoretical Psychotherapy Jeff E. Brooks-Harris |
Integrative Psychotherapy: The Art and Science of Relationship Janet P. Moursund | Richard G. Erskine |
Intellectual Property for Paralegals, 2nd Deborah E. Bouchoux, Esq. |
Intellectual Property: Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights Richard W. Stim |
Intellectual Property: The Law of Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, and Trade Secrets Deborah E. Bouchoux, Esq. |
Intellectual Property: The Law of Trademarks, Copyrights, Patents, and Trade Secrets for the Paralegal Deborah E. Bouchoux, Esq. |
Intelligence: Multiple Perspectives Howard Gardner |
Intensive Records Management Andrea Henne |
Intentional Interviewing and Counseling: Facilitating Client Development in a Multicultural Society Allen E. Ivey | Mary Bradford Ivey |
Intentional Interviewing and Counseling: Facilitating Client Development in a Multicultural Society Allen E. Ivey | Mary Bradford Ivey | Carlos P. Zalaquett |
Interacciones Emily Spinelli | Carmen GarcÃa | Carol E. Galvin Flood |
Interacciones, Enhanced Emily Spinelli | Carmen GarcÃa | Carol E. Galvin Flood |
Interaction: Langue et culture Susan St. Onge | Ronald St. Onge |
Interaction: Langue et culture Susan St. Onge | Ronald St. Onge | Scott Powers |
Interaction: Langue et culture, Enhanced Susan St. Onge | Ronald St. Onge |
Interaction: Révision de grammaire française Susan St. Onge | Ronald St. Onge |
Interactions: A Thematic Reader Ann Moseley | Jeanette Harris |
Interactive Media Design and Development with Adobe CS6 Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) | Annesa Hartman |
Interactive Services Marketing Raymond P. Fisk | Stephen J. Grove | Joby John |
Interactive Text, Contemporary Marketing Louis E. Boone | David L. Kurtz |
Intercambios: Spanish for Global Communication Guiomar Borrás A. |
Intercultural Communication Susan Eckert |
Intercultural Communication: A Reader Larry A. Samovar | Richard E. Porter | Edwin R. McDaniel |
Intercultural Communication: A Reader Larry A. Samovar | Richard E. Porter | Edwin R. McDaniel | Carolyn S. Roy |
Interior Planning and Design: Project Programs, Plans, Charettes Christina Scalise |
Interior Plantscaping: Principles and Practices James M. DelPrince |
Intermediate Accounting (Book Only) Loren A. Nikolai | John D. Bazley | Jefferson P. Jones |
Intermediate Accounting 13th Edition, Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt |
Intermediate Accounting 14th Edition, Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt |
Intermediate Accounting 4th Edition, Spiceland |
Intermediate Accounting Earl K. Stice | James D. Stice |
Intermediate Accounting IFRS Edition Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield |
Intermediate Accounting IFRS Edition, 2nd Edition Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt |
Intermediate Accounting James D. Stice | Earl K. Stice | Fred Skousen |
Intermediate Accounting Loren A. Nikolai | John D. Bazley | Jefferson P. Jones |
Intermediate Accounting Principles and Analysis, 2nd Edition Terry D. Warfield, Jerry J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso |
Intermediate Accounting Update Loren A. Nikolai | John D. Bazley | Jefferson P. Jones |
Intermediate Accounting, 18th Edition Earl K. Stice, James D. Stice |
Intermediate Accounting, Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield |
Intermediate Accounting: Reporting and Analysis James M. Wahlen | Jefferson P. Jones | Donald P. Pagach |
Intermediate Algebra Alan S. Tussy | R. David Gustafson |
Intermediate Algebra Alan S. Tussy | R. David Gustafson | Diane Koenig |
Intermediate Algebra Charles P. McKeague |
Intermediate Algebra Jerome E. Kaufmann | Karen L. Schwitters |
Intermediate Algebra Laura Bracken | Ed Miller |
Intermediate Algebra R. David Gustafson | Peter D. Frisk |
Intermediate Algebra R. David Gustafson | Rosemary Karr | Marilyn Massey |
Intermediate Algebra Richard N. Aufmann | Joanne S. Lockwood |
Intermediate Algebra Ron Larson |
Intermediate Algebra With Applications Richard N. Aufmann |
Intermediate Algebra with Applications Richard N. Aufmann | Vernon C. Barker | Joanne S. Lockwood |
Intermediate Algebra with Applications, Multimedia Edition Richard N. Aufmann | Vernon C. Barker | Joanne S. Lockwood |
Intermediate Algebra, Updated Media Edition Alan S. Tussy |
Intermediate Algebra, Updated Media Edition Alan S. Tussy | R. David Gustafson |
Intermediate Algebra: A Guided Approach Rosemary Karr | Marilyn Massey | R. David Gustafson |
Intermediate Algebra: A Text/Workbook Charles P. McKeague |
Intermediate Algebra: Algebra Within Reach Ron Larson |
Intermediate Algebra: An Applied Approach Richard N. Aufmann | Joanne S. Lockwood |
Intermediate Algebra: An Applied Approach Richard N. Aufmann | Vernon C. Barker | Joanne S. Lockwood |
Intermediate Algebra: An Applied Approach, Student Support Edition Richard N. Aufmann | Vernon C. Barker | Joanne S. Lockwood |
Intermediate Algebra: An Integrated Approach, Preliminary Edition Richard N. Aufmann | Joanne S. Lockwood |
Intermediate Algebra: Class Test Edition Laura Bracken | Ed Miller |
Intermediate Algebra: Connecting Concepts through Applications Mark Clark | Cynthia Anfinson |
Intermediate Algebra: Discovery and Visualization Elaine Hubbard |
Intermediate Algebra: Everyday Explorations Alice Kaseberg |
Intermediate Algebra: Everyday Explorations Alice Kaseberg | Greg Cripe | Peter Wildman |
Intermediate Algebra: Functions and Graphs Katherine Yoshiwara | Bruce Yoshiwara |
Intermediate Algebra: Graphs and Functions Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler |
Intermediate Algebra: Student Support Edition Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler |
Intermediate Blueprint Reading For Machinists David L. Taylor |
Intermediate Financial Management Eugene F. Brigham | Phillip R. Daves |
Intermediate MACRO Robert J. Barro |
Intermediate Microeconomics and Its Application Walter Nicholson | Christopher Snyder |
Intermediate Microeconomics Walter Nicholson | Christopher Snyder |
International Accounting and Multinational Enterprises, 5th Edition Lee. H Radebaugh |
International Accounting: A User Perspective Shahrokh M. Saudagaran |
International Building Code 2003 International Code Council (ICC) |
International Business European Edition Michael Czinkota, Iikka A. Ronkainen, Michael H. Moffett |
International Business Law and Its Environment Richard Schaffer | Beverley Earle | Filiberto Agusti |
International Business Law and Its Environment Richard Schaffer | Filiberto Agusti | Beverley Earle |
International Business Law and Its Environment Richard Schaffer | Filiberto Agusti | Lucien J. Dhooge |
International Business Law and Its Environment Richard Schaffer | Filiberto Agusti | Lucien J. Dhooge | Beverley Earle |
International Business Law: A Transactional Approach Larry DiMatteo | Lucien J. Dhooge |
International Business Les Dlabay, Ed.D. | James Calvert Scott, Ph.D. |
International Communication: Concepts and Cases Kwadwo Anokwa | Carolyn A. Lin | Michael B. Salwen |
International Cuisine The International Culinary Schools at The Art Institutes |
International Cuisine Jeremy MacVeigh |
International Dimensions of Organizational Behavior Nancy J. Adler | Allison Gundersen |
International Economics Robert Carbaugh |
International Economics Trade and Finance, 10th Edition International Student Version Dominick Salvatore |
International Economics Trade and Finance, 11th Edition International Student Version Dominick Salvatore |
International Energy Conservation Code 2003 International Code Council (ICC) |
International Financial Management Jeff Madura |
International Financial Management, Abridged Edition Jeff Madura |
International Financial Management, Abridged Jeff Madura |
International Financial Reporting Standards Belverd E. Needles | Marian Powers |
International Financial Reporting Standards: An Introduction Belverd E. Needles | Marian Powers |
International Financial Statement Analysis, 2nd Edition Thomas R. Robinson |
International Fire Code 2003 International Code Council (ICC) |
International Fuel & Gas Code 2003 International Code Council (ICC) |
International Human Resource Management, (with CourseMate and eBook Access Card) 6e Peter Dowling | Marion Festing PhD | Allen D. Engle, Sr. D.B.A |
International Human Resource Management: Managing People in a Multinational Context Peter J. Dowling | Marion Festing PhD | Allen D. Engle, Sr. D.B.A |
International Macroeconomics Peter J. Montiel |
International Management, 4th Edition Richard Mead, Tim G. Andrews |
International Management: Strategy and Culture in the Emerging World David Ahlstrom | Garry D. Bruton |
International Marketing Brad Kleindl |
International Marketing Dana-Nicoleta Lascu |
International Marketing Michael R. Czinkota | Ilkka A. Ronkainen |
International Mechanical Code 2003 International Code Council (ICC) |
International Plumbing Code 2003 International Code Council (ICC) |
International Politics: Power and Purpose in Global Affairs Paul D'Anieri |
International Politics: Power and Purpose in Global Affairs, Brief Edition Paul D'Anieri |
International Project Management Owen J. Murphy |
International Relations: An Introduction Using MicroCase ExplorIt James C. Roberts | Alan Rosenblatt |
International Relations: Perspectives and Controversies Keith L. Shimko |
International Relations: Perspectives, Controversies and Readings Keith L. Shimko |
International Relations: Politics and Economics in the 21st Century William Nester |
International Residential Code 2003 International Code Council (ICC) |
International Trade by John Mclaren |
International Travel and Tourism Helle Sorensen |
Internet Companion for Statistics Michael D. Larsen |
Internet Explorer 8, Illustrated Essentials Katherine T. Pinard |
Internet Marketing , 3rd Edition Charles F. Hofacker |
Internet Marketing and e-Commerce Ward Hanson | Kirthi Kalyanam |
Internet Marketing: Foundations and Applications Carolyn F. Siegel |
Internet Marketing: Integrating Online and Offline Strategies Mary-Lou Roberts |
Internet Marketing: Integrating Online and Offline Strategies Mary-Lou Roberts | Debra Zahay |
Internet Office Projects Susan Evans Jennings |
Internet Research - Illustrated Donald I. Barker | Carol D. Terry |
Internet Research - Illustrated Donald I. Barker | Melissa S. Barker | Katherine T. Pinard |
Internet Research Illustrated Donald I. Barker | Melissa S. Barker |
Internet Research Illustrated Donald I. Barker | Melissa S. Barker | Katherine T. Pinard |
Internet Research-Illustrated Donald I. Barker | Carol D. Terry |
Internet Safety Coursenotes Course Technology |
Internet Surf and Turf-Revealed: The Essential Guide to Copyright, Fair Use, and Finding Media Barbara M. Waxer | Marsha Baum |
Interpersonal Communication: Everyday Encounters Julia T. Wood |
Interpersonal Living: A Skills/Contract Approach to Human Relations Training in Groups Gerard Egan |
Interpersonal Process in Therapy: An Integrative Model Edward Teyber |
Interpersonal Process in Therapy: An Integrative Model Edward Teyber | Faith Holmes Mcclure |
Interpersonal Skills: The Professional Development Series Dr. Marlene Caroselli |
Interpreting Engineering Drawings Cecil H. Jensen | Dr. Jay D. Helsel |
Interpreting Engineering Drawings Ted Branoff | Cecil H. Jensen | Dr. Jay D. Helsel |
Interpreting the National Electrical Code Truman Surbrook | Jonathan Althouse |
Interpreting the National Electrical Code: Based on the 2005 National Electric Code Truman Surbrook | Jonathan Althouse |
Intervention and Reflection: Basic Issues in Bioethics Ronald Munson |
Intervention and Reflection: Basic Issues in Bioethics, Concise Edition Ronald Munson |
Intervention and Reflection: Basic Issues in Medical Ethics Ronald Munson |
Interviewing and Change Strategies for Helpers Sherry Cormier | Paula S. Nurius | Cynthia J. Osborn |
Interviewing and Change Strategies for Helpers: Fundamental Skills and Cognitive Behavioral Interventions Sherry Cormier | Paula S. Nurius |
Interviewing and Change Strategies for Helpers: Fundamental Skills and Cognitive Behavioral Interventions, 6th Sherry Cormier | Paula S. Nurius | Cynthia J. Osborn |
Interviewing and Interrogation: The Discovery of Truth Steve Gilbert |
Interviewing for Solutions Peter De Jong | Insoo Kim Berg |
Interviewing in Action in a Multicultural World Bianca Cody Murphy | Carolyn Dillon |
Interviewing in Action: Relationship, Process, and Change Bianca Cody Murphy | Carolyn Dillon |
Intravenous Infusion Therapy for Medical Assistants American Association for Medical Assistants | Dianne L. Josephson, RN, MSN |
Intravenous Infusion Therapy for Nurses Dianne L. Josephson, RN, MSN |
Intro Music Theory Joyce R. Dorr |
Intro to Business Les Dlabay, Ed.D. | James L. Burrow | Brad Kleindl |
Intro to Business Les Dlabay, Ed.D. | James L. Burrow | Steven A. Eggland |
Intro to Programming Java with Games Brian C. Ladd, Christopher James Jenkins |
Introducing & Implementing Autodesk® Revit® Building Lay Christopher Fox | James J. Balding, AIA |
Introducing and Implementing Revit Architecture 2008 Lay Christopher Fox |
Introducing and Implementing Revit® Architecture 2009 Lay Christopher Fox | James J. Balding, AIA |
Introducing Maya 2011 Dariush Derakhshani |
Introducing Microsoft Expression Studio: Using Design, Web, Blend, and Media to Create Professional Digital Content Greg Holden |
Introducing Physical Geography, 6th Edition Alan H. Strahler |
Introduction to 3D Spatial Visualization: An Active Approach Sheryl A. Sorby | Anne Francis Wysocki | Beverly J. Baartmans |
Introduction to ABAP Programming for SAP, 3rd Edition Gareth M. De Bruyn | Robert Lyfareff |
Introduction to Advanced Mathematics: A Guide to Understanding Proofs Connie M. Campbell |
Introduction to Agricultural Accounting Barbara M. Wheeling |
Introduction to Agronomy: Food, Crops, and Environment Craig C. Sheaffer | Kristine M. Moncada |
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology Dr. Donald C. Rizzo |
Introduction to Applied Econometrics Kenneth Stewart |
Introduction to ArchiCAD: A BIM Application Tulio Sulbaran | Mohd Shiratuddin | Shane Germany |
Introduction to ASP.NET 2.0 Kate Kalata |
Introduction to ASP.NET Kate Kalata |
Introduction to Bankruptcy Law Martin A. Frey | Phyllis Hurley | Sidney K. Swinson |
Introduction to Bankruptcy Law Martin A. Frey | Sidney K. Swinson |
Introduction to Basic Electricity and Electronics Technology Earl D. Gates |
Introduction to Behavioral Economics David R. Just |
Introduction to Biological Physics for the Health and Life Sciences Kirsten Franklin |
Introduction to Biotechnology Ray V. Herren |
Introduction to Biotechnology: An Agricultural Revolution Ray V. Herren |
Introduction to Botany James Schooley |
Introduction to Business Architecture Chris Reynolds |
Introduction to Business Julian E. Gaspar | Leonard Bierman | James W. Kolari | Richard T. Hise | L. Murphy Smith | Antonio Arreola-Risa |
Introduction to Business Statistics Ronald M. Weiers |
Introduction to C++ Programming, Brief Edition D.S. Malik |
Introduction to Catering Dr. Stephen B. Shiring |
Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology Stephen L. Wolfe |
Introduction to Chemical Engineering Tools for Today and Tomorrow, 5th Edition, Kenneth A. Solen |
Introduction to Chemical Principles: A Laboratory Approach Susan A. Weiner |
Introduction to Chemical Principles: A Laboratory Approach Susan A. Weiner | Blaine Harrison |
Introduction to Chemistry, 13th Edition, International Student Version Morris Hein, Susan Arena |
Introduction to Christianity Mary Jo Weaver | David Brakke |
Introduction to Christianity Mary Jo Weaver | Jason Bivins | David Brakke |
Introduction to Civil Litigation Mark Weinstein |
Introduction to Clinical Psychology An Evidence-Based Approach, 1st Edition John Hunsley |
Introduction to Clinical Psychology An Evidence-Based Approach, 2nd Edition John Hunsley, Katherine M. Lee |
Introduction to Comparative Government, Update Michael Curtis |
Introduction to Comparative Politics Mark Kesselman | Joel Krieger | William A. Joseph |
Introduction to Comparative Politics Mark Kesselman | Joel Krieger | William A. Joseph | Ervand Abrahamian | Christopher S. Allen | Amrita Basu | Joan DeBardeleben | Louis DeSipio | Shigeko N. Fukai | Haruhiro Fukui | Merilee S. Grindle | Darren Kew | Atul Kohli | Peter Lewis | Alfred P. Montero |
Introduction to Comparative Politics, Brief Edition Mark Kesselman | Joel Krieger | William A. Joseph |
Introduction to Comparative Politics, Brief Edition Mark Kesselman | Joel Krieger | William A. Joseph | Ervand Abrahamian | Amrita Basu | Joan DeBardeleben | Merilee S. Grindle | Atul Kohli | Tom Lodge |
Introduction to Comparative Politics: Concepts and Processes Howard J. Wiarda |
Introduction to Comparative Politics: Political Challenges and Changing Agendas Mark Kesselman | Joel Krieger | William A. Joseph |
Introduction to Comparative Politics: Political Challenges and Changing Agendas Mark Kesselman | Joel Krieger | William A. Joseph | Ervand Abrahamian | Christopher S. Allen | Joan DeBardeleben | Louis DeSipio | Shigeko N. Fukai | Haruhiro Fukui | Merilee S. Grindle | Darren Kew | Peter Lewis | Atul Kohli | Amrita Basu | Alfred P. Montero |
Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology Carlos Setubal | Joao Meidanis |
Introduction to Computer Science Using C++ Todd Knowlton | Brad Hunt |
Introduction to Computer Science Using Python A Computational Problem-Solving Focus Charles Dierbach |
Introduction to Computers Gary B. Shelly | Steven M. Freund | Misty E. Vermaat |
Introduction to Computing Using Python An Application Development Focus Ljubomir Perkovic |
Introduction to Computing Using Python Perkovic |
Introduction to Corporate Finance William L. Megginson | Scott B. Smart |
Introduction to Corporate Finance, Abridged Edition William L. Megginson | Scott B. Smart |
Introduction to Corporate Finance: What Companies Do John Graham | Scott B. Smart |
Introduction to Corporate Finance: What Companies Do, Abridged Edition John Graham | Scott B. Smart |
Introduction to Corrections Michael L. Birzer | Cliff Roberson |
Introduction to Counseling: Voices from the Field Jeffrey A. Kottler | David S. Shepard |
Introduction to Criminal Evidence Jon Waltz |
Introduction to Criminal Justice Cliff Roberson |
Introduction to Criminal Justice Larry J. Siegel |
Introduction to Criminal Justice Larry J. Siegel | John L. Worrall |
Introduction to Criminal Justice Larry J. Siegel | Joseph J. Senna |
Introduction to Criminal Justice: Current Perspectives from InfoTrac® Wadsworth | Todd Scott |
Introduction to Criminology Brendan Maguire | Polly F. Radosh |
Introduction to Criminology Cliff Roberson |
Introduction to Critical Reading Leah McCraney |
Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management Don M. Chance | Robert Brooks |
Introduction to Derivatives and Risk Management Don M. Chance | Robert Brooks |
Introduction to Digital Electronics Ken Reid | Robert Dueck |
Introduction to Early Childhood Education Eva L. Essa |
Introduction to Early Childhood Education, Student Edition Eva L. Essa |
Introduction to Econometrics Gary Koop |
Introduction to Economics Social Issues and Economic Thinking Wendy A. Stock |
Introduction to Electronics Earl Gates |
Introduction to Electronics Earl Gates | Leo Chartrand |
Introduction to Embedded Microcomputer Systems: Motorola 6811/6812 Simulations Jonathan W. Valvano |
Introduction to Embedded Systems: Interfacing to the Freescale 9S12 Jonathan W. Valvano |
Introduction to Environmental Engineering - SI Version P. Aarne Vesilind | Susan M. Morgan | Lauren G. Heine |
Introduction to Environmental Engineering P. Aarne Vesilind | Susan M. Morgan |
Introduction to Environmental Engineering P. Aarne Vesilind | Susan M. Morgan | Lauren G. Heine |
Introduction to Epidemiology: Distribution and Determinants of Disease Caroline A. Macera | Richard Shaffer | Peggy M. Shaffer |
Introduction to Family Law Nancy Gallo |
Introduction to Family Theory and Therapy: Exploring an Evolving Field June Blumenthal Green |
Introduction to Finance Markets, Investments, and Financial Management, 14th Edition Ronald W. Melicher |
Introduction to Finance Markets, Investments, and Financial Management, 15th Edition Ronald W. Melicher |
Introduction to Finite Element Analysis and Design Nam Ho Kim |
Introduction to Fire Pump Operations Thomas Sturtevant |
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, SI Version, 5th Edition Donald F. Young, Bruce R. Munson |
Introduction to Fluid Power James L. Johnson |
Introduction to Food Science Rick Parker, Ph.D. |
Introduction to Forestry Science L. Devere Burton |
Introduction to Game AI Neil Kirby |
Introduction to Game Development Steve Rabin |
Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry Frederick A. Bettelheim | William H. Brown | Mary K. Campbell | Shawn O. Farrell |
Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry Frederick A. Bettelheim | William H. Brown | Mary K. Campbell | Shawn O. Farrell | Omar Torres |
Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry, Hybrid Frederick A. Bettelheim | William H. Brown | Mary K. Campbell | Shawn O. Farrell | Omar Torres |
Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry, 10th Edition Morris Hein, Scott Pattison, Susan Arena, Leo R. Best |
Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry, 11th Edition Morris Hein, Scott Pattison, Susan Arena, Leo R. Best |
Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry, 9th Edition Laborotary manual Morris Hein, Scott Pattison, Susan Arena, Leo R. Best |
Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering Braja M. Das |
Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering Braja M. Das | Siva Sivakugan |
Introduction to Global Business: Understanding the International Environment & Global Business Functions Julian E. Gaspar | Antonio Arreola-Risa | Leonard Bierman | Richard T. Hise | James W. Kolari | L. Murphy Smith |
Introduction to Google SketchUp Aidan Chopra |
Introduction to Health Behaviors: A Guide for Managers, Practitioners & Educators Marietta Orlowski |
Introduction to Health Care Dakota Mitchell | Lee Haroun |
Introduction to Health Care Finance and Accounting Carlene Harrison | William P. Harrison |
Introduction to Health Care Joyce Mitchell, RN, MSN, MBA | Lee Haroun |
Introduction to Health Promotion & Behavioral Science in Public Health Hala Madanat | Elva Arredondo | Guadalupe X. Ayala |
Introduction to Health Science Technology Louise Simmers |
Introduction to Health Services Stephen J. Williams | Paul R. Torrens |
Introduction to Healthcare Information Technology Mark Ciampa | Mark Revels |
Introduction to Horticultural Science Richard N. Arteca |
Introduction to Human Services: Cases and Applications Tricia McClam | Marianne R. Woodside |
Introduction To Hydraulics & Hydrology John E. Gribbin |
Introduction to Hydraulics & Hydrology: With Applications for Stormwater Management John E. Gribbin |
Introduction to Information Systems, 4th Edition International Student Version |
Introduction to International Economics, 3rd Edition International Student Version Dominick Salvatore |
Introduction to Investigations John S. Dempsey |
Introduction to Language Development Scott F. McLaughlin |
Introduction to Law and the Legal System Frank August Schubert |
Introduction to Law Beth Walston-Dunham, J.D. |
Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Henry M. Wrobleski | Kären M. Hess |
Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Kären M. Hess |
Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Kären Matison Hess | Christine Hess Orthmann |
Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Kären Matison Hess | Christine Hess Orthmann | Henry Lim Cho |
Introduction To Law For Paralegals Beth Walston-Dunham, J.D. |
Introduction to Learning and Behavior Russell A. Powell | Diane G. Symbaluk | P. Lynne Honey |
Introduction to Learning and Behavior Russell A. Powell | Diane G. Symbaluk | Suzanne E. MacDonald |
Introduction to Learning and Behavior Russell A. Powell | P. Lynne Honey | Diane G. Symbaluk |
Introduction to Legal Nurse Consulting Cynthia Weishapple |
Introduction to Logic and Critical Thinking Merrilee H. Salmon |
Introduction to Low Voltage Systems Amy DiPaola | Sam DiPaola |
Introduction to Low Voltage Systems Sam DiPaola | Amy DiPaola |
Introduction to Management Accounting, 14th Edition Charles T. Horngren, Garry L. Sundmen |
Introduction to Management in the Hospitality Industry, 10th Edition Clayton W. Barrows |
Introduction to Management, 12th Edition International Student Version John R. Schermerhorn |
Introduction to Managerial Accounting, 5th Edition Ray H. Garrison, Eric Noreen, Peter C. Brewer |
Introduction to Manufacturing Processes Mikell P. Groover |
Introduction to Marine Biology George Karleskint | Richard Turner | James Small |
Introduction to Materials and Processes John R. Wright | Larry D. Helsel |
Introduction to Mathematical Modeling Using Discrete Dynamical Systems Frederick R. Marotto |
Introduction to Mathematical Programming: Applications and Algorithms, Volume 1 Wayne L. Winston | Munirpallam Venkataramanan |
Introduction to Medical Practice Management Deborah Montone | Michelle Lenzi |
Introduction to Medical Terminology Ann Ehrlich | Carol L. Schroeder |
Introduction to Microbiology: A Case-History Study Approach John L. Ingraham | Catherine A. Ingraham |
Introduction to Modern Nonparametric Statistics James J. Higgins |
Introduction to Networking Basics, 2nd Edition Patrick Cicarelli |
Introduction to Networking with Network+ Timothy Pintello |
Introduction to On-Board Diagnostics II (OBDII) Roy Cox |
Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry Frederick A. Bettelheim | William H. Brown | Mary K. Campbell | Shawn O. Farrell |
Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry Frederick A. Bettelheim | William H. Brown | Mary K. Campbell | Shawn O. Farrell |
Introduction to Organic and Biochemistry Frederick A. Bettelheim | William H. Brown | Mary K. Campbell | Shawn O. Farrell | Omar Torres |
Introduction to Organic Chemistry, 4th Edition, International Student Version William H. Brown, Thomas Poon |
Introduction to Organic Chemistry, 5th Edition, International Student Version William H. Brown, Thomas Poon |
Introduction to Organic Laboratory Techniques: A Microscale Approach Donald L. Pavia | Gary M. Lampman | George S. Kriz | Randall G. Engel |
Introduction to Organic Laboratory Techniques: A Small-Scale Approach Donald L. Pavia | Gary M. Lampman | George S. Kriz | Randall G. Engel |
Introduction to Paleobiology and the Fossil Record Micheal J. Benton |
Introduction To Paralegal Studies David Cooper | Michael J. Gibson |
Introduction to Paralegal Studies: A Practical Approach Dr. Linda L. Edwards, Esq. | J. Stanley Edwards, J.D. |
Introduction to Paralegalism: Perspectives, Problems and Skills William P. Statsky |
Introduction to Paralegalism: Perspectives, Problems, and Skills William P. Statsky |
Introduction to Personality and Psychotherapy: A Theory-Construction Approach Joseph F. Rychlak |
Introduction to Personality Toward an Integrative Science of the Person, 8th Edition Walter Mischel, Yuichi Shoda, Ozlem Ayduk |
Introduction to Physical Anthropology 2009-2010 Edition Robert Jurmain | Lynn Kilgore | Wenda Trevathan | Russell L. Ciochon |
Introduction to Physical Anthropology 2011-2012 Edition Robert Jurmain | Lynn Kilgore | Wenda Trevathan | Russell L. Ciochon |
Introduction to Physical Anthropology Robert Jurmain | Lynn Kilgore | Wenda Trevathan |
Introduction to Physical Anthropology, 2013-2014 Edition Robert Jurmain | Lynn Kilgore | Wenda Trevathan | Russell L. Ciochon |
Introduction to Physical Anthropology, Media Edition Robert Jurmain | Lynn Kilgore | Wenda Trevathan |
Introduction to Physical Education and Sport Science Robert C France, CSMT, RSMT |
Introduction to Physical Education and Sport: Foundations and Trends Marilyn M. Buck | J. Thomas Jable | Patricia A. Floyd |
Introduction to Physical Geography 6th ed. Alan stahler |
Introduction to Physical Science, Revised Edition James T. Shipman | Jerry D. Wilson | Aaron W. Todd |
Introduction to Physical Sciences, Revised Edition James T. Shipman | Jerry D. Wilson | Aaron W. Todd |
Introduction to Plant Science R.O. (Rick) Parker, Ph.D |
Introduction to Political Thinkers William Ebenstein | Alan O. Ebenstein |
Introduction to Politics of the Developing World: Political Challenges and Changing Agendas Mark Kesselman |
Introduction to Positive Psychology William C. Compton |
Introduction to Private Security John Dempsey |
Introduction to Private Security Kären M. Hess |
Introduction to Private Security Kären M. Hess | Henry M. Wrobleski |
Introduction to Probability and Its Applications Richard L. Scheaffer | Linda Young |
Introduction to Probability and Its Applications Richard L. Scheaffer |
Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics Lee J. Bain | Max Engelhardt |
Introduction to Probability and Statistics William Mendenhall | Robert J. Beaver | Barbara M. Beaver |
Introduction to Probability Models: Operations Research, Volume II Wayne L. Winston |
Introduction to Probability Theory Paul G. Hoel | Sidney C. Port | Charles J. Stone |
Introduction to Process Technology Charles E. Thomas, Ph.D. |
Introduction to Programmable Logic Controllers Gary Dunning |
Introduction to Programming and Object-Oriented Design Using Java, 3rd Edition Jaime Niño, Frederick A. Hosch |
Introduction to Programming with C++ Diane Zak |
Introduction to Psycholinguistics Understanding Language Science Matthew J. Traxler |
Introduction to Psychology James W. Kalat |
Introduction to Psychology Rod Plotnik | Haig Kouyoumdjian |
Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior Dennis Coon | John O. Mitterer |
Introduction to Psychology: Gateways to Mind and Behavior with Concept Maps and Reviews Dennis Coon | John O. Mitterer |
Introduction to Public Health Organizations, Management, and Policy James Johnson |
Introduction to Python Programming and Developing GUI Applications with PyQT B. M. Harwani |
Introduction to Real Analysis, 4th Edition Robert G. Bartle, Donald R. Sherbert |
Introduction to Regression Modeling Bovas Abraham | Johannes Ledolter |
Introduction to Research in Education Donald Ary | Lucy Cheser Jacobs | Asghar Razavieh | Christine K. Sorensen |
Introduction to Research in Education Donald Ary | Lucy Cheser Jacobs | Christine K. Sorensen | David A. Walker |
Introduction to S & S-PLUS Phil Spector |
Introduction to Scientific Computation and Programming Daniel Kaplan |
Introduction to Signal and System Analysis Kaliappan Gopalan |
Introduction to Social Statistics The Logic of Statistical Reasoning Thomas Dietz, Linda Kalof |
Introduction to Social Welfare and Social Work: The U.S. in Global Perspective Katherine van Wormer |
Introduction to Social Work & Social Welfare: Critical Thinking Perspectives Karen K. Kirst-Ashman |
Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare: Critical Thinking Perspectives Karen K. Kirst-Ashman |
Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare: Empowering People Charles Zastrow |
Introduction to Sociological Theory Theorists, Concepts, and their Applicability to the Twenty-First Century Michele Dillon |
Introduction to Sociology Henry L. Tischler |
Introduction to Soil Microbiology Mark Coyne |
Introduction to Solid State Physics, 8th Edition Charles Kittel |
Introduction to Spectroscopy Donald L. Pavia | Gary M. Lampman | George S. Kriz |
Introduction to Spectroscopy Donald L. Pavia | Gary M. Lampman | George S. Kriz | James A. Vyvyan |
Introduction to Sports Medicine & Athletic Training Robert C France, CSMT, RSMT |
Introduction to Sports Medicine and Athletic Training Robert C France, CSMT, RSMT |
Introduction to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis R. Lyman Ott | Michael T. Longnecker |
Introduction to Statistical Theory Paul G. Hoel | Sidney C. Port | Charles J. Stone |
Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis Roxy Peck | Chris Olsen | Jay L. Devore |
Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis, Enhanced Review Edition Roxy Peck | Chris Olsen | Jay L. Devore |
Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis, Updated Media Edition Roxy Peck | Chris Olsen | Jay L. Devore |
Introduction to Statistics George Woodbury |
Introduction to Statistics: A Calculus-Based Approach Howard B. Christensen |
Introduction to Telecommunication Anu Gokhale |
Introduction to Telecommunications Anu Gokhale |
Introduction to Telecommunications Networks Gordon F. Snyder, Jr. |
Introduction to the American Legal System Judge John M. Scheb | John M. Scheb, II, Ph.D. |
Introduction to the ControlLogix Programmable Automation Controller with Labs Gary Dunning |
Introduction to the Creation of Electroacoustic Music Samuel Pellman |
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