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Teaching Resources Solutions Manual and Testbank

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Introduction to the Hospitality Industry 8th Edition Clayton W. Barrows
Introduction to the ICC 700 - 2008 National Green Building Standard International Code Council (ICC)
Introduction to the Law of Contracts Martin A. Frey
Introduction to the SEC and Corporate Governance K. Fred Skousen | Steven M. Glover | Douglas F. Prawitt
Introduction to the Theory of Computation Michael Sipser
Introduction to Therapeutic Counseling: Voices from the Field Jeffrey A. Kottler
Introduction to Traffic Engineering: A Manual for Data Collection and Analysis Thomas R. Currin
Introduction to Veterinary Science James Lawhead | MeeCee Baker
Introduction to Wireless and Mobile Systems Dharma P. Agrawal | Qing-An Zeng
Introduction to Working with Adult Survivors of Childhood Trauma: Techniques and Strategies Carolyn Knight
Introductory Adobe Photoshop CS2 BASICS Karl Barksdale | Cheryl Beck Morse | Bryan Morse | John R. Uibel
Introductory Algebra Alan S. Tussy | Diane Koenig
Introductory Algebra Alan S. Tussy | R. David Gustafson | Diane Koenig
Introductory Algebra with Basic Mathematics Richard N. Aufmann | Vernon C. Barker | Joanne S. Lockwood
Introductory Algebra, Updated Media Edition Alan S. Tussy | R. David Gustafson
Introductory Algebra: An Applied Approach Richard N. Aufmann | Joanne S. Lockwood
Introductory Algebra: An Applied Approach Richard N. Aufmann | Vernon C. Barker | Joanne S. Lockwood
Introductory Algebra: An Applied Approach, Student Support Edition Richard N. Aufmann | Vernon C. Barker | Joanne S. Lockwood
Introductory Algebra: An Integrated Approach, Preliminary Edition Richard N. Aufmann | Joanne S. Lockwood
Introductory Algebra: Equations and Graphs Katherine Yoshiwara | Bruce Yoshiwara
Introductory Algebra: Everyday Explorations Alice Kaseberg
Introductory Algebra: Everyday Explorations Alice Kaseberg | Greg Cripe | Peter Wildman
Introductory and Intermediate Algebra: An Applied Approach Richard N. Aufmann | Joanne S. Lockwood
Introductory Applied Biostatistics Ralph D'Agostino, Sr. | Lisa Sullivan | Alexa Beiser
Introductory Astronomy and Astrophysics Stephen A. Gregory | Michael Zeilik
Introductory Astronomy Exercises Dale C. Ferguson
Introductory Chemistry for Today Spencer L. Seager | Michael R. Slabaugh
Introductory Chemistry Modules: A Guided Inquiry Approach, Preliminary Edition Joe March | Ken Caswell | Jennifer Lewis
Introductory Chemistry Steven S. Zumdahl
Introductory Chemistry Steven S. Zumdahl | Donald J. DeCoste
Introductory Chemistry, Hybrid Edition Mark S. Cracolice | Ed Peters
Introductory Chemistry: A Foundation Steven S. Zumdahl
Introductory Chemistry: A Foundation Steven S. Zumdahl | Donald J. DeCoste
Introductory Chemistry: A Foundation, Hybrid  Steven S. Zumdahl | Donald J. DeCoste
Introductory Chemistry: A Foundation, Hybrid Edition Steven S. Zumdahl | Donald J. DeCoste
Introductory Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry Joe March | Craig P. McClure
Introductory Chemistry: An Active Learning Approach Mark S. Cracolice | Ed Peters
Introductory Chemistry: An Active Learning Approach Mark S. Cracolice | Edward I. Peters
Introductory Chemistry: An Active Learning Approach, Hybrid Mark S. Cracolice | Edward I. Peters
Introductory Course, Chapters 1-16 Claudia Bienias Gilbertson | Mark W. Lehman
Introductory Econometrics: A Modern Approach Jeffrey M. Wooldridge
Introductory Horticulture H. Edward Reiley | Carroll L. Shry, Jr.
Introductory Horticulture H. Edward Reiley | Carroll Shry
Introductory Musicianship: A Workbook Theodore A. Lynn
Introductory Real Analysis Frank Dangello | Michael Seyfried
Introductory Statistics 7th Edition,  Prem.S. Mann International Student Version
Introductory Statistics, 8th Edition International Student Version Prem S. Mann
Introductory Technical Mathematics John Peterson | Robert D. Smith
Inventing Arguments John Mauk | John Metz
Inventing Arguments, 2009 MLA Update John Mauk | John Metz
Inventing Arguments, Brief John Mauk | John Metz
Inventing Arguments, Brief, 2009 MLA Update Edition John Mauk | John Metz
Inventing Reality: The Politics of News Media Michael Parenti
Inventors of Ideas: Introduction to Western Political Philosophy Donald Tannenbaum
Inventors of Ideas: Introduction to Western Political Philosophy Donald Tannenbaum | David Schultz
Invertebrate Zoology: A Functional Evolutionary Approach Edward E. Ruppert | Richard S. Fox | Robert D. Barnes
Investigación de gramática Patricia V. Lunn | Janet DeCesaris
Investigating a Homicide Workbook Timothy Sweetman | Adele Sweetman
Investigating Basic College Mathematics Laura Bracken | Hazel McKenna
Investigating Change in American Society William H. Frey
Investigating Change: Web-based Analyses of US Census and American Community Survey Data William H. Frey
Investigating Prealgebra Laura Bracken | Hazel McKenna
Investigating Social Problems: Using MicroCase ExplorIT David J. Ayers
Investigating Your Career  Ann Jordan | Lynne Whaley
Investigating Your Career Ann Jordan | Lynne Whaley
Investing in Futures and Options Markets Lowell B. Catlett | James D. Libbin
Investing in Your College Education: Learning Strategies with Readings Thomas Stewart | Kathleen Hartman
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management  Frank K. Reilly | Keith C. Brown
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Frank K. Reilly | Keith C. Brown
Investment Banking Valuation, Leveraged Buyouts, and Mergers and Acquisitions, University 2nd Edition Joshua Pearl, Joshua Rosenbom
Investment Ethics Sarah Peck
Investment Valuation Tools and Techniques for Determining the Value of any Asset, University Edition, 3rd Edition Aswath Damodaran
Investments Principles and Concepts, 11th Edition Charles P. Jones
Investments Principles and Concepts, 12th Edition Charles P. Jones
Investments, 2nd Edition Keith Cuthbertson, Dirk Nitzsche
Investments: An Introduction Herbert B. Mayo
Invitation au monde francophone Gilbert A. Jarvis | Thérèse M. Bonin | Diane W. Birckbichler | Anne Lair
Invitation to Computer Science G. Michael Schneider | Judith Gersting
Invitation to Computer Science Lab Manual Kenneth Lambert | Thomas Whaley
Invitation to Computer Science Laboratory Manual Kenneth A. Lambert | Thomas Whaley | G. Michael Schneider | Judith Gersting
Invitation to Computer Science: C++ Version G. Michael Schneider | Judith Gersting
Invitation to Computer Science: Java Version G. Michael Schneider | Judith Gersting
Invitation to Critical Thinking Joel Rudinow | Vincent E. Barry
Invitation to Human Communication Cindy Griffin | Jennifer Emerling Bone
Invitation to Philosophy: Issues and Options Stanley M. Honer | Thomas C. Hunt | Dennis L. Okholm | John L. Safford
Invitation to Public Speaking - National Geographic Edition Cindy L. Griffin
Invitation to Public Speaking Cindy L. Griffin
Invitation to Public Speaking Handbook Cindy L. Griffin
Invite Schl Success: A Self-Concept Approach to Teaching, Learning, and Democratic Practice William Watson Purkey | John M. Novak
iPad Action Gaming for Teens Michael Duggan
iPad Multiplayer Magic Michael Duggan
IPC Richard West | Lynn H. Turner
iPhone 3D Game Programming All In One Jeremy Alessi
iPhone Game Development for Teens Clayton Crooks
IR, 2014 Edition James M. Scott | Ralph G. Carter | A. Cooper Drury
IR, 2016 Edition James M. Scott | Ralph G. Carter | A. Cooper Drury
Irreverent Photo Tools for Digital Photographers Steve Weinrebe
Islamic Capital Markets A Comparative Approach Obiyathulla Ismath Bacha
Isotopes Principles and Applications, 3rd Edition Gunter Faure, Teresa M. Mensing
Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions Gerald Corey | Marianne Schneider Corey | Cindy Corey | Patrick Callanan
Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions Gerald Corey | Marianne Schneider Corey | Patrick Callanan
Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions with 2014 ACA Codes Gerald Corey | Marianne Schneider Corey | Cindy Corey | Patrick Callanan
It All Begins with the Music: Developing Successful Artists for the New Music Business Don Grierson | Dan Kimpel
It's About Time: America's Imprisonment Binge James Austin | John Irwin
I've Got a Human in my Throat: Create MORE Optical Delusions with Adobe Photoshop
Ivor Horton’s Beginning Visual C++ 2005 Ivor Horton
J2ME Game Programming Martin J. Wells
Jannach's German for Reading Knowledge Richard Alan Korb
Japan: A Cultural, Social, and Political History Anne Walthall
Japanese Religion: Unity and Diversity H. Byron Earhart
Java Actually: A First Course in Programming Khalid A. Mughal | Torill Hamre | Rolf W. Rasmussen
Java Collections An Introduction to Abstract Data Types, Data Structures and Algorithms David A. Watt
Java Concepts 6e for Java 7 and 8 Cay S. Horstmann
Java Concepts, 7th Edition International Student Version
Java CourseNotes Course Technology
Java For Everyone Late Objects, 2nd Edition Cay S. Horstmann
Java ME Game Programming John P. Flynt, Ph.D | Martin J. Wells
Java Messaging Eric Bruno
Java Programming for the Absolute Beginner Joseph P. Russell
Java Programming Joyce Farrell
Java Programming: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Joy L. Starks | Michael L. Mick
Java Programming: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Joy L. Starks
Java Programming: Program Design Including Data Structures D.S. Malik
Java Programs to Accompany Programming Logic and Design Jo Ann Smith
Javaâ„¢ Programming: From Problem Analysis To Program Design 3e D.S. Malik
Javaâ„¢ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design D.S. Malik
Javaâ„¢ Programming: Guided Learning with Early Objects D.S. Malik | Robert Burton
Javaâ„¢ Programs for Programming Logic and Design Jo Ann Smith
Javaâ„¢ Programs to Accompany Programming Logic and Design Jo Ann Smith
Javaâ„¢ with Object-Oriented Programming  Paul S. Wang
JavaScript Don Gosselin
JavaScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner Andy Harris
JavaScript: Complete Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | William J. Dorin | Jeffrey J. Quasney
JavaScript: The Web Technologies Series Don Gosselin
JavaScript: The Web Warrior Series Sasha Vodnik | Don Gosselin
JavaServer Faces 2.0: Essential Guide for Developers Deepak Vohra
Jazz Composition and Arranging Tom Boras
Jazz Dance Today Lorraine Kriegel
Jazz: A Century of Change Lewis Porter
Jazz: The First 100 Years Henry Martin | Keith Waters
Jazz: The First 100 Years, Enhanced Media Edition Henry Martin | Keith Waters
Jazz: The First 100 Years, Non-Media Edition Henry Martin | Keith Waters
Je veux bien! Jeannette D. Bragger | Donald B. Rice
Jesus and the Gospels: An Introduction to Gospel Literature and Jesus Studies Jarl Fossum | Phillip Munoa
Jesus in History: An Approach to the Study of the Gospels Howard Clark Kee
JIA YOU! Chinese for the Global Community, Volume 1 (Simplified & Traditional Character Edition) Jialu Xu | Fu Chen | Ruojiang Wang | Ruiping Zhu
JIA YOU!: Chinese for the Global Community Volume 2 (Simplified & Traditional Character Edition) Jialu Xu | Fu Chen | Ruojiang Wang | Ruiping Zhu
Jig and Fixture Design Edward Hoffman
Job Hunting After 50 Carol Silvis
Job Placement Strategies for Paralegals Margaret E. Pickard, J.D.
Job Search: Career Planning Guide, Book 2 Robert D. Lock
Job Searching Fast and Easy J. Michael Farr
Job Seeker Secrets: Making the Internet Work for You Thomas J. Ferrara
Jobsite First Aid: A Field Guide for the Construction Industry Dan Johnson
Joining a Community of Readers Roberta Alexander
Joining a Community of Readers: A Thematic Approach to Reading Roberta Alexander | Jan Lombardi
Journal for Hales/Christian's An Invitation to Personal Change Dianne Hales
Journey Through® Calculus Bill Ralph
Journeyman Electrician’s Review Richard E. Loyd
Journeyman Electrician’s Review: Based on the National Electrical Code® 2008 Richard E. Loyd
Journeyman Electrician's Review Richard E. Loyd
Journeyman Electrician's Review: Based on the 1999 National Electrical Code Richard E. Loyd
Journeyman Electrician's Review: Based on the 2005 National Electric Code Richard E. Loyd
Journeyman Simulated Exam Mike Holt
Judaism: Development and Life Leo Trepp
Judgment in Managerial Decision Making, 7th Edition Max H. Bazerman, Don A. Moore
Judgment in Managerial Decision Making, 8th Edition Max H. Bazerman, Don A. Moore
Judicial Process and Judicial Policymaking G. Alan Tarr
Judicial Process: Law, Courts, and Politics in the United States David W. Neubauer | Stephen S. Meinhold
Junkie Business: The Evolution and Operation of a Heroin Dealing Network Lee D. Hoffer
Juntos: Community Partnerships in Spanish and Portuguese: AATSP Professional Development Series Handbook Vol. 5 Josef Hellebrandt | Jonathan Arries | Lucía Varona | Carol Klein
Just Enough C/C ++ Programming Guy W. Lecky-Thompson
Just Enough Programming Logic and Design Joyce Farrell
Just Enough Web Programming with XHTML, PHP, and MySQL Guy W. Lecky-Thompson
Just the Essentials of Elementary Statistics Robert R. Johnson | Patricia J. Kuby
Just War: A Wadsworth Casebook in Argument Sharon K. Walsh | Evelyn D. Asch
Justice, Equality, and Rights Emmett Barcalow
Justice: Alternative Political Perspectives James P. Sterba
Juvenile Delinquency: Into the Twenty-First Century Lewis Yablonsky
Juvenile Delinquency: The Core Larry J. Siegel | Brandon C. Welsh
Juvenile Delinquency: Theory, Practice, and Law Larry J. Siegel | Brandon C. Welsh
Juvenile Delinquency: Theory, Practice, and Law Larry J. Siegel | Brandon C. Welsh | Joseph J. Senna
Juvenile Justice Kären M. Hess
Juvenile Justice Kären M. Hess | Christine H. Orthmann | John Paul Wright
Juvenile Justice Kären M. Hess | Robert W. Drowns
Juvenile Justice: Current Perspectives from InfoTrac® College Edition James J. Chriss
Juvenile Justice: The System, Process and Law Rolando V. del Carmen | Chad R. Trulson
Juvenile Law Toni Marsh
Kaleidoscope Kevin Ryan | James M. Cooper
Kaleidoscope: Contemporary and Classic Readings in Education Kevin Ryan | James M. Cooper
Kaleidoscope: Readings in Education Kevin Ryan | James M. Cooper
Kaleidoskop Jack Moeller | Winnie Adolph | Barbara Mabee | Simone Berger
Kaleidoskop: Kultur, Literatur und Grammatik  Jack Moeller | Winnie Adolph | Barbara Mabee | Simone Berger
Kaleidoskop: Kultur, Literatur und Grammatik Jack Moeller | Winnie Adolph | Barbara Mabee | Simone Berger
Katun: A Twenty-Year Journey with the Maya Cindy L. Hull
Keeping Score Tom Hoover
Key Cases, Comments, and Questions on Substantive Criminal Law Henry F. Fradella
Key Issues in the Afro-American Experience, Volume I to 1877 Martin Kilson | Daniel M. Fox
Keyboarding & Formatting Essentials, Complete Course, Lessons 1-120 Susie VanHuss | Connie Forde | Donna Woo
Keyboarding & Formatting Essentials, Complete Course, Lessons 1-120 Susie VanHuss | Connie Forde | Donna Woo | Laura Hefferin
Keyboarding & Formatting Essentials, Lessons 1-60 Susie VanHuss | Connie Forde | Donna Woo
Keyboarding & Word Processing, Complete Course, Lessons 1-120 Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo | Linda Hefferin
Keyboarding & Word Processing, Complete Course, Lessons 1-120 Susie VanHuss | Connie Forde | Donna Woo
Keyboarding & Word Processing, Lessons 1-60 Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo | Linda Hefferin
Keyboarding & Word Processing, Lessons 1-60 Susie VanHuss | Connie Forde | Donna Woo
Keyboarding and Word Processing Essentials, Lessons 1-55 Susie H. Vanhuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo | Vicki Robertson
Keyboarding and Word Processing Essentials, Lessons 1-55: Microsoft® Word 2010 Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo
Keyboarding and Word Processing, Complete Course, Lessons 1-110: Microsoft Word 2013: College Keyboarding Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo | Vicki Robertson
Keyboarding and Word Processing, Complete Course, Lessons 1-120: Microsoft Word 2010: College Keyboarding Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo
Keyboarding Course, L1-25 Susie VanHuss | Connie Forde | Donna Woo
Keyboarding Course, Lesson 1-25 with Keyboarding Pro 6: College Keyboarding Susie H. Vanhuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo
Keyboarding Course, Lessons 1-25 Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo
Keyboarding Course, Lessons 1-25: College Keyboarding Susie H. VanHuss | Connie M. Forde | Donna L. Woo | Vicki Robertson
KeyChamp 2.0 Anthony A. Olinzock | Walter M. Sharp | Otto Santos, Jr.
Keys for Writers Ann Raimes | Maria Jerskey
Keys for Writers Ann Raimes | Susan K. Miller-Cochran
Keys for Writers with Assignment Guides Ann Raimes | Susan K. Miller-Cochran
Keys for Writers, 2009 MLA Update Edition Ann Raimes
Keys to Successful Writing: A Handbook for College and Career Ann Raimes | Maria Jerskey
KIDEX For Four's: Practicing Competent Child Care Adrienne Boyd
KIDEX For Infants: Practicing Competent Child Care Adrienne Boyd
KIDEX for One's: Practicing Competent Child Care Adrienne Boyd
KIDEX for Three's: Practicing Competent Child Care Adrienne Boyd
KIDEX for Two's: Practicing Competent Child Care Adrienne Boyd
Kinesiology Foundations for OTAs Daniel C. Snyder | LeAnne M. Conner | Gregory F. Lorenz
Kinesiology Foundations for PTAs and OTAs  LeAnne M. Conner | Gregory F. Lorenz | Daniel C. Snyder
King Lear: Evans Shakespeare Edition Vincent F. Petronella
KIP - The Igbo of Southeast Nigeria Victor C. Uchendu
Kitchen Pro Series: Guide to Cheese Identification, Classification, and Utilization Culinary Institute of America | John Fischer
Kitchen Pro Series: Guide to Fish and Seafood Identification, Fabrication and Utilization Culinary Institute of America | Mark Ainsworth
Kitchen Pro Series: Guide to Meat Identification, Fabrication and Utilization Culinary Institute of America | Thomas Schneller
Kitchen Pro Series: Guide to Produce Identification, Fabrication and Utilization Brad Matthews | Paul Wigsten
Kitchen Pro Series: Guide to Purchasing Thomas Schneller | Brad Matthews | Culinary Institute of America
Kurzfilm Booklet: German Short Films Heinle
La civilisation française en évolution I: Institutions et culture avant la Ve République Ronald St.Onge | Ross Steele | Susan St.Onge
La civilisation française en évolution II: Institutions et culture depuis la Ve République Ross Steele | Susan St .Onge | Ronald St.Onge
La France contemporaine William Edmiston | Annie Duménil
La Grammaire à l'œuvre: Media Edition John Barson
Lab Experiments for General Chemistry Toby F. Block | George M. McKelvy
Lab Experiments G. Tyler Miller | Charles M. Wynn | Gary J. Joppich
Lab Manual and Workbook for Physical Anthropology Diane L. France
Lab Manual Edward Plaster
Lab Manual for C++ Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design Dr. Judy Scholl
Lab Manual for Environmental Science Brooks/Cole Publishing Co.
Lab Manual for Majors General Biology James W. Perry | David Morton | Joy B. Perry
Lab Manual for Palmer's MCITP Guide to Microsoft® Windows Server 2008, Server Administration, Exam #70-646 Michael Palmer
Lab Manual Michael Bender
Lab Manual Richard Robb | Darril Gibson
Labor & Employment Law: Text and Cases David Twomey
Labor and Employment Law Victoria Ullmann
Labor and Employment Law: Text & Cases David Twomey
Laboratory Exercises and Techniques in Cellular Biology Anthony Contento
Laboratory Exercises in Anatomy and Physiology with Cat Dissections Robert Amitrano | Gerard Tortora
Laboratory Exercises in Mechatronics Musa Jouaneh
Laboratory Exercises in Mechatronics, SI Edition Musa Jouaneh
Laboratory Exercises in Microbiology, 4th Edition Robert A. Pollack
Laboratory Experiments for General, Organic and Biochemistry Frederick A. Bettelheim | Joseph M. Landesberg
Laboratory Experiments for Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry  Frederick A. Bettelheim | Joseph M. Landesberg
Laboratory Experiments for Introduction to General, Organic and Biochemistry Frederick A. Bettelheim | Joseph M. Landesberg
Laboratory Experiments for Introductory Organic Chemistry Frederick A. Bettelheim | Joseph M. Landesberg
Laboratory Handbook for General Chemistry Conrad L. Stanitski | Norman E. Griswold | H. A. Neidig | James N. Spencer
Laboratory Inquiry in Chemistry Richard Bauer | James Birk | Doug Sawyer
Laboratory Manual for Comparative Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology Phillip E. Cochran, M.S., D.V.M.
Laboratory Manual for General Biology James W. Perry | David Morton | Joy B. Perry
Laboratory Manual for Human Biology David Morton | Joy B. Perry | James W. Perry
Laboratory Manual for Non-Majors Biology James W. Perry | David Morton | Joy B. Perry
Laboratory Manual for Physical Geography, 2nd Edition Alan H. Strahler, Mark Potosnak
Laboratory Manual for Principles of General Chemistry, 9th Edition  Jo Allan Beran
Laboratory Procedures for Pharmacy Technicians Jahangir Moini
Labs Dianne Hales | Kenneth W. Christian
LABSIM: Experimental Design and Data Analysis Simulator, Version 9 Richard E. Edwards
Lakota of the Rosebud: A Contemporary Adaptation Elizabeth Grobsmith
Landscape Construction David Sauter
Landscape Design: Theory and Application Dr. Ann Marie VanDerZanden | Steven Rodie
Landscape Estimating and Contract Administration Stephen Angley | Edward Horsey | David Roberts
Landscape Plants: Their Identification, Culture, and Use Ferrell M. Bridwell
Landscape Surveying Harry L. Field
Landscapes: Groundwork for College Reading Christine Evans Carter
Landscaping Principles and Practices Jack E. Ingels
Language Arts in Early Education Jayne Sowers, Ed.D.
Language Arts: Learning and Teaching Dorothy S. Strickland | Lee Galda | Bernice E. Cullinan
Language Development  Patricia Brooks, Vera Kempe
Language Development Erika Hoff
Language Disorders Across the LifeSpan Betsy P. Vinson
Language Howard Giles | Nikolas Coupland
Language: Its Structure and Use Edward Finegan
Large Scale Incident Management Mark Haraway
Latin America: A Social History of the Colonial Period Jonathan C. Brown
Latin America: People & Their History William H. Beezley | Colin MacLachlan
Latin America: The People and Their History William H. Beezley | Colin MacLachlan
Latinoamérica: su civilización y su cultura Eugenio Chang-Rodríguez
Launching New Ventures: An Entrepreneurial Approach Kathleen R. Allen
Law and Contemporary Corrections Christopher E. Smith
Law and Ethics for Pharmacy Technicians Jahangir Moini
Law and Ethics in the Business Environment  Terry Halbert | Elaine Ingulli
Law and Ethics in the Business Environment Terry Halbert | Elaine Ingulli
Law and the Administrative Process Judge John M. Scheb | John M. Scheb, II, Ph.D.
Law Dictionary for Nonlawyers Daniel Oran, J.D.
Law for Business and Personal Use John E. Adamson
Law for Business Janet Ashcroft, J.D.
Law in Social Work Practice Andrea Saltzman | David M. Furman
Law in Social Work Practice Andrea Saltzman | David M. Furman | Kathleen Ohman
Law of Corporations and Other Business Organization Angela Schneeman
Law Office Procedures: A Practical Guide Judy A. Long J.D.
Law Office Skills Dr. Linda L. Edwards, Esq.
Law, Liability & Ethics for the Medical Office Professional Myrtle R. Flight
Law, Liability, and Ethics for Medical Office Professionals Myrtle R. Flight | Michael R. Meacham
Law, Mntl Hlth & Mntl Disorder Bruce D. Sales | Daniel W. Shuman
Laws of Evidence Thomas Buckles, J.D.
Le Cordon Bleu Cuisine Foundations The Chefs of Le Cordon Bleu
Le Cordon Bleu Cuisine Foundations, Portuguese Edition The Chefs of Le Cordon Bleu
Le Cordon Bleu Cuisine Foundations: Classic Recipes The Chefs of Le Cordon Bleu
Le Cordon Bleu Pâtisserie and Baking Foundations Classic Recipes The Chefs of Le Cordon Bleu
Le Cordon Bleu Patisserie and Baking Foundations The Chefs of Le Cordon Bleu
Leaders and Supervisors in Child Care Programs Dorothy June Sciarra, Ed.D | Anne Dorsey
Leadership Art Padilla
Leadership in Organizations: Professional Development Series Ann Cooper
Leadership Robert N. Lussier | Christopher F. Achua
Leadership, Advocacy, and Direct Service Strategies for Professional School Counselors Rachelle Pérusse | Gary E. Goodnough
Leadership: Personal Development and Career Success Cliff Ricketts | John C. Ricketts
Leadership: Research Findings, Practice, and Skills Andrew J. DuBrin
Leadership: Theory, Application, & Skill Development Robert N. Lussier | Christopher F. Achua
Leading Public Organizations: An Interactive Approach Carol A. Rusaw
Leading the Way: Busy Nurses Guide to Supervision in Long-Term Care Karl Pillemer, Ph.D. | Christine Rheaume, R.N.
Leading the Way: Busy Nurses Guide to Supervision in Long-Term Care Karl Pillemer, Ph.D. | Rhoda Meador
Leading with Integrity: Character-Based Leadership Alan Kolp | Peter Rea
Learn Perl In a Weekend Thomas Nowers
Learning About Immigration Law Constantinos E. Scaros
Learning and Adaptive Behavior Jerome L. Frieman
Learning and Behavior Paul Chance
Learning and Behavior: Active Learning Edition Paul Chance
Learning Autodesk Inventor 2008: The 2D to 3D Transition Handbook Ralph Grabowski
Learning Disabilities and Related Disabilities: Strategies for Success Janet W. Lerner | Beverley Johns
Learning Disabilities and Related Mild Disabilities Janet W. Lerner | Beverley Johns
Learning Disabilities and Related Mild Disabilities: Characteristics, Teaching Strategies, and New Directions Janet W. Lerner | Beverley Johns
Learning Dynamics Marjorie Ford | Jon Ford
Learning from Mistakes in Clinical Practice Carolyn Dillon
Learning Object-Oriented Programming in C# 5.0 B. M. Harwani
Learning SAS in the Computer Lab Rebecca J. Elliott
Learning SAS in the Computer Lab Rebecca J. Elliott | Christopher H. Morrell
Learning Statistics with Real Data Bruce Trumbo
Learning Success: Being Your Best at College and Life, Media Edition Carl M. Wahlstrom | Brian K. Williams
Learning to Philosophize Del Kiernan-Lewis
Learning to Program with VISUAL BASIC.Net 2nd Edition Patrick G. McKeown
Learning to Program with VISUAL BASIC.Net Patrick G. McKeown
Learning to Teach Everyone's Children: Equity, Empowerment, and Education that is Multicultural Carl A. Grant | Maureen Gillette
Learning with Computers I (Level Green Grade 7) H. Albert Napier | Ollie N. Rivers | Jack P. Hoggatt
Learning with Computers II (Level Orange, Grade 8) H. Albert Napier | Ollie N. Rivers | Jack P. Hoggatt
Lecturas periodísticas Milton M. Azevedo
Legacies: Fiction, Poetry, Drama, Nonfiction Jan Zlotnik Schmidt | Lynne Crockett | Carley Rees Bogarad
Legal Analysis and Writing for Paralegals William H. Putman
Legal Analysis and Writing William H. Putman
Legal and Ethical Aspects of Health Information Management Dana C. McWay
Legal Aspects of Architecture, Engineering & the Construction Process Justin Sweet | Marc M. Schneier
Legal Aspects of Architecture, Engineering and the Construction Process Justin Sweet | Marc M. Schneier
Legal Aspects of Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Process, 7th Justin Sweet | Marc M. Schneier
Legal Aspects of Corrections Harvey Wallace | Cliff Roberson
Legal Aspects of Health Information Management Dana C McWay
Legal Aspects of Managing Technology Lee B. Burgunder
Legal Aspects of Police Supervision Isaac T. Avery, III
Legal Aspects of Police Supervision: Case Resource Book Isaac T. Avery, III | Mary Easley
Legal Environment Jeffrey F. Beatty | Susan S. Samuelson
Legal Ethics for Paralegals and the Law Office Laura Morrison | Gina DeCiani
Legal Ethics Kent Kauffman
Legal Office Projects Diane M. Gilmore
Legal Research and Writing William P. Statsky
Legal Research Using WESTLAW Judy A. Long J.D.
Legal Research William H. Putman
Legal Research William H. Putman | Jennifer R. Albright
Legal Research, Analysis and Writing William H. Putman
Legal Research, Analysis, and Writing William H. Putman
Legal Research, Analysis, and Writing William H. Putman | Jennifer R. Albright
Legal Studies Capstone: Assessing Your Undergraduate Education Nance Kriscenski | Thomas (Tucker) Wright
Legal Studies: Terminology & Transcription Wanda Roderick-Bolton
Legal Terminology  S. Whittington Brown
Legal Terminology for Transcription and Court Reporting Cathy Okrent, J.D.
Legal Terminology with Flashcards Cathy Okrent, J.D.
Legal Thesaurus/Legal Dictionary William P. Statsky
Legal Writing Steve Barber J.D.
Lego Mindstorms NXT 2.0 for Teens Jerry Lee Ford, Jr.
Lenses on Teaching: Developing Perspectives on Classroom Life Leigh Chiarelott | Leonard Davidman | Kevin Ryan
Lenses: Applying Lifespan Development Theories in Counseling Kurt L. Kraus
Lessons from the Top Paralegal Experts Carole Bruno
Leverage the Internet to Enhance your Career Search CourseNotes Course Technology
Liaisons - Student Text Wynne Wong | Stacey Weber-Feve | Edouard Ousselin | Bill VanPatten
Liaisons, Enhanced Wynne Wong | Stacey Weber-Feve | Edouard Ousselin | Bill VanPatten
Liberty, Equality, and Power: A History of the American People John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Alice Fahs | Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg
Liberty, Equality, and Power: A History of the American People, Volume I: To 1877 John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Alice Fahs | Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg
Liberty, Equality, and Power: A History of the American People, Volume II: Since 1863 John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Alice Fahs | Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg
Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Alice Fahs | Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg
Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People John M. Murrin | Pekka Hämäläinen | Paul E. Johnson | Denver Brunsman | James M. McPherson | Alice Fahs | Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg
Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People, Concise Edition John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Alice Fahs | Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg
Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People, Concise Edition John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Gary Gerstle | Alice Fahs | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg
Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People, Vol. I: To 1877, Concise Edition John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg
Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People, Vol. II: Since 1863, Concise Edition  John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Gary Gerstle | Alice Fahs | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg
Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People, Vol. II: Since 1863, Concise Edition John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg
Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People, Volume 1: To 1877 John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Alice Fahs | Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg
Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People, Volume 1: To 1877 John M. Murrin | Pekka Hämäläinen | Paul E. Johnson | Denver Brunsman | James M. McPherson | Alice Fahs | Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg
Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People, Volume 2: Since 1863 John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Alice Fahs | Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg
Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People, Volume 2: Since 1863 John M. Murrin | Pekka Hämäläinen | Paul E. Johnson | Denver Brunsman | James M. McPherson | Emily S. Rosenberg | Gary Gerstle | Alice Fahs | Norman L. Rosenberg
Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People, Volume I: To 1877, Concise Edition John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Alice Fahs | Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg
Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People, Volume I: To 1877, Concise Edition John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Gary Gerstle | Alice Fahs | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg
Liberty, Equality, Power: A History of the American People, Volume II: Since 1863, Concise Edition John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Alice Fahs | Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg
Liberty, Equality, Power: Concise John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Alice Fahs | Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg
Liberty, Equality, Power: Enhanced Concise Edition John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Alice Fahs | Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg
Liberty, Equality, Power: Volume I: to 1877, Enhanced Concise Edition John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Alice Fahs | Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg
Liberty, Equality, Power: Volume II: Since 1863, Enhanced Concise Edition John M. Murrin | Paul E. Johnson | James M. McPherson | Alice Fahs | Gary Gerstle | Emily S. Rosenberg | Norman L. Rosenberg
Life and Death: A Reader in Moral Problems Louis P. Pojman
Life and Death: Grappling with the Moral Dilemmas of Our Time Louis P. Pojman
Life in a Muslim Uzbek Village: Cotton Farming After Communism CSCA Russell Zanca
Life in Riverfront: A Middle Western Town Seen through Japanese Eyes Mariko Fujita Sano | Toshiyuki Sano
LIFE John H. Postlethwait | Janet L. Hopson
Life Management Skills: Taking Charge of Your Future Joann Driggers
Life under the Tropical Canopy: Tradition and Change among the Yucatec Maya Ellen R. Kintz
Life's Choices: Problems and Solutions Richard S. Sharf
Life-Span Development: A Case Book Barbara M. Newman | Philip R. Newman | Laura Landry-Meyer | Brenda J. Lohman
Life-Span Development: Infancy Through Adulthood Laurence Steinberg | Marc H. Bornstein | Deborah Lowe Vandell | Karen Rook
Life-Span Human Development Carol K. Sigelman | Elizabeth A. Rider
Lifetime Physical Fitness and Wellness Werner W.K. Hoeger | Sharon A. Hoeger
Lifetime Physical Fitness and Wellness: A Personalized Program Werner W.K. Hoeger | Sharon A. Hoeger
Light on the Path: A Christian Perspective on College Success John A. Beck | Marmy A. Clason
Light on the Path: A Christian Perspective on College Success John Beck | Marmy Clason
Lighting and the Design Idea Linda Essig
Lighting and the Design Idea Linda Essig | Jennifer Setlow
Lighting for Film and Digital Cinematography Dave Viera | Maria Viera
LightWave 3D 8 Revealed Kelly L. Murdock
Limited Radiography Frances Campeau | Jeana Fleitz, M.Ed., RT (R) (M)
Line Rollering: A Keyboarding Simulation Dean Clayton
Linear Algebra and Differential Equations Using MATLAB® Martin Golubitsky | Michael Dellnitz
Linear Algebra and Its Applications Gilbert Strang
Linear Algebra and Matrix Theory Jimmie Gilbert | Linda Gilbert
Linear Algebra for Calculus James Stewart
Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction David Poole
Linear Algebra: An Interactive Approach Surender K. Jain | Ananda D. Gunawardena
Linear Circuit Analysis Artice M. Davis
Linear Programming James E. Calvert
Linguistic Anthropology Workbook and Reader Harriet Joseph Ottenheimer
Linguistics for Everyone: An Introduction Kristin Denham | Anne Lobeck
Linked Photographers' Guide to Online Marketing and Social Media Lindsay Adler | Rosh Sillars
Linux Operations and Administration Alfred Basta | Dustin A. Finamore | Nadine Basta | Serge Palladino
Linux+ Guide to Linux Certification Jason W. Eckert
Linux+ Guide to Linux Certification Jason W. Eckert | M. John Schitka
Linux+ In Depth Jason W. Eckert | M. John Schitka
Listen and Sing: Lessons in Ear-Training and Sight-Singing David A. Damschroder
Listening to Movies: A Film Lover's Guide to Film Music Karlin
Listening to Music Craig Wright
Listening to Western Music Craig Wright
LIT Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell
Literacy and Learning in the Content Areas Karen Kuelthau Allan | Margery Staman Miller
Literacy Assessment: Helping Teachers Plan Instruction J. David Cooper | Nancy D. Kiger
Literacy for Children in an Information Age: Teaching Reading, Writing, and Thinking Vicki L. Cohen | John E. Cowen
Literacy Instruction in Multicultural Settings Katherine H. Au
Literacy: Helping Children Construct Meaning J. David Cooper | Nancy D. Kiger
Literacy: Helping Students Construct Meaning J. David Cooper | Michael D. Robinson | Jill Ann Slansky | Nancy D. Kiger
Literacy: Helping Students Construct Meaning J. David Cooper | Nancy D. Kiger
Literacy: Helping Students Construct Meaning J. David Cooper | Nancy D. Kiger | Michael D. Robinson | Jill Ann Slansky
Literary and Cultural Theory: From Basic Principles to Advanced Applications Donald E. Hall
Literate Lives Teaching Reading and Writing in Elementary Classrooms, 1st Edition  Amy Seely Flint
Literatura y arte Lynn A. Sandstedt | Ralph Kite
Literatura y arte Lynn A. Sandstedt | Ralph Kite | John G. Copeland
Literatura y arte: Intermediate Spanish Lynn A. Sandstedt | Ralph Kite | John G. Copeland
Literatura y arte: Intermediate Spanish Series Lynn A. Sandstedt | Ralph Kite | John G. Copeland
Literature and the Child Lee Galda | Bernice E. Cullinan
Literature and the Child Lee Galda | Lawrence R. Sipe | Lauren A. Liang | Bernice E. Cullinan
Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell
Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing, 2009 MLA Update Edition Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell
Litigation and Trial Practice for the Legal Assistant, 5th Roderick D. Blanchard | Robert S. Blanchard
Litigation and Trial Practice William Hart | Roderick D. Blanchard
Little Women Louisa May Alcott
Live Sound Fundamentals Bill Evans
Live Sound Reinforcement Scott Hunter Stark
Live Sound Reinforcement, Bestseller Edition Scott Hunter Stark
Lives and Voices: Sources in European Women's History Lisa DiCaprio | Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks
Lives of Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals: Children to Adults Ritch C. Savin-Williams
Lives On The Line: Women and Ecology On A Pacifc Atoll Alexandra Brewis
Living Ethics Michael Minch | Christine Weigel
Living Hinduisms: An Explorer's Guide Nancy Auer Falk
Living in the Environment G. Tyler Miller Jr. | Richard Brewer
Living in the Environment G. Tyler Miller Jr. | Scott Spoolman
Living in the Environment: Principles, Connections, and Solutions G. Tyler Miller Jr.
Living in the Environment: Principles, Connections, and Solutions G. Tyler Miller Jr. | Scott Spoolman
Living in the Information Age: A New Media Reader Erik P. Bucy
Living Well: Introductory Readings in Ethics Steven Luper
Living With Brain Injury: A Guide for Families Richard C. Senelick, M.D. | Karla Dougherty
Local Area Networks A Business-Oriented Approach, 2nd Edition James E. Goldman, Phillip T. Rawles
Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric: The Use of Reason in Everyday Life Howard Kahane | Nancy M. Cavender
Logic and Contemporary Rhetoric: The Use of Reason in Everyday Life Nancy M. Cavender | Howard Kahane
Logic and Controversy Maurice F. Stanley
Logic and Philosophy: A Modern Introduction Alan Hausman | Howard Kahane | Paul Tidman
Logic Pro 7 Power! Orren Merton
Logic Pro 8 Power Kevin Anker
Logic Pro 9 Power!: The Comprehensive Guide Kevin Anker | Orren Merton
Logic: The Essentials Patrick J. Hurley
Logical Arguments in Research Paper Russ Ward
Logics John Nolt
Longer Combination Vehicle (LCV) Regulations Training Dave Daniels
Looking at Languages: A Workbook in Elementary Linguistics Paul R. Frommer | Edward Finegan
Looking Out, Looking In (with CD-ROM and InfoTrac) Ronald B. Adler | Russell F. Proctor II | Neil Towne
Looking Out, Looking In Ronald B. Adler | Russell F. Proctor II
Lovers of Wisdom: An Introduction to Philosophy with Integrated Readings Daniel Kolak
LPIC-1 In Depth Michael Jang
M & B Dean Croushore
M & F David Knox, Ph.D.
M&B 2 Dean Croushore
M&B 3 Dean Croushore
M&F 2 David Knox, Ph.D.
M&F 3 David Knox, Ph.D.
Más allá de la pantalla: El mundo hispano a través del cine Fabiana Sacchi | Silvia Pessoa | Luis Martín-Cabrera
Macbeth: Evans Shakespeare Editions Katherine Rowe
Machine Tool And Manufacturing Technology Steve Krar | Mario Rapisarda | Albert F. Check
Machine Transcription & Dictation Mitsy Ballentine, M. Ed.
Macro Skills Workbook: A Generalist Approach Karen K. Kirst-Ashman | Grafton H. Hull, Jr.
Macro Social Work Practice: A Strengths Perspective Dennis D. Long | Carolyn J. Tice | John D. Morrison
Macro Systems in the Social Environment Dennis D. Long | Marla C. Holle
Macroeconomics – Understanding the Global Economy, 3rd Edition  David Miles, Andrew Scott, Francis Breedon
Macroeconomics for Managers  Michael K. Evans
Macroeconomics for Today Irvin B. Tucker
Macroeconomics Roger A. Arnold
Macroeconomics William Boyes | Michael Melvin
Macroeconomics, Concise Edition Roger A. Arnold
Macroeconomics: A Contemporary Approach William A. McEachern
Macroeconomics: A Contemporary Introduction William A. McEachern
Macroeconomics: A Modern Approach Robert J. Barro
Macroeconomics: Principles and Applications Robert E. Hall | Marc Lieberman
Macroeconomics: Principles and Applications, Reprint Robert E. Hall | Marc Lieberman
Macroeconomics: Principles and Policy William J. Baumol | Alan S. Blinder
Macroeconomics: Principles and Policy, 2007 Update William J. Baumol | Alan S. Blinder
Macroeconomics: Principles and Policy, Update 2010 Edition William J. Baumol | Alan S. Blinder
Macroeconomics: Private and Public Choice David A. Macpherson
Macroeconomics: Private and Public Choice James D. Gwartney | Richard L. Stroup | Russell S. Sobel | David A. Macpherson
Macroeconomics: Public and Private Choice James D. Gwartney | Richard L. Stroup | Russell S. Sobel | David A. Macpherson
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 – Illustrated Introductory Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired)
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8 Revealed, Deluxe Education Edition Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired)
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8: Complete Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Dolores J. Wells | Steven M. Freund
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Dolores J. Wells | Steven M. Freund
Macromedia Dreamweaver 8: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Dolores J. Wells | Steven M. Freund
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004: Comprehensive Concepts Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Dolores J. Wells
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004-Design Professional Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) | Piyush Patel
Macromedia Fireworks 8 Revealed, Deluxe Education Edition Barbara M. Waxer
Macromedia Flash 8 Revealed, Deluxe Education Edition Jim Shuman, MBA
Macromedia Flash Professional 8 Game Graphics Robert Firebaugh
Macromedia Studio 8 Step-by-Step: Projects for Flash 8, Dreamweaver 8, Fireworks 8, and Contribute 3 Scott Tapley | Skipper Pickle | Jay Heins | Anuja Dharkar
Macroscale and Microscale Organic Experiments Kenneth L. Williamson | Katherine M. Masters
Macroscale and Microscale Organic Experiments Kenneth L. Williamson | Robert Minard | Katherine M. Masters
Magic, Science, and Health: The Aims and Achievements of Medical Anthropology Robert A. Anderson
Mainstream of Civilization Stanley Chodorow | MacGregor Knox | Conrad Schirokauer | Joseph R. Strayer | Hans W. Gatzke
Mainstreams of Art John Canaday
Maintenance Fundamentals for Wind Technicians Wayne Kilcollins
Mais Oui Chantal P. Thompson
Mais Oui! Chantal P. Thompson | Elaine M. Phillips
Mais Oui!, Enhanced Edition Chantal P. Thompson | Elaine M. Phillips
Major Principles of Media Law, 2009 Edition Wayne Overbeck
Major Principles of Media Law, 2010 Edition Wayne Overbeck | Genelle Belmas
Major Principles of Media Law, 2012 Edition Wayne Overbeck | Genelle Belmas
Major Principles of Media Law, 2013 Edition Wayne Overbeck | Genelle Belmas
Major Principles of Media Law, 2014 Edition Genelle Belmas | Wayne Overbeck
Major Principles of Media Law, 2015 Genelle Belmas | Wayne Overbeck
Major Problems in African American History, Volume I Thomas C. Holt | Elsa Barkley Brown
Major Problems in African American History: Volume II: From Freedom to "Freedom Now," 1865 - 1990s Thomas C. Holt | Elsa Barkley Brown
Major Problems in American Business History: Documents and Essays Regina Lee Blaszczyk | Philip B. Scranton
Major Problems in American Colonial History Karen Ordahl Kupperman
Major Problems in American Colonial History: Documents and Essays Karen Ordahl Kupperman
Major Problems in American Constitutional History: Documents and Essays Kermit L. Hall | Timothy S. Huebner
Major Problems in American Constitutional History: Documents and Essays, Volume I Kermit L. Hall | Thomas G. Paterson
Major Problems in American Constitutional History: Volume II: From 1870 to the Present Kermit L. Hall
Major Problems in American Environmental History Carolyn Merchant
Major Problems in American Foreign Relations, Volume I: To 1920 Dennis Merrill | Thomas G. Paterson
Major Problems in American Foreign Relations, Volume II: Since 1914 Dennis Merrill | Thomas G. Paterson
Major Problems in American Foreign Relations: Documents and Essays, Concise Edition Dennis Merrill | Thomas G. Paterson
Major Problems in American History Since 1945 Natasha Zaretsky | Mark Lawrence | Robert Griffith | Paula Baker
Major Problems in American History Since 1945 Robert Griffith | Paula Baker
Major Problems in American History, 1920-1945 Colin Gordon | Thomas G. Paterson
Major Problems in American History, 1920-1945: Documents and Essays Colin Gordon
Major Problems in American History, Volume 2: Since 1865 Elizabeth Cobbs-Hoffman | Jon Gjerde
Major Problems in American History, Volume I Elizabeth Cobbs-Hoffman | Edward J. Blum | Jon Gjerde
Major Problems in American History, Volume II Elizabeth Cobbs-Hoffman | Edward J. Blum | Jon Gjerde
Major Problems in American History: Documents and Essays, Volume I: To 1877 Elizabeth Cobbs-Hoffman | Jon Gjerde | Thomas G. Paterson
Major Problems in American History: Documents and Essays, Volume II: Since 1865 Elizabeth Cobbs-Hoffman | Jon Gjerde
Major Problems in American History: Volume 1: To 1877 Elizabeth Cobbs-Hoffman | Jon Gjerde
Major Problems in American Immigration and Ethnic History Jon Gjerde | Thomas G. Paterson
Major Problems in American Immigration History Mae Ngai | Jon Gjerde
Major Problems in American Indian History Albert L. Hurtado | Peter Iverson | Willy Bauer | Stephen Amerman
Major Problems in American Indian History: Documents and Essays Albert L. Hurtado | Peter Iverson
Major Problems in American Military History: Documents and Essays John Whiteclay Chambers II | G. Kurt Piehler
Major Problems in American Popular Culture Kathleen Franz | Susan Smulyan
Major Problems in American Religious History Patrick Allitt
Major Problems in American Sport History Steven A. Riess
Major Problems in American Urban and Suburban History Howard P. Chudacoff | Peter C. Baldwin
Major Problems in American Women's History Mary Beth Norton | Ruth M. Alexander
Major Problems in American Women's History Sharon Block | Ruth M. Alexander | Mary Beth Norton
Major Problems in Asian American History: Documents and Essays Lon Kurashige | Alice Yang
Major Problems in Atlantic History: Documents and Essays Alison Games | Adam Rothman
Major Problems in California History Sucheng Chan | Spencer C. Olin
Major Problems in Latina/o History Omar S. Valerio-Jiménez | Carmen Teresa Whalen
Major Problems in Mexican American History Zaragosa Vargas
Major Problems in Texas History Sam W. Haynes | Cary D. Wintz
Major Problems in the Civil War and Reconstruction Michael Perman | Thomas G. Paterson
Major Problems in the Civil War and Reconstruction: Documents and Essays Michael Perman | Amy Murrell Taylor
Major Problems in the Early Republic, 1787-1848 Sean Wilentz | Jonathan Earle
Major Problems in the Early Republic, 1787-1848: Documents and Essays Sean Wilentz | Thomas G. Paterson
Major Problems in the Era of the American Revolution, 1760-1791 Richard D. Brown | Benjamin L. Carp
Major Problems in the Era of the American Revolution, 1760-1791: Documents and Essays Richard D. Brown
Major Problems in the Gilded Age and the Progressive Era Leon Fink
Major Problems in the History of American Families and Children Anya Jabour
Major Problems in the History of American Medicine and Public Health John Harley Warner | Janet A. Tighe
Major Problems in the History of American Sexuality: Documents and Essays Kathy Peiss
Major Problems in the History of American Workers: Documents and Essays Eileen Boris | Nelson Lichtenstein
Major Problems in the History of Imperial Russia James Cracraft
Major Problems in the History of North American Borderlands Pekka Hamalainen | Benjamin Johnson
Major Problems in the History of the American South, Volume 1 Sally G. McMillen | Elizabeth Hayes Turner | Paul D. Escott | David R. Goldfield
Major Problems in the History of the American South, Volume 2 Sally G. McMillen | Elizabeth Hayes Turner | Paul D. Escott | David R. Goldfield
Major Problems in the History of the American South: Documents and Essays, Volume 1 Paul D. Escott | David R. Goldfield | Sally G. McMillen | Elizabeth Hayes Turner | Thomas G. Paterson
Major Problems in the History of the American South: Documents and Essays, Volume II Paul D. Escott | David R. Goldfield | Sally G. McMillen | Elizabeth Hayes Turner | Thomas G. Paterson
Major Problems in the History of the American West Clyde A. Milner II | Anne M. Butler | David Rich Lewis
Major Problems in the History of the Italian Renaissance Benjamin G. Kohl | Alison A. Smith
Major Problems in the History of the Vietnam War: Documents and Essays Robert J. McMahon
Major Problems in the History of World War II Mark A. Stoler | Melanie S. Gustafson
Make Your Music Video and Put It Online Robert Safir
Make-Believe Media: The Politics of Entertainment Michael Parenti
Making a GameSalad for Teens Michael Duggan
Making America: A History of the United States Carol Berkin | Christopher L. Miller | Robert W. Cherny | James L. Gormly
Making America: A History of the United States, Brief Carol Berkin | Christopher L. Miller | Robert W. Cherny | James L. Gormly | Douglas Egerton | Kelly Woestman
Making America: A History of the United States, Brief Carol Berkin | Christopher L. Miller | Robert W. Cherny | James L. Gormly | W. Thomas Mainwaring
Making America: A History of the United States, Volume 1 Carol Berkin | Christopher L. Miller | Robert W. Cherny | James L. Gormly
Making America: A History of the United States, Volume 1: To 1877, Brief Carol Berkin | Christopher L. Miller | Robert W. Cherny | James L. Gormly | Douglas Egerton | Kelly Woestman
Making America: A History of the United States, Volume 2: From 1865 Carol Berkin | Christopher L. Miller | Robert W. Cherny | James L. Gormly
Making America: A History of the United States, Volume 2: From 1865, Brief Carol Berkin | Christopher L. Miller | Robert W. Cherny | James L. Gormly | Douglas Egerton | Kelly Woestman
Making America: A History of the United States, Volume 2: Since 1865, Brief Carol Berkin | Christopher L. Miller | Robert W. Cherny | James L. Gormly | Douglas Egerton | Kelly Woestman
Making America: A History of the United States, Volume A: To 1877, Brief Carol Berkin | Christopher L. Miller | Robert W. Cherny | James L. Gormly | W. Thomas Mainwaring
Making America: A History of the United States, Volume B: Since 1865, Brief  Carol Berkin | Christopher L. Miller | Robert W. Cherny | James L. Gormly | W. Thomas Mainwaring
Making America: A History of the United States, Volume I: To 1877 Carol Berkin | Christopher L. Miller | Robert W. Cherny | James L. Gormly
Making America: A History of the United States, Volume II: From 1865 Carol Berkin | Christopher L. Miller | Robert W. Cherny | James L. Gormly
Making America: A History of the United States, Volume II: Since 1865 Carol Berkin | Christopher L. Miller | Robert W. Cherny | James L. Gormly
Making Beats: Skill Pack Richy Pitch
Making Choices in Sexuality: Research and Applications Susan L. McCammon | David Knox, Ph.D. | Caroline Schacht, M.A.
Making Choices: Reading Issues in Context Michael E. Cooley | Katherine Powell
Making Connections: Reading and Understanding College Textbooks Sheila Allen
Making Connections: Study Skills, Reading, and Writing Ann Dillon
Making Europe: People, Politics, and Culture Frank L. Kidner | Maria Bucur | Ralph Mathisen | Sally McKee | Theodore R. Weeks
Making Europe: People, Politics, and Culture, Volume I: To 1790 Frank L. Kidner | Maria Bucur | Ralph Mathisen | Sally McKee | Theodore R. Weeks
Making Europe: People, Politics, and Culture, Volume II: Since 1550 Frank L. Kidner | Maria Bucur | Ralph Mathisen | Sally McKee | Theodore R. Weeks
Making Europe: Since 1300 Frank L. Kidner | Maria Bucur | Ralph Mathisen | Sally McKee | Theodore R. Weeks
Making Europe: The Story of the West Frank L. Kidner | Maria Bucur | Ralph Mathisen | Sally McKee | Theodore R. Weeks
Making Europe: The Story of the West, Since 1300 Frank L. Kidner | Maria Bucur | Ralph Mathisen | Sally McKee | Theodore R. Weeks
Making Europe: The Story of the West, Volume I to 1790 Frank L. Kidner | Maria Bucur | Ralph Mathisen | Sally McKee | Theodore R. Weeks
Making Europe: The Story of the West, Volume II: Since 1550 Frank L. Kidner | Maria Bucur | Ralph Mathisen | Sally McKee | Theodore R. Weeks
Making Hard Decisions Robert T. Clemen | Terence Reilly
Making Hard Decisions with DecisionTools Robert T. Clemen | Terence Reilly
Making Hard Decisions: An Introduction to Decision Analysis Robert T. Clemen
Making It Count: Math for the Beauty and Wellness Industry Terry Clark
Making Music with GarageBand and Mixcraft Robin Hodson | James Frankel | Michael Fein | Richard McCready
Making Music with Mobile Devices G. W. Childs IV
Making Sounds, Making Music, & Many Other Activities for Infants: 7 to 12 Months Judy Herr | Terri Swim
Making the Dean's List Edmond Hallberg | Kaylene Hallberg
Making the Grade Royce W. Adams
Making the Most of Your Internship Ken Kaser | John Brooks | Kellye Brooks
Mammalogy Terry A. Vaughan | James P. Ryan | Nicholas J. Czaplewski
Management Accounting Michael Jones
Management Accounting: The Cornerstone of Business Decisions Maryanne M. Mowen | Don R. Hansen
Management and E-Commerce: The Online Legal Environment Roger LeRoy Miller | Gaylord A. Jentz
Management and Organization Theory A Jossey-Bass Reader Jeffrey A. Miles
Management and Organizational Behavior: An Integrated Perspective  John L. Pierce | Donald Gardner | Contributor, Randall B. Dunham
Management and Supervision in Law Enforcement Kären Matison Hess | Christine Hess Orthmann
Management and Supervision in Law Enforcement Kären Matison Hess | Christine Hess Orthmann | Shaun E. LaDue
Management and Supervision in Law Enforcement Wayne W. Bennett | Kären M. Hess
Management by Menu, 4th Edition  Lendal H. Kotschevar, Diane Withrow
Management Chuck Williams
Management Communication, 3rd Edition Arthur H. Bell, Dayle H. Smith 
Management Communication: A Guide Deborah C. Andrews | William D. Andrews
Management Decisions and Financial Accounting Reports Stephen P. Baginski | John M. Hassell
Management Information Systems Effy Oz
Management Information Systems Kenneth J. Sousa | Effy Oz
Management Information Systems, 2nd Edition R. Kelly Rainer, Hugh J. Watson, Brad Prince
Management Mistakes and Successes, 10th Edition Robert F. Hartley
Management of Business Logistics: A Supply Chain Perspective John J. Coyle | Edward J. Bardi | C. John Langley, Jr.
Management of Electronic and Digital Media Alan B. Albarran
Management of Electronic Media Alan B. Albarran
Management of Human Service Programs Judith A. Lewis | Thomas R. Packard | Michael D. Lewis
Management of Information Security Michael E. Whitman - Ph. D., CISM, CISSP | Herbert J. Mattord - MBA, CISM, CISSP
Management of Information Technology Carroll W Frenzel | John Frenzel
Management of Retail Buying R. Patrick Cash, Chris Thomas, John W. Wingate, Joseph S. Friedlander
Management of the Voice and Its Disorders Linda Rammage, Ph.D. | Murray Morrison, M.D. | Hamish Nichol
Management Practice in Dietetics Nancy R. Hudson
Management Ranjay Gulati | Anthony J. Mayo | Nitin Nohria
Management Richard L. Daft
Management Ricky W. Griffin
Management Robert Kreitner | Carlene Cassidy
Management Robert Kreitner, Ph.D.
Management Skills: Assessment and Development Ricky Griffin | David Van Fleet
Management Warren R. Plunkett | Gemmy S. Allen | Raymond F. Attner
Management, 11th Edition International Student Version John R. Schermerhorn
Management, Preliminary Edition Ranjay Gulati | Anthony J. Mayo | Nitin Nohria
Management: Current Practices and New Directions Bruno Dyck | Mitchell J. Neubert
Management: Meeting and Exceeding Customer Expectations Warren R. Plunkett | Raymond F. Attner | Gemmy S. Allen
Management: Skills, Application, Practice, and Development John Ivancevich | Thomas N. Duening
Management: Using Film to Visualize Principles and Practices  Joseph E. Champoux
Managerial Accounting 4th Edition James Jiambalvo
Managerial Accounting 5th Edition James Jiambalvo
Managerial Accounting Belverd E. Needles | Susan V. Crosson
Managerial Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve
Managerial Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Jonathan Duchac
Managerial Accounting Carl S. Warren | James M. Reeve | Philip E. Fess
Managerial Accounting for the Hospitality Industry Lea R. Dopson, David K. Hayes
Managerial Accounting Susan V. Crosson | Belverd E. Needles
Managerial Accounting, 12th Edition Ray H. Garrison, Eric Noreen, Peter C. Brewer
Managerial Accounting, 13th Edition Ray H. Garrison, Eric Noreen, Peter C. Brewer
Managerial Accounting, 1st Edition Charles E. Davis, Elizabeth Davis
Managerial Accounting, 1st Edition Ramji Balakrishnan, Konduru Sivaramakrishnan, Geoff Sprinkle
Managerial Accounting, 6th Edition International Student Version Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel, Donald E. Kieso
Managerial Accounting, 8th Edition Don R . Hansen, Maryanne M. Mowen
Managerial Accounting: A Focus on Ethical Decision Making Steve Jackson | Roby B. Sawyers | Greg Jenkins
Managerial Accounting: An Introduction to Concepts, Methods and Uses Michael W. Maher | Clyde P. Stickney | Roman L. Weil
Managerial Accounting: Focus on Decision Making Steve Jackson | Roby B. Sawyers | Greg Jenkins
Managerial ACCT Roby B. Sawyers | Steve Jackson | Greg Jenkins
Managerial ACCT2 Roby B. Sawyers | Steve Jackson | Greg Jenkins
Managerial Economics Analysis, Problems, Cases, 8th Edition  Lila J. Truett, Dale B. Truett
Managerial Economics Luke M. Froeb | Brian T. McCann | Michael R. Ward | Mike Shor
Managerial Economics Mark Hirschey
Managerial Economics, 6th Edition William International Student Version, F. Samuelson, Stephen G. Marks
Managerial Economics, 7th Edition William F. Samuelson, Stephen G. Marks
Managerial Economics: A Problem Solving Approach Luke M. Froeb | Brian T. McCann
Managerial Economics: A Problem-Solving Approach Luke M. Froeb | Brian T. McCann
Managerial Economics: Applications, Strategies and Tactics James R. McGuigan | R. Charles Moyer | Frederick H.deB. Harris
Managerial Economics: Applications, Strategies, and Tactics James R. McGuigan | R. Charles Moyer | Frederick H.deB. Harris
Managerial Economics: Applications, Strategy and Tactics James R. McGuigan | R. Charles Moyer | Frederick H.deB. Harris
Managerial Economics: Markets and the Firm William Boyes
Managerial Statistics: A Case-Based Approach Peter Klibanoff | Alvaro Sandroni | Boaz Moselle | Brett Saraniti
Managers and the Legal Environment: Strategies for the 21st Century Constance E. Bagley
Managers and the Legal Environment: Strategies for the 21st Century Constance E. Bagley | Diane Savage
Managing Automotive Businesses: Strategic Planning, Personnel and Finances Ronald A. Garner | C. William Garner
Managing Business Ethics Straight Talk about How to Do It Right, 6th Edition Linda K. Trevino
Managing Clinical Supervision: Ethical Practice and Legal Risk Management Janet Elizabeth Falvey
Managing Contacts with Microsoft® Outlook® 2007: Business Contact Manager Edward Kachinske | Stacy Roach | Timothy Kachinske
Managing Customer Relationships A Strategic Framework, 2nd Edition, Don Peppers, Martha Rogers
Managing Diverse Working Styles: The Leadership Competitive Advantage Elaine S. Potoker
Managing for Quality and Performance Excellence James R. Evans | William M. Lindsay
Managing for the Future: Organizational Behavior and Processes Deborah G. Ancona | Thomas A. Kochan | Maureen Scully | John Van Maanen | D. Eleanor Westney
Managing Human Resources , 4th Edition Raymond J. Stone
Managing Human Resources George W. Bohlander | Scott A. Snell
Managing Human Resources Scott A. Snell | George W. Bohlander
Managing Human Resources Scott A. Snell | Shad S. Morris | George W. Bohlander
Managing Human Resources Susan E. Jackson | Randall S. Schuler | Steve Werner
Managing Human Resources: Through Strategic Partnerships Susan E. Jackson | Randall S. Schuler
Managing in a Global Economy: Demystifying International Macroeconomics John E. Marthinsen
Managing Innovation Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change, 4th Edition Joe Tidd, John Bessant
Managing Innovation Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change, 5th Edition John Bessant, Joe Tidd
Managing Innovation, Design and Creativity, 2nd Edition Bettina von Stamm
Managing Interactive Media Projects Tim Frick
Managing International Conflict: From Theory to Policy Lincoln Bloomfield
Managing Organizations and People, Modular Version Paul F. Buller | Randall S. Schuler
Managing Organizations: Principles & Guidelines Thomas N. Duening | John Ivancevich
Managing Our Natural Resources William G. Camp
Managing Our Natural Resources William G. Camp | Betty Heath-Camp
Managing Our Natural Resources William G. Camp | Thomas B. Daugherty
Managing Personnel In The Public Sector Gill Robinson-Hickman
Managing Physical Stress with Therapeutic Massage Jeffrey Forman
Managing Police Operations: Implementing the NYPD Crime Control Model Using COMPSTAT Phyllis P. McDonald
Managing Quality Service In Hospitality: How Organizations Achieve Excellence In The Guest Experience  Robert C. Ford | Michael C. Sturman | Cherrill P. Heaton
Managing Sales Leads: Turning Cold Prospects into Hot Customers James Obermayer
Managing the Public Sector Grover Starling
Managing the Software Enterprise: Software Engineering and Information Systems in Context Patrick Hall | Juan Fernandez-Ramil
Managing, Controlling, and Improving Quality, 1st Edition Douglas C. Montgomery, Cheryl L. Jennings, Michele E. Pfund
Manual de gramática Zulma Iguina | Eleanor Dozier
Manual de gramática: En español Zulma Iguina | Eleanor Dozier
Manual de gramática: Grammar Reference for Students of Spanish Eleanor Dozier | Zulma Iguina
Manual de gramática: Grammar Reference for Students of Spanish Zulma Iguina | Eleanor Dozier
Manual of Articulation and Phonological Disorders: Infancy through Adulthood Ken M. Bleile
Manual of Mineral Science, 23rd Edition Cornelis Klein, Barbara Dutrow
Many Faces of Giftedness Alexinia Young Baldwin | Wilma Vialle
Many Sides of America: 1945 - Present Thomas R. Frazier
Maple for Trigonometry Richard Parker
Maran Illustrated Bartending maranGraphics Development Group
Maran Illustrated Computers Guided Tour Ruth Maran
Maran Illustrated Computers Ruth Maran
Maran Illustrated Effortless Algebra maranGraphics Development Group
Maran Illustrated Excel 2003 Ruth Maran
Maran Illustrated Office 2003 Ruth Maran
Maran Illustrated Windows 7 Guided Tour Ruth Maran
Maran Illustrated Windows 7 Ruth Maran
Maran Illustrated Windows 8 Diane Koers
Maran Illustrated Windows XP 101 Hot Tips Ruth Maran
Maran Illustrated Windows XP Guided Tour Ruth Maran
Maran Illustrated Windows XP Ruth Maran
Maran Illustrated: Vista Guided Tour Ruth Maran
Maran Illustrated: Vista Ruth Maran
Marine Life and the Sea David H. Milne
Marital Therapy: Concepts and Skills for Effective Practice Joe H. Brown | Carolyn S. Brown
Marketing 2012 William M. Pride | O.C. Ferrell
Marketing 2014 William M. Pride | O.C. Ferrell
Marketing 2016 William M. Pride | O. C. Ferrell
Marketing and E-Commerce: The Online Legal Environment Roger LeRoy Miller | Gaylord A. Jentz
Marketing And Selling The Travel Product James F. Burke | Barry Resnick
Marketing Channels Bert Rosenbloom
Marketing Channels: A Management View Bert Rosenbloom
Marketing Charles W. Lamb | Joe F. Hair | Carl McDaniel
Marketing Express William M. Pride | O. C. Ferrell
Marketing Hospitality, 3rd Edition Cathy H. C. Hsu, Tom Powers
Marketing James L. Burrow
Marketing Management Dawn Iacobucci
Marketing Management, 13th edition by Phillip Kotler 
Marketing Massage: From First Job to Dream Practice Monica Roseberry
Marketing Mistakes and Successes, 11th Edition Robert F. Hartley
Marketing Mistakes and Successes, 12th Edition Robert F. Hartley
Marketing Models Dawn Iacobucci
Marketing Research 11th edition, ISV David A. Aaker, V. Kumar, Robert Leone, George S. Day
Marketing Research Essentials, 8th Edition Carl McDaniel, Jr., Roger Gates
Marketing Research, 9th Edition International Student Version Carl McDaniel, Jr., Roger Gates
Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations Dawn Iacobucci | Gilbert A. Churchill
Marketing Research: Methodological Foundations Gilbert A. Churchill | Dawn Iacobucci
Marketing Strategy O. C. Ferrell | Michael Hartline
Marketing Strategy, Text and Cases O. C. Ferrell | Michael Hartline
Marketing William M. Pride | O. C. Ferrell
Marketing William M. Pride | O.C. Ferrell
Marketing Yourself Dorene Ciletti
Marketing, 2008 Edition William M. Pride | O. C. Ferrell
Marketing, 2nd Edition Greg Elliott, Sharyn Rundle-Thiele, David Waller
Marketing, Library Edition William M. Pride | O. C. Ferrell
Marketing: Planning and Strategy Subash C. Jain
Marriage and Family: Using MicroCase ExplorIt Kevin Demmitt
Marriage in Culture: Practice And Meaning Across Diverse Societies Janice E. Stockard
Marriages and Families in the 21st Century A Bioecological Approach Tasha R. Howe
Marriages, Families, and Relationships: Making Choices in a Diverse Society Mary Ann Lamanna | Agnes Riedmann
Marriages, Families, and Relationships: Making Choices in a Diverse Society Mary Ann Lamanna | Agnes Riedmann | Susan D. Stewart
Más allá de las palabras, Intermediate Spanish 3rd edition Olga Gallego
Más allá de las palabras, Intermediate Spanish, Student Edition and accompanying Audio CD, 2nd Edition Olga Gallego Scott
MASA: The Mann Assessment of Swallowing Ability Giselle Mann, Ph.D.
Masonry Skills Richard T. Kreh, Sr.
Mass Communication Theory: Foundations, Ferment, and Future Stanley J. Baran | Dennis K. Davis
Mass Culture and Electronic Media Marjorie Ford | Jon Ford
Mass Media and Politics: A Social Science Perspective Jan E. Leighley
Mass Media Research Roger D. Wimmer | Joseph R. Dominick
Mass Media Research: An Introduction Roger D. Wimmer | Joseph R. Dominick
Mass Politics: The Politics of Popular Culture Daniel M. Shea
Massage Therapist's Guide to Client Safety & Wellness Deborah Ochsner
Massage Therapy Career Guide for Hands-On Success Steve Capellini
Massage Therapy: What It Is and How It Works Steven Schenkman
Master Class with Toba Garrett Toba M. Garrett
Master Educator Letha Barnes
Master Electrician’s Review: Based on the National Electrical Code® 2008 Richard E. Loyd
Master Electrician’s Review: Based on the National Electrical Code® 2011 Richard E. Loyd
Master Electrician's Review Richard E. Loyd
Master Electrician's Review: Based on the 1999 National Electrical Code Richard E. Loyd
Master Electrician's Review: Based on the 2005 National Electric Code Richard E. Loyd
Master Math: Algebra Debra Anne Ross
Master Math: Basic Math and Pre-Algebra Debra Anne Ross
Master Math: Business and Personal Finance Math Mary Hansen
Master Math: Calculus Debra Anne Ross
Master Math: Elementary School Math Kristen Gryskevich
Master Math: Essential Physics Debra Anne Ross Lawrence
Master Math: Geometry Debra Anne Ross
Master Math: Pre-Calculus  Debra Anne Ross
Master Math: Pre-Calculus and Geometry Debra Anne Ross
Master Math: Probability Catherine A. Gorini
Master Math: Solving Word Problems Brita Immergut
Master Math: Trigonometry Debra Anne Ross
Master Student Guide to Academic Success Arthur Bohart
Master Student Reader Catherine F. Andersen
Mastering Applications in the Real World: Discipline-Specific Projects for Microsoft Office 2007, Advanced Course Technology
Mastering Applications in the Real World: Discipline-Specific Projects for Microsoft Office 2007, Introductory Course Technology
Mastering Applications in the Real World: Introductory Projects Cengage Learning Course Technology
Mastering AutoCAD 2011 and AutoCAD LT 2011 George Omura
Mastering AutoCAD 2012 and AutoCAD LT 2012 George Amura
Mastering AutoCAD 2013 and AutoCAD LT 2013 George Amura
Mastering AutoCAD 2014 and AutoCAD LT 2014 Autodesk Official Press George Omura
Mastering AutoCAD® Architecture 2008 Paul F. Aubin
Mastering AutoCAD® Architecture 2010 Paul F. Aubin
Mastering AutoCAD® MEP 2010 Paul F. Aubin | Darryl McClelland | Martin J. Schmid | Gregg Stanley
Mastering Autodesk Architechtural Desktop 2007 Paul F. Aubin
Mastering Celtx Terry Borst
Mastering Competencies in Family Therapy: A Practical Approach to Theory and Clinical Case Documentation Diane R. Gehart
Mastering Digital Photography David D. Busch
Mastering Digital Printing Harald Johnson
Mastering Digital SLR Photography David D. Busch
Mastering Digital Wedding Photography James Karney
Mastering File Management CourseNotes Course Technology
Mastering Mathematics: How to Be a Great Math Student Richard Manning Smith
Mastering Music Fundamentals: A Guided Step by Step Approach Michael Kinney
Mastering Sheet Metal Design Using Autodesk Inventor Travis Jones
Mastering Sibelius 5 Marc Schonbrun
Mastering the Codification and eIFRS A Case Approach  Natalie Tatiana Churyk, Thomas C. Pearson
Mastering the CPAT: A Comprehensive Guide Al Wasser | Donna Kimble
Mastering the Job Interview and Winning the Money Game Kate Wendleton
Mastering the Job Interview: And Winning the Money Game Kate Wendleton
Mastery of the Financial Accounting Research System (FARS) Through Cases, 2nd Edition  Wanda A. Wallace
Materials and Procedures for Today’s Dental Assistant Ellen Dietz-Bourguignon
Materials Science and Engineering Properties Charles Gilmore
Materials Science and Engineering Properties, SI Edition Charles Gilmore
Maternity Nursing Care Lynna Littleton-Gibbs | Joan Engebretson
Math & Science for Young Children Rosalind Charlesworth, Ph.D. | Karen K. Lind, Ph.D.
Math Activities A to Z Joanne Matricardi | Jeanne McLarty
Math and Science for Young Children Rosalind Charlesworth, Ph.D
Math and Science for Young Children Rosalind Charlesworth, Ph.D.
Math and Science for Young Children Rosalind Charlesworth, Ph.D. | Karen K. Lind, Ph.D.
MATH APPS Ronald J. Harshbarger
Math Facts: Survival Guide to Basic Mathematics Theodore John Szymanski
Math for 3D Game Programming & Computer Graphics Eric Lengyel
Math for Electricity & Electronics Dr. Arthur Kramer
Math for Health Care Professionals Michael Kennamer
Math for Health Care Professionals Quick Review Michael Kennamer
Math for Health Care Professionals Trisha Kennamer
MATH for Liberal Arts Karl Smith
Math for Meds: Dosages and Solutions Anna M. Curren
Math for Soil Scientists James A. Thompson, Ph.D | Mark S. Coyne, Ph. D
Math for the Automotive Trade John C. Peterson | William deKryger
Math Principles for Food Service Occupations Anthony J. Strianese | Pamela P. Strianese
Math Study Skills Workbook Paul D. Nolting
Mathematical Applications for the Management, Life, and Social Sciences Ronald J. Harshbarger | James J. Reynolds
Mathematical Applications for the Management, Life, and Social Sciences, Hybrid Ronald J. Harshbarger | James J. Reynolds
Mathematical Applications in Agriculture Nina H. Mitchell
Mathematical Applications: For the Management, Life, and Social Sciences Ronald J. Harshbarger | James J. Reynolds
Mathematical Excursion, Enhanced Edition Richard N. Aufmann | Joanne S. Lockwood | Richard D. Nation | Daniel K. Clegg
Mathematical Excursions Richard N. Aufmann | Joanne S. Lockwood | Richard D. Nation | Daniel K. Clegg
Mathematical Excursions, Enhanced Edition Richard N. Aufmann | Joanne S. Lockwood | Richard D. Nation | Daniel K. Clegg
Mathematical Modeling with Maple William P. Fox
Mathematical Models with Applications Daniel L. Timmons | Catherine W. Johnson | Sonya M. McCook
Mathematical Models with Applications, Texas Edition Daniel L. Timmons | Catherine W. Johnson | Sonya M. McCook
Mathematical Practices, Mathematics for Teachers: Activities, Models, and Real-Life Examples Ron Larson | Robyn Silbey
Mathematical Programming for Agricultural, Environmental, and Resource Economics  Harry M. Kaiser
Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis John A. Rice
Mathematical Statistics with Applications Dennis Wackerly | William Mendenhall | Richard L. Scheaffer
Mathematical Thinking and Quantitative Reasoning Richard N. Aufmann | Joanne S. Lockwood | Richard D. Nation | Daniel K. Clegg
Mathematics & Physics for Programmers Danny Kodicek
Mathematics & Physics for Programmers Danny Kodicek | John P. Flynt, Ph.D
Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics Eric Lengyel
Mathematics for Electronics Nancy Myers
Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers Ricardo Fierro
Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers Tom Bassarear
Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers: A Process Approach Mark A. Freitag
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers A Contemporary Approach 10th Edition Gary L. Musser, Blake E. Peterson, William F. Burger
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers, A contemporary Approach ISV, 9th Edition  Gary L. Musser, Blake E. Peterson, William F. Burger
Mathematics for Health Sciences: A Comprehensive Approach Joel R. Helms
Mathematics for Information Technology Alfred Basta | Stephan DeLong | Nadine Basta
Mathematics for Machine Technology John C. Peterson | Robert D. Smith
Mathematics for Machine Technology Robert D. Smith
Mathematics for Machine Technology Robert D. Smith | John C. Peterson
Mathematics for Medical and Clinical Laboratory Professionals Joel R. Helms
Mathematics for Physicists Susan Lea
Mathematics for Plumbers & Pipefitters Lee Smith
Mathematics for Plumbers and Pipefitters Lee Smith
Mathematics for Teachers: An Interactive Approach for Grades K-8 Thomas Sonnabend
Mathematics with Allied Health Applications Richard N. Aufmann | Joanne S. Lockwood
Mathematics: A Discrete Introduction Edward R. Scheinerman
Mathematics: A Practical Odyssey David B. Johnson | Thomas A. Mowry
Mathematics: A Practical Odyssey, 2nd Printing David B. Johnson | Thomas A. Mowry
Mathematics: Its Power and Utility Karl Smith
MATLAB An Introduction with Applications 5th Edition, Amos Gilat
MATLAB An Introduction with Applications, SI Version, 4th Edition Amos Gilat
MATLAB Programming for Engineers Stephen J. Chapman
MATLAB Programming with Applications for Engineers Stephen J. Chapman
Matrices with Applications in Statistics Franklin A. Graybill
Matrix Analysis of Structures Aslam Kassimali
Matrix Analysis of Structures SI Version Aslam Kassimali
Matter and Interactions, 3rd Edition Ruth W. Chabay, Bruce A. Sherwood
M-Audio Guide for the Recording Guitarist Chris Buono
Maximizing Your Sales with Edward Kachinske | Stacy Roach | Carol Gilliland | Timothy Kachinske
Maya 2008 Character Modeling & Animation: Principles and Practices Tereza Flaxman
Maya 6 Revealed Kelly L. Murdock
Maya Character Modeling and Animation Tereza Flaxman
Maya Plug-In Power Mark Smith
MC68HC11: An Introduction Han-Uei Huang | Leo Chartrand
MCDST 70-272: Applications on MS Windows XP Operating System Ron Carswell
MCDST Exams (EXAMS 70-271/70-272) Timothy L. Warner
MCITP Guide to Microsoft® Windows Server 2008, Enterprise Administration (Exam # 70-647) Darril Gibson
MCITP Guide to Microsoft® Windows Server 2008, Server Administration, Exam #70-646 Michael Palmer
McKeachie's Teaching Tips Wilbert J. McKeachie | Marilla Svinicki
McKeachie's Teaching Tips: Strategies, Research, and Theory for College and University Teachers Wilbert J. McKeachie | Marilla Svinicki
MCSA Guide to Administering Microsoft Windows Server 2012/R2, Exam 70-411 Greg Tomsho
MCSA Guide to Installing and Configuring Microsoft Windows Server 2012 /R2, Exam 70-410 Greg Tomsho
MCSA Guide to Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (Exam 70-462) Faisal Akkawi | Kayed Akkawi | Gabriel J. Schofield
MCSA Microsoft® SQL Server® 2012 Databases Q&A for the 70-462 Exam Chimborazo Publishing, Inc.
MCTS Guide to Configuring Microsoft® Windows Server 2008 Applications Infrastructure Exam # 70-643 John Tucker | Darrel Nerove | Greg Tomsho | Matt Tomsho | Jack Hogue
MCTS Guide to Configuring Microsoft® Windows Server® 2008 Active Directory (Exam #70-640) Greg Tomsho
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows 7 (Exam # 70-680) Byron Wright | Leon Plesniarski
MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Network Infrastructure Configuration (exam #70-642) Michael Bender
MCTS Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Configuration Study Guide Exam 70-236 2nd Edition, Will Schmied, Kevin Miller
MCTS Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Configuration Study Guide Exam 70-236 Will Schmied, Kevin Miller
MCTS Windows Server 2008 70-640 Q&A dti Publishing
MCTS Windows Server 2008 70-642 Q&A dti Publishing
MDS Editor 2010 Ingenix
MDT: Heavy Equipment Systems Robert Huzij | Angelo Spano | Sean Bennett
Mean Jeans Manufacturing Co. Marie Weeks
Measure for Measure: Evans Shakespeare Edition John Klause
Measures of Legal Attitudes Lawrence S. Wrightsman | Angela L. Batson | Vanessa A. Edkins
Measuring Performance: Early Childhood Educator in Practice Barbara Elliott
Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings, 10th Edition Ben Stein, John Reynolds
Mechanical and Electrical Equipment for Buildings, 11th Edition Walter T. Grondzik, Alison G. Kwok
Mechanical Vibrations: Theory and Applications S. Graham Kelly
Mechanical Vibrations: Theory and Applications, SI Edition S. Graham Kelly
Mechanics of Fluids Merle C. Potter | David C. Wiggert
Mechanics of Fluids Merle C. Potter | David C. Wiggert | Bassem H. Ramadan
Mechanics of Fluids, SI Version Merle C. Potter | David C. Wiggert
Mechanics of Materials  Andrew Pytel | Jaan Kiusalaas
Mechanics of Materials (with CD-ROM and InfoTrac) James M. Gere
Mechanics of Materials Andrew Pytel | Jaan Kiusalaas
Mechanics of Materials James M. Gere | Barry J. Goodno
Mechanics of Materials, Brief Edition James M. Gere | Barry J. Goodno
Mechanics of Materials, Brief SI Edition James M. Gere | Barry J. Goodno
Mechanics of Materials, SI Edition Andrew Pytel | Jaan Kiusalaas
Mechanics of Materials, SI Edition James M. Gere | Barry J. Goodno
Mechanisms and Machines: Kinematics, Dynamics, and Synthesis Michael M. Stanisic
Mechanisms and Machines: Kinematics, Dynamics, and Synthesis, SI Edition Michael M. Stanisic
Mechatronics Sourcebook Newton Braga
Mechatronics System Design Devdas Shetty | Richard A. Kolk
Mechatronics System Design, SI Version Devdas Shetty | Richard A. Kolk
Media and Entertainment Law Sandi Towers
Media and Ethics: Principles for Moral Decisions Elaine E. Englehardt | Ralph Barney
Media Composer 6: Part 1 - Editing Essentials Mary Plummer
Media Composer 6: Part 2 Effects Essentials Greg Staten
Media Composer 6: Professional Effects and Compositing David East
Media Composer 6: Professional Picture and Sound Editing Woody Lidstone
Media Debates: Great Issues for the Digital Age Everette E. Dennis | John C. Merrill
Media Effects Research: A Basic Overview Glenn G. Sparks
Media Impact: An Introduction to Mass Media Shirley Biagi
Media Impact: An Introduction to Mass Media, 2013 Update Shirley Biagi
Media Literacy Workbook Kimb Massey
Media Now 2012 Update Joseph Straubhaar | Robert LaRose | Lucinda Davenport
Media Now, 2010 Update: Understanding Media, Culture, and Technology, Enhanced Joseph Straubhaar | Robert LaRose | Lucinda Davenport
Media Now: Understanding Media, Culture, and Technology Joseph Straubhaar | Robert LaRose
Media Now: Understanding Media, Culture, and Technology Joseph Straubhaar | Robert LaRose | Lucinda Davenport
Media Now: Understanding Media, Culture, and Technology, 2008 Update Joseph Straubhaar | Robert LaRose
Media Programming: Strategies and Practices Susan Tyler Eastman | Douglas A. Ferguson
Media, Crime, and Criminal Justice Ray Surette
Media, Crime, and Criminal Justice: Images, Realities and Policies Ray Surette
Media/Impact: An Introduction to Mass Media Shirley Biagi
Media/Impact: An Introduction to Mass Media, 2009 Update Shirley Biagi
Media/Impact: An Introduction to Mass Media, Enhanced Shirley Biagi
Mediamerica/Mediaworld, Updated Edward Jay Whetmore
Medical Assisting Administrative and Clinical Competencies Michelle Blesi | Barbara A. Wise | Cathy Kelley-Arney
Medical Assisting Exam Review: Preparation for the CMA and RMA Exams J. P. Cody
Medical Assisting: Administrative & Clinical Competencies 2006 Update Lucille Keir | Barbara A. Wise | Connie Krebs
Medical Assisting: Administrative and Clinical Competencies Lucille Keir | Barbara A. Wise | Connie Krebs | Cathy Kelley-Arney
Medical Assisting: Essentials of Administrative and Clinical Competencies Lucille Keir | Barbara A. Wise | Connie Krebs
Medical Billing 101 (Book Only) Michelle M. Rimmer, CHI
Medical Billing 101 Crystal Clack | Linda Renfroe | Michelle M. Rimmer, CHI
Medical Billing 101 Michelle M. Rimmer, CHI
Medical Coding Specialist's Exam Review Physician Lynette Olsen, CPC, CCS-P, CPC-H
Medical Coding Specialist's Exam Review: Hospital Lynette Olsen, CPC, CCS-P, CPC-H
Medical Coding Specialists's Exam Review-Physician Lynette Olsen, CPC, CCS-P, CPC-H
Medical Language: Focus on Terminology Marie A. Moisio, MA, RHIA | Elmer W. Moisio
Medical Malpractice Law and Litigation Beth Walston-Dunham, J.D.
Medical Manager Student Edition 10.0 Richard Gartee
Medical Nutrition Therapy: A Case Study Approach Marcia Nelms | Sara Long Roth
Medical Nutrition Therapy: A Case Study Approach Marcia Nelms | Sara Long Roth | Karen Lacey
Medical Office Practice Phillip S. Atkinson | Diane R. Timme
Medical Office Projects Mark E. Abell
Medical Practice Management System Linda Nadeau
Medical Spanish: A Conversational Approach Thomas Kearon | Maria DiLorenzo-Kearon Ph.D
Medical Speech-Language Pathology: A Desk Reference Lee Ann C. Golper, Ph.D.
Medical Surgical Nursing: An Integrated Approach Lois Elain White | Gena Duncan
Medical Surgical Nursing: An Integrated Approach Lois Elain White | Gena Duncan | Wendy Baumle
Medical Terminology for Health Professions  Ann Ehrlich | Carol L. Schroeder
Medical Terminology for Health Professions Ann Ehrlich | Carol L. Schroeder
Medical Terminology for Insurance and Coding Marie A. Moisio, MA, RHIA
Medical Terminology Made Easy Jean M. Dennerll
Medical Terminology: A Programmed Systems Approach Jean Tannis Dennerll | Phyllis E. Davis
Medical Terminology: A Programmed Systems Approach Revised Jean M. Dennerll
Medical Terminology: A Student-Centered Approach Marie A. Moisio, MA, RHIA | Elmer W. Moisio
Medical Transcription Projects Diane M. Gilmore
Medication Administration Lena L. Deter
Medication Safety: Dispensing Drugs Without Error Kenneth R. Baker
Medications and Mathematics for the Nurse Jane Rice
Medieval Civilization Kay Brainerd Slocum
Medieval Worlds: An Introduction to European History, 300-1492 Jo Ann Hoeppner Moran Cruz | Richard Gerberding
Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Engines, Fuel & Computerized Management Systems Sean Bennett
Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Technician Certification Test Preparation Manual Don Knowles
Meeting and Conventions Management Marguerite L. Weirich
Meeting Physical and Health Needs of Children with Disabilities: Teaching Physical and Health Management Skills Kathryn W. Heller | Paula E. Forney | Paul A. Alberto | Morton N. Schwartzman | Trudy Goeckel
Mejor Dicho Carmen Garcia | Emily Spinelli
Men and Masculinity: A Text-Reader Theodore Cohen
Men in Arms: A History of Warfare and Its Interrelationships with Western Society, 5th Richard Preston | Alex Roland | Sydney F. Wise
Mental Health Concepts  Claire Waughfield, MSN, APRN, CS
Mental Health Interventions for School Counselors Christopher A. Sink
Mental Retardation: A Community Integration Approach Lynda Crane
Mentor Coaching and Leadership in Early Care and Education Mary Nolan, Ed.D
Mentoring Foreign Language TA's, Lecturers, and Adjunct Faculty: AAUSC 2000 Volume Benjamin Rifkin | Sally Sieloff Magnan
Mergers and Buyouts Restructuring 2nd Edition
Merriam-Webster's Medical Desk Dictionary, Revised Edition Merriam-Webster
Metaethics, Normative Ethics, and Applied Ethics: Contemporary and Historical Readings James Fieser
Metal Fabrication Technology for Agriculture Larry Jeffus
Metaphysics: Classic and Contemporary Readings Ronald C. Hoy | L. Nathan Oaklander
Metaphysics: Contemporary Readings Steven D. Hales
Meteorology for Scientists and Engineers: A Technical Companion Book to C. Donald Ahrens' Meteorology Today Roland B. Stull
Meteorology Today C. Donald Ahrens
Meteorology Today C. Donald Ahrens | Robert Henson
Meteorology Today: An Introduction to Weather, Climate, and the Environment C. Donald Ahrens
Meteorology: Understanding the Atmosphere Steven Ackerman | John Knox
Methods and Strategies for Teaching Students with Mild Disabilities: A Case-Based Approach Joseph Boyle | David Scanlon
Methods Toward a Science of Behavior and Experience William J. Ray
Mexican Politics: The Dynamics of Change Howard Handelman
Mexico: Corporatism to Pluralism George W. Grayson
MGMT 3 Chuck Williams
MGMT 4 Chuck Williams
MGMT 6 Chuck Williams
MGMT 7 Chuck Williams
MGMT 8 Chuck Williams
MGMT5 Chuck Williams
Microbiology David Wessner, Christine Dupont, Trevor Charles
Microbiology for Surgical Technologists Kevin B. Frey | Paul Price
Microbiology Laboratory Manual  Russell Bey
Microbiology, 8th Edition International Student Version Jacquelyn G. Black
Microbiology: An Introduction Barry Batzing
Microbiology: Practical Applications and Infection Prevention Bruce J. Colbert | Luis Gonzalez III
Microcontrollers: From Assembly Language to C Using the PIC24 Family Robert B. Reese | J.W. Bruce | Bryan A. Jones
Microeconomic Theory: Basic Principles and Extensions Walter Nicholson | Christopher Snyder
Microeconomic Theory: Concepts and Connections Michael Wetzstein
Microeconomics (with Aplia ITS Card) William A. McEachern
Microeconomics 7th Edition by Robert Pindyck, Daniel Rubinfeild
Microeconomics for Public Managers Barry P. Keating
Microeconomics for Today Irvin B. Tucker
Microeconomics Roger A. Arnold
Microeconomics Theory & Applications, 11th Edition  Edgar K. Browning, Mark A. Zupan
Microeconomics Theory and Application 12th Edition Browning
Microeconomics William Boyes | Michael Melvin
Microeconomics, 4th Edition International Student Version David Besanko, Ronald Braeutigam
Microeconomics, Concise Edition Roger A. Arnold
Microeconomics: A Contemporary Introduction William A. McEachern
Microeconomics: A Modern Approach Andrew Schotter
Microeconomics: An Intuitive Approach Thomas Nechyba
Microeconomics: An Intuitive Approach with Calculus Thomas Nechyba
Microeconomics: Principles and Applications Robert E. Hall | Marc Lieberman
Microeconomics: Principles and Policy William J. Baumol | Alan S. Blinder
Microeconomics: Principles and Policy, 2007 Update William J. Baumol | Alan S. Blinder
Microeconomics: Principles and Policy, Update 2010 Edition William J. Baumol | Alan S. Blinder
Microeconomics: Private and Public Choice James D. Gwartney | Richard L. Stroup | Russell S. Sobel | David A. Macpherson
Microeconomics: Public and Private Choice James D. Gwartney | Richard L. Stroup | Russell S. Sobel | David A. Macpherson
Microelectronic Circuits: Analysis & Design Muhammad H. Rashid
Microelectronic Circuits: Analysis and Design Muhammad H. Rashid
Microscale and Macroscale Techniques in the Organic Laboratory Donald L. Pavia | Gary M. Lampman | George S. Kriz | Randall G. Engel
Microscale Experiments for General Chemistry Kenneth L. Williamson | John Little
Microscale General Chemistry Laboratory with Selected Macroscale Experiments, 2nd Edition  Zvi Szafran, Ronald M. Pike, Judith C. Foster
Microscale Organic Laboratory with Multistep and Multiscale Syntheses, 5th Edition Dana W. Mayo, Ronald M. Pike, David C. Forbes
Microsoft Access 2013 Exam 77-424
Microsoft Certified Application Specialist Exam Reference for Microsoft Office 2007 Rachel Biheller Bunin | Jennifer T. Campbell | Barbara Clemens | Pamela Conrad | Lisa Ruffolo
Microsoft Certified Application Specialist: Microsoft Office 2007 Edition Rachel Biheller Bunin | Jennifer T. Campbell | Barbara Clemens | Pamela Conrad | Lisa Ruffolo
Microsoft Excel 2013 for the Business Analyst Larry Rockoff
Microsoft Expression Web 2: Complete Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Jennifer T. Campbell | Ollie N. Rivers
Microsoft Expression Web 2: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Jennifer T. Campbell | Ollie N. Rivers
Microsoft Expression Web CourseNotes Course Technology
Microsoft Office 2000 BASICS Connie Morrison
Microsoft Office 2003 - Illustrated Brief‚ Microsoft Windows XP Edition Marjorie S. Hunt | Michael Halvorson
Microsoft Office 2003 – Illustrated Introductory‚ Premium Edition David Beskeen | Carol M. Cram | Jennifer Duffy | Lisa Friedrichsen | Elizabeth Eisner Reding
Microsoft Office 2003 – Illustrated Second Course David Beskeen | Carol M. Cram | Jennifer Duffy | Lisa Friedrichsen | Lynn Wermers
Microsoft Office 2003 BASICS  Pasewark and Pasewark
Microsoft Office 2003, Advanced Course Sandra Cable | CEP Inc. | Connie Morrison
Microsoft Office 2003, Introductory Course Pasewark and Pasewark
Microsoft Office 2003: Brief Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft Office 2003: Essential Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft Office 2003: Introductory Course Pasewark and Pasewark
Microsoft Office 2003-Illustrated Introductory David Beskeen | Carol M. Cram | Jennifer Duffy | Lisa Friedrichsen | Elizabeth Eisner Reding
Microsoft Office 2003-Illustrated Projects Carol M. Cram
Microsoft Office 2007: Brief Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft Office 2007: Illustrated Introductory, Windows Vista Edition David Beskeen | Carol Cram | Jennifer Duffy | Lisa Friedrichsen | Elizabeth Eisner Reding
Microsoft Office 2007: Illustrated Introductory‚ Windows Vista Edition David Beskeen | Carol M. Cram | Jennifer Duffy | Lisa Friedrichsen | Elizabeth Eisner Reding
Microsoft Office 2007: Illustrated Introductory‚ Windows Vista Edition, Spanish Edition David Beskeen | Carol M. Cram | Jennifer Duffy | Lisa Friedrichsen | Elizabeth Eisner Reding
Microsoft Office 2007: Introductory Concepts and Techniques, Premium Video Edition Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft Office 2007: Introductory Concepts and Techniques, Windows Vista Edition Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft Office 2007: Introductory Concepts and Techniques, Windows XP Edition Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft Office 2007: Introductory Concepts and Techniques, Workbook Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | David Nuscher
Microsoft Office 2007–Illustrated Brief Marjorie S. Hunt | Barbara M. Waxer
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Introductory, Windows XP Edition David Beskeen | Carol Cram | Jennifer Duffy | Lisa Friedrichsen | Elizabeth Eisner Reding
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Second Course David Beskeen | Carol M. Cram | Jennifer Duffy | Lisa Friedrichsen | Lynn Wermers
Microsoft Office 2007-Illustrated Second Course David W. Beskeen | Carol M. Cram | Jennifer Duffy | Lisa Friedrichsen | Lynn Wermers
Microsoft Office 2010 Digital Classroom, (Book and Video Training) AGI creative team
Microsoft Office 2013 Try It! June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
Microsoft Office 2013, Microsoft Official Academic Course
Microsoft Office Access 2003 Microsoft Official AcademicCourse
Microsoft Office Access 2003, Illustrated Brief, CourseCard Edition Lisa Friedrichsen
Microsoft Office Access 2003, Illustrated Complete, CourseCard Edition Lisa Friedrichsen
Microsoft Office Access 2003, Illustrated Introductory, CourseCard Edition Lisa Friedrichsen
Microsoft Office Access 2003: Complete Tutorial Pasewark and Pasewark | Sandra Cable
Microsoft Office Access 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Philip J. Pratt | Mary Z. Last
Microsoft Office Access 2007: Illustrated Introductory Lisa Friedrichsen
Microsoft Office Access 2007-Illustrated Brief Lisa Friedrichsen
Microsoft Office Access 2007-Illustrated Complete Lisa Friedrichsen
Microsoft Office Applications, Advanced Course, Texas Edition Pasewark and Pasewark
Microsoft Office Applications: Introductory, Texas Edition Pasewark and Pasewark
Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Core Skills, Microsoft Official Academic Course
Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Expert Skills, Microsoft Official Academic Course
Microsoft Office Excel 2003, Illustrated Brief, CourseCard Edition Elizabeth Eisner Reding
Microsoft Office Excel 2003, Illustrated Complete, CourseCard Edition Elizabeth Eisner Reding | Lynn Wermers
Microsoft Office Excel 2003, Illustrated Introductory, CourseCard Edition Elizabeth Eisner Reding | Lynn Wermers
Microsoft Office Excel 2003: Complete Tutorial Pasewark and Pasewark | Sandra Cable
Microsoft Office Excel 2007 – Illustrated Complete Elizabeth Eisner Reding | Lynn Wermers
Microsoft Office Excel 2007 CourseNotes Course Technology
Microsoft Office Excel 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Jeffrey J. Quasney
Microsoft Office Excel 2007: Illustrated Brief Elizabeth Eisner Reding
Microsoft Office Excel 2007: Illustrated Introductory Elizabeth Eisner Reding | Lynn Wermers
Microsoft Office FrontPage 2002 and 2003, Microsoft Official Academic Course
Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003, Illustrated Brief, CourseCard Edition Jessica Evans
Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003, Illustrated Complete, CourseCard Edition Jessica Evans
Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003, Illustrated Introductory, CourseCard Edition Jessica Evans
Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003: Introductory Concepts and Techniques, CourseCard Edition Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Jeffrey J. Quasney
Microsoft Office OneNote 2007 CourseNotes Course Technology
Microsoft Office Outlook 2007: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Jeffrey J. Webb
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Illustrated Introductory, CourseCard Edition David Beskeen
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003: Complete Tutorial Pasewark and Pasewark | CEP Inc.
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 – Illustrated Introductory David Beskeen
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007 CourseNotes Course Technology
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007: Illustrated Brief David W. Beskeen
Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Susan L. Sebok
Microsoft Office Project 2002 and 2003 Microsoft Official Academic Course
Microsoft Office Project 2007 Microsoft Official Academic Course
Microsoft Office Publisher 2003: Complete Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Joy L. Starks
Microsoft Office Publisher 2007 – Illustrated Introductory Elizabeth Eisner Reding
Microsoft Office Specialist Excel 2003 Study Guide, Linda F. Johnson
Microsoft Office System 2003, Microsoft Official Academic Course
Microsoft Office Word 2003 Core Skills, Microsoft Official Academic Course
Microsoft Office Word 2003 for Medical Professionals Jennifer Duffy | Carol M. Cram
Microsoft Office Word 2003, Illustrated Brief, CourseCard Edition Jennifer Duffy
Microsoft Office Word 2003, Illustrated Complete, CourseCard Edition Jennifer Duffy | Carol M. Cram
Microsoft Office Word 2003, Illustrated Introductory, CourseCard Edition Jennifer Duffy
Microsoft Office Word 2003: Complete Tutorial Pasewark and Pasewark | Connie Morrison
Microsoft Office Word 2007 CourseNotes Course Technology
Microsoft Office Word 2007, Illustrated Complete Jennifer Duffy | Carol M. Cram
Microsoft Office Word 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft Office Word 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft Office Word 2007: Illustrated Brief Jennifer Duffy
Microsoft Office Word 2007: Illustrated Brief, Spanish Edition Jennifer Duffy
Microsoft Office Word 2007: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft Office Word 2007-Illustrated Introductory Jennifer Duffy
Microsoft Office Word Applications Pasewark and Pasewark
Microsoft Office XP BASICS Connie Morrison
Microsoft Office XP New Features Guide: Office 2000 To XP Changes Cengage Learning Course Technology
Microsoft Office XP: Advanced Course Connie Morrison | Sandra Cable | CEP Inc.
Microsoft OneNote 2010 CourseNotes Course Technology
Microsoft Outlook 2010 CourseNotes Course Technology
Microsoft Outlook 2010: Essentials Rachel Biheller Bunin
Microsoft Outlook 2013: Complete Steven M. Freund | Corinne Hoisington
Microsoft Project 2010, Microsoft Offical Acedamic Course
Microsoft Project 2013 CourseNotes Course Technology
Microsoft Publisher 2000 QuickTorial Mary Alice Eisch | Kathleen Krueger
Microsoft Visual Basic .NET BASICS Todd Knowlton | Alfred Thompson | Stephen Collings
Microsoft Visual Basic .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design E. Reed Doke | Susan Rebstock Williams
Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 BASICS Todd Knowlton | Alfred C. Thompson | Stephen Collings | Brad Hunt
Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition Programming for the Absolute Beginner Jerry Lee Ford, Jr.
Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 for Windows and Mobile Applications: Introductory Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Corinne Hoisington
Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 for Windows, Mobile, Web, and Office Applications: Complete Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Corinne Hoisington
Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 for Windows, Mobile, Web, Office, and Database Applications: Comprehensive Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Corinne Hoisington
Microsoft Visual Basic 2005: RELOADED Diane Zak
Microsoft Visual Basic 2008: RELOADED Diane Zak
Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Introduction to Programming Michael Sprague | Phillips
Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0: Games Programming Catherine Dwyer | Jeanine Meyer
Microsoft Visual Basic®.NET: RELOADED Diane Zak
Microsoft Visual C# .NET Joyce Farrell
Microsoft Visual C# .NET Programming: From Problem Analysis to Program Design Barbara Doyle
Microsoft Visual C# 2005 Express Edition Programming for the Absolute Beginner Aneesha Bakharia
Microsoft Visual C# 2005, An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Joyce Farrell
Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Express Edition Programming for the Absolute Beginner Aaron Miller | Jerry Lee Ford, Jr.
Microsoft Windows 7: Illustrated Complete Steve Johnson
Microsoft Windows Powershell Programming for the Absolute Beginner Jerry Lee Ford Jr.
Microsoft Windows Vista Guide Jason W. Eckert
Microsoft Windows Vista, Illustrated Complete Steve Johnson
Microsoft Windows Vista: Essential Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Steven G. Forsythe
Microsoft Windows Vista: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Steven M. Freund | Raymond E. Enger
Microsoft Windows Vista-Illustrated Essentials Harry L. Phillips
Microsoft Windows Vista-Illustrated Introductory Steve Johnson
Microsoft Windows XP BASICS Marly Bergerud | Donald Busche
Microsoft Windows XP Professional Step-by-Step Courseware Core Skills Microsoft Official Academic Course
Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2 Edition-Illustrated Introductory Steve Johnson
Microsoft Windows XP: Brief Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Steven G. Forsythe
Microsoft Windows XP: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques, Service Pack 2 Edition Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Steven G. Forsythe
Microsoft Windows XP: Introductory Concepts and Techniques, Service Pack 2 Edition Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Steven G. Forsythe
Microsoft Windows XP-Illustrated Essentials Mary Kemper
Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner Jerry Lee Ford, Jr.
Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 4th Jerry Lee Ford, Jr.
Microsoft® Access 2010 Complete Pasewark and Pasewark | Sandra Cable | Jessica Evans
Microsoft® Access 2010 Introductory Pasewark/Pasewark | Jessica Evans
Microsoft® Access 2010: Complete Gary B. Shelly | Philip J. Pratt | Mary Z. Last
Microsoft® Access 2010: Comprehensive Gary B. Shelly | Philip J. Pratt | Mary Z. Last
Microsoft® Access 2010: Illustrated Brief Lisa Friedrichsen
Microsoft® Access 2010: Illustrated Complete Lisa Friedrichsen
Microsoft® Access 2010: Illustrated Introductory Lisa Friedrichsen
Microsoft® Access 2010: Introductory Gary B. Shelly | Philip J. Pratt | Mary Z. Last
Microsoft® Access 2013 CourseNotes Course Technology
Microsoft® Access 2013: Complete Philip J. Pratt | Mary Z. Last
Microsoft® Access 2013: Comprehensive Philip J. Pratt | Mary Z. Last
Microsoft® Access 2013: Introductory Philip J. Pratt | Mary Z. Last
Microsoft® Access VBA Programming for the Absolute Beginner Michael Vine
Microsoft® Access® 2010 CourseNotes Course Technology
Microsoft® Access® 2013: Illustrated Brief Lisa Friedrichsen
Microsoft® Access® 2013: Illustrated Complete Lisa Friedrichsen
Microsoft® Access® 2013: Illustrated Introductory Lisa Friedrichsen
Microsoft® Certified Application Specialist Exam Reference for Microsoft® Office 2010 Course Technology
Microsoft® Excel 2010 Intermediate: Illustrated Course Guide Lynn Wermers
Microsoft® Excel 2010: Illustrated Brief Elizabeth Eisner Reding
Microsoft® Excel 2010: Introductory Gary B. Shelly | Jeffrey J. Quasney
Microsoft® Excel 2013 CourseNotes Course Technology
Microsoft® Excel® 2010 Complete Pasewark/Pasewark | Robin M. Romer | Sandra Cable
Microsoft® Excel® 2010 CourseNotes Course Technology
Microsoft® Excel® 2010 for Medical Professionals Elizabeth Reding | Lynn Wermers
Microsoft® Excel® 2010 Introductory Pasewark/Pasewark | Robin M. Romer
Microsoft® Excel® 2010: Complete Gary B. Shelly | Jeffrey J. Quasney
Microsoft® Excel® 2010: Comprehensive Gary B. Shelly | Jeffrey J. Quasney
Microsoft® Excel® 2010: Illustrated Complete Elizabeth Reding | Lynn Wermers
Microsoft® Excel® 2010: Illustrated Introductory Elizabeth Reding | Lynn Wermers
Microsoft® Excel® 2013 for Medical Professionals Elizabeth Reding | Lynn Wermers
Microsoft® Excel® 2013: Complete Steven M. Freund | Mali Jones | Joy L. Starks
Microsoft® Excel® 2013: Comprehensive Steven M. Freund | Mali Jones | Joy L. Starks
Microsoft® Excel® 2013: Illustrated Brief Elizabeth Eisner Reding
Microsoft® Excel® 2013: Illustrated Complete Elizabeth Reding | Lynn Wermers
Microsoft® Excel® 2013: Illustrated Introductory Elizabeth Reding | Lynn Wermers
Microsoft® Excel® 2013: Introductory Steven M. Freund | Mali Jones | Joy L. Starks
Microsoft® Excel® VBA Programming for the Absolute Beginner Duane Birnbaum | Michael Vine
Microsoft® Expression Web 3: Complete Gary B. Shelly | Jennifer Campbell | Ollie N. Rivers
Microsoft® Expression Web 3: Comprehensive Gary B. Shelly | Jennifer Campbell
Microsoft® Expression Web 3: Illustrated Complete Julie Riley
Microsoft® Expression Web 3: Illustrated Introductory Julie Riley
Microsoft® Expression Web 3: Introductory Gary B. Shelly | Jennifer Campbell | Ollie N. Rivers
Microsoft® Expression Web-Illustrated Complete Julie Riley
Microsoft® Expression Web-Illustrated Introductory Julie Riley
Microsoft® Expression® Web 2: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Jennifer T. Campbell | Ollie N. Rivers
Microsoft® Office 2003-Illustrated Second Course David Beskeen | Elizabeth Eisner Reding | Jennifer Duffy
Microsoft® Office 2007 CourseNotes Course Technology
Microsoft® Office 2007 Fundamentals Laura Story | Dawna Walls
Microsoft® Office 2007 Illustrated: Introductory Premium Video Edition David Beskeen | Carol M. Cram | Jennifer Duffy | Lisa Friedrichsen | Elizabeth Eisner Reding
Microsoft® Office 2007: Advanced Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft® Office 2007: Essential Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft® Office 2007: Illustrated Brief Premium Video Edition Marjorie S. Hunt | Barbara M. Waxer
Microsoft® Office 2007: Introductory Concepts and Techniques, Premium Video Edition Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft® Office 2007: Introductory Course Pasewark/Pasewark | Rachel Biheller Bunin | Jessica Evans | Katherine T. Pinard | Robin M. Romer | Ann Fisher | Barbara M. Waxer
Microsoft® Office 2007: Introductory Pasewark/Pasewark | Rachel Biheller Bunin | Jessica Evans | Katherine T. Pinard | Robin M. Romer | Ann Fisher | Barbara M. Waxer
Microsoft® Office 2007: Post-Advanced Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft® Office 2007-Illustrated Projects Carol M. Cram
Microsoft® Office 2008 for Mac, Illustrated Brief Kelley Shaffer
Microsoft® Office 2010 Certification Prep Laura Story | Dawna Walls
Microsoft® Office 2010 CourseNotes Course Technology
Microsoft® Office 2010 for Medical Professionals Illustrated David Beskeen | Jennifer Duffy | Lisa Friedrichsen | Elizabeth Eisner Reding
Microsoft® Office 2010 Fundamentals  Laura Story | Dawna Walls
Microsoft® Office 2010 Illustrated, Second Course David Beskeen | Carol M. Cram | Jennifer Duffy | Lisa Friedrichsen | Lynn Wermers
Microsoft® Office 2010 Workbook Gary B. Shelly | David Nuscher
Microsoft® Office 2010, Advanced Sandra Cable | Connie Morrison
Microsoft® Office 2010, Introductory Pasewark/Pasewark | Robin M. Romer | Jessica Evans | Katherine T. Pinard | Rachel Biheller Bunin
Microsoft® Office 2010: Advanced Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft® Office 2010: Brief Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft® Office 2010: Essential Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft® Office 2010: Illustrated Fundamentals Barbara M. Waxer
Microsoft® Office 2010: Illustrated Introductory, First Course David Beskeen | Carol Cram | Jennifer Duffy | Lisa Friedrichsen | Elizabeth Eisner Reding
Microsoft® Office 2010: Illustrated Projects Carol Cram
Microsoft® Office 2010: Illustrated Third Course Carol Cram | Lisa Friedrichsen | Lynn Wermers
Microsoft® Office 2010: Introductory Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft® Office 2010: Introductory Pasewark/Pasewark | Robin M. Romer | Jessica Evans | Katherine T. Pinard | Rachel Biheller Bunin
Microsoft® Office 2010: Post-Advanced Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft® Office 2011 for Mac CourseNotes Course Technology
Microsoft® Office 2011 for Mac: Introductory Gary B. Shelly | Mali B. Jones
Microsoft® Office 2011 for Macintosh, Illustrated Fundamentals Kelley Shaffer
Microsoft® Office 2013 CourseNotes Cengage Learning
Microsoft® Office 2013 for Medical Professionals Illustrated David Beskeen | Jennifer Duffy | Lisa Friedrichsen | Elizabeth Eisner Reding
Microsoft® Office 2013: Advanced Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft® Office 2013: Brief Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft® Office 2013: Essential Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft® Office 2013: Illustrated Fundamentals Marjorie S. Hunt | Barbara Clemens
Microsoft® Office 2013: Illustrated Introductory, First Course David Beskeen
Microsoft® Office 2013: Illustrated Projects Carol Cram
Microsoft® Office 2013: Illustrated, Second Course David Beskeen | Carol M. Cram | Jennifer Duffy | Lisa Friedrichsen | Lynn Wermers
Microsoft® Office 2013: Illustrated, Third Course Carol Cram | Lisa Friedrichsen | Lynn Wermers
Microsoft® Office 2013: Introductory Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft® Office 2013: Post Advanced Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft® Office Access 2007 CourseNotes Course Technology
Microsoft® Office Access 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Philip J. Pratt | Mary Z. Last
Microsoft® Office Access 2007: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Philip J. Pratt | Mary Z. Last
Microsoft® Office Access 2007: Introductory Pasewark/Pasewark | Jessica Evans
Microsoft® Office Excel 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Jeffrey J. Quasney
Microsoft® Office Excel 2007: Illustrated Brief, Spanish Edition Elizabeth Eisner Reding
Microsoft® Office Excel 2007: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Jeffrey J. Quasney
Microsoft® Office Excel® 2007 for Medical Professionals Elizabeth Eisner Reding | Lynn Wermers
Microsoft® Office Excel® 2007: Introductory Pasewark/Pasewark | Robin M. Romer
Microsoft® Office Outlook 2013: Illustrated Essentials Rachel Biheller Bunin
Microsoft® Office PowerPoint 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Susan L. Sebok
Microsoft® Office PowerPoint 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Susan L. Sebok
Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007: Introductory Pasewark/Pasewark | Rachel Biheller Bunin
Microsoft® Office Publisher 2007: Complete Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Joy L. Starks
Microsoft® Office Publisher 2007: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Joy L. Starks
Microsoft® Office Web Apps Course Technology
Microsoft® Office Word 2007 for Medical Professionals Jennifer Duffy | Carol M. Cram
Microsoft® Office Word 2007: Introductory Pasewark/Pasewark | Katherine T. Pinard
Microsoft® Outlook 2007 CourseNotes Course Technology
Microsoft® Outlook 2010: Complete Gary B. Shelly | Jill E. Romanoski | Steven M. Freund | Raymond E. Enger
Microsoft® Outlook 2010: Introductory Gary B. Shelly | Jill E. Romanoski
Microsoft® Outlook 2013 CourseNotes Course Technology
Microsoft® Outlook 2013: Introductory Corinne Hoisington | Steven M. Freund
Microsoft® PowerPoint 2013 CourseNotes Course Technology
Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010 Complete Pasewark and Pasewark | Rachel Biheller Bunin | Connie Morrison
Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010 CourseNotes Course Technology
Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010 Introductory Pasewark/Pasewark | Rachel Biheller Bunin
Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010: Complete Gary B. Shelly | Susan L. Sebok
Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010: Comprehensive Gary B. Shelly | Susan L. Sebok
Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010: Illustrated Brief David Beskeen
Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010: Illustrated Introductory David Beskeen
Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010: Introductory Gary B. Shelly | Susan L. Sebok
Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2013: Complete Susan L. Sebok
Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2013: Comprehensive Susan L. Sebok
Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2013: Illustrated Brief David Beskeen
Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2013: Illustrated Introductory David Beskeen
Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2013: Introductory Susan L. Sebok
Microsoft® Publisher 2010: Complete Gary B. Shelly | Joy L. Starks
Microsoft® Publisher 2010: Comprehensive Gary B. Shelly | Joy L. Starks
Microsoft® Publisher 2010: Illustrated Elizabeth Eisner Reding
Microsoft® Publisher 2010: Introductory Gary B. Shelly | Joy L. Starks
Microsoft® Publisher 2013: Complete Joy L. Starks
Microsoft® Publisher 2013: Comprehensive Joy L. Starks
Microsoft® Publisher 2013: Illustrated Elizabeth Eisner Reding
Microsoft® Publisher 2013: Introductory Joy L. Starks
Microsoft® Visual Basic 2008: Complete Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Corinne Hoisington
Microsoft® Visual Basic 2008: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Corinne Hoisington
Microsoft® Visual Basic 2010 for Windows Applications: Introductory Gary B. Shelly | Corinne Hoisington
Microsoft® Visual Basic 2010 for Windows, Web, and Office Applications: Complete Gary B. Shelly | Corinne Hoisington
Microsoft® Visual Basic 2010 for Windows, Web, Office, and Database Applications: Comprehensive Gary B. Shelly | Corinne Hoisington
Microsoft® Visual Basic 2010: RELOADED Diane Zak
Microsoft® Visual Basic 2012 for Windows Applications: Introductory Corinne Hoisington
Microsoft® Visual Basic 2012 for Windows, Web, Office, and Database Applications: Comprehensive Corinne Hoisington
Microsoft® Visual Basic 2012: RELOADED Diane Zak
Microsoft® Visual Basic Programs to Accompany Programming Logic and Design Jo Ann Smith
Microsoft® Visual Basic: Game Programming for Teens Jonathan S. Harbour
Microsoft® Visual Basic® Programs to Accompany Programming Logic and Design Jo Ann Smith
Microsoft® Visual C# 2008: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Joyce Farrell
Microsoft® Visual C# 2010: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Joyce Farrell
Microsoft® Visual C# 2012: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming Joyce Farrell
Microsoft® Windows 7: Complete Gary B. Shelly | Steven M. Freund | Raymond E. Enger
Microsoft® Windows 7: Comprehensive Gary B. Shelly | Steven M. Freund | Raymond E. Enger
Microsoft® Windows 7: Essential Gary B. Shelly | Steven M. Freund | Raymond E. Enger
Microsoft® Windows 7: Illustrated Essentials Barbara Clemens
Microsoft® Windows 7: Illustrated Introductory Steve Johnson
Microsoft® Windows 8: Complete Steven M. Freund | Raymond E. Enger | Corinne Hoisington
Microsoft® Windows 8: Illustrated Essentials Barbara Clemens
Microsoft® Windows 8: Introductory Steven M. Freund | Raymond E. Enger | Corinne Hoisington
Microsoft® Windows® 7: Introductory Gary B. Shelly | Steven M. Freund | Raymond E. Enger
Microsoft® Windows® 8: Essential Steven M. Freund | Raymond E. Enger | Corinne Hoisington
Microsoft® Windows® 8: Illustrated Introductory Steve Johnson
Microsoft® Word 2010 Introductory Pasewark/Pasewark | Katherine T. Pinard
Microsoft® Word 2010: Complete Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft® Word 2010: Comprehensive Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft® Word 2010: Illustrated Brief Jennifer Duffy
Microsoft® Word 2010: Illustrated Complete Jennifer Duffy | Carol Cram
Microsoft® Word 2010: Illustrated Introductory Jennifer Duffy
Microsoft® Word 2010: Introductory Gary B. Shelly | Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft® Word 2013 CourseNotes Course Technology
Microsoft® Word 2013 for Medical Professionals Jennifer Duffy | Carol M. Cram
Microsoft® Word 2013: Complete Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft® Word 2013: Comprehensive Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft® Word 2013: Illustrated Brief Jennifer Duffy
Microsoft® Word 2013: Illustrated Complete Jennifer Duffy | Carol Cram
Microsoft® Word 2013: Illustrated Introductory Jennifer Duffy
Microsoft® Word 2013: Introductory Misty E. Vermaat
Microsoft® Word® 2010: Medical Professionals  Jennifer Duffy | Carol M. Cram
Middle and High School Teaching: Methods, Standards, and Best Practices James A. Duplass
MIDI Power!: The Comprehensive Guide Robert Guerin
Mid-Latitude Atmospheric Dynamics A First Course Jonathan E. Martin
Migrants to the Coasts: Livelihood, Resource Management, and Global Change in the Philippines James F. Eder
Migrations CD-ROM with User Guide Patrick Manning
Milady Standard Cosmetology 2012 Milady
Milady Standard Cosmetology 2016 Milady
Milady Standard Esthetics: Fundamentals Milady
Milady Standard Makeup Michelle D'Allaird
Milady Standard Natural Hair Care & Braiding Diane Carol Bailey | Diane Da Costa
Milady Standard Updos Timothy C. Johnson
Milady’s Aesthetician Series: Aging Skin Susanne Schmaling
Milady’s Aesthetician Series: Botox, Dysport, Dermal Fillers and Sclerotherapy Pamela Hill
Milady’s Student Reference for Anatomy & Physiology Milady
Milady's Aesthetician Series: A Comprehensive Guide to Equipment Susanne Schmaling
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Advanced Face and Body Treatments for the Spa Pamela Hill
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Botox, Dermal Fillers and Sclerotherapy Pamela Hill
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Building Your MediSpa Business Pamela Hill
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Common Drugs and Side Effects: A Handbook for the Aesthetician Pamela Hill
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Common Skin Diseases: A Handbook for the Aesthetician Pamela Hill
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Lasers and Light Therapy Pamela Hill
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Medical Terminology: A Handbook for the Skin Care Specialist Pamela Hill
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Microdermabrasion Pamela Hill
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Peels and Chemical Exfoliation Pamela Hill
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Peels and Peeling Agents Pamela Hill
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Permanent Makeup, Tips and Techniques Pamela Hill
Milady's Aesthetician Series: Treating Diverse Pigmentation Aliesh Pierce
Milady's Aestheticican Series: Ensuring an Optimal Outcome in Skin Care Pamela Hill
Milady's Aethetician Series: Advanced Hair Removal Pamela Hill | Helen Bickmore
Milady's Guide to Lymph Drainage Massage  Ramona Moody French
Milady's Guide to Owning and Operating a Nail Salon Joanne L. Wiggins
Milady's Hair Removal Techniques: A Comprehensive Manual Helen Bickmore
Milady's Illustrated Cosmetology Dictionary Milady
Milady's Master Educator: Student Course Book Letha Barnes
Milady's MediSpa Dictionary Pamela Hill
Milady's Skin Care and Cosmetic Ingredients Dictionary Natalia Michalun | Varinia Michalun
Milady's Standard Cosmetology 2004 Milady
Milady's Standard Cosmetology 2008 Milady
Milady's Standard Cosmetology Wall Charts Milady
Milady's Standard Esthetics: Advanced Milady
Milady's Standard Esthetics: Fundamentals Joel Gerson
Milady's Standard Nail Technology Milady
Milady's Standard Professional Barbering Maura T. Scali-Sheahan
Milady's Standard Professional Barbering Milady
Milady's Standard Textbook of Professional Barber-Styling Milady
Milady's Standard Wall Charts Set Milady
Milady's Standard: Nail Technology, Revised Milady
Mind on Statistics Enhanced Study Edition Jessica M. Utts | Robert F. Heckard
Mind on Statistics Jessica M. Utts | Robert F. Heckard
Mindscapes: Critical Reading Skills and Strategies Christine Evans Carter
Mini Guide to Psychiatric Drugs George R. Spratto, PhD
Mini Guide To The Most Commonly Used Drugs George R. Spratto, PhD
MINITAB® Handbook: Update for Release Barbara F. Ryan | Brian L. Joiner | Jonathan D. Cryer
MINITAB® Handbook: Updated for Release 14 Barbara F. Ryan | Brian L. Joiner | Jonathan D. Cryer
MIS 2010 Hossein Bidgoli
MIS 3 Hossein Bidgoli
MIS 4 Hossein Bidgoli
MIS 5 Hossein Bidgoli
MIS Cases Solving Small Business Scenarios Using Application Software Cynthia Gardner, Eugene Rathswohl
MIS Cases Solving Small Business Scenarios Using Application Software, 2nd Edition Cynthia Gardner
MIS2 Hossein Bidgoli
Mississippi Freedom Summer John F. McClymer
Mitlesen Mitteilen: Literarische Texte zum Lesen, Sprechen, Schreiben und Hören Larry D. Wells | Rosmarie T. Morewedge
Mixing and Mastering with IK Multimedia T-RackS: The Official Guide Bobby Owsinski
Mixing in Pro Tools - Skill Pack Brian Smithers
Mixing in Pro Tools: Skill Pack Brian Smithers
Mixing, Recording, and Producing Techniques of the Pros Rick Clark
Mixing, Recording, and Producing Techniques of the Pros: Insights on Recording Audio for Music, Video, Film, and Games Rick Clark
MKTG 4 Charles W. Lamb | Joe F. Hair | Carl McDaniel
MKTG 5 Charles W. Lamb | Joe F. Hair | Carl McDaniel
MKTG 6 Charles W. Lamb | Joe F. Hair | Carl McDaniel
MKTG 7 Charles W. Lamb | Joe F. Hair | Carl McDaniel
MKTG 8 Charles W. Lamb | Joe F. Hair | Carl McDaniel
MKTG 9 Charles W. Lamb | Joe F. Hair | Carl McDaniel
MM (Marketing Management) Dawn Iacobucci
MM 3 Dawn Iacobucci
MM 4 Dawn Iacobucci
MM Dawn Iacobucci
Mobile 3D Game Development: From Start to Market Carlos Morales | David Nelson
Mobile 3D Graphics: Learning 3D Graphics with the Java Micro Edition Claus Höfele
Mobile Equipment Hydraulics: A Systems and Troubleshooting Approach Ben Watson
Moby-Dick Herman Melville
Modal and Tonal Counterpoint: From Josquin to Stravinsky Harold Owen
Modeling and Control of Dynamic Systems Narcisco F. Macia | George J. Thaler
Modeling and Designing Accounting Systems Using Access to Build a Database 2nd edition C. Janie Chang, Laura R. Ingraham
Modeling and Designing Accounting Systems Using Access to Build a Database C. Janie Chang, Laura R. Ingraham
Modeling Random Processes for Engineers and Managers James J. Solberg
Modeling the Dynamics of Life: Calculus and Probability for Life Scientists Frederick R. Adler
Modeling the Supply Chain Jeremy F. Shapiro
Modeling, Functions, and Graphs: Algebra for College Students Katherine Yoshiwara | Bruce Yoshiwara
Modern Algebra An Introduction, 6th Edition John R. Durbin
Modern Auditing and Assurance Services, 5th Edition Philomena Leung, Paul Coram, Barry J Cooper
Modern Auditing Assurance Services and the Integrity of Financial Reporting, 8th Edition William C. Boynton, Raymond N. Johnson
Modern Buffets Blueprint for Success  Edward G. Leonard
Modern Business Statistics David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams
Modern Business Statistics with Microsoft® Excel® David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams
Modern China and Japan: Brief History Conrad Schirokauer
Modern Control Technology Christopher Kilian
Modern Diesel Technology: Brakes, Suspension & Steering Sean Bennett
Modern Diesel Technology: Diesel Engines Sean Bennett
Modern Diesel Technology: Electricity and Electronics Joseph Bell
Modern Diesel Technology: Electronic Diesel Engine Diagnosis Sean Bennett
Modern Diesel Technology: Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration John Dixon
Modern Diesel Technology: Heavy Equipment Systems Robert Huzij | Angelo Spano | Sean Bennett
Modern Diesel Technology: Light Duty Diesels Sean Bennett
Modern Diesel Technology: Preventive Maintenance and Inspection  John Dixon
Modern Digital Signal Processing Roberto Cristi
Modern East Asia Conrad Schirokauer | Donald Clark
Modern East Asia: A Brief History  Conrad Schirokauer | Donald Clark
Modern East Asia: A Cultural, Social, and Political History Patricia Buckley Ebrey | Anne Walthall | James B. Palais
Modern Engineering Statistics Lawrence L. Lapin
Modern Financial Markets Prices, Yields, and Risk Analysis David W. Blackwell, Mark D. Griffiths, Drew B. Winters
Modern Food Service Purchasing: Business Essentials to Procurement Robert B. Garlough
Modern Garde Manger Robert B. Garlough | Angus Campbell
Modern Garde Manger: A Global Perspective Robert B. Garlough | Angus Campbell
Modern Geometries James R. Smart
Modern Human Relations at Work Kathryn W. Hegar
Modern Human Relations at Work Richard M. Hodgetts | Kathryn W. Hegar
Modern Hydronic Heating: For Residential and Light Commercial Buildings John Siegenthaler
Modern Japan Peter Duus
Modern Livestock & Poultry James R. Gillespie
Modern Livestock & Poultry Production Frank Flanders | James R. Gillespie
Modern Livestock & Poultry Production James R. Gillespie | Frank Flanders
Modern Manufacturing Processes David L. Goetsch
Modern Marketing Research: Concepts, Methods, and Cases Fred M. Feinberg | Thomas Kinnear | James R. Taylor
Modern Mathematical Statistics with Applications Jay L. Devore | Kenneth N. Berk
Modern Media Writing Rick Wilber | Randy Miller
Modern Methods For Quality Control and Improvement, 2nd Edition harrison M. Wadsworth
Modern Motorcycle Technology Edward Abdo
Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers Stephen T. Thornton | Andrew Rex
Modern Physics Raymond A. Serway | Clement J. Moses | Curt A. Moyer
Modern Physics, 3rd Edition Kenneth S. Krane
Modern Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, 8th Edition International Student Version Edwin J. Elton, Martin J. Gruber, Stephen J. Brown
Modern Radio and Audio Production: Programming and Performance Carl Hausman | Frank (Fritz) Messere | Philip Benoit
Modern Radio Production: Product, Programming, Performance Carl Hausman | Philip Benoit | Frank (Fritz) Messere | Lewis O'Donnell
Modern Radio Production: Production Programming & Performance Carl Hausman | Frank (Fritz) Messere | Lewis O'Donnell | Philip Benoit
Modern Trigonometry Analysis and Applications, International Student Version, 10th Edition Raymond A. Barnett, Michael R. Ziegler, Karl E. Byleen
Module 1: Leading Groups and Teams James O'Rourke | Bonnie T. Yarbrough
Module 1: Leading Groups and Teams James S. O'Rourke | Bonnie T. Yarbrough
Module 2: e-Technology and the Fourth Economy James O'Rourke | Carolyn Boulger Karlson
Module 2: Graphics and Visual Communication for Managers James S. O'Rourke | Robert P. Sedlack, Jr. | Barbara L. Shwom | Karl P. Keller
Module 3: Communication in a Virtual Organization James O'Rourke | Sandra D. Collins
Module 3: Managing Conflict and Workplace Relationships James S. O'Rourke | Sandra D. Collins
Module 4: Graphics and Visual Communication for Managers James O'Rourke | Robert P. Sedlack, Jr. | Barbara L. Shwom | Karl P. Keller
Module 4: Intercultural Communication for Business James S. O'Rourke | Elizabeth A. Tuleja
Module 5: Interpersonal Communication Listening and Responding James S. O'Rourke | Sandra D. Collins
Module 5: Managing Conflict and Workplace Relationships James O'Rourke | Sandra D. Collins
Module 6: Intercultural Communication for Business James O'Rourke | Elizabeth A. Tuleja
Module 6: Writing and Presenting a Business Plan James S. O'Rourke | Carolyn Boulger Karlson
Module 7: Listening and Responding James O'Rourke | Sandra D. Collins
Module 7: Persuasion James S. O'Rourke | Sandra D. Collins
Module 8: Writing and Presenting a Business Plan James O'Rourke | Carolyn Boulger Karlson
Molecular and Cellular Biology Stephen L. Wolfe
Molecular Modelling for Beginners, 2nd Edition Alan Hinchliffe
Moments littéraires: An Anthology for Intermediate French Bette G. Hirsch | Chantal P. Thompson
Monetary Policy John Fender
Money and Banking: A Policy-Oriented Approach Dean Croushore
Moons and Planets William K. Hartmann
Moral Issues in Business William H. Shaw | Vincent Barry
Moral Philosophy: Select Readings, 2nd George Sher
Moral Philosophy: Theories and Issues Emmett Barcalow
Moral Reasoning: A Philosophical Approach to Applied Ethics Richard M. Fox
Morality and the Meaning of Life: An Introduction to Ethical Theory Joseph Ellin
Morality in Practice James P. Sterba
Morality in Practice James P. Sterba | Peter Bornschein
Morals, Marriage, and Parenthood: An Introduction to Family Ethics Laurence D. Houlgate
MORE Digital Food Photography Bill Brady
More OpenGL Game Programming Dave Astle, Editor
More Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner Jonathan S. Harbour
Motifs, Enhanced: An Introduction to French, Enhanced Kimberly Jansma | Margaret Ann Kassen
Motifs: An Introduction to French Kimberly Jansma | Margaret Ann Kassen
Motivation: Theory, Research, and Application Herbert L. Petri | John M. Govern
Motivation: Theory, Research, and Applications Herbert L. Petri | John M. Govern
Motivational Leadership in Early Childhood Education Lynn Marotz | Amy Lawson
Motor Behavior: From Learning to Performance Darlene A. Kluka
Motor Carrier Security Training: Student Workbook Dave Daniels
Motor Control Fundamentals Steve Senty
Motor Learning and Control: From Theory to Practice William H. Edwards
Motor Speech Disorders: Diagnosis & Treatment Donald B. Freed
Moving and Learning Across the Curriculum: More Than 300 Activities and Games to Make Learning Fun Rae Pica
Moving and Learning Series: Early Elementary Rae Pica
Moving and Learning Series: Toddlers Rae Pica
Moving Images: Making Movies, Understanding Media Carl Casinghino
Mozilla Firefox: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Steven G. Forsythe | Steven M. Freund
MR 2 Tom J. Brown | Tracy A. Suter
MR Tom J. Brown | Tracy A. Suter
MTA 98-366 Networking Fundamentals Microsoft Official Academic Course
Multicultural Education Issues and Perspectives, 7th Edition  James A. Banks, Cherry A. McGee Banks
Multicultural Education Issues and Perspectives, 8th Edition  James A. Banks, Cherry A. McGee Banks
Multicultural Education: Raising Consciousness Gloria Boutte
Multidimensional Contextual Practice: Diversity and Transcendence Krishna L. Guadalupe | Doman Lum
Multimedia BASICS Suzanne Weixel
Multimedia BASICS Suzanne Weixel | Jennifer Fulton | Karl Barksdale | Cheryl Beck Morse | Bryan Morse
Multimedia for the Web: Creating Digital Excitement, Revealed, Deluxe Education Edition Calleen Coorough | Jim Shuman, MBA
Multimedia Systems: Algorithms, Standards, and Industry Practices Parag Havaldar | Gerard Medioni
Multinational Financial Management, International Student Version, 9th Edition Alan C. Shapiro
Multinational Management John B. Cullen
Multinational Management John B. Cullen | K. Praveen Parboteeah
Multiple Lead ECGs: A Practical Analysis of Arrhythmias Kathryn M. Lewis
Multi-Sector Casebook in Health Administration, Leadership, and Management James Johnson | Scott Musch
Multi-Threaded Game Engine Design Jonathan S. Harbour
Multivariable Calculus James Stewart
Multivariable Calculus Ron Larson | Bruce H. Edwards
Multivariable Calculus Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler | Bruce H. Edwards
Multivariable Calculus Soo T. Tan
Multivariable Calculus, Hybrid James Stewart
Multivariable Calculus: Concepts and Contexts James Stewart
Multivariable Calculus: Early Transcendentals James Stewart
Multivariate Statistical Methods Donald F. Morrison
Mundo 21 Fabián Samaniego | Francisco Rodriguez
Mundo 21 Fabián Samaniego | Nelson Rojas | Maricarmen Ohara | Francisco X. Alarcón
Murder American Style Alex Alvarez | Ronet Bachman
Murder Trial of Wilbur Jackson Phillip B. Heymann | William H. Kenety
MUSIC 2 Michael Campbell
Music Copyright for the New Millenium David J. Moser
Music Copyright Law David J. Moser | Cheryl L. Slay
Music for Ear Training Michael Horvit | Timothy Koozin | Robert Nelson
Music for Sight Singing Thomas E. Benjamin | Michael Horvit | Robert S. Nelson
Music for Young Children Andress
Music in Childhood: Enhanced Edition Patricia Shehan Campbell | Carol Scott-Kassner
Music in Childhood: From Preschool through the Elementary Grades Patricia Shehan Campbell | Carol Scott-Kassner
Music in Childhood: From Preschool through the Elementary Grades Patricia Shehan Campbell | Carol Scott-Kassner | Kirk Kassner (Contributing Author)
Music in Latin American Culture: Regional Traditions John M. Schechter
Music in the Western World Piero Weiss | Richard Taruskin
Music in the Western World: A History in Documents Piero Weiss | Richard Taruskin
Music in Western Civilization Craig Wright | Bryan R. Simms
Music in Western Civilization, Media Update Craig Wright | Bryan R. Simms
Music in Western Civilization: Antiquity through the Renaissance, Volume A: Antiquity through the Renaissance Craig Wright | Bryan R. Simms
Music in Western Civilization: Romanticism to the Present, Volume C: Romanticism to the Present Craig Wright | Bryan R. Simms
Music in Western Civilization: The Baroque and Classical Eras, Volume B: The Baroque and Classical Eras Craig Wright | Bryan R. Simms
Music in Western Civilization: The Enlightenment to the Present, Volume II: The Enlightenment to the Present Craig Wright | Bryan R. Simms
Music in Western CivilizationAntiquity through the Baroque: Antiquity through the Baroque, Volume I: Antiquity through the Baroque Craig Wright | Bryan R. Simms
Music Listening Today Charles Hoffer
Music Listening Today Charles Hoffer | Darrell Bailey
Music Listening Today, Cengage Advantage Edition Charles Hoffer
Music Michael Campbell
Music of the Peoples of the World William Alves
Music of the Twentieth Century: Style and Structure Bryan R. Simms
Music Publishing Tim Whitsett
Music Reference and Research Materials: An Annotated Bibliography Vincent H. Duckles | Ida Reed
Music Since 1945: Issues, Materials, and Literature Elliott Schwartz | Daniel Godfrey
Music Theory for Computer Musicians Michael Hewitt
Musical Acoustics Donald E. Hall
Musical Growth in the Elementary School Bjornar Bergethon | Eunice Boardman | Janet Montgomery
Musical!: A Grand Tour Rise, Glory, Fall Denny Martin Flinn
Musicianship in the Digital Age Brent Edstrom
My Pocket Mentor: A Health Care Professional's Guide to Success Sandra Gaviola
MySpace for Musicians: The Comprehensive Guide to Marketing Your Music Fran Vincent
Nail Structure and Product Chemistry  Douglas Schoon
Nakama 1 Yukiko Abe Hatasa | Kazumi Hatasa | Seiichi Makino
Nakama 1: Japanese Communication Culture Context Yukiko Abe Hatasa | Kazumi Hatasa | Seiichi Makino
Nakama 1: Japanese Communication, Culture, Context Seiichi Makino | Yukiko Abe Hatasa | Kazumi Hatasa
Nakama 1A Yukiko Abe Hatasa | Kazumi Hatasa | Seiichi Makino
Nakama 1B: Introductory Japanese Communication, Culture, Context Yukiko Abe Hatasa | Kazumi Hatasa | Seiichi Makino
Nakama 2, Enhanced Yukiko Abe Hatasa | Kazumi Hatasa | Seiichi Makino
Nakama 2: Japanese Communication, Culture, Context Yukiko Abe Hatasa | Kazumi Hatasa | Seiichi Makino
Nakama, Volume 2: Japanese Communication, Culture, Context Yukiko Abe Hatasa | Kazumi Hatasa | Seiichi Makino
Naked Macromedia Flash MX 2004 Jim Shuman, MBA | Piyush Patel
NALA Manual for Legal Assistants: A General Skills & Litigation Guide for Today's Professionals NALA
NALA Manual for Paralegals and Legal Assistants: A General Skills & Litigation Guide for Today's Professionals National Association of Legal Assistants
NALA's CLA/CP Study Guide and Mock Examination  NALA
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, An American Slave and Essays Fredrick Douglass
Nat Turner: Cry Freedom in America: Creators of the American Mind Series, Volume I (Custom) James T. Baker
NATEF Standard Jobsheet A1 Jack Erjavec
NATEF Standard Jobsheet A2 Jack Erjavec
NATEF Standard Jobsheet A3 Jack Erjavec
NATEF Standard Jobsheet A5 Jack Erjavec
NATEF Standard Jobsheet A6 Jack Erjavec
NATEF Standard Jobsheet A8 Jack Erjavec
NATEF Standard Jobsheets A4 Jack Erjavec
NATEF Standard Jobsheets A7 Jack Erjavec
NATEF Standards Job Sheets Area A1 Jack Erjavec
NATEF Standards Job Sheets Area A1 Jack Erjavec | Ken Pickerill
NATEF Standards Job Sheets Area A2 Jack Erjavec
NATEF Standards Job Sheets Area A2 Jack Erjavec | Ken Pickerill
NATEF Standards Job Sheets Area A3 Jack Erjavec
NATEF Standards Job Sheets Area A3 Jack Erjavec | Ken Pickerill
NATEF Standards Job Sheets Area A4 Jack Erjavec
NATEF Standards Job Sheets Area A4 Jack Erjavec | Ken Pickerill
NATEF Standards Job Sheets Area A5 Jack Erjavec
NATEF Standards Job Sheets Area A5 Jack Erjavec | Ken Pickerill
NATEF Standards Job Sheets Area A6 Jack Erjavec
NATEF Standards Job Sheets Area A6 Jack Erjavec | Ken Pickerill
NATEF Standards Job Sheets Area A7 Jack Erjavec
NATEF Standards Job Sheets Area A7 Jack Erjavec | Ken Pickerill
NATEF Standards Job Sheets Area A8 Jack Erjavec
NATEF Standards Job Sheets Area A8 Jack Erjavec | Ken Pickerill
National Electrical Code 2002 Handbook NFPA
National Electrical Code 2002 National Fire Protection Association
National Electrical Code 2005 Handbook NFPA
National Electrical Code 2005 NFPA
National Electrical Code 2011 Handbook National Fire Protection Association
National Electrical Code 2011 National Fire Protection Association
National Electrical Code 2011 Pocket Guide for Commercial and Industrial Electrical Installations National Fire Protection Association
National Electrical Code 2011 Pocket Guide for Residential Electrical Installations National Fire Protection Association
National Electrical Code 2014 Handbook National Fire Protection Association
National Electrical Code 2014 National Fire Protection Association
National Electrical Code 2014 Pocket Guide for Commercial and Industrial Electrical Installations National Fire Protection Association
National Electrical Code 2014 Pocket Guide for Residential Electrical Installations National Fire Protection Association
National Electrical Code Pocket Guide - Commercial & Industrial Electrical Installations 2008 National Fire Protection Association
National Electrical Code® 2008 Handbook National Fire Protection Association
National Electrical Code® 2008 National Fire Protection Association
National Electrical Code® 2008 Pocket Guide to Residential Electrical Installations National Fire Protection Association
National Electrical Code® 2008 Tabs National Fire Protection Association
National Fee Analyzer 2014 Optum
National Geographic Learning Reader: Archaeology  National Geographic Learning
National Geographic Learning Reader: Biological Anthropology National Geographic Learning
National Geographic Learning Reader: Climate Change Printed Access Card National Geographic Learning
National Geographic Learning Reader: Cultural Anthropology National Geographic Learning
National Geographic Learning Reader: Cultural Identity in America National Geographic Learning
National Geographic Learning Reader: Diversity of America National Geographic Learning
National Geographic Learning Reader: Environment: Our Impact on the Earth National Geographic Learning
National Geographic Learning Reader: Gender Roles: A Cross-Cultural Perspective National Geographic Learning
National Geographic Learning Reader: Green National Geographic Learning
National Geographic Learning Reader: Water: Global Challenges and Policy of Freshwater Use National Geographic Learning
National Geographic Learning's Visual Geography of Travel and Tourism Jan van Harssel | Richard H. Jackson | Lloyd E. Hudman
National Geographic Reader: Architecture & Construction National Geographic Learning
National Geographic Reader: Living in the World: Cultural Themes for Writers National Geographic Learning
National Geographic Reader: Sustainability National Geographic Learning
National Geographic Reader: Travel and Tourism National Geographic Learning
National Green Building Standard 2012 National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) | International Code Council (ICC)
National Green Building Standard National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) | International Code Council (ICC)
National Park Service Law Enforcement Luke Lukas
Nations and Government: Comparative Politics in Regional Perspective Thomas Magstadt
Native American Religions: An Introduction Sam Gill
Natural Hazards and Disasters Donald Hyndman | David Hyndman
Natural Hazards and Disasters, 2005 Hurricane Edition Donald Hyndman | David Hyndman
Natural Science in Western History Frederick Gregory
Natural Science in Western History: Volume I: From Ancient Times to Newton Frederick Gregory
Natural Science in Western History: Volume II: Newton to Present Frederick Gregory
Nature of Mathematics Karl Smith
Nature of Science Edwin Hung
Nature's Nation: An Environmental History of the United States John Opie
Navigating the Research University: A Guide for First-Year Students Britt Andreatta
Navigating Your Career: Develop Your Plan, Manage Your Boss, Get Another Job Inside Kate Wendleton
Nazare: Women & Men in a Prebureaucratic Portuguese Fishing Village Frederik Chr. Brogger
NCLEX-PN Review Judith C. Miller, RN, MSN
NCLEX-RN Review Alice M. Stein. EdD, RN
NCLEX-RN® Review Rebecca Oglesby
Neither Man Nor Woman: The Hijras of India Serena Nanda
Network Defense: Fundamentals and Protocols EC-Council
Network Defense: Perimeter Defense Mechanisms EC-Council
Network Defense: Securing and Troubleshooting Network Operating Systems EC-Council
Network Defense: Security and Vulnerability Assessment EC-Council
Network Defense: Security Policy and Threats EC-Council
Network Safety EC-Council
Network Security Gordon F. Snyder, Jr. | Terry Pardoe
Network Security: A Hacker's Perspective Ankit Fadia
Network+ 2005 In Depth Tamara Dean
Network+ Guide to Networks Tamara Dean
Networking BASICS Mark Ciampa
Networking in the Internet Age, Alan Dennis
Networking Strategies for the New Music Business Dan Kimpel
Neue Horizonte David B. Dollenmayer | Thomas S. Hansen
Neue Horizonte: Introductory German David B. Dollenmayer | Thomas S. Hansen
New Capitalists: Law, Politics, and Identity Surrounding Casino Gaming on Native American Land Eve Darian-Smith
New Cures, Old Medicines: Women and the Commercialization of Traditional Medicine in Bolivia Lynn Sikkink
New Image Frontiers: Defining the Future of Photography Matthew Bamberg
New Party Politics: From Jefferson and Hamilton to the Information Age John Kenneth White | Daniel M. Shea
New Perspectives on Adobe Dreamweaver CS4, Comprehensive  Kelly Hart | Mitch Geller
New Perspectives on Adobe Dreamweaver CS5, Comprehensive  Mitch Geller | Kelly Hart
New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS3, Comprehensive Luis A. Lopez
New Perspectives on Adobe Flash CS4 Professional: Comprehensive Luis A. Lopez | Robin M. Romer
New Perspectives on Adobe Flash Professional CS5, Comprehensive Luis A. Lopez | Robin M. Romer
New Perspectives on Adobe Flash Professional CS6, Introductory Luis A. Lopez
New Perspectives on Adobe Photoshop CS5, Comprehensive Jane Hosie-Bounar | Kelly Hart | Mitch Geller
New Perspectives on Adobe Photoshop CS6, Comprehensive Jane Hosie-Bounar | Kelly Hart | Mitch Geller
New Perspectives on Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS6, Comprehensive Kelly Hart | Mitch Geller
New Perspectives on Adobe® Photoshop® CS6: Introductory Jane Hosie-Bounar
New Perspectives on Blended HTML and CSS Fundamentals: Introductory Henry Bojack | Sharon Scollard
New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS Henry Bojack
New Perspectives on Blended HTML, XHTML, and CSS: Introductory Henry Bojack
New Perspectives on Communicating in Business with Technology Carol M. Cram
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2010, Brief June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2010, Introductory June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2010: Comprehensive June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2011: Brief June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2011: Comprehensive June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2011: Introductory June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2012: Brief June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2012: Comprehensive June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2012: Introductory June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2013: Brief June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2013: Comprehensive June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2014, Brief June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2014, Comprehensive June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2014, Introductory June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2014: Brief June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2014: Comprehensive June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2014: Introductory June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2016, Introductory June Jamrich Parsons
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts, Brief June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts, Comprehensive June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
New Perspectives on Computer Concepts, Introductory June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages with HTML, XHTML, and XML Patrick Carey
New Perspectives on Creating Web Pages with HTML, XHTML, and XML, Comprehensive Patrick Carey
New Perspectives on Dreamweaver CS3, Comprehensive Kelly Hart | Mitch Geller
New Perspectives on Essential Computer Concepts June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
New Perspectives on FrontPage 2003, Comprehensive Jessica Evans
New Perspectives on HTML and CSS: Brief Patrick M. Carey
New Perspectives on HTML and CSS: Comprehensive Patrick M. Carey
New Perspectives on HTML and CSS: Introductory Patrick M. Carey
New Perspectives on HTML and XHTML, Brief Patrick Carey
New Perspectives on HTML and XHTML, Comprehensive Patrick Carey
New Perspectives on HTML and XHTML, Introductory Patrick M. Carey
New Perspectives on HTML and XHTML: Comprehensive Patrick M. Carey
New Perspectives on HTML, CSS, and Dynamic HTML Patrick M. Carey
New Perspectives on HTML, CSS, and XML, Comprehensive Patrick Carey
New Perspectives on HTML, XHTML, and Dynamic HTML, Comprehensive Patrick Carey
New Perspectives on HTML, XHTML, and Dynamic HTML: Comprehensive Patrick M. Carey
New Perspectives on JavaScript and AJAX, Comprehensive Patrick Carey | Frank Canovatchel
New Perspectives on JavaScript Patrick Carey | Frank Canovatchel
New Perspectives on Macromedia Dreamweaver 8, Comprehensive Kelly Hart | Mitch Geller
New Perspectives on Macromedia Flash 8, Comprehensive Luis A. Lopez
New Perspectives on Microsoft Expression Web 2007, Introductory Henry Bojack
New Perspectives on Microsoft Expression Web, Comprehensive Henry Bojack
New Perspectives on Microsoft FrontPage 2003, Introductory, CourseCard Edition Jessica Evans
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2003 Brief Ann Shaffer | Patrick Carey | Kathleen T. Finnegan | Joseph J. Adamski | Beverly B. Zimmerman
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2003, First Course, Premium Edition Ann Shaffer | Patrick Carey | Kathleen T. Finnegan | Joseph J. Adamski | Roy Ageloff | S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2003, Second Course Ann Shaffer | Patrick Carey | Roy Ageloff | Joseph J. Adamski | Beverly B. Zimmerman | S. Scott Zimmerman | Robin M. Romer | Jessica Evans
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007, Brief Ann Shaffer | Patrick Carey | Kathleen T. Finnegan | Joseph J. Adamski | Beverly B. Zimmerman
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007, First Course, Premium Video Edition Ann Shaffer | Patrick Carey | Kathleen T. Finnegan | Joseph J. Adamski | Roy Ageloff | S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007, First Course, Windows Vista Edition Ann Shaffer | Patrick Carey | Kathleen T. Finnegan | Joseph J. Adamski | Roy Ageloff | S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007, First Course, Windows XP Edition Ann Shaffer | Patrick Carey | Kathleen T. Finnegan | Joseph J. Adamski | Roy Ageloff | S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2007: Second Course Ann Shaffer | Patrick M. Carey | Roy Ageloff | June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman | Joseph J. Adamski
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2010, Second Course Ann Shaffer | Patrick Carey | Roy Ageloff | S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2010: Brief Ann Shaffer | Patrick Carey | Kathleen T. Finnegan | Joseph J. Adamski | Beverly B. Zimmerman
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office 2013 First Course, Enhanced Edition Ann Shaffer | Patrick Carey | June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Kathleen T. Finnegan | Katherine T. Pinard
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Access 2003, Brief, CourseCard Edition Joseph J. Adamski | Kathleen T. Finnegan
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Access 2003, Comprehensive Joseph J. Adamski | Kathleen T. Finnegan
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Access 2003, Introductory, CourseCard Edition  Joseph J. Adamski | Kathleen T. Finnegan
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Access 2007, Brief Joseph J. Adamski | Kathleen T. Finnegan
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Access 2007, Comprehensive Joseph J. Adamski | Kathleen T. Finnegan
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Access 2007, Introductory Joseph J. Adamski | Kathleen T. Finnegan
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Excel 2003, Brief, CourseCard Edition June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Roy Ageloff | Patrick M. Carey
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Excel 2003, Comprehensive June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Roy Ageloff | Patrick Carey
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Excel 2003, Introductory, CourseCard Edition June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Roy Ageloff | Patrick M. Carey
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Brief June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Roy Ageloff | Patrick Carey
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Comprehensive June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Roy Ageloff | Patrick Carey
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Excel 2007, Introductory June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Roy Ageloff | Patrick Carey
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003, Comprehensive, CourseCard Edition Jessica Evans
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Brief, CourseCard Edition S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Comprehensive, CourseCard Edition Beverly B. Zimmerman | S. Scott Zimmerman
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2003, Introductory, CourseCard Edition S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, Brief Beverly B. Zimmerman | S. Scott Zimmerman
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, Comprehensive Beverly B. Zimmerman | S. Scott Zimmerman
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007, Introductory Beverly B. Zimmerman | S. Scott Zimmerman
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Project 2003, Introductory Rachel Biheller Bunin
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Word 2003, Brief, CourseCard Edition S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman | Ann Shaffer
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Word 2003, Comprehensive, CourseCard Edition S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman | Ann Shaffer
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Word 2003, Introductory, CourseCard Edition S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman | Ann Shaffer
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Word 2007, Brief S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman | Ann Shaffer
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Word 2007, Comprehensive S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman | Ann Shaffer | Katherine T. Pinard
New Perspectives on Microsoft Office Word 2007, Introductory S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman | Ann Shaffer
New Perspectives on Microsoft Project 2007, Introductory Rachel Biheller Bunin
New Perspectives on Microsoft Windows 2000 MS-DOS Command Line, Brief, Windows XP Enhanced Harry L. Phillips | Eric Skagerberg
New Perspectives on Microsoft Windows 2000 MS-DOS Command Line, Comprehensive, Windows XP Enhanced Harry L. Phillips | Eric Skagerberg
New Perspectives on Microsoft Windows Vista for Power Users Harry L. Phillips
New Perspectives on Microsoft Windows Vista, Comprehensive June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Joan Carey | Patrick Carey | Lisa Ruffolo
New Perspectives on Microsoft Windows XP, Comprehensive, 2005 Service Pack 2 Update June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Joan Carey | Patrick Carey | Lisa Ruffolo
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Access 2010, Brief Joseph J. Adamski | Kathleen T. Finnegan
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Access 2010, Comprehensive Joseph J. Adamski | Kathleen T. Finnegan
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Access 2010, Introductory Joseph J. Adamski | Kathleen T. Finnegan
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Access 2013, Brief Joseph J. Adamski | Kathleen T. Finnegan | Sharon Scollard
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Access 2013, Comprehensive Joseph J. Adamski | Kathleen T. Finnegan | Sharon Scollard
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Access 2013, Introductory Joseph J. Adamski | Kathleen T. Finnegan | Sharon Scollard
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Excel® 2010, Introductory June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Roy Ageloff | Patrick Carey
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Excel® 2010: Brief Patrick Carey | June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Roy Ageloff
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Excel® 2010: Comprehensive June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Roy Ageloff | Patrick Carey
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Excel® 2013, Brief June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Roy Ageloff | Patrick Carey | Carol DesJardins
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Excel® 2013, Comprehensive June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Roy Ageloff | Patrick Carey | Carol DesJardins
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Excel® 2013, Introductory June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Roy Ageloff | Patrick Carey | Carol DesJardins
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Expression Web 3.0: Comprehensive Henry Bojack
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Expression® Web 3: Introductory Henry Bojack
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Office 2007, Brief, Premium Video Edition Ann Shaffer | Patrick Carey | Kathleen T. Finnegan | Joseph J. Adamski | Beverly B. Zimmerman
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Office 2010, First Course Ann Shaffer | Patrick Carey | June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Kathleen T. Finnegan
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Office 2013, First Course Ann Shaffer | Patrick Carey | June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Kathleen T. Finnegan
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Office 2013, Second Course Ann Shaffer | Patrick Carey | Roy Ageloff | S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Office 2013: Brief Ann Shaffer | Patrick Carey | Kathleen T. Finnegan | Joseph J. Adamski | Beverly B. Zimmerman
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Office Access 2007, Brief, Premium Video Edition  Joseph J. Adamski | Kathleen T. Finnegan
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Office Access 2007, Comprehensive, Premium Video Edition Joseph J. Adamski | Kathleen T. Finnegan
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Office Access 2007, Introductory, Premium Video Edition  Joseph J. Adamski | Kathleen T. Finnegan
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Office Excel® 2007, Brief, Premium Video Edition  June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Roy Ageloff | Patrick M. Carey
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Office Excel® 2007, Comprehensive, Premium Video Edition June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Roy Ageloff | Patrick M. Carey
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Office Excel® 2007, Introductory, Premium Video Edition  June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Roy Ageloff | Patrick M. Carey
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007, Brief, Premium Video Edition S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007, Comprehensive, Premium Video Edition Beverly B. Zimmerman | S. Scott Zimmerman
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Office PowerPoint® 2007, Introductory, Premium Video Edition Beverly B. Zimmerman | S. Scott Zimmerman
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Office Word 2007, Brief, Premium Video Edition S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman | Ann Shaffer
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Office Word 2007, Comprehensive, Premium Video Edition  S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman | Ann Shaffer | Katherine T. Pinard
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Office Word 2007, Introductory, Premium Video Edition  S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman | Ann Shaffer
New Perspectives on Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010, Comprehensive S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman
New Perspectives on Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010, Introductory S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman
New Perspectives on Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2010: Brief S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman | Katherine T. Pinard
New Perspectives on Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2013, Brief S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman | Katherine T. Pinard
New Perspectives on Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2013, Comprehensive S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman | Katherine T. Pinard
New Perspectives on Microsoft® PowerPoint® 2013, Introductory S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman | Katherine T. Pinard
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Project 2010: Introductory Rachel Biheller Bunin
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Windows 7 for Power Users Harry L. Phillips
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Windows 7, Introductory June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Lisa Ruffolo
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Windows 7: Comprehensive June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Lisa Ruffolo
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Windows 8, Brief June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Lisa Ruffolo
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Windows 8, Comprehensive June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Lisa Ruffolo
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Windows 8, Introductory June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Lisa Ruffolo
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Windows® 7, Brief June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Lisa Ruffolo
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Word 2010: Brief S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman | Ann Shaffer | Katherine T. Pinard
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Word 2010: Comprehensive S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman | Ann Shaffer
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Word 2010: Introductory S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman | Ann Shaffer
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Word 2013, Brief S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman | Ann Shaffer | Katherine T. Pinard
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Word 2013, Comprehensive S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman | Ann Shaffer | Katherine T. Pinard
New Perspectives on Microsoft® Word 2013, Introductory S. Scott Zimmerman | Beverly B. Zimmerman | Ann Shaffer | Katherine T. Pinard
New Perspectives on Photoshop CS5: Introductory Jane Hosie-Bounar
New Perspectives on the Internet, Brief Gary P. Schneider | Jessica Evans
New Perspectives on the Internet, Comprehensive Gary P. Schneider | Jessica Evans
New Perspectives on the Internet, Introductory Gary P. Schneider | Jessica Evans
New Perspectives on the Internet, Introductory Jessica Evans | Gary P. Schneider
New Perspectives on the Internet: Comprehensive Gary P. Schneider | Jessica Evans
New Perspectives on the Internet: Introductory Gary P. Schneider | Jessica Evans
New Perspectives on Windows Vista, Brief June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Joan Carey | Patrick Carey | Lisa Ruffolo
New Perspectives on Windows Vista, Introductory June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Lisa Ruffolo
New Perspectives on Windows XP - Introductory June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Lisa Ruffolo
New Perspectives on XML, Comprehensive Patrick Carey
New Perspectives on XML, Comprehensive Patrick Carey | Sasha Vodnik
New Perspectives: Portfolio Projects for Business Analysis Carol Cram | Lisa Friedrichsen
New Perspectives: Portfolio Projects for Business Communication Carol M. Cram
New Perspectives: Portfolio Projects for Soft Skills Beverly Amer
New Technologies and Criminal Justice: Current Perspectives from InfoTrac® Wadsworth | Joanne M. Ziembo-Vogl (Editor)
New Testament Story: An Introduction David L. Barr
New York Family Law Sara P. Schechter
Nexos Sheri Spaine Long | María Carreira | Sylvia Madrigal Velasco | Kristin Swanson
Nexos, Enhanced Sheri Spaine Long | María Carreira | Sylvia Madrigal Velasco | Kristin Swanson
Nexos, Media Edition Sheri Spaine Long | María Carreira | Sylvia Madrigal Velasco | Kristin Swanson
Ni Wo Ta: Developing Chinese Fluency: An Introductory Course Simplified, Volume 1 Phyllis Zhang
Ni Wo Ta: Developing Chinese Fluency: An Introductory Course Simplified, Volume 2 Phyllis Zhang
Ni Wo Ta: Developing Chinese Fluency: An Introductory Course Traditional, Volume 1 Phyllis Zhang
Ni Wo Ta: Developing Chinese Fluency: An Introductory Course Traditional, Volume 2 Phyllis Zhang
Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction Mark L. Knapp | Judith A. Hall
Nonverbal Communication in Human Interaction Mark L. Knapp | Judith A. Hall | Terrence G. Horgan
Non-Western Theories of Development: Regional Norms Versus Global Trends Howard J. Wiarda
NoSQL Web Development with Apache Cassandra Deepak Vohra
NOT! The Same Old Activities For Early Childhood Moira Green
Nuendo 5 Power!: The Comprehensive Guide Ashley Shepherd
Nuendo Power! Ashley Shepherd | Robert Guerin
Nuestras culturas: An Intermediate Course in Spanish Brenda Barceló
Nuevos horizontes, 1st edicion Graciela Ascarrunz Gilman, Nancy Levy-Konesky, Karen Daggett
Numerical Analysis Richard L. Burden | J. Douglas Faires
Numerical Analysis Richard L. Burden | J. Douglas Faires | Annette M. Burden
Numerical Mathematics and Computing E. Ward Cheney | David R. Kincaid
Numerical Methods Douglas Faires | Richard L. Burden
Numerical Methods with MATLAB, SI Version, 2nd Edition Amos Gilat
Numerical Methods, 4th Douglas Faires | Richard L. Burden
Nurse Aide Exam Review Cards Barbara Acello
Nurse's Mini Guide to Geriatric Drugs George R. Spratto, PhD
Nurse's Mini Guide to Pediatric Drugs George R. Spratto, PhD
Nursing Assistant A Nursing Process Approach Barbara Hegner | Barbara Acello | Esther Caldwell
Nursing Assistant: A Nursing Process Approach - Basics Barbara Hegner | Barbara Acello | Esther Caldwell
Nursing Assistant: A Nursing Process Approach - On the Job: Essentials of Nursing Assisting Barbara Acello | Barbara Hegner
Nursing Assistant: A Nursing Process Approach Barbara Acello | Barbara Hegner
Nursing Assistant: A Nursing Process Approach Barbara Hegner | Barbara Acello | Esther Caldwell
Nursing Assistant's Survival Guide Karl Pillemer, Ph.D.
Nursing Assisting: Essentials for Long Term Care Barbara Acello
Nursing Delegation, Setting Priorities, and Making Patient Care Assignments Patricia Kelly | Maureen T. Marthaler
Nursing Fundamentals: Caring and Clinical Decision Making Rick Daniels
Nursing Leadership & Management Patricia Kelly
Nursing Leadership and Management: A Practical Guide Patricia Carroll
Nursing Process in Action Pearl Gardner, RN, MSN
Nursing Process: Concepts and Application Wanda Walker Seaback
Nursing Process: Concepts and Applications Wanda Walker Seaback
NUTR Michelle 'Shelley' McGuire | Kathy A. Beerman
Nutrition & Diet Therapy Ruth A. Roth
Nutrition and Diet Therapy Linda Kelly DeBruyne | Eleanor Noss Whitney | Kathryn Pinna
Nutrition and Diet Therapy Linda Kelly DeBruyne | Kathryn Pinna | Eleanor Noss Whitney
Nutrition and Diet Therapy Ruth A. Roth | Carolyn E. Townsend, B.A.
Nutrition Applications Workbook Castonguay
Nutrition Counseling and Education Skill Development Kathleen D. Bauer | Doreen Liou | Carol A. Sokolik
Nutrition Everyday Choices, 1st Edition Mary B. Grosvenor, Lori A. Smolin
Nutrition for Foodservice and Culinary Professionals, 8th Edition  Karen E. Drummond, Lisa M. Brefere
Nutrition for Health and Health Care Ellie Whitney | Linda Kelly DeBruyne | Kathryn Pinna | Sharon Rady Rolfes
Nutrition for Health and Healthcare Linda Kelly DeBruyne | Kathryn Pinna
Nutrition for Sport and Exercise Marie Dunford | J. Andrew Doyle
Nutrition Now Judith E. Brown
Nutrition Science and Applications, 3rd Edition Lori A. Smolin, Mary B. Grosvenor
Nutrition Therapy and Pathophysiology Marcia Nahikian Nelms | Kathryn P. Sucher
Nutrition Therapy and Pathophysiology Marcia Nahikian Nelms | Kathryn P. Sucher | Karen Lacey | Sara Long Roth
Nutrition Therapy and Pathophysiology Marcia Nelms | Kathryn P. Sucher | Sara Long Roth
Nutrition Through the Life Cycle Judith E. Brown
Nutrition Through the Life Cycle Judith E. Brown | Janet Isaacs | Bea Krinke | Ellen Lechtenberg | Maureen Murtaugh | Carolyn Sharbaugh, M.S., R.D. | Patricia Splett | Jamie Stang | Nancy Wooldridge
Nutrition Your Life Science Jennifer Turley | Joan Thompson
Nutrition, Exercise, and Behavior: An Integrated Approach to Weight Management Liane M. Summerfield
Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies Frances Sizer | Ellie Whitney
Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies, MyPlate Update Frances Sizer | Ellie Whitney
Nutrition: Concepts and Controversies, Update Frances Sizer | Ellie Whitney
Nutrition: Your Life Science Jennifer Turley | Joan Thompson
Nutritional Sciences: From Fundamentals to Food Michelle 'Shelley' McGuire | Kathy A. Beerman
OASIS Editor 2010 Ingenix
OBD-II: Functions, Monitors and Diagnostic Techniques Al Santini
Object Relations and Self Psychology: An Introduction Michael St. Clair | Jodie Wigren
Objective-C and iOS Programming: A Simplified Approach To Developing Apps for the Apple iPhone & iPad Arshia Khan
Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with the Unified Process John W. Satzinger | Robert B. Jackson | Stephen D. Burd
Object-Oriented Design and Patterns, 2nd Edition Cay S. Horstmann
Object-Oriented Programming Using C++ Joyce Farrell
Objects, Abstraction, Data Structures and Design Using C++ Elliot B. Koffman, Paul A. T. Wolfgang
Observing and Understanding Child Development: A Child Study Manual Debra Ahola | Abbe Kovacik
Observing Children and Adolescents: Student Workbook Michie Swartwood | Kathy H. Trotter
Occasions for Writing Robert DiYanni | Pat C. Hoy, II
Occupational Safety and Health in the Emergency Services James S. Angle
Occupational Therapy Administration Manual Wendy Prabst
Occupational Therapy Intervention Resource Manual Denise Chisholm, MS, OTR/L | Cathy Dolhi, MS OTR/L, FAOTA | Jodi Schreiber, MS, OTR/L
Occupational Therapy Manual for the Evaluation of Range of Motion and Muscle Strength Donna Latella, EdD, OTR/L | Catherine Meriano, JD, MHS, OTR/L
Occupational Therapy: What It Is and How It Works William Matthew Marcil
Oceanography: An Invitation to Marine Science Tom S. Garrison
Office 2007, International Student Version Microsoft Official Academic Course
Office 2013 Digital Classroom Walter Holland
Office Filing Procedures Simulation Joseph S. Fosegan | Mary Lea Ginn
Office Procedures for the Legal Professional Judy A. Long J.D.
Official Certified Ethical Hacker Review Guide Steven DeFino
Official Certified Ethical Hacker Review Guide: For Version 7.1 Steven DeFino | Larry Greenblatt
Official Certified Solidworks Associate CSWA Exam Book David Planchard | Marie Planchard
Official CPC Certification Study Guide American Academy of Professional Coders
Off-Premise Catering Management, 3rd Edition Chris Thomas
Oggi in Italia Franca Celli Merlonghi | Ferdinando Merlonghi | Joseph A. Tursi | Brian Rea O'Connor
Oggi In Italia, Enhanced Franca Celli Merlonghi | Ferdinando Merlonghi | Joseph A. Tursi | Brian Rea O'Connor
Oggi In Italia, Volume I Franca Celli Merlonghi | Ferdinando Merlonghi | Joseph A. Tursi | Brian Rea O'Connor
Oggi In Italia, Volume II Franca Celli Merlonghi | Ferdinando Merlonghi | Joseph A. Tursi | Brian Rea O'Connor
Oggi In Italia, Volume III Franca Celli Merlonghi | Ferdinando Merlonghi | Joseph A. Tursi | Brian Rea O'Connor
Oggi In Italia: A First Course in Italian Franca Celli Merlonghi | Ferdinando Merlonghi | Joseph A. Tursi | Brian Rea O'Connor
OM 2 David Alan Collier | James R. Evans
OM 3 David Alan Collier | James R. Evans
OM 4 David Alan Collier | James R. Evans
OM 5 David Alan Collier | James R. Evans
On Aesthetics Joseph Margolis
On Ancient Philosophy John Peterman
On Aristotle Garrett Thomson | Marshall Missner
On Buber C. Wayne Mayhall | Timothy B. Mayhall
On Camus Richard Kamber
On Chomsky Morton Winston
On Confucius Peiman Ni
On Course Skip Downing
On Course, Study Skills Plus Edition Skip Downing
On Course: Strategies for Creating Success in College and in Life Skip Downing
On Eco Gary P. Radford
On Epistemology Linda Zagzebski
On Ethics and Living Well Robert C. Solomon
On Ethics Marshall Missner
On Frege Joseph Salerno
On Gödel Jaakko Hintikka
On Heidegger Patricia Johnson
On Hobbes Marshall Missner
On Human Nature: An Introduction to Philosophy Thomas F. Wall
On James Robert Talisse | Micah Hester
On Jesus Douglas Groothuis
On Karol Wojtyla Peter Simpson
On Millikan Nicholas Shea
On Our Own Douglas T. Miller
On Peirce Cornelis de Waal
On Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Gerald F. Gaus
On Piano Playing Gyorgy Sandor
On Plato John Peterman
On Popper Mark Notturno
On Pragmatism Cornelis de Waal
On Rawls Robert Talisse
On Santayana John Lachs
On The Buddha Bart Gurzalski
On the Edge of Success Marmy A. Clason | John A. Beck
On the Edge: The United States in the Twentieth Century David A. Horowitz | Peter N. Carroll
On the Edge: United States Since 1945 David A. Horowitz | Peter N. Carroll
On the Job: The Essentials of Nursing Assisting Barbara Hegner | Barbara Acello
On the Philosophy of Communication Gary P. Radford
On the Philosophy of Language S. Jack Odell
On the Philosophy of Law David Reidy
On the Philosophy of Logic Jennifer Fisher
On the Philosophy of Mind Barbara Montero
On Thoreau Stephen Hahn
One World of Literature Shirley Geok-lin Lim | Norman Spencer
Online Education: Learning and Teaching in Cyberspace Greg Kearsley
Online Journalism: Reporting, Writing, and Editing for New Media Richard Craig
Only Connect: A Cultural History of Broadcasting in the United States Michele Hilmes
On-Premise Catering Hotels, Convention Centers, Arenas, Clubs, and More, 2nd Edition Patti J. Shock, John M. Stefanelli, Cheryl Sgovio
OP Amps & Linear Integrated Circuits James M. Fiore
Open Minds and Everyday Reasoning Zachary P. Seech
Open Source Solutions For Small Business Problems John Locke
OpenGL Game Programming Kevin Hawkins | Dave Astle
Opening & Operating A Successful Child Care Center Dorothy June Sciarra, Ed.D | Anne Dorsey
Opening and Operating a Retail bakery, 1st Edition  Richard Douglas Crawford, CMB
Operating System Concepts Essentials, 2nd Edition Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne
Operating System Concepts with Java 8th Edition Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne
Operating System Concepts, 9th Edition International Student Version Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne
Operating Systems In Depth Design and Programming Thomas W. Doeppner
Operations and Production Systems with Multiple Objectives Behnam Malakooti
Operations and Supply Chain Management for the 21st Century Ken Boyer | Rohit Verma
Operations Management An Integrated Approach, 4th Edition International Student Version R. Dan Reid, Nada R
Operations Management An Integrated Approach, 5th Edition International Student Version R. Dan Reid, Nada R. Sanders
Operations Management, 11th Edition by Heizer Render
Operations Management, 3rd Edition Andrew Greasley
Operations Management, 5th Edition International Student Version Jack R. Meredith, Scott M. Shafer
Operations Management, 5th Edition Nigel Slack, Stuart Chambers, Robert Johnston
Operations Management, 9th Edition Heizer, Render
Operations ManagemenT, International Student Version, 7th Edition Roberta S. Russell
Operations Research Models and Methods Paul A. Jensen
Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms Wayne L. Winston
Opportunity for Skillful Reading Irwin L. Joffe
Optimization Modeling With LINDO Linus Schrage
Optum Learning: Coding from the Operative Report 2013 Ingenix
Optum Learning: Facilities and Ancillary Services - 2014 Optum
Optum Learning: Facilities and Ancillary Services 2013 Ingenix
Optum Learning: Medical Billing Basics - 2014 Optum
Optum Learning: Understanding E/M Coding - 2014 Optum
Optum Learning: Understanding Modifiers - 2014 Optum
Oracle 10g Database Administrator: Implementation and Administration Gavin Powell | Carol McCullough-Dieter
Oracle 10g Developer: PL/SQL Programming Joan Casteel
Oracle 10g: SQL Joan Casteel
Oracle 11G: SQL Joan Casteel
Oracle PL/SQL: Expert Techniques For Developers and Database Administrators Lakshman Bulusu
Oracle9i Database Administrator Carol McCullough-Dieter
Oracle9i Developer: PL/SQL Programming Joan Casteel
Oracle9i: SQL, with an Introduction to PL/SQL Lannes Morris-Murphy
Oracle® 11g: PL/SQL Programming Joan Casteel
Oran's Dictionary of the Law Daniel Oran, J.D. | Mark Tosti
Organic and Biochemistry for Today Spencer L. Seager | Michael R. Slabaugh
Organic and Biological Chemistry H. Stephen Stoker
Organic Chemistry Joe Hornback
Organic Chemistry John E. McMurry
Organic Chemistry Ralph J. Fessenden | Joan S. Fessenden
Organic Chemistry William H. Brown | Brent L. Iverson | Eric Anslyn | Christopher S. Foote
Organic Chemistry William H. Brown | Christopher S. Foote | Brent L. Iverson | Eric Anslyn
Organic Chemistry with Biological Applications John E. McMurry
Organic Chemistry, 10th Edition International Student Version, T. W. Graham Solomons 
Organic Chemistry, 11th Edition International Student Version, T. W. Graham Solomons 
Organic Chemistry, 1st Edition, David R. Klien
Organic Chemistry, 2nd Edition, David R. Klein
Organic Chemistry, Enhanced Edition, Volume 2 John E. McMurry
Organic Chemistry, Hybrid Edition John E. McMurry
Organic Chemistry, Hybrid Edition William H. Brown | Brent L. Iverson | Eric Anslyn | Christopher S. Foote
Organic Chemistry, Hybrid Edition William H. Brown | Christopher S. Foote | Brent L. Iverson | Eric Anslyn
Organic Chemistry, Hybrid John E. McMurry
Organic Chemistry: A Biological Approach John E. McMurry
Organic Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry Andrei Straumanis
Organic Chemistry: A Guided Inquiry for Recitation, Volume 1 Andrei Straumanis
Organic Chemistry: A Short Course Harold Hart | Christopher M. Hadad | Leslie E. Craine | David J. Hart
Organic Chemistry: A Short Course Harold Hart | Leslie E. Craine | David J. Hart
Organic Chemistry: A Short Course Harold Hart | Leslie E. Craine | David J. Hart | Christopher M. Hadad
Organic Chemistry: Guided Inquiry for Recitation, Volume 2 Andrei Straumanis
Organic Chemistry: With Biological Applications John E. McMurry
Organic Chemistry: With Biological Applications, Hybrid Edition John E. McMurry
Organic Experiments Kenneth L. Williamson
Organic Laboratory Techniques Ralph J. Fessenden | Joan S. Fessenden | Patty Feist
Organisational Behaviour Core Concepts and Applications, 3rd Australian Edition, Jack Maxwell Wood
Organization Development and Change Thomas G. Cummings | Christopher G. Worley
Organization Theory and Design Richard L. Daft
Organization Theory and Public Management Jonathan R. Tompkins
Organization Theory: A Public and Nonprofit Perspective Harold F. Gortner | Kenneth L. Nichols | Carolyn Ball
Organizational Behavior Don Hellriegel | John W. Slocum Jr.
Organizational Behavior Michael R. Carrell | Daniel F. Jennings | Christina Heavrin
Organizational Behavior Ricky W. Griffin | Gregory Moorhead
Organizational Behavior, 12th Edition International Student Version John R. Schermerhorn, Richard N. Osborn, Mary Uhl-Bien, James G. Hunt
Organizational Behavior, 13th Edition Mary Uhl- Bien, John R. Schermerhorn, Richard N. Osborn
Organizational Behavior, 3rd Edition International Student Version Michael A. Hitt, Adrienne Colella, C. Chet Miller
Organizational Behavior: Core Concepts Robert Vecchio
Organizational Behavior: Integrated Models and Applications William B. Zachary | Loren W. Kuzuhara
Organizational Behavior: Managing People and Organizations Ricky W. Griffin | Gregory Moorhead
Organizational Behavior: Science, The Real World, and You Debra L. Nelson, Ph.D | James Campbell Quick
Organizational Behavior: Tools for Success Jean M. Phillips | Stanley M. Gully
Organizational Behaviour, 2nd Edition Ray French, Charlotte Rayner, Gary Rees, Sally
Organizational Communication: Approaches and Processes Katherine Miller
Organizational Theory: A Strategic Perspective Donald Lester | John A. Parnell
Organized Behavior in Action: Cases and Exercises Ricky W. Griffin
Organized Crime Howard Abadinsky
Organized Crime in America Dennis Jay Kenney | James O. Finckenauer
ORGB 2 Debra L. Nelson | James Campbell Quick
ORGB 3, Student Edition Debra L. Nelson | James Campbell Quick
ORGB 4 Debra Nelson | James Campbell Quick
Orientation to College Learning Dianna L. Van Blerkom
Orientation to College: A Reader Elizabeth Steltenpohl | Jane Shipton | Sharon Villines
Origins and Destinies: Immigration, Race, and Ethnicity in America Silvia Pedraza | Ruben Rumbaut
Ornamental Horticulture Jack E. Ingels
Ornamental Horticulture: Science, Operations & Management Jack E. Ingels
Our Feature Presentation: Management Joseph E. Champoux
Our Feature Presentation: Organizational Behavior Joseph E. Champoux
Our Lives, Our Worlds: A Thematic Reader  Richard M. Shaw | Julie Bergman | Jo Wana Cavins | Linda Cravens Fricker
Our Sexuality Robert L. Crooks | Karla Baur
Our Voices Psychology of Women, 2nd Edition Elizabeth A. Rider
Out of the Classroom: Observations and Investigations in Astronomy Dennis Dawson
Outcome Uncertain: Cases and Contexts in Bioethics Ronald Munson
Outcomes in Coding Practice: A Roadmap from Provider to Payer Annette Butler
Outdoor Play Everyday: Innovative Play Concepts for Early Childhood Karyn Wellhousen, Ph.D.
Outdoor Power Equipment (ED Version) Jay Webster
Outsourcing the Sales Function: The Real Costs of Field Sales Erin Anderson | Bob Trinkle
Overcoming Prison and Addiction Chuck Terry
Ozark Zoological Park: A Word Processing Simulation Chris Stiegler
Pacific Eldorado A History of Greater California Thomas J. Osborne
Package: includes student edition and template disk Nelda Shelton | Sharon Burton
Packaging Yourself: The Targeted Resume Kate Wendleton
Painting as a Language: Material, Technique, Form, Content Jean Robertson | Craig McDaniel
Painting for Collision Repair Michael Crandell
Pairing with the Masters: A Definitive Guide to Food and Wine Ken Arnone | Jennifer Simonetti-Bryan
Palabra abierta María Cecilia Colombi | Jill Pellettieri | María Isabel Rodríguez
Panaché littéraire Mary J. Baker | Jean-Pierre Cauvin
Panoramas literarios: América Hispana Teresa Méndez-Faith
Panoramas literarios: España Beverly Mayne Kienzle | Teresa Méndez-Faith | Mary-Ann Vetterling
Panoramas literarios: España Beverly Mayne Kienzle | Teresa Méndez-Faith
Para siempre: A Conversational Approach to Spanish Marta Montemayor | Marino de León
Para siempre: Introducción al español Marino de León | Marta Montemayor
Paradoxes of Leadership in Police Management Douglas Perez | Michael Barkhurst
Paradoxes of Police Work Douglas W. Perez
Paragraph Essentials: A Writing Guide Linda Wong
Paragraphs and Essays: A Worktext with Readings Lee Brandon
Paragraphs and Essays: With Integrated Readings Lee Brandon | Kelly Brandon
Paralegal Careers Angela Schneeman
Paralegal Ethics and Regulation William P. Statsky
Paralegal Internships: FInding, Managing and Transitioning Your Career Ruth-Ellen Post, J.D.
Paralegal Procedures and Practices Scott Hatch | Lisa Zimmer Hatch
Paralegal Studies: An Introduction Paul D. Jordan
Paralegal Today: The Essentials Roger Miller | Mary Meinzinger
Paralegal Today: The Legal Team at Work Roger Miller | Mary Meinzinger
Paralegals Ethics Angela Schneeman
Parasitology An Integrated Approach Alan Gunn, Sarah Jane Pitt
Parasitology for Medical and Clinical Laboratory Professionals John W. Ridley
Parle-moi un peu!: Information Gap Activities for Beginning French Classes Helene Neu | Todd Reeser
Parliamo italiano! A Communicative Approach, 4th Edition Suzanne Branciforte, Elvira Di Fabio
Parlons affaires!: Initiation au français économique et commercial R. -J. Berg
Parlons affaires!: Initiation au français économique et commercial R. -J. Berg | Heather McCoy
Parola a te! Romana Capek-Habekovic | Sandra Palaich
Participant Observation Spradley
Partnering With Parents Bob Rockwell | Janet Rockwell Kniepkamp
Partners in Play: Assessing Infants and Toddlers in Natural Contexts Gail L. Ensher | Tasia P. Bobish | Eric F. Gardner | Carol L. Reinson | Deborah A. Bryden | Daniel J. Foertsch
Paso adelante Sharon Ahern Fechter | Sylvia López
Passageways: An Interpretive History of Black America, Volume II Colin A. Palmer
Passion: A Salon Professionals Handbook for Building a Successful Business Susie Field Carder
Past Speaks: Sources and Problems in English History, Vol. 1: To 1688 Lacey Baldwin Smith | Jean Reeder Smith
Patent Law for Paralegals Deborah E. Bouchoux, Esq.
Pathology & Parasitology for Veterinary Technicians Dr. Leland S. Shapiro
Pathology and Microbiology for Mortuary Science David F. Mullins
Pathology and Parasitology for Veterinary Technicians Dr. Leland S. Shapiro
Pathways to Psychology Robert J. Sternberg
Pathways: Internet Projects Minta Berry
Patient Assessment, Intervention and Documentation for the Veterinary Technician: A Guide to Developing Care Plans and SOAP's Jody Rockett, DVM | Cynthia Lattanzio | Katie Anderson
Patronage: An American Tradition Anne Freedman
Patterns Across Cultures Stuart Hirschberg | Terry Hirschberg
Patterns and Themes: A Basic English Reader Judy R. Rogers | Glenn C. Rogers | Kathryn C. Mincey
Patterns for Activities A to Z Joanne Matricardi | Jeanne McLarty
Patterns of Entrepreneurship Management, 4th Edition Jack M. Kaplan, Anthony C. Warren
Patterns of Religion Roger Schmidt | Gene Sager | Gerald Carney | Albert Charles Muller | Kenneth J. Zanca | Julius F. Jackson, Jr. | C. Wayne Mayhall | Jeffrey C. Burke
Patterns of Transcendence: Religion, Death, and Dying David Chidester
Patterns Plus: A Short Prose Reader with Argumentation Mary Lou Conlin
Paving Pathways: Child and Adolescent Development Laurel E. Hughes
Payroll Accounting 2006 Bernard J. Bieg
Payroll Accounting 2007 Bernard J. Bieg
Payroll Accounting 2008 Bernard J. Bieg | Judith A. Toland
Payroll Accounting 2010 Bernard J. Bieg | Judith A. Toland
Payroll Accounting 2011 Bernard J. Bieg | Judith A. Toland
Payroll Accounting 2012 Bernard J. Bieg | Judith A. Toland
Payroll Accounting 2013 Bernard J. Bieg | Judith A. Toland
Payroll Accounting 2014 Bernard J. Bieg | Judith A. Toland
Payroll Accounting 2015  Bernard J. Bieg | Judith A. Toland
PC 832 Concepts: Peace Officer Required Training Devallis Rutledge, Esq. | Derald D. Hunt
PC Troubleshooting Pocket Guide Jean Andrews
Peace Officers' Guide to California's Dangerous Weapons Laws Rick Bruce
Peak with Books: An Early Childhood Resource for Balanced Literacy Marjorie R. Nelsen | Jan Nelsen-Parish
Pediatric Dysphagia Resource Guide Kelly D. Hall, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Pediatric Nurse's Survival Guide Lisa M. Rebeschi | Mary L. Heiens Brown
Pediatric Nursing Skills and Procedures Barbara L. Mandleco
Pediatric Nursing: Caring for Children and Their Families Nicki L. Potts | Barbara L. Mandleco
Pediatric Swallowing and Feeding: Assessment and Management Joan C. Arvedson Ph.D. | Linda Brodsky, M.D.
Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: Proactive Intervention Jean L. Blosser, Ed.D. | Roberta DePompei, Ph.D.
Peer Mentor Companion Marni Sanft | Michael Jensen | Eldon McMurray
Penetration Testing: Communication Media Testing EC-Council
Penetration Testing: Network & Perimeter Testing EC-Council
Penetration Testing: Network Threat Testing EC-Council
Penetration Testing: Procedures & Methodologies EC-Council
Penetration Testing: Security Analysis EC-Council
Peoples of Color in the American West Sucheng Chan | Douglas Henry Daniels | Mario T. Garcia | Terry P. Wilson
Performing Literary Texts: Concepts and Skills Clella Jaffe
Performing with Computer Applications: Personal Information Manager, Word Processing, Desktop Publishing, Spreadsheets, Databases, Presentations, Internet, and Web Design Iris Blanc
Performing with Computer Applications: Word Processing, Desktop Publishing, Spreadsheets, Database, Presentations, and Web Design Iris Blanc
Performing with Microsoft Office 2003: Introductory Course Iris Blanc | Cathy Vento
Performing with Microsoft Office Word 2003: Comprehensive Course Iris Blanc | Cathy Vento
Performing with Microsoft® Office 2007: Introductory Iris Blanc | Cathy Vento
Performing with Projects for the Entrepreneur: Microsoft Office 2003 Iris Blanc | Cathy Vento
Performing with Projects for the Entrepreneur: Microsoft® Office 2007 Iris Blanc | Cathy Vento
Perrine's Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense Greg Johnson | Thomas R. Arp
Perrine's Literature: Structure, Sound, and Sense Thomas R. Arp | Greg Johnson
Perrine's Sound and Sense: An Introduction to Poetry Thomas R. Arp | Greg Johnson
Perrine's Story and Structure Thomas R. Arp | Greg Johnson
Personal Development for Life and Work Ann Masters | Harold R. Wallace
Personal Development for Life and Work Harold R. Wallace | Ann Masters
Personal Development for Life and Work Harold R. Wallace | L. Ann Masters
Personal Excellence: The Pathway to Excellence Series Robert K. Throop | Marion B. Castellucci
Personal Finance E. Thomas Garman | Raymond E. Forgue
Personal Finance Elizabeth B. Goldsmith
Personal Finance Skills for Life Vickie L. Bajtelsmit
Personal Financial Planning Lawrence J. Gitman | Michael D. Joehnk
Personal Financial Planning Lawrence J. Gitman | Michael D. Joehnk | Randy Billingsley
Personal Health: Perspectives and Lifestyles Patricia A. Floyd | Sandra E. Mimms | Caroline Yelding
Personal Nutrition Marie A. Boyle
Personal Nutrition Marie A. Boyle | Sara Long Roth
Personality and Individual Differences Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic
Personality Jerry M. Burger
Personality Theories Barbara Engler
Personality Theories Workbook Donna Ashcraft
Personality Theories: An Introduction Barbara Engler
Personality Theory and Research An International Perspective, Canadian Edition Gordon L. Flett
Personality Theory and Research, 11th Edition International Student Version
Personality: Contemporary Theory and Research Valerian J. Derlega | Barbara A. Winstead | Warren H. Jones
Personality: Strategies and Issues Robert M. Liebert | Michael D. Spiegler
Personas Mexicanas: Chicano Highschoolers in a Changing Los Angeles James Diego Vigil
Personnages An Intermediate Course in French Language and Francophone Culture, 3rd Edition Micheal D. Oates
Personnel Economics in Practice, 2nd Edition  Edward P. Lazear, Michael Gibbs
Persp on Use of Non-Avers & Avers Interv Alan C. Repp | Nirbhay N. Singh
Perspectivas Brenda Wegmann | Sandra Schreffler | Mary Ellen Kiddle
Perspectivas Mary Ellen Kiddle | Brenda Wegmann | Sandra Schreffler
Perspectives on American Politics  William Lasser
Perspectives on American Politics William Lasser
Perspectives on Animal Behavior, 3rd Edition Judith Goodenough, Betty McGuire, Elizabeth Jakob
Perspectives on Astronomy, Media Edition Michael A. Seeds | Dana Backman
Perspectives on Contemporary Issues Katherine Anne Ackley
Perspectives on Contemporary Issues: Reading Across the Disciplines Katherine Anne Ackley
Perspectives on Contemporary Issues: Readings Across the Disciplines Katherine Anne Ackley
Perspectives on Managing Employees Michael A. Fina
Perspectives on Terrorism: How 9/11 Changed U.S. Politics Allan J. Cigler
Persuasion: Reception and Responsibility Charles U. Larson
Persuasive Communication Erwin P. Bettinghaus | Michael J. Cody
Peter the Great Transforms Russia James Cracraft
PFIN 2 Lawrence J. Gitman | Michael D. Joehnk | Randall Billingsley
PFIN 3 Lawrence J. Gitman | Michael D. Joehnk | Randall Billingsley
PFIN 4 Lawrence J. Gitman | Michael D. Joehnk | Randall Billingsley
PFIN Lawrence J. Gitman | Michael D. Joehnk | Randall Billingsley
Pharmaceutical Calculations for Pharmacy Technicians: A Worktext Jahangir Moini
Pharmacological Aspects of Nursing Care Bonita E. Broyles | Barry S. Reiss | Mary E. Evans
Pharmacology and Ototoxicity for Audiologists Kathleen C. M. Campbell
Pharmacology Handbook for Surgical Technologists Jeff Feix
Pharmacology Handbook for the Surgical Technologist Jeff Feix
Pharmacy Practice for Technicians Sr. Jane M. Durgin | Zachary I. Hanan
Pharmacy Practice for Technicians Zachary I. Hanan | Sr. Jane M. Durgin
Pharmacy Simplified: A Glossary of Terms James Grogan, Pharm.D.
Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam Review Lorraine C. Zentz
Pharmacy Terminology Jahangir Moini
Philosophers at Work: Issues and Practice of Philosophy Elliot D. Cohen
Philosophical Horizons: Introductory Readings Steven M. Cahn | Maureen Eckert
Philosophical Problems in the Law David M. Adams
Philosophical Thinking about Death and Dying Vincent E. Barry
Philosophical Traditions: A Text with Readings Louis P. Pojman
Philosophy of Law Joel Feinberg | Jules Coleman
Philosophy of Law Joel Feinberg | Jules Coleman | Christopher Kutz
Philosophy of Religion in a Global Perspective Gary E. Kessler
Philosophy of Religion William J. Wainwright
Philosophy of Religion: A Global Approach Steven Phillips
Philosophy of Religion: An Anthology Louis P. Pojman | Michael Rea
Philosophy of Religion: An Introduction William L. Rowe
Philosophy of Science Complete: A Text on Traditional Problems and Schools of Thought Edwin Hung
Philosophy Through the Ages Joan A. Price
Philosophy: A New Introduction Douglass Mann | G. Elijah Dann
Philosophy: A Text with Readings Manuel Velasquez
Philosophy: An Introduction to the Art of Wondering James L. Christian
Philosophy: The Pursuit of Wisdom Louis P. Pojman
Phlebotomy Procedures and Practices Lynn B. Hoeltke
Phlebotomy Technician Specialist  Kathryn A. Kalanick
Phlebotomy Technician Specialist Kathryn A. Kalanick
Phlebotomy Technician Specialist: Certification Exam Review Kathryn A. Kalanick
Phlebotomy: A Customer-Service Approach Bonnie Karen Davis, MA, CLP, RPT
Phlebotomy: Procedures and Practices Lynn B. Hoeltke
Photo 1: An Introduction to the Art of Photography Katie Stern
Photo Atlas for Anatomy and Physiology David Morton | James W. Perry
Photo Atlas for Biology James W. Perry | David Morton
Photo Atlas for Botany James W. Perry | David Morton
Photo Restoration and Retouching Using Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo Robert Correll
Photo Restoration and Retouching Using Corel PaintShop Photo Pro Robert Correll
Photo Restoration and Retouching Using Corel® PaintShop Pro® X5 Robert Correll
Photocine: Digital Filmmaking with DSLRs Lou Lesko | Michael Britt | Snehal Patel
Photography Applications for Cloud Computing Matthew Bamberg
Photography Bruce Warren
Photography for The 21st Century Katie Miller
Photography: The Concise Guide Bruce Warren
Photoshop CS5 Trickery & FX Stephen Burns
PHP 5 / MySQL Programming for the Absolute Beginner Andy Harris
PHP 5 Fast & Easy Web Development Julie Meloni
PHP for Teens Maneesh Sethi
PHP Programming with MySQL Don Gosselin
PHP Programming with MySQL: The Web Technologies Series Don Gosselin | Diana Kokoska | Robert Easterbrooks
Phrogram Programming for the Absolute Beginner Jerry Lee Ford Jr.
Physical & Technical Security: An Introduction Robert Gruber
Physical Anthropology Lab Manual John Kappelman
Physical Chemistry David W. Ball
Physical Chemistry Keith J. Laidler | John H. Meiser | Bryan C. Sanctuary
Physical Geography James F. Petersen | Dorothy Sack | Robert E. Gabler
Physical Geography Robert E. Gabler | James F. Petersen | L. Michael Trapasso | Dorothy Sack
Physical Geography Science and Systems of the Human Environment, 3rd Edition Alan H. Stahler
Physical Geography Science and Systems of the Human Environment, Third Edition, USA Version Strahler
Physical Geology The Science of Earth Charles Fletcher
Physical Geology: Exploring the Earth James S. Monroe | Reed Wicander
Physical Geology: Exploring the Earth James S. Monroe | Reed Wicander | Richard Hazlett
Physical Metallurgy Principles - SI Version Reza Abbaschian | Robert E. Reed-Hill
Physical Metallurgy Principles Reza Abbaschian | Robert E. Reed-Hill
Physical Science: A Unified Approach Jerry Schad
Physical Therapy Aide: A Worktext Roberta C. Weiss
Physics Based Animation Kenny Erleben | Jon Sporring | Knud Henriksen | Henrik Dohlmann
Physics for Scientists and Engineers Raymond A. Serway | John W. Jewett
Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics Raymond A. Serway | John W. Jewett
Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, Chapters 1-46 Raymond A. Serway | John W. Jewett
Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign Homework and eBook LOE Printed Access Card for Multi Term Math and Science) Raymond A. Serway | John W. Jewett
Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern, Chapters 1-46 Raymond A. Serway | John W. Jewett
Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern, Hybrid Raymond A. Serway | John W. Jewett
Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 4-Volume Set, Chapters 1-39 Raymond A. Serway | John W. Jewett
Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Chapters 1-39 Raymond A. Serway | John W. Jewett
Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Hybrid (with Enhanced WebAssign Homework and eBook LOE Printed Access Card for Multi-Term Math and Science Raymond A. Serway | John W. Jewett
Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Technology Update Hybrid Edition Raymond A. Serway | John W. Jewett
Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Technology Update Raymond A. Serway | John W. Jewett
Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Volume 1 Raymond A. Serway | John W. Jewett
Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Volume 1, Chapters 1-22 Raymond A. Serway | John W. Jewett
Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Volume 1, Technology Update Raymond A. Serway | John W. Jewett
Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Volume 2 Raymond A. Serway | John W. Jewett
Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Volume 2, Chapters 23-46 Raymond A. Serway | John W. Jewett
Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Volume 2, Technology Update Raymond A. Serway | John W. Jewett
Physics for Scientists and Engineers, Volume 5, Chapters 40-46 Raymond A. Serway | John W. Jewett
Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Foundations and Connections, Advance Edition, Volume 1 Debora M. Katz
Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Foundations and Connections, Advance Edition, Volume 2 Debora M. Katz
Physics Lab Manual David Loyd
Physics Laboratory Experiments Jerry D. Wilson | Cecilia A. Hernández-Hall
Physics Laboratory Manual David Loyd
Physics Matters An Introduction to Conceptual Physics James Trefil, Robert M. Hazen
PHYSICS Vern J. Ostdiek | Donald J. Bord
Physics with Modern Applications Melvin Merken
Physics, Volume 1, 5th Edition David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Kenneth S. Krane
Physics: A Conceptual World View Larry Kirkpatrick | Gregory E. Francis
Physics: A World View Larry Kirkpatrick | Gregory E. Francis
Piano for Pleasure: A Basic Course for Adults Martha Hilley | Lynn Freeman Olson
Piano for the Developing Musician Martha Hilley | Lynn Freeman Olson
Piano for the Developing Musician, Media Update Martha Hilley | Lynn Freeman Olson
Piano for the Developing Musician, Volume II Martha Hilley | Lynn Freeman Olson
PianoLab: An Introduction to Class Piano Carolynn A. Lindeman
PianoLab: An Introduction to Class Piano with CD Carolynn A. Lindeman
PIAZZA Donatella Melucci | Elissa Tognozzi
PIC Microcontroller: An Introduction to Software & Hardware Interfacing Han-Way Huang | Leo Chartrand
Pickle-Ball: For Player and Teacher Joyce M. Curtis
Picture Yourself Directing a Movie: Step-by-Step Instruction for Short Films, Documentaries, and More Eric Nicholas
Picture Yourself Getting the Most Out of Your Digital SLR Camera James Karney | Terrence Karney
Picture Yourself Learning Corel Paint Shop Pro X2 Diane Koers
Picture Yourself Learning Corel PaintShop Photo Pro X3 Diane Koers
Picture Yourself Learning Corel PaintShop Pro X5 Diane Koers
Picture Yourself Learning Corel PaintShop Pro X6 Diane Koers
Picture Yourself Learning Microsoft® Excel® 2010 Deidre Hayes | Laurie Ulrich Fuller | Jeffery A. Riley | Jennifer Fulton
Picture Yourself Learning Microsoft® Office 2007 Diane Koers
Picture Yourself Learning Microsoft® Office 2008 for Mac David Boles
Picture Yourself Learning Microsoft® Office 2010 Diane Koers
Picture Yourself Learning Microsoft® Word 2010 Diane Koers
Picture Yourself Making Creative Movies with Corel VideoStudio Pro X4 Marc Bech
Picture Yourself Making Creative Movies with Corel VideoStudio Pro X5 Marc Bech
Pig Production: Biological Principles and Applications John McGlone | Wilson G. Pond
Pivotal Decisions: Select Cases In Twentieth Century International Politics Carolyn Rhodes
Place of Mind Brian Cooney
Plan It, Dig It, Build It: Your Step-by-Step Guide to Landscape Projects David Sauter
Planning an Applied Research Project in Hospitality, Tourism, and Sports Fredrick B. Mayo
Planning Effective Instruction: Diversity Responsive Methods and Management Kay M. Price | Karna L. Nelson
Plant & Soil Science: Fundamentals & Applications R.O. (Rick) Parker, Ph.D
Plant Biology Thomas L. Rost | Michael G. Barbour | C. Ralph Stocking | Terence M. Murphy
Plant Physiology Frank Salisbury | Cleon Ross
Plants and People in Ancient Ecuador: The Ethnobotany of the Jama River Valley Deborah M. Pearsall
Player Manager: The Rise of Professionals Who Manage While They Work Philip Augar | Joy Palmer
Plays for the Theatre Oscar G. Brockett | Robert J. Ball
Plays for the Theatre, Enhanced Oscar G. Brockett | Robert J. Ball
Playwriting: From Formula to Form William M. Downs | Lou Anne Wright
Plazas Robert Hershberger | Susan Navey-Davis | Guiomar Borrás A.
Plazas: Lugar de encuentros Robert Hershberger | Susan Navey-Davis | Guiomar Borrás A.
Plugged In Joel English
Plumbing 101 PHCC Educational Foundation Plumbing Apprentice & Journeyman Training Committee
Plumbing 201 PHCC Educational Foundation Plumbing Apprentice & Journeyman Training Committee
Plumbing 301 PHCC Educational Foundation Plumbing Apprentice & Journeyman Training Committee
Plumbing 401 PHCC Educational Foundation Plumbing Apprentice & Journeyman Training Committee
Plumbing Technology: Design and Installation Lee Smith | Michael A. Joyce
PMP in Depth: Project Management Professional Study Guide for the PMP Exam Paul Sanghera, Ph.D.
Pneumatic Instrumentation Dale R. Patrick | Steven R. Patrick
Pocket Guide for Pharmacy Technicians Jahangir Moini
Pocket Guide to APA Style 2009, Update Edition Robert Perrin
Pocket Guide to APA Style Robert Perrin
Pocket Guide to Digital Prepress Frank Romano
Pocket Guide to Legal Ethics Angela Schneeman
Pocket Guide to Legal Research William H. Putman
Pocket Guide to the Chicago Manual of Style Robert Perrin
Pocket Keys for Speakers Isa Engleberg | Ann Raimes
Pocket Keys for Writers Ann Raimes
Pocket Keys for Writers Ann Raimes | Susan K. Miller-Cochran
Pocket Keys for Writers, 2009 MLA Update Edition Ann Raimes
Pocket Keys for Writers, Documentation Update Ann Raimes
Pocketguide to Assessment in Occupational Therapy Stanley Paul, PhD, OTR/L | David Orchanian, MPA, OTR, BCG
Podcasting Now! Audio Your Way Andrew J. Dagys
Point-Counterpoint: Readings in American Government Herbert M. Levine
Police Accountability: The Role of Citizen Oversight Samuel Walker
Police Administration Larry K. Gaines | John L. Worrall
Police Crime Control Strategies Larry Hoover
Police Ethics Douglas W. Perez | J. Alan Moore
Police Ethics: A Matter of Character Douglas W. Perez | J. Alan Moore
Police Integrity and Ethics Matthew J. Hickman | Alex R. Piquero | Jack R. Greene
POLICE John S. Dempsey | Linda S. Forst
Police Operations: Theory and Practice Kären M. Hess | Christine H. Orthmann | Henry Lim Cho
Police Operations:Theory and Practice Kären M. Hess | Henry M. Wrobleski
Police Patrol Operations Mark R. Miller
Policing and Society: A Global Approach Michael J. Palmiotto, PhD | N. Prabha Unnithan, PhD
Policing Gangs and Youth Violence Scott Decker
Policy in Criminal Justice: Current Perspectives from InfoTrac® Michael Fischer
Political Analysis: Technique and Practice Louise G. White
Political Development in Emerging Countries Howard J. Wiarda
Political Theory James Wiser
Politics and Economic Policy in the United States Jeffrey E. Cohen
Politics and the Bureaucracy Kenneth J. Meier | John Bohte
Politics in a Changing World Marcus E. Ethridge | Howard Handelman
Politics in a Changing World: A Comparative Introduction to Political Science Marcus E. Ethridge | Howard Handelman
Politics in Action: Cases in Modern American Government Gary Wasserman
Politics in Africa: A New Beginning? Carlene J. Edie
Politics in Latin America Charles H. Blake
Politics in Russia and The Successor States Donald Kelley
Politics of American Government Stephen J. Wayne | G. Calvin MacKenzie | David O'Brien | Richard Cole
Politics, Parties, and Elections in America Brian F. Schaffner
Politics, Parties, and Elections in America John F. Bibby
Politics, Parties, and Elections in America John F. Bibby | Brian F. Schaffner
Ponti: Italiano terzo millennio Elissa Tognozzi | Giuseppe Cavatorta
Pop Dreams: Music, Movies, and the Media in the American 1960's Archie Loss
Popular Culture: Perspectives for Readers and Writers Megan O'Neill
Popular Music in America: And The Beat Goes On Michael Campbell
Popular Music in America:The Beat Goes On Michael Campbell
Population: An Introduction to Concepts and Issues John R. Weeks
Portable Legacies Jan Zlotnik Schmidt | Lynne Crockett
Portable Legacies: Fiction, Poetry, Drama, Nonfiction Jan Zlotnik Schmidt | Lynne Crockett
Portable Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell
Portable Literature: Reading, Reacting, Writing, 2009 MLA Update Edition Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell
Portfolio Construction, Management, and Protection Robert A. Strong
Portrait and Model of a School Counselor John M. Littrell | Jean S. Peterson
Portrait of America, Volume I Stephen B. Oates | Charles J. Errico
Portrait of America, Volume II Stephen B. Oates | Charles J. Errico
Portrait of America, Volume One: To 1877 Stephen B. Oates | Charles J. Errico
Portrait of America: Volume 1: To 1877 Stephen B. Oates | Charles J. Errico
Portrait of America: Volume II: From 1865 Stephen B. Oates | Charles J. Errico
Portrait of America: Volume Two: From 1865 Stephen B. Oates | Charles J. Errico
Positive Child Guidance Darla Ferris Miller
Positive Psychology: The Science of Happiness and Flourishing William C. Compton | Edward Hoffman
Poverty and Income Distribution, 2nd Edition Edward N. Wolf
Power and Politics in America Leonard Freedman
Power and Society: An Introduction to the Social Sciences Brigid C. Harrison
Power and Society: An Introduction to the Social Sciences Brigid C. Harrison | Thomas R. Dye
Power and Society: An Introduction to the Social Sciences Thomas R. Dye | Brigid C. Harrison
Power Equipment Engine Technology Edward Abdo
Power Journalism: Computer-Assisted Reporting Lisa C. Miller
Power of Art Richard L. Lewis | Susan Ingalls Lewis
Power Supply Troubleshooting & Repair Lanny Logan
Power System Analysis and Design J. Duncan Glover | Mulukutla S. Sarma | Thomas Overbye
Power System Analysis and Design- SI Version J. Duncan Glover | Mulukutla S. Sarma | Thomas Overbye
Power Systems Analysis and Design J. Duncan Glover | Mulukutla S. Sarma | Thomas Overbye
Power Tools for Technical Communication David A. McMurrey
Powerful Social Studies for Elementary Students Jere Brophy | Janet Alleman
Powerful Social Studies for Elementary Students Jere Brophy | Janet Alleman | Anne-Lise Halvorsen
PPM for Heating & Cooling Technicians Russell B. DeVore
PR Strategy and Application Managing Influence W. Timothy Coombs, Sherry J. Holladay
Practical Acoustics Stephen Kamichik
Practical Administrative Law for Paralegals Anne M. Cohen, J.D.
Practical Bankruptcy Law for Paralegals Pamela Webster | Ric Boyer | David Lauren
Practical Cases in Special Education for All Educators Mary Konya Weishaar | Victoria Joan Groves Scott
Practical Computer Literacy June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
Practical Computer Literacy: Internet and Core Computing Certification June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
Practical Criminal Investigation Manuel S. Pena
Practical Electronics Troubleshooting Perozzo
Practical English Handbook Floyd C. Watkins | William B. Dillingham | John Hiers
Practical Financial Management William R. Lasher
Practical Food and Beverage Cost Control Clement Ojugo
Practical Game Development with Unity and Blender Alan Thorn
Practical Grant Writing and Program Evaluation Francis K. O. Yuen | Kenneth L. Terao
Practical Guide to Family Law Matthew S. Cornick
Practical Guide to Fares & Ticketing Jeanne Semer-Purzycki
Practical Handbook for the Emerging Artist Margaret Lazzari
Practical Heating Technology Bill Johnson | Kevin Standiford
Practical Law Office Management Brent Roper
Practical Legal Writing for Legal Assistants Celia Elwell | Robert Barr Smith, J.D.
Practical Logic: An Antidote for Uncritical Thinking Douglas J. Soccio
Practical Management Science Wayne L. Winston | S. Christian Albright
Practical Management Science, Revised Wayne L. Winston | S. Christian Albright
Practical Math Applications Sharon Burton | Nelda Shelton
Practical Microsoft Office 2003 June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
Practical Microsoft Office 2010 June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
Practical Microsoft Office 2013 June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
Practical Office 2007 June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
Practical Office XP June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
Practical Open Source Office: LibreOfficeâ„¢ and Apache OpenOffice June Jamrich Parsons
Practical June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja | Donna Mulder
Practical PC June Jamrich Parsons | Dan Oja
Practical Poser 7 Denise Tyler
Practical Poser 8: The Official Guide Richard H. Schrand
Practical Problems in Math for Automotive Technicians Larry Sformo | Todd Sformo | George Moore
Practical Problems in Math for Health Occupations Louise Simmers
Practical Problems in Math for Health Science Careers Louise Simmers | Karen Simmers-Nartker | Sharon Simmers-Kobelak
Practical Problems in Mathematics for Carpenters Mark Huth
Practical Problems in Mathematics for Drafting & CAD John Larkin
Practical Problems in Mathematics for Drafting and CAD John Larkin | Concetta Duval
Practical Problems in Mathematics for Electrician Stephen L. Herman
Practical Problems in Mathematics for Electricians Stephen Herman
Practical Problems in Mathematics for Electricians Stephen L. Herman
Practical Problems in Mathematics for Electronic Technicians Stephen L. Herman
Practical Problems in Mathematics for Graphic Communications  Ervin A. Dennis
Practical Problems in Mathematics for Health Occupations Louise Simmers
Practical Problems in Mathematics for Heating and Cooling Technicians Russell B. DeVore
Practical Problems in Mathematics for Industrial Technology Donna Boatwright
Practical Problems in Mathematics for Information Technology Todd Verge
Practical Problems in Mathematics for Manufacturing Dennis D. Davis
Practical Problems in Mathematics for Masons John Ball
Practical Problems in Mathematics for Masons John Ball | Robert Benjamin Ham | Donna B. Ham
Practical Problems in Mathematics for the Emergency Services Thomas Sturtevant
Practical Problems in Mathematics for Welders Robert Chasan
Practical Problems in Mathematics: For Automotive Technicians Todd Sformo
Practical Problems in Mathematics: For Welders Frank R. Schell | Bill Matlock | Robert Chasan
Practical Real Estate Law Daniel F. Hinkel
Practical Relativity From First Principles to the Theory of Gravity Richard N. Henriksen
Practical Strategies for Critical Thinking Jan Rehner
Practical Student: Career-Oriented Success Carl M. Wahlstrom | Brian K. Williams | S. Kelly Dansby
Practical TV and Video Systems Repair John Ross | Leo Chartrand
Practice Evaluation for the 21st Century William R. Nugent | Jackie D. Sieppert | Walter Hudson
Practice of Statistics: Putting the Pieces Together John D. Spurrier
Practice Questions for NCLEX-PN Judith C. Miller, RN, MSN
Practice Questions for NCLEX-RN® Donna F. Gauwitz
Practicing American Politics: Introduction to Government, Complete Edition David Edwards | Alessandra Lippucci
Practicing College Learning Strategies Carolyn H. Hopper
Practicing Leadership Principles and Applications, 4th Edition
Practicing Texas Politics includes MindTapâ„¢ Political Science Printed Access Card  Lyle C. Brown | Joyce A. Langenegger | Sonia R. García | Ted A. Lewis | Robert E. Biles | Ryan Rynbrandt | Veronica Vega Reyna
Practicing Texas Politics Lyle C. Brown | Joyce A. Langenegger | Sonia R. García | Ted A. Lewis | Robert E. Biles
Practicing Texas Politics Lyle C. Brown | Joyce A. Langenegger | Sonia R. García | Ted Lewis
Practicing Texas Politics Lyle C. Brown | Joyce A. Langenegger | Sonia R. García | Ted Lewis | Robert E. Biles
Practicing Texas Politics, 2009-2010 Update Lyle C. Brown | Joyce A. Langenegger | Sonia R. García | Ted Lewis | Robert E. Biles
Practicing Texas Politics: A Brief Survey Lyle C. Brown | Joyce A. Langenegger | Sonia R. García | Ted Lewis
PREALG Richard N. Aufmann | Joanne S. Lockwood
Prealgebra Alan S. Tussy | Diane Koenig
Prealgebra Alan S. Tussy | R. David Gustafson | Diane Koenig
Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra Richard N. Aufmann | Joanne S. Lockwood
Prealgebra and Introductory Algebra: An Applied Approach Richard N. Aufmann | Joanne S. Lockwood
Prealgebra Charles P. McKeague
Prealgebra Katherine Yoshiwara | Bruce Yoshiwara
Prealgebra Richard N. Aufmann | Vernon C. Barker | Joanne S. Lockwood
Prealgebra, Enhanced Edition Richard N. Aufmann | Joanne S. Lockwood
Prealgebra, Updated Media Edition Alan S. Tussy | R. David Gustafson
Prealgebra: A Text/Workbook Charles P. McKeague
Prealgebra: An Applied Approach Richard N. Aufmann | Joanne S. Lockwood
Precalculus A Prelude to Calculus 2nd Edition
Precalculus Cynthia Y. Young
Precalculus David Cohen | Theodore B. Lee | David Sklar
Precalculus Functions and Graphs: A Graphing Approach Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler | Bruce H. Edwards
Precalculus Functions and Graphs: A Graphing Approach, Enhanced Edition Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler | Bruce H. Edwards
Precalculus in Context: Projects for the Real World Marsha Davis | Judy Flagg Moran | Mary Murphy
Precalculus J. Douglas Faires | James DeFranza
Precalculus Karla Neal | R. David Gustafson | Jeff Hughes
Precalculus Ron Larson
Precalculus Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler
Precalculus with Limits Ron Larson
Precalculus with Limits Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler
Precalculus with Limits Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler | Bruce H. Edwards
Precalculus with Limits, Texas Edition Ron Larson
Precalculus with Limits: A Graphing Approach Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler | Bruce H. Edwards
Precalculus with Limits: A Graphing Approach, High School Edition Ron Larson
Precalculus with Limits: A Graphing Approach, Texas Edition Ron Larson
Precalculus with Limits: Enhanced Edition Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler
Precalculus, 2nd Edition Cynthia Y. Young
Precalculus, Enhanced Edition Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler
Precalculus, Enhanced WebAssign Edition James Stewart | Lothar Redlin | Saleem Watson
Precalculus, Hybrid Edition Ron Larson
Precalculus: A Concise Course Ron Larson
Precalculus: A Concise Course Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler
Precalculus: A Graphing Approach Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler | Bruce H. Edwards
Precalculus: A Graphing Approach, Enhanced Edition Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler | Bruce H. Edwards
Precalculus: A Make it Real Approach Frank Wilson | Scott L. Adamson | Trey Cox | Alan E. O'Bryan
Precalculus: A Problems-Oriented Approach David Cohen
Precalculus: A Problems-Oriented Approach, Enhanced Edition David Cohen | Lee B. Theodore | David Sklar
Precalculus: Concepts in Context Judy Flagg Moran | Marsha Davis | Mary Murphy
Precalculus: Functions and Graphs Earl Swokowski | Jeffery Cole
Precalculus: Mathematics for Calculus James Stewart | Lothar Redlin | Saleem Watson
Precalculus: Mathematics for Calculus, Enhanced Review Edition James Stewart | Lothar Redlin | Saleem Watson
Precalculus: Real Mathematics, Real People Ron Larson
Precalculus: Real Mathematics, Real People, Alternate Edition Ron Larson
Precalculus: Understanding Functions, A Graphing Approach Arthur Goodman | Lewis R. Hirsch
Precalculus: With Unit Circle Trigonometry David Cohen
Precision Machining Technology Peter J. Hoffman | Eric S. Hopewell | Brian Janes
Precision Machining Technology Peter J. Hoffman | Eric S. Hopewell | Brian Janes | Kent M. Sharp, Jr.
Precision Machining Technology, SI Edition Peter J. Hoffman | Eric S. Hopewell | Brian Janes | Kent M. Sharp, Jr.
Preliminary Edition of Statistics: Learning from Data Roxy Peck
Premiere Pro CC Digital Classroom Jerron smith
Premiere Pro CS5 and CS5.5 Digital Classroom, (Book and Video Training) Jerron smith
Premiere Pro CS6 Digital Classroom Jerron Smith
Premises Cabling Donald J. Sterling Jr. | Les Baxter, P.E.
Pre-Modern East Asia: A Cultural, Social, and Political History Patricia Buckley Ebrey | Anne Walthall | James B. Palais
Pre-Modern East Asia: A Cultural, Social, and Political History, Volume I: To 1800 Patricia Buckley Ebrey | Anne Walthall
Preparation for Introductory College Physics: A Guided Student Primer Jon A. Celesia
Preschool and School-Age Language Disorders Betsy P. Vinson
Preschool Appropriate Practices Janice J. Beaty
Preschool Appropriate Practices: Environment, Curriculum, and Development Janice J. Beaty
Preschool Language Disorders Resource Guide: Specific Language Impairment Amy L. Weiss, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Present Tense: Contemporary Themes for Writers Lee Bauknight | Brooke Rollins
Present Tense: The United States Since 1945 Michael Schaller | Robert D. Schulzinger | Karen Anderson
Presenting Service The Ultimate Guide for the Foodservice Professional, 2nd Edition  Lendal H. Kotschevar, Valentino Luciani
Presidential Leadership: Politics and Policy Making George C. Edwards, III | Stephen J. Wayne
PRG Quick Notes: A Reference Set for Coding PRG Publishing
PRG Quick Notes: Inpatient ICD-9-CM PRG Publishing
PRG Quick Notes: Laboratory Tests PRG Publishing
PRG Quick Notes: Medical Billing PRG Publishing
PRG Quick Notes: Outpatient ICD-9-CM PRG Publishing
PRG Quick Notes: Pharmacology PRG Publishing
Price Theory and Applications Steven Landsburg
Pricing Strategy: Setting Price Levels, Managing Price Discounts and Establishing Price Structures Tim Smith
Primary Source Reader for World History, Volume II: Since 1500 Elsa A. Nystrom
Primary Source Reader for World History: Volume I: To 1500 Elsa A. Nystrom
Primer for American History David M. Laushey
Primer for Critiquing Social Research: A Student Guide Michael John Holosko
Primer of California Politics Lawrence G. Brewster | Genie N. L. Stowers
Primer on Crime and Delinquency Theory Robert M. Bohm
Principles and Applications of Assessment in Counseling Susan C. Whiston
Principles and Labs for Fitness and Wellness Werner W.K. Hoeger | Sharon A. Hoeger
Principles and Labs for Physical Fitness Werner W.K. Hoeger | Sharon A. Hoeger
Principles and Policy: Principles and Policy John E. Anderson
Principles and Practices of Automatic Process Control, 3rd Edition Carlos A. Smith
Principles of Accounting Belverd E. Needles | Marian Powers | Susan V. Crosson
Principles of Accounting, Classic Belverd E. Needles | Marian Powers | Susan V. Crosson
Principles of Air Conditioning V. Paul Lang
Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 2-Volume Set, International Student Version, 13th Edition Gerard J. Tortora, Bryan H. Derrickson
Principles of Biochemistry With a Human Focus Reginald H. Garrett | Charles M. Grisham
Principles of Biochemistry, 4th Edition International Student Version  Donald Voet, Charlotte W. Pratt, Judith G. Voet
Principles of Biostatistics Marcello Pagano | Kimberlee Gauvreau
Principles of Business Forecasting Keith Ord | Robert Fildes
Principles of Business Les Dlabay, Ed.D. | James L. Burrow | Brad Kleindl
Principles of Chemistry: The Molecular Science John W. Moore | Conrad L. Stanitski | Peter C. Jurs
Principles of Communications Systems, Modulation, and Noise, Seventh Edition Robert E. Ziemer, Robert H. Tranter
Principles of Communications, International Student Version, 6th Edition Rodger E. Ziemer, William H. Tranter
Principles of Cost Accounting Edward J. Vanderbeck
Principles of Cost Accounting Edward J. Vanderbeck | Maria R. Mitchell
Principles of Econometrics, International Student Version 4th Edition R. Carter Hill
Principles of Economics  Fred M. Gottheil
Principles of Economics Fred M. Gottheil
Principles of Economics N. Gregory Mankiw
Principles of Educational and Psychological Measurement and Evaluation Gilbert Sax
Principles of Electricity & Electronics for the Automotive Technician Norm Chapman
Principles of Electronic Instrumentation James A. Diefendefer | Brian Holton
Principles of Engineering Brett Handley | Craig Coon | David M. Marshall
Principles of Engineering Economic Analysis, 5th Edition John A. White, Kenneth A. Case
Principles of Engineering Thermodynamics John R. Reisel
Principles of Engineering Thermodynamics, SI Edition John R. Reisel
Principles of Everyday Behavior Analysis L. Keith Miller
Principles of Finance Scott Besley | Eugene F. Brigham
Principles of Financial Accounting Belverd E. Needles | Marian Powers
Principles of Fire Prevention David Diamantes
Principles of Food, Beverage, and Labor Cost Controls, 9th Edition  Paul R. Dittmer, J. Desmond Keefe
Principles of Foundation Engineering Braja M. Das
Principles of Foundation Engineering, SI Edition Braja M. Das
Principles of Fraud Examination, 4th Edition Joseph T. Wells
Principles of Geotechnical Engineering - SI Version Braja M. Das
Principles of Geotechnical Engineering Braja M. Das
Principles of Geotechnical Engineering Braja M. Das | Khaled Sobhan
Principles of Geotechnical Engineering, SI Edition Braja M. Das | Khaled Sobhan
Principles of Health Education and Health Promotion J. Thomas Butler
Principles of Heat Transfer Frank Kreith | Mark S. Bohn
Principles of Heat Transfer Frank Kreith | Raj M. Manglik | Mark S. Bohn
Principles of Heat Transfer, SI Edition Frank Kreith | Raj M. Manglik | Mark S. Bohn
Principles of HTML, XHTML, and DHTML: The Web Technologies Series Don Gosselin
Principles of Human Anatomy, 11th Edition Gerard J. Tortora, Mark Nielsen
Principles of Human Anatomy, 13th Edition Gerard J. Tortora, Mark Nielsen
Principles of Incident Response and Disaster Recovery Michael E. Whitman - Ph. D., CISM, CISSP | Herbert J. Mattord - MBA, CISM, CISSP
Principles of Incident Response and Disaster Recovery Michael E. Whitman - Ph. D., CISM, CISSP | Herbert J. Mattord - MBA, CISM, CISSP | Andrew Green, M.S.I.S.
Principles of Information Security Michael E. Whitman - Ph. D., CISM, CISSP | Herbert J. Mattord - MBA, CISM, CISSP
Principles of Information Systems Ralph M. Stair | George Reynolds
Principles of Information Systems Security Texts and Cases Gurpreet Dhillon
Principles of Instructional Design Robert M. Gagne | Walter W. Wager | Katharine Golas | John M. Keller
Principles of Instrumental Analysis Douglas A. Skoog | F. James Holler | Stanley R. Crouch
Principles of Internet Marketing: New Tools and Methods for Web Developers Jason Miletsky
Principles of Macroeconomics Fred M. Gottheil
Principles of Macroeconomics N. Gregory Mankiw
Principles of Management Robert Kreitner
Principles of Marketing, 13th edition By Philip Kotler 
Principles of Microeconomics 3rd Edition by N. Gregory Mankiw
Principles of Microeconomics 9th Edition by Karl E. Case and Ray C. Fair
Principles of Microeconomics Fred M. Gottheil
Principles of Microeconomics N. Gregory Mankiw
Principles of Microeconomics, 5th Edition N. Gregory Mankiw
Principles of Modern Chemistry David W. Oxtoby | H. Pat Gillis
Principles of Modern Chemistry David W. Oxtoby | H. Pat Gillis | Alan Campion
Principles of Modern Chemistry David W. Oxtoby | H. Pat Gillis | Laurie J. Butler
Principles of Modern Manufacturing, 5th Edition SI Version Mikell P. Groover
Principles of Neuropsychology Eric A. Zillmer | Mary V. Spiers
Principles of Neuropsychology Eric A. Zillmer | Mary V. Spiers | William Culbertson
Principles of Operating Systems: Design and Applications Brian Stuart
Principles of Operations Management Amitabh Raturi | James R. Evans
Principles of Patient Assessment in EMS Bob Elling | Kirsten M. Elling
Principles of Pharmacology for Medical Assisting Jane Rice
Principles of Physical Optics Charles A. Bennett
Principles of Physics Extended, Ninth Edition, International Student Version David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker
Principles of Physics: A Calculus-Based Text Raymond A. Serway | John W. Jewett
Principles of Physics: A Calculus-Based Text, Hybrid Raymond A. Serway | John W. Jewett
Principles of Physics: A Calculus-Based Text, Volume 1 Raymond A. Serway | John W. Jewett
Principles of Physics: A Calculus-Based Text, Volume 2 Raymond A. Serway | John W. Jewett
Principles of Program Design: Problem-Solving with JavaScript Paul Addison
Principles of Public Health Practice F. Douglas Scutchfield | William Keck
Principles of Radiographic Imaging: An Art and A Science Richard R. Carlton | Arlene McKenna Adler
Principles of Radiographic Positioning and Procedures Pocket Guide Richard Carlton | Joanne S. Greathouse | Arlene McKenna Adler
Principles of Radiographic Positioning and Procedures Pocketguide Richard Carlton
Principles of Responsible Management: Glocal Sustainability, Responsibility, and Ethics Oliver Laasch | Roger N. Conaway
Principles of Soil Dynamics Braja M. Das | G.V. Ramana
Principles of Supply Chain Management Joel D. Wisner | Keah-Choon Tan | G. Keong Leong
Principles of Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Joel D. Wisner | Keah-Choon Tan | G. Keong Leong
Principles of Web Design Joel Sklar
Principles of Web Design: The Web Technologies Series Joel Sklar
Principles of Web Design: The Web Warrior Series Joel Sklar
Principles, Elements, and Types of Persuasion James Benjamin
Print Reading for Architecture & Construction David A Madsen | Alan Jefferis
Print Reading for Architecture and Construction Technology David A Madsen | Alan Jefferis | David P. Madsen | Tereasa Jefferis
Print Reading for Engineering and Manufactruing Technology David A Madsen
Print Reading for Engineering and Manufacturing Technology David A Madsen
Privacy: The Debate in the United States Since 1945 Philippa Strum
Pro Tools 10 Advanced Music Production Techniques Robert Campbell
Pro Tools 10 Advanced Post Production Techniques Joel Krantz
Pro Tools 10 for Game Audio Greg deBeer
Pro Tools 10 Ignite!: The Visual Guide for New Users Andrew Hagerman
Pro Tools 10 Power!: The Comprehensive Guide Frank D. Cook
Pro Tools 101 Official Courseware Digidesign
Pro Tools 101 Official Courseware, Version 7.4 Digidesign
Pro Tools 101 Official Courseware, Version 9.0 Avid, Inc.
Pro Tools 101: An Introduction to Pro Tools 10 Frank D. Cook
Pro Tools 101: An Introduction to Pro Tools 11 Frank D. Cook
Pro Tools 7 Power!: The Comprehensive Guide Colin MacQueen | Steve Albanese
Pro Tools 7 Power: The Comprehensive Guide Colin MacQueen | Steve Albanese
Pro Tools 9 Ignite!: The Visual Guide for New Users Andrew Hagerman
Pro Tools for Video, Film, & Multimedia Ashley Shepherd
Pro Tools for Video, Film, and Multimedia Ashley Shepherd
Pro Tools LE 7 Ignite! Andrew Hagerman
Pro Tools LE 7 Ignite!: The Visual Guide for New Users Andrew Hagerman
Pro/Engineer® Wildfire™ (with CD-ROM containing Pro/E Wildfire Software) Louis Gary Lamit
Pro/ENGINEER® Wildfire™ 4.0 Louis Gary Lamit
Pro/ENGINEER® Wildfire™ 5.0 Louis Gary Lamit
Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences Jay L. Devore
Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, Enhanced Review Edition Jay L. Devore
Probability and Statistics for Engineers and Scientists Anthony J. Hayter
Probability and Statistics for Engineers Richard L. Scheaffer | James T. McClave
Probability and Statistics for Engineers Richard L. Scheaffer | Madhuri Mulekar | James T. McClave
Probability Concepts in Engineering Emphasis on Applications to Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2nd Edition Alfredo H-S Ang, Wislon H. Tang
Probability for Engineering, Mathematics, and Sciences Chris P. Tsokos
Probability Models for Economic Decisions Roger B. Myerson
Probability, Reliability, and Statistical Methods in Engineering Design Achinitiya Halder
Probability, Statistics, and Random Processes for Engineers Richard H. Williams
Problem of Pornography Susan Dwyer
Problem Solving Cases In Microsoft® Access and Excel Ellen Monk | Joseph Brady | Gerard S. Cook | Emilio Mendelsohn
Problem Solving Cases in Microsoft® Access and Excel® Ellen Monk | Joseph Brady
Problem Solving Cases in Microsoft® Access and Excel® Ellen Monk | Joseph Brady | Gerard S. Cook
Problem Solving Cases in Microsoft® Access and Excel® Ellen Monk | Spring W. Davidson | Joseph Brady
Problem Solving Cases with Microsoft Access and Excel Joseph Brady | Ellen Monk
Problem-Solving and Decision Making: Illustrated Course Guides Jeff Butterfield
Problem-Solving Cases in Microsoft Access and Excel, Annual Edition Ellen Monk | Joseph Brady
Problem-Solving Cases in Microsoft Access and Excel, Annual Edition Joseph Brady | Ellen Monk
Problem-Solving Cases in Microsoft® Access™ and Excel® Ellen Monk | Joseph Brady | Gerard S. Cook
Procedural Cross Coder 2010 Ingenix
Procedural Cross Coder 2011 Ingenix
Procedural Cross Coder 2012 Ingenix
Procedural Cross Coder — 2014 Optum
Procedural Cross Coder Optum
Procedures & Theory for Administrative Professionals Karin Stulz | Kellie A. Shumack, Ph.D. | Patsy Fulton-Calkins
Procedures & Theory for Administrative Professionals Patsy Fulton-Calkins | Karin Stulz
Procedures and Theory for Administrative Professionals Patsy Fulton-Calkins | Karin Stulz
Process Dynamics and Control, International Student Version, 3rd Edition  Dale E. Seborg, Duncan A. Mellichamp, Thomas F. Edgar
Process Improvement and Quality Management in the Retail Industry Stephen George, Chris Thomas, Arnold Weimerskirch
Process Management: Creating Value Along the Supply Chain Joel D. Wisner | Linda L. Stanley
Process Technology Equipment and Systems Charles E. Thomas, Ph.D.
Process Technology Plant Operations Michael Speegle
Process Technology Safety, Health, and Environment Charles E. Thomas, Ph.D.
Process Technology Systems Michael Speegle
Process Technology Troubleshooting Charles E. Thomas, Ph.D.
Process Technology: Safety, Health, and Environment Charles E. Thomas, Ph.D.
Product and Process Design Principles, International Student Version, 3rd Edition  Warren D. Seider, J. D. Seader, Daniel R. Lewin, Soemantri Widagdo
Product Design For Engineers Devdas Shetty
Product Liability for Professional Paralegals Kathleen Reade
Product Liability Litigation Mark Kinzie | Christine Hart
Professional Baking, with Method Cards, 5th Edition Wayne Gisslen
Professional Cake Decorating, 2nd Edition Toba M. Garrett
Professional Catering Dr. Stephen B. Shiring
Professional Communication: The Corporate Insider's Approach to Business Communication  Daniel Plung | Tracy Montgomery
Professional Cooking, 8th Edition  Wayne Gisslen
Professional Cooking, College Version, 7th Edition  Wayne Gisslen
Professional English  Mary Ellen Guffey
Professional Food Manager, 3rd Edition  National Environmental Health Association (NEHA)
Professional Garde Manger A Comprehensive Guide to Cold Food Preparation  Lou Sackett, Jaclyn Pestka, Wayne Gisslen
Professional Issues in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Rosemary Lubinski, Ed.D. | Lee Ann C. Golper, Ph.D. | Carol Frattali, Ph.D.
Professional Issues in Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Rosemary Lubinski, Ed.D. | Melanie W. Hudson, M.A.
Professional Management of Housekeeping Operations, 5th Edition  Thomas J. A. Jones
Professional Microphone Techniques David Mills-Huber | Philip Williams
Professional Paramedic, Volume I: Foundations of Paramedic Care  Richard Beebe | Jeff Myers
Professional Paramedic, Volume II: Medical Emergencies, Maternal Health & Pediatrics Richard Beebe | Jeffrey C. Myers
Professional Paramedic, Volume III: Trauma Care & EMS Operations Richard Beebe | Myers
Professional Review Guide for CCS Exam, 2014 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for CCS-P Exam, 2013 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for CCS-P Exam, 2014 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCA Examination, 2008 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCA Examination, 2010 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCA Examination, 2011 Edition Patricia J. Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCA Examination, 2012 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCA Examination, 2013 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCA Examination, 2014 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCA Examination: 2009 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCS Examination, 2008 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCS Examination, 2010 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCS Examination, 2011 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCS Examination, 2012 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCS Examination, 2013 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCS Examination: 2009 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCS Examinations, 2015 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCS-P Examination, 2008 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCS-P Examination, 2010 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCS-P Examination, 2011 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCS-P Examination, 2012 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCS-P Examination, 2015 Edition  Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the CCS-P Examination: 2009 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the RHIA and RHIT Examinations, 2010 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the RHIA and RHIT Examinations, 2011 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the RHIA and RHIT Examinations, 2012 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the RHIA and RHIT Examinations, 2013 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the RHIA and RHIT Examinations, 2014 Edition with Premium Website Printed Access Card Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the RHIA and RHIT Examinations, 2015 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Review Guide for the RHIA and RHIT Examinations: 2009 Edition Patricia Schnering
Professional Selling: A Trust-Based Approach Thomas N. Ingram | Raymond W. LaForge | Ramon A. Avila | Charles H. Schwepker | Michael R. Williams
Professional Services for Men: Career Management for Barbers Milady
Professional Services for Men: Hair Coloring and Restoration Milady
Professional Services for Men: Haircutting and Styling Milady
Professional Services for Men:Facial Massage, Shaving and Hair Design Milady
Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates (CSS & XHTML) Clint Eccher
Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates Clint Eccher
Professional Web Design: Techniques and Templates Clint Eccher | Eric Hunley | Erik Simmons
Professional Web Graphics Matt Slaybaugh
Professionalism in Policing: An Introduction David J. Thomas
Profiles in Entrepreneurship: Leaving More Than Footprints  David C. Nelson | James D. Bell
Program Evaluation: An Introduction David Royse | Bruce A. Thyer | Deborah K. Padgett
Program Evaluation: An Introduction David Royse | Bruce A. Thyer | Deborah K. Padgett | T.K. Logan
Programmable Controller Circuits Roger Bertrand
Programmable Logic Controllers with ControlLogix Jon Stenerson
Programmed Ear Training: Intervals and Melody and Rhythm Leo Horacek | Gerald Lefkoff
Programming ASP.NET for ArcGIS Server Vincent Zhuang | Dave Wrazien | Minhua Wang | Xiaowen Huang
Programming AutoCAD in ObjectARX Charles McAuley
Programming BASICS: Using Microsoft Visual Basic, C++, HTML, and Java Todd Knowlton | Karl Barksdale | E. Shane Turner | Stephen Collings | CEP Inc.
Programming Business Applications for the Android Tablet James Sheusi
Programming in MATLAB® Marc E. Herniter
Programming Language Design Concepts David A. Watt
Programming Languages: Principles and Practice Kenneth C. Louden
Programming Languages: Principles and Practices Kenneth C. Louden | Kenneth A. Lambert
Programming Like a Pro for Teens Charles R. Hardnett
Programming Logic and Design, Comprehensive Joyce Farrell
Programming Logic and Design, Introductory Joyce Farrell
Programming Logic and Design: Comprehensive Joyce Farrell
Programming Logic and Design: Introductory Joyce Farrell
Programming Mutliplayer FPS Direct X Vaughan Young
Programming Role Playing Games with DirectX Jim Adams
Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Diane Zak
Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic 2005: An Object-Oriented Approach Michael Ekedahl
Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic®.NET Diane Zak
Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic®.NET: An Object-Oriented Approach, Comprehensive Michael Ekedahl | William Newman
Programming with Microsoft® Visual Basic® 2008 Diane Zak
Programming with Microsoft® Visual Basic® 2010 Diane Zak
Programming with Microsoft® Visual Basic® 2012 Diane Zak
Programming with Mobile Applications: Android™, iOS, and Windows® Phone 7 Thomas J. Duffy
Programming with Visual C++: Concepts and Projects James Allert
Project 2010 Microsoft Official Academic Course
Project Lead the Way: Civil Engineering and Architecture Donna Matteson | Deborah Kennedy | Stuart Baur | Eva Kultermann
Project Management A Managerial Approach, 8th Edition International Student Version Jack R. Meredith

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