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Project Management in Practice, 4th Edition International Student Version Samuel J. Mantel, Jr., Jack R. Meredith, Scott M. Shafer, Margaret M. Sutton |
Project Management in Practice, 5th Edition Jack R. Meredith |
Project Manual for Voyager II Software Jon K. Wooley |
Project5 Power! Simon Cann |
Projections: Brief Readings on American Culture J. Sterling Warner | Bill Swanson |
Promises to Keep Paul S. Boyer |
PROMO Thomas O'Guinn | Chris Allen | Richard J. Semenik |
PROMO2 Thomas O'Guinn | Chris Allen | Richard J. Semenik |
Promoting Community Change: Making It Happen in the Real World Mark S. Homan |
Proofreading and Editing Precision Larry G. Pagel |
Proofreading and Editing Precision Larry G. Pagel | Ellis Jones | David Kane |
Proofreading at the Computer, 10-Hour Series Barbara Norstrom | Mary Vines Cole |
Proofreading Plain and Simple Debra Hart May |
Property Inspector's Guide to Codes, Forms, and Complaints, 2006 Edition Linda Pieczynski |
Prose Models Gerald Levin |
Protect your Computer CourseNotes Course Technology |
Protecting Our Children: Understanding and Preventing Abuse and Neglect in Early Childhood Sharon Hirschy | Elaine Wilkinson |
PSP Game Creation for Teens Michael Duggan |
PSYCH 3 Spencer A. Rathus |
PSYCH 4 (with PSYCH Online Printed Access Card) Spencer A. Rathus |
Psych Consultation William A. Wallace | Donald L. Hall |
PSYCH Spencer A. Rathus |
Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Noreen Cavan Frisch, PhD, RN | Lawrence E. Frisch, MD, MPH |
Psychiatric Nursing: Biological & Behavioral Concepts Deborah Antai-Otong |
Psycholinguistics Jean Berko Gleason | Nan Bernstein Ratner |
Psychological Consultation and Collaboration in School and Community Settings A. Michael Dougherty |
Psychological Consultation and Collaboration: A Casebook A. Michael Dougherty |
Psychological Testing A Practical Introduction Third Edition Thomas P. Hogan |
Psychological Testing: Principles, Applications, and Issues Robert M. Kaplan | Dennis P. Saccuzzo |
Psychology and the Challenges of Life Adjustment and Growth, 12th Edition Jeffrey S. Nevid, Spencer A. Rathus |
Psychology Applied to Everyday Life Rick M. Gardner |
Psychology Applied to Modern Life: Adjustment in the 21st Century Wayne Weiten | Dana S. Dunn | Elizabeth Yost Hammer |
Psychology Applied to Modern Life: Adjustment in the 21st Century Wayne Weiten | Margaret A. Lloyd |
Psychology Applied to Modern Life: Adjustment in the 21st Century Wayne Weiten | Margaret A. Lloyd | Dana S. Dunn | Elizabeth Yost Hammer |
Psychology Applied to Teaching Jack Snowman | Rick McCown |
Psychology Applied to Teaching Jack Snowman | Rick McCown | Robert Biehler |
Psychology Applied to Teachings Jack Snowman | Robert Biehler |
Psychology Around Us Ronald Comer, Elizabeth Gould |
Psychology Astrid M. Stec | Douglas A. Bernstein |
Psychology Douglas A. Bernstein |
Psychology Douglas A. Bernstein | Louis A. Penner | Alison Clarke-Stewart | Edward J. Roy |
Psychology James S. Nairne |
Psychology Jeffrey S. Nevid |
Psychology of Aging: Theory, Research, and Interventions Janet K. Belsky |
Psychology of Language David W. Carroll |
Psychology Ronald Comer, Elizabeth Gould, Adrian Furnham |
Psychology, 6th Edition Robin M. Kowalski, Drew Westen |
Psychology: A Journey Dennis Coon |
Psychology: A Journey Dennis Coon | John O. Mitterer |
Psychology: A Modular Approach to Mind and Behavior Dennis Coon |
Psychology: Concepts & Connections, Brief Version Spencer A. Rathus |
Psychology: Concepts and Applications Jeffrey S. Nevid |
Psychology: Concepts and Connections Spencer A. Rathus |
Psychology: Concepts and Connections, Media & Research Update Spencer A. Rathus |
Psychology: Modules for Active Learning Dennis Coon | John O. Mitterer |
Psychology: Themes and Variations Wayne Weiten |
Psychology: Themes and Variations, Brief Edition Wayne Weiten |
Psychology: Themes and Variations, Briefer Edition Wayne Weiten |
Psychology: Themes and Variations, Briefer Version Wayne Weiten |
Psychopathology Research, Assessment and Treatment in Clinical Psychology, 2nd edition, Graham C. Davey |
Psychopathology: A Competency-Based Assessment Model for Social Workers Susan W. Gray | Marilyn R. Zide |
Psychopathology: A Competency-Based Model for Social Work Marilyn R. Zide | Susan W. Gray |
Psychopathology: A Competency-Based Treatment Model for Social Workers Susan W. Gray | Marilyn R. Zide |
Psychopharmacology Demystified Leonard Lichtblau |
Psychopharmacology for Helping Professionals: An Integral Exploration R. Elliott Ingersoll | Carl F. Rak |
Psychopharmacology for Mental Health Professionals: An Integrative Approach R. Elliott Ingersoll | Carl F. Rak |
Psychosocial Occupational Therapy: A Clinical Practice Elizabeth Cara | Anne MacRae |
Psychosocial Occupational Therapy: A Holistic Approach Susan K. Cutler |
Psychosocial Occupational Therapy: An Evolving Practice Elizabeth Cara | Anne MacRae |
Psychotherapist's Resource on Psychiatric Medications: Issues of Treatment and Referral George Buelow | Suzanne Hebert | Sidne Buelow |
Psychotherapy In Chemical Dependence Treatment: A Practical and Integrative Approach George Buelow | Sidne Buelow |
Public Administration for the Twenty-First Century Philip J. Cooper | Linda P. Brady | Olivia Hidalgo Hardeman | Katherine C. Naff | J. Steven Ott | Harvey White |
Public Administration in America Michael E. Milakovich | George J. Gordon |
Public Administration in the New Century: A Concise Introduction Jeffrey D. Greene |
Public Administration: An Action Orientation Robert B. Denhardt | Janet V. Denhardt |
Public Administration: An Action Orientation Robert B. Denhardt | Janet V. Denhardt | Tara A. Blanc |
Public Administration: Concepts and Cases Richard J. Stillman II |
Public Administration: Profession and Practice: A Case Study Approach Gerald Garvey |
Public Administration: Public Administration Richard J. Stillman II |
Public Finance David N. Hyman |
Public Finance John E. Anderson |
Public Finance: A Contemporary Application of Theory to Policy David N. Hyman |
Public Health Nursing: Policy, Politics & Practice L. Louise Ivanov | Carolyn L. Blue |
Public Law and Public Administration Philip J. Cooper |
Public Opinion in the 21st Century: Let the People Speak? Russell Brooker | Todd Schaefer |
Public Opinion: Using MicroCase ExplorIt Stephanie Greco Larson |
Public Policy in America: Government in Action Dennis J. Palumbo |
Public Policy: An Evolutionary Approach James P. Lester | Joseph Stewart, Jr. |
Public Policy: An Evolutionary Approach Joseph Stewart, Jr. | David M. Hedge | James P. Lester |
Public Policymaking James E. Anderson |
Public Policymaking: An Introduction James E. Anderson |
Public Relations Cases Jerry A. Hendrix | Darrell C. Hayes |
Public Relations Cases Jerry A. Hendrix | Darrell C. Hayes | Pallavi Damani Kumar |
Public Relations Writing: Form & Style Doug Newsom | Jim Haynes |
Public Relations Writing: Form and Style Doug Newsom | Jim Haynes |
Public Speaking in a Diverse Society Patricia Kearney | Tim Plax |
Public Speaking: Choice and Responsibility William Keith | Christian O. Lundberg |
Public Speaking: Concepts and Skills for a Diverse Society Clella Jaffe |
Public Speaking: The Evolving Art Stephanie J. Coopman | James Lull |
Public Speaking: The Evolving Art, Enhanced Edition Stephanie J. Coopman | James Lull |
Pueblos: Intermediate Spanish in Cultural Contexts Sheri Spaine Long | Ana Martínez-Lage | Lourdes Sánchez-López | Llorenç Comajoan Colomé |
Puentes Patti J. Marinelli | Lizette Mujica Laughlin |
Puentes: Spanish for Intensive and High Beginner Courses Patti J. Marinelli | Lizette Mujica Laughlin |
Puentes: Spanish for Intensive and High-Beginner Courses Patti J. Marinelli | Lizette Mujica Laughlin |
Punctuation Plain & Simple Edgar C. Alward | Jean Alward |
Pura vida Beginning Spanish Lopez-Burton |
Purchasing and Supply Chain Management Robert M. Monczka | Robert B. Handfield | Larry C. Giunipero | James L. Patterson |
Purchasing and Supply Chain Robert M. Monczka | Robert J. Trent | Robert B. Handfield |
Purchasing for Chefs A Concise Guide, 2nd Edition Andrew H. Feinstein, John M. Stefanelli |
Purchasing Selection and Procurement for the Hospitality Industry, 8th Edition Andrew H. Feinstein, John M. Stefanelli |
Purisimeno Chumash Prehistory: Maritime Adaptations Along the Southern California Coast Michael Glassow |
Pushing Electrons Daniel P. Weeks |
Python for Everyone Cay S. Horstmann, Rance D. Necaise |
Python Power!: The Comprehensive Guide Matt Telles |
Python Programming for Teens Kenneth A. Lambert |
Python Programming for the Absolute Beginner Michael Dawson |
Qualitative Analysis and the Properties of the Ions in Aqueous Solutions Emil J. Slowinski | William L. Masterton |
Qualitative Research Methods – Collecting Evidence, Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact Sarah J. Tracy |
Quality & Performance Excellence James R. Evans |
Quality and Performance Excellence: Management, Organization, and Strategy James R. Evans |
Quality and Process Improvement Mark Fryman |
Quality Concepts for the Process Industry Michael Speegle |
Quality Hand Soldering & Circuit Board Repair H. (Ted) Smith | Leo Chartrand |
Quality Hand Soldering and Circuit Board Repair H. (Ted) Smith |
Quality Medical Editing for the Healthcare Documentation Specialist Patricia A. Ireland | Kristin Wall |
Quant à moi Jeannette D. Bragger | Donald B. Rice |
Quant à moi...: Témoignages des Français et des Francophones Jeannette D. Bragger | Donald B. Rice |
Quantitative and Statistical Research Methods From Hypothesis to Results William A. Martin |
Quantitative Methods for Business David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams | Jeffrey D. Camm | James J. Cochran | Michael J. Fry | Jeffrey W. Ohlmann |
Quantitative Methods for Business David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams |
Quantitative Methods for Business David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams | Jeffrey D. Camm | James J. Cochran | Michael J. Fry | Jeffrey W. Ohlmann |
Quantitative Methods for Business David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams | Jeffrey D. Camm | R. Kipp Martin |
Quasi-Experimentation: Design and Analysis Issues for Field Settings Thomas D. Cook |
Que Bien Suena: Mastering Spanish Phonetics and Phonology Jeffery D. Stokes |
Quest for Identity: The U.S. Since 1945 Randall B. Woods |
Quick Coach Guide to Avoiding Plagiarism Rosemarie Menager-Beeley | Lyn Paulos |
Quick Coach Guide to Avoiding Plagiarism with 2009 MLA and APA Update Rosemarie Menager-Beeley | Lyn Paulos |
Quick Coach Guide to Service Learning Ellen Hajek |
Quick Reference For Medical Terminology Juanita J. Davies |
Quick Reference Guide to Fire Safety: Occupancy-Based Requirements of the 2006 IBC® International Code Council (ICC) |
Quick Skills: Advancing Your Career Doris Humphrey, PhD |
Quick Skills: Attitude & Self-Esteem Humphrey | Career Solutions Training Group |
Quick Skills: Customer Service Career Solutions Training Group |
Quick Skills: Decision Making & Problem Solving Career Solutions Training Group |
Quick Skills: Embracing Diversity Career Solutions Training Group |
Quick Skills: Handling Conflict Career Solutions Training Group |
Quick Skills: How to Find and Apply for a Job Career Solutions Training Group |
Quick Skills: Managing Change Career Solutions Training Group |
Quick Skills: Self Management and Goal Setting Career Solutions Training Group |
Quick Skills: Skills For Entrepreneurs Doris Humphrey, PhD |
Quick Skills: Skills for the First Time Supervisor Doris Humphrey, PhD |
Quick Skills: Speaking and Presenting Career Solutions Training Group |
Quick Skills: Teamwork Career Solutions Training Group |
Quick Skills: What Your Employer Expects Doris Humphrey, PhD |
Quick Skills: Writing in the Workplace Career Solutions Training Group |
Quick Snap Guide to Digital Photography: An Instant Start-Up Manual for New Digital Camera Owners David D. Busch |
Quick Snap Guide to Digital SLR Photography: An Instant Start-Up Manual for New dSLR Owners David D. Busch |
Quick Start to Data Analysis with SAS Frank DiIorio | Kenneth A. Hardy |
Quick Start to Programming Alternative ControlLogix Languages Jon Stenerson |
Rückblick: Texte und Bilder nach 1945 Andreas Lixl-Purcell |
Race and Ethnic Relations: American and Global Perspectives Martin N. Marger |
Race and Ethnicity in Society: The Changing Landscape Elizabeth Higginbotham | Margaret L. Andersen |
Race and Ethnicity in the United States Reid Luhman |
Race, Class, & Gender: An Anthology Margaret L. Andersen | Patricia Hill Collins |
Race, Class, and Gender: An Anthology Margaret L. Andersen | Patricia Hill Collins |
Racial Profiling: Current Perspectives from InfoTrac® Wadsworth | Rod Brunson (Editor) |
Racism in the United States: Implications for the Helping Professions Joshua Miller | Ann Marie Garran |
Radiation Detection and Measurement, Fourth Edition Glenn F. Knoll |
Radio Science Observing, Vol. 1 Joseph Carr |
Radiographic Positioning & Procedures: A Comprehensive Approach Joanne S. Greathouse |
Radiography in a Flash Sharon K. Coleman | Cynthia F. Griffith | Judy D. Wells | Angie L. Wilcox |
Radiologic Technology at a Glance Theresa S. Reid-Paul |
Rapid Viz: A New Method for the Rapid Visualitzation of Ideas Kurt Hanks | Larry Belliston |
Rapports: An Introduction to French Language and Francophone Culture Joel C. Walz | Jean-Pierre Piriou |
Rattle Time, Face to Face, & Many Other Activities for Infants: Birth to 6 Months Judy Herr | Terri Swim |
RCA: Facilities Maintenance Kevin Standiford |
Reaching Your Potential: Concise Edition Robert K. Throop | Marion B. Castellucci |
Reaching Your Potential: Personal and Professional Development Robert K. Throop | Marion B. Castellucci |
READ: Reading Enhancement and Development Rhonda Holt Atkinson | Debbie G. Longman |
Reader for Miller's An Invitation to Social Psychology Dale T. Miller |
Reading Activities A to Z Joanne Matricardi | Jeanne McLarty |
Reading and Writing about Short Fiction Dennis Proffitt |
Reading and Writing from Literature John E. Schwiebert |
Reading Assessment for Diagnostic-Prescriptive Teaching Anthony V. Manzo | Ula C. Manzo | Julie Jackson Albee |
Reading Beyond Words W. Royce Adams | Jane Brody |
Reading Context Gail Stygall |
Reading for Academic Success Jill Lewis |
Reading for Results Laraine E. Flemming |
Reading for Success Laraine E. Flemming |
Reading for Thinking Laraine E. Flemming |
Reading Keys Laraine E. Flemming |
Reading Life: A Writer's Reader Inge Fink | Gabrielle Gautreaux |
Reading Matters Laraine E. Flemming |
Reading Our World Robert P. Yagelski |
Reading Power James I. Brown | Vivian Vick Fishco |
Reading Relationships Nancy Jo Brown |
Reading Rhetoric Theory Barry Brummet |
Reading Strategies for Nursing and Allied Health Ann B. Faulkner | Dana K. Stahl |
Reading Strategies for Today's College Student Rhonda Holt Atkinson | Debbie G. Longman |
Reading the New Testament Today Robert E. Van Voorst |
Reading the Old Testament: Introduction to the Hebrew Bible Barry L. Bandstra |
Reading Thresholds Carolyn H. Fitzpatrick | Marybeth B. Ruscica |
Reading to Learn in the Content Areas Judy S. Richardson | Raymond F. Morgan | Charlene Fleener |
Reading to Write: Composition in Context Peter Elias Sotiriou |
Readings & Cases in Information Security: Law & Ethics Michael E. Whitman - Ph. D., CISM, CISSP | Herbert J. Mattord - MBA, CISM, CISSP |
Readings and Cases in State and Local Politics Richard A. Clucas |
Readings and Cases in the Management of Information Security Michael E. Whitman - Ph. D., CISM, CISSP | Herbert J. Mattord - MBA, CISM, CISSP |
Readings for Writers Jo Ray McCuen-Metherell | Anthony C. Winkler |
Readings from the Roots of Wisdom: A Multicultural Reader Helen Buss Mitchell |
Readings in African-American History Thomas R. Frazier |
Readings in American Government Mack C. Shelley, II. | Jamie Swift | Steffen W. Schmidt |
Readings in Ancient History Nels M. Bailkey | Richard Lim |
Readings in Christianity Robert E. Van Voorst |
Readings in Cognitive Psychology Robert J. Sternberg | Richard K. Wagner |
Readings in Comparative Politics: Political Challenges and Changing Agendas Mark Kesselman |
Readings in Comparative Politics: Political Challenges and Changing Agendas Mark Kesselman | Joel Krieger |
Readings in Deviant Behavior: Classic and Contemporary Nathaniel Eugene Terrell | Robert F. Meier |
Readings in Gender Communication Philip M. Backlund | Mary Rose Williams |
Readings in Latin American Politics: Challenges to Democratization Peter Kingstone |
Readings in Social Research Methods Diane Kholos Wysocki |
Readings in the Marriage and Family Experience Bryan Strong | Christine DeVault | Barbara W. Sayad |
Readings in World Politics Steven L. Spiegel | Jennifer Taw | Fred L. Wehling | Kristen Williams |
Real Estate Law George Siedel | Robert J. Aalberts |
Real Estate Law Marianne M. Jennings |
Real Estate Law Review Manual John Dunn | Virginia Koerselman Newman, J.D. | Karen Dunn |
Real Estate Law Robert J. Aalberts |
Real Estate Law Robert J. Aalberts | George Siedel |
Real Options: A Practitioner's Guide, Revised Edition Tom Copeland | Vladimir Antikarov |
Real Screenwriting: Strategies and Stories from the Trenches Ron Suppa |
Real World Instructional Design Katherine Cennamo | Debby Kalk |
Real World Treatment Planning Daniel W. Johnson | Stephanie J. Johnson |
Reality Sales: Role Plays for the Real World Jane Z. Sojka | Dawn R. Deeter-Schmelz |
Real-Time 3D Terrain Engines Using C++ and DirectX9 Greg Snook |
RealTime Physics Active Learning Laboratories Module 1 Mechanics David R. Sokoloff, Priscilla W. Laws, Ronald K. Thornton |
RealTime Physics Active Learning Laboratories Module 2 Heat & Thermodynamics David R. Sokoloff, Priscilla W. Laws, Ronald K. Thornton |
RealTime Physics Active Learning Laboratories Module 3 Electricity & Magnetism David R. Sokoloff, Priscilla W. Laws |
RealTime Physics Active Learning Laboratories Module 4 Light & Optics David R. Sokoloff |
Reason 3 Ignite! Eric Grebler | Chris Hawkins |
Reason 3 Power! Matt Piper | Michael Prager |
Reason 4 Ignite! Matt Piper |
Reason 4 Power! Michael Prager |
Reason 5 Ignite!: The Visual Guide for New Users G. W. Childs IV |
Reason 5 Power!: The Comprehensive Guide Michael Prager |
Reason 6 Ignite!: The Visual Guide for New Users G. W. Childs IV |
Reason 7 Power!: The Comprehensive Guide G. W. Childs IV | Michael Prager |
Reason and Insight: Western and Eastern Perspectives on the Pursuit of Moral Wisdom Timothy Shanahan | Robin Wang |
Reason and Responsibility: Readings in Some Basic Problems of Philosophy Joel Feinberg | Russ Shafer-Landau |
Reason at Work: Introductory Readings in Philosophy Steven M. Cahn | George Sher |
Reasoning With Statistics: How To Read Quantitative Research Frederick Williams | Peter R. Monge |
Recording Drums: The Complete Guide Mike Major |
Recording on the Go: The Definitive Guide to Live Recording Gary Gottlieb | Paul Hennerich |
Records Management Judy Read | Mary Lea Ginn |
Reflections: An Anthology of African-American Philosophy James Montmarquet | William Hardy |
Reflections: Preparing for Your Practicum and Internship Mary Bold | Lillian Chenoweth |
Reflejos Joy Renjilian-Burgy | Susan M. Mraz | Ana Beatriz Chiquito | Verónica de Darer |
Reformation Europe: Age of Reform and Revolution De Lamar Jensen |
Refrigerant Transition & Recovery Certification Program Manual for Technicians Delta T. Solutions |
Refrigeration & AC Technology Bill Whitman | Bill Johnson | John Tomczyk |
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology Bill Whitman | Bill Johnson | John Tomczyck |
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology Bill Whitman | Bill Johnson | John Tomczyk | Eugene Silberstein |
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Technology: A Spanish Reference Manual Bill Whitman | Bill Johnson | John Tomczyk |
Refrigeration Principles, Practices, and Performance Chris Langley |
Refrigeration: A Residential and Light Commercial Text & Lab Book Cecil Johnson |
Regime Change: Origins, Execution, and Aftermath of the Iraq War David Kinsella |
Regression with Graphics: A Second Course in Applied Statistics Lawrence C. Hamilton |
Rehabilitation Model of Substance Abuse Counseling John J. Benshoff | Timothy P. Janikowski |
Relaciónate: Comunicación avanzada Stasie Harrington | Tammy Jandrey Hertel |
Relational Communication: Continuity and Change in Personal Relationships Julia T. Wood |
RELG: World Robert E. Van Voorst |
Religion and American Culture George M. Marsden |
Religion in America, Volume I: Primary Sources in U.S. History Series James T. Baker |
Religion in America, Volume II: Primary Sources in U.S. History Series James T. Baker |
Religion in Japan: Unity and Diversity H. Byron Earhart |
Religion in the Japanese Experience: Sources and Interpretations H. Byron Earhart |
Religion, Politics, and the Law: Commentaries and Controversies Peter M. Schotten | Dennis Stevens |
Religions East and West Ward J. Fellows |
Religious Autobiographies Gary L. Comstock |
Remarkable Service, 3rd Edition The Culinary Institute of America (CIA) |
Renaissance Europe: Age of Recovery and Reconciliation De Lamar Jensen |
Renegade Kids, Suburban Outlaws: From Youth Culture to Delinquency Wayne Wooden | Randy Blazak |
Renewable Energy & Sustainable Design Scott Grinnell |
Repairing Your Outdoor Power Equipment (Trade) Jay Webster |
Report from the Front Lines: Job Hunters and Career Counselors Tell You How to Have a Successful Search David Madison |
Report Writing Essentials Lance A. Parr |
Reporting on the Courts: How the Mass Media Cover Judicial Actions William Haltom |
Research and Evaluation for Business Marilyn K. Pelosi, Theresa M. Sandifer |
Research and Evaluation in Counseling Bradley T. Erford |
Research and Statistical Methods in Communication Sciences and Disorders David L. Maxwell | Eiki Satake |
Research and Statistics Made Meaningful in Counseling and Student Affairs Rebecca M. LaFountain | Robert B. Bartos |
Research Design Explained Mark L. Mitchell | Janina M. Jolley |
Research Design in Counseling P. Paul Heppner | Bruce E. Wampold | Dennis M. Kivlighan, Jr. |
Research Design in Counseling P. Paul Heppner | Dennis M. Kivlighan, Jr. | Bruce E. Wampold |
Research In Psychology Methods and Design, 6th Edition C. James Goodwin |
Research In Psychology Methods and Design, 7th Edition, International Student Version C. James Goodwin |
Research Methods and Statistics: A Critical Thinking Approach Sherri L. Jackson |
Research Methods Donald H. McBurney | Theresa L. White |
Research Methods For Business, A Skill Building Approach 6th edition, Uma Sekaran |
Research Methods for Criminal Justice and Criminology Michael G. Maxfield | Earl R. Babbie |
Research Methods for Generalist Social Work Christine R. Marlow |
Research Methods for Social Psychology Dana S. Dunn |
Research Methods for Social Psychology, 2nd Edition Dana S. Dunn |
Research Methods for Social Work Allen Rubin | Earl R. Babbie |
Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences Charles Stangor |
Research Methods for the Behavioral Sciences Frederick J Gravetter | Lori-Ann B. Forzano |
Research Methods in Political Science Michael K. Le Roy |
Research Methods in Political Science: An Introduction Michael K. Le Roy | Michael Corbett |
Research Methods in Political Science: An Introduction Using MicroCase ExplorIt Michael K. Le Roy | Michael Corbett |
Research Methods in Psychology David G. Elmes | Barry H. Kantowitz | Henry L. Roediger, III |
Research Methods in Psychology Gary W. Heiman |
Research Methods in Social Work David Royse |
Research Methods Laboratory Manual for Psychology William Langston |
Research Methods Theresa L. White | Donald H. McBurney |
Research Methods: A Modular Approach Sherri L. Jackson |
Research Methods: Planning, Conducting, and Presenting Research Ann Sloan Devlin |
Research Methods: The Concise Knowledge Base William Trochim, Ph.D. |
Research Methods: The Concise Knowledge Base Workbook James P. Donnelly | William Trochim, Ph.D. |
Research Methods: The Essential Knowledge Base William Trochim, Ph.D. | James P. Donnelly | Kanika Arora |
Research Papers Marian Arkin | Cecilia Macheski |
Research Papers William Coyle | Joe Law |
Research Strategies for a Digital Age Bonnie Tensen |
Residential Architecture: Design and Drafting Ernest R. Weidhaas | Mark D. Weidhaas, P.E. |
Residential Construction Academy House Wiring Gregory W. Fletcher |
Residential Construction Academy HVAC Eugene Silberstein |
Residential Construction Academy: Basic Principles for Construction Mark W. Huth |
Residential Construction Academy: Carpentry Floyd Vogt |
Residential Construction Academy: Electrical Principles Stephen L. Herman |
Residential Construction Academy: Electrical Principles Stephen L. Herman |
Residential Construction Academy: Facilities Maintenance: Maintaining, Repairing, and Remodeling Kevin Standiford |
Residential Construction Academy: House Wiring Gregory W. Fletcher |
Residential Construction Academy: HVAC Eugene Silberstein |
Residential Construction Academy: Masonry, Brick and Block Construction Robert Benjamin Ham |
Residential Construction Academy: Plumbing Michael A. Joyce |
Residential Construction Academy: Plumbing Michael A. Joyce | Ray Holder |
Residential Design, Drafting, and Detailing Alan Jefferis |
Residential Inspector's Guide to Codes, Forms, & Complaints Linda Pieczynski |
Residential Integrator's Certification Todd B. Adams | Quentin Wells |
Residential Networks Les Baxter, P.E. |
Residential Oil Burners Herb Weinberger |
Residential Treatment of Adolescents and Children John Stein |
Resistance Training For Special Populations Ann Marie Swank |
Resorts Management and Operation, 3rd Edition Robert Christie Mill |
Resource Center for Argument Wadsworth |
Resources for Educating Children with Diverse Abilities Penny Low Deiner |
Respiratory Care Calculations David W. Chang |
Respiratory Care Sciences: An Integrated Approach William V. Wojciechowski |
Responding to Psychological Emergencies: A Field Guide Jeffrey A. Thomas | S. Joseph Woodall |
Responsive Therapy: A Systematic Approach to Counseling Skills Sterling K. Gerber |
Restraint & Handling for Veterinary Technicians & Assistants Bonnie Ballard, DVM | Jody Rockett, DVM |
Resume Writer’s Workbook: Marketing yourself Throughout the Job Search Process Stanley Krantman |
Resumes, Cover Letters, Networking, and Interviewing Clifford W. Eischen | Lynn A. Eischen |
Resumes, Cover-Letters, Networking, and Interviewing Clifford W. Eischen | Lynn A. Eischen |
Retail Management for Salons and Spas Milady |
Retailing in the 21st Century Chris Thomas, Rick Segel |
Retailing Patrick M. Dunne | Robert F. Lusch |
Retailing Patrick M. Dunne | Robert F. Lusch | James R. Carver |
Retailing: Integrated Retail Management James R. Ogden | Denise T. Ogden |
Rethinking Disability: Principles for Professional and Social Change Elizabeth DePoy | Stephen French Gilson |
Retooling the U.S. Housing Industry: How It Got Here, Why It's Broken, How To Fix It Sam Rashkin |
Revenue Management for the Hospitality Industry David K. Hayes, Allisha Miller |
Revolutions: Theoretical, Comparative, and Historical Studies Jack A. Goldstone |
RFID+: The Complete Review of Radio Frequency Identification Elaine Cooney |
Rhyming Books, Marble Painting, & Many Other Activities for Toddlers: 25 to 36 Months Judy Herr | Terri Swim |
Rhythms of Writing Pamela Dykstra |
Richard III: Evans Shakespeare Edition Nina Levine |
Right Down Your Alley: The Beginner's Book of Bowling Vesma Grinfelds | Bonnie Hultstrand |
Right Down Your Alley: The Complete Book of Bowling Vesma Grinfelds | Bonnie Hultstrand |
Right from the Start: Taking Charge of Your College Success Robert Holkeboer | Laurie Walker |
Rights and the Common Good: The Communitarian Perspective Amitai Etzioni |
Rise and Fall of the Media Establishment Darrell M. West |
Risk Management and Derivatives René M. Stulz |
Risk Management and Financial Institutions, + Web Site, 3rd Edition John hull |
Risks, Control and Security Concepts and Applications 1st edition Ravel, Fichadia |
Risky Business: America's Fascination with Gambling Ronald M. Pavalko |
Rites of Passage Judith Rae | Catherine Fraga |
Roadmap to Information Security: For IT and Infosec Managers Michael E. Whitman - Ph. D., CISM, CISSP | Herbert J. Mattord - MBA, CISM, CISSP |
Roads to Congress 2000 Sunil Ahuja | Robert Dewhirst |
Roadway Design With InRoads Brian L. Bowman | Theresa Barksdale |
Robot Building for Teens Behnam Salemi |
Robot Technology Fundamentals James G. Keramas |
Robotics: A Project-Based Approach Lakshmi Prayaga |
Rock and Roll: An Introduction Michael Campbell | James Brody |
Rocking Your Music Business: Run Your Music Business at Home and on the Road Simon Cann |
Roman Society: A Social, Economic, and Cultural History Henry C. Boren |
Roots of Wisdom: A Tapestry of Philosophical Traditions Helen Buss Mitchell |
RPG Maker for Teens Michael Duggan |
Ruby Programming for the Absolute Beginner Jerry Lee Ford Jr. |
Ruby Programming Jerry Lee Ford, Jr. |
Rudiments of Music for Music Majors Eileen Soskin |
Rules of the Game: Lessons from the Field of Community Change Mark S. Homan |
Rumbos Jill Pellettieri | Norma López-Burton | Robert Hershberger | Rafael Gómez | Susan Navey-Davis |
Rumbos, Alternate Edition Jill Pellettieri | Norma López-Burton | Robert Hershberger | Rafael Gómez | Susan Navey-Davis |
Rumbos, Enhanced Edition Jill Pellettieri | Norma López-Burton | Rafael Gómez | Robert Hershberger | Susan Navey-Davis |
Rumbos: Curso intermedio de español Jill Pellettieri | Norma López-Burton | Rafael Gómez | Robert Hershberger | Susan Navey-Davis |
Russian Politics in Transition Joan DeBardeleben |
Ruthless Self-Promotion in the Music Industry Jeffrey P. Fisher |
Séquences Michèle Bissière |
Séquences: Intermediate French through Film Michèle Bissière |
Safety for Masons Richard T. Kreh, Sr. |
Safety For Welders Larry Jeffus |
Safety Scale Lab Experiments Spencer L. Seager | Michael R. Slabaugh |
Safety Standards and Infection Control for Dental Assistants Ellen Dietz-Bourguignon |
Safety, Health, and Environmental Concepts for the Process Industry Michael Speegle |
Safety, Nutrition & Health in Child Care Catherine Robertson |
Safety, Nutrition and Health in Early Education Cathie Robertson |
Safety, Nutrition, and Health in Early Education Cathie Robertson |
Safety-Scale Laboratory Experiments for Chemistry for Today Spencer L. Seager | Michael R. Slabaugh |
Sales Management Concepts and Cases, 10th Edition International Student Version, William L. Cron |
Sales Management: Building Customer Relationships and Partnerships Joe F. Hair | Rolph E. Anderson | Rajiv Mehta | Barry J. Babin |
SalonOvations Nail Q & A Book Vicki Peters |
SalonOvations' Professional's Reflexology Handbook Shelley Hess |
SalonOvations' Shiatsu Massage Erica Miller |
Salve! Carla Larese Riga |
SAM 2010 for Microsoft Office 2010 CourseNotes Course Technology |
SAM for Microsoft® Office 2013 and Computer Concepts CourseNotes Course Technology |
Samoan Planters: Tradition and Economic Development in Polynesia Tim OMeara |
Samoan Village: Then and Now Lowell D. Holmes | Ellen Rhoads Holmes |
Sampling: Design and Analysis Sharon L. Lohr |
SAS Applications Programming: A Gentle Introduction Frank C. DiIorio |
SAS Companion for Nonparametric Statistics Scott J. Richter | James J. Higgins |
Savoir dire Diane Dansereau |
SBI: Advanced Word Processing Simulation Ann Ambrose | Dorothy L. Jones |
Scén@rios: Pédagogies du virtuel Michèle Magnin | Véronique Flambard Weisbart |
SCANS 2000, Developing a Business Plan: Virtual Workplace Arnold Packer | Johns Hopkins University |
SCANS 2000: Developing a Marketing Plan: Virtual Workplace Johns Hopkins University | Arnold Packer |
Scenario Planning Handbook: Developing Strategies in Uncertain Times Ian Wilson | Bill K. Ralston |
Scene Design and Stage Lighting R. Craig Wolf | Dick Block |
Scene Design and Stage Lighting W. Oren Parker | R. Craig Wolf | Dick Block |
Scheduling with Suretrak David A. Marchman | Tulio Sulbaran |
Schematic Diagrams Richard Johnson |
Scholastic Journalism, 12th Edition C. Dow Tate, Sherri A. Taylor |
School Based Group Counseling Christopher A. Sink | Cher Edwards | Christie Eppler |
School Counseling: Foundations and Contemporary Issues Daniel T. Sciarra |
School Counselors as Educational Leaders Joyce A. DeVoss | Minnie F. Andrews |
School Edition of Microsoft Office 2003: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Misty E. Vermaat |
School: An Introduction to Education Edward S. Ebert, II | Richard C. Culyer, III |
Science Activities A to Z Joanne Matricardi | Jeanne McLarty |
Science and Engineering of Materials, SI Edition Donald R. Askeland | Wendelin J. Wright |
Science and Science Teaching Sharon J. Sherman | Robert Sherman |
Science Education for Elementary Teachers: An Investigation-Based Approach Ann E. Benbow | Colin Mably |
Science of Animal Agriculture Ray V. Herren |
Science of Earth Systems Stephen Butz |
Science of Ecology Richard Brewer |
Science Stories: Science Methods for Elementary and Middle School Teachers Janice Koch |
Scientific Knowledge Janet Kourany |
Scoring with Logic Pro Jay Asher |
Scottish Crofters: A Historical Ethnography of a Celtic Village Susan Parman |
Scratch 2.0 Programming for Teens Jerry Lee Ford, Jr. |
Scratch Programming for Teens Jerry Lee Ford, Jr. |
Screen Printing Sam Hoff |
Scrum in Action Andrew Pham | Phuong-Van Pham |
Searching for Great Ideas: Readings Past and Present Tom Klein | Bruce Edwards | Tom Wymer |
Secondary School Literacy Instruction Betty D. Roe | Barbara D. Stoodt-Hill | Paul C. Burns |
Secondary School Literacy Instruction Betty D. Roe | Nancy J. Kolodziej | Barbara D. Stoodt-Hill | Paul C. Burns |
Secondary School Literacy Instruction: The Content Areas Betty D. Roe | Barbara D. Stoodt-Hill | Paul C. Burns |
Secrets of CG Short Filmmakers Jeremy Cantor |
Secrets of Corel Painter Experts: Tips, Techniques, and Insights for Users of All Abilities Daryl Wise | Linda Hellfritsch |
Secrets of Poser Experts: Tips, Techniques, and Insights for Users of All Abilities: The e-frontier Official Guide Daryl Wise | Jesse DeRooy |
Secrets of ProShow Experts: The Official Guide to Creating Your Best Slide Shows with ProShow 5 Paul Schmidt |
Secrets of Proshow Experts: The Official Guide to Creating Your Best Slide Shows with ProShow Gold and Producer Paul Schmidt |
Secrets of Zbrush Experts: Tips, Techniques, and Insights for Users of All Abilities Daryl Wise | Marina Anderson |
Secure Software Development: A Security Programmer's Guide Jason Grembi |
Security and Access Control Using Biometric Technologies Robert Newman |
Security Awareness: Applying Practical Security in Your World Mark Ciampa |
Security+ Guide to Network Security Fundamentals Mark Ciampa |
Security+ Guide to Networking Security Fundamentals Mark Ciampa |
See How They Grow: Infants and Toddlers Sue Martin | Jennifer E. Berke |
Seeing Both Sides: Classic Controversies in Abnormal Psychology Scott O. Lilienfeld |
Seeing Child Care: A Guide For Assessing the Effectiveness of Child Care Programs Warren R. Bentzen, Ph.D. | Martha B. Frost, Ed.D. |
Seeing Sociology: An Introduction Joan Ferrante |
Seeing Sociology: Core Modules Joan Ferrante |
Seeing Socioloogy: An Introduction Joan Ferrante |
Seeing Statistics, Version 1.0 Gary H. McClelland |
Seeing Through Statistics Jessica M. Utts |
Seeing Young Children Warren R. Bentzen |
Seeing Young Children: A Guide to Observing and Recording Behavior Warren R. Bentzen |
Seeking Food Rights: Nation, Inequality and Repression in Uzbekistan Nancy R. Rosenberger |
Selected Works Ralph Waldo Emerson | Margaret Fuller | John Carlos Rowe | Paul Lauter |
Selections From Walt Whitman And Emily Dickinson Paul Lauter |
Self-Directed Behavior David L. Watson | Roland G. Tharp |
Self-Directed Behavior: Self-Modification for Personal Adjustment David L. Watson | Roland G. Tharp |
Self-Management Using Behavioral and Cognitive Principles to Manage Your Life Edward P. Sarafino |
SELL 2 Thomas N. Ingram | Raymond W. LaForge | Ramon A. Avila | Charles H. Schwepker | Michael R. Williams |
SELL 4 Thomas N. Ingram | Raymond W. (Buddy) LaForge | Ramon A. Avila | Charles H. Schwepker | Michael R. Williams |
SELL Thomas N. Ingram | Raymond W. LaForge | Ramon A. Avila | Charles H. Schwepker | Michael R. Williams |
Selling Destinations Marc Mancini |
Selling Destinations: Geography for the Travel Professional Marc Mancini |
Selling Hospitality: A Situational Approach Richard G. McNeill | John C. Crotts |
Selling Tourism H. Kenner Kay, CTC, ACTM |
Semiconductor Devices Physics and Technology, International Student Version, 3rd Edition Simon M. Sze, Ming-Kwei Lee |
Semiconductors: From Book to Breadboard Kevin McGowan |
Senderos Cynthia Doutrich | Norma Rivera-Hernández |
Sensation and Perception E. Bruce Goldstein |
Sensation and Perception, 6th Edition Stanley Coren, Lawrence M. Ward, James T. Enns |
Sense and Nonsense About Crime and Drugs: A Policy Guide Samuel Walker |
Sense and Nonsense About Crime, Drugs, and Communities Samuel Walker |
Sense and Nonsense About Crime, Drugs, and Communities: A Policy Guide Samuel Walker |
Sentence Essentials: A Grammar Guide Linda Wong |
Sentence-Combining Workbook Pam Altman | Mari Caro | Lisa Metge-Egan | Leslie Roberts |
Sentences, Paragraphs, and Beyond: A Worktext with Readings Lee Brandon | Kelly Brandon |
Sentences, Paragraphs, and Beyond: With Integrated Readings Lee Brandon | Kelly Brandon |
Separation Process Principles, 3rd Edition J. D. Seader, Ernest J. Henley, D. Keith Roper |
Septième Art David Aldstadt | Jean-Louis Hippolyte |
Sequences includes Premium Website Printed Access Card Michèle Bissière |
Serial Murderers and Their Victims Eric W. Hickey |
Serious Games: Games That Educate, Train, and Inform David Michael | Sande Chen |
Service Management and Marketing Customer Management in Service Competition, 3rd Edition Christian Gronroos |
Service-Learning Companion Dawn Duncan | Joan Kopperud |
Services Marketing Interactive Approach Raymond P. Fisk | Stephen J. Grove | Joby John |
Services Marketing Management A Strategic Perspective, 2nd Edition Hans Kasper, Piet Van Helsdigen |
Services Marketing, Love Clock |
Services Marketing: Concepts, Strategies, & Cases K. Douglas Hoffman | John E.G. Bateson |
Sex and Gender: A Spectrum of Views Philip E. Devine | Celia Wolf-Devine |
Sex and Religion Christel Manning | Phil Zuckerman |
Sex, Self and Society: The Social Context of Sexuality Tracey Steele |
Sexual Offenses and Offenders: Theory, Practice, and Policy Karen J. Terry |
Sexuality Now: Embracing Diversity Janell L. Carroll |
ShaderX3 Advanced Rendering with DirectX and OpenGL Wolfgang Engel |
ShaderX5: Advanced Rendering Techniques Wolfgang Engel |
ShaderX6: Advanced Rendering Techniques Wolfgang Engel |
Shadowed Lives: Undocumented Immigrants in American Society Leo R. Chavez |
Shaping Sound in the Studio and Beyond: Audio Aesthetics and Technology Gary Gottlieb |
Shaping Space: The Dynamics of Three-Dimensional Design Paul Zelanski | Mary Pat Fisher |
SharePoint 2007 Disaster Recovery Guide John L. Ferringer | Sean P. McDonough |
SharePoint 2010 Disaster Recovery Guide John L. Ferringer | Sean P. McDonough |
Sharing the Stage: Biography and Gender in Western Civilization, Volume I Jane Slaughter | Melissa K. Bokovoy |
Sharing the World Stage: Biography and Gender in World History, Volume 1 Jane Slaughter | Melissa K. Bokovoy | Patricia Risso | Ping Yao | Patricia W. Romero |
Sharing the World Stage: Biography and Gender in World History, Volume 2 Jane Slaughter | Melissa K. Bokovoy | Patricia Risso | Ping Yao | Patricia W. Romero |
Shortcut Your Job Search: The Best Ways to Get Meetings Kate Wendleton |
Shortell and Kaluzny's Healthcare Management: Organization Design and Behavior Lawton Burns | Elizabeth Bradley | Bryan Weiner |
Short-Term Financial Management Terry S. Maness | John T. Zietlow |
Should We Consent to Be Governed?: A Short Introduction to Political Philosophy Stephen Nathanson |
Sibelius 7 Music Notation Essentials James Humberstone |
Side by Side: A Multicultural Reader Harvey S. Wiener | Charles Bazerman |
Sight Sound Motion: Applied Media Aesthetics Herbert Zettl |
Sight, Sound, Motion: Applied Media Aesthetics Herbert Zettl |
Significant Changes to the 2006 International Fire Code Jeffrey M. Shapiro |
Significant Changes to the A117.1 Accessibility Standard: 2009 Edition Jay Woodward | Kim Paarlberg |
Significant Changes to the California Building Code, 2013 International Code Council (ICC) |
Significant Changes to the California Residential Code, 2013 International Code Council (ICC) |
Significant Changes to the Florida Building Code, Building - 2007 Edition International Code Council (ICC) |
Significant Changes to the Florida Building Code, Residential - 2007 Edition International Code Council (ICC) |
Significant Changes to the IECC 2012 and ASHRAE 90.1 2010 International Code Council (ICC) |
Significant Changes to the International Building Code 2012 Edition International Code Council (ICC) | Doug Thornburg |
Significant Changes to the International Building Code, 2006 Edition Doug Thornburg | John Henry |
Significant Changes to the International Building Code, 2015 Edition International Code Council (ICC) |
Significant Changes to the International Building Code: 2009 Edition Doug Thornburg | John Henry |
Significant Changes to the International Fire Code 2012 Edition International Code Council (ICC) | Scott Stookey |
Significant Changes to the International Fire Code, 2009 Edition Scott Stookey |
Significant Changes to the International Fire Code, 2015 International Code Council (ICC) |
Significant Changes to the International Plumbing Code/International Mechanical Code/International Fuel Gas Code: 2009 Edition Robert Konyndyk | Scott Stookey | Jay Woodward |
Significant Changes to the International Plumbing, International Mechanical, and International Fuel Gas Code, 2006 Edition Robert Konyndyk | Robert Guenther | Steve Van Note |
Significant Changes to the International Residential Code, 2015 Edition International Code Council (ICC) |
Significant Changes to the International Residential Code: 2009 Edition Steve Van Note |
Significant Changes to the IPC, IMC, and IFGC, 2015 International Code Council (ICC) |
Significant Changes to the NEC 2005 Edition: Based on the 2005 National Electric Code National Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee |
Significant Changes to the NEC® 2008 Edition National Joint Apprenticeship Training Committee |
Simbu Law: Conflict Management in the New Guinea Highlands Aaron Podolefsky |
Simple Program Design, A Step-by-Step Approach Lesley Anne Robertson |
Simplifile Practice Set Joseph S. Fosegan | Mary Lea Ginn |
Simply Java: An Introduction to Java Programming James Levenick |
Simply Singing Hedley Nosworthy | Peter Summers |
Simulation and Event Modeling for Game Developers John P. Flynt, Ph.D. | Ben Vinson |
Simulation Judy Read | Mary Lea Ginn |
Simulation Modeling and Arena Manuel D. Rossetti |
Simulation Modeling Using @RISK: Updated for Version 4 Wayne L. Winston |
Simulation Scenarios for Nursing Education Tammy J. Hale | Patricia M. Ahlschlager |
Simulation Susie VanHuss | Connie Forde |
Simulations of Machines Using MATLAB® and SIMULINK® John Gardner |
Since Socrates: A Concise Source Book of Classic Readings Robert C. Solomon | Clancy Martin |
Singer's Italian: A Manual of Diction and Phonetics Evelina Colorni |
Singer's Manual of German and French Diction Richard G. Cox |
Singing in French: A Manual of French Diction and French Vocal Repertoire Thomas Grubb |
Single Subject Research: Applications in Educational and Clinical Settings Stephen B. Richards | Ronald Taylor | Rangasamy Ramasamy |
Single Variable Calculus James Stewart |
Single Variable Calculus Soo T. Tan |
Single Variable Calculus, Hybrid Reprint James Stewart |
Single Variable Calculus, Hybrid Ron Larson | Bruce H. Edwards |
Single Variable Calculus, Volume 1 James Stewart |
Single Variable Calculus, Volume 2 James Stewart |
Single Variable Calculus: Concepts & Contexts, Hybrid with Enhanced WebAssign Printed Access Card, 3 Semester James Stewart |
Single Variable Calculus: Concepts and Contexts James Stewart |
Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendental Functions, Hybrid Ron Larson | Bruce H. Edwards |
Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals James Stewart |
Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals Soo T. Tan |
Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Hybrid Edition James Stewart |
Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Volume I James Stewart |
Single Variable Calculus: Early Transcendentals, Volume II James Stewart |
Single Variable Calculus: Vo. 1, Early Transcendentals James Stewart |
Single Variable Calculus: Vol. 2, Early Transcendentals James Stewart |
Single Variable Essential Calculus James Stewart |
Single Variable Essential Calculus: Early Transcendentals James Stewart |
Single-Subject Research: Application in Educational and Clinical Settings Stephen B. Richards | Ronald Taylor | Rangasamy Ramasamy | Rhonda Y. Richards |
Six Simple Ways to Assess Young Children Sue Yarbrough Gober |
Six Steps to Effective Writing in Criminal Justice Judy Schmidt | Mike Hooper |
Six Steps to Effective Writing in Sociology Judy Schmidt | Mike Hooper | Diane Kholos Wysocki |
Sketching for Engineering Design Visualization Jon M. Duff | William A. Ross |
Skill Building Pro Ronald D. Johnson | Walter M. Sharp |
Skills and Techniques for Human Service Professionals: Counseling Environment, Helping Skills, Treatment Issues Edward S. Neukrug |
Skills and Tools for Today's Counselors and Psychotherapists: From Natural Helping to Professional Counseling Edward S. Neukrug | Alan M. Schwitzer |
Skills for Success: Developing Effective Study Strategies Cynthia Jenkins |
Skin and Bones: The Management of People and Natural Resources in Shellcracker Haven, Florida Jane Gibson |
Skin Care and Cosmetic Ingredients Dictionary M. Varinia Michalun | Joseph C. DiNardo |
Skin Care Practices and Clinical Protocols: A Professional’s Guide to Success in Any Environment Sallie Deitz |
Skin Care: Beyond the Basics Mark Lees |
SLA and the Literature Classroom: Fostering Dialogues, 2001 AAUSC Volume Virginia M. Scott | Holly Tucker | Sally Sieloff Magnan |
Slaughterhouse Blues: The Meat and Poultry Industry in North America Donald D. Stull | Michael J. Broadway |
Slavery in American Society Lawrence B. Goodheart | Richard D. Brown | Stephen G. Rabe |
Small Animal Care & Management Dean M. Warren |
Small Animal Care and Management Dean M. Warren |
Small Business Management Justin G. Longenecker | J. William Petty | Leslie E. Palich | Frank Hoy |
Small Business Management, Reprint Timothy S. Hatten |
Small Business Management: A Planning Approach Joel Corman | Robert Lussier | Lori Pennel |
Small Business Management: An Entrepreneurial Emphasis Justin G. Longenecker | Carlos W. Moore | J. William Petty | Leslie E. Palich |
Small Business Management: Entrepreneurship and Beyond Timothy S. Hatten |
Small Business Management: Launching and Growing Entrepreneurial Ventures Justin G. Longenecker | Carlos W. Moore | J. William Petty | Leslie E. Palich |
Small Business Management: Launching and Growing Entrepreneurial Ventures Justin G. Longenecker | J. William Petty | Leslie E. Palich | Carlos W. Moore |
Small Business Management: Launching and Growing Entrepreneurial Ventures Justin G. Longenecker | J. William Petty | Leslie E. Palich | Frank Hoy |
Small Business: An Entrepreneur's Business Plan Gail Hiduke | J.D. Ryan |
Small Business: An Entrepreneur's Business Plan J.D. Ryan | Gail Hiduke |
Small Engine Technology William Schuster |
Smart Grid Dictionary Plus Christine Hertzog |
Smart Grid Home Quentin Wells |
Smith and Roberson's Business Law Richard A. Mann | Barry S. Roberts |
Sniffy the Virtual Rat Lite, Version 2.0 Tom Alloway | Greg Wilson | Jeff Graham |
Sniffy the Virtual Rat Lite, Version 3.0 Tom Alloway | Greg Wilson | Jeff Graham |
Sniffy the Virtual Rat Pro, Version 2.0 Tom Alloway | Greg Wilson | Jeff Graham |
Sniffy the Virtual Rat Pro, Version 3.0 (with CD-ROM) Tom Alloway | Greg Wilson | Jeff Graham |
So You Want to Be a Teacher? Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century Janice Koch |
Soap, Sex, and Cigarettes: A Cultural History of American Advertising Juliann Sivulka |
SOC 3 Nijole V. Benokraitis |
SOC 4 Nijole V. Benokraitis |
SOC Nijole V. Benokraitis |
Soccer Today Bente Skogvang | Birger Peitersen | Karen Stanley-Kehl |
Social Agency Policy, 2nd John Flynn |
Social and Personal Ethics William H. Shaw |
Social and Personality Development David R. Shaffer |
Social and Political Philosophy George Sher |
Social and Political Philosophy: Classical Western Texts in Feminist and Multicultural Perspectives James P. Sterba |
Social Beings Core Motives in Social Psychology, 2nd Edition Susan T. Fiske |
Social Beings Core Motives in Social Psychology, 3rd Edition Susan T. Fiske |
Social Development, 2nd Edition Alison Clarke-Stewart, Ross D. Parke |
Social Environments and Human Behavior: Contexts for Practice with Groups, Organizations, Communities, and Social Movements T. Laine Scales | Jon Singletary | H. Stephen Cooper |
Social Forces and Aging Robert C. Atchley | Amanda Barusch |
Social Influence John C. Turner |
Social Justice/Criminal Justice: The Maturation of Critical Theory in Law, Crime, and Deviance Bruce A. Arrigo |
Social Media Marketing: A Strategic Approach Melissa S. Barker | Donald I. Barker | Nicholas F. Bormann | Krista E. Neher |
Social Organization of Work Randy Hodson | Teresa A. Sullivan |
Social Policy: Institutional Context of Social Development and Human Services Demetrius S. Iatridis |
Social Problems: Readings with Four Questions Joel M. Charon | Lee G. Vigilant |
Social Psychology Alive Steven J. Breckler | James Olson | Elizabeth Wiggins |
Social Psychology and Human Nature Roy F. Baumeister | Brad Bushman |
Social Psychology and Human Nature, Brief Roy F. Baumeister | Brad Bushman |
Social Psychology and Human Nature, Brief Version Roy F. Baumeister | Brad Bushman |
Social Psychology and Human Nature, Comprehensive Edition Roy F. Baumeister | Brad Bushman |
Social Psychology John D. DeLamater | Daniel J. Myers |
Social Psychology Saul Kassin | Steven Fein | Hazel Rose Markus |
Social Psychology, 1st Edition Catherine A. Sanderson |
Social Research Counts Earl Babbie |
Social Security Disability and the Legal Professional Jeffrey Scott Wolfe | Lisa B. Proszek |
Social Statistics: A Text Using MicroCase William Fox |
Social Studies Activities A to Z Joanne Matricardi | Jeanne McLarty |
Social Studies: All Day Every Day in the Early Childhood Classroom Melanie Wallace |
Social Thought Into the 21st Century R.P. Cuzzort | Edith W. King |
Social Welfare Policy and Social Programs: A Values Perspective Elizabeth A. Segal |
Social Welfare Programs: Narratives from Hard Times Raymond Albert | Louise Skolnik |
Social Welfare: Policy and Analysis Andrew Dobelstein |
Social Work Advocacy: A New Framework for Action Robert L. Schneider |
Social Work and Social Welfare: An Introduction Rosalie Ambrosino | Joseph Heffernan | Guy Shuttlesworth | Robert Ambrosino |
Social Work Macro Practice Workbook David P. Fauri | F. Ellen Netting | Mary Katherine O'Connor |
Social Work Practice and People of Color: A Process Stage Approach Doman Lum |
Social Work Practice and Social Justice: From Local to Global Perspectives Karen M. Sowers | William S. Rowe |
Social Work Practice in Mental Health: Contemporary Roles, Tasks, and Techniques Kia J. Bentley |
Social Work Practice: A Risk and Resilience Perspective Roberta R. Greene |
Social Work Processes Beulah R. Compton | Burt Galaway | Barry R. Cournoyer |
Social Work Research and Evaluation: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches Richard M. Grinnell, Jr. |
Social Work Values and Ethics: Identifying and Resolving Ethical Dilemmas Elaine P. Congress |
Social Work with Groups: A Comprehensive Workbook Charles Zastrow |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions, Volume 1: To 1500 Craig A. Lockard |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions, Volume 2: Since 1450 Craig A. Lockard |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions, Volume A: To 600 Craig A. Lockard |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions, Volume B: From 600 to 1750 Craig A. Lockard |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions, Volume C Craig A. Lockard |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions, Volume I: To 1500: A Global History Craig A. Lockard |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions, Volume II: Since 1450: A Global History Craig A. Lockard |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions: A Global History Craig A. Lockard |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions: A Global History, Updated with Geography Overview Craig A. Lockard |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions: A Global History, Volume A: To 600, Updated with Geography Overview Craig A. Lockard |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions: A Global History, Volume B: From 600 to 1750, Updated with Geography Overview Craig A. Lockard |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions: A Global History, Volume C, Updated with Geography Overview Craig A. Lockard |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions: A Global History, Volume I: To 1500, Updated with Geography Overview Craig A. Lockard |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions: A Global History, Volume II: Since 1450, Updated with Geography Overview Craig A. Lockard |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions: Volume I: A Global History Craig A. Lockard |
Societies, Networks, and Transitions: Volume II: A Global History Craig A. Lockard |
Society, Ethics, and Technology Morton Winston | Ralph Edelbach |
Society, Ethics, and Technology, Update Edition Morton Winston | Ralph Edelbach |
Sociological Footprints: Introductory Readings in Sociology Leonard Cargan | Jeanne H. Ballantine |
Sociological Odyssey: Contemporary Readings in Introductory Sociology Patricia A. Adler | Peter Adler |
Sociological Spirit: Critical Essays in a Critical Science Earl R. Babbie |
Sociology as a Life or Death Issue Robert J. Brym |
Sociology in a Changing World William Kornblum |
Sociology in Our Times Diana Kendall |
Sociology in Our Times: The Essentials Diana Kendall |
Sociology of Deviant Behavior Marshall B. Clinard | Robert F. Meier |
Sociology of Marriage and the Family: Gender, Love, and Property Scott L. Coltrane | Randall Collins |
Sociology of Sport Howard L. Nixon | James H. Frey |
Sociology Rodney Stark |
Sociology: A Global Perspective Joan Ferrante |
Sociology: A Global Perspective, Enhanced Joan Ferrante |
Sociology: An Introduction Christopher Bates Doob |
Sociology: Concepts and Characteristics Judson R. Landis |
Sociology: Pop Culture to Social Structure Robert J. Brym | John Lie |
Sociology: The Central Questions William Kornblum | Carolyn Smith |
Sociology: The Essentials Margaret L. Andersen | Howard F. Taylor |
Sociology: The Essentials Margaret L. Andersen | Howard F. Taylor | Kim A. Logio |
Sociology: Understanding a Diverse Society Margaret L. Andersen | Howard F. Taylor |
Sociology: Understanding a Diverse Society, Updated Margaret L. Andersen | Howard F. Taylor |
Sociology: Your Compass for a New World Robert J. Brym | John Lie |
Sociology: Your Compass for a New World, Brief Edition Robert J. Brym | John Lie |
Sociology: Your Compass for a New World, Brief Edition: Enhanced Edition Robert J. Brym | John Lie |
Sociology: Your Compass for a New World, The Brief Edition (with InfoTrac) Robert J. Brym | John Lie |
Socratic Physics, Volume 1: A Workbook Approach to Concepts of Mechanics George Mathew | N.N. Mathew |
Soft Skills at Work: Technology for Career Success Beverly Amer |
Softcover, text Mark D. Csordos |
SOFTIMAGE XSI 5: The Official Guide Anthony Rossano |
Software Design From Programming to Architecture Eric J. Braude |
Software Engineering Modern Approaches 2e Eric J. Braude, Michael E. Bernstein |
Software Engineering Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition Hans van Vliet |
Software Security Technologies Richard Sinn |
Soil Science & Management Edward Plaster |
Soil Science and Management Edward Plaster |
Solid Modeling Using Pro/Engineer Wildfire Ajayi Adewale |
Solid State Physics Neil W. Ashcroft | N. David Mermin |
Solid Waste Engineering P. Aarne Vesilind | William A. Worrell | Debra R. Reinhart |
Solid Waste Engineering William A. Worrell | P. Aarne Vesilind |
Solid Waste Engineering, SI Version William A. Worrell | P. Aarne Vesilind |
Solving Algebra Word Problems Judith M. Barclay |
Solving ODEs With Maple® V David Barrow | Art Belmonte | Albert Boggess | Jack Bryant | Tom Kiffe | Jeff Morgan | Maurice Rahe | Kirby Smith | Michael Stecher |
Sonar 7 Power!: The Comprehensive Guide Scott R. Garrigus |
Sonar 8 Power! Scott R. Garrigus |
SONAR X1 Power!: The Comprehensive Guide Scott R. Garrigus |
SONAR X2 Power!: Comprehensive Guide Scott R. Garrigus |
Songworks I Peggy D. Bennett | Douglas R. Bartholomew |
Songworks II: Singing From Sound to Symbol Peggy D. Bennett | Douglas R. Bartholomew |
Sonidos, sabores y palabras Jennifer B. Eddy |
Sorpresas Elena Olazagasti-Segovia |
Sorting Shapes, Show Me, & Many Other Activities for Toddlers: 13 to 24 Months Judy Herr | Terri Swim |
Sound Advice on Developing Your Home Studio Bill Gibson |
Sound Advice on Digital Audio Bill Gibson |
Sound Advice on Equalizers, Reverbs & Delays Bill Gibson |
Sound Advice On Mastering Bill Gibson |
Sound Advice on MIDI Production Bill Gibson |
Sound Advice on Mixing Bill Gibson |
Sound Advice on Music Production Bill Gibson |
Sound Advice on Recording and Mixing Drums Bill Gibson |
Sound Advice on Recording and Mixing Guitars Bill Gibson |
Sound Field Amplification: Applications to Speech Perception and Classroom Acoustics Carl C. Crandell, Ph.D. | Carol Flexer, Ph.D. | Joseph J. Smaldino, Ph.D. |
Sound Forge 8 Power!: The Official Guide Scott R. Garrigus |
Soundings: Music in the Twentieth Century Glenn Watkins |
Sourcebook of Phonological Awareness Activities - Volume III Candace L. Goldsworthy, Ph.D. | Robert A. Pieretti, Ph.D. |
Sourcebook of Phonological Awareness Activities Vol II: Children's Core Literature Candace L. Goldsworthy, Ph.D. |
Sourcebook of Phonological Awareness Activities, Volume I: Children's Classic Literature Candace L. Goldsworthy, Ph.D. |
Sourcebook of Phonological Awareness Activities, Volume II: Children’s Core Literature Candace L. Goldsworthy, Ph.D. |
Sourcebook of Phonological Awareness Activities, Volume III Children’s Classic: Literature, Grades 3 to 5 Candace L. Goldsworthy, Ph.D. | Robert A. Pieretti, Ph.D. |
Sourcebook of Phonological Awareness Activities, Volume IV Candace L. Goldsworthy, Ph.D. | Robert A. Pieretti, Ph.D. |
Sources in American Constitutional History Michael Les Benedict |
Sources in the History of the Modern Middle East Akram Fouad Khater |
Sources of European History: Since 1900 Marvin Perry | Matthew Berg | James Krukones |
Sources of Global History Since 1900 James H. Overfield |
Sources of the Western Tradition, Volume 1 Marvin Perry |
Sources of the Western Tradition, Volume 1: From Ancient Times to Enlightenment Marvin Perry | Joseph R. Peden | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Sources of the Western Tradition, Volume 2 Marvin Perry |
Sources of the Western Tradition, Volume 2 Marvin Perry | Joseph R. Peden | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Sources of the Western Tradition: From the Ancient Times to the Enlightenment, Volume 1 Marvin Perry | Joseph R. Peden | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Sources of the Western Tradition: From the Scientific Revolution to the Present, Volume 2 Marvin Perry | Joseph R. Peden | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Sources of the Western Tradition: Volume 1: From Ancient Times to the Enlightenment, Brief Edition Marvin Perry |
Sources of the Western Tradition: Volume 2: From the Rennaissance to the Present, Brief Edition Marvin Perry |
Sources of the Western Tradition: Volume I: From Ancient Times to the Enlightenment Marvin Perry |
Sources of the Western Tradition: Volume I: From Ancient Times to the Enlightenment Marvin Perry | Joseph R. Peden | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Sources of the Western Tradition: Volume II: From the Renaissance to the Present Marvin Perry |
Sources of the Western Tradition: Volume II: From the Renaissance to the Present Marvin Perry | Joseph R. Peden | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Sources of Twentieth-Century Europe Marvin Perry | Matthew Berg | James Krukones |
Sources of Twentieth-Century Global History James H. Overfield |
Sources of World History, Volume I Mark A. Kishlansky |
Sources of World History, Volume II Mark A. Kishlansky |
South-Western Accounting for QuickBooks® Pro 2005 Howard Rankin |
South-Western Accounting with Peachtree® Complete 2005 Carol Yacht |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2009: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts William H. Hoffman, Jr. | William A. Raabe | James E. Smith | David M. Maloney |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2009: Individual Income Taxes William H. Hoffman, Jr. | James E. Smith | Eugene Willis |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2010: Comprehensive Eugene Willis | William H. Hoffman, Jr. | David M. Maloney | William A. Raabe |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2010: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts William H. Hoffman, Jr. | William A. Raabe | James E. Smith | David M. Maloney |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2010: Individual Income Taxes William Hoffman | James E. Smith | Eugene Willis |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2010: Taxation of Business Entities James E. Smith | William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2011: Comprehensive Eugene Willis | William H. Hoffman, Jr. | David M. Maloney | William A. Raabe | James C. Young |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2011: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts William H. Hoffman, Jr. | William A. Raabe | James E. Smith | David M. Maloney |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2011: Individual Income Taxes William Hoffman | James E. Smith | Eugene Willis |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2011: Taxation of Business Entities James E. Smith | William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2012 William Hoffman | James R. Smith |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2012: Comprehensive William H. Hoffman, Jr. | David M. Maloney | William A. Raabe | James C. Young |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2012: Comprehensive, Professional Edition William H. Hoffman, Jr. | David M. Maloney | William A. Raabe | James C. Young |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2012: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts William H. Hoffman, Jr. | William A. Raabe | James E. Smith | David M. Maloney |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2012: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts, Professional Version William H. Hoffman, Jr. | William A. Raabe | James E. Smith | David M. Maloney |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2012: Individual Income Taxes William Hoffman | James E. Smith |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2012: Taxation of Business Entities James E. Smith | William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2013: Comprehensive William H. Hoffman, Jr. | David M. Maloney | William A. Raabe | James C. Young |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2013: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts William H. Hoffman, Jr. | William A. Raabe | James E. Smith | David M. Maloney |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2013: Individual Income Taxes William Hoffman | James E. Smith |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2013: Taxation of Business Entities James E. Smith | William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2014: Comprehensive William H. Hoffman, Jr. | David M. Maloney | William A. Raabe | James C. Young |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2014: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts William H. Hoffman, Jr. | William A. Raabe | James E. Smith | David M. Maloney | James C. Young |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2014: Individual Income Taxes William Hoffman | James E. Smith |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2014: Taxation of Business Entities James E. Smith | William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2015: Comprehensive William H. Hoffman, Jr. | David M. Maloney | William A. Raabe | James C. Young |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2015: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts William H. Hoffman, Jr. | William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney | James C. Young | James E. Smith |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2015: Essentials of Taxation: Individuals and Business Entities James E. Smith | William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney | James C. Young |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2015: Individual Income Taxes William H. Hoffman, Jr. | James E. Smith |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2016: Comprehensive William H. Hoffman, Jr. | David M. Maloney | William A. Raabe | James C. Young |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2016: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates and Trusts William H. Hoffman, Jr. | William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney | James C. Young |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2016: Essentials of Taxation: Individuals and Business Entities William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney | James C. Young | James E. Smith | Annette Nellen |
South-Western Federal Taxation 2016: Individual Income Taxes William H. Hoffman, Jr. | James C. Young | William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney | Annette Nellen |
South-Western Federal Taxation Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and Treasury Regulations: Annotated and Selected 2015 James E. Smith |
South-Western Federal Taxation: Comprehensive 2009 Eugene Willis | William H. Hoffman, Jr. | David M. Maloney | William A. Raabe |
South-Western Federal Taxation: Internal Revenue Code 1986 & Treasury Regulations: Annotated and Selected 2009 James E. Smith |
South-Western Federal Taxation: Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and Treasury Regulations, Annotated and Selected 2010, Professional Version James E. Smith |
South-Western Federal Taxation: Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and Treasury Regulations, Annotated and Selected 2011 James E. Smith |
South-Western Federal Taxation: Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and Treasury Regulations, Annotated and Selected 2012 James E. Smith |
South-Western Federal Taxation: Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and Treasury Regulations, Annotated and Selected 2013 James E. Smith |
South-Western Federal Taxation: Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and Treasury Regulations: Annotated and Selected 2014 James E. Smith |
South-Western Federal Taxation: Taxation of Business Entities James E. Smith | William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney |
Soviet Communism from Reform to Collapse Robert V. Daniels |
Spa Business Strategies: A Plan for Success Janet D'Angelo |
Spanish American Literature: An Anthology Dr. Santiago Juan-Navarro |
Spanish for Business and Finance Enhanced Edition: The Basic Spanish Series Ana C. Jarvis | Raquel Lebredo | Francisco Mena-Ayllón |
Spanish for Business and Finance: Basic Spanish Series Ana C. Jarvis | Raquel Lebredo | Luis Lebredo |
Spanish for Getting Along Enhanced Edition: The Basic Spanish Series Ana C. Jarvis | Raquel Lebredo | Francisco Mena-Ayllón |
Spanish for Getting Along: Basic Spanish Series Ana C. Jarvis | Raquel Lebredo |
Spanish for Law Enforcement: Basic Spanish Guide Series Ana C. Jarvis | Luis Lebredo |
Spanish for Medical Personnel Enhanced Edition: The Basic Spanish Series Ana C. Jarvis | Raquel Lebredo | Francisco Mena-Ayllón |
Spanish for Medical Personnel: Basic Spanish Series Ana C. Jarvis | Raquel Lebredo |
Spanish for Oral and Written Review Mario Iglesias | Walter Meiden |
Spanish for Social Services: Basic Spanish Series Ana C. Jarvis | Luis Lebredo |
Spanish for Teachers: Basic Spanish Series Ana C. Jarvis | Raquel Lebredo |
Spanish Phrasebooks Ana C. Jarvis |
Spanish Translated Anatomy & Physiology Reference for Beauty and Wellness Professionals Milady |
Spanish Translated Milady Standard Cosmetology 2012 Milady |
Spanish Translated Milady Standard Esthetics: Fundamentals Milady |
Spanish Translated Milady Standard Makeup Milady |
Spanish Translated Milady's Standard Cosmetology 2008 Milady |
Spanish Translated Milady's Standard Nail Technology Milady |
Spanish Translated Milady's Standard Professional Barbering Milady |
Spanish Translated Milady's Standard Professional Barbering Milady | Maura T. Scali-Sheahan |
Spanish Translated Theory & Practice of Therapeutic Massage Mark F. Beck |
Spanish Translated, Milady Standard Nail Technology Milady |
Spanish Translated, The Art of African American Hair Design Pamela Berry |
Spanish/English Dictionary for Electricity and Electronics: Diccionario espanol/ingles de la Electricidad y de las Electronicas James Titus | James E. Titus II | Valerie Gamez |
SPEAK 2 Rudolph F. Verderber | Deanna D. Sellnow | Kathleen S. Verderber |
SPEAK Rudolph F. Verderber | Kathleen S. Verderber | Deanna D. Sellnow |
Speaking for Success Jean Miculka |
Speaking of America: Readings in U.S. History, Vol. I: To 1877 Laura A. Belmonte |
Speaking of America: Readings in U.S. History, Vol. II: Since 1865 Laura A. Belmonte |
Special Events A New Generation and the Next Frontier, 6th Edition Joe Goldblatt |
Special Events Creating and Sustaining a New World for Celebration, 7th Edition |
Special Events Creating and Sustaining a New World for Celebration, 7th Edition Joe Goldblatt |
Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds, 7th Edition Robert M. Silverstein, Francis X. Webster, David Kiemle |
Speech Disorders Resource Guide for Preschool Children A. Lynn Williams |
Spirituality Within Religious Traditions in Social Work Practice Mary P. Van Hook | Beryl Hugen | Marian Aguilar |
Spirituality: Living Our Connectedness Margaret A. Burkhardt | Mary Gail Nagai-Jacobson, MSN, RN |
Sports and Entertainment Management Ken Kaser | John Brooks |
Sports and Entertainment Marketing Ken Kaser | Dotty B. Oelkers |
Sports and Fitness Nutrition Robert E. C. Wildman | Barry S. Miller |
Sports Connection for Microsoft® Office 2000: Integrated Simulation Susie VanHuss | Connie Forde |
Sports Connection for Office XP: Integrated Simulation Susie VanHuss | Connie Forde |
Sports Connection, Integrated Simulation Susie VanHuss | Connie Forde |
Sports Journalism at its Best: Pulitzer Prize-Winning Aticles, Cartoons, and Photographs Heinz-Dietrich Fischer |
Sports Law Adam Epstein |
Sports Medicine Essentials: Core Concepts in Athletic Training & Fitness Instruction Jim Clover |
Sports Medicine Essentials: Core Concepts in Athletic Training and Fitness Instruction Jim Clover |
Spreadsheet Modeling & Decision Analysis: A Practical Introduction to Management Science Cliff Ragsdale |
Spreadsheet Modeling & Decision Analysis: A Practical Introduction to Management Science, Revised Cliff Ragsdale |
Spreadsheet Modeling and Applications: Essentials of Practical Management Science S. Christian Albright | Wayne Winston |
Spreadsheet Modeling and Decision Analysis Cliff Ragsdale |
Spreadsheet Modeling and Decision Analysis: A Practical Introduction to Business Analytics Cliff Ragsdale |
Standard and Microscale Experiments in General Chemistry Carl B. Bishop | Muriel B. Bishop | Kenneth W. Whitten |
Stars and Galaxies Michael A. Seeds |
Stars and Galaxies Michael A. Seeds | Dana Backman |
Stars and Galaxies Michael A. Seeds | Michael A. Seeds |
STAT 2 Robert R. Johnson | Patricia J. Kuby |
STAT, Reprint Robert R. Johnson | Patricia J. Kuby |
StataQuest 4 Windows 95 Version J. Theodore Anagnoson | Richard Edward DeLeon |
State & Local Politics: Institutions & Reform: The Essentials Todd Donovan | Daniel A. Smith | Christopher Z. Mooney |
State and Local Government Ann O'M. Bowman | Richard C. Kearney |
State and Local Government: The Essentials Ann O'M. Bowman | Richard C. Kearney |
State and Local Government: Using MicroCase® ExplorIt Christopher Stream |
State and Local Politics Todd Donovan | Daniel A. Smith | Tracy Osborn | Christopher Z. Mooney |
State and Local Politics: Institutions and Reform Todd Donovan | Christopher Z. Mooney | Daniel A. Smith |
State and Local Politics: Institutions and Reform Todd Donovan | Daniel A. Smith | Christopher Z. Mooney |
Stationen Prisca Augustyn | Nikolaus Euba |
Stationen: Ein Kursbuch für die Mittelstufe Prisca Augustyn | Nikolaus Euba |
Statistical Analysis for Public Administration Lawrence L. Giventer |
Statistical Analysis in the Social Sciences McKee J. McClendon |
Statistical Consulting: A Guide to Effective Communication Janice Derr |
Statistical Inference George Casella | Roger L. Berger |
Statistical Methods for Engineers G. Geoffrey Vining | Scott Kowalski |
Statistical Methods for Psychology David C. Howell |
Statistical Process Control for Health Care Marilyn K. Hart | Robert F. Hart |
Statistical Quality Control A Modern Introduction, 7th Edition International Student Version Douglas C. Montgomery |
Statistical Reasoning in the Behavioral Sciences, 6th Edition Bruce M. King, Patrick J. Rosopa, Edward W. Minium |
Statistical Thinking for Managers David Hildebrand | R. Lyman Ott |
Statistics and Data Analysis for Social Workers John L. Craft |
Statistics and Data Interpretation for the Helping Professions James A. Rosenthal |
Statistics for Business & Economics David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams | Jeffrey D. Camm | James J. Cochran |
Statistics for Business & Economics, Revised David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams | Jeffrey D. Camm | James J. Cochran |
Statistics for Business and Economics David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams |
Statistics for Business and Economics, 10th Edition McClave, Benson |
Statistics for Business and Economics, European Edition Carlos Cortinhas, Ken Black |
Statistics for Business and Economics, Revised David R. Anderson | Dennis J. Sweeney | Thomas A. Williams |
Statistics for Evidence-Based Practice and Evaluation Allen Rubin |
Statistics for Management and Economics Gerald Keller |
Statistics for Management and Economics, Abbreviated Edition Gerald Keller |
Statistics for Management and Economics, Abbreviated Gerald Keller |
Statistics for Social Data Analysis David Knoke | George W. Bohrnstedt | Alisa Potter Mee |
Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences Frederick J Gravetter | Larry B. Wallnau |
Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences James Jaccard | Michael A. Becker |
Statistics for The Sciences Martin Buntinas | Gerald M. Funk |
Statistics in Plain English Harvey J. Brightman |
Statistics in Practice Ernest A. Blaisdell |
Statistics Plain and Simple Sherri L. Jackson |
Statistics Unlocking the Power of Data Robin H. Lock, Patti Frazer Lock, Kari Lock Morgan, Eric F. Lock, Dennis F. Lock |
Statistics Unplugged Sally Caldwell |
Statistics William Hays |
Statistics with STATA Lawrence C. Hamilton |
Statistics with STATA: Version 12 Lawrence C. Hamilton |
Statistics, 10th Edition Robert S. Witte, John S. Witte |
Statistics: A Bayesian Perspective Donald A. Berry |
Statistics: A Guide to the Unknown Roxy Peck | George Casella | George W. Cobb | Roger Hoerl | Deborah Nolan | Robert Starbuck | Hal Stern |
Statistics: A Tool for Social Research Joseph F. Healey |
Statistics: An Introduction Roger E. Kirk |
Statistics: Learning from Data (with JMP Printed Access Card) Roxy Peck |
Statistics: The Exploration & Analysis of Data Roxy Peck | Jay L. Devore |
Statistics: The Exploration & Analysis of Data, Updated Media Jay L. Devore | Roxy Peck |
Steam and Hot Water Primer Chris Langley | Andrew Sacks |
Steel Design William T. Segui |
Steel Structures Controlling Behavior Through Design Robert D. Englekirk |
Step Training Plus Lauren M. Mangili | Karen S. Mazzeo |
Step-by-Step Procedures for Milady Standard Esthetics: Fundamentals Milady |
Steps to Writing Well Jean Wyrick |
Steps to Writing Well with Additional Readings Jean Wyrick |
Steps to Writing Well with Additional Readings, Enhanced Edition Jean Wyrick |
Stirring up Thinking Ben E. Johnson |
Storytelling in Emergent Literacy: Fostering Multiple Intelligence Susan Louise Trostle | Jeanne Donato |
Storytelling through Animation Mike Wellins |
Strangers in a Not-So-Strange Land: Indian American Immigrants in the Global Age Arthur W. Helweg |
Strat f/Rslv Indiv or Fam Probs Fred W. Vondracek | Sherry Corneal |
Strategic Brand Management, Kevin Lane Keller |
Strategic Business Communication: An Integrated, Ethical Approach Robyn Walker |
Strategic Decision Making: Multiobjective Decision Analysis with Spreadsheets Craig W. Kirkwood |
Strategic Financial Management: Application of Corporate Finance Samuel C. Weaver | J. Fred Weston |
Strategic Human Resource Development Lyle Yorks |
Strategic Human Resource Management Jeffrey A. Mello |
Strategic Human Resources Management in Health Services Organizations S. Robert Hernandez |
Strategic Management A Competitive Advantage Approach, Concepts & Cases, Fred R. David |
Strategic Management Cases Michael A. Hitt | R. Duane Ireland | Robert E. Hoskisson |
Strategic Management Cases: An Integrated Approach Charles W. L. Hill | Gareth R. Jones |
Strategic Management Cases: Competitiveness and Globalization Michael A. Hitt | R. Duane Ireland | Robert E. Hoskisson |
Strategic Management Communication for Leaders Robyn Walker |
Strategic Management Concepts Michael A. Hitt | R. Duane Ireland | Robert E. Hoskisson |
Strategic Management Dynamics Kim Warren |
Strategic Management Garth Saloner, Andrea Shepard, Joel Podolny |
Strategic Management of Information Systems, International Student Version, 4th Edition Keri E. Pearlson, Carol S. Saunders |
Strategic Management of Information Systems, International Student Version, 5th Edition Keri E. Pearlson, Carol S. Saunders |
Strategic Management Theory: An Integrated Approach Charles W. L. Hill | Gareth R. Jones |
Strategic Management: An Integrated Approach Charles W. L. Hill | Gareth R. Jones |
Strategic Management: Cases: Competitiveness and Globalization Michael A. Hitt | R. Duane Ireland | Robert E. Hoskisson |
Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization, Cases Michael A. Hitt | R. Duane Ireland | Robert E. Hoskisson |
Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization, Concepts and Cases Michael A. Hitt | R. Duane Ireland | Robert E. Hoskisson |
Strategic Management: Competitiveness and Globalization, Concepts Michael A. Hitt | R. Duane Ireland | Robert E. Hoskisson |
Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases Michael A. Hitt | R. Duane Ireland | Robert E. Hoskisson |
Strategic Management: Concepts and Cases: Competitiveness and Globalization Michael A. Hitt | R. Duane Ireland | Robert E. Hoskisson |
Strategic Management: Concepts: Competitiveness and Globalization Michael A. Hitt | R. Duane Ireland | Robert E. Hoskisson |
Strategic Management: Logic and Action Anne Sigismund Huff, Steven W. Floyd, Hugh D. Sherman, Siri Terjesen |
Strategic Management: Of Resources And Relationships, Concepts Jeffrey S. Harrison |
Strategic Management: Theory & Cases: An Integrated Approach Charles W. L. Hill | Gareth R. Jones | Melissa A. Schilling |
Strategic Management: Theory: An Integrated Approach Charles W. L. Hill | Gareth R. Jones | Melissa A. Schilling |
Strategic Market Management, European Edition David A. Aaker, Damien McLoughlin |
Strategic Market Management: Global Perspectives, 1st Edition David A. Aaker, Damien McLoughlin |
Strategic Market Relationships: From Strategy to Implementation, 2nd Edition Bill Donaldson, Tom O’Toole |
Strategic Marketing Communications: A Systems Approach to IMC M. Joseph Sirgy | Don Rahtz |
Strategic Organizational Communication: In a Global Economy Charles Conrad | Marshall Scott Poole |
Strategic Organizational Communication: In a Global Economy, 7th Edition Charles R. Conrad, Marshall Scott Poole |
Strategies for Counseling with Children and Their Parents Geraldine Leitl Orton |
Strategies for Including Children with Special Needs in Early Childhood Settings M. Diane Klein, Ph.D, CCC-SLP | Ruth E. Cook, Ph.D | Anne Marie Richardson-Gibbs, M.A. |
Strategies for Managerial Writing Steven Gale | Mark Garrison |
Strategize! Experiential Exercises in Strategic Management C. Gopinath | Julie I. Siciliano |
Strategize!: Experiential Exercises in Strategic Management C. Gopinath | Julie I. Siciliano |
Strategy Synthesis: Resolving Strategy Paradoxes to Create Competitive Advantage Bob de Wit | Ron Meyer |
Strength Training Today Robert J. O'Connor | Jerry Simmons | Pat O'Shea |
Strengths-Based Generalist Practice: A Collaborative Approach John Poulin |
Stress and Health Phillip L. Rice |
Stress Management and Prevention: Applications to Daily Life Jeffrey Kottler | David Chen |
Stress Management for Life: A Research-Based Experiential Approach Michael Olpin | Margie Hesson |
Stress Management for Wellness Walter Schafer |
Stress, Health and Well-Being: Thriving in the 21st Century Rick Harrington |
Structural Analysis (with CD-ROM) Aslam Kassimali |
Structural Analysis Aslam Kassimali |
Structural Analysis Using Classical and Matrix Methods, 4th Edition Jack C. McCormac |
Structural Analysis, SI Edition Aslam Kassimali |
Structural Steel Drafting and Design David C. MacLaughlin | Hector Estrada |
Structural Steel Drafting David C. MacLaughlin |
Structural, Civil and Pipe Drafting David L. Goetsch |
Structural, Civil and Pipe Drafting for CAD Technicians David L. Goetsch |
Student Achievement Series: Foundations of Business William M. Pride | Robert J. Hughes | Jack R. Kapoor |
Student Achievement Series: Foundations of Management: Basics and Best Practices Robert Kreitner |
Student Achievement Series: Fundamentals of Contemporary Business Communication Scot Ober |
Student Achievement Series: Principles of Management Ricky W. Griffin |
Student Achievement Series: The Challenge of Democracy: Government in America Kenneth Janda | Jeffrey M. Berry | Jerry Goldman | Kevin W. Hula |
Student Achievement Series: The Confident Student Carol C. Kanar |
Student Achievement Series: The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
Student Achievement Series: The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume I: To 1550 Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
Student Achievement Series: The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume II: Since 1500 Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
Student Achievement Series: The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Sandra McNair Hawley | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
Student Achievement Series: The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Volume I: To 1877 Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Sandra McNair Hawley | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
Student Achievement Series: The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Volume II: From 1865 Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Sandra McNair Hawley | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
Student Activities Manual and CourseMate Mary Ann Blitt | Margarita Casas |
Student Athlete's Guide to College Success: Peak Performance in Class and Life Trent A. Petrie | Eric L. Denson |
Student Course Guide for The Writer's Odyssey Diane Martin |
Student Course Guide for Writer's Circle Diane Martin |
Student Cultural Diversity Eugene García |
Student Guide to Sustainabillity, Law, and Ethics Don Mayer |
Student Guide to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Robert A. Prentice | Dean Bredeson |
Student Success in College: Doing What Works! Christine Harrington |
Student Teaching: Early Childhood Practicum Guide Jeanne M. Machado | Helen Meyer Botnarescue, Emerita |
Student Video and Workbook Gerald Corey | Robert Haynes |
Student Workbook for Beck's Theory and Practice of Therapeutic Massage Mark F. Beck |
Student-Directed Learning: Teaching Self-Determination Skills Martin Agran |
Students with Autism: Characteristics and Instruction Programming Jack Scott | Claudia Clark | Michael Brady |
Study Guide James Lett |
Substance Abuse Counseling Judith A. Lewis | Robert Q. Dana | Gregory A. Blevins |
Substantive Law for the Legal Professional Judy A. Long J.D. |
Succeeding in Applied Calculus: Algebra Essentials Warren B. Gordon |
Succeeding in Business with Microsoft Office Access 2007: A Problem-Solving Approach Sandra Cable |
Succeeding in Business with Microsoft Office Access 2010: A Problem-Solving Approach Sandra Cable |
Succeeding in Business with Microsoft® Access 2013: A Problem-Solving Approach Sandra Cable |
Succeeding in Business with Microsoft® Excel® 2010: A Problem-Solving Approach Debra Gross | Frank Akaiwa | Karleen Nordquist |
Succeeding in Business with Microsoft® Excel® 2013: A Problem-Solving Approach Debra Gross | Frank Akaiwa | Karleen Nordquist |
Succeeding in Business with Microsoft® Office Excel 2007: A Problem-Solving Approach Debra Gross | Frank Akaiwa | Karleen Nordquist |
Succeeding with Technology Kenneth Baldauf | Ralph M. Stair |
Succeeding With Technology Ralph M. Stair | Kenneth Baldauf |
Success in On-line Learning Candice Kramer |
Success Skills: Strategies for Study and Lifelong Learning Marks-Beale |
Success Strategies in Art & Design Mary Stewart |
Successful Project Management Jack Gido | James P. Clements |
Successful Restaurant Management: From Vision to Execution Donald Wade |
Successful Salon and Spa Management Edward Tezak | Terry Folawn |
Successful Salon Management Edward Tezak |
Successful Social Work Education: A Student's Guide Allan Edward Barsky |
Successful Writing at Work Philip C. Kolin |
Successful Writing at Work: Concise Edition Philip C. Kolin |
Successful Writing at Work: Concise Philip C. Kolin |
Sundance Choice, Composition Version Mark Connelly |
Supervision in the Hospitality Industry, 7th Edition John R. Walker, Jack E. Miller |
Supervision in the Hospitality Industry: Applied Human Resources, 5th Edition Jack E. Miller, John R. Walker, Karen E. Drummond |
Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management Edwin C. Leonard |
Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management Edwin C. Leonard | Kelly A. Trusty |
Supervision: Concepts and Practices of Management Edwin C. Leonard | Raymond L. Hilgert |
Supervision: Setting People Up for Success Carlene Cassidy | Robert Kreitner, Ph.D. |
Supervisory Management Donald C. Mosley | Don C. Mosley, Jr. | Paul H. Pietri |
Supervisory Management: The Art of Inspiring, Empowering, and Developing Donald C. Mosley | Don C. Mosley, Jr. | Paul H. Pietri |
Supervisory Management: The Art of Inspiring, Empowering, and Developing People Donald C. Mosley | Leon C. Megginson | Paul H. Pietri |
Supervisory Relationships: Exploring the Human Element Tamara L. Kaiser |
Supply Chain Focused Manufacturing Planning and Control W.C. Benton |
Supply Chain Management: A Balanced Approach Joel D. Wisner | G. Keong Leong | Keah-Choon Tan |
Supply Chain Management: A Global Perspective Nada R. Sanders |
Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective John J. Coyle | C. John Langley, Jr. | Brian J. Gibson | Robert A. Novack | Edward J. Bardi |
Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective John J. Coyle | C. John Langley, Jr. | Robert A. Novack | Brian J. Gibson |
Supporting Play in Early Childhood: Environment, Curriculum, Assessment Dorothy Justus Sluss, Ph.D. |
Supporting Play: Birth Through Age Eight Dorothy Justus Sluss, Ph.D. |
Supporting Windows 7 Jean Andrews |
Supporting Windows 8: Featuring the Latest Windows 8.1 Release Jean Andrews |
Supporting Windows Vista Jean Andrews |
Supramolecular Chemistry, 2nd Edition Jonathan W. Steed, Jerry L. Atwood |
Supreme Court in the Federal Judicial System Stephen L. Wasby |
Sur le vif Hannelore Jarausch | Clare Tufts |
Sur le vif: Niveau intermédiaire Clare Tufts | Hannelore Jarausch |
Surgical Anatomy and Physiology for the Surgical Technologist Kevin B. Frey | Paul Price |
Surgical Instrumentation Flashcards Set 1: General and Gynecological Instrumentation Nancymarie Phillips | Patricia Sedlak |
Surgical Instrumentation Flashcards Set 2: Bone, Neurosurgery, and Head and Neck Instrumentation Nancymarie Phillips | Patricia Sedlak |
Surgical Instrumentation Flashcards Set 3: Microsurgery, Plastic Surgery, Urology and Endoscopy Instrumentation Nancymarie Phillips | Patricia Sedlak |
Surgical Instrumentation Nancymarie Phillips | Patricia Sedlak |
Surgical Mayo Set-Ups Debbie Hinton | Tammy Allhoff |
Surgical Mayo Setups Tammy Allhoff | Debbie Hinton |
Surgical Technology for the Surgical Technologist: A Positive Care Approach Association of Surgical Technologists |
Surreal Digital Photography Barry Huggins | Ian Probert |
Survey of Accounting Carl S. Warren |
Survey of ECON 2 Robert L. Sexton |
Survey of ECON Robert L. Sexton |
Survey of Economics Irvin B. Tucker |
Survey Research Methods Earl R. Babbie |
Surveying, 6th Edition Jack C. McCormac |
Survival Guide for General Chemistry with Math Review Charles H. Atwood |
Survival Guide for General, Organic and Biochemistry Richard Morrison | Charles H. Atwood | Joel Caughran |
Survival Guide for Introductory Chemistry Charles H. Atwood |
Surviving and Thriving in the Law Office Richard L. Hughes |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Administration (Course 3037) Jason W. Eckert | Novell |
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Administration (Course 3112): CLA, LPIC - 1 & Linux+ Novell | Jason W. Eckert |
SUSE Linux Enterprise: Desktop Administration Jason W. Eckert |
SUSE Linux Enterprise: Server Security Jason W. Eckert |
Sustainable Energy Richard Dunlap |
Sustainable Energy, SI Edition Richard Dunlap |
Sustainable Green Design and Firefighting: A Fire Chief's Perspective Ronald R. Spadafora |
Sustaining the Earth G. Tyler Miller Jr. | Scott Spoolman |
Sweet Reason: A Field Guide to Modern Logic, 2nd Edition James M. Henle, Jay L. Garfield, Thomas Tymoczko, Emily Altreuter (Illustrator) |
Symbolic Logic Dale Jacquette |
Synapse EHR 1.1 An Electronic Charting Simulation Exercise Michelle Heller, CMA (AAMA), RMA |
Syndrome Identification for Audiology: An Illustrated PocketGuide Robert J. Shprintzen Ph.D. |
Syntax: A Generative Introduction, Third Edition Andrew Carnie |
System Dynamics and Response - SI Version S. Graham Kelly |
System Dynamics and Response S. Graham Kelly |
Systematic Group Therapy: A Triadic Model Jeremiah Donigian | Richard Malnati |
Systematic Training in the Skills of Virginia Satir Sharon Loeschen |
Systems Analysis & Design in a Changing World John W. Satzinger | Robert B. Jackson | Stephen D. Burd |
Systems Analysis and Design for the Small Enterprise, Third Edition David F. Harris |
Systems Analysis and Design Gary B. Shelly | Harry J. Rosenblatt |
Systems Analysis and Design Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Harry J. Rosenblatt |
Systems Analysis and Design Harry J. Rosenblatt |
Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World John W. Satzinger | Robert B. Jackson | Stephen D. Burd |
Systems Analysis and Design with UML, 3rd Edition Alan Dennis |
Systems Analysis and Design with UML, 4th Edition International Student Version Alan Dennis, Barbara Haley |
Systems Analysis and Design, 4th Edition International Student Version Alan dennis |
Systems Analysis and Design, 5th Edition Alan Dennis |
Systems Analysis and Design, Video Enhanced Gary B. Shelly | Harry J. Rosenblatt |
Systems Architecture Stephen D. Burd |
Systems of Psychotherapy: A Transtheoretical Analysis James O. Prochaska | John C. Norcross |
Tâches d'encre: French Composition H. Jay Siskin | Cheryl L. Krueger | Maryse Fauvel |
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Take a Line for a Walk: A Creativity Journal Robin Landa |
Taking Charge of Your Career Direction: Career Planning Guide, Book 1 Robert D. Lock |
Taking Charge of Your Learning: A Guide to College Success Dianna L. Van Blerkom |
Taking Control of Your College Reading and Learning Elaine Byrd | Elaine Carter | Stacy Waddoups |
Targeting a Great Career Kate Wendleton |
Tasks for the Veterinary Assistant, 3rd Edition Paula Pattengale, Teresa Sonsthagen |
Taxation for Decision makers 2013 edition |
Taxation for Decision Makers 2014 edition |
Taxation for Decision Makers, 2007 Edition Shirley Dennis-Escoffier | Karen A. Fortin |
Taxation for Decision Makers, 2012 Edition Shirley Dennis-Escoffier, Karen A. Fortin |
Tcl and Tk Programming for the Absolute Beginner Kurt Wall |
TEACH 2 Janice Koch |
TEACH Janice Koch |
Teacher as Reflective Practitioner and Action Researcher Rick Parsons | Kimberlee Brown |
Teacher Made Materials That Really Teach! Judy Herr |
Teachers Discovering Computers: Integrating Technology and Digital Media in the Classroom Gary B. Shelly | Glenda A. Gunter | Randolph E. Gunter |
Teachers Discovering Computers: Integrating Technology and Digital Media in the Classroom Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Glenda A. Gunter | Randolph E. Gunter |
Teachers Discovering Computers: Integrating Technology in a Changing World Glenda A. Gunter | Randolph E. Gunter |
Teachers Discovering Computers: Integrating Technology in a Connected World Gary B. Shelly | Glenda A. Gunter | Randolph E. Gunter |
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Teacher's Handbook: Contextualized Language Instruction Judith L. Shrum | Eileen W. Glisan |
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Teaching Elementary Social Studies: Strategies, Standards, and Internet Resources James A. Duplass |
Teaching Elementary Social Studies: What Every Teacher Should Know James A. Duplass |
Teaching for Student Learning: Becoming a Master Teacher Kevin Ryan | James M. Cooper | Susan Tauer |
Teaching in the New Kindergarten, 1st J. Amos Hatch |
Teaching in the Pop Culture Zone: Using Popular Culture in the Composition Classroom Allison D. Smith | Trixie G. Smith | Rebecca Bobbitt |
Teaching in Today's Inclusive Classrooms: A Universal Design for Learning Approach Richard M. Gargiulo | Debbie Metcalf |
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Teaching Language In Context Alice Omaggio Hadley |
Teaching Learners with Mild Disabilities Ruth Lyn Meese |
Teaching Music in the Secondary Schools Charles Hoffer |
Teaching Music: Managing the Successful Music Program Darwin E. Walker |
Teaching on Principle and Promise: The Foundations of Education Mary-Lou Breitborde | Louise Swiniarski |
Teaching Percussion Gary D. Cook |
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Teaching Spanish with the 5 C's: A Blueprint for Success: AATSP Professional Development Series Handbook Vol. II Gail Guntermann |
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Teaching Strategies: A Guide to Effective Instruction Donald C. Orlich | Robert J. Harder | Richard C. Callahan | Michael S. Trevisan | Abbie H. Brown |
Teaching Strategies: A Guide to Effective Instruction Donald C. Orlich | Robert J. Harder | Richard C. Callahan | Michael S. Trevisan | Abbie H. Brown | Darcy E. Miller |
Teaching the Integrated Language Arts Shane Templeton |
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Teaching Young Adult Lit Jean E. Brown | Elaine C. Stephens |
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Teaching Young Children in Multicultural Classrooms: Issues, Concepts, and Strategies Wilma Robles de Melendez | Vesna Ostertag Beck |
Teaching Young Children: An Introduction to the Early Childhood Profession Margaret Puckett | Deborah Diffily |
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Technical Communication Rebecca E. Burnett |
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Technician's Guide to Programmable Controllers Richard A. Cox |
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Technology and the Future Albert H. Teich |
Technology for Exceptional Learners: Choosing Instructional Tools to Meet Students' Needs Sarah Irvine Belson |
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Terminology for Allied Health Professionals Carolee Sormunen, Ph.D |
Terminology for Health Professionals Carolee Sormunen, Ph.D |
Terrestrial Ecosystems John D. Aber | Jerry M. Melillo |
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Terrorism and Homeland Security: An Introduction Jonathan R. White |
Terrorism and Homeland Security: Current Perspectives from InfoTrac® College Edition Sabina L. Burton |
Terrorism and Homeland Security: Current Perspectives from InfoTrac® Michael Fischer |
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Texas Politics Charldean Newell | David F. Prindle | James Riddlesperger |
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Texas Politics Today William Earl Maxwell | Ernest Crain |
Texas Politics Today William Earl Maxwell | Ernest Crain | Edwin S. Davis | Elizabeth N. Flores | Joseph Ignagni | Cynthia Opheim | Christopher B. Wlezien, Ph.D. |
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Texas Politics: Individuals Making a Difference Nasser Momayezi | W. B. Stouffer, Jr. | David M. Billeaux | Josè Angel Gutièrrez | Eric Miller | Jeff Millstone | Barry Price | Carol Waters |
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Texas: Crossroads of North America Jesús F. de la Teja | Ron Tyler | Nancy Beck Young |
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The 50 Greatest Photo Opportunties in Washington D.C. Monica Stevenson |
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The Administrative Professional: Technology & Procedures Patsy Fulton-Calkins | Dianne Rankin | Kellie A. Shumack, Ph.D. |
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The African American Experience, Volume I Joe William Trotter, Jr. |
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The American Experiment: A History of the United States Steven M. Gillon | Cathy D. Matson |
The American Experiment: A History of the United States, Volume 1: To 1877 Steven M. Gillon | Cathy D. Matson |
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The American Pageant David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen | Thomas A. Bailey |
The American Pageant, Volume 1 David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen |
The American Pageant, Volume 2 David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen |
The American Pageant, Volume I: To 1877 David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen | Thomas A. Bailey |
The American Pageant, Volume II: Since 1865 David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen | Thomas A. Bailey |
The American Pageant: A History of the Republic David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen | Thomas A. Bailey |
The American Pageant: Volume I: To 1877 David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen | Thomas A. Bailey |
The American Pageant: Volume II: Since 1865 David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen | Thomas A. Bailey |
The American Paradox: A History of the United States Since 1945 Steven M. Gillon |
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The American Past: A Survey of American History, Enhanced Edition Joseph R. Conlin |
The American Past: A Survey of American History, Enhanced Edition, Volume I Joseph R. Conlin |
The American Past: A Survey of American History, Enhanced Edition, Volume II Joseph R. Conlin |
The American Past: A Survey of American History, Volume I: To 1877 Joseph R. Conlin |
The American Past: A Survey of American History, Volume II: Since 1865 Joseph R. Conlin |
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The American Spirit, Volume I Thomas A. Bailey | David M. Kennedy |
The American Spirit, Volume I: To 1877 Thomas A. Bailey | David M. Kennedy |
The American Spirit, Volume II Thomas A. Bailey | David M. Kennedy |
The American Spirit: U.S. History as Seen by Contemporaries, Volume II David M. Kennedy | Thomas A. Bailey |
The American Spirit: United States History as Seen by Contemporaries David M. Kennedy |
The American Spirit: United States History as Seen by Contemporaries, Volume I David M. Kennedy | Thomas A. Bailey |
The American Spirit: United States History as Seen by Contemporaries, Volume I: To 1877 David M. Kennedy | Thomas A. Bailey |
The American Spirit: United States History as Seen by Contemporaries, Volume II: Since 1865 David M. Kennedy | Thomas A. Bailey |
The American Spirit: Volume II: Since 1865 David M. Kennedy | Thomas A. Bailey |
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The American System of Criminal Justice George F. Cole | Christopher E. Smith | Christina DeJong |
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The Anthropology of Language: An Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology Workbook/Reader Harriet Joseph Ottenheimer |
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The Architecture of Computer Hardwarre and System Software |
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The Atlantic Slave Trade David Northrup |
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The Basics: English Michele Goulet Miller | Clarice Pennebaker Brantley |
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The Basics: Proofreading: A Programmed Approach Orr | Daniels | Carol Henson |
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The Big Questions: A Short Introduction to Philosophy Robert C. Solomon | Kathleen M. Higgins |
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The Brief American Pageant: A History of the Republic David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen | Mel Piehl |
The Brief American Pageant: A History of the Republic, Volume 1: To 1877 David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen | Mel Piehl |
The Brief American Pageant: A History of the Republic, Volume 2: Since 1865 David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen | Mel Piehl |
The Brief American Pageant: A History of the Republic, Volume I: To 1877 David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen | Mel Piehl |
The Brief American Pageant: A History of the Republic, Volume II: Since 1865 David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen | Mel Piehl |
The Brief American Pageant: Volume 1: To 1877 David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen | Thomas A. Bailey | Mel Piehl |
The Brief American Pageant: Volume II: Since 1865 David M. Kennedy | Lizabeth Cohen | Thomas A. Bailey | Mel Piehl |
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The Brief Wadsworth Handbook, 2009 MLA Update Edition Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell |
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The Call to Write, Brief John Trimbur |
The Call to Write: Brief Edition John Trimbur |
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The Care Care Book Ron Haefner |
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The Case for B2B Branding: Pulling Away from the Business-to-Business Pack Bob Lamons |
The Ceren Site: An Ancient Village Buried by Volcanic Ash in Central America Payson D. Sheets |
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The Challenge of Democracy Kenneth Janda | Jeffrey M. Berry | Jerry Goldman | Deborah Schildkraut |
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The Challenge of Democracy: American Goverment in a Global World, Texas Edition Kenneth Janda | Jeffrey M. Berry | Jerry Goldman |
The Challenge of Democracy: American Government in a Global World Kenneth Janda | Jeffrey M. Berry | Jerry Goldman |
The Challenge of Democracy: American Government in a Global World, Brief Edition Kenneth Janda | Jeffrey M. Berry | Jerry Goldman | Kevin W. Hula |
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The Challenge of Democracy: American Government in Global Politics Kenneth Janda | Jeffrey M. Berry | Jerry Goldman |
The Challenge of Democracy: American Government in Global Politics Kenneth Janda | Jeffrey M. Berry | Jerry Goldman | Deborah Schildkraut |
The Challenge of Democracy: American Government in Global Politics, The Essentials Kenneth Janda | Jeffrey M. Berry | Jerry Goldman | Deborah Schildkraut | Kevin W. Hula |
The Challenge of Democracy: Brief Edition, 2008 Update Edition Kenneth Janda | Jeffrey M. Berry | Jerry Goldman | Kevin W. Hula |
The Challenge of Democracy: Government in America Kenneth Janda | Jeffrey M. Berry | Jerry Goldman |
The Challenge of Democracy: Government in America, 2008 Update Edition Kenneth Janda | Jeffrey M. Berry | Jerry Goldman |
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The Challenge of Effective Speaking Rudolph F. Verderber | Kathleen S. Verderber |
The Challenge of Effective Speaking Rudolph F. Verderber | Kathleen S. Verderber | Deanna D. Sellnow |
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The College Writer: A Guide to Thinking, Writing, and Researching Randall VanderMey | Verne Meyer | John Van Rys | Patrick Sebranek |
The College Writer: A Guide to Thinking, Writing, and Researching, 2009 MLA Update Edition Randall VanderMey | Verne Meyer | John Van Rys | Patrick Sebranek |
The College Writer: A Guide to Thinking, Writing, and Researching, Brief Randall VanderMey | Verne Meyer | John Van Rys | Patrick Sebranek |
The College Writer: A Guide to Thinking, Writing, and Researching, MLA Update Randall VanderMey | Verne Meyer | John Van Rys | Dave Kemper | Patrick Sebranek |
The College Writer: Brief 2009 MLA Update Edition Randall VanderMey | Verne Meyer | John Van Rys | Patrick Sebranek |
The College Writer: Brief Randall VanderMey | Verne Meyer | John Van Rys | Dave Kemper | Patrick Sebranek |
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The Commercial Greenhouse James Boodley | Steven E. Newman |
The Commissioner: A Guide to Surviving and Thriving on Commission Income Peter Dunn |
The Communicative Classroom: AATSP Professional Development Series Handbook Vol. III Terry L. Ballman | Judith E. Liskin-Gasparro | Paul B. Mandell |
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The Complete Poetry and Prose of Geoffrey Chaucer Mark Allen | John H. Fisher |
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The Composition of Everyday Life, 2009 MLA Update Edition John Mauk | John Metz |
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The Composition of Everyday Life, Brief John Mauk | John Metz |
The Composition of Everyday Life, Brief, 2009 MLA Update Edition John Mauk | John Metz |
The Composition of Everyday Life, Concise Edition John Mauk | John Metz |
The Composition of Everyday Life, Concise John Mauk | John Metz |
The Composition of Everyday Life: A Guide to Writing John Mauk | John Metz |
The Composition of Everyday Life: A Guide to Writing, Brief Edition John Mauk | John Metz |
The Concise Heath Anthology of American Literature, Volume 1: Beginnings to 1865 Paul Lauter |
The Concise Heath Anthology of American Literature, Volume 2: 1865 to the Present Paul Lauter |
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The Concise Wadsworth Handbook, 2009 MLA Update Edition Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell |
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The Continuum of Long-Term Care Connie Evashwick, ScD |
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The Criminal Justice System: Politics and Policies George F. Cole | Marc G. Gertz | Amy Bunger |
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The Democratic Debate: An Introduction to American Politics Bruce Miroff | Raymond Seidelman | Todd Swanstrom |
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The Design Collection Revealed, Softcover: Adobe Indesign CS4, Adobe Photoshop CS4, and Adobe Illustrator CS4 Chris Botello | Elizabeth Eisner Reding |
The Design Collection Revealed: Adobe Indesign CS4, Adobe Photoshop CS4, and Adobe Illustrator CS4 Chris Botello | Elizabeth Eisner Reding |
The Design Collection Revealed: Adobe InDesign CS5, Photoshop CS5 and Illustrator CS5 Chris Botello | Elizabeth Eisner Reding |
The Design Collection Revealed: Adobe InDesign CS6, Photoshop CS6 & Illustrator CS6 Chris Botello | Elizabeth Eisner Reding |
The Design of Experiments in Neuroscience Mary Harrington |
The Dessert Architect Robert Wemischner |
The Development of Children and Adolescents Penny Hauser-Cram, J. Kevin Nugent, Kathleen Thies, John F. Trave |
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The Digital Filmmaking Handbook Ben Long |
The Digital Filmmaking Handbook Ben Long | Sonja Schenk |
The Digital Filmmaking Handbook Sonja Schenk | Ben Long |
The Digital Information Age: An Introduction to Electrical Engineering Roman Kuc |
The Director's Companion Mel Shapiro |
The Dobe Ju/'Hoansi Richard B. Lee |
The Dolphin Reader Douglas Hunt |
The Dolphin Writer Book 1: Building Sentences and Composing Paragraphs Houghton Mifflin Company |
The Dolphin Writer Book 2: Composing Paragraphs and Crafting Essays Houghton Mifflin Company |
The Dolphin Writer Book 3: Crafting Essays Houghton Mifflin Company |
The Earth and Its People: A Global History, Brief Edition, Volume Two: Since 1500 Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its People: A Global History, Volume A: To 1200 Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its People: A Global History, Volume B: From 1200 to 1870 Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its People: A Global History, Volume C: Since 1750 Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its People: A Global History, Volume I: To 1550 Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its People: A Global History, Volume II: Since 1500 Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its People: A Global History. Brief Edition, Volume One: To 1500 Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples, Brief Edition, Complete Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples, Brief Edition, Volume I Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples, Brief Edition, Volume II Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples, Brief Volume I: To 1550: A Global History Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples, Brief Volume II: Since 1500: A Global History Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples, Brief: A Global History Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Brief Edition Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Brief Edition, Volume I: To 1550 Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Brief Edition, Volume II: Since 1500 Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Dolphin Edition Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume A Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume A: To 1200 Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume B Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume B: 1200-1870 Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume B: From 1200 to 1870 Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume C Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume C: Since 1750 Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume C: Since 1750 Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume I Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume I, Dolphin Edition Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume I: To 1550 Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume II Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume II, Dolphin Edition Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth and Its Peoples: A Global History, Volume II: Since 1500 Richard W. Bulliet | Pamela Kyle Crossley | Daniel R. Headrick | Steven W. Hirsch | Lyman L. Johnson | David Northrup |
The Earth Through Time, 10th Edition Harold L. Levin |
The Economic Transformation of America: 1600 to the Present Robert L. Heilbroner | Alan Singer |
The Economics of Money, Banking and Financial Markets 9th Edition, Mishkin |
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The Elements of Social Scientific Thinking Todd Donovan | Kenneth R. Hoover |
The Elements of Statistics with Applications to Economics and the Social Sciences James B. Ramsey |
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The Enduring Democracy Kenneth Dautrich | David Yalof |
The Enduring Vision, Volume I: To 1877 Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Karen Halttunen | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
The Enduring Vision, Volume II: Since 1865 Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Karen Halttunen | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Karen Halttunen | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Complete Paul S. Boyer |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Concise Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Karen Halttunen | Sandra McNair Hawley | Joseph F. Kett | Andrew Rieser | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Concise Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Sandra McNair Hawley | Joseph F. Kett | Andrew Rieser | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Concise Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Sandra McNair Hawley | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Concise Volume II: From 1865, Concise Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Sandra McNair Hawley | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Dolphin Edition Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Dolphin Edition, Complete Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Dolphin Edition, Volume I: To 1877 Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Dolphin Edition, Volume II: Since 1865 Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Volume 1: To 1877, Concise Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Sandra McNair Hawley | Joseph F. Kett | Andrew Rieser | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Volume 2: From 1865, Concise Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Sandra McNair Hawley | Joseph F. Kett | Andrew Rieser | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Volume I: To 1877 Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Volume I: To 1877 Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Karen Halttunen | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Volume I: To 1877, Concise Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Karen Halttunen | Sandra McNair Hawley | Joseph F. Kett | Andrew Rieser | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Volume I: To 1877, Concise Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Sandra McNair Hawley | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Volume II Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Volume II: Since 1865 Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Karen Halttunen | Joseph F. Kett | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People, Volume II: Since 1865, Concise Paul S. Boyer | Clifford E. Clark, Jr. | Karen Halttunen | Sandra McNair Hawley | Joseph F. Kett | Andrew Rieser | Neal Salisbury | Harvard Sitkoff | Nancy Woloch |
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The Essential Guide to User Interface Design: An Introduction to GUI Design Principles and Techniques, 3rd Edition Wilbert O. Galitz |
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The Essential Listening to Music Craig Wright |
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The Essential Welder: Gas Tungsten Metal Arc Welding Larry Jeffus |
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The Essential World History, Enhanced Edition William J. Duiker | Jackson J. Spielvogel |
The Essential World History, Enhanced Edition, Volume 1 William J. Duiker | Jackson J. Spielvogel |
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The Essential World History, Volume I William J. Duiker | Jackson J. Spielvogel |
The Essential World History, Volume I: To 1800 William J. Duiker | Jackson J. Spielvogel |
The Essential World History, Volume II William J. Duiker | Jackson J. Spielvogel |
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The Essential World History: To 1500 William J. Duiker | Jackson J. Spielvogel |
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The Essentials of Real Estate Law for Paralegals Lynn T. Slossberg |
The Essentials of Real Estate Law Lynn T. Slossberg |
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The Exceptional Child: Inclusion in Early Childhood Education K. Eileen Allen | Glynnis Edwards Cowdery |
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The Global Struggle for Human Rights: Universal Principles in World Politics Debra L. DeLaet |
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The Grammar of Conducting: A Comprehensive Guide to Baton Technique and Interpretation Max Rudolf |
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The Graphic Designer's Digital Toolkit Allan Wood |
The Graphic Designer's Digital Toolkit: A Project-Based Introduction to Adobe Photoshop Creative Cloud, Illustrator Creative Cloud & InDesign Creative Cloud Allan Wood |
The Graphic Designer's Digital Toolkit: A Project-Based Introduction to Adobe Photoshop CS5, Illustrator CS5 & InDesign CS5 Allan Wood |
The Graphic Designer's Digital Toolkit: A Project-Based Introduction to Adobe Photoshop CS6, Illustrator CS6 & InDesign CS6 Allan Wood |
The Great Republic: A History of the American People, Volume I Bernard Bailyn | Robert Dallek | David Brion Davis | David Herbert Donald | John L. Thomas | Gordon S. Wood |
The Great Republic: A History of the American People: 1820 to 1920 Bernard Bailyn | Robert Dallek | David Brion Davis | David Herbert Donald | John L. Thomas | Gordon S. Wood |
The Greening of a Nation? Environmentalism in the U.S. Since 1945 Hal K. Rothman |
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The Harbrace Guide to Writing, 2009 MLA Update Edition Cheryl Glenn |
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The Harbrace Guide to Writing, Brief, 2009 MLA Update Edition Cheryl Glenn |
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The Harbrace Guide to Writing, Concise, 2009 MLA Update Edition Cheryl Glenn |
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The HCS12/9S12: An Introduction to Hardware and Software Interfacing Han-Way Huang |
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The Heath Anthology of American Literature: Contemporary Period (1945 To The Present), Volume E Paul Lauter | Richard Yarborough | John Alberti | Mary Pat Brady | Jackson Bryer | King-Kok Cheung | Kirk Curnutt | Anne Goodwyn Jones | James Kyung-Jin Lee | Wendy Martin | Quentin Miller | Mark A. Freitag | Ivy T. Schweitzer | Sandra A. Zagarell |
The Heath Anthology of American Literature: Late Nineteenth Century (1865–1910), Volume C Paul Lauter | Richard Yarborough | John Alberti | Mary Pat Brady | Jackson Bryer | King-Kok Cheung | Kirk Curnutt | Anne Goodwyn Jones | James Kyung-Jin Lee | Wendy Martin | Quentin Miller | Mark A. Freitag | Ivy T. Schweitzer | Sandra A. Zagarell |
The Heath Anthology of American Literature: Modern Period (1910–1945), Volume D Kirk Curnutt | Paul Lauter | John Alberti | Richard Yarborough | Jackson Bryer | Sandra A. Zagarell | Wendy Martin | King-Kok Cheung | Anne Goodwyn Jones | Ivy T. Schweitzer | Andrew O. Wiget | Mary Pat Brady |
The Heath Anthology of American Literature: Volume A Paul Lauter | Richard Yarborough | John Alberti | Mary Pat Brady | Daniel Justice | Bethany Schneider | Kirk Curnutt | James Kyung-Jin Lee | Wendy Martin | Quentin Miller | Ivy T. Schweitzer | Sandra A. Zagarell |
The Heath Anthology of American Literature: Volume A: Beginnings to 1800 Paul Lauter | Richard Yarborough | John Alberti | Mary Pat Brady | Jackson Bryer | King-Kok Cheung | Kirk Curnutt | Anne Goodwyn Jones | James Kyung-Jin Lee | Wendy Martin | Quentin Miller | Mark A. Freitag | Ivy T. Schweitzer | Sandra A. Zagarell |
The Heath Anthology of American Literature: Volume A: Colonial Period to 1800 Paul Lauter | Richard Yarborough | Jackson Bryer | Charles Molesworth | King-Kok Cheung | Raymund Paredes | Anne Goodwyn Jones | Ivy T. Schweitzer | Wendy Martin | Andrew O. Wiget | Quentin Miller | Sandra A. Zagarell | John Alberti | Lois Leveen | James Kyung-Jin Lee | Mary Pat Brady |
The Heath Anthology of American Literature: Volume B: Early Nineteenth Century (1800-1865) Paul Lauter | Richard Yarborough | Jackson Bryer | Charles Molesworth | King-Kok Cheung | Raymund Paredes | Anne Goodwyn Jones | Ivy T. Schweitzer | Wendy Martin | Andrew O. Wiget | Quentin Miller | Sandra A. Zagarell | John Alberti | Lois Leveen | James Kyung-Jin Lee | Mary Pat Brady |
The Heath Anthology of American Literature: Volume B: Early Nineteenth Century: 1800-1865 Paul Lauter | Richard Yarborough | John Alberti | Mary Pat Brady | Jackson Bryer | King-Kok Cheung | Kirk Curnutt | Anne Goodwyn Jones | James Kyung-Jin Lee | Wendy Martin | Quentin Miller | Mark A. Freitag | Ivy T. Schweitzer | Sandra A. Zagarell |
The Heath Anthology of American Literature: Volume C Paul Lauter | Richard Yarborough | John Alberti | Mary Pat Brady | Daniel Justice | Bethany Schneider | Kirk Curnutt | James Kyung-Jin Lee | Wendy Martin | Quentin Miller | Ivy T. Schweitzer | Sandra A. Zagarell |
The Heath Anthology of American Literature: Volume C: Late Nineteenth Century (1865-1910) Paul Lauter | Richard Yarborough | Jackson Bryer | Charles Molesworth | King-Kok Cheung | Raymund Paredes | Anne Goodwyn Jones | Ivy T. Schweitzer | Wendy Martin | Andrew O. Wiget | Quentin Miller | Sandra A. Zagarell | John Alberti | Lois Leveen | James Kyung-Jin Lee | Mary Pat Brady |
The Heath Anthology of American Literature: Volume D Paul Lauter | Richard Yarborough | John Alberti | Mary Pat Brady | Daniel Justice | Bethany Schneider | Kirk Curnutt | James Kyung-Jin Lee | Wendy Martin | Quentin Miller | Ivy T. Schweitzer | Sandra A. Zagarell |
The Heath Anthology of American Literature: Volume D: Modern Period (1910-1945) Paul Lauter | Richard Yarborough | Jackson Bryer | Charles Molesworth | King-Kok Cheung | Raymund Paredes | Anne Goodwyn Jones | Ivy T. Schweitzer | Wendy Martin | Andrew O. Wiget | Quentin Miller | Sandra A. Zagarell | John Alberti | Lois Leveen | James Kyung-Jin Lee | Mary Pat Brady |
The Heath Anthology of American Literature: Volume E: Contemporary Period (1945 to the Present) Paul Lauter | Richard Yarborough | Jackson Bryer | Charles Molesworth | King-Kok Cheung | Raymund Paredes | Anne Goodwyn Jones | Ivy T. Schweitzer | Wendy Martin | Andrew O. Wiget | Quentin Miller | Sandra A. Zagarell | John Alberti | Lois Leveen | James Kyung-Jin Lee | Mary Pat Brady |
The Heath Anthology of American Literature; Volume E Paul Lauter | Richard Yarborough | John Alberti | Mary Pat Brady | Daniel Justice | Bethany Schneider | Kirk Curnutt | James Kyung-Jin Lee | Wendy Martin | Quentin Miller | Ivy T. Schweitzer | Sandra A. Zagarell |
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The Hodges Harbrace Handbook, 2009 MLA Update Edition Cheryl Glenn | Loretta Gray |
The Holocaust: Problems and Perspectives of Interpretation Donald L. Niewyk |
The Human Perspective: Readings in World Civilization, Volume II: The Modern World Through the Twentieth Century Lynn H. Nelson | Steven K. Drummond |
The Human Polity: A Comparative Introduction to Political Science Kay Lawson |
The Human Polity: A Comparative Introduction to Political Science, Brief Version Kay Lawson |
The Human Record: Sources of Global History, Volume I: To 1500 Alfred J. Andrea | James H. Overfield |
The Human Record: Sources of Global History, Volume I: To 1700 Alfred J. Andrea | James H. Overfield |
The Human Record: Sources of Global History, Volume II: Since 1500 Alfred J. Andrea | James H. Overfield |
The Human Record:Sources of Global History, Volume I: To 1700 Alfred J. Andrea | James H. Overfield |
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The Humanities in the Western Tradition: Ideas and Aesthetics, Volume I: Ancient to Midieval Marvin Perry | J. Wayne Baker | Pamela Pfeiffer Hollinger |
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The Informed Argument Robert P. Yagelski |
The Informed Argument Robert P. Yagelski | Robert Keith Miller |
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The Internet: Illustrated Series Gary Schneider | Jessica Evans | Katherine T. Pinard |
The Internet-Illustrated Introductory Gary P. Schneider | Jessica Evans | Katherine T. Pinard |
The Interplay of Influence: News, Advertising, Politics, and the Internet Kathleen Hall Jamieson | Karlyn Kohrs Campbell |
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The Irony of Democracy: An Uncommon Introduction to American Politics Thomas R. Dye | Harmon Zeigler |
The Irony of Democracy: An Uncommon Introduction to American Politics Thomas R. Dye | Harmon Zeigler | Louis Schubert |
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The Kitchen Pro Series: Guide to Poultry Identification, Fabrication and Utilization Thomas Schneller |
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The Language of Argument Larry W. Burton | Daniel McDonald |
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The Least You Should Know About Vocabulary Building: Word Roots Teresa Ferster Glazier | Laura Knight | Carol Friend |
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The Legal Environment of Business Roger E. Meiners | Al H. Ringleb | Frances L. Edwards |
The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases -- Ethical, Regulatory, Global, and E-Commerce Issues Frank B. Cross | Roger LeRoy Miller |
The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases Frank B. Cross | Roger LeRoy Miller |
The Legal Environment of Business: Text and Cases: Ethical, Regulatory, Global, and Corporate Issues Frank B. Cross | Roger LeRoy Miller |
The Legal Environment Today - Summarized Case Edition: Business in its Ethical, Regulatory, E-Commerce, and Global Setting Roger LeRoy Miller |
The Legal Environment Today Roger LeRoy Miller | Frank B. Cross |
The Legal Environment Today: Business In Its Ethical, Regulatory, E-Commerce, and Global Setting Roger LeRoy Miller | Frank B. Cross |
The Literary Experience Bruce Beiderwell | Jeffrey M. Wheeler |
The Literary Experience, Compact Edition Bruce Beiderwell | Jeffrey M. Wheeler |
The Literary Experience, Essential Edition Bruce Beiderwell | Jeffrey M. Wheeler |
The Litigation Paralegal: A Systems Approach James W. H. McCord, J.D. |
The Long Reformation Jeffrey Watt |
The Lugbara of Uganda John Middleton |
The Lure: The True Story of How the Department of Justice Brought Down Two of The World's Most Dangerous Cyber Criminals Steve Schroeder |
The Macro Practitioner's Workbook: A Step-by-Step Guide to Effectiveness with Organizations and Communities Rodney A. Ellis | Kimberly Crane Mallory | Misty Y. Gould | Suzanne L. Shatila |
The Making of England: To 1399, Volume 1 C. Warren Hollister | Robert C. Stacey | Robin Chapman Stacey |
The Making of Modern Japan Kenneth B. Pyle |
The Management and Control of Quality James R. Evans | William M. Lindsay |
The Management of Technology and Innovation: A Strategic Approach Margaret A. White | Garry D. Bruton |
The Manual of Speech Sound Disorders: A Book for Students and Clinicians Ken M. Bleile |
The Marketing Plan, 5th Edition William A. Cohen, PhD |
The Marriage & Family Experience: Intimate Relationships in a Changing Society Bryan Strong | Christine DeVault | Theodore F. Cohen |
The Marriage and Families Activities Workbook Ron J. Hammond | Barbara B. Bearnson |
The Marriage and Family Experience: Intimate Relationships in a Changing Society Bryan Strong | Christine DeVault | Theodore F. Cohen |
The Marriage and Family Experience: Intimate Relationships in a Changing Society Bryan Strong | Theodore F. Cohen |
The Mastering Engineer's Handbook Bobby Owsinski |
The Mastering Engineer's Handbook Bobby Owsinski | Sally Englefried |
The Mastering Engineer'sHandbook: The Audio Mastering Handbook Bobby Owsinski |
The Mathematical Palette Ronald Staszkow | Robert Bradshaw |
The Mbuti Pygmies: Change and Adaptation Colin M. Turnbull |
The Mechanics of State Legislative Campaigns John S. Klemanski | David A. Dulio |
The Media and Politics Dean E. Alger |
The Medical Manager Student Edition, Version 10.31 David Fitzpatrick |
The Medieval Voyage William F. Lawhead |
The Mi'kmaq: Resistance, Accommodation, and Cultural Survival Harald E.L. Prins |
The Mixing Engineer's Handbook Bobby Owsinski |
The Modern Presidency James P. Pfiffner |
The Modern Researcher Jacques Barzun | Henry F. Graff |
The Modern Voyage William F. Lawhead |
The Multiplayer Classroom: Designing Coursework as a Game Lee Sheldon |
The Music Producer's Survival Guide: Chaos, Creativity, and Career in Independent and Electronic Music Brian M. Jackson |
The Music Theory Handbook Marjorie Merryman |
The Musician's Legal Companion Michael A. Aczon |
The Mutual Fund Business Robert C. Pozen |
The National Experience: A History of the United States John M. Blum | William S. McFeely | Edmund S. Morgan | Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. | Kenneth M. Stampp | C. Vann Woodward |
The National Idea in Eastern Europe: The Politics of Ethnic and Civic Community Gerasimos Augustinos |
The Natural World Marjorie Ford | Jon Ford |
The Nature of Art: An Anthology Thomas E. Wartenberg |
The Nature of Problem Solving in Algebra: A Liberal Arts Approach Karl Smith |
The Nature of Problem Solving in Geometry and Probability: A Liberal Arts Approach Karl Smith |
The Nazi Revolution: Hitler's Dictatorship and the German Nation Allan Mitchell |
The New Global Brands: Managing Non-Government Organizations in the 21st Century John A. Quelch | Nathalie Laidler-Kylander |
The New Humanities Reader Richard E. Miller | Kurt Spellmeyer |
The New Managerial Economics William Boyes |
The New Police Report Manual Devallis Rutledge, Esq. |
The New Public Personnel Administration Lloyd G. Nigro | Felix A. Nigro | J. Edward Kellough |
The New Testament: A Critical Introduction Edwin D. Freed |
The New Testament: History, Literature, and Social Context Dennis C. Duling |
The New World Reader Gilbert H. Muller |
The New World Reader: Thinking and Writing about the Global Community Gilbert H. Muller |
The New Writing with a Purpose Joseph F. Trimmer |
The New Writing with a Purpose, Brief Edition Joseph F. Trimmer |
The New York Paralegal William P. Statsky | Robert A. Sarachan |
The Obama Presidency - Year One Supplement Kenneth Janda | Jeffrey M. Berry | Jerry Goldman |
The Office: Procedures and Technology Mary Ellen Oliverio | William R. Pasewark | Bonnie R. White |
The Official GameSalad® Guide to Game Development GameSalad | Jeannie Novak |
The Official Luxology modo Guide Dan Ablan |
The Official Photodex Guide to ProShow James Karney |
The Ohio Paralegal William P. Statsky | Kathleen Mercer Reed | Bradene L. Moore |
The Ojibwa of Berens River, Manitoba: Ethnography into History Irving A. Hallowell | Jennifer S. H. Brown |
The Open Handbook: Keys for Writers Ann Raimes | Maria Jerskey |
The Organizational Self and Ethical Conduct: Sunlit Virtue and Shadowed Resistance James Anderson | Elaine E. Englehardt |
The Origins and Development of the English Language John Algeo |
The Origins and Development of the English Language John Algeo | Carmen A. Butcher |
The Origins and Development of the English Language John Algeo | Thomas Pyles |
The Origins of the Cold War Robert J. McMahon | Thomas G. Paterson |
The Other Side of Western Civilization, Volume I Stanley Chodorow | Marci Sortor |
The Paperless Medical Office: Using Optum PM and Physician EMR Optum | Virginia Ferrari, M.H.A. | Michelle Heller, CMA (AAMA), RMA |
The Paradoxes of Police Work Douglas W. Perez |
The Paralegal Handbook Brittain | Terry L. Hull, JD |
The Paramedic Exam Review Bob Elling | Kirsten M. Elling |
The Past Speaks: Sources and Problems in British History, Volume II: Since 1688 Walter L. Arnstein |
The Path of Philosophy: Truth, Wonder, and Distress John Marmysz |
The Pennsylvania Paralegal William P. Statsky | John D. DeLeo Jr. |
The People: A History of Native America R. David Edmunds | Frederick E. Hoxie | Neal Salisbury |
The People: A History of Native America, Volume 1: To 1861 R. David Edmunds | Frederick E. Hoxie | Neal Salisbury |
The People: A History of Native America, Volume 2: Since 1845 R. David Edmunds | Frederick E. Hoxie | Neal Salisbury |
The Person: An Introduction to the Science of Personality Psychology, 5th Edition Dan P. McAdams |
The Personal Vision Workbook Tobin Burgess | Kevin Pugh | Leo Sevigny |
The Pharmacy Technician Jahangir Moini |
The Pharmacy Technician: A Comprehensive Approach Jahangir Moini |
The Physics of Vibrations and Waves, 6th Edition H. J. Pain |
The Pocket Guide to Legal Writing William H. Putman |
The Pocket Handbook for Biology Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell | Resa Crane Bizzaro (Contributing Author) | Patrick Bizzaro (Contributing Editor) |
The Pocket Handbook for History Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell | Patrick Bizzaro (Contributing Author and Editor) |
The Pocket Handbook for Psychology Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell | Philip Adams (Contributing Author) | Patrick Bizzaro (Contributing Editor) |
The Pocket Wadsworth Handbook, 2009 MLA Update Edition Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell |
The Police in America: Classic and Contemporary Readings Steven G. Brandl | David E. Barlow |
The Politics of Globalization: A Reader Mark Kesselman |
The Politics of International Economic Relations Joan E. Spero | Jeffrey A. Hart |
The Politics of Power: A Critical Introduction to American Government Ira Katznelson | Mark Kesselman | Alan Draper |
The Politics of the Middle East Monte Palmer |
The Politics of United States Foreign Policy Jerel A. Rosati | James M. Scott |
The Pop Culture Zone: Writing Critically about Popular Culture Allison D. Smith | Trixie G. Smith |
The Pop Culture Zone: Writing Critically about Popular Culture Allison D. Smith | Trixie G. Smith | Stacia Watkins |
The Portable Business Writer William Murdick |
The Portable Poetry Workshop Jack Myers |
The Portable Technical Writer William Murdick | Jonathan C. Bloemker |
The Portrait of a Lady Henry James | Jan Cohn | Paul Lauter |
The Power of Art Richard L. Lewis | Susan Ingalls Lewis |
The Power of Guidance Dan Gartrell |
The PR Styleguide: Formats for Public Relations Practice Barbara Diggs-Brown |
The Practical Guide to CompTIA's 2006 A+ Certification Michael Graves |
The Practical Handbook for the Emerging Artist, Enhanced Edition Margaret Lazzari |
The Practical Researcher: A Student Guide to Conducting Psychological Research, 3rd Edition Dana S. Dunn |
The Practical Writer Edward P. Bailey | Philip A. Powell |
The Practical Writer with Readings Edward P. Bailey | Philip A. Powell |
The Practice Environment of Nursing Karin A. Polifko-Harris |
The Practice of Family Therapy: Key Elements Across Models Suzanne Midori Hanna |
The Practice of Macro Social Work William G. Brueggemann |
The Practice of Multicultural Group Work: Visions and Perspectives from the Field Janice L. DeLucia-Waack | Jeremiah Donigian |
The Practice of Social Research Earl R. Babbie |
The Practice of Social Work Charles Zastrow |
The Practice of Social Work: A Comprehensive Worktext Charles Zastrow |
The Prevention of Crime: Social and Situational Strategies Dennis P. Rosenbaum | Arthur J. Lurigio | Robert C. Davis |
The Principalship: Vision to Action Fred C. Lunenburg | Beverly J. Irby |
The Principles of Learning and Behavior Michael Domjan |
The Principles of Learning and Behavior: Active Learning Edition Michael Domjan |
The Professional Image: The Professional Development Series Ann Cooper |
The Professional Musician's Legal Companion Michael Aczon, Esq. |
The Professional Paralegal Workbook Elizabeth Angus |
The Professional Personal Chef: The Business of Doing Business as a Personal Chef Candy Wallace, Greg Forte |
The Professional School Counselor: An Advocate for Students Jeannine R. Studer |
The Proficient Reader Ira D. Epstein | Ernest B. Nieratka |
The Psychology Major's Handbook Tara L. Kuther |
The Psychology of Diversity: Beyond Prejudice and Racism James M. Jones, John F. Dovidio, Deborah L. Vietze |
The Psychology of Language Paul Whitney |
The Psychology of Personality: Viewpoints, Research, and Applications, 2nd Edition Bernardo J. Carducci |
The Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination Bernard E. Whitley | Mary E. Kite |
The Psychology of Women Margaret W. Matlin |
The Public Agenda: Issues In American Politics Lawrence G. Brewster | Genie N. L. Stowers |
The Pulse of Wisdom: The Philosophies of India, China, and Japan Michael C. Brannigan |
The Purposeful Argument: A Practical Guide Harry Phillips | Patricia Bostian |
The Purposeful Argument: A Practical Guide, Brief Edition Harry Phillips | Patricia Bostian |
The Qualitative Research Experience, Revised Printing Deborah K. Padgett |
The Rashaayda Bedouin: Arab Pastoralists of Eastern Sudan William C. Young |
The Reader's Corner: Expanding Perspectives Through Reading Carol C. Kanar |
The Reading Edge: Thirteen Ways to Build Reading Comprehension Ben E. Johnson |
The Reading Portfolio Diane Perotti Bosco | Janice Anselmo Buchner |
The Ready Reference Handbook Jack Dodds |
The Recording Engineer’s Handbook Bobby Owsinski |
The Recording Engineer's Handbook Bobby Owsinski |
The Red Badge of Courage Stephen Crane |
The Red Badge of Courage, Maggie: A Girl of the Streets, and Other Selected Writings Stephen Crane | Phyllis Frus | Stanley J. Corkin | Paul Lauter |
The Relational Leader: A Revolutionary Framework to Engage Your Team Frank McIntosh |
The Reluctant Welfare State: American Social Welfare Policies--Past, Present, and Future Bruce S. Jansson |
The Reluctant Welfare State: Engaging History to Advance Social Work Practice in Contemporary Society Bruce S. Jansson |
The RenderMan Shading Language Guide "Don" Rudy Cortes | Saty Raghavachary |
The Reproductive Physiology of Mammals: From Farm to Field and Beyond Keith K. Schillo |
The Research Methods Knowledge Base William Trochim, Ph.D. | James P. Donnelly |
The Research Process in the Human Services: Behind the Scenes Leslie Alexander | Phyllis Solomon |
The Research Tool Kit: Putting it All Together Bruce D. Friedman |
The Research Writer John Van Rys | Verne Meyer | Patrick Sebranek |
The Resourceful Reader Suzanne Strobeck Webb | Lou Ann Thompson |
The Restaurant: From Concept to Operation, 7th edition John R. Walker |
The Resume Writers Workbook: Marketing Yourself Throughout the Job Search Process Stanley Krantman |
The Rhetorical Act: Thinking, Speaking and Writing Critically Karlyn Kohrs Campbell | Susan Schultz Huxman |
The Rhetorical Act: Thinking, Speaking and Writing Critically Karlyn Kohrs Campbell | Susan Schultz Huxman | Thomas A. Burkholder |
The Rhetorical Act: Thinking, Speaking, and Writing Critically Karlyn Kohrs Campbell | Susan Schultz Huxman |
The Riddle of Latin America Kris Lane | Matthew Restall |
The Rinehart Reader Jean Wyrick | Beverly Slaughter |
The River Reader Joseph F. Trimmer |
The Riverside Anthology of Literature Douglas Hunt |
The Riverside Milton John Milton | Roy Flannagan |
The Road to the White House 2004: The Politics of Presidential Elections Stephen J. Wayne |
The Road to the White House 2008 Stephen J. Wayne |
The Road to the White House 2008 with Appendix Stephen J. Wayne |
The Road to the White House 2012 Prepack with Appendix Stephen J. Wayne |
The Role of Work in People's Lives: Applied Career Counseling and Vocational Psychology Nadene Peterson | Roberto Cortéz González |
The Ropes to Skip and the Ropes to Know: Studies in Organizational Theory and Behavior, 8th Edition R. Richard Ritti, Steve Levy |
The Russian Revolution and Bolshevik Victory: Visions and Revisions Ronald Grigor Suny | Arthur E. Adams |
The S.M.A.R.T. Guide to Digital Recording, Software, and Plug-Ins Bill Gibson |
The S.M.A.R.T. Guide to Producing Music with Samples, Loops, and MIDI Bill Gibson |
The Salon Professional's Guide to Foot Care Godfrey F. Mix |
The Sambia: Ritual, Sexuality, and Change in Papua New Guinea Gilbert Herdt |
The Scarlet Letter Nathaniel Hawthorne |
The School Counselor as Consultant: An Integrated Model for School-based Consultation Richard D. Parsons | Wallace J. Kahn |
The Science & Engineering of Materials Donald R. Askeland | Pradeep P. Fulay |
The Science and Engineering of Materials Donald R. Askeland | Pradeep P. Fulay | Wendelin J. Wright |
The Science and Engineering of Materials Donald R. Askeland | Wendelin J. Wright |
The Science and Engineering of Materials, SI Edition Donald R. Askeland | Pradeep P. Fulay | Wendelin J. Wright |
The Science of Agriculture: A Biological Approach Dr. Ray V. Herren |
The Science of Agriculture: A Biological Approach Ray V. Herren |
The Science of Animal Agriculture Dr. Ray V. Herren |
The Science of Animal Agriculture Ray V. Herren |
The Sciences An Integrated Approach, 6th Edition ISV James Trefil, Robert M. Hazen |
The Sciences, 7th Edition ISV James Trefil, Robert M. Hazen |
The Scientific Revolution Lisa T. Sarasohn |
The Service Consultant: Principles of Service Management and Ownership Ronald A. Garner | C. William Garner |
The Service Consultant: Working in an Automotive Facility Ronald A. Garner | C. William Garner |
The Singer's Manual of English Diction Madeline Marshall |
The Skilled Helper: A Problem Management and Opportunity Development Approach to Helping Gerard Egan |
The Skilled Helper: A Problem-Management and Opportunity-Development Approach to Helping Gerard Egan |
The Skills of Helping Individuals, Families, Groups, and Communities Lawrence Shulman |
The Skin Care Answer Book Mark Lees |
The Social Media Business Equation Eve Mayer Orsburn |
The Social Organization of Work Randy Hodson | Teresa A. Sullivan |
The Social Work Portfolio: Planning, Assessing, and Documenting Lifelong Learning in a Dynamic Profession Barry R. Cournoyer | Mary Stanley |
The Social Work Skills Workbook Barry R. Cournoyer |
The Social Worker and Psychotropic Medication: Toward Effective Collaboration with Clients, Families, and Providers Kia J. Bentley | Joseph Walsh |
The Social Worker and Psychotropic Medication: Toward Effective Collaboration with Mental Health Clients, Families, and Providers Kia J. Bentley | Joseph Walsh |
The Sociology of Health, Illness, and Health Care: A Critical Approach Rose Weitz |
The Solar System Dana Backman | Michael A. Seeds |
The Solar System Michael A. Seeds |
The Solar System Michael A. Seeds | Dana Backman |
The Sommelier Prep Course: An Introduction to the Wines, Beers, and Spirits of the World M. Gibson |
The Speaker's Handbook Jo Sprague | Douglas Stuart |
The Speaker's Handbook Jo Sprague | Douglas Stuart | David Bodary |
The Sports Connection: Integrated Simulation for Microsoft Office 2003 Susie VanHuss | Connie M. Forde |
The Sports Connection: Integrated Simulation Susie VanHuss | Connie M. Forde |
The Sports Event Management and Marketing Playbook, 2nd Edition Farnk Supovitz |
The Statistical Sleuth: A Course in Methods of Data Analysis Fred Ramsey | Daniel Schafer |
The Structure of Singing: System and Art of Vocal Technique Richard Miller |
The Student's Guide to Understanding Constitutional Law John D. DeLeo Jr. |
The Studio Business Book Mitch Gallagher | Jim Mandell |
The Successful Distance Learning Student Carl M. Wahlstrom | Brian K. Williams | Peter Shea |
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The Successful Internship H. Frederick Sweitzer | Mary A. King |
The Successful Internship: Personal, Professional, and Civic Development H. Frederick Sweitzer | Mary A. King |
The Successful Internship: Transformation and Empowerment in Experiential Learning H. Frederick Sweitzer | Mary A. King |
The Successful Paralegal Job Search Guide Chere B. Estrin | Stacey Hunt |
The Sundance Reader Mark Connelly |
The Sundance Reader, Brief Edition Mark Connelly |
The Sundance Writer: A Rhetoric, Reader, and Research Guide, Brief Mark Connelly |
The Sundance Writer: A Rhetoric, Reader, Handbook Mark Connelly |
The Sundance Writer: A Rhetoric, Reader, Handbook, 2009 MLA Update Edition Mark Connelly |
The Sundance Writer: A Rhetoric, Reader, Research Guide, and Handbook Mark Connelly |
The Swazi: A South African Kingdom Hilda Kuper |
The Tempest: Evans Shakespeare Edition Grace Tiffany |
The Texas Paralegal William P. Statsky | Lynn Crossett |
The Theatrical Imagination Jeffrey H. Huberman | Brant L. Pope | James Ludwig |
The Theory of Knowledge: Classic and Contemporary Readings Louis P. Pojman |
The Thinking Reader James Koobatian |
The Thomson Reader: Conversations in Context Robert P. Yagelski |
The Thoughtful Reader Mary C. Fjeldstad |
The Tiwi of North Australia C.W. M. Hart | Arnold R. Pilling | Jane C. Goodale |
The Total Practice Management Workbook: Using e-Medsys Educational Edition Gerry A. Brasin | Cecile Favreau |
The Tour Book: How To Get Your Music On The Road Andy Reynolds |
The Trade Technician’s Soft Skills Manual Steve Coscia |
The Transformation of Modern France William B. Cohen |
The Transformed School Counselor Carol A. Dahir | Carolyn Bishop Stone |
The Transformed School Counselor Carolyn Bishop Stone | Carol A. Dahir |
The Triangle Strike and Fire, American Stories Series, Volume I John F. McClymer |
The Trobrianders of Papua New Guinea Annette B. Weiner |
The Truth About the Music Business: A Grassroots Business and Legal Guide Steve Moore |
The U.S. and the Global Economy Since 1945 Henry C. Dethloff |
The U.S. Health System: Origins and Functions Camille K. Barsukiewicz, Ph.D. | Marshall W. Raffel, Ph.D. | Norma K. Raffel |
The Ultimate CompTIA A+ 2006 Resource Kit Jean Andrews |
The Ultimate CompTIA A+ Resource Kit Cengage Learning Course Technology | CompTIA Press |
The Ultimate CompTIA Network+ 2009 Resource Kit Course Technology |
The Ultimate Job Hunter's Guidebook Susan D. Greene | Melanie C.L. Martel |
The Ultimate Personal Recording Studio Gino Robair |
The United Nations: International Organization and World Politics Lawrence Ziring | Robert E. Riggs | Jack A. Plano |
The United States Congress: A Simulation for Students Lauren Cohen Bell |
The United States in the World: A History of American Foreign Policy, Volume II H.W. Brands |
The Urban Poor of Puerto Rico: A Study in Development and Inequality Safa Icken Helen |
The Vice Lords: Warriors of the Street Lincoln Keiser |
The Video Collection Revealed: Adobe Creative Cloud Debbie Keller |
The Video Collection Revealed: Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Audition and Encore CS6 Debbie Keller |
The Video Collection Revealed: Adobe Premiere Pro, After Effects, Soundbooth and Encore CS5 Debbie Keller |
The Visual Guide to Swedish Massage Mark F. Beck |
The Voice Actor's Guide to Home Recording Harlan Hogan | Jeffrey P. Fisher |
The Wadsworth Anthology of Children's Literature Judith Saltman |
The Wadsworth Anthology of Drama W.B. Worthen |
The Wadsworth Anthology of Drama, 20th Anniversary Edition W.B. Worthen |
The Wadsworth Anthology of Drama, Brief Edition W.B. Worthen |
The Wadsworth Anthology of Drama, Revised Edition W.B. Worthen |
The Wadsworth Anthology of Poetry Jay Parini |
The Wadsworth Anthology of Poetry, Shorter Edition Jay Parini |
The Wadsworth Casebook Series for Reading, Research and Writing: Cask of Amontillado Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell |
The Wadsworth Casebook Series for Reading, Research and Writing: Master Harold Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell |
The Wadsworth Casebook Series for Reading, Research and Writing: The Yellow Wallpaper Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell |
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The Wadsworth Chaucer Geoffrey Chaucer | Larry D. Benson | Robert A. Pratt | F.N. Robinson |
The Wadsworth Essential Reference Card to the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers Karen Mauk |
The Wadsworth Essential Reference Card to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association Robert Perrin |
The Wadsworth Guide to MLA Documentation Linda Smoak Schwartz |
The Wadsworth Guide to MLA Documentation, MLA Update Linda Smoak Schwartz |
The Wadsworth Guide to Reading Textbooks Cengage Learning |
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The Wadsworth Guide to Research, 2009 MLA Update Edition Susan K. Miller-Cochran | Rochelle L. Rodrigo |
The Wadsworth Guide to Using MLA Documentation Style Card Karen Mauk |
The Wadsworth Handbook Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell |
The Wadsworth Handbook, 2009 MLA Update Edition Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell |
The Wadsworth Handbook, Documentation Update Laurie G. Kirszner | Stephen R. Mandell |
The Wadsworth Shakespeare William Shakespeare | G. Blakemore Evans | Harry Levin | Herschel Baker | Anne Barton | Hallet Smith | Marie Edel | Frank Kermode |
The Wadsworth Themes American Literature Series, 1492-1820 Theme 1: Native American Traditions and the European Medium Jay Parini | Ralph Bauer |
The Wadsworth Themes American Literature Series, 1492-1820 Theme 2: Spirituality, Church, and State in the Colonial Americas Jay Parini | Ralph Bauer |
The Wadsworth Themes American Literature Series, 1492-1820 Theme 3: Empire, Science, and Economy in the Americas Jay Parini | Ralph Bauer |
The Wadsworth Themes American Literature Series, 1492-1820 Theme 4: Contested Nations in the Early Americas Jay Parini | Ralph Bauer |
The Wadsworth Themes American Literature Series, 1800-1865 Theme 5: The Woman Question—and the Bachelor's Reveries Jay Parini | Shirley Samuels |
The Wadsworth Themes American Literature Series, 1800-1865 Theme 6: Confronting Race Jay Parini | Shirley Samuels |
The Wadsworth Themes American Literature Series, 1800-1865 Theme 7: Manifest Destiny and the Quest for the West Jay Parini | Shirley Samuels |
The Wadsworth Themes American Literature Series, 1800-1865 Theme 8: Views on War Jay Parini | Shirley Samuels |
The Wadsworth Themes American Literature Series, 1865-1915 Theme 10: Questions of Social and Economic Justice Jay Parini | Alfred Bendixen |
The Wadsworth Themes American Literature Series, 1865-1915 Theme 11: Immigration, Ethnicity, and Race Jay Parini | Alfred Bendixen |
The Wadsworth Themes American Literature Series, 1865-1915 Theme 12: Crime, Mystery, and Detection Jay Parini | Alfred Bendixen |
The Wadsworth Themes American Literature Series, 1865-1915 Theme 9: Imagining Gender Jay Parini | Alfred Bendixen |
The Wadsworth Themes American Literature Series, 1910-1945 Theme 13: The Making of the New Woman and the New Man Jay Parini | Martha J. Cutter |
The Wadsworth Themes American Literature Series, 1910-1945 Theme 14: Modernism and the Literary Left: Class, Money and Power Jay Parini | Martha J. Cutter |
The Wadsworth Themes American Literature Series, 1910-1945 Theme 15: Racism and Activism Jay Parini | Martha J. Cutter |
The Wadsworth Themes American Literature Series, 1910-1945 Theme 16: Poetry and Fiction of War and Social Conflict Jay Parini | Martha J. Cutter |
The Wadsworth Themes American Literature Series, 1945-Present, Theme 17: Race and Ethnicity in the Melting Pot Jay Parini | Henry Hart |
The Wadsworth Themes American Literature Series, 1945-Present, Theme 18: Class Conflicts and the American Dream Jay Parini | Henry Hart |
The Wadsworth Themes American Literature Series, 1945-Present, Theme 19: Exploring Gender and Sexual Norms Jay Parini | Henry Hart |
The Wadsworth Themes American Literature Series, 1945-Present, Theme 20: Witnessing War Jay Parini | Henry Hart |
The Wadsworth Themes American Literature Series, 1945-Present, Theme 21: Religion and Spirituality Jay Parini | Henry Hart |
The Way of Torah: An Introduction to Judaism Jacob Neusner |
The Way We Lived: Essays and Documents in American Social History, Volume I: 1492-1877 Frederick M. Binder | David M. Reimers |
The Way We Lived: Essays and Documents in American Social History, Volume II: 1865 - Present Frederick M. Binder | David M. Reimers |
The Way We Lived: Volume 1: 1492 - 1877 Frederick M. Binder | David M. Reimers |
The Web Collection Revealed Creative Cloud Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) | Jim Shuman, MBA | Sasha Vodnik |
The Web Collection Revealed Premium Edition: Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, Flash CS3 & Photoshop CS3 Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) | Jim Shuman, MBA | Elizabeth Eisner Reding |
The Web Collection Revealed Premium Edition: Adobe Dreamweaver CS4, Adobe Flash CS4, and Adobe Photoshop CS4 Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) | Jim Shuman, MBA | Elizabeth Eisner Reding |
The Web Collection Revealed Premium Edition: Adobe Dreamweaver CS5, Flash CS5 and Photoshop CS5 Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) | Jim Shuman, MBA | Elizabeth Eisner Reding |
The Web Collection Revealed Standard Edition: Adobe Creative Cloud Update Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) | Jim Shuman, MBA | Barbara M. Waxer |
The Web Collection Revealed Standard Edition: Adobe Dreamweaver CS3, Flash CS3 & Fireworks CS3 Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) | Jim Shuman, MBA | Barbara M. Waxer |
The WEB Collection Revealed Standard Edition: Adobe Dreamweaver CS4, Adobe Flash CS4, and Adobe Fireworks CS4 Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) | Jim Shuman, MBA | Barbara M. Waxer |
The Web Collection Revealed Standard Edition: Adobe Dreamweaver CS5, Flash CS5 and Fireworks CS5 Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) | Jim Shuman, MBA | Barbara M. Waxer |
The Web Collection Revealed Standard Edition: Adobe Dreamweaver CS6, Flash CS6 and Fireworks CS6 Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) | Jim Shuman, MBA | Barbara M. Waxer |
The Web Collection, Revealed Premium Edition: Adobe Creative Cloud Update Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) | Jim Shuman, MBA | Elizabeth Eisner Reding |
The Web Collection, Revealed Premium Edition: Adobe Dreamweaver CS6, Flash CS6 and Photoshop CS6 Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) | Jim Shuman, MBA | Elizabeth Eisner Reding |
The Web Collection, Revealed: Macromedia Dreamweaver 8, Flash 8, and Fireworks 8, Deluxe Education Edition Jim Shuman, MBA | Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) | Barbara M. Waxer |
The Web Collection: Flash MX 2004, Dreamweaver MX 2004, Fireworks MX 2004, Design Professional Sherry Bishop, BSBA, MEd (retired) | Piyush Patel | Jim Shuman, MBA | Barbara M. Waxer |
The Web of Democracy: An Introduction to American Politics Michael C. Gizzi | Tracey Gladstone-Sovell | William R. Wilkerson |
The Well-Crafted Argument Fred D. White | Simone J. Billings |
The Well-Crafted Argument: Across the Curriculum Fred D. White | Simone J. Billings |
The Well-Tempered Keyboard Teacher Marienne Uszler | Stewart Gordon | Scott McBride-Smith |
The West Transformed: A History of Western Civilization, Alternate Volume, Since 1300 Warren Hollister | Sears McGee | Gale Stokes |
The West Transformed: A History of Western Civilization, Volume A, To 1500 Warren Hollister | Sears McGee | Gale Stokes |
The West Transformed: A History of Western Civilization, Volume B, 1300-1815 Warren Hollister | Sears McGee | Gale Stokes |
The West Transformed: A History of Western Civilization, Volume C, Since 1789 Warren Hollister | Sears McGee | Gale Stokes |
The West Transformed: A History of Western Civilization, Volume I, to 1715 Warren Hollister | Sears McGee | Gale Stokes |
The West Transformed: A History of Western Civilization, Volume II, Since 1648 Warren Hollister | Sears McGee | Gale Stokes |
The Western Perspective: A History of Civilization in the West Philip V. Cannistraro | John J. Reich |
The Western Perspective: A History of Civilization in the West, Alternative Volume: Since 1300 Philip V. Cannistraro | John J. Reich |
The Western Perspective: Prehistory to the Enlightenment, Volume 1: To 1715 Philip V. Cannistraro | John J. Reich |
The Western Perspective: Prehistory to the Renaissance, Volume A: To 1500 Philip V. Cannistraro | John J. Reich |
The Western Perspective: Since the Middle Ages, Volume 2 Philip V. Cannistraro | John J. Reich |
The Western Tradition, Volume I: From the Ancient World to Louis XIV Eugen Weber |
The Western Tradition: From the Renaissance to the Present, Volume II Eugen Weber |
The White Man Will Eat You: An Anthropologist Among the Imbonggu of New Guinea William E. Wormsley |
The White Paper Marketing Handbook Robert W. Bly |
The Winter's Tale: Evans Shakespeare Edition Lawrence F. Rhu |
The Woman's Public Speaking Handbook Elizabeth J. Natalle | Fritzi R. Bodenheimer |
The Working Reader Mary Lou Conlin |
The World Economy: Open-Economy Macroeconomics and Finance Beth V. Yarbrough | Robert M. Yarbrough |
The World Food Economy, 2nd Edition |
The World Food Economy, 2nd Edition Douglas D. Southgate, Jr., Douglas H. Graham, Luther G. Tweeten |
The World of Chemistry: Essentials Melvin D. Joesten | Mary E. Castellion | John L. Hogg |
The World of Customer Service Pattie Gibson |
The World of the Counselor: An Introduction to the Counseling Profession Edward S. Neukrug |
The World of Words Margaret Ann Richek |
The World of Words: Vocabulary for College Success Margaret Ann Richek |
The World Since World War II William J. Duiker |
The World Today: Concepts and Regions in Geography 6th Edition Harm J. de Blij, Peter O. Muller |
The World Wide Web Featuring Microsoft Internet Explorer 6 – Illustrated Brief Donald I. Barker | Sasha Vodnik |
The World’s Christians: Who they are, Where they are, and How they got there Douglas Jacobsen |
The Write Start with Readings: Paragraphs to Essays Gayle Feng-Checkett | Lawrence Checkett |
The Write Start with Readings: Sentences to Paragraphs Lawrence Checkett | Gayle Feng-Checkett |
The Write Start, Paragraph to Essay: With Student and Professional Readings Lawrence Checkett | Gayle Feng-Checkett |
The Write Start: Paragraphs to Essays with Student and Professional Readings Gayle Feng-Checkett | Lawrence Checkett |
The Write Start: Sentences to Paragraphs with Professional and Student Readings Gayle Feng-Checkett | Lawrence Checkett |
The Writer's Harbrace Handbook Cheryl Glenn | Loretta Gray |
The Writer's Harbrace Handbook, 2009 MLA Update Edition Cheryl Glenn | Loretta Gray |
The Writer's Harbrace Handbook, Brief Edition Cheryl Glenn | Loretta Gray |
The Writer's Harbrace Handbook, Brief Edition Cheryl Glenn | Robert K. Miller | Suzanne Strobeck Webb | Loretta Gray |
The Writer's Harbrace Handbook, Brief, 2009 MLA Update Edition Cheryl Glenn | Loretta Gray |
The Writer's Response Stephen McDonald | William Salomone |
The Writer's Response: A Reading-Based Approach To Writing Stephen McDonald | William Salomone |
The Writer's Selections: Shaping Our Lives Kathleen T. McWhorter |
The Writer's Way Jack Rawlins |
The Writer's Way Jack Rawlins | Stephen Metzger |
The Writer's Workplace Sandra Scarry | John Scarry |
The Writer's Workplace with Readings Sandra Scarry | John Scarry |
The Writer's Workplace with Readings: Building College Writing Skills Sandra Scarry | John Scarry |
The Writer's Workplace: Building College Writing Skills Sandra Scarry | John Scarry |
The Writing Coach Lee Clark Johns |
The Written Registry Exam Review for Respiratory Care: Guidelines for Success William V. Wojciechowski |
The Yanomamo Napoleon A. Chagnon |
The Zinacantecos of Mexico: A Modern Maya Way of Life Evon Z. Vogt |
Theatre in Your Life Robert Barton | Annie McGregor |
Theatre: A Way of Seeing Milly S. Barranger |
Themes With a Difference: 228 New Activities for Young Children Moira Green |
Theodore Roosevelt: In the Vanguard of the Modern Stacy A. Cordery |
Theology: The Basics, 3rd Edition Alister E. McGrath |
Theories and Analyses of Twentieth-Century Music J. Kent Williams |
Theories and Systems of Psychology Arthur Bohart |
Theories for Direct Social Work Practice Joseph Walsh |
Theories of Deviance Stuart H. Traub | Craig B. Little |
Theories of Human Learning: What the Old Woman Said Guy R. Lefrancois |
Theories of Human Learning: What the Professor Said Guy R. Lefrancois |
Theories of Personality Duane P. Schultz | Sydney Ellen Schultz |
Theories of Personality Richard M. Ryckman |
Theories of Psychotherapy & Counseling: Concepts and Cases Richard S. Sharf |
Theories of Psychotherapy and Counseling: Concepts and Cases Richard S. Sharf |
Theories of Public Organization Robert B. Denhardt |
Theories of Public Organization Robert B. Denhardt | Thomas J. Catlaw |
Theory & Practice of Therapeutic Massage Mark F. Beck |
Theory and Application of the Linear Model Franklin A. Graybill |
Theory and Design in Counseling and Psychotherapy Susan X Day |
Theory and Method in the Study of Religion: Theoretical and Critical Readings Carl Olson |
Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy Gerald Corey |
Theory and Practice of Family Therapy and Counseling James R. Bitter |
Theory and Practice of Group Counseling Gerald Corey |
Theory and Practice of Therapeutic Massage Mark F. Beck |
Theory and Treatment Planning in Counseling and Psychotherapy Diane R. Gehart |
Theory and Treatment Planning in Family Therapy: A Competency-Based Approach Diane R. Gehart |
Theory Essentials Connie E. Mayfield |
Theory Essentials, Volume I : An Integrated Approach to Harmony, Ear Training, and Keyboard Skills Connie E. Mayfield |
Theory into Practice Ann B. Dobie |
Theory into Practice: An Introduction to Literary Criticism Ann B. Dobie |
Theory of Multicultural Counseling and Therapy Derald Wing Sue | Allen E. Ivey | Paul B. Pedersen |
Theory, Case, and Method in Comparative Politics Nikolaos Zahariadis |
Theory, Practice, and Trends in Human Services Edward S. Neukrug |
Theory, Practice, and Trends in Human Services: An Introduction Edward S. Neukrug |
Theory-Based Treatment Planning for Marriage and Family Therapists: Integrating Theory and Practice Diane R. Gehart | Amy R. Tuttle |
Therapeutic Communications for Health Care Carol D. Tamparo | Wilburta Q. Lindh |
Therapeutic Measurement and Testing:The Basics of ROM, MMT, Posture and Gait Analysis Lisa J. Weaver | Mandy Ferg |
Thermal Sciences: An Introduction to Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, and Heat Transfer (with CD ROM) Merle C. Potter | Elaine P. Scott |
Thermodynamics for Engineers Kenneth A. Kroos | Merle C. Potter |
Thermodynamics for Engineers, SI Edition Kenneth A. Kroos | Merle C. Potter |
These Yet to Be United States: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties in America Since 1945 Jeanne Theoharis | Athan Theoharis |
TheSkyâ„¢ Student Edition CD-ROM with TheSkyâ„¢ Workbook Software Bisque | Tom Jordan | Scott Peters |
TheSkyX Workbook Scott Peters | Thomas Jordan |
Think About It John Mauk | Jayme Stayer | Karen Mauk |
Think Like an Editor: 50 Strategies for the Print and Digital World Steve Davis | Emilie Davis |
Thinking About Race Naomi Zack |
Thinking about Social Problems Robert Henshel |
Thinking and Writing in the Humanities Suzanne Hudson | Molly LeClair |
Thinking Animation: Bridging the Gap Between 2D and CG Angie Jones | Jamie Oliff |
Thinking Critically About Moral Problems Thomas F. Wall |
Thinking Critically John Chaffee |
Thinking Critically: A Concise Guide John Chaffee |
Thinking for Yourself Marlys Mayfield |
Thinking for Yourself: Developing Critical Thinking Skills Through Reading and Writing Marlys Mayfield |
Thinking on Paper: A Reading-Writing Process Workbook Judy Markline |
Thinking Through the Past, Volume I John Hollitz |
Thinking Through the Past, Volume II John Hollitz |
Thinking Through the Past: A Critical Thinking Approach to U.S. History: Volume II: Since 1865 John Hollitz |
Thinking Through the Past: A Critical-Thinking Approach to U.S. History, Volume I: To 1877 John Hollitz |
Thirteen Questions in Ethics and Social Philosophy G. Lee Bowie | Kathleen M. Higgins | Meredith Michaels |
This High and Holy Moment: The First National Women's Rights Convention, Worcester, 1850 John F. McClymer |
This Realm of England, Volume 2 Lacey Baldwin Smith |
Thomson Engineering Guide to Web Research 2007-2008 Grant Heckman | David Ingre |
Those United States, Volume I Gerald Michael Greenfield | John D. Buenker |
Those United States: International Perspectives on American History, Volume II Gerald Michael Greenfield | John D. Buenker |
Those Who Can, Teach Kevin Ryan | James M. Cooper |
Those Who Can, Teach Kevin Ryan | James M. Cooper | Cheryl Mason Bolick |
Three Psychologies: Perspectives from Freud, Skinner, and Rogers Robert D. Nye |
Three Step Tray Tasking: Logic and Critical Thinking Activities for Young Children Victoria Folds, Ed.D. |
Thriving!: A Manual for Students in the Helping Professions Lennis G. Echterling | Eric Cowan | William F. Evans | A. Renee Staton | Grace Viere | J. Edson McKee | Jack Presbury | Anne L. Stewart |
Thriving!: A Manual for Students in the Helping Professions Lennis G. Echterling | Eric Cowan | William F. Evans | A. Renee Staton | J. Edson McKee | Jack Presbury | Anne L. Stewart |
Through the Eye of the Needle: A Maori Elder Remembers Mary Katharine Duffie |
To Believe or Not to Believe: Readings in the Philosophy of Religion E.D. Klemke |
To Govern a Nation Bryon Daynes | Raymond Tatalovich | Dennis Soden |
To Read Literature Donald Hall |
Today’s Mathematics: Concepts, Methods, and Classroom Activities, 12th Edition James W. Heddens, William R. Speer, Daniel J. Brahier |
Today's Health Information Management: An Integrated Approach Dana C. McWay |
Today's Health Information Management: An Integrated Approach Dana C. McWay |
Today's Technician: Advanced Automotive Electronic Systems, Classroom and Shop Manual Barry Hollembeak |
Today's Technician: Advanced Engine Performance Classroom Manual and Shop Manaul Mark Schnubel |
Today's Technician: Auto Engine Repair and Rebuilding Elisabeth Dorries |
Today's Technician: Automatic Transmissions and Transaxles Jack Erjavec |
Today's Technician: Automotive Brake Systems Classroom and Shop Manual Cliff Owen |
Today's Technician: Automotive Brake Systems Cliff Owen |
Today's Technician: Automotive Brake Systems, Classroom and Shop Manual Prepack Ken Pickerill |
Today's Technician: Automotive Electricity and Electronics Barry Hollembeak |
Today's Technician: Automotive Electricity and Electronics, Classroom and Shop Manual Pack Barry Hollembeak |
Today's Technician: Automotive Engine Performance Classroom Manual and Shop Manual Ken Pickerill |
Today's Technician: Automotive Engine Performance Ken Pickerill |
Today's Technician: Automotive Engine Performance, Classroom and Shop Manuals Ken Pickerill |
Today's Technician: Automotive Engine Repair & Rebuilding Chris Hadfield |
Today's Technician: Automotive Engine Repair & Rebuilding, Classroom Manual and Shop Manual Chris Hadfield |
Today's Technician: Automotive Heating & Air Conditioning Classroom Manual and Shop Manual Mark Schnubel |
Today's Technician: Automotive Heating & Air Conditioning Mark Schnubel |
Today's Technician: Automotive Suspension & Steering Classroom Manual and Shop Manual Mark Schnubel |
Today's Technician: Automotive Suspension & Steering Don Knowles |
Today's Technician: Automotive Suspension and Steering Systems Don Knowles |
Today's Technician: Basic Automotive Service and Systems Cliff Owen |
Today's Technician: Basic Automotive Service and Systems Clifton E. Owen |
Today's Technician: Basic Automotive Service and Systems, Classroom Manual and Shop Manual Chris Hadfield |
Today's Technician: Manual Transmissions & Transaxles Jack Erjavec |
Today's Technician: Manual Transmissions and Transaxles Classroom Manual and Shop Manual Mike Ronan |
Today's Technician: Manual Transmissions and Transaxles Jack Erjavec |
Today's Technician: Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Diesel Engines CM & SM Sean Bennett | John Kershaw |
Today's Technician: Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Electricity & Electronics SM & CM Sulev Oun |
Today's Technician: Medium/Heavy Duty Truck Steering and Suspension Systems Don Knowles |
Top Secret Executive Resumes Steve Provenzano |
Topics in Contemporary Mathematics Ignacio Bello | Anton Kaul | Jack R. Britton |
Topics in Contemporary Mathematics Ignacio Bello | Jack R. Britton |
Topics in Contemporary Mathematics Ignacio Bello | Jack R. Britton | Anton Kaul |
Topics in Contemporary Mathematics, Enhanced Edition Ignacio Bello | Jack R. Britton | Anton Kaul |
Torque for Teens Michael Duggan |
Torque for Teens Mike Duggan |
Tort Law Dr. Linda L. Edwards, Esq. | J. Stanley Edwards, J.D. | Patricia Kirtley Wells, J.D. |
Tort Law for Legal Assistants Dr. Linda L. Edwards, Esq. | J. Stanley Edwards, J.D. |
Tort Law J. Stanley Edwards, J.D. |
Torts & Personal Injury Law William Buckley | Cathy Okrent |
Torts and Personal Injury Law Cathy Okrent, J.D. |
Torts Personal Injury Litigation William P. Statsky |
Torts: Personal Injury Litigation William P. Statsky |
Total Automotive Technology Dr. Anthony E. Schwaller |
Total Quality Management Terry Richardson |
Total Quality: Management, Organization and Strategy James R. Evans |
Touch & Movement: Palpation and Kinesiology for Massage Therapists Julie Goodwin |
Touch Operation of the Electronic Calculator Arvella Jones |
TouchAbilities®: Essential Connections Iris Burman | Sandy Friedland |
Tour Book: How To Get YOUR Music on the Road Andy Reynolds |
Tourism Management, 4th Edition David Weaver, Laura Lawton |
Tourism Management, 5th Edition David Weaver, Laura Lawton |
Tourism: Principles, Practices, Philosophies, 12th Edition Charles R. Goeldner, J. R. Brent Ritchie |
Toward a Social History of Archaeology in the United States Thomas C. Patterson |
Toward More Sustainable Infrastructure Project Evaluation for Planners and Engineers Carl D. Martland |
Town and Country in Locorotondo Anthony H. Galt |
Tractor-Trailer Truck Driver Training Alice Adams | PTDI |
Trade Show & Event Marketing: Plan, Promote & Profit Ruth Stevens |
Traffic & Highway Engineering - SI Version Nicholas J. Garber | Lester A. Hoel |
Traffic & Highway Engineering Nicholas J. Garber | Lester A. Hoel |
Traffic and Highway Engineering Nicholas J. Garber | Lester A. Hoel |
Traffic and Highway Engineering, 3rd Nicholas J. Garber | Lester A. Hoel |
Traffic and Highway Engineering, SI Edition Nicholas J. Garber | Lester A. Hoel |
Traffic Investigation and Enforcement Donald O. Schultz | Derald D. Hunt |
Train the Trainer Student Course Book PTDI |
Training in Organizations: Needs Assessment, Development, and Evaluation Irwin L. Goldstein | Kevin Ford |
Training Tenor Voices Richard Miller |
Transactions and Strategies: Economics for Management (with InfoApps) Robert J. Michaels |
Transcultural Communication In Nursing Cora Munoz | Joan Luckmann |
Transfer Student Companion Thomas J. Grites | Susan Rondeau |
Transformers for the Electrician Marvin Gerth |
Transitioning From LPN/VN to RN: Moving Ahead in Your Career Gena Duncan | Rene DePew |
Transitioning from Windows 7 to Windows 8.1 CourseNotes Course Technology |
Transitions: A Guide for the Transfer Student Susan B. Weir |
Transport by Advection and Diffusion Ted Bennett |
Transportation Infrastructure Engineering: A Multimodal Integration Lester A. Hoel | Nicholas J. Garber | Adel W. Sadek |
Transportation Infrastructure Engineering: A Multimodal Integration, SI Version Lester A. Hoel | Nicholas J. Garber | Adel W. Sadek |
Transportation John J. Coyle | Edward J. Bardi | Robert A. Novack |
Transportation: A Global Supply Chain Perspective John J. Coyle | Robert A. Novack | Brian Gibson | Edward J. Bardi |
Transportation: A Supply Chain Perspective John J. Coyle | Robert A. Novack | Brian Gibson | Edward J. Bardi |
Traumatic Brain Injury: Associated Speech, Language, and Swallowing Disorders Bruce Murdoch, Ph.D. | Deborah G. Theodoros, Ph.D. |
TRAVEL DICTIONARY Claudine Dervaes |
Travel Perspectives: A Guide to Becoming a Travel Professional Ginger Gorham | Susan Rice |
Traversing Philosophical Boundaries Max O. Hallman |
Tray Tasking: Activities that Promote Reading and Writing Readiness Victoria Folds, Ed.D. |
Treatment Planning in Career Counseling John Liptak |
Treatment Resource Manual for Speech Language Pathology Froma P. Roth, Ph.D. | Colleen K. Worthington, M.S. |
Treatment Resource Manual for Speech-Language Pathology Froma P. Roth, Ph.D. | Colleen K. Worthington, M.S. |
Trees for Urban and Suburban Landscapes Dr. Edward F. Gilman |
Trigonometry Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler |
Trigonometry Charles P. McKeague | Mark Turner |
Trigonometry James Stewart | Lothar Redlin | Saleem Watson |
Trigonometry Ron Larson |
Trigonometry Ron Larson | Robert P. Hostetler |
Trigonometry, 3rd Edition Cynthia Y. Young |
Trigonometry, Hybrid James Stewart | Lothar Redlin | Saleem Watson |
Trim Carpentry Philip Moon |
Tropical Forest Archaeology in Western Pichincha, Ecuador Ronald D. Lippi |
Trucking Guide to Border Crossing Alice Adams |
Truckload Carrier Association's Daily Dispatch Challenge Training Guide Greg Mechler |
True Stories of Driver Turnover: Translating the Driver's Perspective Stan Poduch | James Depillo |
Trusted Criminals: White Collar Crime In Contemporary Society David O. Friedrichs |
Tube Substitution Handbook Barry Buchanan |
Turbo Tabs: 2013 CA Fire CodeTitle 24 Part 9 International Code Council (ICC) |
Turbo Tabs: 2013 CA Residential Code Title 24 Part 2.5 International Code Council (ICC) |
Turbo Tabs: 2013 California Building Code, Title 24 Part 2 International Code Council (ICC) |
Turfgrass Science and Management Robert Emmons |
Turfgrass Science and Management Robert Emmons | Frank Rossi, Ph.D. |
Twentieth-Century World Carter Vaughn Findley | John Alexander Murray Rothney |
Twentieth-Century World History (with InfoTrac) William J. Duiker |
Twentieth-Century World History William J. Duiker |
Twenty Questions for the Writer Jacqueline Berke | Randal Woodland |
Twenty Questions: An Introduction to Philosophy G. Lee Bowie | Meredith W. Michaels | Robert C. Solomon |
TX.GOV William Earl Maxwell | Ernest Crain | Adolfo Santos |
Typographic Design in the Digital Studio David Amdur |
UDK Game Development Alan Thorn |
Ultimate Game Programming with DirectX Allen Sherrod |
UML For The IT Business Analyst Howard Podeswa |
UML for the IT Business Analyst: A Practical Guide to Object-Oriented Requirements Gathering Howard Podeswa |
Uncle Tom's Cabin Harriet Beecher Stowe |
Uncommon Knowledge: Exploring Ideas Through Reading and Writing Rose Hawkins | Robert Isaacson |
Understandable Statistics Charles Henry Brase | Corrinne Pellillo Brase |
Understandable Statistics, Enhanced Edition Charles Henry Brase | Corrinne Pellillo Brase |
Understandable Statistics: Concepts and Methods Charles Henry Brase | Corrinne Pellillo Brase |
Understandable Statistics: Concepts and Methods, Hybrid Edition (with Aplia General Introduction Statistics 2-Semester Printed Access Card) Charles Henry Brase | Corrinne Pellillo Brase |
Understanding Abnormal Behavior David Sue | Derald Wing Sue | Stanley Sue |
Understanding Abnormal Behavior David Sue | Derald Wing Sue | Stanley Sue | Diane M. Sue |
Understanding Abnormal Child Psychology, 2nd Edition Vicky Phares |
Understanding American Government - No Separate Policy Chapter Susan Welch | John Gruhl | Susan M. Rigdon | Sue Thomas |
Understanding American Government Susan Welch | John Gruhl | John Comer | Susan M. Rigdon |
Understanding American Government Susan Welch | John Gruhl | Sue Thomas | MaryAnne Borrelli |
Understanding American Government Susan Welch | John Gruhl | Susan M. Rigdon | Sue Thomas |
Understanding American Government, Alternate Edition Susan Welch | John Gruhl | John Comer | Susan M. Rigdon |
Understanding and Troubleshooting Your PC Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Jean Andrews | Lisa Strite Jedlicka |
Understanding and Using Audio Effects Geoffrey Francis |
Understanding and Writing about Literature Walter Kalaidjian | Judith Roof | Stephen Watt |
Understanding Arguments: An Introduction to Informal Logic Robert J. Fogelin | Walter Sinnott-Armstrong |
Understanding Art Lois Fichner-Rathus |
Understanding Art, Revised Printing Lois Fichner-Rathus |
Understanding Basic Statistics Charles Henry Brase | Corrinne Pellillo Brase |
Understanding Basic Statistics, Brief Charles Henry Brase | Corrinne Pellillo Brase |
Understanding Basic Statistics, Hybrid Charles Henry Brase | Corrinne Pellillo Brase |
Understanding Business Strategy Concepts Plus R. Duane Ireland | Robert E. Hoskisson | Michael A. Hitt |
Understanding Business Strategy: Concepts and Cases R. Duane Ireland | Robert E. Hoskisson | Michael A. Hitt |
Understanding Child Development Rosalind Charlesworth, Ph.D. |
Understanding Children’s Development, 5th Edition Peter K. Smith, Helen Cowie, Mark Blades |
Understanding Color Management Abhay Sharma |
Understanding Computers in a Changing Society Deborah Morley |
Understanding Computers: Today & Tomorrow, 2009 Update Deborah Morley |
Understanding Computers: Today & Tomorrow, Comprehensive Deborah Morley |
Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow, Comprehensive Deborah Morley |
Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow, Comprehensive Deborah Morley | Charles S. Parker |
Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow, Introductory Deborah Morley |
Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow, Introductory Deborah Morley | Charles S. Parker |
Understanding Computers: Today and Tomorrow, Introductory Edition Deborah Morley |
Understanding Construction Drawings Mark Huth |
Understanding Construction Drawings Mark W. Huth |
Understanding Crime: Essentials of Criminological Theory L. Thomas Winfree, Jr. | Howard Abadinsky |
Understanding Crime: Theory and Practice L. Thomas Winfree, Jr. | Howard Abadinsky |
Understanding Culture's Influence on Behavior Richard Brislin |
Understanding Digital Photography Joe Ippolito |
Understanding Dying, Death, and Bereavement Michael R. Leming | George E. Dickinson |
Understanding Elementary Algebra with Geometry: A Course for College Students Lewis R. Hirsch | Arthur Goodman |
Understanding Emotions, 3rd Edition Dalcher Keltner |
Understanding Fiction Judith Roof |
Understanding Food Science and Technology Peter Murano |
Understanding Food: Principles and Preparation Amy Christine Brown |
Understanding Generalist Practice Karen K. Kirst-Ashman | Grafton H. Hull, Jr. |
Understanding Generalist Practice with Families Grafton H. Hull | Jannah J. Mather |
Understanding Health Insurance Michelle A. Green | Jo Ann C. Rowell |
Understanding Health Insurance: A Guide to Billing and Reimbursement Michelle A. Green |
Understanding Health Insurance: A Guide to Billing and Reimbursement Michelle A. Green | Jo Ann C. Rowell |
Understanding Health Insurance: A Guide to Professional Billing Jo Ann C. Rowell | Michelle A. Green |
Understanding Hospital Coding and Billing: A Worktext Marsha S. Diamond, CPC, CPC-H |
Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment Charles Zastrow | Karen K. Kirst-Ashman |
Understanding Human Behavior Mary Elizabeth Milliken |
Understanding Human Behavior: A Guide for Health Care Providers Alyson Honeycutt | Mary Elizabeth Milliken |
Understanding ICD-10-CM and ICD-10-PCS: A Worktext Mary Jo Bowie | Regina M. Schaffer |
Understanding ICD-9-CM Coding Mary Jo Bowie | Regina M. Schaffer |
Understanding ICD-9-CM Coding: A Worktext Mary Jo Bowie | Regina M. Schaffer |
Understanding Intermediate Algebra: A Course for College Students Lewis R. Hirsch | Arthur Goodman |
Understanding Interpersonal Communication: Making Choices in Changing Times Richard West | Lynn H. Turner |
Understanding Interpersonal Communication: Making Choices in Changing Times, Enhanced Edition Richard West | Lynn H. Turner |
Understanding Judaism Through History S. Daniel Breslauer |
Understanding Legal Concepts that Influence Social Welfare Policy and Practice Rudolph Alexander, Jr. |
Understanding Literature: An Introduction to Reading and Writing Walter Kalaidjian | Judith Roof | Stephen Watt |
Understanding Management Richard L. Daft | Dorothy Marcic |
Understanding Medical Coding: A Comprehensive Guide Sandra L. Johnson |
Understanding Medical Coding: A Comprehensive Guide Sandra L. Johnson | Robin Linker |
Understanding Modifiers Optum |
Understanding Motivation and Emotion, 5th Edition Johnmarshall Reeve |
Understanding Motor Controls Stephen L. Herman |
Understanding Normal and Clinical Nutrition Sharon Rady Rolfes | Kathryn Pinna | Ellie Whitney |
Understanding Nutrition Eleanor Noss Whitney | Sharon Rady Rolfes |
Understanding Nutrition, Update Eleanor Noss Whitney | Sharon Rady Rolfes |
Understanding Operating Systems Ann McHoes | Ida M. Flynn |
Understanding Operating Systems Ida M. Flynn | Ann McIver McHoes |
Understanding Physical Anthropology and Archaeology Barry Lewis | Robert Jurmain | Lynn Kilgore |
Understanding Physics, 1st Edition Karen Cummings, Priscilla W. Laws, Edward F. Redish, Patrick J. Cooney |
Understanding Poetry Cleanth Brooks | Robert Penn Warren |
Understanding Poetry Walter Kalaidjian |
Understanding Politics Thomas Magstadt |
Understanding Politics: Ideas, Institutions, and Issues Thomas Magstadt |
Understanding Procedural Coding: A Worktext Mary Jo Bowie |
Understanding Procedural Coding: A Worktext Mary Jo Bowie | Regina M. Schaffer |
Understanding Religion in a Global Society Kent E. Richter | Eva M. Räpple | John C. Modschiedler | R. Dean Peterson |
Understanding Research Methods and Statistics Gary W. Heiman |
Understanding Scientific Reasoning Ronald N. Giere | John Bickle | Robert Mauldin |
Understanding Sexuality Research Michael W. Wiederman |
Understanding Social Problems (with CD-ROM and InfoTrac), 4th Linda A. Mooney, Ph.D. | David Knox, Ph.D. | Caroline Schacht, M.A. |
Understanding Social Problems Linda A. Mooney, Ph.D. | David Knox, Ph.D. | Caroline Schacht, M.A. |
Understanding Society: An Introductory Reader Margaret L. Andersen | Kim A. Logio | Howard F. Taylor |
Understanding Statistics in the Behavioral Sciences Robert R. Pagano |
Understanding Statistics in the Behavioral Sciences: Step by Step Judith A. McLaughlin |
Understanding the Constitution Sue Davis | J. W. Peltason |
Understanding the Law Donald L. Carper | Bill W. West |
Understanding the Law Donald L. Carper | John A. McKinsey |
Understanding the Law Donald L. Carper | John A. McKinsey | Bill W. West |
Understanding the NEC Vol 2 Mike Holt |
Understanding the Principles of Organic Chemistry: A Laboratory Course, Reprint Steven F. Pedersen | Arlyn M. Myers |
Understanding Voice Over IP Technology Nicholas Wittenberg |
Understanding Workers' Compensation Insurance Sandy D. Moore |
Understanding Zoonotic Diseases Janet Amundson Romich |
Uniform Billing Christina D. Rizzo | Judith Fields |
Unique Considerations of the Female Athlete Michael Brunet |
Unit Operations and Processes in Environmental Engineering Tom D. Reynolds | Paul Richards |
United States Foreign Policy: Politics Beyond the Water's Edge Donald M. Snow |
United States Foreign Policy-Making: Process, Problems, and Prospects for the Twenty-First Century William H. Baugh |
United States Public Policy: A Budgetary Approach Dianne Rahm |
Universal Keys for Writers Ann Raimes | Maria Jerskey |
Universe, Hybrid Michael A. Seeds | Dana Backman | Michele Montgomery |
Universe: Solar System, Stars, and Galaxies Michael A. Seeds | Dana Backman |
University Physics Ronald Lane Reese |
University Physics, Volume 1 Ronald Lane Reese |
UNIX and Shell Programming: A Textbook Behrouz A. Forouzan | Richard F. Gilberg |
Unreal Tournament Game Programming for Teens John P. Flynt, Ph.D | Brandon Booth |
UnrealScript Game Programming All in One John P. Flynt, Ph.D. | Chris Caviness |
Unspoken Worlds: Women's Religious Lives Nancy Auer Falk | Rita M. Gross |
Update: Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual Robert Amitrano | Gerard Tortora |
Update: Laboratory Exercises in Anatomy and Physiology with Cat Dissections Robert Amitrano | Gerard Tortora |
Upgrading to Microsoft Office 2007 - Illustrated Brief Mary-Terese Cozzola | Barbara Clemens | Barbara M. Waxer |
Upgrading to Microsoft® Office 2010 Mary-Terese Cozzola | Barbara Clemens | Barbara M. Waxer |
Upper Extremity Injury Evaluation CDROM and Lab Manual Dr. Douglas Mann | Colleen A. Grugan |
Urban Economics and Real Estate – Theory and Policy, 2nd Edition John F. McDonald, Daniel P. McMillen |
Urban Geography, 3rd Edition Dave H. Kaplan, Steven Holloway |
Using Access 2002 In Accounting James T. Perry | Gary P. Schneider |
Using Art to Create Art Wendy M. L. Libby |
Using Assessment Results for Career Development Debra S. Osborn | Vernon G. Zunker |
Using AutoCAD 2000 Autodesk Press |
Using C++: An Introduction to Programming Julien Hennefeld | Charles Burchard |
Using Computers in the Law Office - Advanced Matthew S. Cornick |
Using Computers in the Law Office - Basic Matthew S. Cornick |
Using Computers in the Law Office Brent D. Roper, M.B.A., J.D. |
Using Computers in the Law Office Brent Roper |
Using Computers in the Law Office Matthew S. Cornick |
Using Excel & Access for Accounting 2010 Glenn Owen |
Using Excel® and Access® for Accounting Glenn Owen |
Using Financial Accounting Information: The Alternative to Debits & Credits Gary A. Porter | Curtis L. Norton |
Using Financial Accounting Information: The Alternative to Debits and Credits Gary A. Porter | Curtis L. Norton |
Using Integrated Accounting Online Glenn Owen |
Using Microsoft® Excel® and Access 2013 for Accounting Glenn Owen |
Using Multisim 6.1: Troubleshooting DC/AC Circuits John Reeder |
Using Multisim 9: Troubleshooting DC/AC Circuits John Reeder |
Using Peachtree Complete 2007 for Accounting Glenn Owen |
Using Peachtree Complete 2009 for Accounting Glenn Owen |
Using Peachtree Complete 2010 for Accounting Glenn Owen |
Using Peachtree Complete 2011 for Accounting Glenn Owen |
Using Peachtree Complete Accounting 2008 Glenn Owen |
Using QuarkXPress 5 Suzanne Sayegh Thomas |
Using Quickbooks Accountant 2012 for Accounting Glenn Owen |
Using Quickbooks Accountant 2013 (with CD-ROM and Data File CD-ROM) Glenn Owen |
Using Quickbooks Accountant 2014 Glenn Owen |
Using QuickBooks Pro 2006 for Accounting Glenn Owen |
Using Quickbooks Pro 2007 for Accounting Glenn Owen |
Using Quickbooks Pro 2009 for Accounting Glenn Owen |
Using Quickbooks Pro 2010 for Accounting Glenn Owen |
Using Quickbooks Pro 2011 for Accounting Glenn Owen |
Using Quickbooks Pro® 2008 for Accounting Glenn Owen |
Using QuickBooks™ Pro® 2004 For Accounting Glenn Owen |
Using QuickBooks™ Pro® 2005 for Accounting Glenn Owen |
Using QuickBooks® Accountant 2015 for Accounting (with CD-ROM and Data File CD-ROM) Glenn Owen |
Using Reason's Virtual Instruments: Skill Pack Matt Piper |
Using Software Samplers: Skill Pack Nicholas Batzdorf |
Using Stories to Make Art: Creative Activities Using Children's Literature Wendy M. L. Libby |
Using the Electronic Health Record in the Health Care Provider Practice Shirley Eichenwald Maki | Bonnie Petterson |
Using the Electronic Health Record in the Healthcare Provider Practice Shirley Eichenwald Maki | Bonnie Petterson |
Valuation Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies, University Edition, 5th Edition Mc Kinsey & Company Inc |
Valuation Mergers, Buyouts and Restructuring, 2nd Edition Enrique R. Azrac |
Vasilika: A Village in Modern Greece Friedl |
VBA for Modelers: Developing Decision Support Systems S. Christian Albright |
VBA for Modelers: Developing Decision Support Systems Using Microsoft® Excel S. Christian Albright |
VBA for Modelers: Developing Decision Support Systems with Microsoft® Office® Excel S. Christian Albright |
Venture Capital and Private Equity: A Casebook, 5th Edition Josh Lerner, Felda Hardymon, Ann Leamon |
Venture Capital and the Finance of Innovation, 2nd Edition Andrew Metrick, Ayako Yasuda |
Venture Capital, Private Equity, and the Financing of Entrepreneurship Josh Lerner, Ann Leamon, Felda Hardymon |
Verbal Communication: Illustrated Course Guides Jeff Butterfield |
Vertebrate Dissection Dominique G. Homberger | Warren F. Walker |
Veterinary Assisting Fundamentals & Applications Beth Vanhorn, AS, CVT | Robert Clark, PhD |
Veterinary Clinical Procedures in Large Animal Practice Jody Rockett, DVM | Susanna Bosted, DVM |
Veterinary Clinical Procedures in Large Animal Practices Jody Rockett, DVM | Susanna Bosted, DVM |
Veterinary Clinical Procedures in Small Animal Practice Vicki Judah |
Veterinary Office Practices Robert Kehn |
Veterinary Office Practices Vicki Judah |
Veterinary Technician's Pocket Partner: A Quick Access Reference Guide Marisa Bauer |
Viajes: Introducción al español Robert Hershberger | Susan Navey-Davis | Guiomar Borrás A. |
Vibrations Balakumar Balachandran | Edward B. Magrab |
Vibrations of Mechanical Systems C. Nataraj |
Vibrations of Mechanical Systems, SI Edition C. Nataraj |
Vice and Virtue in Everyday Life Christina Hoff Sommers | Fred Sommers |
Vice and Virtue in Everyday Life: Introductory Readings in Ethics Christina Hoff Sommers | Fred Sommers |
Victorian Literature: 1830-1900 Dorothy Mermin | Herbert Tucker |
Video 10: Energy Provisions Workbook International Code Council (ICC) |
Video Basics Herbert Zettl |
Video Game Optimization Eric Preisz | Ben Garney |
Video Game Programming for Kids Jonathan S. Harbour |
Viewpoints W. Royce Adams |
Viewpoints: Readings Worth Thinking and Writing About W. Royce Adams |
Views and Values: Diverse Readings on Universal Themes Kari Sayers |
Violence and Culture: A Cross-Cultural and Interdisciplinary Approach Jack David Eller |
Virtual Field Trips in Geology Parvinder Sethi |
Virtual Machines Companion Ted Simpson |
Virtualization Security EC-Council |
Virtuous Therapist: Ethical Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy Elliot D. Cohen | Gale Spieler Cohen |
Visions across the Americas J. Sterling Warner | Judith Hilliard |
Visions across the Americas: Short Essays for Composition J. Sterling Warner | Judith Hilliard |
Visual Basic Game Programming for Teens Jonathan S. Harbour |
Visual Basic Programs to Accompany Programming Logic and Design Jo Ann Smith |
Visual C# Game Programming for Teens Jonathan S. Harbour |
Visual Communication: Images with Messages Paul Martin Lester |
Visual Computing: Geometry, Graphics, and Vision Frank Nielsen |
Visual Design Fundamentals: A Digital Approach Alan Hashimoto |
Visual Design Fundamentals: A Digital Approach Alan Hashimoto | Mike Clayton |
Visual Workout: Creativity Workbook Robin Landa | Rose Gonnella |
Visualization, Modeling, and Graphics for Engineering Design Dennis K. Lieu | Sheryl A. Sorby |
Visualizing Environmental Science, 3rd Edition Linda R. Berg, David M. Hassenzahl, Mary Catherine Hager |
Visualizing Geology, 3rd Edition Barbara W. Murck |
Visualizing Human Geography: At Home in a Diverse World, 2nd Edition Alyson Greiner |
Visualizing Physical Geography, 2nd Edition Timothy Foresman, Alan H. Strahler |
Voces de España Francisca Paredes-Méndez | Mark Harpring | José Ballesteros |
Voces de España: AntologÃa literaria Francisca Paredes-Méndez | Mark Harpring | José Ballesteros |
Voces de Hispanoamérica Raquel Chang-RodrÃguez | Malva E. Filer |
Voces de Hispanoamérica: AntologÃa literaria Raquel Chang-RodrÃguez | Malva E. Filer |
Voice and Articulation Kenneth C. Crannell |
Voice Treatment for Children & Adolescents Moya L. Andrews |
Voices from the Field: Readings in Criminal Justice Research Carl Pope | Rick Lovell | Steven G. Brandl |
Voices from the Reconstruction Years, 1895-1877 Glenn Linden |
Voices of the American Past, Volume I Raymond M. Hyser | J. Chris Arndt |
Voices of the American Past, Volume II Raymond M. Hyser | J. Chris Arndt |
Voices of the American Past, Volume II: Since 1865 Raymond M. Hyser | J. Chris Arndt |
Voices of the American Past: Documents in U.S. History, Volume I Raymond M. Hyser | J. Chris Arndt |
Voices of the American Past: Documents in U.S. History, Volume I: to 1877 Raymond M. Hyser | J. Chris Arndt |
Voices of the American Past: Documents in U.S. History, Volume II Raymond M. Hyser | J. Chris Arndt |
Voices of Wisdom: A Multicultural Philosophy Reader Gary E. Kessler |
Voilà ! An Introduction to French, Enhanced L. Kathy Heilenman | Isabelle Kaplan | Claude Toussaint Tournier |
Voilà !: An Introduction to French L. Kathy Heilenman | Isabelle Kaplan | Claude Toussaint Tournier |
Volleyball Today Marv Dunphy | Rod Wilde |
Volume 1 - Cell Biology and Genetics Cecie Starr | Ralph Taggart | Christine Evers | Lisa Starr |
Volume 1 - Cell Biology and Genetics Cecie Starr | Ralph Taggart | Christine Evers |
Volume 1 - Cell Biology and Genetics Cecie Starr | Ralph Taggart | Christine Evers | Lisa Starr |
Volume 2 - Evolution of Life Cecie Starr | Ralph Taggart |
Volume 2 - Evolution of Life Cecie Starr | Ralph Taggart | Christine Evers |
Volume 2 - Evolution of Life Cecie Starr | Ralph Taggart | Christine Evers | Lisa Starr |
Volume 3 - Diversity of Life Cecie Starr | Ralph Taggart |
Volume 3 - Diversity of Life Cecie Starr | Ralph Taggart | Christine Evers |
Volume 3 - Diversity of Life Cecie Starr | Ralph Taggart | Christine Evers | Lisa Starr |
Volume 4 - Plant Structure & Function Cecie Starr | Ralph Taggart | Christine Evers |
Volume 4 - Plant Structure and Function Cecie Starr | Ralph Taggart | Christine Evers | Lisa Starr |
Volume 4 - Plant Structure and Function Cecie Starr | Ralph Taggart |
Volume 5 - Animal Structure & Function Cecie Starr | Ralph Taggart | Christine Evers |
Volume 5 - Animal Structure and Function Cecie Starr | Ralph Taggart |
Volume 5 - Animal Structure and Function Cecie Starr | Ralph Taggart | Christine Evers | Lisa Starr |
Volume 6 - Ecology & Behavior Cecie Starr | Ralph Taggart | Christine Evers |
Volume 6 - Ecology and Behavior Cecie Starr | Ralph Taggart |
Volume 6 - Ecology and Behavior Cecie Starr | Ralph Taggart | Christine Evers | Lisa Starr |
Vorsprung, Enhanced Edition Thomas A. Lovik | J. Douglas Guy | Monika Chavez |
Vorsprung: A Communicative Introduction to German Language and Culture Thomas A. Lovik | J. Douglas Guy | Monika Chavez |
Voyages in World History Valerie Hansen | Ken Curtis |
Voyages in World History Valerie Hansen | Kenneth Curtis |
Voyages in World History, Brief Valerie Hansen | Kenneth R. Curtis |
Voyages in World History, Complete, Brief Valerie Hansen | Kenneth R. Curtis |
Voyages in World History, Volume 1 to 1600 Valerie Hansen | Ken Curtis |
Voyages in World History, Volume 1 Valerie Hansen | Kenneth Curtis |
Voyages in World History, Volume I, Brief Valerie Hansen | Kenneth R. Curtis |
Voyages in World History, Volume II Since 1500 Valerie Hansen | Ken Curtis |
Voyages in World History, Volume II, Brief Valerie Hansen | Kenneth R. Curtis |
Voyages Through the Universe Andrew Fraknoi | David Morrison | Sidney Wolff |
Voyages Through the Universe, Media Update Andrew Fraknoi | David Morrison | Sidney Wolff |
Voyages to the Planets Andrew Fraknoi | David Morrison | Sidney Wolff |
Voyages to the Planets, Media Update Andrew Fraknoi | David Morrison | Sidney Wolff |
Voyages to the Stars and Galaxies Andrew Fraknoi | David Morrison | Sidney Wolff |
Voyages to the Stars and Galaxies, Media Update Andrew Fraknoi | David Morrison | Sidney Wolff |
Wadsworth Classic Readings in Sociology Wadsworth |
Wadsworth College Reading Series: Book 1 Cengage Learning |
Wadsworth College Reading Series: Book 2 Cengage Learning |
Wadsworth College Reading Series: Book 3 Cengage Learning |
Wadsworth Guide to Research, Documentation Update Edition Susan K. Miller-Cochran | Rochelle L. Rodrigo |
Wadsworth MLA Update Card Heinle |
Wadsworth Quick Guide for Career Planning Thomson Wadsworth |
Wadsworth Quick Guide for the Community College Student Thomson Wadsworth |
Wadsworth Quick Guide to Credit Cards Thomson Wadsworth |
Wadsworth Quick Guide to Goals and Priorities Thomson Wadsworth |
Wadsworth Quick Guide to Job Interviewing Thomson Wadsworth |
Wadsworth Quick Guide to Our Diverse World Thomson Wadsworth |
Wadsworth Quick Guide to Writing A Résumé Thomson Wadsworth |
Wadsworth's Quick Guide to Test Anxiety Wadsworth |
Walden and Civil Disobedience Henry David Thoreau | Paul Lauter |
Walker-McConnell Scale of Social Competence and School Adjustment, Adolescent Version Hill M. Walker | Scott R. McConnell |
Walking and Jogging for Health and Wellness Frank Rosato |
Walking for Fun and Fitness Jerald D. Hawkins | Sandra M. Hawkins |
Warfare in the Western World: Military Operations from 1600 to 1871, Volume I Robert Doughty | Ira Gruber | Roy K. Flint | Mark Grimsley | George C. Herring | Donald D. Horward | John A. Lynn | Williamson Murray |
Watch and Pray: A Portrait of Fante Village Life in Transition Nancy Lundgren |
Water Aerobics for Fitness and Wellness Terry-Ann Spitzer Gibson | Werner W.K. Hoeger |
Watersheds 4: Ten Cases in Environmental Ethics Lisa H. Newton | Catherine K. Dillingham | Joanne Choly |
WaveLab 7 Power!: The Comprehensive Guide Matthew Loel T. Hepworth |
Waves Plug-Ins Workshop: Mixing by the Bundle Barry Wood |
WCIV Gavin Lewis |
WCIV, Volume I Gavin Lewis |
WCIV, Volume II Gavin Lewis |
We Are America: A Thematic Reader and Guide To Writing Anna Joy |
We the People: A Brief American History, Comprehensive Volume Peter N. Carroll |
We the People: A Brief American History, Volume I: To 1876 Peter N. Carroll |
We the People: A Brief American History, Volume II: Since 1865 Peter N. Carroll |
Weaving: A Handbook of the Fiber Arts Shirley E. Held |
Web 2.0 Security - Defending AJAX, RIA, AND SOA Shreeraj Shah |
Web 2.0: Concepts and Applications Gary B. Shelly | Mark Frydenberg |
Web 2.0: Making the Web Work for You, Illustrated Jane Hosie-Bounar | Barbara M. Waxer |
Web Comics for Teens Michael Duggan |
Web Design with HTML and CSS Digital Classroom, (Book and Video Training) Jennifer smith |
Web Design: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | H. Albert Napier | Ollie N. Rivers |
Web Design: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Linda Kosteba |
Web Design: Introductory Gary B. Shelly | Jennifer T. Campbell |
Web Design: Introductory Jennifer T. Campbell |
Web Page Design Todd Stubbs | Karl Barksdale | Crispen |
Web Page Design: 10-Hour Series Herbert Brown |
Web Security for Network and System Administrators David Mackey |
Web Server Administration Steve Silva |
Webcomics 2.0: An Insider’s Guide to Writing, Drawing, and Promoting Your Own Webcomics Steve Horton | Sam Romero |
Webmastering BASICS: Using Macromedia Dreamweaver MX Todd Knowlton | Brad Hunt | Jay Bates |
Webmastering BASICS: Using Microsoft FrontPage 2002 Todd Knowlton | Brad Hunt | Jay Bates |
Wedding Videography: Start to Finish Joanna Silber |
Week by Week: Plans for Documenting Children's Development Barbara Ann Nilsen |
Week by Week: Plans for Documenting Children's Development, Reprint Barbara Ann Nilsen |
Weight Training for Life James L. Hesson |
Weight Training for Life, 7th James L. Hesson |
Welcome to Hospitality: An Introduction Kaye (Kye-Sung) Chon, Ph.D. | Thomas A. Maier, Ph.D. |
Welcome to Hospitality: An Introduction Kye-Sung Chon, Ph.D. | Ray Sparrowe, Ph.D. |
Welding and Metal Fabrication Larry Jeffus |
Welding for Arts and Crafts Dewayne Roy |
Welding for Collision Repair Larry Jeffus |
Welding Principles and Applications Larry Jeffus |
Welding Skills, Processes and Practices for Entry-Level Welders: Book 1 Larry Jeffus | Lawrence Bower |
Welding Skills, Processes and Practices for Entry-Level Welders: Book 2 Larry Jeffus | Lawrence Bower |
Welding Skills, Processes and Practices for Entry-Level Welders: Book 3 Larry Jeffus | Lawrence Bower |
Welding: Principles and Applications Larry Jeffus |
Wellness: Choices for Health and Fitness Rebecca Donatelle | Christine Snow | Anthony Wilcox |
Wellness: Guidelines for a Healthy Lifestyle Werner W.K. Hoeger | Lori Waite Turner | Brent Q. Hafen |
Welten: Introductory German Prisca Augustyn | Nikolaus Euba |
West Federal Taxation 2007: Comprehensive Volume, Professional Edition Eugene Willis | William H. Hoffman, Jr. | David M. Maloney | William A. Raabe |
West Federal Taxation 2007: Individual Income Taxes, Volume 1, Professional Edition William H. Hoffman, Jr. | James E. Smith | Eugene Willis |
West Federal Taxation 2007: Taxation of Business Entities James E. Smith | William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney |
West Federal Taxation 2007: Taxation of Business Entities, Professional Edition James E. Smith | William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney |
West Federal Taxation 2008: Comprehensive Volume Eugene Willis | William H. Hoffman, Jr. | David M. Maloney | William A. Raabe |
West Federal Taxation 2008: Comprehensive Volume, Professional Version Eugene Willis | William H. Hoffman, Jr. | David M. Maloney | William A. Raabe |
West Federal Taxation 2008: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates, and Trusts William H. Hoffman, Jr. | William A. Raabe | James E. Smith | David M. Maloney |
West Federal Taxation 2008: Corporations, Partnerships, Estates, and Trusts, Professional Edition William H. Hoffman, Jr. | William A. Raabe | James E. Smith | David M. Maloney |
West Federal Taxation 2008: Individual Income Taxes William H. Hoffman, Jr. | James E. Smith | Eugene Willis |
West Federal Taxation 2008: Individual Income Taxes, Professional Version William H. Hoffman, Jr. | James E. Smith | Eugene Willis |
West Federal Taxation 2008: Taxation of Business Entities James E. Smith | William A. Raabe | David M. Maloney |
West Federal Taxation: Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and Treasury Regulations: Annotated and Select, 2008 edition James E. Smith |
Western Civilization Jackson J. Spielvogel |
Western Civilization Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | William B. Cohen | David D. Roberts |
Western Civilization Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | William B. Cohen | David D. Roberts | Jennifer Michael Hecht |
Western Civilization, A Brief History Marvin Perry |
Western Civilization, A Brief History, Volume II Marvin Perry |
Western Civilization, Alternate Volume: Since 1300 Jackson J. Spielvogel |
Western Civilization, From the 1400s Marvin Perry | Myrna Chase | James R. Jacob | Margaret C. Jacob | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Western Civilization, Volume 1: A History of European Society, Volume I: To 1715 Steven Hause | William Maltby |
Western Civilization: A Biref History, Volume I: To 1789 Marvin Perry |
Western Civilization: A Brief History Jackson J. Spielvogel |
Western Civilization: A Brief History Marvin Perry |
Western Civilization: A Brief History, Brief Marvin Perry |
Western Civilization: A Brief History, Complete Marvin Perry |
Western Civilization: A Brief History, Volume I Jackson J. Spielvogel |
Western Civilization: A Brief History, Volume I Marvin Perry |
Western Civilization: A Brief History, Volume I: To 1715 Jackson J. Spielvogel |
Western Civilization: A Brief History, Volume I: To 1789 Marvin Perry |
Western Civilization: A Brief History, Volume II Jackson J. Spielvogel |
Western Civilization: A Brief History, Volume II Marvin Perry |
Western Civilization: A Brief History, Volume II: From 1400's Marvin Perry |
Western Civilization: A Brief History, Volume II: From the 1400s Marvin Perry |
Western Civilization: A Brief History, Volume II: From the 1400's Marvin Perry |
Western Civilization: A Brief History, Volume II: Since 1500 Jackson J. Spielvogel |
Western Civilization: A History of European Society Steven Hause | William Maltby |
Western Civilization: A History of European Society, Volume II: Since 1550 Steven Hause | William Maltby |
Western Civilization: Alternate Volume: Since 1300 Jackson J. Spielvogel |
Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | Elinor Accampo | David D. Roberts | William B. Cohen |
Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries, Dolphin Edition, Volume I Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | Elinor Accampo | David D. Roberts | William B. Cohen |
Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries, Dolphin Edition, Volume II Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | Elinor Accampo | David D. Roberts | William B. Cohen |
Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries, Volume 1 to 1715 Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | Elinor Accampo | David D. Roberts | William B. Cohen |
Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries, Volume 2 Since 1560 Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | Elinor Accampo | David D. Roberts | William B. Cohen |
Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries, Volume A: To 1500 Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | Elinor Accampo | David D. Roberts | William B. Cohen |
Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries, Volume B: 1300-1815 Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | Elinor Accampo | David D. Roberts | William B. Cohen |
Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries, Volume C: Since 1789 Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | Elinor Accampo | David D. Roberts | William B. Cohen |
Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries, Volume I: to 1715 Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | Elinor Accampo | David D. Roberts | William B. Cohen |
Western Civilization: Beyond Boundaries, Volume II: Since 1560 Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | Elinor Accampo | David D. Roberts | William B. Cohen |
Western Civilization: Brief Discovery Edition Jackson J. Spielvogel |
Western Civilization: Brief Discovery Edition, Volume I Jackson J. Spielvogel |
Western Civilization: Brief Discovery Edition, Volume II Jackson J. Spielvogel |
Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics, and Society Marvin Perry | Myrna Chase | James R. Jacob | Margaret C. Jacob | Jonathan W. Daly | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics, and Society Marvin Perry | Myrna Chase | James R. Jacob | Margaret C. Jacob | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics, and Society, Comprehensive Edition Marvin Perry | Margaret C. Jacob | James R. Jacob | Myrna Chase | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics, and Society, Volume 1: To 1789 Marvin Perry | Myrna Chase | James R. Jacob | Margaret C. Jacob | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics, and Society, Volume 2: From the 1600's Marvin Perry | Myrna Chase | James R. Jacob | Margaret C. Jacob | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics, and Society, Volume I: To 1789 Marvin Perry | Margaret C. Jacob | James R. Jacob | Myrna Chase | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics, and Society, Volume I: To 1789 Marvin Perry | Myrna Chase | James R. Jacob | Margaret C. Jacob | Jonathan W. Daly | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics, and Society, Volume I: To 1789 Marvin Perry | Myrna Chase | James R. Jacob | Margaret C. Jacob | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics, and Society, Volume II: From 1600 Marvin Perry | Margaret C. Jacob | James R. Jacob | Myrna Chase | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics, and Society, Volume II: From 1600 Marvin Perry | Myrna Chase | James R. Jacob | Margaret C. Jacob | Jonathan W. Daly | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics, and Society, Volume II: From 1600 Marvin Perry | Myrna Chase | James R. Jacob | Margaret C. Jacob | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics, and Society: Since 1400 Marvin Perry | Margaret C. Jacob | James R. Jacob | Myrna Chase | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Western Civilization: Ideas, Politics, and Society: Since 1400 Marvin Perry | Myrna Chase | James R. Jacob | Margaret C. Jacob | Jonathan W. Daly | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Western Civilization: Since 1400 Marvin Perry | Myrna Chase | James R. Jacob | Margaret C. Jacob | Theodore H. Von Laue |
Western Civilization: The Continuing Experiment, Complete Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | William B. Cohen | David D. Roberts |
Western Civilization: The Continuing Experiment, Dolphin Edition Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | William B. Cohen | David D. Roberts |
Western Civilization: The Continuing Experiment, Dolphin Edition, Volume 1: To 1715 Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | William B. Cohen | David D. Roberts |
Western Civilization: The Continuing Experiment, Dolphin Edition, Volume 2: Since 1560 Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | William B. Cohen | David D. Roberts |
Western Civilization: The Continuing Experiment, Volume 1: To 1715 Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | William B. Cohen | David D. Roberts |
Western Civilization: The Continuing Experiment, Volume 2: Since 1560 Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | William B. Cohen | David D. Roberts |
Western Civilization: The Continuing Experiment, Volume A: To 1500 Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | William B. Cohen | David D. Roberts |
Western Civilization: The Continuing Experiment, Volume B: 1300-1815 Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | William B. Cohen | David D. Roberts |
Western Civilization: The Continuing Experiment, Volume I: To 1715, Brief Edition Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | William B. Cohen | David D. Roberts | Jennifer Michael Hecht |
Western Civilization: The Continuing Experiment, Volume II: Since 1560, Brief Edition Thomas F. X. Noble | Barry S. Strauss | Duane J. Osheim | Kristen B. Neuschel | William B. Cohen | David D. Roberts | Jennifer Michael Hecht |
Western Civilization: Volume A: To 1500 Jackson J. Spielvogel |
Western Civilization: Volume B: 1300 to 1815 Jackson J. Spielvogel |
Western Civilization: Volume B: 1300-1815 Jackson J. Spielvogel |
Western Civilization: Volume C: Since 1789 Jackson J. Spielvogel |
Western Civilization: Volume I: To 1715 Jackson J. Spielvogel |
Western Civilization: Volume II: Since 1500 Jackson J. Spielvogel |
Western Music Listening Today Charles Hoffer |
West's Business Law Kenneth W. Clarkson | Roger LeRoy Miller | Gaylord A. Jentz | Frank B. Cross |
West's Business Law, Alternate Edition Gaylord A. Jentz | Roger LeRoy Miller | Frank B. Cross |
West's Legal Environment of Business Frank B. Cross | Roger LeRoy Miller |
West's Paralegal Today: The Essentials, 3rd Roger Miller | Mary Meinzinger |
What Can We Know?: An Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge Louis P. Pojman |
What Do We Know About Early Childhood Education?: A Research Based Practice Sandra Crosser |
What is Morphology?, 2nd Edition Mark Aronoff, Kirsten Fudeman |
What is Psychology? Ellen E. Pastorino | Susann M. Doyle-Portillo |
What is Psychology? Essentials Ellen E. Pastorino | Susann M. Doyle-Portillo |
What is Psychology? Foundations, Applications, and Integration Ellen E. Pastorino | Susann M. Doyle-Portillo |
What the Writing Tutor Needs to Know Margot Iris Soven |
What To Do When: Practical Guidance Strategies for Challenging Behaviors in the Preschool Eva Essa, Ph.D. |
What Would You Do?: An Ethical Case Workbook for Human Service Professionals Patricia Kenyon |
When Pancakes Go Bad: Optical Delusions with Adobe Photoshop Avi Muchnick with the Artists |
When Words Collide Lauren Kessler | Duncan McDonald |
When Words Collide: A Media Writer's Guide to Grammar and Style Lauren Kessler | Duncan McDonald |
White Collar Crime: Current Perspectives from InfoTrac® Wadsworth | Danielle Lively-Neal |
White Collar Crime: Current Perspectives: Readings from InfoTrac® Wadsworth | Nicole Leeper Piquero (Editor) |
Why Nations Go to War John G. Stoessinger |
Why New Systems Fail: An Insider's Guide to Successful IT Projects Phil Simon |
Why Politics Matters: An Introduction to Political Science Kevin L. Dooley |
Why Politics Matters: An Introduction to Political Science Kevin L. Dooley | Joseph N. Patten |
Why They Call It Politics: A Guide to America's Government Robert Sherrill |
Wie geht's? Dieter Sevin | Ingrid Sevin |
Wie geht's?, Student Text Dieter Sevin | Ingrid Sevin | Beatrix Brockman |
Wie geht's?: An Introductory German Course Dieter Sevin | Ingrid Sevin |
Wildland Firefighting Practices Joseph Lowe |
Wildlife & Natural Resource Management Kevin H. Deal |
Wildlife and Natural Resource Management Kevin H. Deal |
Wiley Pathways Business Communication, 1st Edition Marty Brounstein, Arthur H. Bell, Dayle M. Smith with Connie Isbell |
Wiley Pathways Disaster Response and Recovery David A. McEntire |
Wiley Pathways E-Business Greg Holden, Shannon Belew, Joel Elad, Jason R. Rich |
Wiley Pathways Emergency Planning Ronald W. Perry, Ph.D., Michael K. Lindell, Ph.D. |
Wiley Pathways Health Care Economics, 1st Edition Thomas E. Getzen with Jennifer Moore |
Wiley Pathways Healthcare Management, 1st Edition Donald N. Lombardi, John R. Schermerhorn, Jr. with Tere Stouffer |
Wiley Pathways Introduction to Database Management Mark L. Gillenson, Paulraj Ponniah, Alex Kriegel, Boris Trukhnov, Allen G. Taylor |
Wiley Pathways Introduction to Emergency Management, 1st Edition Michael K. Lindell, Ph.D., Carla Prater, Ronald W. Perry, Ph.D. |
Wiley Pathways Introduction to Google SketchUp Aidan Chopra |
Wiley Pathways Introduction to Homeland Security: Understanding Terrorism With an Emergency Management Perspective, 1st Edition David A. McEntire |
Wiley Pathways Introduction to Programming using Visual Basic, 1st Edition Evangelos Petroutsos, Patrick G. McKeown, Rod Stephens |
Wiley Pathways Introduction to U.S. Health Care, 1st Edition Dennis D. Pointer, Steve Williams, Stephen L. Isaacs |
Wiley Pathways Marketing, 1st Edition Alexander Hiam |
Wiley Pathways Network Security Fundamentals, 1st Edition Eric Cole, Ronald L. Krutz, James Conley, Brian Reisman, Mitch Ruebush |
Wiley Pathways Networking Basics, 1st Edition Patrick Ciccarelli, Christina Faulkner, Jerry FitzGerald, Alan Dennis |
Wiley Pathways PC Hardware Essentials David Groth, Ron Gilster |
Wiley Pathways Project Management, 1st Edition Stanley E. Portny, Samuel J. Mantel, Jr., Jack R. Meredith, Scott M. Shafer |
Wiley Pathways Selling, 1st Edition Tom Hopkins, Douglas J. Dalrymple, William L. Cron, Thomas E. DeCarlo |
Wiley Pathways Technology in Emergency Management John C. Pine |
Wiley Pathways Threats to Homeland Security, 1st Edition Richard Kilroy |
Wiley Pathways Windows Network Administration, 1st Edition Steve Suehring, James Chellis, Matthew Sheltz, Doug Lowe, Brian Hill |
Wills, Trusts and Estate Administration Dennis R. Hower | Peter Kahn |
Wills, Trusts and Estate Administration for Paralegals Mark A. Stewart, J.D. |
Wills, Trusts and Estate Administration for the Paralegal Dennis R. Hower |
Wills, Trusts, and Estate Administration for the Paralegal: The Essentials Dennis R. Hower |
Wills, Trusts, and Estates Administration Dennis R. Hower | Peter Kahn |
Wills, Trusts, and Probate Administration for the Texas Paralegal Stonewall Van Wie, III |
Wind Turbine Technology Ahmad Hemami |
Windows 7 CourseNotes Course Technology |
Windows 8 CourseNotes Course Technology |
Windows Internet Explorer 7 CourseNotes Course Technology |
Windows Internet Explorer 7, Illustrated Essentials Donald I. Barker | Katherine T. Pinard |
Windows Internet Explorer 7: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Thomas J. Cashman | Steven M. Freund |
Windows Internet Explorer 8: Introductory Concepts and Techniques Gary B. Shelly | Steven M. Freund |
Windows Internet Explorer 9 CourseNotes Course Technology |
Windows Internet Explorer 9: Introductory Gary B. Shelly | Steven M. Freund |
Windows PowerShell Programming for the Absolute Beginner, 3rd Jerry Lee Ford, Jr. |
Windows® Movie Maker BASICS Jennifer Gipp |
Wireless Safety EC-Council |
Wireless Telecommunications Systems and Networks Gary J. Mullett |
Wireless# Guide to Wireless Communications Mark Ciampa | Jorge Olenewa |
Wisdom Seekers: Great Philosophers of the Western World, Volume I James L. Christian |
Wisdom Seekers: Great Philosophers of the Western World, Volume II James L. Christian |
Wisdom Without Answers: A Brief Introduction to Philosophy Daniel Kolak | Raymond Martin |
Witchcraft in Early Modern Europe Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks |
With No Direction Home: Homeless Youth on the Road and In the Streets Marni Finkelstein |
Wizards and Warriors: Massively Multiplayer Online Game Creation Jason Darby |
Women & Gender: In the Western Past, Volume Two Katherine L. French | Allyson M. Poska |
Women and Gender: In the Western Past, Volume One Katherine L. French | Allyson M. Poska |
Women and Politics: The Pursuit of Equality Lynne E. Ford |
Women in Modern America Lois W. Banner |
Women, Prison, and Crime Joycelyn M. Pollock |
Woodworking Nancy MacDonald |
Words Count Laraine E. Flemming |
Words Matter Laraine E. Flemming |
Work in the 21st Century: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 4th Edition Frank J. Landy, Jeffrey M. Conte |
Work Stress Lorne Sulsky | Carlla Smith |
Workbook for Botello/Fisher' Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 Revealed Ann Fisher |
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Module 1 Understanding the Adult Learner Amy Solomon, MS, OTR | Quantum Integrations |
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Module 10 Customer Service in the Classroom Amy Solomon, MS, OTR | Quantum Integrations |
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Module 12 Creating an Innovative Learning Environment Amy Solomon, MS, OTR | Quantum Integrations |
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Module 2 Teacher Preparation Amy Solomon, MS, OTR | Quantum Integrations |
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Module 3 Techniques for Classroom Presentation Amy Solomon, MS, OTR | Quantum Integrations |
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Module 4: Strategies for Active Learning Amy Solomon, MS, OTR | Quantum Integrations |
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Module 6 Classroom Management for the Adult Amy Solomon, MS, OTR | Quantum Integrations |
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Module 9 Teaching Online Amy Solomon, MS, OTR | Quantum Integrations |
Workbook for Milady U Faculty Development: Teacher Training Bootcamp Amy Solomon, MS, OTR | Quantum Integrations |
Workbook for Milady's Successful Salon Mangement for Cosmetology Students Edward Tezak |
Workbook for the Accuplacer and Compass Mathematics Exam: powered by Enhanced WebAssign Edward L. Green |
Workers' Compensation Law Neal R. Bevans |
Working Capital Management Applications and Case Studies James Sagner |
Working Larry Bailey |
Working Safely in Health Care: A Practical Guide Deborah Fell-Carlson |
Working Smart Madelyn L. Schulman | Bonnie F. Kowadlo |
Working Well, Living Well: Discover the Career Within You Clarke G. Carney | Cinda Field Wells |
Working with Beats in Pro Tools: Skill Pack Andrew Hagerman |
Working with Young Children from Culturally Diverse Backgrounds M. Diane Klein, Ph.D, CCC-SLP | Deborah Chen |
Working: Career Success for the 21st Century Larry Bailey |
Workplace Readiness for Health Occupations Bruce J. Colbert |
World Business: Globalization, Strategy and Analysis John S. Hill |
World Civilizations Philip J. Adler | Randall L. Pouwels |
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World Civilizations: Volume II: Since 1500 Philip J. Adler | Randall L. Pouwels |
WORLD Craig A. Lockard |
World Ethics Wanda Torres-Gregory | Donna Giancola |
World History to 1500 William J. Duiker | Jackson J. Spielvogel |
World History William J. Duiker | Jackson J. Spielvogel |
World History, Volume I William J. Duiker | Jackson J. Spielvogel |
World History, Volume I: To 1800 William J. Duiker | Jackson J. Spielvogel |
World History, Volume II William J. Duiker | Jackson J. Spielvogel |
World History, Volume II: Since 1500 William J. Duiker | Jackson J. Spielvogel |
World History: To 1500 William J. Duiker | Jackson J. Spielvogel |
World Literature and Thought: The Modern World to 1900, Volume III Donald Gochberg | Surjit Singh Dulai | Edward D. Graham | Kenneth Harrow | Priscilla Melendez | Anibal Gonzalez |
World of Essential College Vocabulary Book 1 Margaret Richek | Susanne Picchi |
World of Essential College Vocabulary Book 2 Margaret Richek | Susanne Picchi |
World of Physics: Mysteries, Magic, and Myth John W. Jewett |
World Politics in the 21st Century W. Raymond Duncan | Barbara Jancar-Webster | Bob Switky |
World Politics in the 21st Century: Student Choice Edition W. Raymond Duncan | Barbara Jancar-Webster | Bob Switky |
World Politics: The Menu for Choice Bruce Russett | Harvey Starr | David Kinsella |
World Politics: The Menu for Choice David Kinsella | Bruce Russett | Harvey Starr |
World Politics: Trend and Transformation Charles W. Kegley Jr. |
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World Politics: Trend and Transformation, 2007-2008 Update Charles W. Kegley Jr. |
World Politics: Trend and Transformation, 2010 - 2011 Edition Charles W. Kegley Jr. | Shannon L. Blanton |
World Politics: Trend and Transformation, 2012 - 2013 Edition Charles W. Kegley Jr. | Shannon L. Blanton |
World Politics: Trend and Transformation, 2013 - 2014 Update Edition Charles W. Kegley Jr. | Shannon L. Blanton |
World Politics: Trend and Transformation, 2014 - 2015 Charles W. Kegley Jr. | Shannon L. Blanton |
World Politics: Trends and Transformations, 2009-2010 Update Edition Charles W. Kegley Jr. | Shannon L. Blanton |
World Politics: Trends and Transformations, 2011-2012 Update Edition Charles W. Kegley Jr. | Shannon L. Blanton |
World Regional Geography Joseph J. Hobbs |
World Religions Warren Matthews |
World Security: Challenges for a New Century Michael Klare | Yogesh Chandrani |
World War II in Europe: A Concise History Marvin Perry |
World War II Roots and Causes Keith Eubank |
WORLD, Volume 1 Craig A. Lockard |
WORLD, Volume 2 Craig A. Lockard |
Worlds of Music: An Introduction to the Music of the World's Peoples Jeff Todd Titon (General Editor) |
Worlds of Music: An Introduction to the Music of the World's Peoples Jeff Todd Titon (General Editor) | Timothy J. Cooley (co-author) | David Locke (co-author) | David P. McAllester (co-author) | Anne K. Rasmussen (co-author) | David B. Reck (co-author) | John M. Schechter (co-author) | Jonathan P.J. Stock (co-author) | R. Anderson Sutton (co-author) |
Worlds of Music: An Introduction to the Music of the World's Peoples, Shorter Version Jeff Todd Titon (General Editor) | Linda Fujie | David Locke | David P. McAllester | David B. Reck | John M. Schechter | R. Anderson Sutton |
Worlds of Music: An Introduction to the Music of the World's Peoples, Shorter Version Jeff Todd Titon (General Editor) | Timothy J. Cooley (co-author) | David Locke | David P. McAllester | Anne K. Rasmussen (co-author) | David B. Reck | John M. Schechter | Jonathan P.J. Stock (co-author) | R. Anderson Sutton |
Worldviews, Religion, and the Environment: A Global Anthology Richard C. Foltz |
Wrightsman's Psychology and the Legal System Edie Greene | Kirk Heilbrun |
Wrightsman's Psychology and the Legal System Edie Greene | Kirk Heilbrun | William H. Fortune | Michael T. Nietzel |
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WRITE 2 Dave Kemper | Verne Meyer | John Van Rys | Patrick Sebranek |
Write It Down! Dawn Kolakoski |
Write to Learn Donald M. Murray |
Writer's Resources: From Paragraph to Essay Julie Robitaille | Robert Connelly |
Writer's Resources: From Sentence to Paragraph Julie Robitaille | Robert Connelly |
Writer's Resources: Sentence Skills Julie Robitaille | Robert Connelly |
Writer's Resources: Sentence Skills with Readings Julie Robitaille | Robert Connelly |
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Writing about the World Susan McLeod | John Jarvis | Shelley Spear |
Writing About Theatre and Drama Suzanne Hudson |
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Writing and Publishing Your Thesis, Dissertation, and Research: A Guide for Students in the Helping Professions P. Paul Heppner | Mary J. Heppner |
Writing and Reporting News: A Coaching Method Carole Rich |
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Writing Paragraphs and Essays: Integrating Reading, Writing, and Grammar Skills Joy Wingersky | Janice K. Boerner | Diana Holguin-Balogh |
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Writing Sentences and Paragraphs: Integrating Reading, Writing, and Grammar Skills Joy Wingersky | Jan Boerner |
Writing Skills Handbook Charles Bazerman | Harvey S. Wiener |
Writing the Research Paper: A Handbook Anthony C. Winkler | Jo Ray McCuen-Metherell |
Writing the Research Paper: A Handbook, 2009 MLA Update Edition Anthony C. Winkler | Jo Ray McCuen-Metherell |
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Writing: A Manual for the Digital Age, Comprehensive, 2009 MLA Update Edtion David Blakesley | Jeffrey L. Hoogeveen |
Writing: A Manual for the DigitalAge with Exercises, Brief David Blakesley | Jeffrey L. Hoogeveen |
Writing: A Manual for the DigitalAge, 2009 MLA Update Brief Edition David Blakesley | Jeffrey L. Hoogeveen |
Writing: A Manual for the DigitalAge, Brief, 2009 MLA Update Edition David Blakesley | Jeffrey L. Hoogeveen |
Writing: Ten Core Concepts Robert P. Yagelski |
Written Communication: Illustrated Course Guides Jeff Butterfield |
XHTML, Introductory Don Gosselin |
XNA 3.0 Game Development for Teens Jerry Lee Ford, Jr. |
XNA Game Studio 4.0 for Xbox 360 Developers Jonathan S. Harbour |
XNA Game Studio Express: Developing Games for Windows and the Xbox 360 Joseph B. Hall |
Yoga for Fitness and Wellness Ravi Dykema |
You & Me Gerard Egan |
Young Children with Special Needs Richard Gargiulo | Jennifer L. Kilgo |
Your Career in Psychology: Clinical and Counseling Psychology Tara L. Kuther |
Your Career in Psychology: Industrial/Organizational Psychology Tara L. Kuther |
Your Career in Psychology: Psychology and the Law Tara L. Kuther |
Your Career: How to Make it Happen Julie Griffin Levitt |
Your Career: How to Make it Happen Julie Griffin Levitt | Lauri Harwood |
Your Career: How To Make It Happen Lauri Harwood |
Your Cubase Studio Steve Pacey |
Your First Interview Ron Fry |
Your First Resume Ron Fry |
Your Free Open Source Music Studio G. W. Childs IV |
Your Guide to College Success: Strategies for Achieving Your Goals Jane S. Halonen | John W. Santrock |
Your Guide to College Success: Strategies for Achieving Your Goals John W. Santrock | Jane S. Halonen |
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Your Health Jeffrey Nevid | Spencer Rathus |
Your Pro Tools Studio Robert Correll |
Your Supervised Practicum And Internship: Field Resources For Turning Theory Into Action Lori Ann Russell-Chapin Ph.D | Allen E. Ivey |
Youth Gangs in American Society Randall G. Shelden | Sharon K. Tracy | William B. Brown |
Yuqui: Forest Nomads in a Changing World Allyn Maclean Stearman |
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